Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia
Til* Official Piper of the County,
Subscription Rate*:
9m your,Si 00 Si* month#, SOaeots;
south*, 36 oasts. Payable in*.
Mr. Prater of Daltoa. was
Monday last.
_________ * *
The girls and bitter birds are
fast returning.
The echool at Woodlawn closed
out laat Friday.
Spring Place has the boss bum¬
ble-bee catcher.
The academy building ia rarely
mentioned now.
New lot of buggies arrived at
T A & S E Berry's.
___ T S Peeples . —T*“ lelornedlrom ,. Cha
tanooga last week. •
.. .......
Polk Cole is erecting s new
dweSteg house in town.
XAASE Beny sell wagons on
tm, till Ml for good no! -.
The farmers have begun cotton
planting iu earnest this week.
— • •
Ellijay proposes to play cheek
era with any town in the state.
— ... —
Mr. Wall’s fine bird dog died
from pois on Tuesday mor ning.
J ohnathon Chastain, one of EUi■
bea t citizens, died l ast week.
Considerable mortality among
stock in Various parts of the conn
But little litigation in the Ball
justice conrt on Saturday
Prof. H L Pangle’s school, in
this place iB growing encourag
Mrs. E O Stafford and Mrs. D E
Humphreys spent Monday in the
Public school teachers ate be
to look oat their summer
The agricultural dub of Oentre
met Saturday and report
John McHan well known by
of our readers was married
Hon. Ben Dagger Representa¬
of Fannin county, was in town
Mr. Lee Gobb of EUi jay spent a
days in the village daring the
past week.
We are informed that Col. Ed.
Moss will soon become a resident
of this plaoe.
Rev. T J Simmons of ResaccaJ
will preach at Harrison’s
next Sunday.
Meals at all hours eta bo bad
for 25 oents, at LL Oampbeft’tftl
this place.
Mining on the Hunsucker place
continues with still more hopeful
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
T A & S E Berry.
The physicians of Gilmer coun¬
ty are riding much more than
those of our county.
Don’t fail when in Spring Place,
to call at the Times office and sub¬
scribe for the paper.
Chris Bryant, a very clever young
man of Ellijay, spent Saturday
night with fri ends in town.
Were married last week. Frank
Pate to Miss Emma Gnnter and
James Ridley to Miss Johnson,
J F l^son has returned from
Oxford Georgia and will probably
spend some time in this county.
Mrs. Bessie Smith, formerly of
this place, now of Blue Springs, is
visiting relatives and friends in
town. ■
An old man Bring under the
shaggy brow of a peak of the Blue
Ridge calls for capitalists to
come to his aid in perfecting an
airship. At intervals for thirty
years he has been at work on this
machine and hie * hopes are high
that ft willow a grand suc-
Maj. Lyle was over trim
ton Saturday pleading the necessi¬
ty and utility of insoranee
Mrs. H Heartsill returned
last Saturdry after an enjoyable
visit of seveial days among
iu Tilton.
Wanted, by the Spring City
College, a competent man as part¬
ner. Address Dr. W F Wilkins,
Varnell Ua.
Rev. W A Ellis preached at New
Prospect chnrch, in the eighth
district, last Sunday in his usual
inimitable style.
Mrs JD Harris, a>ter spending
some time quite pleasantly with
relatives in middle Geo.gia, re¬
turned la st week.
Mr. ft ill Hogan, of this couo
ly, died at his home-near Tilton
last Friday after a siege of the
mo8t painful illness.
Mrs, Ballew, of the Bill Ground,
about eighty years of age, died
last Friday and was buried at the
Ball Ground church Saturday,
m lou .Uppoor.i'1, .fter
passing the day in stillness, is now
heard to send its plaintive cries
out on the quiet breezes of night.
Ool. Moss is meeting the smiles
of approbation in his effort to dis
pense ‘Ease and Comfort’ to the
citizens of the town and county.
Notiok _i have Flour to sell on
credit until lgt Nov . next Note8
approved security. Cohuttah
Mills. Dennis Johnson.
The mingled tones of various
tiugling cowbells are now distinct¬
ly heard reverberating throughout
the vine covered hill tops and
grassy dells
The spring teim of the high
echool at Mt. Cumberland will, we
understand, close out the 24th.
Exercises Friday and exhibition
Friday night
It you want to be pleased in both
goods and prices, oall and examine
W J. Johusou's beautiful lot of
spring and .summer clothing, now
ready and waiting tor purchasers.
On Friday night while the heavy
dark clouds floated over and the
heavens presented a disturbed cy¬
clonic appearance generally, some
of our town folks thought they
would like to inhabit a storm pit.
