Newspaper Page Text
Reduced to cold figures, the
actual money value of the
saving possibilities of this
sale is
T_h_e Gjrecrt B_ar_gai : n_s 0_f_
H. J. & Co. ’s Dissolution Sale Are
The more you buy during
this sale, the more you save.'
It will pay you to buy now
for your future, as well as
your present, needs.
Saving Thousands of Dollars to Albanians and South Georgians
Take a store that for years has been recognized as “THE QUALITY STORE” of a progressive city, take this store when it had reached the zenith of its .
greatness — with stocks larger and more competently bought than ever — take the big, glorious stock of quality merchandise that was a delight to the economical
and a joy to the admirer of the beautiful — take such a stock, we say, and mark down already astonishingly low prices an average of thirty-five per cent., and you
would have just such a sale as is this great H., J. & Co. Dissolution Sale. For that’s just what we have done. Just that, and we insist that the unparalleled business of
the opening days of the sale were but the natural result of a combination of unusual, quality and unprecedented prices.
25c Madras 5c
One lot beautiful Colored Madras, 36 inches
wide. Sold up to 25c. Dissolution Sale
25c Waistings 12 l-2c
White Mercerized Waistings, variety of neat
patterns. Regular price 25c. Dissolution
Sale Price
7 l-2c Nainsooks 5c
Full case new Checked Nainsooks, all pat
terns. Regular 7j4c quality. Dissolution
Sale price
20c India Linen 10c
Fine Count India Linen; a quality that sells
for 20c at all other stores. Dissolution Sale
25c Suitings 5c
$1.00 Taffeta Silk 75c
One lot all colored Suitings and Skirtings,
variety of patterns. Sold as high as 25c. •
Now » Sc
20c Towels 14c
Black Taffeta Silk, beautiful quality, 36-in.
width. Our regular $1.00 value. Dissolu
tion Sale price
$1.00 Damask 53c
200 dozen heavy hemmed Bath Towels, full
bleached; size, 20 x 40. Dissolution Sale
25c Stockings 15c
10 pieces Irish Union Linen Damask, full 72
larly at $1.00. oooks and wears like $1.00
Dissolution Sale price.
50c Drawers 39c
Ladies’ fine Maco Hose; black only. Sell
for 25c everywhere. Dissolution Sale
35c Stockings 17c
Mens Elastic Seam Drawers; Pepperell drill.
Best 50c garment on market. Dissolution
Sale price
75c Undershirts 40c
Misses’ ^11-over Lace Lisle Hose, white,
black, and tan. Worth 35c. Dissolution
Sale price 17c
' Men’s pure bleached Lisle Thread Under
shirts. Regular 75c garment. • Dissolution
Sale price Qq
The opening days of this mammoth dissolution sale mark a new era in the mercantile history of Albany. No store ever had such enormous sales, because no store
has ever offered such attractive bargains. Thousands of dollars are being invested by careful and competent shoppers in such bargains as those listed above. Are you
reaping your share of this rich bargain harvest?
The wonderful combination
of highest quality with lowest
price makes this sale a mer-
chantile phenomenon — un
equalled in local history.
Successors to
Hofmayer, Jones & Company
The Quality
The Quality
This is not a sale of old,
shop-worn, out-of-date mer
chandise. The H., J. & Co.
stamp of freshness and quality
is on ever)’ article.
That’s the kind you have gushing from our
fountain these days. •
Better visit our magnificent soda parlor and
try one of these pure, sparkling sodas. They are
made of real fruit juices, sugar and filtered, spark
ling, corbonated water cooled to just the most
agreeable degree of coldness.
If you are particular what you drink this is
the place to come. You’ll like our perfect, expert
service and our clean inviting looking fountain
and accessories will also appeal to you.
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone 75.
In Force to Attend State Convention
Next Monday and Tuesday.
Spoony Atlanta Bride and Groom Ar
rested by the Police.
The Savannah Press of yesterday
contains the following:
The local Elks are completing the
preparations to attend, the state con
vention, which will convene in Albany
next Tuesday.
