Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
KING <k CARTER Publlaacrs.
The Official Paper or the County,
'and fatered la the Pott Office at Spring Place
Oa„ aa eeeind clasa matter.
Tax Collicto*.
We are requested to man unee the name
ofM.K. WELCH ae candidate lor re-elec¬
tion to the office of Tax Collector of Mor ay
County. Election Wednesday in January
After the solicit itioa of many friends, I
have decided to announce myself at a candi¬
date for Tax Collector. K ection first
Wednesday in January 1891.
B. A. Obxoobt.
We are authorized to aunouuce the name
of GEO. H. BATES as a candidate for Tax
Collector. Election, first Wednesday in Jan¬
uary 1891.
We are authorize! to annonnee the flame
of JAMES L. MCENTIKE as > candidate
for Tex.Colleetor.i: Eleciion first Wednesday
in January.
For Treasurer.
We are authorized to annouoeo the name
of JOHN S. ADDINGTON as a candidate
for eounty Treasurer. Klectiok first Wednes
day in January 1891.
We are authorized to anncuuce JAMES
A DICKSON for County Treasurer, election
first Wednesday in January 1891.
We are authorized to announce Rev. JOIIN
11. PUILLIPI’S ag » candidatefor C.unty
Treasurer,election first Wednesday in Jan¬
uary 1831.
',Foa Sherife.
With thanks to the people for their suffrage
in the past, 1 announce myself as a candidate
for re-oleotion to the office of Sheriff, and
(ruit that I may have a liberal patronage in
the election on 1st. Wedneeday in January
1891. J. C.&'cEntibr.
After consulting with my friends I have
decided to becomo a candidate for sheriff.
If I am elected to the office whici I seek, I
will faithfully and impartially perform
dutiea of tamo to the beBt of my ability.
W. C. Gbovis.
After numerous solicitations, I have
elto become a candidate for the office
Sheriff, and earnestly solicit the support
all the people. Eleciion first Wednesday
Tannary. Uespeotfully,
C. L.
Foe Tax Receiver.
After due deliberation, I have decided
announce myself as a candidate for
to the office of T.x Receiver and solicit
voie of (he people. Election 1st.
day in January 1891.
For Receiver or Tax Returns.
lam a candidate for re-election fo the
f coof Tax receiver of Murray county,
solicit Ihe support and votes of the
ol the county of every class, calling,
denomination ahd order. Election the
Wednesday in January 1891.
M. H. Bramrlkttr.
Foe Globe,
We are authorized to announce If.
AKDfBSON as a candidate for Clerk ot
Superior Court. Election first Wednesday
We are authorized to announce Stmuel II
Fincher as a candidate for Clerk of
Superior Court. Election first Wednesday in
January 1891.
We are authorized to announce tho-ame
of M. P. BATES as a candidate for Clerk
the Superior Court. Election 1st Wednesday
in January’ next.
After tho solicitation of my many friends,
I have decided to announce myself as a can
didate f r Clerk o'the Superior Court. E
lection first Wednesday in January 1891.
M. M. Lkonaro.
There has been a bill introduced
in the Georgia legislature making
it a penal offense for a physician
to drink liquor to intoxication, and
for the second offense to annul his
The National Alliance exposition
will open at Ocnla Fla , on Decem¬
ber 1st and will continue sixty
days. Tbe Sub-Tropical fruit« will
be one of the principal displays of
the occasion.
The returns of the congressional
election consolidated in tho office
of secretary nf slate are as follows:
Everett, 10.031; Felton. 8,460;
Hargroves, t'3S, Everett's ma¬
jority 1.571.
A public clock is to bo er .cted
at Philadelphia that, will tiko one
year to place in tho tower. The
minute hand is to be twelve feet
anil the hour hand nine feet in
length: the bell will w’eigh 20.000
pounds; a steam engine will be put
uo in the tower to wind up the
-.- m .. .......