We desire to thank Messrs. Elli¬
ot & Co., Philadelphia P a., for a
handsome lithograph of P resident
Cleveland and his cabinet. One
of these would rendor more happy
any home in which it should be
J O Linn desires to c «H the at
tention of his numerous friends to
hi, new hoe of family groceries
low for cash and will be
sold cheaper than the cheapest for
cash or barter.
Mrs. Fannie Johnson has fnsl
received and opened her spring
and summer millinery goods, which
she respectfully invites the ladies
of the town and county to call and
examine befoie purchasing else¬
Died in Dallas county m Texas, _ on
th* 9th day of April 1885 Purlie,
daughter of Gapt. W W and Mrs.
M A Sebastian. Little Purlie was
only six years old. she had been
siok about tcur weeks, Cist naa
the measles which superinduced
Pneumonia. Purlie was the pet ol
the family sud especially of her
... he, l,« momenta her
talk was remarkable and mexprss
ibiy touching for one so youog in
yeais She oal’ed her mother and
brothers .\ and sisters all to her
and told .... them she . to
was going
die, told them all good bye and lor
them not to cry, she then said
now that is all but my good papa
(who was away after medicine at
the time) .. , then « quietly ,, fell „ „ asleep
to wake up in the morning of the
resnrrectiion. A large circl v
sympathizing friends
the funeral services. Weep
father and mother little
has gone to make one of the
els in the crown of Him who
“Suffer little children to come
me for such is the kingdom
Miss Mattie JLockaby, of
place, left Monday for the
tion and will go from there
The numeroaity of recent
dog reports has created such
sensation in the lower end of the
county, that quite a number of the
good ladies of that seetion carried
cudgels to cbureh with them a few
Sabbaths ago, in order to defend
themselves provided they should
be attacked by some of the wild,
insane tribe.
The work in opening silver
mines in tnis county goes on in
dusfrionsly. An insignificant at¬
tempt bat been made to show the
public that the mines are worth¬
less; bat the people of this county
together with experienced miners
pay but little attention to these
anonymous reports. The last ore
taken out is very encouraging, and
we believe that these mines will
be of untold value to the county.
The people of M i rray are sensible,
therefore they will not buy the
whippoorwill compass that pro¬
poses to tell where is to be found
those beds of wealth which are
so much sought after.
The Editors Mouse
We onoe knew bedroom a Georgia editor
whose quiet was constan¬
tly frequented during the still,
pasVng hoars of curtained night,
by a tiny innocent bat noisome
mouse. A genial traveling minis*
ter, stopped overnight at the same
boarding house, and the kind land¬
lady innocently assigned him the
unsuspecting editor’s bed-fellow.
Soon aftfci they had retired the
fa'igueu divine, was lost in the
mystic land of dreams, and the
daring gray moose, as usual, came
out to engage in its nightly, frolo
souie sports through the noisless
dark room. But alas! lust as the
first tipping rack hid baen com¬
pleted by the canning, capering
little creature, a strange kind ot
sharp harsh toned snore arising
from the nostrils of the sleeping
parson, followed by countless oth¬
er* increasing in doable geometric¬
al progression in terific fright ful¬
ness, the canse of which the writer
doeB not profess to know, fell up¬
on the tender ears of the playful
moose, that instantly threw it iuto
the most fearful otate of successive
convulsions, which the helpless
little safferer endured for more
than a credible length of time, and
at last amid painful struggles gave
up the ghost. The alarming snores
went all the ah i the '
on same, wa
king editor hailed wita ecstatic
pleasure the timely advent uf
blushing Morn.
Georgia. Mnrray County.
I will sell before the court house
door in the town of Spring Place.
Ga., >o the hignest bidder at public of
outcry. between the legal hours
sale bn the first Tuesday iu May
next the following described prtp
eity, to-wit
Eighty acres more or le>s of land
being west half of lot No. 67 in the
9th district and 3d section of said
county, now in possession of Frank
Smith. j Levied on as the property
0 f u amithey to satisfy two jus
tice court fi fas from 1039th dist
o u in favor of A J Barnett vs J m
Smitbey. Levy made and return
t |e e ame°time and place
8 j xl ^ acrP8 more or less of land off
lot No. 41 in the 25th dist and 2nd
section ol t aid connty bought being a por, S of the land by J
iU on the 8oUth by j A McK«» ire,
on the west by lands of W u McEn
tire's lo irs, ihe e .stern boundary
«»>t known. Levied on as tne prop
er ty of J S Worley to satisfy two
j ueti „ # court fi fa8 from g 25th di8t .
g m j n iavor of Wm, Terry vs. J S
vVorley. Levy made by J m West
I* an ^ returned to me.
