Newspaper Page Text
Correct Dress
The "Modem Method" system of
w~ *Tadc tailoring introduced by
L. E. Hays Sc Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
satisfies good dressers everywhere,
All Garments Made Strictly
to Your Measure
at moderate prices. ' 300 civics of foreign
and domestic fabrics from wfu’ch to choose. bv
8. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Ga.
■Ja.-" ■—
County of Dougherty, State of Georgia.
To the Superior Court of Bald County:
The potltlon of .1. Rosenberg, M. Ros
enberg and I, A. .Rosenberg, all or said
IftState and County, and A. Rosenberg
and Ike Rosenberg, of Plko County,
State of Alabama, respectfully shows:
1. That they dOBlre for themselves,
their aBBOclatcB, successors and as-
signs, to become incorporated under
the name and style of THE DOLLAR
2. That they desire to be so incor-
. porated for a term of Twenty (20)
YeafB, with the privilege of renewal at
, tho end of that tlmo.
8. That tho capital stock to be em
ployed by said corporation will bo Ton
Thousand Dollars ($10,000,00), divided
) ' inti
nto sliaros of tho denomination of One
Hundred DollarB ($100.00) each; and
that petitioners desire that said cor
poration Bhall have the right to In
i' croase said capital stock, from time to
tlmo, as may bo deemed expedient, to
any amount not 1 ' oxcoedlng, In (he ag
gregate, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,-
000.00), divided Into shaves of like de
I 4, That the whole of said capital
stock has already been actually paid
, B, That, tho object of tho proposed
corporation Is pecuniary gain and prof-
) It to Its stockholders.
0. That the particular business said
corporation will do nnd carry on will
bo a general dry goods business, con-
• slstlng In the buying and soiling, and
1 otherwise dealing In, nt wholesale or
retail, all ltlndB of dry goods, notions,
clothing, hats, shoes and nil such other
articles common to, nnd usually em
braced In, a general dry goods busi
ness, or profitably handled, or sold, In
connection therewith, or ns may bo for
the host Interests of said corporation.
‘ ¥ - ■
7. That petitioners desire that said
corporation shall' have the right, power
and authority, in Its aforosald nnmo,
to sue and ho sued, to contract and he
contracted with, to have, own nnd use
u common Beal, to mnko and ordain
' suitable rules arid by-laws for the regu
lation of Its bnslnoss, to borrow money
by way of note, deed, mortgage or
otherwise, to purchaso, have and own
both real and porsonnl property, nnd
to do lind perform all such other acts
as are, or may ho, necessary for tho or
ganisation of said corporation nnd tho
legltlnmto transaction of Its business.
8, Tlmt tho principal place of busi
ness and homo office of Raid corpora
tion will he In tho city of Albany,
Dougherty County: Georgia, and peti
tioners desire tho right reserved to
said corporation to establish and opor-
nte branch offices or places of business
In suph other plucos In or out or said
Stato of Goorgla as may ho duomod
proper and expedlont.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to ho
made a body corporate, under tho
namo and style aforesaid,, with the
powers nnd authority herein implied
for, ontltlod to tho rights, privileges
nnd immunities, and subject to tho lia
bilities fixed by law.
Petitioners’ Attorney.
Stato of Georgia, County of Dougherty.
Dougherty Superior Court 'Clerk’s,Of
I, H P. Hall, Clerk of tho Superior
Court of Dougherty County, do lioreby
certify that the above and foregoing
nppllontion for charter of The Dollnr
Store Co., Is a true and correct copy of
the original application this day Died
In this office and now of file therein.
This 1th day of May, 1806.
Clerk Dougherty Superior Court,
QEORGIA—Dougherty County:
Notico Is'hereby given that the Fi
delity & Deposit Co. of Maryland has
applied to tho Court of Ordinary of
said county to ho relieved ns surety
on tho bond of Mrs. Carrie Reynolds,
deceased, Guardian of Miss Jewel and
Willie Reynolds,
Let nil -pel-sous concerned show
cause, If any, before me at the
next term of the Court of Ordinary, In
and for said County, to he held on the
first Monday In Juno, 1906, at the
courthouse In said county, why said
application should not be granted.
This 12th day of May, 1906.
