Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
•m P
Beating the Fifteen Puizle.
A widower and son courted
*nd marri-d a widow and
daughter, the son marrying the
mother and the father the
daughter. Gan you explain the
relationship all round?
A stagger can be made at it
anyhow. It had better be star¬
ted with a diagrams
Widow. Widower,
Daughter. Sou,
The sawbuck arrangement
is rather difficult of solution.
When the widower married
the daughter he became father
in-law to the widow, who was
his daughter-in-law; or in other
words, was father in law to his
own mother in law. Do you
gfaap? His wife became the
stepmother of her son in law
who was in fact her half broth¬
er, being the full son of his fa¬
ther, her husband. Tbe sod
and widow, who married with
out the aid of a net, caused a
complication somewhat like the
When the son married
widow he became tbe father in
law of bis own father, because
his wife was his father’s
mother. (Would you like
whiff of the smelling salts?) Py
this last marriage the son
came the step father of his
mother, who was his
daughter Touching tbe wid¬
ow, she is the mother of
dauhter and is also the daugh¬
ter in law of her daughter,
who so recently became her
mother in law.
The widow is likewise the
daughter in law of her hus¬
band’s father, who, it cannot
be denied, is her son in law, by
being her daughters husband,
by marrying the widow the
son became the son in law of
her mother, for the reason that
she was the wife of his fathei
When the son married the wid
ow he became the father of his
father's wife, his half sister, his
own daughter, because she
was the daughter of bis own
wife. [Are you still alive?]
Referring to the old man for
few minutes, it would
that when he married
daughter he became his
wife’s son in law, that lady,
must not be forgotten,
also his daughter in law,
though the mother of
Tbe father’s wife, as step¬
mother to bis children, was
therefore stepmother to
mother and stepfather, the
latter being the son of hei
husband. Supposing, if you
are not tired, that the son was
blessed with a girl baby; then
ordinarily she would be the
father’s grandchild, but in this
instance, the old man being eon
in law to the son, he in addi¬
tion to being its grand lather,
is a half brother to the infant,
and the child is half sister to
its grandmother.—From the
St faul Globe.
N«w _ —. York, . April a -i -it 17.-—ALr. tit
Joseph * PuKtzer has sent the
chairman , . of e the ., American . . com
tuittee of tbe statue of liberty
I. ch*'ck for s»«00ee a tot
him ailment of the popular sub
sciiption being raised by tbe
ykmfiB .
A trustee of the Providence
library has gathered in*
a scrapbook the adventures
the boys who read dime
and has made it his
to ask the boys on»*
one who are interested in
stories to spend an hoar
two in reading, not the im¬
story, but the way in
the small boy has at¬
to realize how boys
to live, and what they
to be allowed to do. It
said that the dime novel boy
reads the scrapbook,
is rapidly increasing in
as the fresh exploits of the
novel adventures are ad¬
to it, about two hours. He
lays it down in disgust,
nothing can induce him to
to those stories again.
asks the person in charge
jf the reading room for a better
of books.
Senator Mahone is boiling
with rage boesuse bis son,
Butler, was indicted under a
half dozen aliases for assaulting
colored waiter at Welker’s.
He says that only common
criminals are indicted under
aliases, and that his son ought
to be treated like a gentleman
and indicted under but one
name. He will appeal to the
attorney-general for redress,
and will probably get none.
President Cleveland lately
received calls from a beautiful
Russian lady and her brother.
She was tall and picturesque,
with golden hair, and was
born in Jerusalem. “They call
me at home ‘Jerusalem the
Golden,’ and sometimes ‘The
New Jerusalen,” she sweetly
Washington, April 18.—Tbe
publishes a report that
president has offered the
Mancherter consulship, which
refused by Editor Howell,
tbe Atlanta Constitution, to
E J Hale, of North Car¬
Hale was pressed by
delegation for the Belgian
Newark, N. J., April 18.-—
was easier
night than he has been for
tbe past ten days. He had so
far recovered bis strength in
the afternoon as to be able to
rise from his bed.
Berlin, April 19.—It is re¬
ported that the natives of the
Hermit islands, in the Pacific
ocean, have eaten the crews
two German merchant vessels.
The gunboat Hyena has been
sent to punish the cannibals.
