Newspaper Page Text
MR. CUNT G. FORD, who has been Identified with
the very foremost dramatic attractions, including Oil-
let’s "Secret Service Co.,’’ "David Har'wn," “Tho Clans
man,” etc.,'has this to say pf Newbro’s Herplclde.-
“For years I was annoyed with dand
ruff and Itching of the scalp, all duo
to my twenty years of theatrical life
with Its Incumbent ’make-up’ and wig-
wearing. At times the Itching of the
scalp was Intense. All remedies tailed
me until I tried Herplclde, and I soon
found that it was giving wonderful re
sults. Thb Itching and also the dand
ruff entirely ceased and my lialr re
sumed Its natural life and vigor.
"There Is no question In my mind
about the reality of the dandruff germ,
and I unhesitatingly recommend Herpl
clde to my friends in the profession.”
(Signed) CLINT G. FORD.
Use and Recommend
' Extravagant claims for toilet remedies do not Influence theatrical people, because long experience enables
them to discriminate intelligently. They demand merit, and will rarely use a preparation that is not actually
worth as much or more than It costs In dollars and cents.
Herplclde kills the dandruff germ and by actual test does more good than all other hair remedies com
bined'.. This accounts for Its popularity In theatrical cicalas.
"Queen Roselle" jvrites of
Newbro’s Herpicide
"I take pleasure In announcing the very satisfac
tory results I have had from the use of Newbro’s Herpl
clde. My Mir was falling out so rapidly that I was
afraid 1 would lose It all. A friend advised Herplclde,
and after using It faithfully my hair stopped falling out,
the dandruff disappeared and my hair is now very soft
and glossy.
“I would like to see every lady of the profession try
Herpicide, for I am confident that tney would be de
lighted with It.” .
At Drug Stores—Send 10c in stamps
to the Herpicide C-.. Dept. L, Detroit,
Mich., for a. sample.
Albany Drug Co.,
, Special Agents.
Trobsseau and Magnificent
Jewelry of English Prin
cess Who Is to Be Spain’s
Madrid, May 20.—Preparations for
next week’s wedding of King Alfonso
and Princess Ena of Battenberg go on
apace. Each day sees Madrid more
crowded with visitors. Among the
lato arrivals are a number of Amerl-
That’s the kind you have gushing from our
fountain these days.
Better visit our magnificent soda parlor and
try one of these pure, sparkling sodas. They are
made of real fruit juices, sugar and filtered, spark
ling, corbonated water cooled to just the most
agreeable degree of coldness.
If you are particular what you drink this is
the place to come. You’ll like our perfect, expert
service and our clean inviting looking fountain
and accessories will also appeal to you.
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone <75.
DOLLAR is the man who
ought to know something
about our ratesand terms for
loans on real estate: For
many of these we are fur
nishing the means for pro
viding t h e m s e 1 s
homes. WHY NOT YOU,
whether the amount you
want is big or little? You
will be surprised a<t our con
tracts— the cost, and how
they adapt themselves to the
convenience of any one. Let
us figure on it with you.
. . And . .
Repair Work.
c Ihe Bacon Equipment Co.
Shops—Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 Davis-Exchange Bank Building.
Albany Trust Co.
of Georgia.
Three Sites for Stores
1 on Broad Street,
(Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad street and running back
210 feet to alley.
This property is rapidly en
hancing in value and will be
worth double present price in
few years.
Full information on applica
tion to
■Morris Weslosky, President.
. .Tames, W. 8, Bell,
1st Vlce-Pres. 2nd Vlce-Prw.
ih 8. Davis, P. W . .Tonec
Casller. • Ass’t Cashier.
pirst Rational jgank.
Capital $60,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000
Deposits received subject to Sight
aft A general banking business
insacted. Bankers' and merchant!'
counts solicited.
Morris Weslosky, D. W. James.
President. V^Prea
F. H. Bates, Cashier.
N. R. Dehon, Asst Cashier.
. 12,000.00
Solicits accounts of firms and In 4,
Tie Jones &
Gem® & Loan Go.
Last 8treet Tax Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that all those
who have not paid their street taxes
by 12 o’clock on Saturday, May
will be double taxed, the' tax after
that time being $4 Instead of $2. Be
sure to pay up before the 20th.
14-14t ■ 'Deputy Marshal.
Keep them out with our wire screen
windows and doors. Complete stock
on hand. C. V. SMITH.
can travelers who have temporarily
turned nsldo from the beaten paths of
tourist travel to put In a week or so
here to enjoy the magnificent public
fetes and entertainments attending the
royal wedding. A surprising number
of visitors from South America and
from Cuba have also put In an appear
ance. , The royal guestB, Including
princes of the blood from every coun
try In Europe, are arriving, and the pro
cessions escorting them and their
suites from the railway station to the
several palaces where they will be
lodged during their stay In the city
afford brilliant spectacles that are
much enjoyed by the populace.
