Newspaper Page Text
o. ar. mm. 6. B OAYttlfR
Sorth Georgia Times
KING * CARTBIt - Publlauer*.
TUvisdav pbcbmpbr is inaoi
The OSICUI Paper ef the Ceeaty,
sad entered la tha Po«: Office at Spring Flee*
G*., aa aaaaad alas* Biattar.
Ta% Collicvob.
Wa ara requested ta ana -unoo thp »*aa
of M. 11. WELCH ki aaadidaU (or ra-alaa*
tion to tbaofica of TsxCoLLXCTeu of Mar ay
Coaaly. Kite lie: 1st. Wednesday ip Janaary
After tha lollelutioi or loan/ friend*, I
hare decided tp annonnee myself aa a eeudi
data for Tax Collector. K action <rst
Wadaeiday in January 1881.
B. A. QaaooiV.
We are authoriiel to announce the name
of JAMES L. MCENTIRE a* a oandidute
for Tax Collector./.Eleotion firet WednM4*J
In Janaary.
We are authorised to announce JAMES
A DICKSON for County Treasurer, electloa
first Wednosday in January 1891.
We are autboriied to announce Rev. JOHN
ft. PULliLtPl’S a* » candidate for County
Traasrrcr, election firpt Wednesday in Jen
tary 1891.
'Fob Saxyirr
With thank* ta the people for tbeirsutfrage
in the pa«t, l announce my*eif a* “ ca,ldldBt ®
trust that I may have a liberal patronage in
the election on let. Wednesday in January
1881 j. c. h cEKTiait.
After pomuKlog with .jpy A friend* I havd 1
decided ta become a candidate fof sheriff.
If I am elected to tbe office wbioi I seek, I
will faithfully and impartially perform the
duties of tamo to tbe be*t of my ability.
„ , W. C. Gloria.
After numerous solicitations, I ha " d ‘ cid ‘
ei to beeome a capdidata for the office of
.Sheriff, and earnestly solicit th. support of
kill' the people. KlectioV first Wednesday in
January. Respectfully,
C. L. Tanat.
Fob Tax Ricxivxa. • t
After due deliberation, I have d.otdcd
announce myself a. a candidate for
to the office ef Tax Receiver and s olicit
vote of the people. Election Is*.
day in January 1891.
. *. a«Mna> |
fieeof Tax reoelver of Murray county,
aolioit lhe' s support and vote* of the
of the oouuty of every elass, oalling,
denomioation and order. EUCHHV
Wednesday in Janu*#^1891. ** *.■
M. U. Bbavblbttb.
I Foa' Cnelx, I .
January. '* '*? >' ■*»». '? tdf- 1 :
■uperUrUeurl. Kleetion flrai Wednesday in
Jnnnary 1891.
Wo nro authorised to euoottoee the **»*
efM. P. BATES as. eandldnt. lor Clerk tf
th. Superior Ooqri. Iles^.^t HF nd.e.d.,
U January’ next.
After the solicitation of my many frlendl,
I have decided to announce nsysalf ns a can.
didate f'r Clerk o the Superior Court. E
lastloa first Wednssday la January 1891.
f'H "9 ; M. M. LsosaIu.
1500 Dollars worth of Cloth*
iniz received and must be sola
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
Carthage, Misourt,;n ... vw boast* . of .
<he ninth wonder of tbo world. The
wife of a miuer named Hodges, liv
ing on Tiger Hill, th t city, gave
birth to a diminutive baby daugh
ter. It is upparentiy.' strong and
healthy, but, measuies only eight
inches, and weighs a-, many ounces.
It is well formed, and the attend
ing physicians . . and _ neighbors ... , wives, .
who caro for die little btrungei, he
lieve it will live. The home ot the
parents has been visited by scores
of curiously dispi ped parsons,
were anxious to pay their respects
io the hafndsome little' 'midget,
Tiger H.[l is now doubly famous.
It has withip itV^range tbo 'best
paying mines in the county, and
now beats the world with its tiny
specimen of humanity, which is
not as large as many of the doils
offered for 10 cents.',,. ' . ,
mm 4' rf*. r -
»■■■ * *'■•'.
( in
A tree has b^en diRO^vered
Californfe,^p res ode hun
dred and twenty nine* feet and five
inches in cireumleranqe.
Qeneral Wadn Hampton, of
Soulli Carolina, was defeated toi
the Uui(e<t States Senate by Hon.
John L ; N Irby.
