Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Times
KING & CAKTGK I Publlaiier*.
rr —
Thursday Nov ember ao, 1890 .
and entered in the Po«t Oflloe at Spring Place
8a., u leoond elan matter.
Tax Collector.
We are requested to sen .unco tbe name
of M. M. WELCH as candidate for re-elec¬
tion to the office of Tax Collictoi of Mur ay
County. Electioa ljt. Wedneiday in January
After the solicitition of many friends, I
hare decided to autionnco myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector. Election first
Wednesday in January 1891.
11. A. Gbkoorv.
We are authorized to announce,the name
of GEO. II. HATES as a candidate for Tax
Collector. Election, first Wednesday in Jan¬
uary 1891.
We are authorize 1 to announce the name
of JAMES L. MCENTIEE as a candidate
for Ta x Collector.),Election first Wednesday
in January.
We are authorized to announce tbe name
ofJOUII S. ADDINGTON as a candidate
for county Treasurer. Election first Wednei
day in January 1891.
We are authorized to announce JAMES
A DICKSON for County Treasurer, electioa
first Wednesday in January 1891.
Wo are authorized to announce Rev. JOHN
H. PHILLIPPS as * candidate for County
Treasurer,election first Wednesday in Jan¬
uary 1691.
Foa SusBit'F.
With thanks to the people for their suffrage
in the past, 1 announco myself as a candidate
for re-eleotion to the office of Sheriff, and
trustthat 1 may have a liberal patronage in
the election on 1st. Wednesday in January
1891. J. C. VcEntirk.
After consulting with my friends I have
decided to become a candidate for sheriff.
If I am elected to the office which I seek, I
will faithfully and Impartially perform the
duties of lame to the host of my ability.
W. C.Obovib.
After numentns solicitations, I have dooid
e i to become a candidate for the office
Sheriff, end earnestly solicit the support
all tho people. Electiou first Wednesday in
Jenuary. Respectfully,
C. L.
For Tax Ricxivkr.
After due deliberation, I have decided
announce myself as a candidate for
to the office of Tax Receiver and solicit
vote of tho people. Election 1st.
day in January 1891.
B. F. C. Looohkidoe.
For. HrcmVKR or Tax Returns.
lam a candidate for re-election to tho
fice of Tax receiver of Murray county,
solicit the support and votes of the
of the county of e very class calling color
denomination and order# Election the
Wednesday in January 1891.
M. H. Bbamblkttk.
Fob Clobk,
We ars authorized to announce H. U.
Aidirron os a candidate for Clerk of
Superior Court. Election first Wednesday in
Janu * ry
We arc authorized to announce Samuel H
Fincher as a candidate for Clerk of the
Superior Ceurt. Election first Wednesday in
January 1891.
Wc aro authorized to announoe the
ofM. P. BATES as a candidate for Clerk
the Superior Court. Election lat Wednesday
in January’ next.
After tho solicitation of my man^ friends,
I have decided to announco myself as a can¬
didate fir Clerk o’the Superior Court. E
lection first Wednesday in January 1891.
M. M. Leonard.
From Atlanta Journal.
Mr B W Gladden, the efficient
door-keeper of the house, was la
ten for a member by a ™,itor »t
the capitol and asked how the
senatorial contest was going.
He answered: *’I am rot. a mem
ber, hut I wish I was, so 1 could
vote for John B Gordon. There
are two things? that I favor as much
as anybody: Tho principles of my
Alliance and General Gordon for
the senate. Why the two don’t
conflict a bit and one is as needful
as the other. Governor Gordon
ought to be the Alliance candidate
for the senate, and it seems prob
able that he will bo. And that he
will be next United States senator
from Georgia appears to be pretiy
sure, if one can judge at all by the
conversation of the members. ,l
I propose to suit the old young
and middle aged in shoes, Ovbey.
C S Pangle is agent for the
celebrated Black Hawk oo'n
sheller. Best ou tbe market
at the price. They get there
on the corn—see him before
you o’der. Satisfaction guar
Who Has Lied?
The following item appeared in
the Times of the 8tb;
“Farmers ere getting from $2.50
to $5.00 more per bale on their
cotton in Cleveland and Tilton than
they get in Dal I on, and the conse
flU® 11 ® 6 *8, most of the Cotton .8
going to those points, 1 ’
In reply to the above, tbe Dalton
Citizen has the following to say:
‘The abovo and similar pubiica
tions and reports have had the ef*
feet of temporarily diverting some
of onr cotton trade to other mar¬
kets, and in justice to our bnsiness
interests we nuhesitatingly denounce
them as totally unreliable and
without foundation. Dalton is to
day paying as much for cotton as
any inland town in Georgia or the
South. Many of the heaviest cot¬
ton-buying firm3 in the country
have representatives here who are
ready to give the “top of the my
ket” at any and all times. Cotton
planters can rest assured ot getting
every bit as much for their cotton
per pound here as at any market in
this section,
In justice to the trade of Dalton
we hope all honest, fair-minded
people will controvert such damag¬
ing misstatoments.”