The trousseau of the royal bride
was placed on exhibition today at the
senate house. The spacious salons
were benutitully decorated with palms
and flowers, and the exhibition, ar
ranged by the court attendants, at
tracted a great crowd anxious to In
spect the royal bridal attire.
In addition to the' wedding gown of
cream-colored satin adorned with
priceless lace, the trousseau Includes a
largo number of other gowns, some
made In England and others In Paris.
Among the dainty evening gowns Is a
sliort-waisted one of pale malse mouB-
seline, the skirt Inserted lengthwise
with guipure Insertion and tucks.
About the hem ruches were arranged
In waves and at Intervals were green
mednlllons embroidered In delicate
colors. The bodice was trimmed to
correspond with the skirt with Valen
ciennes lace and guipure.
Another one was composed of pale
blue Liberty satin cut en prlncesse.
The skirt waB trimmed with inch-wide
plaited frills edged With white, ar
ranged in points, with Insertions of
very narrow white Valenciennes lace)
The corselet was finally gathered, and
the simple bodice was daintily trim
med with plnltlngs and laee to corre
spond with the skirt. ....
Pale plnlc-and-whlte satin foulard in
a small design was.a striking material
for a day dress. Tho bodice was made
with a small transparent pointed yoke
of Cluny lace outlined with ribbon vel
vet applique, and the fulness was set
Into fine gathers at the wrist, held In
place by narrow bands of velvet. The
skirt was arranged with Cluny laee In
sertions from waist to hem. The lat
ter was with fancy strappings of vel
vet ribbon the same color as the gown.
A charming morning gown of white
lawn over pale blue had Valenciennes
laee Inserted at equal diBtaneeB and
was fastened with blue satin, ribbon
rosettes, while another was composed
entirely of Anglais embroidery, In a
very openwork design.
Particularly handBome was a day
dress of ivory crepe-de-Chine, the bod
ice arranged' with squares of finest
guipure lace and tuoked squares of
crepe-de-Chine, the centers of which
were daintily embroidered with col
ored rosebuds, and set together with
Insertions of Valenciennes laee. The
skirt was made to correspond with
soft frills at the hem and fine, tucks
round the waist.
Another beautiful visiting dress was
of fine white Valenciennes lace and
Ivory-colored cloth, made with a bolero
having shaped strappings of cloth,
and having double puffed sleeves of
laee. The skirt was of Valenciennes
There were many dainty blouses,
the majority being trimmed with Val
enciennes lace with Insets of Irish
guipure, all made very simply; some
being of pale pink lawn, and others of
white cambric with dainty navy blue
ties attached. A blouse of white lawn
was particularly admired. It was
trimmed with Incrustations of Irish
lace and embroidery.
A handsome coat of palest biscuit,
colored cloth, lined with eau-de-nil
silk, attracted much attention. It was
embroidered In a design of twisted
satin ribbon matching the cloth, and
had a band of deep cream Valenci
ennes lace round the hem, while cord
ornaments and tassels finished the
A part of King Alfonso’s wedding
gifts to his bride have also been placed
on exhibition. These comprise a gol
den crown studded with diamonds, a
diamond diadem, a diamond necklacS,
a pearl necklace, 4 golden bracelet
studded with diamonds, brooches and
par-rings. All the gems were taken
from old pieces of jewelry In posses
sion of the sovereign and reset in
newer fashion. The crown especially
itmtltiCT fa lllrtia.
Iu the stormy part of the. year a
steamer encountered wougb weather,
and, ns often happens at such times,
many sea gulls hovered near the ship
and even dime on hoard. One allowed
Itself to he caught, and It was found
that It had n fish bone stuck In tho eye
in such a position as not absolutely to
destroy the sight, but penetrating an
Inch Into tho flesh of the bird and pro
jecting an luck nud a half. It might
have had a fight with u fish or got
transfixed seeking Its prey. The doc
tor of the ship took the bird, extracted
the bone, applied a soothing remedy to
the wound and let It go. It flew away,
but returned the uext day, allowing It
self to be caught. The doctor exam
ined the wound, which waB progressing
favorably, applied more of the remedy
and let the bird go a second time. It
flew' several times nrouud the ship and
then departed and returned no mpre.—
London Sketch.
Deaths from Appendicitis
decrease In tho Hame ratio that the use
of Dr. King's New Life Pills Increases.
They save you from danger and brlqg
quick and painless release from consti
pation and the Ills growing out of It.
Strength and vlgoi always follow tlielr
use. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co.,
druggists. 2Gc. Try them.
The Figures They llenr and What
They Are Supposed to Represent*
There are but few persons, even
among the historians, antiquarians and
students in general, who bnve the least
Idea of the significance of the figures
on playing cards. In very early times
the four suits represented the four
principal trades followed by the peo
ple, and the figures on the cards were
supposed to be symbolic of the same.