There are 1.094 convicts now in
the Georgia Penitentiary. Of this
numbir 163 white are miles. I here
is not a white woman in the pris n
Cb ifhara and Fulton counties have
rt* largest number there.
An Arizona editor placed a bal¬
box at his office and called up
on the people to come forward and
decide by popular vote who was the
most internal liar in the camp.
The ballots were counted in the
preoence of a great crowd, and the
editor was elected by a majority
that paralyzed him. This set him
to thinking real hard.
There is danger in the proposi¬
tion to redistrict the state. Onr
AUiancemen have come here to at¬
tend to the business of the legis¬
lature and go home. If the matter
of redistricting the state be referred
to a special committee io report
after a recess it will be an excuse
for a Bummer session, and the Al
liancemen will be charged with
being no more in favor ci econom¬
ical government and no more op¬
posed to eternal legislative ses¬
sions than any one else. We hope
the subject of redistricting the
state will be left alone by the leg¬
islature, and if an extra session be
necessary let the governo* - call it,
and the legislature will not be re¬
sponsible—Southern Alliance Far¬
Special Notice to the Ladies
R it 1 Herron, Dalton Ga„ lias
added tc his business, aD ex¬
tensive Dress Making Depart¬
ment, in which eight or tn-n ex¬
perienced skilllul and tasteful
Ladies are employed, so that
all who wish a dress made up
in the best and latest style can
be accommodated.
.....— ♦ ---
1500 Dollars worth of Cloth,
ing received and must be sola
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
Nov. 24, 1890:—
Pastor Wofford, filled his
usual appointment at new Pros¬
pect Satmday and Sunday.
One new member received by
letter; thirteen dismissed by
letter and one excluded.
Mr. I. J. Green and family
are going to move to
soon. Mr. Jas. Fox Jr. is
goiug to move, either to Flor
ida, or to some point in
west—not decided as yet.
People are about done
ering their crops.
Mr. A. B. Trollinger has
bought out the saw mill ot
Spencer <fc Spencer near here.
Miss M. li. Morrison has re¬
turned from a two wetlis visit
among relatives and friends in
Franklin county, Ga.
Mr. William Jennings and
family have moved from Frank¬
lin county lo this section with
a view of making their future
home in this county, at least
fora while. Eff.
Murray County on Top.
Judge Dennis Johnson, Pro¬
prietor Coliutta Stock Farm
attended the Rome exposition
and says that he saw the finest
exhib t of horses he l as ever
seen in this state.
The best trotting time, one
mile over half mile track was
2:19. Running 1:404.
There were horses there from
Virginia, Alabama, Missouri,
East and Middle Tennessee and
Mr. Johnson took premiums
on two suckling colts, shown
with their sire, Boxwood
1st Premium on best brood
mare and c Its to show bleed¬
ing qualities of mare.
2nd. Premium oft same.
1st. premium on best mare
of any ?ge.
1st. premium on h*st colt 2
ye°r> old and under 3.
2nd. premium on best filly 2
years old and under 3.
1st’premium on best fPly 1
year old and undei 2.
2nd. premium on l-est filiy 1
year old and under 2.
1st. premium on best suck*
ling filly Under one year old.
1st. premium on best road
mare in harness.
1st. premium on bear harness
mare. (Same mare.)
He took 12 premiums on 10
head of stock, only two of
which could be considered 2nd.
premiums, and these were when
he had taken the 1st also. He
took no premiums as 2nd. to
any stock except ms own.
He took two 1st. premiums
on his 4 year old mare, Hazel
Dell and also two 1st. premi¬
ums on his Buckling filly Miss
Blockwood—one of them being
a division of the stallion pre¬
mium awarded their sire and
three of his colts. He had to
contend with the fancy livery
stable horses of Rome and the
fancy private turnouts also, be¬
sides many really fine horses
and mares from the counti v.
