Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1906.
Silver and Cut Glass for
June Weddings
Of course, there’ll be June
weddings—there always are.
And, of course, there’ll be
presents to buy for the pretty
June brides.
It is especially opportune,
|* therefore, 1 for us to call at
tention here to the fact that
throughout the elegant H., J.
& Co. stock of fine Sterling
Silver and rich Cut Class, the
Dissolution Sale prices pre
vail. '
The extremely reasonable
prices at which H., J. & Co.
have always sold these goods
have been liberally reduced
for this big sale. The conse
quence is that these stocks
offer values which can not
be equalled in the state.
Better Supply Your Wants During This Sale and Be
Glad of It, Than to Be Sorry You Didn 9 t
One thing the buying public is unanimous on; and that is that the Dissolution Sale of the great
H., J. & Co. 1906 Spring and Summer stock combines more quality of goods and liberality of reductions
than any sale ever conducted in South Georgia. This, of course, means bigger values — values that
appeal, not only through their low price, but also through their high quality.
Albany has been in existence about 70 years. This is the first sale in the city’s history in which
such reductions have been marked on so magnificent a stock in its entirety. Probably another 70 years
will roll around before history will repeat itself. Indeed, it is the chance of'a fife time.
It is difficult to select from the multitudinous number of matchless values a few samples for enu
meration which can give any satisfactory idea of what this sale can save you. There’s only one way
for you to get the most out of this big saving opportunity. Come to the store. Study carefully the
values offered, and buy what is best suited to your needs and your purse. We want to help you do
this, and we hope you will accept this as an earnest invitation to carry out this suggestion.
Four Interesting Specials in
Men’s- Handkerchiefs
Where’s the man who has
enough handkerchiefs? But
if you’ve enough for present
needs it would be only the
part of wisdom to lay in a
future supply at these prices.
Men’s good quality extra
size hemstitched White
Handkerchiefs. Worth
12y ? c each. Offered' in
this sale at 90c doz.
Men’s fine quality Cambric
hemstitched white hand
kerchiefs, full size, good
15c value, only 10c
Men’s All Pure Linen
Handkerchiefs, nice,
smooth quality, narrow
or wide hems. Good 20c /
value. Special at... 12j4c
All other Men’s Handker
chiefs similarly cut.
Ladies’ Handkerchief
200 dozen good Cambric,
hemstitched Handker
chiefs, popular size. Spe
cial at .45c doz.
Lot Ladies’ All - Linen
Handkerchiefs ... 50c doz.
Men’s Washable
Exquisite line new Wash
able wide Four-in-hands
and popular Windsor-
ettes, new and nobby.
•Dissolution Sale Spe
cial prices 25c 45c
Beautiful Line China and Jap
Matting for Less
Almost everyone is familiar with
the excellent line of Mattings carried
by H., J. & Co., fully worthy of “The
Quality Store.” All have been reduced,
but this week we offer unusually attrac
tive values at 19c, 22j4c, 27J4c
Nainsook Drawers
SOc Value at 39c
Large lot Men’s Checked
Nainsook Drawers, elas
tic seams, regularly
made. Excellent 50-cent
quality. Dissolution
Sale price only 39c
Men’s Fancy Socks
Special at 22c
Unusually attractive line
of Men’s Fancy Socks.
Large assortment to se
lect from. Splendid
quality. Worth 35c.
Now 22c
The Quality
Successors to
Hofmayer, Jones & Company
The Quality
That’s the kind you have gushing from our
fountain these days.
Better visit our magnificent soda parlor and
try one of these pure, sparkling sodas. They are
made of real fruit juices, sugar and filtered, spark
ling,. corbonated water cooled to just the most
agreeable degree of coldness.
If you are particular what you drink this is
the place to come. You’ll like our perfect, expert
service and oilr clean inviting looking fountain
and accessories will also appeal to you.
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone 75.
. . And . .
Repair Work.
c Vtc Bacon Equipment Co.
Shops—Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 Davis-Exchange BaukjBuilding.
The Kitchen Plumbing
is probably the most important In the
house. Is yours all right, or does It
take streaks? If It doesn’t work just
right all the time, better send for us.
We know
The tubs, the faucets, the hot water
boiler. We car. make them right ns
can be. And we will promise not to
muss up your kitchen while doing It.
That’s something you will appreciate,
wo know.
Diplomas, Certificates of Proficiency
and Promotion Cards Delivered.
The closing exercises’of the Albany
Academy took placo this morning at
*10 o’clock at the academy. The exer
cises, while not elaborate, were all the
more impressive, on account of tliolr
simplicity. Owing to the lack of prop
er' accommodations there were not
many visitors, and for the same rea
son no program was elaborately pre
pared beforehand.
At 9 o’clock all the pupils of the
schools marched to the principal’s of
fice, where they received their promo
tion cards. The high school then as
sembled in the Tenth and Eleventh
grade room, where the exercises prop
er wore conducted. The Rev. Thomas
Thomson opened the exercises with
prayer. The program consisted of
readings by a few of the pupils, with
music between the selections. While
very simple, the program was well
carried out, and the pupils acqilltted
themselves with credit.
