Newspaper Page Text
THV. HSO%V lASlT.IBlf *8, U
^KfiAx MUMS”
T On Young Ladies. 4
l have often thought in ro's
silent hours of musing, wli lllle
in ag iminaginative glance I
took in all the varigated scenes
ol creation, what a blank there
wotrM have been in the happi¬
ness of life had the benign Ore
stoiyvben fixing up his de¬
signs for this little planet for
gotton young ladies. When at
times it seems that the last fee
blc gleam of sun shine has breu
driven away by the b'gl J %
shadows cast by SOUK ten Pc
in 4the fatmfui ■ iniKgiiWt.
athwart the upper tealtns
and crush-s out the
hopes of the .wandering pil
grim as he slowly plods along
the beaten path from the era
die to the grave; then it is that
the pleasing voice of a fail,
lovely / maiden can do more to
wind ... . to ... his
Ed©uic state than all the pow- *
ersot earth , combined. . . , But
row, young ladies like every
ot her class ot people are not
more than half as smart as they
think they are. The great
trouble is they depend too
much on looks, and not half
enough on good sense. Yes,
beauty is a young ladie’s ideal.
Just tell one she is pretty and
she feels perfectly happy, but
a fellow would have to tell a
monstrous big lie to talk that
way to some of them—now
wouldn’t he? I believe we are
all a little inclined to like flat¬
tery. and young ladies more es¬
pecially. liny doui like)'t, You hear arid them -jthe jsay
ft at
■same time sit up half a night
listening to the honied words
of a fashionable flirt. Well,
perhaps they find some conso
latiou in the happy thought
that maybe there is some truth
in the affair. Did you ever
notice with what patience a
right sweet, sixteen year old
girl cau roll, twist, curl and ad¬
mire her beautiful bangs before
the frequented old mirroi. And
sometimes I can't help but
tbiuk that bang culture is more
extensively engaged iu than
brain culture, but then in some
cases it may be necessary, for I
do like a nice, neat, tasty dress¬
ed lady, and wherever the
work of “Dame Nature” is a
little deficient, it may be well
to put on the finishing touch
with the artificial brush. Ap*
pearauce, you know, goes a
long way in this strange world
aud young ladies do go power-,
ful on appearing well some¬
times, and often at the expense
of their own comiort. The po¬
et expresses it in this way:
‘There is the young lady with
fine brown eyes, And bred by
all beneath the skies. With
whale-bones aud corsets she
doei squeeze, Till she has to
anlace before she cau sneeze.”
Yes, many a poor fellow, to his
rad regret, has been caught in
the well wrought net of be¬
witching smiles and pathetic
words ol a fair winning Miss,
who befo e the preacher has
said: “Whatsoever God hath
joiued together let no man put
asunder." seemed as biilliant as
a rav <d auijahme fresh from
the . ethwrHMl . , realm** , of ,,, light, but ,
aftetward changes into amid
night i whirlwind •• I • i all n streaked * i I
with Ruling rta.-ht*? of forked j
Lot of laud No. 41 in the 8th dig
trict aud 3rd section of said coun¬
ty. Levie l on as the property ot
John Beck and Nathan Robinson
by virtue of three justice eourt fi
fas issued from the justice court ol
the 1291st district a k. All in fa¬
vor of E 8 Howell vs John Be k
and Nathan Robinson, to pay the
purchase mouey due on said lot of
laud, except forty acres in the
southeast corner of sai4 lot. Lav
ies made and returned to me by
t U IS t afford l o.
Also at the same time and place
two lots of laud Nos. 176 and 178
m the 27th district and 2nd section
of said county. Levied on as the
property of K T Reck by virtue of
and to satisfy four, justice court fi
fas issued irom the justices court of
the 10J9lh dial, a m, three in favor
of A S Viuing vs it T Beck and
one in favor of G W Oglesby vs K
T Beck. Levy made and returned
to me by / B Bond x. o.
Also at the same time and place
lota of land Nos 215, 251 and 97
in the 26th dist aud 2nd t-ection of
said connty, also lot No. 165 in the
twe * lt y seventh dist a»ii second
section of said county. Levied on
as the property of John L Rowe by
virtue or and to satisfy a tax fi fa
in favor of the state and cou ity J vs
t l Rowe.
Also at the same time end place
a misfortune “ should slip up on
!tl.u, and 1T I think , • , the a divorce is _
law should ‘each his case, not
withstanding B Talmage dc u’t g- f.