The heart was the symbol of the oliolr-
men, or ecclesiastics, and In all early
packs, besides the figure of the heart,
each card also bore a rude picture of a
monk’s cowl or of his cloak and crook
ed staff.
Some authorities say that the out of
the early monkish cloak was In the
form of n heart and that the figure
used today is but a representation or
picture of that portion of the old prel
ate's wearing apparel. The “spade” Is'
really a pike, or spearhead, and was
originally the trademark of the sol
diery, typifying the nobility of that very
Important branch of ancient “Indus
try.” The artisans In general were rep
resented by either a Mason’s arch or
by a diamond shaped roofing tile. The
former, being somewhat unhandy to
properly figure, gradually gave way to
the tile, which Is stHl used and called
"diamond" because of Its shape.
The farmers, or great class of agricul
tural laborers, were given their sym
bol, which was originally a wheat
head, or sheaf of wheat bound up with
the common straw band.. As clover
gradually became the chief forage
grass of the agriculturists, they adopt
ed a Slnglo leaf of that plant as their
card symbol. A figure of this useful
specieB of trefoil Is still used and Is
called a "club,” but why no one knows.
The four kings were originally Da
vid, Alexander, Caesar and Charle
magne, representing the four greatest
monarchies. Authorities differ as to
the queens, but the preponderance of
the evidence Is In favor of the opinion
that they are Arglne, Judith, Esther
and Pnllas. The knaves, or "Jacks,”
are supposed to he rude caricatures of
indent assassins, or general all
around villains, whose names have
been loat In the many centuries that
cards have been used In games of
chance and amusement.
Now, ladies, if you are
looking for “bargains,” sure
enough, come and look at my
new goods I have just got
in. Only a few thatTll men
Ladies’ Imported Needle
work Collars.
White Aprons, made of
good Lawn.
Ladies’ White Bretelle
Ladies’ W li i t e Lawn
Waists. ! -
Ladies’ Skirts, especially
the kind you will’want now,
while you are in the kitchen
and making your preserves,,
Come, arid look. 1 will
Save you money.
A Mountain of Gold
could not bring os much happiness to
Mrs. Luela Wilke, of Caroline, Wls., as
did one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
when It completely cured a running
sore on her leg, which had tortured
her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic
healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores,
2Ec at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store.
Asparagus stimulates the kidneys.
Wuter cress Is au excellent blood pu
Parsnips possess the same virtues as
Carrots are good for those having a
tendency to gout.
Celery coutnlns sulphur and helps to
ward off rheumatism.
Celery is a nerve tonic; onions als«
are a tonic for the nerves.
Tomatoes are good for n torpid liver,
but should be avoided by gouty people.
Beets are fattening and good for peo
ple who want to put'ou flesh; so are
Lettuce has a soothing effect oh the
nerves arid Is excellent for sufferers
from Insomnia.
Spinach h»B great aperient qualities
and Is far better than medicine for suf
ferers from constipation.
More News from ‘ the New England
If anyone has any doubt as to the
virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they
need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H.
Stimpson, of Wlllimantlo, Conn., who,
after almost losing hope of recovery,
on account of the failure of so many
remedies, finally trjed Foley’s Kidney
Cure, which he says was "just .the
thing” for him, as four bottles cured
him completely. He Is now entirely
well and free from all the Buffering In
cident to acute- kidney trouble. For
sale by HUsman-Srie Drug Co.
Flint Rock
It’s a Ginger Ale.
And there is no' fine for
using too much.
Made only by
u nil
Albany, Ga.
va gikvmmi;
D. Neuman,
Agent for May Manton Patterns.
< P.Browiv, ,a;w. Mom,
Prwrtdent. V.-Preridmil,
J. P. Munnurlyn, Ounhlur,
Albany National M
Jpouou BuhIhobb Sept. Oth, IPOO
SURPLUS. - - 16,000
Every facility In the banking busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposit!.
Office 30. Manager 112.
F. 0. Ticknoh, Manager.. ,
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead',
T. M. Carte-, A. W. Tucker,
Largest and Oldest' In
surance Agency in South
Georgia. Representing 25
of the, largest and strongest
Insurance Companies in
Insurance against Fire,
Lightningand WindStorms.
Large Lines, Special Haz
ards, Gin houses and coun
try property solicited.
v--i iSSlI
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the law
firm of Walters & Walttrs, composed
of Jesse W. Walters & Jesse W- Wal
ters, Jr., Is hereby mutually dissolved.
Formation of Partnership. ,
Notice Is hereby given pf the forma
tion of a partnership, fpr the-general
practice of law, tho Ann name to
Jesse W. Walters & 8ons, bring com
posed of Jesse W. Walters, Jesse W.
Walters, Jr., and J. Hllsinan Walters.