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w. T MAEtSn! \ Wi,#lf# Pr«pH«twi.
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The fattoo boats; the lights are gone.
The camp around in slumber lies;
The night with solemn pace mores on;
The shadows thickon o'er Jhe skies;
Bat sleep my weary eyes had Josvti,
And sad, uneasy thoughts arise.
I think of thee, oh, dearost one I
Whose love mine early life hath blest;
Of thee and him—our baby non—
Who slumbers on thy gentle becash
CkA of tho tender, frail and Iona,
Oh, guard that little sleeper’s rest i
And hover gently, hover near
To her whoso watchful eye Is wet—
The mother, wifo—the doubly dear,
In whoso young heart have freshly met
Two streams of love, so deep and olear,
And cheer her drooping spirit yet I
Now, as she kneels before Thy throne,
Oh, teach her, Euler of tho skies I
That while by Thy behest alone
Earth’s mightiest powers fall or rise;
No tear is wept to Thee unknown,
Nor hair is lost, nor sparrow dies;
That Thou canst stay tho ruthless hand
Of dark disease, and soothe its pain;
That only by Thy Btern command
The battlo’s lost, the soldier slain;
That from tho distant sea or land
Thou bring’st the wanderer homo again.
And when upon her pillow lone,
Her tear-wet cheek is sadly pressed,
May happier visions beam upon
The brightening currents of her broast;
Nor frowning leak, nor angry tone
Disturb the Sabbath of her rest I
Whatovor fate those forms may throw,
Loved with a ysssion almost wild,
By day, by night—in joy or woe—
By fears oppressed or hopes beguiled;
From every danger, every foe.
Oh, God ! protect my wifo and child !
IIeniiy Booths Jackson.
I must preface my acoonnt of the oc¬
currence by going baok to the summer
of the Yellowstone oampaign. Two of
the citizens attached to the expedition,
one as the sutler, the other as the- vet¬
erinary surgeon, were in the habit of
riding by thomSelves a great deal. Not
being enlisted men, much more liberty
than soldiers have was allowed them.
Many warnings were given, however,
and au instance fresh In the minds of
the officers of the killing by Indians of
two of their comrades the year before,
was repeatedly told them. One day
their hour of lingering came. While
they stopped to water their horses,
some Indians concealed in a gully shot
them within sight of our regiment, who
were then fighting on the hill, and did
not find the bodies for some time after¬
ward, Both of tho murdored men
were favorites; both left families, and
regret and sympathy were general
throughout the command.
A year and a half afterward informa¬
tion came to onr post, Fort Lincoln,
that an Indian was then at the agency at
Standing Bock, drawing his rations,
blankets and ammunition from the gov¬
ernment and at the same time boasting
of the murder of these two men. This
intelligence ereated intense indignation
in cur garrison. A detachment was
quickly prepared and started out with
sealed orders. No ono was aware even
what direction they were to take. Gen.
Ouster knew that it was absolutely
necessary that caution and seoresy
should bo observed. At the next post,
twenty miles below, there were scouts
employed. They would not fail to send
out a runner and warn the Standing
Bock Indians of tho coming of the com¬
mand and its objects, if they could learn
what it was. When the runner carries
important news he starts with an even
gait in the morning and keeps it np all
day, hardly stopping to drink at the
stream ho crosses. Such a courier would
outstrip a command of cavalry in the
ordinary time it makes on a march.
Accordingly Fort Bice was left behind
many miles before the orders were
opened. They contained directions to
capture and bring back an Unoapapa
Indian, called Bain-in-the-Face, the
avowed murderer of the sutler and the
veterinary surgeon. The command con¬
sisted of two officers and 100 men. The
General had selected his brother to assist
in Juif: t lioate transaction, as he was
ever since they began their
life of adventure together during the
war. They arrived on the day that the
Indians were drawing their rations ol
beef. There were 600 at the agency
armed with the latest long-range rifles.
It was more and more clear that too
much care could not be taken to prevent
the object of the visit being known to
the warriors. An expedition had been
• sent down once before, but news of its
intention bad reached the agency in time
for the culprit to escape. He could not
refrain even after this warning from
openly vaunting his crime.
In order, then, to conceal the purporl
of their appearance at the agency, the
captain in command resolved to a ruse.