A tombstone over the grave
of a lady in the city cemetery,
of Dawson, was levied on tbe
day. It (narks the last
resting place ot the first wife
of a uortn Georgia man
London. April 19.—Queen
Victoria sent a wreath of prim¬
roses to be placed upon the
giaveofLod Beacousfield to
day, this being the fourth anni¬
versary of his death.
Recently Hon. T Mckinney
ex-congressman of Ohio was
convicted ...... of having received . .
excessive fees for collecting
nKri8 peusions. i on „
* * *
London, April 18.—The
Wao. of Wale, will leave Ire
land on April 27. departing
from Carrickiergus % Ed
d - •>,. -1 '
An eccentric man by the
of Connor selected him
a home amid the stctfp hills
two miles east of Canton
about a half mile from any
At the foot of a very
hill, about ninety de¬
he dug a square out of
side of the hill, about twen
feet wide, running into the
till the furthest wall was
about eighteen feet from the
to the top. There he cut
out of this wall a fire place and
made a hole like a 'small well
to the top of the hill for chim¬
ney flue. He fastened up the
sides and top with split pine
boards. Here he and his wile
with two. children, lived for
years, no one knows hom%Some
times the house is vacated; no
one knows were he goes. „ No¬
body ever sees him or any
the family.
Gen. Grant is rapidly im
proving, being able to ride two
dayssince. Now the enquiry
is about the doctors. It is
hoped they will recove. They
are at present tolerably well.
Gen. Wright is authority for
the statement that ‘a young
lawyer is tbe smartest thing in
the world, except a young wid¬
It seems that General^ Grant
will bEable physically to
makEthEDExt raes for pi-Esi
dEnt. '
Retiring minister Morton
will receive a complimEntary
banquet in Pa*is belore his re¬
turn to America.
Madame Adelina Patti has
received $168,000 for singing
two months
In Russia corn is rapidly ad¬
vancing in price owing to ex¬
pected war.
Fully 200 English vessels
are in Russian ports
The dead lock still exists
the Illinois legislature. 1
John Kelly has been
ted to bis office unanimously.
Wm, C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia
t ;
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Einarging Pictures.
All who have small pictures
rater d^eto to J J? Montgomery, have Coo
sawattee, Gordon county, Ga.
Work done the best style and
cheapest rates.
A Business Notice.
All Dersons indebted tome either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at once nf 1
will be compelled t > put themgout
lor collection. I hIso have judge
ments against a number of parties
tbatwil be executed immediately
it’ not attended to. J. f. Hbnsv.
Stats or Gaoaou, Murray County.
To all whom it may, concern
CL R Cox, Sr., having applied to
me tor and the guardianship Gland of th*>
person property of D
Cox and Blake Cox. minpr children
f George D Cox, der-d. notice ft
first Monday in uay next Given
8 *C na
’ , WM'aSr.y, 0,.Hoary.
J. C. Fain, Judge Superior Court.
C. K. King, Clark Superior Court.
C. L. Tarry. Sheriff.
W. H. Ramiey, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receirer.
W. D. Gregory, Tex Collector.
M. M. Bates, County Surveyor.
C. B Holland, Coronor
Comtmasiocers, Dennis Johnson, E Water
boose, Sr., S. L. Triutnier, John A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Seo’y and Connty School Com¬
missioner, W. G, Harris, H. L. Pangle, John
G. Spruill.
Spring Plana—834th Diit., S G Carter J; P.
H Hcnrtiill N. P., D C Kcnntr and John
Cbildara C ns tables.
Bill Ground—SUth Dirt,, W D
J. P., J A Black N P , J M Wet and An
durton Black Constable
Eighth—984th Dist , W K Lackoy J. P.,
J H Kahn N. P., J M Fox and John Ingle
Doolittle—VSJnd Dirt., W C D Gordon J P.
D E Humphrey, N. P., J T Morrison Con.
Tenth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn Constable.
Alaenlsa—1011th Dist., J H Oneal J. P,
J H Wilson N. P., JD Baxtsrand E S How¬
ell Constables.
1018th Dist., M W Cloer J. P., B P C
Loughridge N. P., E L Bate and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuck Psn—1089th Dist., R W Bond J. P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Bull Pan—1191th Diet., J W Finober, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn mud W H
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
Dalton—Departs 7a, m, daily, arives & pm.
Talking Rock—Depart) 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrivea < p. tn. Friday.