We regret that we ere lagged in¬
to a discussion of the above local
trouble of Dalton, but did we not
resist the Insult hurled at us, and
in the teeth of our people, we
would admit to a falsehood and al¬
low our farmers to be branded liars,
for on their honor the above an
nouncement in the Times was pred¬
icated. Now, bow the all-wise Ed
itors of the Citizen received their
information which prompted their
sweeping and tearing down denun¬
ciation: “We unhesitatingly de¬
nounce them as totally unreliable
and without foundation,” we are
unable to say, but we venture i,he
assertion, that they never received
their bolstering and wanting knowl
edgo from the horny handed and
God like farmers of Murray, who
have, by the sweat of their faces
poured in the “oil and wine”
has kept the bouI and body of
now attempting slanderers
but instead, from the croakers
the streets of Dalton, who are not
only destroying the city‘s trade
are endeavoring to stigmatize
falsify tho the innocent
of Murray. Edrs., rub out and
g.‘ a agnjn: Sign the lie bill
J ^ ^
WfOIlgS On your own dung lull n and
don't try to shift them on an inno¬
cent people.
It is not our desire or tho inten
tion Ot Olir people to do Dilton any
injury, but as Certain US water mils
down lull, wo are going to carry
our COtton to the place where it
w jj] (.omjnand lh® mos f money.
Special Notice to the Ladies
R M Herron, Dalton Ga.. lias
added tc his business, an ex¬
tensive Dress Making Depai t
ment, in which eight or tm ex¬
perienced skilllul and tasteiul
Ladies are employed, so that
all who wish a dress made up
in the best and latest style can
be accommodated.
]500 Dollars worth of Cloth,
. received . , and musl ;be , »oja ,
by 1st . January. 1. J, O vbey.
Dots From North Corner
0 ^ Murray,
Hughes Ga. Nov. 11, ’90:—
The weather is very fine and
f arn iers are 8 training every
nerve to get in their little
cro P 9 aud sow their wheat.
There is being more wheat
sown in this corner than has
been f or some time. Jim Bry
ant sent to Pennsylvania for
three bushels of seed wheat
and put sixty wagon loads of
manure on three acres of Ins
best bottom land and sowed it
in last of October.
We are tiled ot buying meat.
and bread, and are going to try
to raise some wheat.
Coiu aud cotton are much
better than expected this sea
Well our mountaiu Boomers
are on another jaunt to Cbat-
tanooga; they took a load of
barter, such as chickens, eggs,
butter, apples &c. to sell. Don’t
know whether they will get
home sick before they get there
or not.
Mr. J. L. Grigsby is going to
Cleveland to engage in the dai¬
ry business we understand, and
Dr. Wilson :s going to Cohutta
to practice medicine and W. L.
Waterhouse is going, we nor
he don’t know where, do you?
By George that's a pretty
suit. Yes got it at Ovbey’s.
Success to the Times, Waxie
McEntire and our corner.
Level Head.
Nov. 17, 1890:—
Warm r md sh iwery. Look¬
ing for rain.
The dwelling house of Mr.
John Young, with contents,
together with about two bales
of seed cotton aud two barrels
of syrup was destroyed by fire
Wednesday, 12th. It is
thought to have caught from
the stove pipe in ' the roof of
Lie cook-room, shortly after
the family had gone to the
cotton field after breakfast to
pick cotton. They had left
the baby at the house in care
of Mary, wife of Mr Bob'young
who were also making their
borne there, and she being bus¬
ily engaged at something else
did not discover the fire until
it was too late to save any¬
thing—scarcely saving the lit"
tie babe.
A boy child, supposed to be
a week or two old, together
with nursing bottle, was found
on the porch at Mr. Yotber’s
Monday morning. The family
is ca?ing for the little stranger,
and it is doing well.
Mr Jack Beacbam after 8 or
10 days intense suffering died
at 8 p. m. Thursday, and
buried at New Prospect,
noon Saturday—burial
by Rev W. A. Ellis.
Several cattle have lately
died in this section.
Tom, little sun of Mr and
Mrs Andy Gossit has been
quite sick the past week—he
is better now.
An effort is being made to
have a big speaking at Casey
Spring at an ea- ly day. '« T
Wheat sowing is in order
down here.
Mrs Briudle, widow of the
late T J Brindle, is going to
her brother’s in Ai k. soon,
where she intends making her
Uiture home.
