Newspaper Page Text
"O, Mr. Lavender, you’re so mod
est.”—Miss Gush on being presented.
But he Is, too. Strange, strange!
Attorneys-at-Law, Bayers
The sacrifice hitters were all the go.
Scott got two, Stewart two, and Rea
gan one. Who taught them how to
Sellers or Real Estate.
one up agalnBt the fence, but Lane
staggered to It. A clear case of lar-
Cawthorn was In rather nice shape
catching and shows that something
different will be the watchword from'
now on. ■
The fielding of the Cordele club waB
good In the extreme. They have, a
way of pulling out of the tight places
that some of the rest of the teams
don’t. Harbdr, In spite of two errors,
pulled off the best play made yester
day. It was a double and not on a
pop fly, either. He stabbed a "too hot
to handle,” and touching the second
Well, we ain't being carried to the
top on flowery beds of ease. What we
get we work for. Also for that that
Isn’t gotten, which Is most of the show
right now.
Lost It In the Fourth—Ral
lied in the Next and Al
most Tied—“Kid”. Nunley
Hit It for Three Bases.
With the Exception of the
One Bad Inning, Had Cor
dele Outclassed — Laven
der Was Hit Hard—Score,
"Marla, I love you; let me tell you
the old, old story.”
“O, George, If you love me, don't tell
me that Albany has lost again.”—At
6:30 p. m. .
Harry Eldred got a liner that made
the echoes ring, only there weren’t
any to ring. It was an ”1 Love My
Lou” kind.
“Lavender and Old Lace.”—The en
emy’s battery. It Isn’t Old Lazy, any
way. The way Harwood worked to
get them out of the hole yesterday
was actually heart-moving.
Waycross-Valdosta, rain.
Albany, 5; Cordele, 6.
Columbus, 5; Amerlcus, 7.
Cordele at Albany, >
Columbus at Amerlcus.
Waycross at Valdosta,
Lane was very grandstandy once. A
high fly came to him. There was plen
ty of chances to grab It with both
paws, but he put up the left only. Got
It and the unthinking cheered. If he
had missed It they would have jeered.
Reductions On
We have five plan
tations within a few
miles of Albany for
sale at reasonable
That double In which Harber fig
ured made the watchers breathless.
It was "a spur of the moment” play,
the head work being all dependent on
the physical exhilaration that a clean
pickup makes on the Impressionable
mind of a ball player In fast action.
Innings— 123 460 789—R. H. I
Amerlcus 010 030 102— 7.8 :
Columbus 102 000 300— 6 6 -
Batteujes— Walen and Steven3
Weaver and Hessler.
Richards slid a slid. It was in,the
fourth, and It meant the first run. He
oughtn’t to have tried to come In, but
ho did. Harwood had singled while
Rich was on second,
and It was a
scratch he couldn't well make two.
But the legs of the sliding one swung
In a circle and his hands grabbed the
plate. -If Cawthorn touched him all he
could have touched was his hands.
The rest wasn’t in the game. You
was certainly a slldder, Mr. Richards.
Outhit and outflelded them, and then
lost. With the exception of that fatal
fourth inning when the Cordele crowd
made five runs, three of them on one
wild throw, the team was all there.
And on account of that they lost.
Lavender was hit'for twelve, four of
them being the’ work of the split ci
pher gentleman known as Boyd—and
Cordele wandered 1 in the error column
once more than the Climbers. Stih
that lead of five was too much.
Until the fourth the score was noth
ing, nothing. Then by a hit, a sacri
fice, a presented one and another hit,
the enemy scored.
We also have
number of .impro\
lots in the city
Albany for sale.
1 ’ll see. In the shadowy future the au-
* rora face of victory. Her effulgent fea
tures beckon, I will take up my bed .
1 and look her up. It’s hard to get an
1 Introduction to the old cuss, though,:
if she did use to be a lady. When wfts. J
1 that? Why, when I took a series away L
1 fronTCordele In ‘ Cordele wubet; J She. |
1 and mel.were Mends then, but*1 must !
a said something to hurt her feelings".'
She’s keeping company with another
fellow now. ' His name Is Crlspunsr’-'.
Overheard at the bedside of the Al
bany ball team.
This is the time of the year when
every mother wants her baby to get as
much fresh air as possible.
We can make this not only possi
ble, but profitable too, if you will let
us sell you one of tlje beautiful folding
we have just received. They are beau
ties, - everyone, and at unusually low
prices. ,
In the next they
got five, and the telling of jt is too sad
to dole out. Suffice to say there were
two errors, two sacrifices, three hits
and five runs. One of these same er
rors was a wild throw, and on It three
runs were scored. The “Crispians," as
they have styled themselves, were not
to taste again In this game the delight
of another one. It looked like a shut-
cut for us, but it wasn't. Pour were
Via Central of Georgia Railway—Sum-
mer Excursion Tickets.
on the corner of Pine
and Madison streets.
This is an extra good
bargain at the price
asked. If interested,
see us at once.
