Newspaper Page Text
a guaranty of excellence,
Be sure the label contains the name of “Acme Brewing Company, Macon, Ga,
L. M. MARKS, Agt., Albany, Ga.
on for the office of great junior saga
New York, May 22.—The members
of the executive committee of the Na
tional Association of Life Underwrit
ers assembled here today for their
mid-year meeting. The insurance leg
islation recently passed by the New
York legislature is one of the Impor
tant subjects of discussion. The meet
ing will also ilx the date for this year’s
convention of the association, which
will be held in St. Louis, probably in
Telegraphic News Items from Many
Points Condensed Under One Head-
Then see our $1.00
special. Each pen is
fully guaranteed.
Made in chased holder
and solid gold pens.
We will refund your
money if not satisfied
with your purchase.
We also carry a
complete line of self
filling pens from $2.50
up. Satisfaction or
money hack.
Properly Pitted
Joplin, Mo., May 22.—The cross and
crown and other emblems of Masonry
decorated the stroetB of Joplin .today
on the occasion of tho opening of the
annual state conclave of tho Knights
Templar of Missouri. Tho gathering
has attracted nearly 1,000 visitors
from all parts of the stato, and elabo
rate entertainment has been provided
for them. A big parade, competitive
drills and othor Interesting features
' make up tho two days’ program.
Will relieve these muscular strains
and the sooner applied the better, i
Wo are on the alert for a defect un
discovered by your former oculist
or optician.
We take every precautions. !
Eyes Examined and Tested Free, j
Phil Harris,
’ Leading Optician.
Charlotte, N. C., May 22.—The sec
ond day of tho celebration "here of the
anniversary of the Mecklenburg dec
laration of Independence was marked
by a big military parade. The partici
pants Included civil war veterans, state
troops and representatives of the sev
eral branches of tho regular service
from Fort Myer, Fort McPherBon and
other army posts.
Springfield, Ill., May 22.—Delegates
from all parts of the stato have gath-'
ered In this city for the seventh an.
nual meeting of tho Illinois Congress
of Mothers. The formal opening takes
place this evening In the senate cham.
ber at the state house, where the visit
ors will be greeted by Governor Den.
een, Alfred Bayllss, state superinten
dent of public Instruction, and Mrs, E.
S. Walker, president of the. Springfield
Woman’s Club. Dr. James R. Angell,
of the University of Chicago, will
speak on the subject, “Modern Contri
butions to the Educational Treatment
of Children.” The sessions will con
tinue over tomorrow.
Very Special Thin]
at Small, Prices
On next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we
will launder free ONE SHIRT WAIST with your
package of laundry, provided same amounts to as
much as 25 cents. We will not allow more than one
to each patron. 1 , V
Now, don’t think this proposition is not for you
because you haven’t been patronizing us. You are
the one we are after. We want to show you what you
have been
The Elks arc busily getting their
plans In shape for the meeting of tho
state association a week from today.
The present indications are that' the
attendance will be large and that the
meeting , will be one long to be re
Ladles’ Wash Belts,
heavily embroidered.
Price,only 10c to 25c.
White (variety of oth
er shades) Wash Hand
Bags, a swell line and
very popular. Our spe
cial price 25c to 50c.
Leather Hand Bags,
real value50c, this week
only 25c each.
New style Leather
Hand Bags, fine leather
lined, real values 85c,
$1.50 and $2. Our spe-
| You are entitled to com
fort in your’ old age. The
way to get it is to NOW—
during the productive period
of your life—cultivate
, _ I . econ-
shrieking; omy, and save a little of your
it had not,earnings. Deposits with, us
hs, and ? j no t only accomplish this, but
d eon t t t nue^ ons . t f tI y h l crease your
I fund by the interest we pay
jyou on them. Make a begin-
urt house!ning NOW by opening an
a month ; account with US.
s otTheir Albany Trust Co.
ie notice- /
proved of Georgia.
• We exhibit a beautiful assort
ment of White Goods, Dimities,.
Nainsooks, Organdies and handsome
Mercerized Lawns, fancy and plain.'
Great variety of Colored Wash
Goods in attractive patterns.
71 Broad Street.
Valley City, N. D„ May 22.—Tho
seventeenth annual convention of the
North Dakota Sunday School Associa
tion has attracted a large and repre
sentative attendance. A welcome meet
ing takes place tonight and the busi
ness sessions will be held tomorrow
and Thursday. The presiding officer
is Sidney Clarke, of Grand Forks. The
reports prepared by the officers of the
association show the past year to have
been one of great activity and Increas
ing membership for , tho Sunday
schools throughout the state.
Lgw Round Trip Rates to Lanark, FI
Panacea Springs, Fla., via ■ So
That’s the kind you have gushing from our
fountain these days.
