Newspaper Page Text
If you haven’t done so, isn’t it about
time you looked to your summer un
derwear? We have an unusually com
plete line to suit the season and you.
Balbriggan, lisle, nainsook, net,
India crepe, and Sea Island cotton, in
a great variety of designs and styles.
Long or knee drawers to match.
25c to $1.00 a Garment.
C. R. Davis & Co.
Correct Dress
The “Modern Method" system of
high-grade tailoring introduced by
L*.E* Hay* & Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
satisfies good dressers everywhere.
‘All Gnrmnnt* Made Strictly
to Your Measure
at moderate prices. TOO rtvles of foreign
and domestic fabrics from which to choose.
Represented bv
8. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Qa.
/ „ Morris Wesloaky, President.
D. W. James, W. 8. Bell,.
1st VlcS-Pres. 2nd yice-Pre s
Joseph H. Davis, P. W. Jonec
Oasller. Ass’t Cashier.
pirst National Bank,
Capital $50,006
Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000
Deposits received subject to Sight
Draft A general banking business
transacted. Bankera' and merchants'
accounts solicited.
Morris Weslosky, D. W. James.
President V.-Prea
F. H. Bates, Cashier.
N. R. Dehon, Aest Cashier.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
UNDIVIDED PROFIT8 .... 12,000.00
Solicits accounts of firms and lnd.
msDBMcs mmi
Office 30. Manager 112.
F. 0. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, S J. R. Whitehead,
T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
Largest and Oldest In
surance Agency in South
Georgia, Representing 25
of the largest and strongest
Insurance Companies in
Insurance against Fire,
Lightning and WindStorms.
Large Lines, Special Haz
ards, Gin houses and coun
try property solicited.
Providing for tha Pavement of Certain
Section 1. Be it Ordained by the
Mayor and Council of the City of Al
bany, and It is hereby ordained by au
thority of the same, That the follow
ing sidewalks be paved as hereinafter
provided, to-wlt:
The north and south sides of Broad
Street, from Madison Street to Front
Sec. 2. Be in further Ordained, That
the work of said paring shall be done
under the authority and direction of
the Street Committee, said committee
being hereby empowered to select and
designate the material for same, and
to have same done by contract with
the lowest and best bidder, after ad
vertising for bids on said contract,
twice during a period of ten days, in
one or more newspapers having a gen
eral circulation In the State of Geor
gia, and said committee shall require
the successful bidder on said contract
to furnish bond of some Guaranty
Company authorized by law to do busi
ness in Georgia, In double the amount
of the contract awarded, to faithfully
perform said contract.
See. 3. Be it further ordained, That
the pavements on the stdwalks above
mentioned shall be — feet In width.
Sec. 4. Be It further ordained. That
upon the completion of said paving,
and after the acceptance of same by
said Street Committee, said Commit
tee shall furnish the Clerk of the
Council a list of the names of the ad
joining land owners showing the num
ber of feet owned by each, abutting
on the sidewalks aforesaid, and show-
the actual cost of the pavement on
each of said sidewalks, nhd the total
cost of said paving shall be borne by
said land owners In proportion to the
land owned by them abutting on said
See. 5. Be It further ordained, That
upon the receipt of said list the Clerk
of the Council shall proceed to appor
tion to each of the abutting owners on
said street his proportionate part of
the total cost of said pavement on said
street according to frontage on said
Sec. 6. Be It further ordained, That
the Clerk of the Council, after making
said apportionment, shall notify each
ot said land owners, In writing, the
number of feet on said street charge
able to them, and the amount of their
proportionate share of the total cost,
and a statement of the total cost of
paving on said street.
Sec. 7. Be It further ordained, That
each of said land owners shall be al
lowed sixty days within which to
make a voluntary payment of their
proportionate share of said cost and
at the expiration of said time if said
cost Is not paid then the Clerk of the
Council shall Issue executions for
amount of same, under the provisions
of Par. 14, See. 27, of the Charter of
the' City of Albany, Acts of 1899, p.
Sec. 8. Be It further ordained, That
any of said land owners desiring to
contest or dispute his assessment, as
hereinbefore provided, for any reason,
may do so by an appeal to the Mayor
and Council within the time allowed
above for the voluntary payment of
said assessment.