To the Seashore, Mountain and Lake
Resorts In the North, South, East and
West are now on sale.
A trip by Rail and Sail to New York,
Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and
points In the East via Savannah and
Steamship Lines, Is to be considered
at this season.
Tickets are now on sale at all cou
pon ticket offices. For rates, sched
ules, etc., apply to any agent or repre
sentative of the Central of Georgia
Railway, or C. A. DEWBERRY, T. P.
A., Albany, Ga.
cause of this. He handled several that
looked like wild pitches ryhen the
bases were full.'
Mention must be made in letters
large of the work of Bovd. Five times
up, four hits. He Is beginning to be
a terror to even the Lavenderish pitch
ers. And Nunley brought In three
runs with that three-sack hit. There
was yelling In plenty. The hard-
We Are Living in an
Age of Graft and Trickery
Beware of the un
scrupulous imitators.
Beer consumers are
entitled to what they
pay for and we hereby
caution everyone to ask
to see the seal of tiie
bottle before it is opened
so as to insure the pur
chaser that he is getting
what he calls for. Our
beers are protected by
seals with our registered
trade mark on every
seal so is that of every
self-respecting brewery.
Ask to see the seal of
your favorite brand and
thus avoid deception.
Yours for square deal,
Agt. Chattanooga Brew
ing Co.
by “position," playing about fifteen
feet behind the Infield on one of Har-
ber's would-be Texas' leaguers. And
it would have been, too, but the Ob-
serving One had noticed that Harber
had a weakness for this sort of thing
and played where the horse-hide came.
And Nolley ought to have won. His
was an 8-hlt affair against Lavender’s
12-swat one. Such things can’t be
helped, though. The Providence that
looks after the luck of Lavender was
getting In its good licks.
Slner made a pick-up and impossible
assist that.brought the watching ones
to their hoofs, and showed by a neat
pinch hit that he even likes to tap It
more than gentry. . Nunley put
Nunley, the Nocking Kid,
His other name
Alas, poor Yorick!
Is Cordele.
A True Laxative. Takes the place of Calomel.
The liver is the great filtering apparatus of the
system. It filters the poison-loaded bile out of the
blood and discharges part of it from the body. When
the liver fails to do this work, then the bile passes
through into the general circulation and' begins its
■poisonous work. Eventually it settles and fastens
itself at some point, which location may be far away
from the .liver; yet it is stagnation or congestion of
the liver which is the immediate cause of the Whole
trouble. The only way to help a disordered liver is
to treat it as the human filter.
Laxo invigorates and stimulates this most im
portant organ.
LAXO is a certain Cure for habitual constipa
35c a Bottle.
“I eat pop bunts and then double at
Bt." Kredt, Mr. Klrkham.
Boyd, the Bent Legged, Noxed, too.
Four out of five—1800.
“Yes, I was certainly scared,
to himself by the Lavender.
In all their dreams her fair face
glmeas, but when its daytime the fickle
Jade, Miss Fortune, Isn’t at home.
T omorrow
ny vs. Cordele
Estray Notice.
I have taken up at my lot, corner
State and MadlBon streets, and now
have at 247 Broad street, one light
colored milch cow. Owner may recov
er same by paying damages and cost
of this notice.
Rooms 3, 4 and S," Hobbs Building.
Phone 408.
Harber, ss. ..
. ,6 1 2 1 2 2
Scott, lb. ..
2 I 0 8 0 2
Reagan, 2b. .
4 1 1 1 2 0
Richards, 3b.
6 2 2 1 '0 0
Stewart, of. .
2 1 0 4 1 0
Lane, rf
..3 0 1 2 0 0
Deyo, If
3 0 0 1 0 0
Harwood, c. .
4 0 1 9 0 2
Lavender, p.
3 0 T 0 2 1
- Total
30 6 S 27 7 6
Boyd, If. . .....
6, 1 4 1 0 0
KirJjhahi, 3b.
• •,. tv. 3 1 0 3 2 1
Slner, ss
.4 1 0
Nunley, cf. ..
s 'o 2 3 o o
Snodgrass, lb
4 0 lfl'2 1
Eldred, 2b. ..
6 0 1 1 0 0
Donahue, rf.
61 0- 1-0 0
Cawthorn, c.
....... 4 0 2 6 0 0
Nolley, p. ...
3 1 1 0 3 1
34 6 12 27 11 4
Earned Runs—Albany, 2; Cordele, 2.
Stolen Bases—Cawthorn, Snodgrass,
Scott (2), Stewart (2),
Three-base Hits—Nunley.
Two-base Hit—Lane.
First Base on Balls—Nolley, 3; Lav-
ender, 1.
Struck Out-
—By Nolley, 6; by Lav-
ender, 7.
Left on Bases—Albany, 8; Cordele,
Double Plays—Harber to Scott,
Klrkham to
Snodgrass, Stewart to
Wild Pitches—Nolley, 2.
First Base
on Errors—Albany, 4;
Cordele, 2.
Time 1:46.
Umpire, McGrath. At-
tendance 260.