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Pays His Respects to the “Baseball
At an average reduction of twenty-five per cent.,
we offer about fifty men’s and, young men’s two-piece
Outing and Flannel Suits. Some three-piece Worsteds
and Serges! Not a suit offered worth less than $10.00;
at uniform price for three days —
!» 81
When You Come
Across This
Trade Markt^-
in red and white on each end of a
package containing biscuit and
crackers, you can rest assured that the
contents are of the very highest order-
fresh, clean, pure and perfectly baked.
The trade mark identifies the products of
National Biscuit* Company and ever stands
highest quality of baking. For example try packages of
ZWIEBACK—"Twice-baked’’—justly celebrated as delicious with
tea, coffee or chocolate.
BUTTER THIN BISCUIT—A crisp, light, dessert biscuit, rich and
satisfying, serve*} as something out of the ordinary. If you want a
biscuit that is particularly nice, try a package.
ing the game are beginning to swear
by Fisher. Shreveport owes a lot to
this mad twlrler who doesn’t know
when to stop winning.
To The Herald:
That talk about baseball Is what we
get from the baseball man of May 19.
Now, I am slow to catch on to things,
but 1 am with the Albany people.
We have something else to do.
We know that our surrounding
towns have got to go to ball games or
bull lights to pass tho time away.
But we have something elBe to do.
We are glad our peoplo do not have
to attend such a gambling institution
to pass the time away.
We have something else to do.
When any concern has to rip you up
the back to get you to patronize his
game, look out, and tell him you have
something else to do.
He expects you to furnish tho long
green to run the ball game and turn
out each afternoon and declare what
a good time you have had.
But we have something else to do.
Let us keep busy.
Didn’t Even Get Started this
Time — Two Left WitJT
Americus— New Men Ar-
rice—American Team Is
Albany-Americus; rain.
Waycross-Cordele, rain.
Columbus-Valdosta, rain,
Americus at Albany.
Waycross at Cordele.
Columbus at Valdosta.
Waycross ..
Columbus ..
Cordele ....
Valdosta ...
Americus ...
not in'a busted condition either. Busi
ness Manager Wood is doing all that
can be done in the way of things finan
cial, and when the circumstances are
taken in account, has succeeded very
well. Just the same, though, it is
hoped that, the gate receipts will in
crease. To get the club in a stronger
condition the management has been
put to some expense and 'the public
that has been clamoring for a changed
team must help pay for it.
Unless the rain stops some time,
though, things will begin to look a lit
tle ticklish. There is always that
guarantee lost in cold coin, to say
nothing of the gate receipts that
would have been, but were not It
does look like three games called oft
for rain is enough for one week, and
that we would get to play a little.
The downfall of the Barons is a
thing to shed tears over. They were
so sure that they had it at the start
The sacrifice hitter is in much evi
dence this season. The sacrifice is
being developed toward perfection
very rapidly.
If the regular schedule was adopted
there would be six straights played
with Americus. The dates have been
changed, though, and Valdosta will
play here the first three games of next
Mr. 3. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Vu„
writes: “I was a sufferer from kidney
disease, so that at times I could not
get out of bed, and when I did I could
not stand straight. I took Foley’s Kid
ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part
of the second cured me entirely."
Foley’s Kidney Cure wofks wonders
where others are total failures.
For sale by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
Remove Freckles and Pimples
(Formerly advertised and sold'as Satlnola.)
Waycross, the shameless ones, did
not consider our feelings at all, though
the Albany team was courtesy itself to
“The Machinists,” insisting that they
take the only one that was played
Posey will have a better chance
now. Before the management was
i changed he played iii a little hard
luck. Things were not all well he-
Waycross is in Cordele this week, tween himself and Alexander,
taking all they can.. * *•
( it
Denny Shea is catching his usual
gdme with Jacksonville.
