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VOL. 111. IW. 21.
:g. robcn sto,
Publisher (lit/ Authority.) of the J.airs
of the. I nifed Slates:
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Issued cveiy Tuesday morning,at $3 per annum.
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Danarratic liiioii, Jitpitblietns
WM. B. BULLOCH, of Chatham.
THOM IS HAYNES, of Baldwin.
REUBEN JORD \N. of Jones.
THOM IS SPALDING, of Mclntosh.
JAMES C. WATSON, of Muscogee.
YY M B. YY Ob FORD, ot Habersham.
Mr. V an HvreKsdefence of the Classif
ratio' bill. Is appointed Attonu u (gen
eral of Xew York.—Gives an efficient
support to the project for the Erie and
Champlain Canals.
After the passage of the-classification
bill by the Legislature, it met with great
opposition from Chancellor Kent in the
Council ofrevision. On die 21st of Octo
ber lie delivered an opinion, embracing
five objections to the bill, which were for
tified by his usual ingenuity and learning.
The opinion of the Chancellor was over
ruled by theother members of ths councilbut
his objections found their way into the pub
lic prints and coming from so respectable
source, were sceized upon by political parti
zans, as a means ofimparing public confi
dence in the validity of the laws and in the
discretion of those who enacted them.
Col. Samuel Young, who was at that
time sperker of the house of Representatives
in the New York Legislature, and had
been the most prominent supporter of this
measttrs in that body, addressed a series of
letters to the Chancellor in the public prints
in winch he defended the measures of the
democratic party, and the classification bill
in particular, with signal eloquence and
ability. The letters were signed Juris
Consult ns. They were replied to by the
Chancellor himself, under the signature of
Amicus Curiae. At this point Air. Y'an
Buren entered into the controversy, and
replied to the strictures of the Chancellor
under the signature of Amicus Juris Con
suliiut. He first took a general view of
several topics connected w ith the controver
sy, and, in conclusion, minutely reviewed
the several objections raised by the Chan
cellor in the Council of revision, as Amicus
Curiae. The controversy, involving ques
tions of ccnstitutional law of the greatest
magnitude, as well as the most exciting po
litical questions, attracted great attention
and drew forth the fullest display of
learning and ability ou both sides. By
some of Mr. Van Buren’s friends, it was
deemed rashness on his part, to enter the lists
against such a veteran in politics and one
so profoundly learned in constitutional law
as Chancellor Kent. The result, however,
showed that they had not sufficiently appre
ciated his powers. His papers exhibited
greal ability and research, and be so clear
ly demonstrated both the policy and consti
tutionality of the act, and so completly an
nihilated the arguments ofhis advisary, that
the latter withdrew from the contest by the
publication of a “ card."
The learning and talent displayed in this
controversy, contributed greatly to his ele
vation to the office of Attorney General of
the State, which appointment lie received
in February 1815. He was at that time
thirty-two years of age. During the same
sessiion, he was also appointed by the Le
-si«lature, a regent of die University of N.
In the spring of 181 G, he was re-elected
to the Senate of the state for the further pe
/iod of four years.
'J'l/.u project of uniting the waters of the
jHudson with Lake Erie and with lake
/>hamplaig, was a leading subject of con
sideration in the Legislatu.e of New York,
durin the winter of J 816 For six years
previous, there bad been a board ofcorni*-
sioners to make examinations and surveys
with a view to this magnificent, enterprise.
During the w ar, it had been impossilik lor
them to prosecute the objects of tin ir ap
pointment; but on the Bth of March 1816,
they laid their surveys and estimates before
tlje lyegi.jatgre, accompanied by a report,
which recommended the adoption of “such
preliminary measures as migl t be necessa
ry for the acco.iiplislnr.eiit of this important
object.” On the 21stof March, Mr, Jacob
R. Van Rens elaer, l oin a joint commit
tee, made a report to the house of Repre-
MOtativcs, in favor of the immediate com
(ijencement of both canals, and introduced
I bill for shat purpose, On the 10th of
April, Mr. Duer proposed a substitute,
merely authorizing surveys and esiiriiatcs ;
Vut the bill, as finally adopted in the lions -
°tt the 13th of April, authorized the imine
fhate yojqrrjencenient of a portioq of the
The Standard of Union.
I On the 16th of April, this bill was taken
up in the Semite. But two days of the
session remained. On motion of Air. Yan
Buren, that portion which authorized the
; immediate commencement ol’ the work was
sricken on', and the bill was confined to
i the procurement of more accurate surveys
[ ami estimates. In support ot' his motion,
’ Air .Van Buren said it was evident to his
mind, that the Legislature did not possess
I sufficient information to justify the immedi
ate commencement of the work; and tear
ing inconsiderate legislation might preju- |
dice the measure, as a sincere friend to its i
success, he believed a temporary postpone- '
ment to be the safest course. The amend- I
ment passed the Senate by a vote of twen- ;
ty to nine and was finally adopted by the I
i house. • |
On the 11th day of April, of the next!
