Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Time
? im
On Pre chers. ■
I don’t know of any profes¬ |
sion or calling in this mixed,
knotty life that is more irapos
“• account P wt > 1,
than the ministry. No . doubt
the** are it great many good
old people who think that ai
preacher is a little angelic, and I
wouldn’t do anything big bad for j
j* obonk of goto as as a)
full rnooa, but now if they j
donT find themselves badly
fooled on that point, I'll pay
the damage. Yes, folks think
a mighty sight of preachers,
and it is right that they do,
fur p’eachers ought to be per
l««;t models and many of them
are; but I'm thinking that
when the Great Judge divides
th* flock on that final day, if a !
oritic should happen to be
present, with a real acute oh
Nervation, and gaze out told over the j
the left where we are
goats will be placed, he would j
be UK it sure to see, here ami j
there, an old baldheaded
preacher bob’i iig around, lost
in wonder and astonishment.,
that he. had failed to pass
through the pearly gate and
i >in in the song ot redemption.
Did you ever notice how Jazy
preachers are as a class? And
I always thought they ought
to lie the most industrious peo
pie living, but some of them
will sit around all bent up,
they become afflicted with
old fashioned hump back. A
preacher can’t go to heaven in
an arm chair, and its a good
thing, for,If soch were the case
we. wouldj all undertake the
gospel. I don’t think a preach
er ought tp» knuckle down to
hard work and neglect his
churches, that is it lie is all
preacher and. don’t pretend to
do anything else. But these
fellows who just sing o.f now
and then, when it suits them
wouldn’t bo missed very
]y if they should retire to the
farm altogether. I can t
<) f a punishment half
enough for a man who will
sleep and muse through the
week, and when Sunday comes
go to church ami dive into Home
theological question off band,
which should have occupied
evevf spare moment ot his
time, and then but a venture
at, the truth could be made.
It is mighty pleasant to listen
to a preacher who so utilizes
bis time in study that every
sentence he utters is perfectly
fragrant'with the odwr of the
brilliant, midnight lamp; still
it is only a small fev among the
many who'saturate their ser¬
mons vvftn this splendid, last¬
'd ng, nocturnal, pe’furae. There
is one. very important thing
which it seems to me but a
small number of yireachci s have
ns yet learned., That is when
to quit. Tbs fellow who gets
up and hoots in a long metre
’ tone for two hours and a half,
jf he isn't careful, will hit the
wide gate instead of narrow,
for tiring arwf almost
people ou tk* mi 1 'ject offchris
tiimifv. VVVll, I suppose we
hWq.i .great
itv rat urn l among
nreaHl'' F, bir tuer <io a heap
•• pi goo i <k7M.f‘tUf «S anti when
tbvy come to see us kill a chick
cn and make them live an . up
as possible. Jf any of my
friends should happen to preach
I would say tiy to be a Tal~
mage or greater than be, but
then, everybody can’t be wise
and good and g'eat, ” neither CJti.
preachers expect to be
famous. Ho if you are a poor
try. to.get to be a
btttei ope. and I guess a part
of your imperfections will be
excused. Perfect respect to
u o.-e-cher, 1
Keat Muns,
Thisas publicans about have the not only tried way I
deplete the treasury,
" 1
Notwb.-*AU persons indebted
to meon not* or account will please r
forward , ...... set! )e at . once.
come ana
or I will be compelled o put my
P«P«t.o»t for eolation. I have
debtH now daw wliieh must bo met
other5pl88 i wonld Dot make tJli8
request. J A Dickson.
Dalton, Ga., Jan. 16, ’86.
Editor Times: In a recent
issue oi your paper there ap
peared an article by “Keat
Muns” ou widows. This un
fortunate class having been
treated by him with the injus¬
tice they are accustomed to re¬
ceive, I hope you will pe mit
me through your valuable pa¬
per to present a few thoughts
in their favor. They are trod?