, heavy granting . <1t
very on
vo ces and I guess the reason
is , be , Happened 'I, o ma ty
factorily to himself. Did y».U
eversee ovor see a a young voiino ladv way wno who used useu
snuff? Well, gUess you have,
and it is unnecessary / for me to
taint . the , point pi my , bench
in writing what i f hink ahum
i:**t '
the ,» habit . l-*. It r. don i t take littlr
girls Vt*ry long to feel th •„ they
linve * ' reached the staff? of
‘ voting j lady hood, ariout tut
t rae tb - f rut boy requests their
compabj they consider the vie■
torv Wu0 tyVjl it’s powetful
hari for a ,wllow wb0 hM tw
iitest k of w<idiuj . nt in
h£souTto *<p«i
keep fn« falling iu
J 0Ve w *,tn every sweet girl he
a nd he will like them
auy how, so there is no use to
tpy to ke<;p toin j t . With
kinde8t 1Vs?tt , U to all young la
dle6 wllo Josi’t use snuff.
-• l
bori Mountain Ripples.
Were bavin tr lots of fun
over the mud and , marriages. .
Mr, tlesse Willbanks was mar
ried to Mist Parthenia Brown
last Tuesday evening by W C
D Gordon, Esq., and Mr. J R
Keith was married to Miss
Minnie Peeples the day follow¬
ing by Rev. M W Shields.
Woids are inadequate to ex¬
press our wishe^iii happiness. regard to
their future
The Teacbe.tV Institute met
and was duly organisud. Plot.
William Rickett was elected
Proaid^nt I resident, P..,f not. .T j T i a MeRntiiv dmire
Secretury; Prof. 0 M Humph
t^SSmys Whitfield appoint'd l
were coin
mittee on programmes, The
next meeting will convene at
Sumach Saturday befote the
4th Sunday in February, and
every teacher who feels inter¬
ested, is earnestly requested, to
be present and enlist.
Dr. Fields was with us last
F idav night, and took an ac¬
tive part iu the party given at
the residence of Mr. Sam Pee¬
ples the same night.
We’re iu hopes that we can
give you the details of auotbe
matriage in our uext. L.
Georgia, Murray oonnty.
Will be sold before the court
house do or in the town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub
lie outcry between toe legal houis
of March sale on the first following Tuesday in
next the proper
to wit:
* favor of the state and county V*
A. A Manning th=>7 ageni of J % Manning
.. at a metirm and rise
i„ts d* <,f twenty i- in d Nos sixth 219,55$ <&>&=» d
ond m **s f jo« of said joufav. Jbevi ;* * • f
B a9 the property ot fe-M Ada., >
by virtue of nmi to satisfy it»x *
jr favor of the ut-tte w-rl count*
;B Adan?s. L«vy made it*d re
tamed to me by A P Jl ucan l o.
foriy Also Rl v Lf • 8Rme j, «^e m and in plac* t.
a . re , lut 0 .
eighth district and ■hird Ht-cctioi
cf said county in the south ea t i
coraor t said lot by ortue of an<!
tosati /a tax fils in favor of the
state aud county vs Joseph G *•
wio • J Levy M made and returned to
m e by box lc
Also at the same time and place
lot ot land No. 317 in the uinlt
distrir* md third section of Mi<‘
county. Lev-n J on ss theptoper
V of Amos B ay virtue ot and
co^onha g^thdistrim'a *Tl?U
v<.r of Trammel 1 $l*rr vs 0 V Join,
D c Kenner i. c.
ofian,} yj Q . 7 n the eighth district
and (bird section of au.t Jaunty
court fifes, oue .be 1013th
**$«*J ^
of the twive huuaed ninefv
first du,,. ml a u. one iu avtir of L
so.ris and one in fsvor of W H
Staples vs R L Baynts. Levy made
ttna returned to me by *D Staff
nrdie ° Tnia .Ian riTr, 07 ’ ISSfL
pi V/ L. leiiy, o oneritt. h#
-• ^wwlTa wiT"
Gxorou Murray county.
J O Henjy and J LCole anmin
istrsiors of J P Oole dec’d have
in due torm applied to the under
signed for leave to sell ail the real
estate belonging to the estate of
said dec‘d. All of Baid real estate
lying and being in the town of
Spring Place, (»a., and consisting
of one store houae and lot includ¬
ing a smalt dwelling house. Tau
yard and lot. The inuse and Jot
where on the dec*d died, ci miaiu
ing seven acres more or less ot
of land. Two houses and lot across
the street-fronting.the honso and
lot where dec*d died, and ail oftlu
i“‘®rest ol the •iec-d including in »be King &
chinery; Kelly factory tot. ma wi>i
and said papphcaiion
w H Ramsey, Oidiuury,
Georgia, Murray c .ui ty
Mrs. Jane McGhee, widow ot N
A Megee dec d has in duefoim ap
plied to have a years support minor set
apart to her and to her
daughtei from the esta e \d said
dee d, and appiais' rs having bee:,
appointed for that pin pose, and
said appraisers having made re nrn
cf the same as required by law
all persons concerned are hereby
notified to show cause on tin; first
Monday in march next wo-, said
applicat-'on should for twelve months sup¬
port not be granted to said
applicants as prayed tor. T >is Jan.