I subsequent year, a bill for the commence
ment of this great work finally passed the
house of Representatives. It was strongly
■ opposed by some gentlemen of great abili
ties, whose constituents would probably’ be
effected in their local interests, and was
sustained by Mr. Tibbets and Mr. Van
Buren. The speech of the latter is thus in
troduced by the gentleman from whose re
port it is here extracted.*
“This w as Air. Van Buren’s great speech
of the session, and it was indeed a master
ly effort. I took notes of the whole debate
at the time, but being then young in the
business ot’ reporting, and this being the
first time 1 had ever attempted to follow
I Mr. Van Buren, whose utterance is 100 ra
pid for an unpractised pen, and whose man-
■ ner was, on that occasion, too interesting
to allow a reporter to keep his eyes upon
| bis paper, my effort was little more than a
; failure.”
“Air. Van Buren said he must trespass
I upon the committee, while he stated the
I general consideration which induced him
to give his vole for the bill. It was a sub
ject which had been so fully discussed, and
1 upon which so much had been said, that
I he should deem it arrogance to enlarge,
j The calculations which had been made with
respect to the probable expense of the ca
‘ nal, and the ways and means for raising
i funds, were fit subjects for consideration.
. But to do this he deemed himself incompe
tent. He must place great confidence up
lon the reports ot' the commissioners upon
these points. Air. V. B. here took a brief
review of the measures adopted at the last
! session of the Legislature in relation
to the canal, when a bill similar to the
one now before -the Senate, was under
consideration, and stated tiie reasons why
he voted against the bill at that time. VVe
then had no calculations made by the com
missioner, so minute as at present. Under
these considerations, he conceived it his
! duty at the last session, to move the rejec
tion of the whole bill relating to the coin-
■me net ment of the canal. It was done, and,
he had the satisfaction to find that most gen
tlemen have since united with him in his
J opinion. Now the scene is entirely chang
ed. YVe at that time passed a law appoint
-1 ing new commissions, and apply lug 20,000
1 dollars to enable them to obtain all the in
formation possible. We now have the in
formation, and we have arrived at the point,
when, if this bill do not pass, the project
i must for many years be abandoned. His
' convictions were, that it is for the honor and
! interest of the stale to commence the work
at once ; we are pledged by former metis
tires to do it. Air. Van Buren here re
j viewed the proceedings of former legisla-
I tures upon the subject, during the year 1810,
11, 12, and 14, when, in consequence of
the war, the law appropriating five millions
for the canal, was repealed. He proceed
ed:—Since that period, new commissioners
have been appointed, and new authority
given, to examine the route for the canal,
and report at the present session of the Le
gislature. A law authorising the com
mencement of the work has passed the pop
ular branch of the Legislature, and unless
; we have the clearest convictions that the
I project is impracticable, or the resources of
! our state insufficient, you must not recede
from the measures already taken. Are we
satisfied upon these two points.'' VY'e have
had able, competent commissioners to re
port, and they have laid a full statement be
fore us; we are bound to receive these re
ports as correct evidence upon this subject.
In no part of the business have we looked
| to individual states, or to the United States
i for assistance, other than accidental or aux
diary. Air. Van Buren here made some
1 calculations relative to the funds. Lay out
of view, said he, all the accidental resour- j
i ces, and the revenue from the canal, and in
completing the work you will only enta i
upon the state a debt, the interest of which 1
will amount to about 300,000 dollars. He
then stated tiie amount of real estate within j
the state now, and what it probably would !
be, if the canal were completed. The tax
would not amount to more than one mill on
the dollar, unless the report of commission
ers is a ti-sne ol fraud or misrepresentation,
this tax "ill be sufficient, ami more than suf
] ficient, to complete the canal. We are now
to say that all our former proceedings have
been insincere, or we must go on with the
work. The people in the districts where
Wg ore first to make the canal, are willing
and -able to be subjected to the expense of
those sections. Mr. Van Buren contended
that the duties oyon salt, ami the auction
duties, were a certain source of revenue,
and that these two sources of revenue would
I be abundant, and more than abundant, for-
I ever to discharge the interest of the debt
jto be created. Ought we, under such cir
i cumstanccs, to reject this bill? No, sir; for
■ one I am willing to go to tin.- lenght con
templatcd by the bill. The canal is to pro
mote the interest and character of the state
home, Mr. King repaired to his post in the
Senate of the United States, and in that ho-
* VY iii. L. Stone, Esq. Editor of the Com
mercial Advertiser in New York, in the Appen
dix to Hosack’s bl of Clinton, 151.,
in a thousand ways. But we are told that
the people cannot bear the burden. Sir, I
assume it as a fact, that the people have al
ready consented to it. Fur six years we
have been engaged upon this business.
