Newspaper Page Text
TH ht onoBKii is, »**»•
The Boston --'-'-*77! Ai m«W *u\
adheres to the .-topian 11 ea
thaf the «ep*ihltc»ns to
send Rome of theii be.-t m< 11
political missions hr to mi.
up a respectable party in
South on the ruins of ancient
Wltiggi-ry «u ( ' vir 11 ei
eiice to the color hue. X lie Ad
vertisee, however, seems to ap-
preciate some of the difficulties
iu the way of accomplishing
such an object, It says: “If
they,” the northern republi¬
cans, “should go to work to IV
organize the uegroes as a race
party, they would of necessity
appeal to the prejudies of the
race against the whites, who
are their neighbors, as being
those who once held them m
slavery and who now opp ess
them in the use of political
powe r . This line of argumeut
would not be likely to make
converts among the whites, and
there is some question whether
it would avail as forraeily with
the more intelligent and pros¬
perous colored mew On the
other hand, it they should de¬
vote themselves to the issues
which are not race issues—
to civil service reform, the tar¬
iff, the regulation of national
finances tmd currency, the In¬
dian problem’ interstate com¬
merce; etc., the chances aie that
a large part of the Republican
pa ty, as it exists iu the South,
would not understand what the
talk was about and might be
driven into a condition of in¬
The paper quoted seems to
grasp the situation pretty ful¬
ly. There is little chance to
reorganize the Republican par¬
ty in the South. Civil service
reform and a Democratic ad¬
ministration have blasted the
hopes and energies of the spoils •
meu’ aud violatied Republican
promises have killed the”forty
acre and mule“ issue.
Sent by a Scientist
A noted scientist had his en¬
tire wardrobe stolen from him
last week with the exception
of a lew paper collars. He had
an engagement to call on a
young lady up the Hudson l iv¬
er. He sent the following dis¬
1 have had al] my clothes
stolen except some paper - col¬
lars. But that fact will not de
ter me from coming.
lie received the following
telegram in response:
If you have nothing but pa¬
per collars to wear do not
come. I love French art but
not French realism.
The author ot Delusion of
Accident said be liked literal
translations, but not to such an
The eminent English divine,
Mr. Spurgeon, has lately turn¬
ed vegetarian, and has been
visiting the south ot Europe.
A sumptuous lunch was given
iu his honor at San Remo, and
Mr. Spurgeon was invited to
say “grace” before the feast be¬
gan. Casting a rapid glance
over the table and observing
the profusion of meats and oth¬
er viands served, the celebra -
ted p eaeher piously ejacula¬
ted: “Lord, we thank Thee
that we do not often get such
a meal as this, else we should
Betsy Hamilton has tetiirned
fluiM IV.Mas.
wasexploded under Flood
Hell Gate, last Saturday raorn
ing. » We clip the following
f| n an
Mary fo Newton' daughter the eleven
y <iar 0 of General
Newton, who, as chief eiigiu
t ^ r b HS conducted the opera*
t .j OIW at Gate since the
start touched the button that
f ree the electric eurient that
exploded tiu shbmaiitie mines
and shattered mountains ot
rock, lilting it out of the bosom
of the sea and crushing it into
millions of fragments. It was
little Marv Newton who when
a mere baby, touched off the
first Hell Gate explosion a few
feet from the point where she
stood to-day. The shock of
the collapse was felt only slight
ly on the Astoria shore.
Immediately after the explo¬
sion a die broke out, in the
wreck and burned lustily amid
the seething waters,
Four instantaneous photo¬
graphs were taken by the offi¬
cers of the corps o engineers
from the firing point ar Asto
When the senate meets there
will be a list of between 500
and 600 postmasters appointed
during the recess, to be sub¬
mitted for confirmation. r-H n
addition, it is estimated that
during the session of congress
the terms of at leart 600 post¬
masters will expire, so that the
nominations of over 1,000 post¬
masters will come before the
senate during the next session.
There are ‘2,335 presidential
postmasters in this country,
j and at the rate observed during
the past six months all the
presidential postmasters will
be changed in two years.
The political war cry rings
tb oughouf Ohio. Gov. Hoad
ly the democratic candidate and
Judge Foraker the republican
candidate met last Saturday
night, in joint discussion at
Music Hall in Cincinnati. Fully
seven thousand persons came
together to witness the de¬
bate. The democrats expect
to hurl the bloody shirt dema
gouges into the gloomy shades
of deserved defeat and place
Hoad 1 y again in the executive
As far as possible to judge
from the position and appear¬
ance of the wreck, the explo¬
sion was an entire success. The
shock was felt to a slight ex
tent only iu the city.
