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The Hays System a£ Tailoring
By Applying “ModemMethods”
Insures the Best Results.
TF you desire the highest quality of tailoring service at moderate
price, it will pay you to investigate the. Hays. System—The
“Modern Methods” of tailoring.
Our established reputation for first-class tailoring, at moderate
price, is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results.
One order from you will insure your future^ patronage.
Our Spring and Summer assortment, of styles are unusually
Our line is represented in all large cities of the United. States;
L. E. HAYS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio*
S. B. BROWN $ CO., Albany, Ga.3
No need, unless you’re wearing the
wrong glasses or they are not correct
ly fitted; perhaps too wide or too nar
row between the eyes. Don’t fool with
affairs. Your eyes are your best friend
and deserve the best treatment. Find
the optician who has learned hts bus
iness by years of experience; he’s the
man to make your glasses exactly cor
rect and so that they’ll add to your
good looks. I carry a complete stock
of Optical Goods and do repairing.
Albany’s Leading Optician,
Davis Exchange Bank Building-
Three Sites for Stores
on Broad Street,
(Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad street and running back.
210 feet to alley.
1 This property is rapidly en-
worth double present price in
Tew years
Full information on applica
tion to
He Sets at Naught the Plotting of a
Low Miscreant.
and Wine..
hopx," said the editor of the
Shokegnn Sun, "that our rxadxrs will
pardon thx sxxmlngly mystxrlous ab-
soxncx In this wxxk’s lssux of thx
There Are Mountain Peaks
Whose Heights He Will
Never Be Able to Scale.
Sun of n most Important lxttxr. Thx
fact is '(much to our rxgrxt and dis
gust) that our composiug room was
xntxrxd last night by that scoundrel,
Bill Walkxr, who Btolx xvxry lxttxr
from an indispxnslblx box. Wx un-
dxrstand that thx mtscrxant subsx-
quxntly rxmarkxd, In a sarcastic way,
that as hx was going shooting and had
no ammunition, hx thought hx would
borrow somx of our typx for shot.
“It has, of courBX, bxxn lmposslblx
to procurx a nxw supply of this most
Important lxttxr In timx for this ls
sux, and wx arx thus compxllxd to go
to prxss In a situation at onex xmbar-
rasslng and dlstrxsslng; but wx can
sxx no other coursx to pursux than to
makx thx bxst xtfort wx can to gxt
along without thx mlsBing lxttxr.
ThxrxfOrx wx print thx Sun on timx,
rxgardlxss of thx loss wx havx sus-
“Thx motlvx of thx miscreant doubt-
lxss was rxvxngx for Bomx supposxd
Insult. But -It shall nxvxr bx supposxd
that thx pxtty spltx of any small-
soulxd villain has dlsablxd thx Sun;
and if this should mxxt thx xyx of thx
dxtxBtablx rascal, wx bxg to assure
him that hx undxrxstlmatxs thx re-
hancing' in'value and' will be ‘T -0 * 8 ° f , a flr8t ' cla88 "*ws P a P xr
u - - • whxn hx thinks hx can crlpplx It hopx-
lxsBly by breaking into thx alphabxt.
Wx takx occasion to say, furthxrmorx,
that bxfore nxxt wxxk wx shall havx
xight tlmxs as many of thx lxtxxr as
hx stolx.
“Also, wx dxslre to go on record to
this xffxct: That It xvxr thfs hound
| Walkxr Is sxxn prowling about this
xstabllshmxnt again, bx It night or bx
| it day, nothing will afford us more
satisfaction than to'shoot his worth-
-manufacturers of—
Ixbb hidx full of holxs.- In thx mxan-
Annual Capacity, 10,000,000,
time wx shall of coursx pursux lxgal
redress In tlix courts.
“Our subserlbxrs can hxlp us to rx-
plxnlsh our stock If thosx who may
havx bxxn shot by this man Walkxr
will sayx thx chargx whxn it Is plckxd
out of -thxm. and return It to us.
Nxvxr mind. If It Is battxrxd a Uttlx.”
With reference to the question,
“How high can a man go7” an emi
nent scientist In the service of the
Federal Government at Washington,,
tells of some interesting experiments
once made by a Professor Mosso, of
Turin, Italy.
Climbers of lofty mountains are
aware of the fact that, at great
heights, such as the summit of Mont
Blanc, respiration becomes more or
less troublesome, the heart beats rap
idly and sometimes Irregularly, and a
feeling of exhaustion, often accompan
ied by nausea, Is experienced. These
effects arise largely from the rarity of
the air, and since the atmosphere be
comes less dense the higher one goes,
it Is evident that a limit must soon bo
reached above which man cannot as
Professor Mosso mnde his first ex
periments on, Monte Rosa, next to
Mont Blanc, the highest peak of the
Alps, where he ascended to an eleva
tion exceeding 15,000 feet, without se
rious Inconvenience. Returning to
Turin, he made his next ascent, so to
speak, without ascending at all. In
other words, ho produced an Imitation
of the rare atmosphere of a very lofty
mour tain-top by partially exhausting
the nlr from a largo pneumatic cham
ber In which he had shut himself.