Rev. W A Ellis has been
called to the pastorate of the
Baptist church at Tallapoosa,
Haralson county, Ga., which L-e
has accepted and is to move
to that place in a few weeks,
Preaching at Caseys yester¬
day. Prayer meeting last
Mr A T Weaver is in good
hope ot permanently curing a
caucer that some time agj
made its appearance on his face
His friends will no doubt be
glad if his hopes are realiz >d.
Are our brother correspond¬
ents gone to si ep? It so wake
them up—let them know that
thn ’lection is over and Ever
ette is elected, but there are a
dozen (more or les*) candidates
who want to be elected the 1st
Wednesday in Jim., in the
county and I hardly think there
will be votes enough in the
county to elect them all. But
there is not one out of the
number but could easily be
elected if he can get votes e>
nough. Now if anybody asks
you the reason Dr Felton was
not elected just tell them he
did not get votes enough—
that’s it—so will it be with
some of Murray’s clever boys
I fear.
Wfth best wishes to Murray
and her candidates, also her
voters, with the Times and its
readers, I close. More anon.
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
Monet To loan.
I am prepared to negotiate loans
on improved farm lands in sums
of 300$ and upwards on very eascy
terms and low rates of interest,
farmers desiring to borrow will
do well to call and see me.
Trammell Stair. Atty.
Spring Place.
Herron's stock of corsets and
gloves is extensive and Buperb.
A dispatch received at Dalton
yesterday evening (Tuesday) an¬
nounced the election of Gov. Gor¬
don for U S senator.
If you are going to the West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writmg to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton, Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re
liable’* W. & A. R. R. Spes
ciai accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
If you are going vYest or
Southwest and want Cheap
Tickets and Qnick Time, ad¬
dress or call on T. C. Smith,
general emigrant ticket, agent,
Dalton, Georgia.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main's drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 35 cents.
Be sure to bring this card.
Hurd & Delany,
Dalton Ga.
J. J. Bates,
Spring Placr, Gforgia.
Special attention given to collec¬
tions and criminal practice
H. H. Anderson
A ttorney at Imw
SrRi.Su r?.ACK, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal bnsiness and tho collection
0. X.STARu, trauuillbtarb
Calhoun, Ga. Spring Place,Ga
•Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalbneinei
Sc a
& § (86
1 A
•eninnaS otp *aorj*0flfp *30 wino ‘wpjs/e pur ‘encr jo sso3
-xa KtAOmaj spin aqj Tpjjnqaj
sjawtH noji sji^ojg 801*3
Pioqosuoq jo 2[jomjoao tuojj aj'.op u^ojq wy
suosjo<j tfiwjtt
John O. Lea,
• • • .DEALER IN. ...
Cotton Planter, Attention!
The Howel Cotton Co. of Rome Ga. has sent a representative to
Cleveland Tennessee.
To remain during the Cotton season. He goes there under
a guarantee to the Business men of
Cleveland Tennessee,
To pay the highest Rome 6 a. Prices for all the Cotton ta¬
ken to that market this year.
look to your interest
And Market Your Crop in Cleveland To wn.
Where you are tendered, Free Stables, free
bcuse room and free wood
for all those who remain'over night in’tbe City.
Come where you will be treated right in every particular—
Ask the opinion of those of youi neighbors j who sold their
crops he:e last year.
Tilton, 00:00 Georgia.
Dealer In
General merchandise and country produce.
1890 1890
Robinson & Fincher,
SPRING place, GlfMU
.... Dealers In ....
Groceries, Provisions, Cot fectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Laid. Sugar, Ceffee.
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tin ware; AlieaieUet
Stook of NOTIONS.
• • • .Will buy all kinds of produce, chiokens, eggs, butter, corn,.,.,
peas and anything iB the produce line, and pay tbe
Call and see onr goods and get prices before you sell youf produo*
or buy 'onr groceries &c.
He in street & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Chattav vi GA , ’ z Tin.
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia. .
& “Ho, Boss—I’ll work no more, ’less
Va yon weigh your Cotton on aJONES
5-Ton Cotton Scale /J A
Beam Box,
Tare Beam,
Freight Paid.”
1 JONES For OF terms BINGHAMTON, address,
Metropolitan Hotel,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
- Dates Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, - ■ Proprietor,
[Late of Cannon House.]
Calaway & Longest,
Dalton Ca
We desire to call till attention of thi pab.
He and the oenple of Mur ay, especially,
that we are now wide awake in the LIVERY
BU I NESS; having pnrohaied the entire bm
Ineis of Mr. S. D. Poareh. Wagon yard in
eurbeotion with Stable.