Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia
The Geotgians who went to
the gold mines in Honduras
with Captain J P Im bodes
last July have been beard from.
A letter from one of the pa ty
gives an interesting description
of the country. Fine soil,
grass everywhere, water in
abundance, plump cattle nu¬
merous towns of from 200 to
5,000 population, a Georgia
climate, game in abundance,
no snakes, siek gold
good business opportunities,
these are some of the points.
Among other things the
says: 4 Our arrival interested
the people—nothing excites
them—and was an event Tbe
national band of music—thirty
pieces—serenaded us at night
late. Monday the minister
finance called, an excellent gea*
tleman, and the richest man in
Honduras. By appointment
we called Tuesday at 10:30 a
in. ob General Senor Don Luis
Bogran, president ot the repub¬
lic, whose'offices called the pal -
ace, are in tbe second story of
a long house, and in a very
largo, well fitted up audience
chamber we met a very hand¬
some young man- - only thirty
six—tall, well built, very dark,
black eyes and hair (cut short)
goateee and mustache, earnest,
dignified, and I repeat a strike
ingly handsome man.
The president is the govern¬
ment. He has issuad a decree
declaring himself the patron of
mining companies and author*
izing a code of labor employ¬
ment that is almost peonage.
It we employ a man he must
work six months, and then get
a written discharge, or no oth¬
er company can employ him,
etc., etc.” Most of the Geor¬
gians in the party are from
Sam Jones has a way of fir¬
ing random shots that is very
annoying to some people. Some
years ago, when he was a new
man in the ministry, a knot of
country merchants sat together
in a village church, grinning
and winking complacently as
Sam made hit after hit at tbe
follies and vices of the da}'.
Suddenly the evangelist leaned
over the and said;
“Some of you think it is a
big thing to make a good
trade. I tell you, my friends,
you will never know how much
solid damnation there is in a
real good trade until you wake
up in hell.”
The smiling merchants drop¬
ped their under jaws, and with 1
long faces stared at each other
in amazement. They have
been afraid of Sam Jones ever
since. ,
The trouble between Ger*
many and Spain over the for*
raer’s occupation of the Caro¬
line islands, begins to assume
more definite proportions and
affairs have a very ugly aspect
just at present. Indignity and
insult was heaped upon the
German embassy in Madrid, on
tbe announcement that a Ger¬
man gunboat had planted the
national flag at Yap over the
protest of the Spanish autbor
ities. The Spanish ministry
assures tbe people that energet
ic action has been taken looking
toward the determination ot
the suzerainty of Spain, while
the German press begins to de
maud apology for tbe outrages
against German Bag in Madrid.
The slaughter of Chinamen
at Eoek Springs, Wyoming
Territory, by white miners,
very naturally excites the in*
dignation of tbe law abiding
portion of the people of that
teiritoty They ifirist that
the mm-de* era shall be punish¬
ed to the extent ot the law.
It is to be hoped that they
will not be satisfied by simply
expressing their indignation
and honor, but will give the
authorities no rest until the
murdeiers are arrested and
tried. The killing of the Chi
namen, so far as appears from
the dispatches, was without
The speech of Governor
Hoadly, in opening the Ohio
campaign, stands in striking
contrast with the malignant at.
tacks with which Sherman and
Foraker opened tbe republican
fight in that state. The issue
has been clearly made, and the
democrats of Ohio, as well as
throughout the country, are
willing to stake the result on
It is a pity that the Charles¬
ton people hadn’t read the Sci¬
entific American before the
late storm. That journal says
that a cyclone can be diverted
from its course by exploding a
keg of gunpowder under it.
However, the Charleston peo¬
ple now know what to do when
they see another cyclone in
theiv neighborhood.
California fi uit growers have
alarmed the people of San
Francisco by stating that the
cholera miciobeis liable to be
introduced inte .this country in
raisins packed in the infectec
districts of Spain, and shippec
from ports free from inlection.
Evidently the California raisin
producers want to get contro'
of the raisin market.
Ten ex-confederates, who are
living in Kansas, have contrib¬
uted $42 to build a monument
to Grant at Leavenworth in
that state. Notwithstanding
this evidence that the bitter¬
ness of twenty years ago has
about disappeared John Sher¬
man and his fellow laborers in
the political campaign in Ohio
continue to slander the south.
The president has returned
to Washington and the beads
of the different departments are
reporting for duty, after sum¬
mer vacations and after having
enjoyed the rest which was
needed to enable them to car*
ry on the heavy work with
which they will be faced dur*
ing the coming winter.
Mabone sadly misses hi3
postmasters in Virginia, He
finds it difficult to organize the
negro vote without them. Of
course, he thinks that civil ser¬
vice reform as practiced by the
administration is a sham.
