Newspaper Page Text
. •
H., J. & Co. never had so large or so
flno a line of Summer Wash QoodB as
that upon which the Dissolution Sale
prices are now inarkod. The most popu
lar, the most stylish, the most elegant
weaves of the season are here In. abun
dance and variety. Goods that wore abso
lute bargains at original prices have been
reduced, In many Instances, as much os
DO per cent.
Printed Aeollons. One of tho season's
prettlost novelties. Beautiful pompadore
patterns. Worth 30c, Now, 18c
Printed Silk Organdies. Shown In n
variety of patterns, Including largo floral
designs, bo popular now. Worth 3Gc.
Now 19c
Embroidered Voiles. A new and beau
tiful fabric for ladles' and children’s Tub
Dresses, swull patterns and colorings.
Worth 20c, now 13!/ 2 o,
Sole Boucles, Bountiful combination
Silk and Sea Island. One of the newest
Bummor fabrics. Shown In checks nnd
strlpoB. Worth GOc and 00c. Now.... 36o
Fine Frenoh and Scotch Ginghams.
Anothpr beautiful fulirlc, woven of Silk
und Cotton. New patterns ami colorings.
Well worth 36c. This salo 19c
Check 811k Mouseline. A soft und
clingy wash fabric. One of the most
populnr novolllos of the season. Shown 1
In solid colors, spring sliudos. Worth
DOc. Now 39c
Plain Silk Mousellne. Beautiful sum-
mor fabric, shown In all the best shades.
Worth 35c. Now 23c
Silk Organdie Pompadore. I.ovely florni
puttcrnB, so much In domnnd for summer
dresses. Splendid fubrlc. Plain,- worth
46c, now 26o
With self-oiubroldored dots, worth 59c,
now ( 39c
Embroidered Crepes. An especially
pretty nnd effective fabric frtr -summer
dresses. Shown In all colors. Worth
00c.. Out to 19c
Chiffon Vollee, Beautiful wash goods.
Look like 31 a yard French Vollo. Shown
In Black, Navy- nnd Wlillo. Worth 25c.
Cut to 18c
Black Batlatea. Best wash fabric for
mourning dress of cotton. Washes nnd
wonrs well. Four qualities. Reduced
from 35o to 26c, from 26c to 18c, from 20c
to 13|/ 2 o, and from 16c to 11c
India Linens
Our regular 38o India Linen cut to 12'/ 2 c
Our regular 22c. India Linen cut to 16c
Our rognlur 25c India Linen cut to 18c'
Our regular 30c India Llnon cut to 21c
Long Cloths
36-ln. Long Cloth, soft nnd flno In quality.
Regular 12t4c cloth, at 9'/ 2 c
38-In. Long Cloth, extra pretty quality,
soft finish. Worth 17 lie, at 12'/ 2 c
30-ln. Long Cloth, exquisite quality, soft
finish, worth 20c, at 15c
It seems rather fortunate to our cus
tomers that during the biggest ribbon sea
son for years Albany should have the big
gest ribbon sale In her history. The H.,
.1. & Co. ribbon stock was characteristic
In size and elegance. It all goes at re
duced prices during the Dissolution Salo.
Our regular 25c Taffeta Ribhon Cut to 16c
Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 20c value, cut
■to ...' .'12j£c
Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 15,-cent value,
cut to 10c
Our All-Silk Mousellne Ribbon, 45c kind,
cut to 25c
GOc kind, cut to 33c
Extra heavy Taffeta Ribbon, one of the
best ribbon qualities we have ever been
ablo to get..