H© sent fifty men,to the oamp, ten miles
away to make inquiries for these Indians
who had murdered citizens on the Bed
ordered River the to year before. Col. Custer was
take five picked men and go
to tho trader’s store, where the Indians
resort constantly. This required great
coolness and extreme patience, for they
had to lounge about, seemingly indiffer¬
ent, until they coaid be certain tho right
man was discovered. The cold made the
the Indians draw their blankets around
them etnd ctet their heads. There is
nover anj individuality aboitt theit dress,
unless when arrayed for a council or
dance. It was therefore almost impos¬
sible to tell one from tho othor.
Col. Tom had to waft for hours, only
looking furtively when these wary crea
tnres were off guard. At last one of
them loosoned his blanket, and with the
moagor description that had been given
him CoL Tom identified him as
'Coming suddenly from behind, he
threw his arms about bim, and seized
tho Winchester rifle that tho savage at¬
tempted to cook. He was taken entirely
by surprise. No fear showed itself, but
from the characteristically stolid faoe
hato and revenge flashed out for an in¬
stant. He drew himself up in an inde¬
pendent manner lo show his brother
warriors that he did not dread death.
Among them ho had been considered
brave beyond precedent, because he had
dared to enter tho agency store at all,
and so’cncounter the risk of arrest. The
soldiers tied his hands and mounted
guard over him. About thiry Indians
surrounded them instantly, and old
orator commenoed a harangue to tho
others, inoiting them to recapture their
brother. Breathless excitement pre¬
vailed. At that moment the captain in
oommaud appeared in their midst. With
the same ooolnees he had shown in the
war and daring tho six years of his In¬
dian oampaign, he spoke to them
through an interpreter. With prudence
and tact he explained that he intended
to give the prisoner exaotly the treat¬
ment a white man would receive under
like circumstances; that nothing would
induce them to give him ,up; and the
bettor plan to save bloodshed would be
for the chiefs to withdraw and take with
them their followers. Seeing that they
could accomplish nothing by intimida¬
tion, or by superior numbers, they had
recourse to parley, and com¬
promise. They offerod as a sacrifice two
Indians of the tribe in exchange for Eain
It was generosity like that of Artemus
Ward, who offered his wife’s relatives on
the altar of his country, for they took
care not to offer for sacrifice any but In¬
dians of low* rank. Bxin-in-tho-Face
was a very distinguished warrior among
them, and belonged to a family of six
brothers, one of whom, Iron Horse, was
very influential. The officers prevailed
in the end, and the prisoner was taken
to tho cavalry camp. During tho time
that the Indians were opposing his re¬
moval, the troopers had assembled
around the entrance, ready for any
emergency, and prepared to escort the
murderer away. The Indians instantly
lo vanished; all went quickly and quietly
their camp, ten miles distant. Later
in the day a party of fifteen mounted
warriors dashed through the agency to
the road beyond, which had to be taken
by our troopers on tho way home. 01
course onr officers expected an attack
from that party when they began their
homeward march; to their surprise, they
were unmolested. We learned afterward
that the mounted Indians went to the
camp of Two Bears to urge the young
braves there to combine witL them in
the recapture of Bain-in-the-Face. Two
Bears had long been friendly to the
white man; lie was too old to fight, and
prevented his young men from joining
in the contemplated rescue.
After the command had returned and
the officers reported, Gen. Ouster sent
for Bain-in-the-Face. Ho was tall,
striglit and young. His face was quite
imperturbable. In a subsequent inter¬
view tho General locked himself in his
room with him. Through an inter¬
preter and with every clever question
and infinite patienco he spent hours
trying to induce the Indian to acknowl¬
edge his crime. The culprit’s face
finally lost its impervious look and he
showed some agitation.
He gave a brief acoonnt of the mur¬
der and then made a full confession be¬
fore all the officers. He said neither oi
the white mt/ were armed when at
tacked. He J Jd shot the old man, but
he did not die instantly, riding a short
distance before falling from bis horse.
He then went to him and with his stone
mallet beat out the last breath left. Be¬
fore leaving him he shot his body full of
arrows. Tho younger man signaled to
them from the bushes, and they knew
that the manner in which ho held up his
hand was an overture of peace. When
he reached him the white man gave him
his hat as another and further petition
for mercy. But he shot him at onco,
first with his gun, and then with
arrows. One of the latter entering his
book; the dying man struggled to pull it
through. Neither and man the was scalped, had as
the elder was bald youuger
closely oropped hair.