At the conclusion* Prof. Barwick
made a short address, In which he
urged that character be the first aim
of these young people. His whole
speech Was a plea for the sort of suc
cess that emanates from the heart
and which is the result of well directed
ability. It was a strong and logical
address and was attentively listened
Mayor Rawson, in a short but happy
speech, presented the diplomas to the
graduating class.
Leonard Farkas received a complete
diploma, and Missds Susie Brown and
Lizzie Wallis certificates of profici
A remarkable record was made dur
ing the term by Miss Fannie Scott,
who has not missed n day from her
studies, has not bpen tardy once or
received a demerit. This young lady
has also taken a very high stand in
all her classes.
Mr. L. E. Welch, school commis
sioner, made an impressive speech to
the class, and the. exercises were con
cluded with a vocal selection by the
entire school.
Th*e success of the school this year
has been marked, and with better ac
commodations and increased facilities
even better things are expected next
Weather Forecast.
The following is the weather fore
cast for the state of Georgia for the
next twenty-four hours:
Partly .cloudy tonight, showers in
west portion; Saturday, showers, cool
er in east portion.
Locql Weather Observations.
The following record of meteorologi-
cal observations taken by the local
co-operative observer of the Weather
Bureau of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture for the twenty-
four hours ending at 7 o’clock, this
morning is published for the Informa
tion of the public:
Maximum temperature. 94.00
Minimum temperature 69.00
Mean temperature. 81.50
Precipitation. 00
River f. 2.70
To the Georgia Railroad Commission.
Alleged Discrimination.
Fall ....
Wind. . .
Volunteer Observer.
Excursion to Columbus via Seaboard
Air Line Railway.
Don’t forget the excursion to Colum
bus on Monday, June 11. Special train
leaves at 7:30 a. m. Only $1.26 for the
round trip. 1-2-4-6-8-9
Only $1.25 for tlie round trip to Co
lumbus on Monday, June 11. Special
train leaves 7:30 a. m. via Seaboard
Air Line railway. 1-2-4-6-8-9
If you are troubled: with Piles and
can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel
Salve, but be sure you get that made
by E. C. DeWltt, of Chicago. It Is the
Original. If you have used Witch
Hazel Salve without being relieved It
Is probable thnt you got hold of one
of the many worthless counterfeits
thnt are sold on the reputation of the
genuine DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold by Albany Drug Co.. Hllsman-Sale
Drug Go.
Col. Buford M. Davis Dead.
News was received In the elty this
morning of the death at his home In
Macon of Col. Buford M. Davis, one of
the most prominent lawyers of Middle
Georgia and a man well known In this
part of the state.
Mr. Davis had been in bad health
for some time, nervous prostration
having followed other Ills with which
he had wrestled. For several days
prldr to hlB death it was feared that
he would never leave hts bed, and the
sad news of his death was therefore
not a surprise.
Col. Davis was a brother to Mrs.
Jesse W. Walters, Mrs. W. W. Pace
and Mr. C. R. Davis, of Albany, who
have gone to Macon to attend the fun
eral. They have the sincere sympathy
of the people of Albany in their be
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of
clpgged bowels and torpid liver, until
constipation becomes chronic. This
condition Is unknown to those who
use Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the best
and gentlest regulators of Stomach
and Bowels. Guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co. Price, 25c.
. Reliable Footwear.
If you are looking for a pair of shoes
you can wear from the first, without
the unpleasant “breaking-ln" process,
read the ad of A. F. Churchwell in this
Death From Lockjaw
never follows an injury dressed with
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Its antisep
tic properties preveat blood poison-
blood poisoning, Chas. Oswald, mer
chant, of Rensselaersville, N. Y.,
writes: “It cured Seth Burch, of this
place, of the ugliest sore on his neck
lever saw.” Cures Cuts. Wounds,
Burns and Sores. 25c at Albany Drug
Special to The Herald.
' Atlanta, Ga., June 1.—The Georgia
Retail Marble Dealers’ Association ap
peared before the' Georgia Railroad
Commission yesterday and asked for a
50 per cent, reduction In freight rates
from the North Georgia marble quar
ries to points in Georgia. The associ
ation says that marble can be brought 1
into Georgia from Vermont cheaper i
than It can be shipped from state
quarries to other points within Geor-|
gla. The commission has taken the |
petition of the marble men under ad-|
vlsement. j
Keep them out with our wire screen;
windows and doors. , Complete stock j
on hand. ' C. D. SMITH.
Thirty prominent Albanian
fined for using too much
Serves them right, they
should use
Flint Rock
It’s a Ginger Ale.
And there is no fine for
using too much.
Made only by]
Albany, Ga..
One of the building blocks that build buildings that stand.
Ifh a Miracle staggered air space. Ask the architect.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
If you haven’t done so, isn’t it about
time you looked to your summer un
derwear? We have an unusually com
plete line to suit the season and you.
Balbrigga'n, lisle, nainsook, 'net,
India crepe and Sea Island cotton, in
a great, variety of designs and styles
Long or knee drawers to match.
25c to $1.00 a Garment.
C. R. Davis & Co.