20c value cut to *. 15c
35c value cuL to 19c
"45c vuluo cut to 25c
Large assortment of season's nowest
Pompadore Ribbons, exquisite patterns,
matchless bargains at 65c, 60c, 40c
* 200 dozen heavy hemmed Bath *
* Towels, full bleached; size, 20x40. *
* Dissolution Sale price 14c *
Tho H., J. & Co. quality stock of Cur- '
tains was celebrated for Its variety and
splendid values. In many Instances the
Dissolution Salo price Is below the cost of
the Curtain. Heres the- chance for the
poorest to add to Ills home tho beauty and
refinement which pretty Lace Curtains
3-yard Nottingham Lace Curtains reduced
from 31.26 to .’. 95c
3 Ms-yard Nottingham Lnco Curtains re
duced from 32.60 to $1.65
314-yard Nottingham Lnco Curtains, re
duced fi'om 32.75 to $2.00
3-yard Muslin Curtains reduced from
$1.25 to 95c
3-yard Muslin Curtains reduced from
$1.76 to $1.35'
3-yard Renalsance nnd Irish Point Cur
tains reduced from $2.76 to $2.15
3Ms-yard Renalsance and Irish Point Cur
tains, reduced from $3.75 to $2.85
3 Vj-yard Ronalsanco and Irish Point Cur
tains reducod from $4,25 to $3.75
3-Ms-yard Renalsance .and Irish Point Cur
tains reduced from $G.75 to $4.50
Beautiful Bonne Femme Curtains, of real
linndmnde lace nnd modalllons, reduced
from $2.75 to $2.10
Beautiful Bonho Femme Curtains of real
handmade lnco and medallions, reduced
from $3.76 to $2.95
Beautiful Bonno Femme Curtains of real
handmade lace nnd modalllons, reduced
from $5.50 to .$4.25
Men’s Elastic Seam Drawers; Pep- *
perell drill. Best 50c garment on *
* market, Dissolution Sale price.. ,38c *
You know the splendid regular H., J. &
Co. Hosiery values, so these special val
ues will speak volumes for themselves to
the careful buyer.
Ladles Black Cotton full fashioned, regu
larly made Stockings, worth 25c, cut
to 15c
Ladies’ plain black Lisle Stockings, gauze
weight, .double heel and toe, worth 30c,
cut to 21c
Ladles' fine plain Lisle Stockings, gauze
weight, black, worth 45c, cut to,... .27c
I.allies' all-over lace Lisle, In white, black
and tan, fine 35c value, cut to 21c
Ladles’ fine mercerized gauge LlBle Hose,
black, white, navy and tan. Worth 75c,
cut to 45c
Ladles’ fine black all-over lace and laco
Boot Hose. Regular 00c quality. Cut
to '....,43c
Ladles' All-over Lace Hose, extra quality,
black, tan and white, worth $1.00, cut
to 75c
Ladles' plain gauze lisle luster Embroid
ered Hose. Regular $1.00 value. Cut
to 68c
Ladles’ fine Pure Silk Stockings, plain,
fast black, worth $1.25, cut to 98c
Ladies' finest pure silk all-over lace Hose,
white and black, regular price $5, cut
to $3.50
Boys’ Ribbed Hose, double too, heel, knee,
fast black, good wearing qualities, sizes
514 to 10, worth 1214c, cut to 8</ z c
Boys’ heavy ribbed Bicycle Hose, abso
lutely best hose made for regular price
of 20c, cut to 12 ( /4c
Misses fine ribbed Hose, fast black, sum
mer weights, sizes 0 to 10, worth 20c
a pair, cut to 1214c
Misses’ fine Silk-finish Lisle Hose, goos
as any 35c hose on market, cut to 21c
Misses’ line All-over Lace Hose In black,
white and tan. Would be cheap at 25c.
All sizes. Cut to 17c
Misses’ All-over Lace Lisle Hose In black,
white, pink and sky blue. Sold every
where at 60c, cut to 27c
Misses’ plain Gauze Lisle Hose, black and
white; our best 60c value; cut to..38c
White Mercerized Walstlngs, va- *
rlety of neat patterns. Regular price *
25c. Dissolution Sale price... ,12|/ 2 c *
Ono lot beautiful Silk Suits, Black, Alice,
Reseda and Navy. Worth $12.50. Cut
to $7.75
One lot beautiful Silk Suits, season’s new- -
est styles; yokes of beautiful Baby
Irish lace, elbow sleeves. Shown In
White, Reseda, Alice, Pearl and Black.