ol all the human family the
most unfortunate. To be thus
suddenly thrust, from a pusi
tion safe, Sheltered and honor
ed, to rude contact wish the
world, to be fleeced by every
grasping man with
whom they have to deal. Then
while in this affliction, pathetic
beyond words to tell, to be
held up as an object of ridieule,
this is the “most unkind eat cut
of all.” I do not think it right
to judge the class by rare ex¬
ceptions. It shows a great want
of delicacy and no want of con¬
ceit in a “modest man” to rai.s
construe the motives of the
widow, who, the first shock ot
grief being over, endeavors to
appear cheerful, and who does
wish to bore every oue she
meets with a recital of her
griefs and grievances, A slur on
widows is a slur on the whole
sex. Any woman who marries
may be a widow. The only
way to avoid the risk is no’jt to
marry at all, and surely Keat
Mmis would not advise that,
In conclusion I would advise
him not to allow any concern
about his recognition in heaven
to interfere with liis attention
to the widow he so much ad -
mires and ao graphically dc
scribes. The. Lord has called
himself the “judge of the wid
He will not welcome to
the abodes of bliss any who
speak in such a manner of wid
ows. Without since:e repent¬
ance on his putt before he pre¬
sents himself at the pearly
gates he will hear the dread
sentence “Depart, I never knew
you,” A. Widow.
Fine Lands for S le.
I have a first class farm for sale
lying 11 bout four miles nmtheasi
of Spring Place, in Murray conn
ty, on Holly and Little Rock |
cr«t,. conlainipg four hundred
and fitly acres, two hundred and
fifty acres being first class bottom
laud, the remainder splendid cot¬
ton aud wheal land with fine wa
ter aud useful water power. Also
a good dwelling house, two good
barns and four tenant houses. And ;
will sell iu parce e to suit buyers.
Terms ol sale 26 per cet.t paid
down, and the remainder on one
two .nd three years time at 8 P e r
cent interest. J F Tickkb
N ’goti tiou? may be made
through Trammell Starr < r W C
.Martin, nil rnejs at law, Spring
I’ltu'e. Ga.
The ved-headed Belfoed is
bach in Washington, He says
that the people <>l his country
a re bound' to have the silver
<*l the tivaeiiry. and if
can't get it out any other
tin y w ill take it out with
Lav* \\r.Inn tti • next five yearn.
■ *
Homestead Notice.
Wilson, Georgia, Minray county.
M«ry A wife of John H
Wilson, personalty has appled for exemption
of and 1 will pass upon
the same at 12 o'clock m. on the
26th ol januaiy 1886 at m.v office.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
State o- Osobou morrat cociitt.
To all whom it may concern:
Pleasant McGhee having in prbp
erinim applied administration tome for perma¬
nent let tors of on
t te estate of N A Megee, late of
said county, this is to cite all and
singular the Megee creditors and and nex’ of
kin ol N A to be appear
at my office within the time allow¬
ed by law and show cause if any
. -
they cau, why , permanent, , admin-• .
istrabon should not be grouted. to 5
said applicant as apphi d 1 >r. V, ji -
ness mv hand and official siuiia
l ure this ,, the 29t h d ay of lHc. lSSo
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
hmwSaHu.M&nV, _ _ „
Robert Shields ha, applied for
exemption of personally and set
ting ap .rt and valuation of home
stead and I wdi pass upon lhe
f me ,l?. 2 °’ c,ock ra ’ 0,1 the 6th oi
Jan. 1886. at office. _
W H Raiusey, Ordinary.
B«M*.-Harrm Debility, HyfekOftte laapoteMf, Drfaala -
ASmUmm WaikMN, *#«Qtally (HMrrhM, Ircafad aclentl&i H«rc prlDcfp'.ea, mrtmi i
o» tmr
wttfe safe and atura raaaedlea. Call or writ* Mat of (jwea
•*— ** anawered by thou* desiring treatment by nixll. •
/ P w a > i nfcria» from KuptaraaiiouldMmltltalr tutdr*M,% (rmm.#
%«ad b«n» aa«atbiMr U tbalradvaatage. ItlatMt *
AHwm, DR. HfTTTM* 19 *. /M BL, BL LatiW. H«.
The Atljntt Constitution
This great southern weekly should
be taken bv every laimer in the
state. Ha- ill kinds of reading
maitei, containing the productions
of three of the greatest homousls
of the day. Bill Arp. Betsy Hamil¬
ton and Uncle Remus. " Seoa in
your name ami your nionv and you
will be nior- tlico pleased.