Herron carries tho best stock
ot hats and caps in the market.
The best and cheapest,leans and
Cashmeres are to be found at Her
ron’s, Dalton Go.
A Sad Accident.
On Tuesday moi'nlug Mr Buck
Payne got one of his arms man¬
gled to the elbow by the gin of J
D Harris at Woodlawu. He was
taking some moats from near the
saws when his hand was caught
and drawn into the daugerouB ma
chine. Drs James and ’rree Hxr
ris nmputatod the limb just above
the elbow.and though the opera¬
tion was a painful one, he stood it
with coinage. Mr,Payne is a mid¬
dle aged gentleman with’a family
and Ins misfortune is one woithy
ot profound sympathy.
All parties indebted to Andorson
& Coffey, either by note or account
will please come forward and set¬
tle at once, rr said accounts will be
sued without further notieo. Jhis
.Nov 26th 1890. J. J. Batks,
Atty. for Anderson A Coffey.
County Birfcto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby
and August.
Hon. T. W. Milner, Judge,
lion. A. W. Fit a, .Solicitor O.neral.
C. N. Kino, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in
each month.
W. II. Rams y, Ordinary.
J. C. McEntiuk, Sheriff.
M. II. Bramblette, Tux Receiver,
W. M. Wki.CH, Tux Collector.
S. M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. Leonard, Survey ur.
W. D. Goble, Corcuer.
Court of County Commissioners meets on
Wednesday aftor 1st Tuesday in each month.
TV. Huffman, Chairman—W. E. Coving¬
ton, S. A. Gregory, A. B. Weaver, Jar
W. Mackey, Commissioners.
Town District 2nd Monday.
Hall Ground Dial. 3;d Satur lay.
Eighth 2nd
Doolittle 4th
Tenth 3rd
Alacuiea 2nd It
Sh ick Pen 2nd
Bull Pen 4th it
1013th 1st
County School Beard—S. II. IIbnry, CSC.
E. W. Rkkrert, T. J. Bryant, C. D Gilbert,
J. A. McKamy, A. B. Weaver.
Correctod to May 11th,’90.
Trains From D.U.oa
No. 1. 7:3fi p. m. t lor Roino,§Seima, Mo¬
bile, New Orleans 4 Texas and California,
Nc. 3. 7:20 a. ju, for sauce as nbove.
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunswi k and Jackson¬
No. 13. 8:02 a. M., for tame as No. 11.
northeast and west
No. 2. 3:05 r. M , for Knoxvillo, Bristol,
Washington, PLiiadolphia and New York.
Ne. 4. 4:02 ,a. it., lor same points as
No. 2 .
No. ]4. 3:30 p. m , f *r Chattanooga,
Muuijthia. Little hjck, Ft. Worth, KaLsas
City, St. Louis*, Cinciuiati nnd Chicago.
No. Vi. 4:32 a. si., For sauie points as
No 14.
Through Sleepers to New CrlennlpiF lor
ida, New Y; tk, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cinoiminti and Memphis.
B. W. Wrkn.n, G. P A T. A. Knoxville,
Tenn. T. C. Smith, T. I’. A. Daltoa,
What •Hi tup.iies Poinpoyl what Bhako you and Yrald sbibberf* or?
‘ Law chilo! you got do aguo
n got do tropic libber.”
L'o treric know libber what Punpcy? \cti
L.:i'u means:
;1 yen ic:i run vocr rtmo
■ ‘±lug ULITIXS r,iLJj BEAKS
• I r. V >ilie, Cc:vt p?.y acre!
dil b -b clem ^orcic it,, do drruccu’netore.* Imd hostroanedf
•,ie- -j fCLlo, t r bettie-
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
Money To loan.
I am prepared to negotiate loans
on improved farm lands in samB
of 3001 and upwards on very easey
terms and low rates of interest,
farmers desiring to borrow will
do well to call and see me.
Trammell Stair. Atty.