Riel the Canadian insurrec¬
tionist, is awaiting in London
England, the arrival of tho con
sel L om this country.
France has her show of polo
tics at the present.
The Roumelian question
still remains unsettled.
Cardinal McCloskey of New
York died Inst week.
The political pot boils hard
iu Ohio.
Whereas Spring Place since Lodge last No. stated 145.
meeting Architect it has the pleased Universe the Great
of in
the dispensation of His All
wise Providence to remove to
realms of eternal bliss our wor
i by aad beloved brothel Jathan
life September who departed There this
5th 1885.
Resolved, that the Lodge of
which he was a member lament
his loss 4 both as on exemplary
and Mason. an upright and
Resolved; that we deeply
with the bereaved
- 811 - -
lection. v
Resolved: that the appro pr
ate fu, niture and jewels of this
Lodge he clothed in mourning
for the usual space * of time.
and that each member wear a
badge of the same, in evidence
of our sorrow for the loss of a
beloved br ther and that a
blank page with the usual in*
seriptiou be left on the minutes
of the Lodge in token of his
Resolved that we hereby ex¬
press tuach' our Lodge obligations No. foi to their Su-
assistance iu interring the body
of our deceased biother with
appropriate Masonic ceremo¬
Resolved that the secretary
be requested to forw ard -a cop
y of the resolutions to the fami
lji ot onr departed brother and
also a copy of the same to the
North Georgia Times for pub
Notice —1 have good Blue Straw
se d wheat for sale or exchange for
cotton seed DEENIS JOHhSoN
Notice. —Whereas, I have sold a
great many goods on time this sea
son. and have been to con iderable
expense in building my new st<ue.
I am cprnnelled to ask all my debt¬
ors to come up and pay me prompt
ly at Ihe earliest possible date, in
order that I may be able to meet
my bills tor goods tbit will be due
in a very short time, JElope.all iny
debtors vi 1 comply with this re¬
quest and pay me the first money
they get as I am depending upon
them for money to meet my own
debts. W J Johnson,
Poetry, Music, Science.
This beautiful constellation now
graces as never before our nation¬
al skies. Its soft, sweet influence
touches a responsive chord in the
great 1 earfc of humanity. It is mak¬
ing golden the summit of Time's
rugged mountains aud wreathing
with choicest flowers the Edenic
vales of earth. But we turn m
this pleasant theme to say
times are hard, therefore go to J
Cl inn’s for‘‘Hock Bottom” prices
in flour, coffee, sugar, rice, syrup
and the neat assortment of grocer
ies usually found in juneral stores.
Gkorgia, Murbay County.
Under and iu pursuance of the
power vested hi me by the last
will and testament of James
L-imb, late of Charleston, S 0\
I will sell lit public outcry between
t he legal nours of sale on Tuesday
Dec. 1,1885, and from day to day
until completion of sale, before
the court house in Dahlotiega, Ga.,
the lots of land in Mur¬
ray county, Geoigia
Number thirty seven (37) and
cue hundred and twelve (112), both
in the 25th district and 2nd section
ol originally Cherokee. Each lot
containing 160 acres. Sold as the
property of the estate of James
Eamb. deceased, for the purposes
of administration- The titles come
directly which to him from the original
grants will he turned over to
purchaser with I he other deeds. All
title papers can be examined up to
day of sale at the otfice of H H
Perry, Gainesville, Ga. Terms of
sale: Cash. A. S. JOHNSTON,
Ex‘r last will and testameut oi
James Lamb, decased.
Stats of Georgia, Murray County*
By virtue of an order Horn the
court will ot sell Ord'y before of Murray Co.. Ga.
I the court house
door in the town of Spring Place.
Ga. to the highest bidder at public
out cry between the legal boms of
sale on the first luesday in No
vember fioxh the welt half of lot,of.
land No. 201. Containing 80 ucres
mote or less, and all of lot No. 202
containing 160 acres inure less,
all ia the 8th dist and 3rd section
of said county Said lands will be
sold in 80 aero tracts or in bulk
the discretion of the admiais
tfator. Each of said tr cts being
improved, about thirty five or
acres of cleared land on each
very good buildings and out
with wells of good water.
a s the property of Wiley
y, dec‘d* Terms: One .third
the balance on 12 months
with iuterest at 7 per eent
day ali of sale. Titles made
the purchase money is
J R \Vilajr Phillips, Dudley, Adnrr
■ 1 ;• IHI A’ «
* - j
J. 0. Fain, Judge Superior Court.
„ „ " ° ur ’"
c L
w „ IUm96Ji 0rdin „ y . SB
T . J. Ovbey, Treasurer, iia
M n Brsmblettj TftJt R i -
eoe Ter<
W. D. Gregory, Tar Collector.
M. M. Bates, Connty Surveyor. mM
C. B Holland, Coroner.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, E. Water
house,Sr., S. I.. Trimmier, John A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Seo’y and County School Com¬
missioner , W. G. Harris, H. L. Pangle, John
G. Spruill. *
Spring Place—824th Di3t., S G Carter J. P.