/JBEHL n OUE •-A cfrtkhs TREATMENT. com fcr Nervous
Debility, nose, Impotence, 8eminal etc,
ad Tb» koTlliutrated ScclpMoaodTo book offlOpiiKe* rractlce for 25 fildl- Year*'
r ".': ll< .° , f Dr L* * ! f 1 [y ic<,ct nt ftep. giving Address
DAT. WttUANB. - ' 43 S ’.*^ OilerOh*dua.r«
All persons desiring li pntcliaBe
leather of any kin k kip, upper and
harness, we have it on hand, and
will Bellas cheap as can be bought
anywhere e'se.
J C Henry & John L Cole,
Administrtor’s of .1 P Cole, docoas
Will bt sold at the late residence
of N A Mogee, deceased, in Murra
county. Ga-. on Friday tne the 8th day
of January, next, within legal
hours of sale the billowing proper¬
ty cheep, to-wil: One, cattle, farming hpi»»,
wagons, harness,
tools, household and kitchen furni
IU'e, orn. fodder wheat, oaia
other articles too tedious to men¬
tion. Said property belonging to
the estate of said deceived. Terms
For all sums o> five dollars and nn
dei cash bor all sums overlive
dollars on >me til) 1-t Nov 1886,
with nole a-m approved ^curity.
_ .
RRSfasJnS’** ^
’4’ v, I: Y i
Don’t Purchue, Won!!!“
Stop, do not drink Idttere a%d
stimulants which are only tempo
vary in their effects; ttiey will no*
and cannot give back to you the
elastic step and bright joyous J H Me ap
pearapce of youth. Dr.
f^ an * s strengthening cordial an
blood purifier 1 is what you want.
Stitx Of Ocorgu X’obrat Codntt.
Will be sold before court house
in the town of Spring Place
the highest bidder at public out
cry between the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in February
UcXf, the following described prop
erfy to wit
Lot of land No one hundred and
seventy eight in the twsilty sixth
district and Becond section of said
county. Levied on as the proper*
ty of Mack Arnold by virtue ol and
to satisfy a tax fi fa issrnd from
the tax collector's office of said
county in favor of the state and
county vs said Arnold Levy made
and returned to me by A P Dun¬
can L 0.
Also at the same time and place and
lots of land Nos two hundred
eight, and fifty nine, both in the
twenty sixth district and 2nd sec
lion of said county. L vied on as
the property of It II Love by virtue
of and to satisfy a i ax fi fa from
the tax collectors office of . said
county in favor of the state and
county V8 mid B j> Lo TP . L~*y
ruade ai d retarned t 0 me hy WT
g wanso n L
Also at the same time and place
sixty aor , 8 roore or i ese off oJ - t be
SOT , th west corner oflol 0 f ] am ] No
26J in the 26th dist and 2nd sect,
ol Murray county Gu. Levied by on
as 1 be property’of T A Henson
virtue of and to satislv a justice
conr ( fi fa in favor of 8 A Gregory
vg T A H enson. Levy made and
relnraed to me bv W T Swanson J,
c This Dec. 30‘. 1885.
0 L TERRY, Sheriff.
^ I* P T.I ' DPAWIT ’ JX1
The Jkwkler.
Dalton, Georgia
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, *c.
Persona) attention given to
repairing, store next door
to bank.'•
Henry Ebert, No. 1344 tN, 16th
street, St. Louis % aavM J called:-uv
tell yo i that-,|,be bottled 'lar
is Lung the Balm remedy wli'ch I hpughi,’ot'lyou i1i«
nett work!
for croup,mv little n rl dour vie hi
old had u very had at tack and wc
despaired ot her file, but two dost*
made her all right.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
Dklton— 7 a, in. dail?,arives 5 pn.
TalltingRock—I>Bparti7R. m. Ssturdiy,
j » p m. Friday,
Ellijay—Depart* 7 k. m, Tue*lky, Thurs¬
day, Saturdkj; Arriva* 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Caisville—Departs fi a m Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday: arrives fi p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
OonnAsauga—Departs 6 a. rsday;
Rrrivsi 7 Thursday.
Saddle or Collkr Gall*. Pr. J II McT.aan*
Volc*nio Oil LinimeNt late* kwa, F.v.r,
reduce? the Swelling nud heals the ?ore*.