During this time our tables have groaned
w ith the petitions of the people from every
section ot our country in favor of it. And
not a solitary voice has been raised against
it. Air. \ an. Buren said he had seen w ith
regret the divisions that have heretofore
existed upon this subject, apparently arising
from hostility to the commissioners. Last
year the same bill, in effect, passed the As
sembly, the immediate representatives of
the people ; and this y ear it has passed
again. This was conclusive evidence that
the people have assented to it. Little can
be done by th.- commissioners, other than to
make a loan, before another session. The
money cannot be lost—there can be no loss
at six per cent. We have now all the in
formation we can wish—we must make up
our minds either to be expending large
sums in legislation year after year, or we
must go on with the project. After so much
has been done and said tipoti the subject,
it would be discredilble to the state to
abandon it.
“ He considered it the most important
vote he ever gave in his life—but the pro
ject, il executed, would raise the state to
the highest possible pilch of fame and gran
deur. He repeated that we were bound to
consider that the people have given their
assent. Twelve thousand men of wealth
and respectability in the city ®f'New York,
last year petitioned for the canal; and at
all events, before the operation would be
commenced, the people, if opposed to the
measure, would have ample time to express
their will upon the subject.”
The reporter adds: “When Air. Van
Buren resumed his seat, Air. Clinton who
had been an attentive listener in the Senate
chamber, breaking through that reserve
which political collisions bad created, ap
proached him and expressed his thanks for
his exertions in the most flattering terms.”
It will be proper, here, to insert a brief
description of Air. Van Buren’s manner as
a speaker, at that period, sketched by the
same able writer who furnished the above
report ; the author of it will, at least, be free
front the charge of personal or political par
“ Mr. Van Buren is a very eloquent
speaker; but the character of his eloquence
is sui generis. YY’e know of none of the
mighty masters of the persuasive art, w hom
he has adopted for his model ; and yet his
manner is graceful, and animated when oc
casion requires, or impassioned when enga- [
ged upon an inspiring theme. He has a
happy command of language, but his utter
ance is toa rapid. His figure is small, and
there is nothing peculiar in his person, ex
cepting the fine formation of his head,
which would afford an admirable subject for
a craniologist. YV’ith manners affable and
insinuating, he inspires his friends with the i
strongest attachment known to political ties ;
and though self-educated, his professional |
knowledge is such as to have placed him in
the front rank at the bar, which his successful
career in politics bears ample testimony to
talents of an elevated order, and attaet in
the management of men, and in the control
of parties, without a living parallel.”
As the great scheme of internal improve
ments in New York, was thus indebted, in
part, for its first adoption, to his exertions,
so, at every subsequent period, it received
his efficient support. To enumerate the va
rious occasions upon which this support
was exhibited would swell this portion of the
present narrative to an undue extent. It
will suffice to subjoin the following general
statements from the pen of the learned and
amiable biographer of the illustrious Clin
“ To the Hon. Cadwallader D. Colden,
Martin Van Buren, Jacob Rutsen, Van
Rensselaer, James Lynch, Peter A. Jay,
YVilliam Ross, and William A. Duer, the
state owes a debt of gratitude for their pa
triotic exertions in behalf of the canal.”
* * * “ The Hon. Martin Van Buren and
theother gentlemen just mentioned, were
distinguished by their support of the legis
lative measures then adopted. Those gen
tlemen, then members of the Legislature,
independently of their able, and in most in
stances, their uniform support of the canal
policy, signalized themselves by very im
portant services in rescuing the bill from a
state of jeopardy, even when it had been, to
a certain degree, abandoned by its friends.
By their personal and almost miraculous ex
ertions, it was resuscitated and again resto
red to the approbation of the two houses of
the Legislature.”*
Alt:. V A v Bit: r. n acquiesces in the first elec.-
lion oj De IVilt Clinton, as Clovernor.
Opposes his re-election. Is removed, f rom
the office of Attorney General. Separa
tes from Mr. Clinton and his political
friends. His encomium upon. Mr. Clin
ton's character at a meeting of the t'icrn
York ( ongrcssional delegation in Wash
ing ton.
In March 1817, De YY’itt Clinton was
nominaied to the office of Governor of the
state ol New York, by a republican conven
tion, in the place of Dawiel D. Tompkins,
w ho had been elected Vice President of the
j United States. Mr. Van Buren acquiesced
in this nomination, thought it was contrary
:lo his individual wishes and opinions. The
distinguished talents of Mr. Clinton and his
' recent zealous efforts in promoting the
. greal interests of the state, had so far won
I die respect and confidence of all parties,
* that there was comparatively little opposi
tion to his election. During the first year
j of Air. Clinton's administration, but little
I ■ - --
* Hosack’s Memoir of De YY in Clinton, on
i 105-7, 1
Oia 1 C'»nscic>itc——Ottr Cmtntnj—Char Parly.