When the air In the chamber corre
sponded in density with that which
The cheerful man- sees- that every
where-the good outbalances the bad,
and that every evil has Itr compensat
ing balm.
A habit of. cheerfulness enables one
to transmute apparent misfortunes In
to. real blessing?.,,
He who. haB formqd a habit of look-.
Ing at the bright, happy side, of things,
has a great disadvantage, over the
chronic dyspeptic who. sees no. good in
The oheerful mauls thought sculp
tures his. face Into beauty and .touches,
bis manner with grace, .
It was Lincoln’s .cheerfulness, and
sense of humor that, enabled him to
stand under, the) terrible load of the
civil war.
If we ars, cheerful and contented al >
nature smiles with us; the ■ air Is
balmier, the aky clearer, the earth has
a brighter green,, the trees, have' a
richer foliage, the flowers are . more
fragrant, the birds sing.more sweetly
and the sun, moon and stars are more
All good thought and. gqqd action
glalm a natural, alliance with good
High-minded cheerfulness, is found
in groat souls, self, poised and confi
dent in their own heaven-aided pow
ers. ,
Serene cheerfulness Is the.groat pre
ventive of humanity’s Ills.
Grief, anxiety, and fear are the great
enemies ot human life, and should be
resisted an wo resist the- plague.
Cheerfulnesa is their, antidote.
Without cheerfulness .there can be
no healthy action, physical, .mental or
moral, for It Is the' normal atmosphere
of,our belugr-Success MagMdUS.
Thfa TnllVjr Bird,
The brilliantly plumed birds .of the
tropical forests are exposed to many
dangers, and If they were not gifted
with peculiar yet useful Instincts they
would fall ready victims to their ene
mies. Chattering monkeys and big
snakes steal and cat their eggs, while
their offspring are preyed upon by foes
ain. every side. But it takes a sly mon
key. or snake to get ahead of the tailor
bind, a small East Indian singing bird,
flhs hides her. nest so-sklllfully that her
ppmles cannot find It, no matter bow
lard .they try. This she does by using
ber-long,. slender hill-as a needle. With
the. tough fiber of a pnraBltlc plant
qbundant In the tropics, as-.-a thread
qhe sews a dead leaf taken from the
qud of n slftmlec nnd banging branch,
qnd between these leaveB she builds
l)qr nests, where neither monkey nor
snake can approach, bcoause the
tvU 1 - mu!. Ua ivu'.ght.
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P„ $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3
H, P., $70; 5 H. P., $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St., Phone 415.
Q. W. 8AYE. President
Room 4, Woolfolk Building.
Albany,. Ga.
la creaseJW
Yield# Per Ac
Yield# Per
Tho farmer’s
oount^if row
Ulchmond, Va.
Charleston, B.a
Baltimore, M4.
[ jney,nortriv#yo)
tailor substitute.
, .yqU*J
o the
Drummer Boys,
would be found at a height of 24,272
feet above sea-level, he suffered such
111 effects that he could not carry the
experiment further. The height to
which Professor Mosso thus simulated
an ascent Is almost a mile leBS than
that of Mount Everest, so that It
seems Improbable that man will ever
be able to set his foot on the loftiest
peak Qf the earth.
Tbe..capslcum PbwMrAHWWbl0b.,tbe.
different varieties of pepper .are. pro
duced, >■ Indlgenpua to the tropical re
gions, of Europe, Asia, Africa and
America. It grows, wild almost- as.
well as, under cultlvatlonaln alL these,
countries,, ond-ln each- lei wed- brr.tbe
natives as a seasoning for /food. Its.
extensive,employment bq# sugggatefl to
medical theorists .the thought that It
most be conslderedras. a natural -tonic
for the atom ach in. tropical countries.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
Representative of Dougherty County-
in the General Assembly of the'State, 1
subject to the action of the Democratic
primary ordered for the 10th of May.
In the event of my election, 1 pledge
my best efforts . In the Interest of my
constituency. I respectfully ask the
suffrage of the qualified voters of the
county. ' SAM H. TIFT.
Albany, Ga., April 6, 1906.
P leasant may your
be iu
lbany. We assure you
of pleasant recollec
tions if you use Flint
Rock as a chaser.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup Is best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes It pref
erable to violent purgatives, such as,
pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and,
a sample of Orlno at Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, iW» Va.,,
writes: “I was,a sufferer, from kidney
disease, so that at times 1 could not
get out of.bed, ind when-I did-1 could
not stand straight. I took Foley’s ,Kld-
ney Core.. One duller -bottle and part,
of the second. - cured me entirely.”
Foley's Kidney Cure works wonder#
where others are-total failures. .
For sale by HHamantBalo. .Drug , Co.
The books for receiving tax returns
for 1906 are now open. As the state
demands prompt return of- digest, as
law requires, books will be closed
about June -1st.
limn T. 0., D. 0.
Why it’s a Ginger Ale.
Made only by
Albany, Ga.
James Tift Mann,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Ventulett Building;