Two Indians, one of them Iron Horse,
had followed the cavalry from the
agency and asked to see their comrade.
The General seat for Eaiu-in-the-Face.
He came into the room with a guard at
his heels. He was dressed in mourning. *
His leggings were black, and his sable
blanket was belted by a band of white
beads, One black feather stood erect
on his head. Iron Horse supposed that
he was to be hung at once, and that this
would be the final interview. The elder
brother, believing there was no hope,
was very solemn. He removed his
heavily beaded and embroidered buffalo
robe and replaced it with the plain one
that Bain-in-the-Face wore. He ex¬
changed pipes, also, giving him his
highly ornamental one that he might
afterward present it to the General.
The pi pee are valuable, as the materia 1
of which the bowls are made has to be
brought from Kansas. Then, finding
that there was a prospect of Bain-in-the
Faco having his trial in Washington, he
took off the medal that had been given
to his father by a former President,
whose likeness was m the medallion, and
placed it over the neck of his brother,
that it might be a silent argument in his
favor when ho confronted the “Great
It was an impressive and melancholy
scene. Iron Horse charged his brothel
not to attempt to esoape, saying that if
he did get back to the reservation he
would while surely they be recaptured. He be
time, wore preparing, to send
for the ladies, and a few of us were
tucked away on the lounge with instruc¬
tions not to move or whisper, for my
husband treated these Indians with as
much consideration as if they had been
lieved that he would be kindly treated
while a oaptive, and perhaps the white
chief would intercede for him to obtain
his pardon. Alter asking him not to
lose courage, they smoked again and
silently withdrew. In about ten days
Iron Horse returned, bringing a portion
of his tribe with him.
The Indians with Iron Horse oame
directly to headquarters and asked for a
council. As many as could get into the
General’s room entered. There was
crowned heads. The lndisrs turned a
surprised, rather scornful glance into the
“ladies’ gallery,” for their women are
always kept in the background. In re¬
turn for this we did not hesitate to oriti
oiso their toilets. They were gorgeous
in full dress. Iron Horao wore an elab¬
orately beaded and painted buckskin
shirt, with masses of solid embroidery of
porcupine quills. The sleeves and shoul
dors were ornamented with
Somo of the hair we saw with a shud¬
der was light and wavy. I could not but
picture tho littlo head “ running over
with curls” from which it had been
taken, for all the Indian locks I have
ever seen wore straight and black.
The chief wore on his shoulders a sort
of cape, trimmed with a fringe of snowy
ermine. His leggings were a mass of
bead work. He wore a cap of otter with¬
out a crown, though, for it is their cus¬
tom to leave the top of the head uncov¬
ered. Three eagle feathers, that denote
the number of warriors killed, were so
fastened in that they stood erect. There
were several perforations in each ear
from which depended bead ear-rings.
He had armlets of burnished brass;
thrown around him was a beaded blanket.
The red olay pipe had the wooden stem
Inlaid with silver, and was embellished
with the breast feathers of brilliantly
plumaged birdB. The tobacco bag, about
two feet long, had not an inch that was
cot decorated. The costumo was simply
Iron Horse began his speech in the
u mal high-pitched, unchangeable key.
He thanked the General for the care of
his brother, and the whole tenor of the
rest was repeated petitions to ask the
reat father in Washington to spare his
life. He then Blowly took off his elabo
ate buckskin shirt and presented it to
ly husband. He ended by making
which was worthy of Damon and
Pythias. Two sly young braves in the
outer circle of the untitled, asked per¬
mission through their ohief to share the
captivity of Bain-in-the-Face. I could
cot help recalling what some one had
told mein the East, that women some-,
times go to the State Prison at Sing Sing
»nd importune to be allowed to share
(he imprisonment of their husbands or
brothers; but no instance is found in the
history of that great institution where a
man has asked to divide with a friend or
relative tho sufferings of his sentence.
After his two friends had left him,
Bain-in-the-Faoo occupied a part of tho
guard house with a citizen who had
been caught stealing grain from the
storehouse. For several months they
had been chained together and need to
walk in front of the little prison for ex¬
ercise and air. The guard-house was a
poorly-built, insecure wooden building.