Spring Place.
Herron's stock of corsets and
gloves is extensive and superb.
If you are going to the West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond¬
son, Dalton Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re ¬
liable” W. & A. R. R. Spe^
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
If you are going West or
Southwest and want. Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time, ad¬
dress or call on T. C. Smith,
general emigrant ticket, agent,
Dalton, Georgia.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main's drug store.
Remember we do not work
iu a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 35 cents,
Be sure to biing this card.
Hurd & Dklany,
Dalton Ga.
J. J. Bates,
attorney at law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Special attention given to collec¬
tions and criminal practice
H, H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
Spring Pi.acs, Georgia.
Prorr pt attention given to all le¬
gal business and tho collection of
Calhoun, Ga. 8prlngPlace,Qa
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalhuaines
Ya S-L*
§ Hi’
Is the oldest and most popular scientific nrd
mechanical of paper published of its ami 1ms the largest
circulation any p?iper class in the world.
Fully Illustrated. Best class of Wood Kncrav¬
ings. Published •weekly. Send for specimen
copv. Price 43 PUBI.1SHKKS, a year. Four months’ trial, $1.
MlNN & CO., 301 Broadway, N.T.
n Edition cf Scientific American. U
A Rreat success. Each Issue contains colored
lithographic plates of country Numerous and city residen¬
ces or full public plans buildiusrs. and specifications lor engravings tbe of
and Price use
Much us contemplate MUNN building. A CO., Pcblisiieus. *2.50 a year,
t£ <* 3 . a copy.
K 100,000 40 years’ applications experience for and American have made and over For¬
eign pntenla. Send for Handbook. Corres
pondeuce > strictly confidential.
In cap# your mark Is r.nt registered In the Pat¬
ent Office, apply to J1UNN « Co., Handbook. and procure
injiiicdtute protection. Scud tor
COPYRIGHTS for Address books, charts, map*,
etc., quickly procured.
MUNN & CO., I'll tent Solicitors.
<jL*V£KAL orrui.; 361 Broadway, N. T.
John G. Lea,
• • • .DEALER IK. . . .
Cotton Planter, Attention!
The Howel Cotton Co. of Rome Ga. has sent a representative to
Cleveland Tennessee.
To remain during the Cotton season. He goes there under
a guarantee to Ihe Business men of
Cleveland Tennessee,
To pay the highest Rome Ga . Prices for all the Cotton ta¬
ken to that market this year.
look to your interest
And Market Your Crop in Cleveland Tenn.
Where you are tendered, Free Stables, free
house room and free wood
for all those who lemain over right mThe City.
Come where you will be treated right in every particular—
Ask the opinion of those of youi neighbors^ who sold their
crops here last year.
Tilton, 00:00 Georgia.
Dealer In
General merchandise and country produce.
1890 /
Robinson & Fincher,
.... Dealers In ....
Groceries, Prov sions, Cm fectioteries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Bngar, Oeffee,
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tlu ware; Also a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
.... Will buy all kiuds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn,
o • • «
peas and anything in the produce line, and p*y the
Gall and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or buy • cur groceries Ac.
Mem street & lx e e k,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Ohattav ■ > CGA, Ten*.
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
■A a* “No, Boss—I’ll work
mb no more, ’less
yon weigh yonr Cotton on aJONES
5-Ton Cotton Scale
Beam Box,
Tare Beam,
Freight Paid.”
For terms address,
Metropolitan Hotel,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama A Pryor Street*.
- Rates Reasonable.
U 1 P- KE.TH, ■ * Proprietor.
I Late of Cam on House.]
Gateway & Longest,
Dalton Ca.
We depirn to call the attention of the pnb.
lie and the people of Mur ay, especially,
thatwo nr e now wide awake in the LIVERY
BU INESSj having purchased the entire ba<>
inepp of Mr. S. I>. Poarch. Wagon yard in
corncction with Stahls.