£12-4 Shte
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P„ $54; 2 H. P„ $60; 3
H. P„ $70; 5 H. P„ $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
, 105 Broad St., Phone 415.
New York, May 26.—As June ap
proaches a great deal of attention Is
being given to the June bride. The
wedding-gown hardly admit* of much
originality of , defelgb, for white satin
and point lace have from the begin
ning been the orthodox materials.
However, there has lately been a ten
dency to new departure, and allk chit
fon has been much employed.
Yet for an elaborate wedding gown
nothing can be more effective than tho
white satin and brocade combinations.
They are certainly rich and, stately,
though they may not be so*universally
becoming as the softer chiffon and
lace creations.
- Accordion plaited chiffon veiled In
filmy lace makes a dream of a dreBS,
while a creation of lace, chiffon and
satin is still more charming. One of
the new Ideas Is a wedding gown made
with a removable train. The founda
tion dress Is complete In Itself and
can be utilized for an evening gown
by removing the train.
A charming design was shown by a
leading house. It was of white chif
fon with lace flounces and a court
train of white satin. The waist was
of satin and chiffon with yoke and
front of lace, tho sleeves a combina
tion of satin, lace and chlffoh and the
veil of tulle with a lnce edge.
Another style of wedding gown- be
coming to a slender figure Is made
with a plaited chiffon skirt and a
prlnoesB overdress of white satin with
a deep lace yoke and revers and cuffs
of lnce.
Lace veils are not apt to be becom-
lrtfe, but tulle veils are exceedingly so
and are more generally used. There
is n certain pleasure and eclat In wear
ing the lace veil that belonged to one’s
mother or grandmother, but It often Is
Inclined to hang most awkwardly In
stiff straight lines. So the bride not
blossed with such nn heirloom can
well console herself with the beauty
and grace of tulle. The mode of hair
dressing also Is of Importance. If
possible the pompadour should be
chosen, us It formB n better foundation
for tho wreath or half-wreath.
After the wedding gown comes the
ctolng-awny costume, or the traveling
dress. Formerly it was the. fashion to
have this severely plain and built on
utilitarian lines. But of late years a
now Idea has come Into favor and the
grays and browns In tailor fashions
bnvn given place to more elaborate
patterns. A light-weight veiling makes
a most satisfactory model. One of
these was of the favorite Alice blue,
trimmed with black satin. The Jacket
was short and double-breasted, trimmed
with velvet to match tho sldrt nnd
with a close row of flat gold buttons.
This costume Is also equally desirable
In gray, tnn oi‘ old rise.
As for hats for the trousseau, al
most nil shapes and sizes may be se
lected and nil worn and still be In the
fnshlon, Some of the hats are so
small they are hardly more than head
dresses. Others nro largo nnd pic
turesquo, nnd still others nre fash
loned like the coal-scuttle bonnet of
olden times. Ribbon and flowers are
used In profusion. Flowers en masse
nro tho favorite trimmings, tho’ n now
departure since tho real flowers arc
with (is are the wings of all sizes and
shapes seen In such quantities thnt It
almost seems as tho’ the feminine
world were about to take flight.
A charming hat, forming part of a
trousseau and to be worn with- the
traveling gown, was of rough black
straw. It had a twist of pale green
ribbon around the crown, while across
the hack and over the crown was a
mass of deep pink roses. Of the run
about hats In this same trousseau were
two that were particularly pretty. One
was smallVnnd close In shape, a sort
of turban outline. It was of dark cof
fee brown With brown ribbons and a
lmnch of small dark red roses on one
side of the front toward the forehead.
The other hat was wide brimmed of
rough wlilto straw with pure white
ribbons In loops nnd twists about the
crown nnd two long ends at the back
hanging below the waist. This was
designed to be worn with any of the
pretty muslins which were made up
by the dozen for this most fortunate
bride. -w
These muslins were of the charm
ing shades of color so attractive this
season. Some of them were what is
known as border muslins and these
had sashes to match the borders.
There wore also several pure white
frocks. These, tho’ simple In design,
were really most expensive, the ma
terial being fine and the trimming
costly. In trimming muslins, whether
white or colored, attention should be
-given to the lace chosen for edgings.