After a time the sentinels became less
vigilant, and tho citizen, with help from
his friends outside, who were working
ijtthrsame way, cut a hole in the wall
at night aEd escaped.
He broke the chain attaching him t
tho Indian, who was loft free to follow
We found afterward that Bain-in-the
Face did not dare to return to the reser¬
vation, but made his way to the hostile
camp. In the spring of 1874 he sent
word from tbero by an agency Indian
that he had joined Sitting Bull, and was
awaiting his revenge for his imprison¬
The stained waters of the Little Big
Horn, on June 25,187(1, told how deadly
and fatal that was. The vengeance of
that ! ipearuate fiend was concentrated
on the man who had effeoted his cap¬
ture. 1 It was found on the battlefield
that he had cut out the brave heart of
that gallant, loyal, and lovable man, our
brother Tom.
Grant’s Tendor-Heartcdness.
Dr. John T.. MoLeish, formerly of
the 26 th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, re
later the following pathetic incident,
showing General Grant’s kindness of
heart, whioh at this time will be appre¬
ciated by all his old soldiers:
Tho army was encamped at Young’s
Point, La. An order had been promul
gated by the General to the effect that
no officer should be allowed leave of ab¬
sence until aiter the capture of Vicks¬
burg. I had a little girl at home who
was my pet and idol. One morning I
recoived a letter from my wifo which
contained tho following sentence :
“Come homo immediately if you
would see Winnie alive.”
Startled and fearful lest I should bo
too laio to see my darling child again, I
hastened to procure a leave of absence,
and .succeeded in getting it regularly
approved until I reached General Sher¬
man’s headquarters, where I received a
stern refusal—“No; a soldier should
know no family in time of war.” I
turned away, knowing I could go no
further, when I heard instructions given
to an aide-de-camp to take dispatches to
General Grant, whose headquarters
wore on a boat Ihreo-quarters of a mile
away; but into the rain and darkness I
impulsively rushed after the aide, and
with him made my way to tho boat.
Appealing to Major Bowers for a per¬
sonal interview with General Grant, I
was ushered into the presence of the
man whom hitherto I had thought to be
stern and unapproachable. He greeted
me with a kindly salutation. I told my
story, and knew by the moistened eye
and sympathetic voico that the great
General had also a great heart.
"Approved, twenty days leave of ab¬
sence, with transportation to and from
Cairo,” was his order; then turning to
me, ho said:
“If you arc required to remain longer,
do so, but rep>ort to me in person on
your return, and I sincerely hope that
you may not .find your daughter as ill
as you anticipate.”
My little one died, and had been
buried ten days when I reached our
western home in Iowa.
Ax Ex-Slave’s Itauk.
Mr. William H. Oliver, of North Oar
olina, dropped into tho White House, at
Washington, with a number of others
simply to pay his respects. As he passed
by Colonel Lamont’s door he recognized
Arthur Simmons, tho colored messenger
wlvo lias stood there for twenty years,
and who is one of tho most popular
attaches of the mansion, as one of his
former slaves. The recognition between
the ex-slave and ox-master was matnal,
aud they had a pleasant chat, of old
limes. Arthur is very proud of his
position, and he mentioned to Mr.
Oliver that he was now the third man in
official rauk in the country, whioh was
something for a North Carolina ex-slavo
to bo proud of.
“First comes the President,” said
Arthur; “then comes Colonel Lamont
and then Arthur Simmons.” Arthur
took special pains to have his former
master presented to both the President
and Colonel Lamont.
As Mr. Oliver was going Arthur asked
him ii he was aiter an offioe; that possi¬
bly he could help him, and that he
would be glad to do so. Mr. Oliver re¬
plied that he did not want anything.
“If there is anything I can do for
you,” said Arthur, “order aqd your
command is law.”
“I’ll take that up,” replied Mr. Oliver,
“I want a bouquet from the White
House conservatory to take down to
North Carolina to the lady folks.”
Inside of fifteen minutes he had the
bouquet, with a card “to Mrs. Oliver,
with tho compliments of Arthur Sim¬
VOL V. Now Series. No. 17.
President Cnrdner Delivers a Lecture to
on Erring Brother.