Regular $17.60 value. Cut to... .$10.00
One lot extra good Taffeta Silk Suits,
Baby Irish yokes, short sleeves; elab
orately trimmed with round thread Val.
lace. Season’s newost model. Worth
$20.00. Cut to $12.00
* 10 pieces Irish Union Linen Dam- *
* ask, full 72 In. wide. Good dollar *
* cloth. Dissolution Sale price 53c *
Here Is the chance for a real saving to
practically everyone, for the need for
these goods Is felt in every household,
from the richest to the poorest.
A. F. C. Ginghams, Infinite variety of
patterns, regular 10c and 1214c qualities,
cut to 8c
Apron Ginghams, all checks and colors,
out from 7%c to 5c
Tolle du Nord Ginghams, pretty pat
terns, cut from 1214c to ,10'c
Amoskeag Ginghams, regular 8c and
10c qualities, cut to .6'/ 2 c
Cambric Percales, variety of pretty
patterns and colorings, worth 15c. Cut
Pawtuxet Madras, excellent quality and
patterns for girls’ and ladles’ dresses,
boys’ Jackets and men’s shirts. Reduced
from 16c to 12c
Pawnee Madras, all colors and patterns,'
for girls’ and shrdlu etaoln shrdlu shrd
19c and 2214c qualities, cut to 15c
Manchester Chambrays, all colors, best
quality. Reduced from 15c to 12c
Good quality reduced from 1214c to 8|/ 2 c
Cotton Duck, shown in Black, Navy,
and White, Russian Duck, reduced from
1214c to ' 9%c
Kara Duck reduced from 10c to....8!/ 2 c
Colored Linettes, shown In Black,
White, Navy and Light Blue, fine imita
tion linen weave, reduced from 15c
to r 12i/ 2 c
Dornock Linens. Another excellent fab
ric that looks like linen. Shown In White
and Black. Reduped from 10c to 8c
Colored Linen Suitings. Very popular
this season for Skirts and Suits. One
piece black, worth 36c, cut to 15c
One piece black, worth 40c, cut to... .25c
One piece navy, worth 60c, cut to 25c
One lot Fine French Glnhams that sold
up to 60c a yard. Your choice this sale
at 10c
Liberal reductions' made throughout
the Mens’ Furnishing Department offer
mdny splendid saving opportunities. The
goods are new and seasonable, the prices
are ridiculously low.
Men’s fine Negligee Shirts, plain or
pleated bosom, white and seasons’ new
colors and patterns, reduced from $1.25
Every Faultless Shirt, Night Shirt and
Pajama In the house has been’ marked
down to actual cost.