Undertaker Merritt, who
had charge of the Grant fiiner*
al, says that his bill is $14,162.
75. Of this sum $5,000 was
for carriages. The bill seems
to be reasonable.
The fact that the health of
New Orleans was exceptionally
good during the past summer
ought to help the exposition
which reopens there in Noaem
CoL J B Walton died in
New Orleans tbe other day.
He is well known as tbe com¬
mander of the Washington Ar¬
Tbe western man who saw
a soul lea7e a human body is
catching Hail Columbia from
eveiy quarter.
Thomas Hughes, the author
of “Tom Brown at Rugby,”
has lately returned to the Uni¬
ted States.
Sam Jones, the revivalist, is
opposed to all lotteries, which
reduces his popularity in Lou¬
They say that Foraker, of
Ohio, can talk any crowd to
sleep. .,
Poetry, Muslo, Science.
This beautiful constellation now
graces as never before our nation*
al skies. Its soft, sweet influence
touches a responsive chord in the
great 1 eart of humanity. It is mak-'
ing golden the summit of Tuba's
rugged mountains and wreathmg
with choicest flowers the Edenia
™le 8 »f«rth But »e turn fto/
this pleasant theme to say tlfe
times are hard, therefore go to J
) '
C i r linn •_ S f/MtiiPAalr for Rock Bottom n ii *j «
in flour, coflee, sugar, rice, syrup
and the neat assortment of grocer
ies usually found in general stores.
Georgia, Murray County.
Under and in pursuance of the
power vested in me hy the last
will and '
testament of James 6,
L-mb, late of public Charleston, S
I will Bell at outcry between
tbe legal hours of sale on Tuesday
jOct. fl, 1885, and from day to day
'until completion of sale, before
the the court following house lots in of Dahlonega, land in Mur¬ Ga.,
ray i Ifarabet county, Georgia ■* >
one'hundred thirty-seven (37) and
and twelve (xml), both
in the 25th district and 2nd section
of originally Cherokee. Each pie lot
containing 160 acres, field as
property of the estate of i James
Lamb, administration. deceased, for the purposes
of The titles come
directly to him from the original
grants which will be turned over to
purchaser with the other deeds, All
title papers can be examined np to
day of sale at tbe office of H H
Perry, Gainesville, Ga. Terms of
sale: Cash. A. S. JOHNSTON,
Ex'r last will and testament oi
James Lamb, decased.
O.X. STABS, TasitvaLLmit
Calhoun, Ha. Spring Piace,Qa
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all logalbusinaii
Georgia Murray County.
To all whom itmay conoern:
James A McKamy having in prop¬
er form applied to me for perma¬
nent letters of administration c on
the estate of E L Miller late of
said county deceased and I will
P&8& upon said applic&tjon on,, tlie
first Monday in J uly I 8 S 5 . Witness
my hand and official signature the
3 day of June 1885.
W H Ramsey.
f Tome treatment.
i_r'oA ggiKj sae
JgE. E. BROWN, g:
The Jewfler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, Ac.
Personal attention given to
repairing, Store next door
to bank.
J. 0. Faia, Judge Superior Court.
C. X. King, Clark Superior Court.
0. L. Tarry. Sheriff.
W. H. JUmeey, Ordinary.
T. J. Orbay, Traaaurer.
M. H. Bramblatt, Tax Beeelver.
,, W, D. Oragory, Tax Collaotor.
M. X. Batea, County Surveyor.
0. B. Holland, Corouor.
Comm isilocore, Donate Johnson, B. Water
hoqie, %. gr., 8. L. Trim enter, Jobs A. Berry,
J. Whita.
Board of Bdueatioa, X. B, Cbaatain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Sae’y and County Bebool Oom
mliiioner, W. Q. Harria, B. L. Pang la, John
0. Spraill.
Sprint Plaoe—824th Bint., S O Carter J.P.
H Hesrtsill N. P., D 0 Inur and Jo ha
Childers Constable*.
b.h aroun^- 82 sth nut., ;w d Haruiii
J.sp.,JA BlaokN. P., J M Wait aad An
derton Blaek Corn tablet
Eighth—184tk Dlat., W K Laekay J. P.,
J H Kahn N. P., J M P«x and Ml Xngle
" Doolittle—782nd Dlat., W C D Garden J P.
D X Humphrey* X. p., J T Morrison Con.
T*uth-S74ti> nut., T J Bryant J. r„ b c
Bonn Goneubi*.