"If Ancestor Jinkins am in de hall to¬
night lie will please step dis way,” said
Brother Gardner ns the meeting opened
with fourteen kerosene lamps going at
fall blast.
Ancestor was in, and as soon as be
could get his feet clear of the benohes
lie waddled up the aisle and stood at
“attention” with his toes turned in.
“Brudder Jinkins continued the Pres¬
ident, “I was told to-day dat your wife
was bar’fut an’ your chill’en cryiu’ fur
“Well, sab, it’s bin hard times.”
“I suppose so. I undorstan’ dat you
hasn’t done a day’s work dis winter.”
“Work has biu skeoroo, sak.”
“Exactly. You hod work in a foundry
last fall, didn’t you ?”
“Yes, sab.”
“You was gittin’ ten shillings a day,
an’ you struck fur twelve ?”
“Yes, sah.”
“An’ bekase de man didn’t figger dat
your sarvices war’ worth twelve shillins
a day to him you frew yerself out oi
a steady job, an’ hev come as nigh de
poo'-house as you kin git widout enter¬
in’ de doab.”
"I ortor had mo’ pay, sah.”
“Dat may be, bnt as long as yon
couldn’t git it you was an idiot to throw
away de wages you could git. What
pertiokler pint hev you gained, Brudder
Jinkins ?”
“Well, I let the foundry-man see dat
I had some independence. ”
“Sartin—sartin. You let him see yer
wife at de Poo’master’s offioe, yer
chill’en beggin’ of de nayburs, an’ a
dozen creditors chasin’ you up wid
“Hadn’t a laborin’man orter hev fa’/
wages?” demanded Brother Jinkins,
“He had. He orter hev-five dollars »
day, but he can't get it. He puts his
skill or muscle np to de highest bidder,
an’ ho mus’ stan’ by de bid, Brudder
Jinkins, let mo make a few remarks in
your ear. De man who pounds his
thumb donn’ spite de hammer. De con
dishnu of bizuess fixes de rate of wages.
You may kick, but it will simply result
in batterin’ yer own toes. De nex’ best
thing to what you want is what yon kin
get. Bekase I can’t get a dollar for
whitewaskin’ a ceilin’ I’m not gwine to
frow away de fifty cents offered. Brnd
der Jinkins, what am de goin’ price fu>
blacking stoves ?”
“Two shillius, sah.”
" 'Zactly, but suppose you got de
ideah dat yon orter hev thirty cents,
what will bo de result ?”
“Beckon I won’t git any blackin’ to
"Jistso, sah. Now, den, if stoves at
twenty-live cents am few an’ fur between,
but lots doin’ at twenty cents, isn’t, it
better policy to hold a steady job dan to
have no work at all ?”
“Beckon, sah.”
“You kin take yer seat, Brudder Jin¬
kins. Any principle ami all right on a
full stomach. Any theory am all right
if you have a big woodpile at tho doah.
De orator who declar’s dat you orter
hev twelve shillin’s a day won’t go hun¬
gry on account of your strike. Wo like
sugar in our coffee, but we am idiots to
frow away de coffee kase we can't get de
sweetnin ’.”—Detroit Free Press,
Well-faid Labor.— Tho Pittsburgh
Times says:— A reporter of the Times,
while talking to a number of iron work¬
ers, was told by a puddlor of a man who
lias two trains of rolls and who makes
without any trouble from $15 to $20 a
day. A yoller with a small guido mill
train can earn from $8 to $10 a day.
There are rollers iu Pittsburgh now
earning from $36 to $50 a day. There
is a steel-roller in a South Side steel
works taken from his work about two
o’clock iu tbo afternoon in his barouche,
driven by his colored sorvant.
The Front! Poet
Harry is a papa—whioh wonderful
event does his most awful dignity tre¬
mendously augment. And he has been
a papa for two entire days, whioh vast
responsibility in grandeur he displays.
An old friend asked young Harry, “How
is the little kid?” No answer. Papa’s
dignity suoh freedom quite forbid. The
question was repeated; “How is the kid
to-day ?” A freezing stare from Harry
and, “What, Bir, did. yon say ?” “Oh,
1 just asked ‘How is the kid ?'” Severe
was pa’s disdain; “Oh 1 Ah! Ahem I
The kid! Whst kid ? Beg pardon,
sir? Explain 1” “How is tho baby,
then I” Papa’s importance big did
swell. “Ob, if you mean my SON, sir,
he is, thank you, very well.”—H. G
Dodge in Chicago Sun,
He Fscnpes From Prison. Marries nn.I
Settles Down. When He is Discovered
anil Tnkrn Hack lo Prison.