To wash well It should be fine, yet
firm. There is really nothing better
than Valenciennes., There nre a num
ber of attractive lmttatlons suitable
to use for passing fsshlonq and very
effective as trimming. Little boleros
of lace are to he seen In the shop
windows. These give a oharming
touch to either a silk or muslin toilet.
Another becoming finish Is the fichu,
any material. These fichus are not to
be worn Indiscriminately. They aVe
more especially designed for the slen
der and Mouthful figure, and therefore
will not be universally adopted.
Blouse patterns, unmade, are shown
this spring In exquisite design, and
some women believe that by buying
and having them made and fitted to
order, they obtain more satisfactory
results for less money than they do in
buying ready-made blouses. But the
ready-made models of the finer type
are lovely enough this season to please
even the most, fastidious.
When embroidery Is the principal
feature of. the blouse ornamentation,
Valenciennes Is often the only lace
associated with It, or perhaps Cluny is
the one lace chosen. Elbow Bleeves
are. upon a-largo majority of the dress
blouses, but usually come below the
elbow, ending In a close-fitting band
or little frills, and If they end above
the point of the elbow, deeper frills
cover the elbow. The blouse even at
Its best is only Informal or deml-
tollette, and sleeves for such wear
should cover the elbow point.
The Argument of the Wager In Treas
urer’* Race.
8peclal to The Herald.
Savannah, Ga., May 25.—The Savan
nah politicians and gamblers have be
gun early with the argument of the
wager. This morning It was an
nounced that there la $1,000 at Israel's
pool rooms to be placed even that C.
H. Carson will beat Waring Russell
for county treasurer. It was stated
later In the day that arrangements
would be made to take this bet. It Is
believed that it will be covered before
the day is gone as both sldeB seem to
be supplied with much ready cash.
is her nature to love
and want them
iisti;uch so as it is
to love the beau
tiful and pure.
The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass,
however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the
very thought of it fills her with upprehension and horror. There is no
necessity for the reproduction of life to he either painful or dangerous.
The use of Mother’s Friend so prepares the system fortlie comiiigevent
that it is safely passed without any danger. This great nnd wonderful
remedy is always ap- jam . — £j
fiied externally, and jOSKrs e® —“a ”
las carried thousands
of women through the
trying crisis without suffering. flj.ii—
Send fnr free bonk containing information of
priceless value to all expectant mothers.
The Bradfiold Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga.
Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don’t
get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys-
pensia Cure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitating and
frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Not Abandoned, and Will Probably
Be Taken This 3ummer.
Tho Idea that a census of Albany
would be a good thing- for the town
has not been forgotten or even aban
doned. At Intervals may still be heard
expressions of a hope that in the very
near future the census will be ordered
by the city authorities.
The matter has been discussed at
several meetings of the city council,
and the idea alwayB expressed by the
aldermen was that some time during
the present summer an enumeration of
residents of the community would be
directed. That the matter will be defi
nitely acted upon In the near future is
not doubted.
There are more people living In Al
bany today than there have ever been.
Tlielr number 1b rapidly Increasing.
More territory has recently been taken
in, and the old portion of the city has
built-up In a remarkable manner.
A census would not only occasion a
great deal of satisfaction to the public,
but would be valuable to the city. The
last census was taken six years ago,
and since that time Albany’s popula
tion has nearly or quite doubled. Still,
the figures of the census of 1900 are
the only ones available when investi
gation:; about Albany's standing among
the cities of Georgia are being made.
as long as I have been, has -certainly
qualified me, and justly my claim to
the title of
so’that when your vision troubles you,
the best and simplest way out Is to
place yourself in my hands for treat
ment. I vfm not only help your vision,
but I’ll Improve your appearance with
correctly-fitted lenses and frames. I
have a complete OPTICAL stock to
select from.
Examinations are FREE. SEE!
Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason,
And Albany’s Leading Opttclap
Davis Exchange Bank Building.
Monday, May 28. Limit seven days In
Tampa. Rate $5 round trip from Al
bany. Leave Albany 4 p. m.; arrive
Tampa next morning 7 a. m. Trains
consist of elegant day coaches and
sleeping cars. For Information see
agent or address.
T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A.,
14-12t Thomasville, Ga.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood In the home of J. W.
Williams, a well-known merchant of
Bno, ICy. He writes: “Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery.