Men’s Nainsook Undershirts, Drawers
with elastic seams to match. Very popu
lar at GOc. Dissolution Sale price....39c
Men’s Lisle Thread Half Hose, black
only, double toe and heel, reduced from
1714e a pair to 12140
Men’s large All-Linen Handkerchiefs,
fine value at 25c, reduced price 15c
Boston Garters, best quality silk; sell
world over for 50c. Dissolution Sale
plrpe , 39c
* Misses All-over Lace Lisle Hose,.*
* white, black, and tan. Worth 35c. *
* Dissolution Sale price 17c *
The price cuts which have been made
on Woolen Goods might be termed reck
less, for in many cases there has been
no regard for the cost of the goods. Read
a few of the fine specials listed below:
45- in. Fancy Lace .Voile, black, worth $1,
cut to 65c
46- in. Plain Black Etamine, worth $1.50,
cut to 85c
42-in. Plain Black Voile, regular $1.25
quality, cut to 97c
45-in. Nub Voile, Black, a regular $1.25
quality, cut to ’ 65c
,45-in. Black Chiffon Panama, $1.00 qual
ity, cut to 75c
Stylish Cream Woolens
40-in. Cream Mohair, worth 59c, cut to 45c
40-in. Cream Check Silk Voile, worth
$1.25, cut to .-...930
45-in. Cream Striped Silk Voiles, worth
$1.00, cut to 75c
45-in. Cream Serge, regular $1.00 quality,
cut to .; 69c
Colored Dress Woolens
45- in. Check Silk Voile, seasons’ newesjt
weaving, shown in Old Rose, Reseda,
Pearl and Navy. Worth $1.25, cut to 93c
46- in. Black and White Striped Serge, one
of the newest things for Skirts and
Eton Suits, worth $1.25. Cut to.. .$1.05
45-in. Black and White Check Serge for
Skirts and Suits, worth $1.25, cut to 98c
45-in. Chiffon Panama, Navy Blue, worth
$1, cut to 75c
38-in. Navy Mohair, fine 59o quality, cut
to .... v... .a '45c
38-in. Navy Voile, excellent quality tor
65c, cut to 49c
PETTICOATS of finest cambric, full
’ width and length, elaborately trimmed
with Val. lace and embroidery. Worth
$3.50 and $4.00. Cut to $2.65
CORSET COVERS of cambric with hem
stitched ruffles, worth 30c, cut to 18c
CORSET COVERS of cambric, beautifully
trimmed with beading and ribbon,
worth 45c, cut to 27e
CORSET COVERS of Nainsook, artisti
cally trimmed with embroidery bead
ing, and lace edging. Fine 60c value.
Cut to 38c
CORSET COVERS of fine Nainsook, elab
orately trimmed in Torchon lace and
Val. lace and embroidery; worth up to
75c; cut to •. ..48c
CORSET COVERS of fine Nainsook, elab
orately trimmed in Val, lace and rib
bon. Well worth $1.00 and $1.25. Cut
to 69c
CORSET COVER3 of finest Nainsook, ex
quisitely trimmed with Val. lace and
ribbons. Worth $2.00 and $2.25 any
where. Cut to $1.45 and $1.35
* One lot beautiful Colored Madras, *
* 36 In. wide. Sold up to 25c. Dlsso- *
* lutlon Sale price 5c *
Successors to Hof may er, Jones & Company.
The KHvnlvc’M Organ, nnd Where
They Arc Located.
Every oyster bus a mouth, a heart, It
liver, a stomach nnd other necessary
internal organs, Including n set of cun
ningly devised intestines. Tho mouth
1b at tbe small end of the oyster’s body,
near the hiuge of tile shell. It Is oval
In shape, and, though not readily dis
covered by an uupractlced eye, It may
be easily located by gently pushing n
blunt bodkin or similar Instrument
nloug the folds of tbe surface of the
body at the place mentioned. Connect
ed with tbe moutb Is the canal which
ie oystor uses lu conveying food to
tho stomneh, from whence It passqs In
to the curious little set of netted and
Isted Intestines referred to In the
To discover the heart, of an oyster
ie fold of flesh which oystermen call
.o “mantle" must bo removed. This
Is fatal to the oyster, of course, but In
" i Interest of science and for the ben-
fit of the "curious” It Is occasionally
When tho mantle has been re-
oved tbe heart, shaped like a crescent
ir horned moon, Is laid to the view,
i oyster’s heart Is made up of two
, just like tbut of a human being,
i of which receives the blood from
gills and the other drives it out
the arteries. The liver Is
. In the Immediate vicinity of the
art and stomach and Is u queer
1 little organ, which is supposed
o perform all the functions of a blood
• motto; "Ice when you want 1L’
It la llenlly n Lake of llqillnir, Bub
bling Mud nnd Slime.