Captain 8 D Brad-’ell. of rrt'f Liberty
coanty, 3tate School Commission
Jfo q lotxlione on corn 6how *
^gaai Jecrejiee ia the price.
Mcbbay (Joust y Normal,
Editor* of the Twits—Pleeee
givifius fpaoeior « brio! outline of
-our Normal Sahopl. Tb# Murray
county T«*ohtrf^onnal xet Nov at
Sumach aemiuary, Sumach Ga
l«th 1890. .The 0 3 0 who was
present acted as ohairman
An address of welcome was de¬
livered by Prof. C H, Humyhreys
of Sumach, response by Prof M P
Bates of Pleasant Valley, followed
by a speech from tbo chairman on
educational interests.
The programme of the fist week
which has been printed in tie
Tims was carried out except here
necessity required a slight change
in case of absentees The debate
on Wednesday night subject: Be*
solved that a compulsory law of
education would be expedient for
the South. The decision was ren¬
dered in favor ot the Negative.
The second week was spent on a
written examination conducted
similar to our public school exaui
inatious, and certificates were award¬
ed aceprding to merit to those
competing, by a 'grading commit¬
tee. On Tuesday night a spelling
bee was enjoyed by thfl school and
young people Of the'neighborhood,
Thursday night of t ha second week
another public debate, lbe ques
tlOU, Resolved,'that the education
pf females should be[equal to* that
ma | 0i — was’'the D8g'
(j V0 '•
Friday tbe last day, was
teachers experience day. the qnes -
tion box'which was passed twice
a day / at torded / 'an unfailing * source
of iroprcvment and , sometimea a
little amusement and through its
medium information on:'almost
any subject could be obtained.
Qu r Normals have been dncceestul
*0 tar, at . this ... . One there Were [et\ .
rolled 44 active members. Wei feel
g rea tly encouraged and, bfitefitted
by them and as teachers more in
”' »er» e |»,n4 (f” ,,.k r «*•' lKTolkeO S 0
lOT hlB presence With US and inter
eg t in OUr Normal 'school. , ^
gja- 2nd. To OUr Whitfield COUnty
B an4 p rof . ;E1 Hs, of s q,
for'lheir attendance at our Normal
school and extend .an>ornest; iuvi
£ V
b, h.|d
at C^fcniRg
day in J uJy *801 OQffitinuing
, j- vh Tfl*r.hnr* ftf link
“ • P 0Ult l ° b « ****■ '
anC« if possible.
K A Henry, Sec’y. h
Special Notice to the Ladies
R M ? HifeTron,-J)AUotn G^.'lias
added tc his business, ao er
tensive Dress Making Depart-.
ment, in which eight or t» u ek-*
perienced skilllul ahd tistelul
Ladies are e.ipployed. ep; *
all who wish a dress niadt
. the best and , latest . ' styJe . V'
«n can
be accommodated.
Ilerron carrics.thc best 6tock
Q f hats and caps in the market,
The Force Bill is s ill the jhobby
in congress, and but little hope is
now entertained ot its passage,
The Georgia .Legislature hxs a
morning, oveniug and night £see^
8 i 0 n.
Congressman J C Clements has
introduced^ bill for the free coin
a g 6 pf silver.
• *
Coriectsd to May 11th, ’90.
Train, Fropi^Dslton
'No’iT. 7:36’r. u., lor Rome,’Selma, Mo
ttfe*®VtL^*rl«»ns‘ Texas and California
fur sau:<! as above.
/^O. IT. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta.
Maeoa, Savannah, Brunswi k and Jacksoa
No. 13. 8:02 a. u., for same as No. 11.
aouTHCiOT and srxsv
No. 2. 3:05 r. B , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
No. 4.4:02 {a. r., for same points as
no. 2e
No. U. 3:30 F. M-, fnr Cbattonoogo.
Jtemphis, Little Reck, Ft. Worth, Kansas
' ..
R# 14
Through sipepera to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnati and Memphis.
B. W. Wbbxk, a. P * T. A. Knoxville,
Tenn. T. C. Smith, T. P. A, palton,
Having learned, that there has
been considerable complaint in tbe
county on Account oft raising, in
value of the reel estate in {he
county on the Receiver**
books, and that tbe bl for the
same is laid on M H Brambletto
the Tag Receiver,- we, the nnder
signed hereby certify that’ said
Bramblette ie In no wsy, either
directly or indirectly to blame-in
tha matte? .and,had nothing what¬
ever to do sfi|t! it. We were on a
juiy committee appoiited fey the grand
at Augast Superior ooUrt
1889 and-With other members of
the oommittee and with the ap¬
proval , of t.n« entire grand |ory
made the figures in the Receiver Digest
which under the law the
wg« required to go by. WhfiWvir
blame th,§re is in. the should^bW matted/ the'
grand jory committee
it and not Mr Bramblette.