H Heartsill N. P., D C Kenner and John
Childers Constables.
Ball GrOund-8S5th Dist., W D Hartsill
J. P.,J A BlackS. P.,J M West and An¬
derson Black Constables
Eighth—981th Dist., W R Lackey J. P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J 11 Fox and John Ingle
Doolittle—792ud Dist., WCD Gordon J P.
D E Humphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con.
Tenth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D 0
Durn Constable.
Alaeulsa—1011th Dist., J II Oneal J. P,
J H Wilson N. P.,JD Baxter and E S How¬
ell Constables.
1013th Dist., M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridge N. P., E L Bates and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuck Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Boll Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown X. P., A T Osborn and W H
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arives 5 pm.
TalkingRock—Departs 7a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. m. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tues lay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassvillo—Departs dam Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs 6 a. rsday;
arrives 7 Thursday.
Ali persons having: demands a
gainst the estate of Elias Covington
late of Murray county deceased are
hereby notified to render m their
demands to the undersigned accor¬
ding to law and all persons indebt¬
ed to said estate are required to
make immediate payment. This
the 18th day of Juue 1885.
o W Sorrows*
E H Covington.
On Five Years Tune, at 8 per
cent, by Corbin Banking Co.,
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county. Application
must be made through
dec 7. If. Trammell Starr.
-HE. E. BROWN,gp
The Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next door
Flour for Sale
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
ot Spring Place, on the waters
0 f Holly creek; first ckss family
„ bur IS . always , kebt , , , on , hand *
at the lowest cash price,
A. T. Logan.
All persons having demands a.
gainst the estate of .James P Cole
late of Murray county deceased
ore hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned
according to )r,w and all p wsons
indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment. This
June 17th J885.
James C Henry,
John L Uole,
Adminibtrator’s J P Cole dec’d.
- r .f Pa arnett,
Agent for WALTER A.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK & CO’S
4 J Eclipse TVaction and Plowing En
§ us, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist
Mills, Cane Mills, aud a General line of Machinery.
Wooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Datoon, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Milinery Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortmentof Milinery and Straw Geo.ds,consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children’s Hats [trimmed and nntriinzxfed] Neck
and Sagb Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Keek Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satina,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our good*
were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Vorx, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
The Cabbage for the South,
Either lor home uae or for shipment to Nobthkhn Markets,
Tlila valuable variety, as well ae a lull list ot the most desirable
WUl be found described In our Manual ot “ EwavTHnto for thh Garoex," which will be sent to any
address on receipt ot stamps [So.] to cover postage.
Peter Henderson & Co. SEEDSMEN ft GROWERS.
35 A 87 Cortlaadt St.,
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to Consumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon the market in pack¬
ages so closely resembling ours as
to deceive the unwary, we would
request lithographed purchaser- to see that the
red tin cans in which
it is packed always bear
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In buying the imitation you pay
as much for au inferior article as
the genuine costs.
Be Sure YouObtaiu The Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitations.
Stock and Convey i
For hive or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people smucb desired, and
especially those from Murray
w. Lulfmah. B. P. Carter.
Attorneys at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Office over J P Cole & Co’s,
Optician and Jeweler,
ELRY <fcc.
-tTlaallite WhSt.. Atlanta, Ga
State of Gkorgu, Murray County
Nancy Moatrs ) Murrap Superior Court,
Jar. T.= R. t> T 8 MoatksJ ,, ) March adjourned term
C , 1885.
I .t. ft EL >e "rL ng to the Court from the return
,r Of the Sheriff that the deft does
this county, and it not reside
she further appearing that
does not reside in said state: Itisthere
lore ordered by the court that service be per¬
by publication in the North Georgia
1IMK8, a newspaper published in said county,
terras of tho law. March 2, 1885
J C FAIN, J.s. C., C.C.
The above . . true
is a extract from the min¬
of court. C. N, KING, Clerk.
Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine CntOhov
Clippings,and Blaek, Brown and
SNUFFS are ihe bast and eWuNUt