Newspaper Page Text
Vs Fashionable to Be Comfortable This Summer
Linen Suits
White--Blue- - Tan.
Nothing is'more stylish this season than one of
these beautiful Linen Suits. Our line includes *Suits
with Eton or Pony coats in these stylish Spring shades:
White, Blue, and Tan. In the lot are suits that are
plainly trimmed with folds and buttons, others that are
elaborately trimmed with Baby-Irish. Every suit in
the stock has been carefully selected and combines style
with extreme comfort and sturdy wearing qualities.
That’s why the first lots received went so fast. This
is a second and a iarger shipment. Prices range from
$5.90 to $27.50.
Shirt-Waist Suits
An elegant line of swell JShirt Waist Suits adds
'greatly to me attractiveness of our Ready-to-Wear
Department. All of these suits are hand-embroidered.
Some are additionally enriched with exquisite lace.
Brices range front '
$4.50 to $11.50.
Tub Dresses
Surftmer Necessities.
Tub Dresses, of cohrse, form an important part of
a lady’s Summer outfit in this climate. Realizing this,
we endeavor each season to make our stock of Summer
Wash Goods more pretentious than the average store
of the same size would carry. We go direct to the
manufacturers each season and select with greatest
care, considering the beauty, the style and the wearing
qualities of the goods. The best foreign weaves are
imported in large lots, enabling us to offer more variety
and bigger values than can be found elsewhere. 'As we
have before stated, this season’s Wash Goods Novelties
are unusually numerous and pretty, and our stock in
cludes satisfying assortments of the season’s best weav
ings, patterns and colorings. Our stock includes full
lines of
Mercerized Waistings
India Linens
Dotted and Figured Swisses
Checked Mull
Lingerie Mulls
In these lines you will find the store’s high stand
ard of quality and low prices vigorously maintained.
Dornock Linens
Glasgow Linens
Printed Lawns
Silk Tissues
Linen Lawns
Colored Linnettes
Summer Skirts
Panama and Voile.
There’s a real wealth of beauty m this superb stock
of new Summer Skirts. A nice sknl is inclispensable
to the wardrobe of the well-dressed lady. With the
popular Lingerie Waists, these light, beautifully shaped
Summer Skirts will enable you to enjoy the extreme
of “dressiness” and comfort. Shown in Grey, Shadow
Plaids, Navy, and Black. Self and button trimmed.
Many excellent values, ranging from
$5.00 to $17.50.
Cream Voile Skirts
These Skirts are extremely stylish for Spring and
Summer. Advices from fashion centers are that they
grow in popularity with the advancing season. We
were fortunate to have bought so lavishly, for we can
now offer a full line of Cream Voile Skirts, both self
and silk-band trimmed, at
$7.50 to $16.50.
st™ lity Hof mayer, Jones & Company
The Quality
Better Soda.
Tha.n Ever
Customers say our soda is better than ever this year. As we
hear the same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda
is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to
make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in,
our efforts as
We use the best of
everything in making it
and serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the
best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure
soda can he ruined in drawing.
When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and
Hoggard Drug Co.,
1 ’Phone 75.
J. E. MacMillan, •
XU. G. Meritvether.
Secy, and Treat.
If You’re Wise
It’s Not to the “Tall Timbers”
That you’ll look for buildiug material. Albany
Pressed Stone Co.’s double-hollow air space concrete
blocks are more satisfactory from every standpoint.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
Delicious Ice Cream
For Warm Spring Days
$ F Many "people find the first warm
days of spring very fatiguing. These
will find our delicious ice cream espe
cially refreshing. t
Exjpertly Made of Pure Cream.
Served Daily in Many Flavors.
Albany Drug Co,
Brats Up COLDS'
T.Stfl IRH.arj.
Tr... Alin, Sum
I will give $26 for the arrest and re
turn to this county of Andrew Mitchell
(colored), charged with selling mort
gaged property.
This May pi, 1906.
3-lwk Albany, Ga.
To Be Supported by Direct
Preamble and Resolutions Adopted by
the 8chool Board Puts the Question
Up to the City Council.
A city system of schools, to be free
to the Individual, and supported by
direct taxation, is what the School
Board of Albany declared for at a
meeting held yesterday afternoon.
When the board met and the ques
tion of organizing for the next school
year, with special reference to the new
high school, was brought up, Mr. R.
H. Warren d/ew from his pocket the
following preamble and resolution,
which he read and* submitted to the
board for adoption:
“Whereas, since Its organization, the
Albany Academy has been maintained
by appropriating for the .purpose a
portion of the state school fund due
Dougherty county, supplemented by a
matriculation foe levied on the pupils,
and further by requesting of the coun
ty and cliy authorities direct appropri
ation to meet exigencies and deficits
frequently arising In the operation of
the school: and,
Whereas, assuming the plan to have,
from one point of view, the merit of
economy In Its effect on tho taxpayer,
quate educational facilities as afore
Therefore, be It resolved, by this
board of education, That our city coun
cil be requested to at once adopt the
necessary means of securing for Al
bany a regular city system of schools,
to be supported by direct taxation.”