' ' E. O. Stafford, ' ‘ :
( G. W- Bill,
- 8m n» TaBADwm# Jg.
A lot of nice fresh oranges just
received at Robinwm A Fincher's.
•• -. -r .
•’Ovbey is leading in clothing,
Herron's stock of corsets and
gloves is extensive and superb.
The best and cheapest jeans and
Csthmeres are to be fonnd at Her
ron*8, Dalton Go.
County Dir:cto:y.
Superior Court moot* 3rd Moodaj ia Feb)
Hon. T. W. Milxxb, Judge.
Hon. A. W. Fitb, Solicitor General.
C. N. Kibo, Clerk Snporior Court. ,
Court of ordinary meets 1st Monde, ia
W. H. Rams t, Orditmry.
- J. C. McKntibk, Sheriff.
M. II. Bbauslittb, Tax Receiver, f
M. M. Welch, Tax Collector. * •
'S: M. Walls, Treasurer.
M. M. LxosaBB, Surveyor. >
W. D. Goble, Corener; ' Ja
Wedneiday Court of County Commissioners Tuesday lao^jja nl
after 1st in oaeb T j.
Ball GrouinliBist. 3r5*Sat,ur Jay. % -
Eighth. . *4tV 2nd. ‘/'*-*'* \
’ISSm" ,
• louth**' *■'« ;■•
" P
y >, “ a. ’ Binar.C. 1)
«■ y • T If i • i. |
■ , i
' : r
• v . • j,. > v t
"It haaprt-mhhtmtly on rod thousands
of cams pronounced by doctors hope¬
less. If yoa.lwre premonitory symp¬
toms, Breathing, such Ac.;: as CourIi, don’t .delay,.. Difficulty but of.
Ay for centk
immediately. Druggists. 25
• »' ‘‘j *< >
* t
s Aoy’s * w ! ;
Blood Purifier
Cures Dolls, Old Sorea, Scrofulous 1
nlous Sores. Scrofulous Humor and all Ulcers, Scrof
disease*. Primary, Secondary scrofulous
and Tertiary con
tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diaeasca of
the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Pustules, Pimp
lcs,Itch, Tetter,Ring-»orm»,Scald-Head,IJcicma, Constitutional
Rheutnatiatn, Blood Poisou, Mer
curinPRheuniatism, Sbeases of the Bonos, Gen.
eral Blood Debilityand Hereditary all diseaseBarisingfrom Taint. Sold impure
or by retail drue
«sts. ) 1 per bottle. Boy liemedy Co., AUanU, Ga.
' <£Cv
. r>
% ‘7
Gonnncial & Best College Business tHftflSSSS; College in the World.
CfitapMi Gold Modist C«l\vgM.
Hickrtt Hosor »nd Syoimd »w Book-keeping *U othw e»4 »t
World** ExRiowiUon, EdscaHos. far. 10,0<H> t*r Graduate* In
ttcneml Baslieaa 1OOAatndentasnnnnll).
HbiIicm- Busing* It Tsesksrasroptoy
•4. Cost of Knll Coorw,IncludlacTattlon, 8u*
tloasry, and Board. sbpBt ipwiahln. #00. Bkort-Hssi NoVnrotton. Type-Writ
Inf Qrediifttea *od Tsitgraphy i«ccoe«Tiil. Thia sUv Is bvsnklful end Rutvr healihM. nmr.
For circulars oddreos WUb nr SL Bmltk, Lcxlfigtoi!, Bj.
Mention this Jtopor.
if all your B4CJT really Atunsp: good for nothing
Or you arc worn out,
1 a^v r ? VIttkrs.
into te rrn v
V |5|o»KT
Tor' LOAN.
am prepared to negotiate loans
lands in sums
s on very eascy
terms-Mid low . rateq of interest,
farmers desiring to borrow will
do well to e»ll sod see me. H
Trammel Shut* Atty.
Spring Pla ce.