Als0 at ^e same time and
, four acres of land more or less, be
j D g the house and lot where W W
Giddeos now lives, in the town
Spring described Place, in boundary deed made more by ft
Morris to said Giddeos. and record
ed in book -M’ page 166.
on as the property of W W
dens to satisfy said a su periov t-oori of
fa from county in favor
rah Milner vs W W Giddena.
made April by A T Logan former
This 1,1^
Are you disturbed at night
br 'ken of your rest by a sick
suffering and crying with pain
cutting teeth? If eo, send at
and get a bottle of Mrs.
Soothing Syrup for children
ing. Its value is incalculable.
will relieve the poor little
immediately. Depend upon i'
mothers, there is no mistake
it Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up lor children teething is
to the taste, and is the
tion of one of the oldest »nd best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for
by&ll druggists throughout
World. Price 25 cents a Lctt-e.
When not Professionally absent,
o-in be found at his residence at all
hours, day or nigLL Prompt and
careful attention given to aU caset-,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. f mar 6 ly.
Calhoun, Ga. SprinjPi»oe,G»
Atto neys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legal business
Dr. J. P- Fanil.
Rmibht Dmtist
DALTON ............GEORGIA.
All kind*of me
Hpj, t/VV oh»nio»UndO atlve Dentistry ( « r
gjjkfe eoated inAret-olais
style, end et rsas
oneble retea. The
jSBHs §|sNf Celluloid iu partial Pluteput
aSjjjr up full teeth or
Wr lets of et
reasonable rates.
Teeth ex tra e t e d
without phuric Ether pein by the use of Squibb’s pure Sul¬
The patronage of the oitixens
of Hurray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
Work as they can gat in North Georgia, and
as oheap dentistin as they can get it done by any firet
tass North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
to St, Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louiiville, Clnoloinnatl,
Indianapolis, Ohieego and the North ix vie
The Rest Route to St Leuix aad the West
is via MoKenxi*.
The Beat Route to West Tenneixe* and
Kentucky, Misaiaiippi, Arkaoiex end Tex¬
as points is via MoKensi*.
■ fY*, , -
Don’t Forget It.
Bereure to buy your tickets over
foCi & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprisuced Traveler need not go
sulss, few change, ere necessary, such as ere
unavoidable ar* made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Naahvillo end St Louie via Columbus, Nash¬
ville aad Louisville, Nashville and aad Memphis, Littla
Martin and St Louis, MoKensie
Rock, where oollll otioii it mass with Through
Sleepers Call to all address Texas points.
on or
A B WRENN, Taav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga, Teon
W T ROGERS, P. A., Ohattauooga.Tonn
Nashville, Teun.
I Y S C H, ,
Merchant taler,
S Whitehall St., Atltute, Ga,
Is constantly receiving all
the latast novelties in his line.
Give him a call.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn to Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
V 'lit. '•
Atlanta, Ga.
to J Bt*t* or Gsobou mossat coonrv:
*11 whom it niav
ra. L SK Kenner, guardian of J E
HI trell, has applied to ihe
ned lor leave t > sell town
§s. if Spring 6. 30,31,38 Place, and Ga., 34 in
Is enclosed upon wh ch
story brick house
that was burned down.
lion will be heard on
idayinMav nexL This
’ •/ Apr. 1885. , a
Li. F. Henry & Co’s,
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations. A
lull line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always on hand.
Hughes & Law,
9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when iu the city, Wecansuit you in stylo
Provisions, Confectionery, [Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s F actory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Rock Hats prices of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at bottom for cash or barter.
PLACE, • • Georgia.
- ■{ DEALER IN y -
General Merchandise,
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of
a good assortment cf Wollt n Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
and in fact, everything usually kept in a First-class
store. Cheap for cash, or barter. D an 8,1 y
Wtthln Ten Steps of the Can Shed
Every thing ,. new and , first - A class, ,
home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
of Mnrray county.
Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor,
Notice to County Officers.
From this date sll legal adver¬
must positively bo paid or
pioperly vouched tor in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker to Brown.
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Baltcn, •'
Gasrruitee. e»o4 work
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring Pl- ok, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and
looolc after titles of lands
owned by J non residents.
G. W. Oglesby, DaltOD ,
Will SUppiy farmers Of
Whitfield and Murray
counties with Bacon*
corn, flour and provi*
sions, on time, payable
in the fall, if they make
satisfactory notea
Dalton, (JEORGJA.
We have arranged our new
ejpllery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or F« r
rofcypea nptde for fifty cents.
: Do not fail to call and esain
j ne onr work when io liaitoo.