Better visit our magnificent soda parlor and
try one of these pure, sparkling sodas. They are
made of real fruit juices, sugar and filtered, spark
ling, corbonated water cooled to just the most
agreeable degree of coldness.
If you are particular what you drink this, is
the place to come. You’ll like our perfect, expert
service and our clean inviting looking fountain
and accessories will also appeal to you.
means work expertly done, pipes prop
erly arranged, and all parts neatly and
artistically finished. This is
that even a poet can sing of. Because
it means solid comfort, sanitation and
long life to the work. We’re proud to
say that we do that style of plumbing,
in new and repair work.
Give us a trial.
Haggard Drug Co
1 ’Phone 75.
Imitation the Sincerest Flattery
The best articles which have won popular favor through genuine merit are always imitated.
that UNEXCELLED BREW of the ACME BREWING COMPANY, has been set up as a standard by many imitators. These imitators are
wonderfully successful in getting names that sound like ours, and bottles that look like ours, but they can never get a beer that tastes like ours.
The wonderful qualities of the genuine “BOHEMIAN EXPORT” are the results of a careful and competent brewing, such as cheap imi
tators can not do. Be sure that the label contains the name of “Acme Brewing Co., Macon, Ga.,” a guaranty of excellence.
Original BOHEMIAN EXPORT is sold only at the following places in Albany:
Powell & Co.
Dennard Whiskey Co.
O. K. Whiskey House
H. Cassel
J. H. Coffey
Price & M^Larty
W. B. Mallard
The Beazley Bar
J. P. Drinkwater
Deese & Deese
Albany Manufacturing Co.
Altman Whiskey Co.
Max Lonsberg
Marvin Cohn
Rialto Saloon
McCarthy & Stewart
T. L. Pattison
Deariso Bros.
Star Whiskey House
Albany Whiskey Co.
Hair Brushes
There’s not even the suggestion of
exaggeration in the statement that
this new shipment contains more
splendid brushes than we’ve ever
seen offered in a city several [times
the size of Albany—many real
beauties priced from
$1.25 to $4.00.
Albany Drug Go.
New Albany
Steam Laundry.
J. £. MacMillan.
W. C. Meritvdhcr,
Secy, and Treat.
Modern Miracles
We’re building Miracle concrete building
blocks. The blocks that buikl build
ings that stand.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
Denver, Col., May 22.—The Rooky
Mountain missionary convention of
the M. E. church, embracing Colorado,
Arizona, Wyoming and New Mexico,
began a three days’ convention In
Denver today. Several bishops of the
church are In attendance and also a
number of well known foreign mission
workers. An extensive educational ex
hibit is one of the features of the
, Berlin, May 22.—A two (lays’ music
festival opened at Bonn today in com
memoration of the fiftieth anniversary
of the death ,of Schumann, the cele
brated composer. The orchestra of the
Berlin Philharmonic Society and a
number of rioted soloists are taking
part Joachim, assisted by a Ideal
conductor, Gruters, Is directing the
Parkersburg, W. Vn„ May 22.—Tho
Republican congressional convention
of the Fourth district of West Virginia
was held here today and resulted In
the renomlnatfon of Representative II.
C. Woodyard. -
Ottawa, Ont., May 22.—The mar-
riage ol Miss Julia Borden, youngest
daughter of Sir Frederick Borden, and
Mr. Leslie L. Mncoun took place to
day. The event waB largely attended
by persons prominent In Bocial and
official life. ,
Des Moines, la., May 22.—Prohibi
tionists of Iowa mot In convention
hero today to name-a state ticket and
otherwise prepare to take part In the
approaching campaign. Tho names of
Prof. D. R. Dungan, of Drake Univer
sity, Rev. John Earl, of Waterloo, and
several others are mentioned In con
nection with the gubernatorial nomina
tion. -
T)te lawn In front of the court houso
Is good to see now. About a month ■
ago It was cleaned by a portion of
the clinlngang, and the effects of their
work are just beginning to he notice
able. Tho showers have Improved It
a lot, also.
Mobile, Ala., May 22.—The Improved
Order of Red Men of Alabama began
their annual great council meeting In
Mobile today, and will be In session
two days. The delegates number sev
eral hundred and represent the local
branches of the order throughout the
state. U spirited four-cornered race Is
Leave Albany via Central of Ga. t
Arlington, 7:46 a. m. and *3:50 p. m.
Arrive Sopchoppy 3:14 p. m.
*9:51 p. m.
Arrive Lanark 3:45 p.'m. and '
p. m.
’Saturdays and Sundays ofily.
Round Trip Rates from Arllngf
a b
To Lanark ...........4.76 6.30
To Sopchoppy 4.15 6.
a—Tickets sold daily, final :
days. . ■ ’ .v^V.
b—Tickets sold dally, final 111