It acta like » charm. Wash each Sore
clean at lent once ever; day. do not rub
Ckihons.dn. 9pringVlftet,i*&
AXLOrneyS — al + T L* am » W,
Prompt mention giv*n to kll Ikgklbutink**
I Flour lor Sale
; At the , ,. Spring , , , Place louring j
: mills, situated nine ltnlcs east
, ot Spring Place, on the/ .waters
i of Holly creek; first clcsij family
j 1 flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price,
A. 1’. Loo AN.
All persons Laving demands a.
gainst tbb eet|ite of James P (.[ole
late of Murray county deceased
are hereby l ol-iied to render in
their demands to the undersigned
according to Ir w ar.d oil p 'rsons
indebted to said estate are required
( , to make immediate"payment. This
; June I7ih 1886 -
| ' JU
I JolmLcS
Adinin!»tratoi*s J P Dole dee'd
jsrsraESfiett-- r..... r
— <• *
Agent for WALTER A.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK <fc CO’S
EdipsejTiaction and Plowing En
w •utils, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist
Mills, Cane Mills, and a General line of Machinery.
1*0 TO .,
Wooten D AIT Holmes,
Wholesale Dealeks in
Dalton, . J Georgia
■ • 'XUS
Millinery Good^
Juit Received at the Hliiuery Store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 86, Hamilton Strset,
Daltou, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goo>)s,flon»isting of Slran
Uonnetealid Ladies’and Children's Uats [trimmed and outrimmed] Keek
and Sssh Ribbors,.Viivet Ribbons, Xpck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satina,
Velvet* and Crapes, Flower*, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Onr good*
were lough t of the largest and beet importing House* in Balti¬
more and New Yorn, and wit! be sold ai ver; low
prices for eaih.
The Cabbage for the Sa
Kitfccr fur heme ttse or Tor ibtpmant to Vonaua* bant
Thta Tsluable variety, u iron u k tkQ U*t at Un mbit SwlraUo
PeterHsnierson M 1" yl «'»."■ & A Co. A SBMin A •FSWKES.
L C L L a; ti D,’ s
Maccoboy 8miff.
C mtion to Consumers.
1 As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon resembling tba market in
ages so closely ours as
to deceive the unwary, we would
request purchaser to see that- the
red hthoarrapheil packed tin bear can* in which
it is always
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In buying the imitation yon
as much for an inferior ariiclo as
the genuine costs.
He .H*r* Yea Obtain The Oeauthe.
Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Piueet Sweet Wavy Chewing To
baceo Made.
Beware of Imitations.
StOCk ’.and CoilVey
j lop hiPe sale . at ,, JESSE ______
j HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
1,1 ' aiton. Da. a Wagon
Yaitl is kept in ebtjBOCtion
! .i )ei J ' vl -,i ’’ rri The patfbna^B ._ . of c
‘ *
the people vmuch desired,
especially tbo*e from
W. I, • II. I 1 ’. Carter.
Attorneys at Law.
■ c
Si*r1*» Place; Qxorcu.
Office over J P Cole 9 C«’a
si or*. • * ’ t
Optician and JcTPCleT*
- •• *
—DEALER IK—- «...
. i "Ijlrj
ELRY A«; ' - 'i
47 hk)llU WhSt.. AtlklfitR, * 8 .
’ •-I
B*k»* OT iMtM, Knrr»y Ponntv :
Karov Moatxs V. K»rrap Superior Conrl,
»* I Mkreh adjourned term
J**. U. o MoiTmJ>lMs. ilk
of Itkpjrsorinx to Court from tbo rctnra
tlwSheriff Out the def’k doe* *ot ra*ld»
In thia c.mnt.v, knd It further kppocring tha t
sho does notr»»ide 1* said state: Itisthetk
foro ordered by tbookkrl that lorvioe h« per¬
fected by pubiioatlt* in the North-Georgia
TiMKg, a newspaper published id e.iid oonnty,
1# terms of the lew. March'2, l'885.
Th« above ia * trae extract from the tnia
nte* of court. C. N. KING, Clerk.
with Ittd Vkg; Rose Leaf Fine GatOhew
ias(K»«|r^Hpping*,knd.Blkok, Yel!»w8>#PF3 the'Y**! Brown k»rt
' dwt)V^«*MMKki).