27, 1889. W H Ramsay, Orn.
6tati or Gkokgia, Mnrmy Count;.
Wm. buffman, adm’r of John
O’oonnor deed has iu dne fo- m ap
plied to the undersigned for lea re
to sell all the lands belonging to
the estate <>f said dec ased. and
said application will be heard on
the first Monday in Match next.
Witness my hand and official signa
tare, this 27 day of Jan. 1886.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
=§E. E. BROWN, ft
Thf. Jewflbb. v S
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silv. r
Ware, Sp r, ctacle«, <fcc. - • / y
Personal attention giv^ri t<>
repairitig. store next'door
to bank.
St*t* or Gm'rou mvhiv cociitt.
To all whom it havilfi may concern:
Plaisant applied McGhee in'prop
er loi m to me foi perma¬
nent lel^rs of administration on
t ie estate of N A Megee, late of
sHid-t'Ounty. this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and nex» of
kin ot N A Megee to be tinie and allow- appear
at my office within the
td by law and show cause if any
they can, why permanent adunn
istratirn should not be granted to
said applicant as applied for. Wii
ness mv hand aud official si na.
tUFSijt hi* the 29tb day of Dec. 188-5
Jium-STy, Ordinary.
and cannot aivc hack to yon ie
elastic step and bright Dr. .joyooe JHMc ap
pearancc of youth.
^f h»«od an ‘* ponfi rtr««theimig ^ want"
feb» t ja»t sheriff's*ale-s.
bt*t* «» oaow»u mo*«at coustr
Will be aoW beiore t »ur Iwiim
lloor „ t j,„ turn of bprng Pi
to the higher bidde, at public sri- ou
cry betweeJ^be legal boors of
on the first jIWay iu February
u xt, the IVlrowiug described pr<p
erty to wit..
Lot of eiglit land No one hun >ie<l ana
seventy in the twenty six it
district andfcecond section of said
county. Mack levied Arnold on as the proper* ot nd
ty of b-*virtue
to satisfy f^iax A la i*an«d frutn
tlw tax collector's office of son
county in iaviir ot the state an
comity vs said Arntld Levy made
and returned to me by A P Dun*
Als- at the same time hundred and place and
lots of land Nos two
tion ot wMcomity. Levied on as
¥£&&}& au5S4 '”W
the tax collectors office of said
SMS id R iVe Lw
made returned to me by WT
^ » n d ot?
Bix roor « l * r le88 off tb ®
south west corner of lot of
^ 3 J" d ' 8 t Rn
ol Mnrra ^ countyGa. ( , Levied Levied on on
*® property of T A Heoiwn by
virtue of and to satiety a J u ^» ®
court fi fa in fevor of S A Gregory
veT A Henson. Levy made and
returned (2» me by W T Swanson L
0. This Dec, 30.1885.
i (JL TKuRY, Sheriff,
Henry Ebert, No. 1341 N. 16th
street, St Louis, says: i called to
tell yon that the botile of lar Wine
Lung Balm vouch I bon»! t of you
is the b^*t remedy in ill* world
for croup, my hide girl four yours
old had a very bud attack aud w<
despaired ol her hie. but two do-'t-s
made her all right.
The Atliiit Constitution
'Ihis great fcoiitbem w.ek'y sbou d
bo taken i>>-<-verv fmmer in rb.
state. H> <11 kinds of reading.
martei. coniai' iii* iiie product*
ol ■h' - **.* *.f Mu- r- <0-1 buim* • .
of tl^» Bit! Arp Bfthv H«n.
ton And Cii'- v Rrhin^. ‘ s, - -
your ii.-uu . n ' y;nr ninny .and y
wii' bn more Itno piea8<.-d.
Arrival and Departure of N.tilt
Oaltoo—Departs 7 a, hi. ilailj, arive *i pm
Talking Ruek—Depart* 7 a. m. Saturd*;,
arrives ( p. in. Fridny.
Ellyay—Depart* 7a. in, Tueslay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrive* S p. m, Monday,
Wcdnesdar, Friday.
Canville—Departs tau Monday, Wed
nesday, Friday; arrive* 0 p M. Tuesday
Thuradey, Saturday.