The delegates have not yet been ap
pointed, but the following is the prob-
able list of those who will be ap
pointed: Messrs. F. X. Douglas, Louis
Bliss, W. B. Puder, A. W. Masterson,
E. M. Sullivan, W. J. Ketaoe, Harry
Jordan, Harry Willink, Eugene Puder,
H. E. Dreeson, C. T. Walker, W. H.
Smith, Jr., T. J. Peterson, Charles .T.
DeLoacli, C. E. Fretwell, R. L. Colding,
Wert Scruggs, Charles Marks, Frank
Crolian, J. C. Blanton, R. L. Scherm,
J. F. Bliss. John F. Hnrty, W. J. Ro-
bider, and Dr. J. G. Keller.
Colonel Robert L. Colding is presi
dent of the State Association, and will
respond to the address of welcome.
The program of entertainment which
has been arranged by the Albany
Elks is an elaborate one and a good
time is expected.
The local delegation will leave here
Monday night between S and 10
o’clock, but it has not yet been defi
nitely decided what road will be used
for the trip. All of the details will be
decided during the week.
Special to The Herald.
Atlanta, Ga., May 25.—Love-making
on a trolley car yesterday between a
newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Brooks, ended in the arrest of
the ovor-affectionate pair. When they
arrived at the police station, the wffe,
who is a strikingly handsome brunette,
reached into a stocking and pulled out
a marriage certificate, just to show the
officers of the law that she had as good,
right as anyone in the world to make
love in public. The pair boarded an in
coming car at the Soldiers’ Home.
Shortly after taking their seats, they
began to make love. The more timid
passengers looked the other way.
Others stared boldly at the loving cou
ple—but that made not a particle of
difference. The kissing and hugging
went along just as if nobody was
around. The conductor protested, but
he was given an icy stare and the coo
ing was renewed. So a cop was ap
pealed to by the man in charge of the
car, and when the police barracks was
reached, man and wife were hustled
into the presence of the station ser
geant. He took their names and heard
from the lips of both that they were
entitled to make love whenever they
felt like it.
J. E. MacMillan,
'CD. G. Merita ether,
Secy, and Treat.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
is a home industry.
All work in our line should be given to us,
other things being equal. We patronize home
industries. All the money we get is spent
with, home industries.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
’Phone 2S0 for stove wood and ice.
. . And . .
Repair Work.
Occasionally now as a gentle re
minder of what we have been through,
the telephone girl informs you that
something is wroug with the other
Weather Forecast.
The following is the weather fore
cast for the state of Georgia for the
next twenty-four hours:
Occasional rain tonight and Satur
If you haven’t done so, isn’t it about
time you looked to your summer un
derwear? We have an unusually com
plete line to suit the season and you.
Balbriggan, lisle, nainsook, net’
India crepe and Sea Island cotton, in
a great variety of designs and styles
Long or knee drawers to match.
Keep them out with our wire screen
windows and doors. Complete stock
on hand. C. D. SMITH,
*Hie Bacon Equipment Co.
A lot Is heard oa the street corners
now about the diligence of the street
tax gatherer.
A Mountain of Gold
Shops—Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 Davis-Exchange Bank Buildings
could not bring as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wls„ as
did one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
when it completely cured a running
sore on her log, which had tortured
her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic
healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores.
25o at Albany Drug Cu.’s drug store.
Local Weather Observations.
The following record of meteorologl-
cal observations taken by the local
co-operative observer of the Weather
Bureau of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture for the twenty-
four hours ending at 7 o’clock this
morning Is published for the Informa
tion of the public:
Maximum temperature 71.00
Minimum temperature 64.00
Mean temperature 67.60
Precipitation 7)76
River 2.60
(No change in 24 hours, i
Weather Cl’dy
Wind .... East
Volunteer Observer.
25c to $1.00 a Garment.
C. R, Davis & Co*
Monday, May 28. Limit seven days In
Tampa. Rate 25 round trip from Al
bany. Leave Albany 4 p. m.; arrive
Tampa next morning 7 a. m. Trains
consist of elegant day coaches and
sleeping cars. For information see
agent or address.
T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A.,
14 * 12t Thomasvllle, Ga.
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
L H ’ P -> $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P„ $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St., Phone 415.