Adopted by Council May 14, 1906.
Y. C. RUST, Clerk.
Wonld Be m Lons Journey Even With
Transportation Facilities.
There Is a perpetual fnsclnntlonabout
the stars and the Immense distances at
which they lie from one another and
from us. To demonstrate the vast dis
tance of Centaurl from this planet a
popular scientist gives the, following
Illustration la London Answers: “We
shall suppose that some wealthy direct
ors, for want of outlet for their en
ergy and capital, construct a railway to
Ceutaurl. We shall neglect for the
present the engineering difficulties, a
mere detail, and suppose them over
come and the railway open for traffic.
We shall go further and suppose that
the directors have found the construc
tion of such a railway to have been pe
culiarly easy and that the proprietors
of Interstellar space had not been ex
orbitant In their terms for right of
"Therefore, with a view to encourage
traffic, the directors have made the tare
exceedingly moderate—viz, first class
at X penny per hundred miles. Desir
ing to take advantage of these facili
ties, a gentleman, by way of providing
himself with small change for the jour
ney, buys up the national debt of Brit
ain and a few other countries and, pre
senting himself at the office, demands
a first class single fare to Centaurl.
“For this he tenders In payment the
price of the ticket, f1,100,000,000.
"Having taken bis seat, It occurs to
him to ask:
“ ‘At what rate do you travel 7’
“ ‘Sixty miles an hour, sir, lncludlug
stoppages,’ Is the answer.
“ ‘Then when shall we reach Oentau-
“ ‘In 48,663,000 years, sir!’ ”
J. B. Davis. T. W. Ventulett
Agenla of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
Office—Ventulett Building,
. ; ~-S—‘Phones—343—88—12Z—:—
Dissolution Notice,
Notice Is hereby given that the law
firm of Walters & Walters, composed
of Jesse W. Walters & JeBse W. Wal
ters, Jr., 1b hereby mutuallV dissolved,
Formation of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given of the forma
tion of a partnership, for the general
practice of law, the firm name to be
Jesse W. Walters A Sons, being com
posed of Jesse W. Walters, Jesse W.
Walters, Jr., and J. Hllsman Walters,
And Fishing Permits 8old at the Coun
try Store,
Any fishing or boating will be pro
hibited without a written permit The
lake above the dam Is fine for boating,
and the fishing below the dam Is un
excelled. Don’t forget you must have
a pass. T. M. NELSON.
Binding the feet.
rhle Queer Chlmeae Custom le n Com
paratively Modern One.
China’s custom of binding the feet of
Its women Is not as ancient as has
been supposed. A correspondent of
one of the native Chinese papers
quotes from the letters of Yuan Mel,
who lived In the eighteenth century..
In oue of his letters Yuan Mel wrote
to n friend: "You ask me to got you a
handsome wife anil ardently desire, ns
your first requisite, that she shall have
small feet. Surely you cannot be one
who admires true beauty. An admirer
of true beauty has his own Individual
tastes, dlsdalulng to follow tho dic
tates of others. Our ancient literature,
In both prose and poetry, has many al
lusions In praise of beautiful -women,
but In no Instance touches upon small
"A work treating of the customs of
the Sung dynasty by Shen Yo says a
man’s well made shoes are said to be
square, and a woman's round, at the
toe. In the T’ang dynasty, tho first al
lusion to the feet of Yang Kwel Fel.
the court beauty, was about her silk
stockings. In one of Han Tung Lang’s
poems, referring to n woman's feet, he
says, 'Her six Inch feet so bright and
sleek.' These allusions clearly point
to unbound feet.”
Ynutl Mol’s letter concludes by say
ing that the taste of those who Ignore
the beauty of face and form Is deprav
ed. He laments that sensible men
should bo so led away by a foolish
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes it pref
erable to violent purgatives, such as
ptllB, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and
a sample of Orlno at Hllsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Tbe First steamer That Filed For
Hire la Great Brltala.