The greatest natural wonder In Java,
If not iu the entire world, is the justly
celebrated “Glieko Knmdkft Gumko,’ f
or “Home of the Hot Devils,” known
to the world ns the Island of Fire.
This geological singularity Is really n
lake of boiling mud situated at about
the center of the plalus of Grobogann
nnd Is enlled nn Island because the
great emerald sea of vegetatiou which
surrounds It gives it that appearance.
The “Island” is about two miles in cir
cumference, and is situated at a dis
tance of almost exactly fifty miles
from Solo. Near the center of this
geological freak Immense columns of
soft, hot mud may he seen continually
rising and falling like great timbers
thrust through the boiling substratum
by giant hands and the again quickly
withdrawn. Besides the phenomenon
of the boillug mud columns there are
scores of gigantic bubbles of hat slime
that fill up like huge balloons and keep
up a series of constant explosions, the
Intensity of the detonations varying
with the size of the bubble. Iu time
past, so the Javanese authorities say,
there was a tall spirelike columu of
baked mud on the west edge of the
lake which constantly belched a pure
stream of cold water, but tlijs has long
been obliterated, and everything is
now a seething mass of bubbling mud
aud slime.
See the advertisement of the Acme
Brewing Co. on page 9. This brewery
makes the original “Bohemian Export”
Beer. . 19-3t
How to Put Them on und Take Them
Off Properly.
There is nothing which more com
pletely changes the effect of a pair of
eyeglasses thnu the habit of crowding
them on the nose with one hand. The
best efforts nt fitting and adjusting are
nil brought to naught by a person who
has acquired that habit.
The proper way to take off glasses
Is to take hold of the bridge and lift
off gently without dragging or pulling
out of shape. To take off spectacles
take hold of the right temple with the
right hand aud lift it off tho ear. Then
turn the head to the right and the left
temple will fall off easily.
The average wearer of glasses when
he Is clenuing them takes hold of the
bridge. The consequence Is that he
gradually works the bridge out of
shape, and every rub he gives the lens
gives n twist to the bridge, nnd in
course of time the bridge or the lens
breaks when he least expects It There
are probably more glasses broken la
this way than any other.
The correct way to clean them Is to
take hold of one of the eye pieces
where the glass Is screwed on the outer
edgo and clean the lens, and then re
verse the glasses, take It by the other
end piece and repeat the process on
Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don’t
get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys-
peusia Cure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitating and
frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet Sold
by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Elephant. Delight In Dees, nnd Gop-
gcoiiH Trapping.. ,
Elephants are passionately fond of
finery nnd delight to see themselves
decked out with gorgeous trappings.
The native princes of India are very
particular In choosing their state ele
phants and will give fabulous sums for
an animal that exactly meets the some
what fanciful standards they have
For these they have made cloths of
silk so heavily embroidered with gold
that two men are hardly able to lift
An amusing instance of elephantine
pride Is narrated: The elephant which
usually led the state procession of a
rajah being 111, the magnificent trap
pings were placed on one which had
up to that time occupied only a subor
dinate place.
Tbe animal, delighted with Its finery,
showed Its glee by so many little
squeaks and kicks of pleasure that gen
eral attention was-attracted to It
Not long after another st.te proces
sion was formed, and the previous
wearer of the gold cloths, being re
stored to health, took his accustomed
place and trappings, when the now de
graded beast Imagining, perhaps, that
he was being defrauded of his promo
tion, was with great difficulty restrain
ed from attacking the leader of the
Come ’round this evening and see
how the other gomes in the Georgia
State League came out Detailed tele
graphic accounts at The Office.
. . And . .
Repair Work.
c Uie Bacon Equipment Co
Shops—Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 Davis-Exchange Bank Building.
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P., $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P., $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St, Phone 415.
Annual Capacity, 1D.OOO.OOa
Keep them out with our wire sci
windows and doors. ^Complete si
on hand. c. D. SMITi