Conoaiauga—Depart* • a. r*day;
arrive*T Thursday.
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. .1 If McLean*
Volcaato Oil-Linimcvt take* away Fever,
reduce* the Swelling aud heal* the sores.
It act* like a charm. Waali each Bore
clean at least once every day, <lo not rub
Oalh«un,Q*. spring t-iaee,<va
« r A R R 4s STARK
Attorneys at Law,
FroM^t KitesiioR fifes to ell legal businen
Flour for >ale
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
ot Spring Place, on the water.
of Holly creek; first clrss fatnilv
flour is always kebt on ham!
at the lowest cash price.
A. T. Looan.
All persons having demands a.
gainst the estate of James P Cob
late of Murray county decease'
are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the nndersigne
according to lew and all p »rson
indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment. This
June 17th 1889.
James 0 Hnotr,
John L Cole,
AdotaMtaktor’s J P Oris dss’ 4 .
■■ - \
J. S. Barnett,
Agent for WALTER a.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK & CO’S
iv sipst jT action and Plowing Ed
g us, V U niting Tii;eshei », Cotton Gins, Grist
Ml is, Cane Mills, anti a General hue of Machinery.
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
M i 111 n ery Goods,
liftReceivcl at tie NIUiery »t#rt #1
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Stroot, 1
Dalton, Georgia.
A »»< kUgkkt kMortment of Mlliaei; and Straw Goods,ooniistilf of Straw
Baaoatiand LaAlaa’ a««l Children'll Halt [trimmed a-.d nntrimmed] N»ek
and Saita Rikbeaa, Vilvat Ribbons, Keck Tie*, Bonnet Sillti, Satint,
Volrets and Crapes. Flower*, Feather*,Ornament* Ac. Our £oo<l*
warn bought of the largeat anti beet importing House* in Balti¬
more and Naw YorK, cud will be sold at very low
price* for ooeh.
Riding Corn BENCH'S and or Walking Fallow CULTIVATOR.
With double l.’ctr Com IHamier
flu and IVrf • li srer A ttachtnent* coin*
t plrtt in one Machine*
wEm^ttn Kcceivel of Mtrit Mo Sal ho Gr«at and Hlgkut 8ontk*rn txpo- Awards
a-, i
!<* sitioc, ijOTtisvillo, It. ind 1883-4- *_kubi
bSHUI ber of State Fairs in
' t Tke KIHGoft^oCORJ-FIELD.
Vhoauand* in nee giving entire ggtiufae
HWX H tinu. TPI'h damned already tuie eeaaou is
Wee tiiuea ad iargv* tw la«t year.
RELIABLE AGENTS "*»*“< in rar
1^® oceupi^l territory. mailed free. Aildroiti
Goad for catalugue
HBMCH A OIIOMCOLOy York, Pa. Name this psper.
k f
Worcester Orgm Co., Woi,____,__
1 ••nd far Cutats^w* m\d Price List.
Put Koli.t,:. Hand Grenada Ftra
Htut* iba aimp!., action aror.«mica!; chmad * w- frost, or kuvtL
of all But daMriante
nx'rnmuxsm“ ”arms
marmvr.“ ..
« 3
2 ~y~~
MV>MO Snalwai, law V(rt«
/ if
wme forward and settle at on?e '
or I will be compelled to pnt iny
papers out for collection. I have
debts now dne which mast b« met
otherwise I would not make this
equest. J A Dicksox.
On Five Years Tune, at. 8 per
•ent, by Corbin Banking Co., of
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county, Al»plieation
nnat be made through
dec 7. tf. Tbanmux Sr jink.
Don't Pixel... Wm
mm ym Sbtmia
mgmm wetherillw FortfoUoef
wm&yBv Artistic DciIsm
h mEw Kg OId-Fishion*U
jW #T Cottage*, Hon*es,QneenAan« Suburban
Residence*,etc.eok- ore<3 matoh
iaa fmitiasSssPalBt shades of
&2Sr latest and showing and most the et
Sr feettre combination
f»«W‘ fr of colors in hons.
mwtai i painting. if dealer has sc,
«Rt4M« your
•fMM9 got our portfolio, ask hla
?**"* •feat I f to send to us for on*. Ton
‘ATUrl can then *ee exactly how
turn-1 your houM......
toilntatl*- Sitlw,
fatal i|fN to ro* GaD.WatlieriMfct
£66 North FfoatK
- PHIUO’A, Nk 0«'i
stock ; «nd convey
For hire or lale at JESSE
HOLLAND’8 Livery Stable
m Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in eonnectioi
therewith. The patronage of
the people • r much desired, and
especially those from Murray