Among the curiosities of advertising
may surely be placed the first ad
vertisement ot the first steamer that
plied for hire In Great Britain—namely,
Henry Bell’s Comet. Thus ran the ad
vertisement In the Glasgow Courier of
“Steam passage boat, the Comet, be
tween Glasgow, Greenock and Helens-
burg. For passengers only. The sub
scriber having. at much expense fitted
up a handsome vessel to ply upon the
river Clyde , between Glasgow and
Greenock—to sail by the' power of
wind, air and steam—he Intends that
the vessel shall leave the Broomlelaw
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days about midday or at such time
thereafter as may answer from the
state of the tide and to leave Greenock
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
in the morning to suit the tide. Tbe
elegance, comfort, safety and speed
of this vessel require only to be proved
to meet the approbation of the public,
and the proprietor Is determined to do
everything In his power to merit public
encouragement. The terms are for the
present 4 shillings for the best cabin
and 3 shillings for the second, but be
yond these rates nothing Is to be al
lowed to servants or any other person
employed, about the vessel.”
What would poor neglected Henry
Bell have said could he have seen his
humble little Comet, of whose elegance,
comfort and speed he was so proud,
alongside a modern ocean racer or one
of the latest palatial river steamers of
the Clyde or Thames, all so well ad
vertised?—Chambers’ Journal.
Wbr Timothy Gross Is So Called.
The forage grass known to the farm-
ers of the United States as timothy Is
so called because first Introduced and
extensively cultivated In this country
by one Timothy Hanson, a farmer of
Maryland. This species of gross Is
well known In England and all over
western continental Europe, where It
Is grown extensively by most farmers
between the Mediterranean and the
North seas. Tbe botanical name'of this
grass Is Phleum pratense. Timothy Is
known In the British Isles as cat’B tall
grass and In several of onr eastern
states aB herd, or herd’s, grass. It was
grown In large quantities In Maryland
and Pennsylvania long before a spear
of It had ever been seen In England,
the first seed of It ever seen In the last
named country - being Imported from
The "It" le Rather Important.
Here's something that may save
yonr life when a bull gets after you:
When a bnll charges, Just before the
final lurch he shuts his eyes, and If
yon have the presence of mind to
stand stock still nntll he Is about two
or three feet from you all you have to
do Is to step aside, and he misses you.
Any child with sufficient presence of
mind to do this can let a bull charge
all day with perfect safety. This Is
not a new thing, as It is one of tbe se
crets of the bullfighter In tbe coun
tries where the sport is practiced. The
bullfighters say that a. cow doeB not
do this, and they would never try any
such tricks with a mad cdw.
Their Annoyances.
Neighbor—I called to say that yon
must keep your dog from barking. He
won’t let our baby sleep. Householder
—I’m glad you called. I wanted to say
that if you don’t keep your baby from
crying I shall have to enter a com
plaint. It annoys my dog awfully.
Works Like Magic.
Caller—Have yon ever known any
cures effected by what they call sug
gestion? Mrs. Hewjams—Ob, yes; I
once cored Willie of a violent tooth
ache by suggesting that he go to the
dentist’s and have the tooth extracted.
—Chicago Tribune.
Knlcker—There goes a'man who
would rather fight than eat Booker—
Soldier? Knlcker—No; dyspeptic.—Wat-
I son’s Magazine.
To the Seashore, Mountain nml Lnlto
Resorts In the North, South, Enst and
West are now on snlo.
A trip by Rntl nnd Sail to Now York,
Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia; and
points In the East via Savannah and'
Steamship Linos, Is to ho considered
at tills season.
Tickets nro now on sale at all cou
pon ticket offices. For rates, kelied-
alos, etc., apply to any agent or ropre,
sentntlve of tho Control ot Georgia
Railway, or R, S. MORRIS, Commer
cial Agent, Albany, On.
Origin of the Orange.
It Is to India and to tho Arabs as
middlemen that Europe, and through
Europe America, owe the orange. The
orange crossed from Africa to Spain
with Mohammedanism, while probably
the crusaders are to be thanked for
bringing It to Italy and western Eu
rope among their trophleB of the east.