There was a long discussion, and an
effort was made to have final consid
eration of the question postponed un
til after the meeting of the County
Commissioners next Monday, when It
is understood some action will be
taken that may have direct bearing
upon the county school fund In con
nection with the disposition of the
convicts, but Mr. Warren pressed the
motion to adopt his resolution to a
vote, and It was adopted with only
one dissenting vote.
A motion for the appointment of a
committee to bring the subject matter
of the preamble and resolutions be
fore the city council at Its meeting
was then* adopted, and Mayor Pro
Tem. Tarver, who -was presiding, ap
pointed the entire board. I
It Is presumed that the board will
appear with the preamble and resolu
tion and urge the question of inaug
urating a city school system upbn the
City Council at the regular meeting of
that body on Monday night.
and hereby making acknowledgment to
the faithful and loyal trustees who
have served and given as good a
school ns was possible, under such
conditions, the following conclusions
seeqi clear as to the school system ot
Albany, and the changes needed In It:
First—Since at least 00 per ceat. of
the children ot our city will never
have collegiate advantages and will be
limited lo the education provided here
It behooves us—It Is Imperative—that
what we offer them shall oe the best,
and of the highest class to be secured,
and be absolutely free to the Individ
Second—-An Institution as important
to our people as their school system
should be on a sound and reliable fl-
financlal basis. Plaus for It should
not be embarrassed or hindered by
doubt pr speculation as to Its mainte
nance. In education the best Is none
too good, and our schools should be
on such a fooling as to forbid any
compromise In securing the best fa
cilities and teachers, and enough of
them, on the score ot doubt as to
whether “ends will meet" or “the al
lowance will hold out”
Third—Whatever variety of opinion
that may heretofore have existed as
to the adequacy and efficiency of the
school system provided for Albany, It
must be clear to all that with the rap
id growth ot our city, the demand for
Increased facilities, and the provision
for a high school building to meet the
needs, the call Is Imperative for an en
tire change, which will provide ade-
Scranton, Pa., May 6.—There will be
no strike in the anthracite mines.
Such was the advice of John Mitchell
and other high officials of the Mine
Workers, given before the scale com
mittee today. Their addresses fully
forecasted the report which the com
mittee is to make to the open conven
tion this j afternoon. A suspension or
der has been issued and the mlnocf
will return to work on the terms ot
the award of the anthracite strike
commission of 1903, which the opera
tors are willing to have continued.
Later the report of the scale com
mittee was adopted by the convention,
after which it adjourned till Tuesday
to give the scale committee an oppor
tunity to’confer with the operators.
At the meeting of the School Board
yesterday afternoon, Alderman Ehr
lich, of the City Council, offered a reso
lution declaring that the board fa
vored a public ceremony on the oc
casion of the laying of the corner
stone of the new high school building,
and authorizing that the grand master
of the Masons'of Georgia be Invited to
come and officiate on that occasion.
The resolution was adopted, and it
is presumed that there will be no hitch
in the plans that were outlined in The
Herald yesterday. Grand Master Mey-
erhardt will be invited to Albany, and
it is not doubted that he will accept
the invitation ,if it be possible for
him to leave home.
Purchased by the Atlantic Compress
Special to The Herald.
Savananh, May .5.—It is announced
that the Cordele Cotton Compress has
been sold by its owners, Messrs. M. T.
Stewart and J. K. Livingston, to the
Atlantic Compress Company. This
leaves an independent compress at
Dublin. The compresses at Thomas-
ville and Dothan have also been ac
quired by the larger concern.
Anti-Administration Organ Appears in
Special to Tho Herald.
Savannah, May 6.—The second Is
sue of “The Searchlight,” the political
organ of the People’s Democratic
League, appeared on the streets this
morning. This is the paper the op
position of the present city adminis
tration has brought out to fight Its
battles. It contained some interesting
and spicy items thi: morning.
DFn liitEHT HE
ST. PETERSBURG, May 5.—The official announcement of Count
Witte’s retirement from the premiership, the retirement of Durnovo from
the ministry of the Interior, and Goremkin’s elevation to the premiership
appeared today in the Official Messenger. The names of the new cabinet
are not given. The tone of the announcement is extremely cordial. It
confers on Witte the order of Alexander Nevsky, set In brilliants, the sec
ond hignest order in Russia. He Is appointed a member of the Council
for the Empire and retains the title of Count.
Between Riotous Italian Strikers and
Police of Passaic, N. J.
Passaic, N. J., May 5.—In a battle
between riotous Italian strikers and
the police today, four rioters were
shot and several policemen injured.
One man may die. Thirty-two men
were arrested. v
WANTED — Experienced road sales
men; no schemes; give references
and experience. W. J. Lorack, sales
manager, Iowa City, Iowa. It
Things are looking blue for a ball
game this evening.
All is very quiet around the fire de
partment' these days.
The dust has departed.
Davis & Co.
1.50 to 10.00.
r hey Fit
hat’s It