If you are going to the West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing'to John L. Edmond
eon, Daltou Ga^, traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re¬
liable’* W.' tfc A. R. R. Spe¬
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
. Tine work, in all
branches of PHOTOGRA
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main's drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
our gallery and get four Gem
pictures for 50 cents.
Be sure to bring this card.
Hubd & Delany,
Dalton Ga.
J. J. Bates,
Sraiao Plici, Groaeia.
Spkcul attention given to collec¬
tions and ctinoinal practice i
H. H. Anderson ^
* "
SraiKO PLaCB, ' QlOROia.
‘ V .
o;*v»*a*■»-"/ vif?- VisaaiiLerAxa
c*iif&a t .d*. * ; * .-f
!f '•'
At'tbrn^y* at
f v. ..
ct roaapt SI ttea rSL oa civaa to all
F. li. Keith •s
• Dealer In > At
* •D
WINES, for vll'.-.v- -n
purposes., ^
♦ 103 eighth *'• i,'.
■ v:
Chattanooga, • Tenn.
When yon' want purs
call on or send to me, 1 will
antee my goods to be as represented.
.Mv corn whiskey if
in this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to eall and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. . r-** ; 4 18 ty
5 ?
I -.
a 1 ■ AJl
OMIT hit. Hi
Eiles, Posts, Stairs, Versndas, Rssf
Creotln^ Tower Finials.
Steel Jail Caqes.
Builders’Iron Fronts, Columns, tills,
Lintels, Straps, Bolts, Rods, Anchors,
Roofs, Window Guards and Shutters.
Write u» for Pictures end Pricsa.
dHahly Manufacturing Co.,
It «W« dwtlf* IM* rtfMr
John 6. Lei)
psauoi or e • • •
CLEVELAND* ....... • a a • • • ,a • a a a a TINNESSlf.
Cotton Planter. Attention!
The Howel Cotton Co. of Rome Ga. baa sent a repreaantetira to
Cleveland Tenni9»04.
To remain during the Cotton Reason. He goee there **4*
a guarantee to the Business men of ' ■>; .'•■a**.*.
Cleveland TennaeaM, «. . Vi
- •. •: *:■ >
To pay tbe highest Rome Ga. PriOOt for all the Cettea My
* V ken to that market this year. V.. •
look to your interest
Arid Market Your Crop in Cleveland
IT liVl V JVU Chi U (iVllUVi A EVU
house and free wood -
lor all those who remain over light in'tb® City.
Come where you will be treated right in every
Ask tbe opinion of those of youi neighbors.who nM thetr
crops he: e last year. ■' . .*■
h 1 $ •> >'. ri, *
Tilton, . 00 : 00 —
General merchan 1) 1 ler It end In courts / - « *■** •*« -SL
Robinson &, FincheC,:
/ » t * .Dealeks In. • • e
i - i ■
. •
............. ......
Myieif. CBEApJ|T . .12. i«J«»)«
' '
. ..
c kinds of prod^ ‘ jrhiirlrtit(ni||s. iiattw: iH|i.
H., pnrktHi-Nnytnng n
ia the produce UmI^sAnAhP'MW .Os*
P,Ca CL slw>*n
buy > n f mi ft l
.»jr. *.* :» * -V *-1 ■
■ ' • > *' 1
Hemstr ec t & Leek,
•• i'* ,
‘ 1W ' ' -..'.V-i Jjl *
—DEALERS IN— ■■■■> J - i «|f
Marble and Granite
Coping, and General Cemetery’ Wirt,••
Special Piuces Given On AppucATieN’ •
19 West Montgomery At*.
... v
C/HATTAN '08A. i -slpBk
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.'^
* V
• -
a cotton mm
''In, Bess—I'll fort M »«n, 'lisfc
yon weigh yow Cotton 01 aJONgj#
6 -Ton Cotton Scalc(h/';:,.
J, Box, .
fi Tare Beean**-''- '*■*
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards irom Union Passenger
Corner ot Alahaaea St PryerStreet*.
— - Hates limsonabh.
R- P* KEITH* - Proprietor,
[bate of Canpon iouie.]
.*; STABLE ’*« A -t f.iT
" ri't.- . rTi
D alien
.. .: *• V -'f’
’I* vf, dralro the I* wo.!, call 11. *4rtlaM{Wa >0*.
.w aa—- r - -
that we tea new «I4« awake la the uyaay
BC'INESS; kaviay Mrska^d
Uaee af Mr. J, V
•o.weeUea with ttaVfc,