It rained all day, slackening up only
long enough to give some faint hopes
that after all the game would he
played. Even then the men went out
to the park, and one or two, literally,
one or two of the faithful. But they
were obliged to come in, to their dis
gust, for they are beginning to tire of
the inactivity, and then it is Americus
and they do want a little slice of vic
tory. But the little demons of the air
are against them, just as las't week
The heavens seem to be conspiring
to keep Albany from its own.
Now that DeCosta has come Snod
grass will either play third or left.
Clarks seems to he the favorite of
the pitchers with the Macon people.
“Honest, Boyd, me and you are the
two ugliest men irf the whole league.
The inaction is beginning to pall on
the men and they are keen for the
rain to let up.
Bobby Wallace is hitting better than
they were for them, allowing “The Ma- ever this year. The little Columbia
chinists” to conquer only once. Ameri- centerfielder is surprising even him-
cus, the percentage fattener, is still geif.
good for two defeats, though, which 1
will be very acceptable to the Albany | yancey, one of the latest additions
team In Its present oendition. While t0 the Americus team, la from Savan-
of course there are better things ahead nah . He ,1s reputed to be a valuable
its no use denying that the team is far raan#
down the column. But all things con-j
sidered, the men are in good shape to
walk out the hole now and stay out.
The new men are coming in, the rest
of them are looking at things different
and all are working harder than has
been the case.
I Arlie Latham has gone hack to um
piring. Whatever can he said of him
as a manager, he'is a success as an
Snodgrass is doing all
in his power to put things on a win- Macon’s case is almost hopeless.
ning basis, and wtih a little time will The fans who expected to find in Lipe
have them there.
another Billy Smith have been sadly
De Costa, the new third baseman,
has arrived and will be in today’s.
game. In 1904 he played in the Delta 1 Nolley, when not pitching, will be
League, and last year in the Cotton found doing business in the outfield.
States League, with Hattiesburg and His work, especially his batting, is too
Vicksburg. He has an exceptionally good to be on the bench,
good batting record and has a reach
that is so desirable in a first baseman. J Granvilje recently lost a game for
From all accounts the Ameridus Columbia and is now coming in for a
team has had a thorough shaking up. good deal of criticism. Three costly
The manager has resigned, and Conlff, errors were charged against him. -
lately an umpire, is now in charge of ^
thing?. It is to be hoped that Mr. j Jacksonville is a discriminating ball
Coniff will better things, as the Amer- town and deserve to have a better per-
icus club, as it is, is a menace to the centage than they have. Internal dif*
life of. the whole league. This is not fl cu ities have a lot to do with that,
the first time that Coniff has played
the role of manager, and perhaps the'
I team will turn out work of a little! Nothing better illustrates the In-
v - nennonn nmnlnnnn Af rnn Antonova tnoti
higher order. There are plenty of efficiency of the catchers than
° - . to look in the scores of almost any
other towns wanting that .same fran
chise that they have and Americus seme and see how few stolen bases
must get on the upgrade. | are credIted -
The attendance at the only game
this week was very small, but of.
“I never got- nothing from uobody,
course the public Is not to be blamed nowhere, no time.” This classic rag-
for that. It could not be expected to time, so popular with the stock com-
go out In the face of such weather as'panies last winter, is a favorite with
has been hovering over Albany this the Americus team.
week. While the finances are not in —;
a plerothlc condition at all, they are Not a few of those who are foUow :
begins to look as if Charley Frank
will make good his threat to wake up
and take the flag when he wants It,
Second place now, and the vtiBe ones
say that Shreveport cannot keep up
the pace they are going*
The Outlaw League is getting near
ly everything It wants from the oth
ers. It pays the price and when a
player gets next to a little grievance
he jumps straight to It. Witness Ike
Columbia has tasted the joys of sec
ond place In the South Atlantic, and
Is giving Charleston a hard fight for
tlie place. Augusta, In the lead, has
such a lead that the others have all
but given up hope of doing anything
with them.
Griffin, the Waycross second base
man, plays a pretty game. He has
that thing desired of all inflelders, a
wing that Is not only strong but also
swift, giving him the ability to kill
the runner even on a slow batted hall.