It completely cured me and I have re
mained well ever since.’’ It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set
tled Coldq and Brdnchltls, and Is the
only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co., Druggists. 60c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
A .1mine's Advice.
Recently a retired English judge was
asked what was tho most prominent
conviction that remained with him aft-
eif his long Judicial experience, and he
Is said to have replied, “That every
means should be tried for the settle
ment of a dispute before It be taken
to tbe law courts."
Arrival and Departure of Train* at
Albany, Ga.
In Effect Jail. 8, 1906.
For Dothan, Floralla and Look-
hart 7:45 am
For Dothan, Florala and Look-
hart ’, 3:50 pm
For Macon. Atlanta, Augus
ta, Columbus, Savannah.. 4:05am
For Macon, Atlanta, Colum-
bUB, Montgomery, Troy... .11:54 am
For Macon, Atlanta, Savan
nah 9:00 pm
From Lockhart, Florala and
Dothan 8:46 pm
From Lockhart, Florala and
Dothan 11:40 am
From Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am
From Montgomery, Troy. Co
lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm
From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma
con, Montgomery, Colum
bus 11:30 pm
Drawing room Bleeping ears be
tween Albany and Atlanta on trains
arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and
leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parlor
car between Albany and Atlanta on
train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p
m. and leaving Albany at 11:64 a. m
For further Information apply to S:
A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent *01
R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, AJ
oany, Ga
J. S. Davis.
T. W. Ventulett
Fortunate Missourians.
"When I was a druggist, at Livonia,
Mo„" writes T. J. Dwyer, now of _ _
Graysville, Mo„ “three of my custom- J, DAVIS Ox LU.
ers were permanently cured of con
sumption by Dr. King’s New Discov
ery, and are well and strong today.
One was trying to soil his property
and move to Arizona, but after using
New Discovery a short time he found
It unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr.
King's New Discovery as the most
wonderful medicine in existence.” Sur
est Cough and Cold cure and Throat
and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Al
bany Drug Co., druggists. 60c and $1.
Trial bottle free.
Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
Office—Ventulett Building.
-8—'Phone*—343 -88—122—:—
Via Central of Georgia Railway—Sum
mer Excursion Tickets.
To the Seashore, Mountain and Lake
Resorts In the North, South, East and
West are now on sale.
A trip by Rail and Sail to New York,
Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and
points in the East via Savannah and
Steamship Lines, Is to be considered
at this season.
Tickets are now on sale at all cou
pon ticket offices. For rates, sched
ules, etc., apply to any agent or repre
sentative of the Central of Georgia
Railway, or R. S. MORRIS, Commer
cial Agent, Albany, Ga.
The late Marshall Field, ttyit great rnerch-
frlghtenlng— .....
“my feet are All right, but what I want you
to do is to tell mo all about my art’ll feet.” To
and the morcel wave a specialty.
X/se the T^ell
The Bell-Telephone represents a coming
together, in fortunate and economic combina- •
tion, of helpful and useful conditions.
Do you think you can afford to be without
this instrument of convenience and valuable
Remain, at home and use the Bell Tele
phone to make or break engagements, buy,
sell, order.
Call Contract Department, No. 400
Southern 'Bell Telephone
and Telegraph Company
You can fully realize the meaning
of couch comfort when you take your
rest on one of Couches. ^Ve have a
big line of Couches, Davenports and
Folding Cots, and our prices are low.
Buy Now; Pay Later.
Housefurnishing' Co.
be worried almost to death with corns, bun
ions, ingrowing nails and perspiring feet is
absolutely unnecessary. 1 remove them in
stantly without pain or blood. It Is a most
pleasing; experience. Twenty-live cents a
corn and It does not hurt a speck. Strictly
antiseptic. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS.
Surgeon Chiropodiat-Massacer-Samaria.
Telephone *32 Thomasuille, Ga.
P. S—Dr; Williams offers 56 reward for an
Ingrowing nail he cannotcuro without paiu.
Mrs. Williams does dainty manicure, mas
sage and hair dressing Scalp treatment
odf * '*
6 Per Cent. Farm Loans.
Room 811 Davis-Exchange Bank
*"■ , Ga.
Building, Albany,
immediately cures
Br«m up COLDS
In Gto 22 Hours
THi) Stale, At Dr* Stem
W ----- '