The very name Is ■ really Arabic—"na-
ranj"—and of eastern origin, though
tbe legend that It comes from two
words meaning “elephant” and “be
111," because elephants ate oranges to
make themselves 111, Is absurd. Prob
ably In French the Initial "n” Is drop
ped off from nnranj, with the final
“n” of the indefinite article, just as
our "an apron" represents "a nnpron,”
and the spelling with an “o’’ points to
false association with “or” (gold).—
Economists, Havana.
Our "Gladiator" coffee Is the best,
at the price, 1-lb. tins, 25c; 5-lb. tins
22c: “Cobana,” 2-lb. tins, 96c; package
coffees, 20c; hulk goods, 20o, 26o and
30olb. W. B. FIELDS.'
A UofAl llelT.on,
Two Irishmen were digging a sewer.
O'he of them, was a big, strong man
about six feet four Inches In height,
and tbe other one was a little, puny
man about four feet bIx Inches. The
foremnn came along to see how the
work was progressing and noticed that
one of them was doing more work than
the other. “Look here," he cried, "how
is It that little Dennis DUgan, who Is
only half your size, Is doing nearly
twice ns much work as you, Patrick?”
Glancing down to his partner, Pat re
plied: “And why shouldn’t he? Ain’t
he nearer to It?"
One day four-year-old Fred climbed
npon a chair to reach something he
“You must not get on that chair with
your feet, dear,” said bis mother.
Fred looked down at his feet, evi
dently puzzled. “Why, mamma,” he
said, “I can’t take ’em offl"
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease In the same ratio that the use
of Dr. King’s New Life Pills Increases.
They save you from danger and bring
quick and painless release from const!,
patlon and the 111b growing out of It.
Strength and vigor always follpw their
use. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co.,
druggists. 26c. Try them.
Latter Day Breeslaeu.
‘‘How often do your housemaids
“Do you mean bow often do they fan
tbe furniture," asked slangy Mrs. Nn-
wedd, “or how often do they skip
out?’’—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Leave Albany 11:54 a.m.
Arrive AmerlcuB 1:46 p.m.
Leave Amerlcus 2:00 p.m.
Arrive Columbus .......... 4:26 p. m.
Arirve Opelika 5:15 p.m.
Arrive Birmingham 9:50 p.m.
Arrive Memphis 9:00 a. m,
Arrive Kansas City ........ 7:40a.m.
Albany, Ga.
For further information, apply to
R. S. MORRIS, Commercial Agent, Al
bany, Ga., or 8. A. Atkinson, Union
Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga.
Monday, May 28. Limit seven days In
Tampa. Rate )5 round trip from Al
bany. Leave. Albany 4 p. m.; arrive
Tampa next morning 7 a. m. Trains
consist of elegant day coaches and
sleeping ears. For information see
agent or address.
T. J. BOTTOMS, T, P. A.,
, 14-12t Thomasvllle, Ga.
Via Central of Georgia Railway—Sum
mer Excursion Tlokets.
How Not To.
“Please read our paper,” annotated
tho editor In returning the manuscript,
”1 do,” wrote bnclt the contributor,
“and my stuff Is designed to show that
I know what Is the matter with your
old paper.’’—Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho trouble with people who lay
something by for a ■ raluy day Is that
they seem to take such delight lu see
ing other people,out lu the wet—New
York Times, •
A Mountain of Gold
could not bring as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wls., as
did one box of Buckleu’s Arnica Salve,
when It completely cured a running
sore on her leg, which had tortured
her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic
healer of Plies, WoundB, and Soros.
26o at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store.
why you should look after your eye
sight Is that Nature never offers us a
new pair of eyes. The best ot reasons
why, at the first sign of trouble, you
should consult an
for relief. I can add to your appear
ance as well. Examinations free.
Dont delay. Make It the chtef busi
ness of the day—TODAY.
I have a complete stock in the Opti
cal line. SEE!
Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason,
And Albany’s Leading Optician
Davis Exchange Bank Building.'
For the City Schools of Albany, June
6, 1906.
Last Street Tax Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that all those
who have not paid their street taxes
by 12 o’clock on Saturday, May 26,
will bo double taxed, the tax after
that time being $4 Instead of $2. Bo
sure to pay up bofore the 26th.
J. w.’kemp,
14-14t Deputy Marshal.