Richards Is fast “winning a place in
the hearts of the Cordele fan. He is
that rarity in baseball circles—he has
a fine record in the official statistics,
and also ranks high In the estimation
of the fans’ unofficial calculator.
The home run hitter is appreciated
most at Atlanta, and the more val
uable pinch and place hitter, by the
same crowd, Isn’t given bo much en
couragement; Atlanta always did seek
the grand heroic In baseball at the
expense of the really good. Also at
the expense of their standing.
A few applications will ndlove tan or
sallowness and restore the beauty of youth.
NADINOLA is guaranteed and money
refunded If it fails to remove freckles,
pimples, liver-spots, collar discolorations,
black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, eta, in
twenty days. Leaves the skin soft, clear
and healthy. Endorsed by thmiMwA.
* Price 50 cents and $14)0 by all tending
drhggfsts, or by mqil. • Prepared by
National Toilet Co., Paris, Term.
as long as I have been, has certainly
qualified me, and justly my claim to
the title of
so that when your vision troubles you,
the best and simplest way out Is to
place yourself In my hands for treat
ment. I will not only help your vision,
but I’ll improve your appearance with
correctly-fitted lenses and frames. I
have a complete OPTICAL stock to
select from.
Examinations are FREE. SEE!
Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason,
And Albany's Leading Optician
Davis Exchange,Bank Building.
Hallman may not do as manager, but
he is one of the best players on the
Savannah team. He ranks with Logan
as the best hitter on it. Savannah
has no business being in the next to
last place, anyway. There are plenty
of good ball players cfn the team—
Curran, Logan, Sabrle, Dfexter and
Hallman are each exceptionally good
with the stick.
Last Street Tax Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that all those
v/ho have not paid their street taxes
by 12 o’clock on Saturday, May 20,
will be. double, taxed, the tax after
that time being $4 Instead of $2. Be
sure to pay up before the 26th.
14-14t Deputy Marshal;
$10.00 to $12.50 Men’s
Suits, $7.75.
What a blessing is good Soap and healthful Talcum Powder in
the hot summer time.
Try a box of our 3 for '25 ’cents Soap. Lilac, Carnation,
Rose, Violet and Heliotrope. You will be so pleased that you
will always use this brand of pure and sweet soap
B o r ated
T alcum
With the odor of Fresh Violets, counteracts excessive perspi
ration. Lends an exqisite fragrance after the bath. Purifying
and healthful to the skin.
Three of the Albany team were in
dulging in a game of billiards yester
day afternoon. A bystander,
looking on a few minutes, remarked:
“What sort of pool Is that they are
Another spectator replied, his voice
vibrating with scorn:
“You — countryman, they are
playing- billiards. Don’t you know
The late Marshall Field, that great merch
ant prince of Chicago, sent for me after I
had treated bis feet, which came very' near
frightening the wits out of me until hesald.
“my feet are all right, but what I want you
to do is to tell ml 0 al*about my own feet.” To
be worried almost to death with corns, bun-
vtuinuu uiiuuov tu uuutu ntvu uuiun, uuu-
iona. Ingrowing nans and perspiring feet Is
absolutely unnecessary. 1 remove them In
stantly without pain or blood. It Is a most
lasing experience. Twenty-live cents a
rn-andltdoes not.hurt a speck. Strictly
tiseptlo. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS.
Surgeon Chlropodist-Massacer-Bamarla.
This is the time of the year when
! every mother wants her baby to get as
much fresh air as possible.
We can make this not only possi
ble, but profitable too, if you will let
us sell you one of the beautiful folding
we have just received. They are beau
ties, everyone, and * at unusually low
prices. •
enough to know—”
But the unlucky questioner
Telephone 232 Thomasullle, Ga.
P. 8—Dr. Williams offers 15 reward for an
Ingrowing nail he cannot cure without pain.
Mrs. Williams does dainty manicure, mas
sage and hair dressing 8calp treatment
and the morcel wave a specialty.