A fow days ago Governor Hughes is
auod a pardon for Boujamiu F. Taylor,
a young matt under sentence for several
years on account of a crime committed
when he was a boy of sixteeu. The ex¬
ercise of tho pardoning power is some¬
thing which requires iho utmost caution
and the most careful consideration. It
is a well known fact that innocent men arc
often convioted aud sentenced, and it is
also beyond denial that men guilty in tho
eyes of tho law may yet be deserving of
clemency. This is why the power has
been left in the hands of the Governor,
and it remains with him to discriminate
as to the merits of tho scores and hun¬
dreds of prayers for pardon whioh pour
in upon him. Tiie case of young- Taylor
is one which has attracted considerable
attention, and lias been watched with no
small degree of interest. His story reads
liko a romanoe. He was led away by
evil associates, and in his seventeenth
year found himself within tho walls of
the State Penitentiary with a long term
of imprisonment staring him in the face.
He was a daring little fellow, and before
he had been long in the stripes lib made
a bold dash for liberty,' evaded the
guards and, tn king to the woods, suc¬
ceeded in baffling all pursuit. His in¬
sight into prison life seems to have had
n most salutary effect upon him, for he
made his into and under an
assumed name soon became identified
with one of the smaller towns, living an
honest and industrious life. He was
respected by the community, and when
he married one of the belles of the town
everyone looked upon it as a most happy
match. He lived thus in peace and se¬
curity soveral years, but one bright
evening as ho sat by. bis fireside with his
.children at his knee the officers of the
law came in upon him. His 6in had
found him out, and he was torn from his
happy home aud carried back in chains
to the Little Bock Penitentiary. Heart¬
broken, his loving wifo followed him.
Petitions from leading citizens of his
uew home poured in. It was an unusual
case, and the Governor gave it his closest
attention. The youug man’s record at
the penitentiary, both before and after
his esoape, was commended by the
authorities. At last tho decision was
reached, tho paper was signed, and tho
patient wife received her happy husband,
once more a free man. The Governor
was highly recommended for the action
on his part, and it was predicted that he
had been instrumental in restoring to the
world a man who would be an honor to
himself and his friends, and a Jiving
monument to justice and humanity. Tho
following letter from the poor fellow
shows his feelings when once more at
“I am happy -very happy this morn¬
ing. I am once more at homo and a free
man for evermore. How sad I have
been, shut up in your prison there,
away from my family and those whom
I loved so dearly. Onco more I am
with that dear loving wifo who left her
Texas home and followed me to the
prison door, never reproaching me, but
striving all the time that 1 might be
freed. A kind Governor was he who
treated her so courteously aud viewed
my ense so fairly. Never shall ho regret
his clcmeney and never shall the justice
of Lis aot bo doubted. We shall never
forget bim, aud onr little ones shall learn
to breathe his name in nightly prayer.
Who can doubt that be had most just
ground for bis action ? The offence was
committed years ago by a mere boy,
and most bitterly have the faults of the
youth been repented by tho man. Kind
words of advice aud.admonition lie gave
me, and most carefully have I cherished
Ihera. Beccived in my Texas home with
warm-hearted friendship and freoly for
giveu; with the memory of the kind sym¬
pathy I received iu Littlo Bock, how
much tho more will I strive to live a life
whioh shall repay it all.
“Bhnjmiw F. Tayi^r.”
—Arkansas Gazette,
Settled It.—A negro bronght suit in
a Georgia Justice’s Court for possession
of two shoats and a sow and pigs, and
gained it. His lawyer, as soon as the
ease was decided, settled the fees for
himself, Squire A., tho lawyer on tho
other side, and the court. “Well, Joe,
Squire A. will take one of'the shoats,
I’ll take the other one, the Judge will
take the sow and pigs, and you’ve
gained the case.”
“General” Booth, of tho Salvation
Army, who‘“must recently advertised for a clerk
writ© shorthand and bo folly
agricultural The Republic collego of Mexico maintains an
appropriations for at its capital, the
which last year wero