Mr. Jos. L. Rarest the old reliable
Hor, has moved his place of business
to No. 98, over M. Crino’s store, south
Broad street,
My Spring samples are ready, for in
yj 1.«= . '.'.m
Something New In Life Insurance.
In addition to carrying your' policy
from the 10th to the 20th year for 5
per cent, ot the premium, and If you
die In that period no charge Is made
against your policy, you can, by pay
ing 50 cents extra for each $1,000, be
Insured agalnBt total 6r permanent dls-
ability from accident or disease, pro-
mlums cease and the policy Is fully
paid up, thus .covering two risks for
one .premium. 1 Come and see me.
0. M. CLARK,
24-lmo - Agent
Albany, Ga:, May 19, 1900.
The Board of Control of the City
System of Public Schools will meet at
the court houso on W 0 dnosday, June
0, at 4 o’clock pi m„ to fix salaries and
elect tho teachers, as follows:
Superintendent of City Schools.
Principal of High School.
Two lady teaohors for High School.
Principal of Albany Academy.
Eight, lady teachers for Academy.
A teacher In vocal music and draw
A teacher In manual training.
A principal of Negro School.
Seven class teachers of Negro
C. W. RAWdON, Mayor,
I,. E. WELCH,’ Chairman.
Secretary. ; .
Tho Into MurHhtill Fluid, that groat moroli-
ttiit nrlneo of Chicago. wont for mo after I
luul treated hlH feet, which canio vaiw near
frightening tho wits outof me until hoBUld.
"my feot- are all right, but what I want you
to do Ih to toll nto alt about my own foot.” To
ho worried almost to death withtCornB, bun
ions, ingrowing nulls and perspiring feet Is
absolutely unnecessary. \ remove them in
stantly without pain or blood It is 11 i
pleasing experience. Twonty-flvo con .
corn and It does not hurt a sp *ek. Htrfctlj
antlsoptlo. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS.
Hurgoon CJlilropodlst-Mnsfiooof’-Haumrm.
Telephone 2H2 ThoinasulIJo* Gu. ,
P. H—Dr, Williams oilers ffi reward for an
ingrowing nail he cannot dire without pair
Mrs. Williams iloosdninty manicure, mu
sago and hair dressing Scalp treatmei
and the morool wave a specialty.
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, and the finest
material in
i Per Cent. Farm Leans.
Hoorn 811 Davis-Exchango Bank
Building, Albany, (in.
Headstones, etc., try
The Albany Marble and
Granite Works.'
Three Sites for Stores
on Broad Street,
Arrival and Departure of Train* at
Albany, Ga.
In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. .
For Dothan, Floralla and Lock
hart 7:46 atr
For Dothan, Florala and Lock
hart 8:60 pm
For Macon, Atlanta. Augus
ta, ColumbuB, Savannah.. 4:05am
For Macnn, Atlanta, Colum
bus, Montgomery, Troy....11:64am
For Macon, Atlanta, Savan-'
nah 9:00 pm
■ (Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front o:
Broad street and running back
210 feet to alley.
This property is rapidly en
hancing in value and will be
worth double present price in
few years.
Full information on applica
tion to
9, B. Brown,; * ,tfW. i_
Prealdent. V.-l
J. P, Mtwnerlyn, Cashier,
From Lockhart, Florala and
Dothan 8:46 pm
From Lockhart, Florala and
Dothan ...................11:40am
From Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon 7:2$ am
From Montgomery, Troy. Co
lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm
From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma
con, Montgomery, Colum
bus 11:30 pm
Drawing room sleeping cars be
tween Albany and Atlanta on tralnt
arriving,at Albany at 7:26 a. m. and
leaving Albany at 9:00 p, m. Parlot
car between Albany and Atlanta on
train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p
m. and leaving Albany' at 11:64 a. m
For further Information apply to 8
A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent ot
E S, Morris, Commercial Agent, Al
bany, Ga.
■ -
Opened Bnelneae Sept, otb,
CAPITAL -. - £60, C
SURPLUS. - - 16,C
Every facility In the bank
cess offered to customers.
Savings Department
Interest Allowed on Time De