Ai**ni«a— 1011 th But., J h Oneai j. p,
J H Wil,0 ° N * p -> J D Baxter and B s Bow¬
w _ r
Loaghrlige N , P ., , t Blt4< ,’ d fl w
Swaneon Conaubi**.
u ,.. lmK1>kuu ,
J B Bond and and W MBlehard. Constables,
Bull „ .. Ptn—1291th „ Di»t., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Oebora and W H
Arrival and Departure ef Mails.
Dalton—Departs 7a, m. daily,arives I pm.
Talking Rook—Departs 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives 4 p- m. Friday.
Ellljay—Daparts 7a. m, Tuesday, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Camille—Departs Cam Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasanga—Departs C a. ndsy;
arrives 7 Thursday.
All persons having demands •
gainst the estate of Elias Covington
late hereby of Murray notified connty deceased are
to render m their
demands to the undersigned accor¬
ding to law and all persons indebt¬
ed to said estate are required to
make immediate payment. This
the 18th day of June 1885.
3 W Sorrows,
E H Covinqtok.
On Five Years Time, at 8 per
cent, by Corbin Banking Co„ of
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county. Application
must be made through
dee 7, tf. Trammkll Stabs.
Statb or OioaoiA, Murray County.
To all whom it may concern:
J R Phillips, Administrator of
the estate of Wiley Dudley decay¬
ed, has in dne form applied to me
leave to sell the lands belonging
to the said estate, and said appli
cation will be heard on the first
Monday in September next. Wit¬
ness my hand and official signa¬
ture. this the 5th day of Aug, 1885.
W H Ramsey. Ordinary.
Flour tor Sale y
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
of Spring Place, on the waters
of Holly creek; first class family
flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price.
A. T. Logan.
All persons having demands a.
late gainst the estate of James P Oole
of Murray county deceased
are their hereby notified to render in
demands to the undersigned
indebted according to law and all persons
to said estate are required
to make immediate payment. * J This
June 17tb 1885.
James C Henri,
Administrator’s John L Oole,
J P Cole dec’d.
•-■“-Si %
J; S. v* *
Agent for WALTER A
■'A n WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
'.W», pmd Binders.
r v Reapers, Mowers =. &
^ Also agent for FRICK CO’S
fe- EclipseTiaction and Plowing En
giues, Saw Mills, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grift
Mills, Cane Mills, and a General line of Machinery.
W ooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
Hillinery Goods ’»
, i
Just Received at tba Milinary Siam a/
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A naw aad elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Qoods,eonsistiag tf Straw
Bennett altd Ladies’ and Children's Hats [trimmed and an trimmed] Mask
and Saeb Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbon., Book Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments Ae. Our foods
were bought of tba largeetand best importing Bouses in Balti- ,V ,
mere and New Yon, and will bo sold at vary law
* prices for cash, •' v
J* H* Bergen, ..if':.'
Now offers to the Planters of Georgia the most -’ powerful
STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented. Given up
by the Leading Expert Machinists to be more
powerful than any other device ever invent*,,
ed. He will sell county rights or any num¬
ber of counties in tbe State of Georgia.
Good live men can make from $10 to
$12 a day with this machine rt any
season of the year. Parties that
mean business can address
J. H. BERGEN. Woodlawn, or Dalton, Of
ISgT'A full site working machine, can be seen at, Dalton. Ga.
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to Consumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon the market in pack¬
ages deceive so closely resembling ours as
to the unwary, we would
request red lithographed purchaser tin to see that the
cans in which
it is packed always bear
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In much baying for the inferior imitation yon pay
as an article as
the genuine costs.
Be Sere Yaa Obtain The Gcsslse.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Finest flwaat Nnyy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitatlona
Block and Convey
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
m Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people is much desired, and
especially those from Murray
SvAta or Otonau, Hurra, Canary r
Nancy Moatbb VMurrapSuaariar Caurt,
Ja.. R. 0 Moatm/*™*
fore ordered, by the court that service fee Ge.Efa mp.
fected b, publication Xh. N.nh
Timxs, » newspaper published la said oeuot,,
la tarns of tba law. March J, 1885.
■ J C FAIN, J. S. C., C. C.
The abova . is a true extract from tba min
ute. of court. - C. N. KINS, Clerk.
■ ■■***»
with Bad Tin Tag; Bata Leal Pine Cat Chaw
l° 2 ;Navy Clipping,, aa4 Blaek, Brawn and
Tallow SNUPPS ata tba bast and ebaayaas
duaitty eanildasad.
■ ‘ A ■'
W. Luffhaan. Carter.
Attorneys at Law.
Spews Plaor, Gbomia.
Offlce over J P Cole £ Cs’s,
Optician and Jeweler,
«7ba]ltte WhSt„ Atlanta, Qm