Etiyay—Depart! 7 a. m, Toe! lay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 6 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
CastviUe—Departs 8am Monday, Wod
.nesdyj, Friday; arrives I p M,
Thursday, Saturday.
Counasauga—-Departs 4 a. rsday;
arrival 7 Thursday.
Will "be sold before the
house dcor in the town of
Place, Ga„ to toe highest
at public out sale cry between the le¬
gal hours of on following t,i>e 1st Tn«s
day lauds July next the wild
lot of land No. 272 in the
sixth district and second section •
said county. Levied on by virtue
Of a tax fi fa in favor of the
and county scHinstraid lot of
for the year 1882
Also at t he same time and
lot ot land No. 269 in the 26-n dis
trictau 12-d section of said conntv
Levied on bv virtue of and to sat
isfy a tax fi fa in favor of the
and county aga ns> said lot
for the years eighteen
and eighty-two and eighteen ban
dftd, and eighty-three. Terry,
U. L. Sheriff
On Five Years Time, at 8
cent, by Corbin Banking Co„
New York, od improved farms
Murray county.
Flour tor Sale
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
of Spring Place, on the waters
of Holly creek; first family
flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price.
A. T. Logan.
Attorney at Law.
Spring Plaor, Georgia.
Srtva or Giobou Mtraaay Cooktt
•W. E. B'staop has applied for exemption
of personality, and setting apart and valua¬
tion of homestead end I will pass upon the
same at IX O’olook m on the 15 th of May
1885 at my ofiae, This 22 April, 1885.
W. a. RAMSEY, Ordinary.
J. S* Barnett,
Agent for WALTER A.
f WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
mK phT Mowers and Binders.
V V * Reapers,
/ Also agent for FRICK & CO’S
■J g|. Eclipse T action and Plowing En
isuvv .Yiilie, v lbratiug Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist
Cane Mills, and a General hue of Machinery.
Wooten UN V Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers nr
Dalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Jiut Received at the Mlllnery Star* af
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No, 85, Hamilton S.t#**,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Mtlfnery end Straw Goods,eonrirtta
Bennett and Ladies’ a»d Children's Hats [trimmed and «a tritons,
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet tilkS, i
Velvets end Crepes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ao. On» Ball «<
were bought of tbe largest and best importing Houses ia
more and New Torn, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
J. H. Bergen
Now offers to the Planters of Georgia tbe most ’ powerful
STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented. Giveu up
by the Leading Expert Machinists to be more
powerful than any other device ever invent¬ v
ed. He will sell county lights or any num¬
ber of counties in the State of Georgia. '
Good live men can make from $10 to
$12 a day with this machine rt any
season of the year. Parties that
mean business can add l ess
J H- BERGEN, Woo diawn, orJDalton,|G?
t2r*A full size working machine can be seen’at'iDaltonJGa-
Maccoboy Snuff.
Gaution to Consumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared bpon resembling the market in pack
ages so closely the ours would as
to deceive unwary, we
request purchaser to see that th”
red lithographed tin bear cans in which
it is packed always
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
ia buying the imitation yon pay
as much for an inferior article as
the genuine costs.
Re Sure You Obtain Tbe Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitations.
Stock and Convey*
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people is much desired, and
especially those from Murray
Couoty, -
Isaac W McLain has applied
for exembtion of personalty and
setting apart and valuation of
homestead, and I wvH pass upon
t he same at 12 o’clock M- on th»
29th day of April eight-teen hun¬
dred aud cightr five at my office.
W H Ramsey Ordinary
Optician and Jeweler,
4Thal!ite WhSt.. Atlanta, Da
Svxva or Gcoasia, M array Coon ty:
Naxcv Moavxa ) Mnrrap Superior Court,
vs J > March, adjourned term
Jaa. R. C Moxtks 188S.
of ?{ She •Ppvvnng Sheriff that to the the Court deft from doe* the return
in this and not reside
She dees county, it further appearing that
not r side in said State: It ie there¬
fore ordered by the court that service be per¬
fected by publication i* the North Georgia
Timm, a newspaper pslmtbed la said county,
in terms of the law. March X, 1885.
The above t is / J true C FAIN, extraot J.8. from C., the O.C.
a min
ntea of court. C. N. KING, Clerk.
Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Flaw GutOkew
Navy Clippings,and Blank, Brown and
SNUFFS are. the best aad eheapert
. .