! occurred to disturb this singular coalition
of opposite political parties. But in the
. difficult task of making his app ( >im lliel |t Si
Governor Clinton gave great olience to the
I republicans who hadyielded him theirsup-
I port. This difficulty widened into anopen
rtlpture ; and a large majority of the le-
I publican party, Mr. Van Buren among
' their number, withdrew their support from
: Air. Clinton’s public measures and made
preparation to oppose his re-election. The
participation of Air. Van Buren in this op
position, brought upon him the piditical
vengeance of llie council of appointment,
who were devoted to the wishes of Air.
Clinton. Accordingly, in July 1819, he
was removed from the office of Attorney
General ; the duties ol w hich he had dis
charged, with ability, for more than five
years. No other reason was assigned for
this measure than the opposition of Air.
Van Buren to the Governor.
This violent act united the great mass of
the republican parly in opposition to Gov
ernor Clinton and bound them more strong
ly than ever to Air. Y r au Buren. His long
course of public service were remembered,
especially his zealous support of the de
mocratic cause during the gloomy period,
of the war, and his honorable co-operation
,at a more recent period, with Air. Clinton
himself’, in the great work of internal navi
j gation. Accordingly, when the period of
i Air. Clinton’s public service drew' towards
!a dose, thej most strenuous exertions were
i made by the republicans throughout the
state, to prevent ids re-election. Air. Van
Buren naturally took the lead in their es
. forts ; and Daniel D. Tompkins, em; hati
' tally the man of the people, was prevailed
I upon to become the opposing candidate.
I Although Air. Clinton’s policy had already
’ assumed the strongest anti-democratic char
| acter. yet the splendor ofhis abilities, his
I former public services, and his great per
! sonal weight of character drew temporarily
to his support, no inconsiderable port’on of
I the former democratic pa: ty. The contest
i was close and animated, and the result, for
| several days, was extremely doubtful. Air.
\ Clinton finally succeeded by a majority of
1 1457, out of 93,437 votes, This result
( sufficiently indicated the great change in
j public opinion, produced by the unexpec
ted turn which he gave to his admiiii.'tratioii.
The w hole number of votes against him, on
1 his former election, was but twenty-two
more than his present majority.
Both houses of' the Legislature and the
Council of appointments, however, were
decidedly democratic ; aud it was hence ap
parent that the rule had passed out of feder
al hands.
A restoration to the office of Attorney
General was now tendered to Air. Van Bu
ren but was declined by him.
The writer is persuaded .hat he shall but
speak the sentiments of Air Y’an Buren and,
all his political frineds, in beating testimo
ny, in this place, to the learning, splendid
talent and great public service of De \\ itt
[ Clinton. On many public occasions, he
i gave expression to political sentiments which
indicated, in the words ofhis biographer,
“a living faith in man’s capacity for seif
j government and an unconquerable hostili
ty to arpitrary and illegal power, in w hat
ever shape it mighl appear.” The promul
gation of these sentiments brought upon
him the hostility of the federalists, and won
for him the high respect of the democratic
party, who were disposed to transfer to him,
| the reverence, confidence and affection they
had always entertained for his illustrious
, uncle, George Clinton. But “these po
. litical principles” as the biographer, be
| fore quoted, aptly remarks, “ though re
' cognized by the great bodv of our fellow
’ citizens, are apt to be forgotten by our pttb
! lie men when elevated to office.” Air.
Clinton’s public course does not seem to
have been so steadily regulated by thwin,
as to have retained the confidence, the de
mocracy were disposed to place in him.*
By the current of events w hich we have
thus briefly related, Air. Y an Buren and
I Air. Clinton were arrayed against each
: other as the distinguished and able leaders
'of opposite political parties. A most vi
jolent political contest ensued, and was sus
i lained for years with unabated energy on
' both sides. To enter minutely into the
history of these conflicts would be an un
grateful task, and would extend this portion
of the present history beyond its proper
bounds. Besides, as the writer was then a
resident of the state of New York, and not
altogether a calm observer of the excitement
of the day, be is not sure that he should be
able to hold the pen of an impartial histo
; rian. It will suffice to say, that during
j these conflicts, Governor Clinton was twice
! driven into retirement and two ofhis dis
; tinguisbed supporters, Chief Justice Spen-
I cer ami Judge Van Ness, both compelled
to retire from the bent h of the Supreme
I Court; and on the other hand, Mr. Van
j Buren was twice removed from office, and
was pursued for many years, with the most
j unrelenting party violence. It is a point
i of bright relief in this dark picture, that
amid all the collisions of party violence,
the two great antagonists retained their con
fidence in the personal integrity of each
■ other, and each expressed his respect for
] the private uprightness and honesty of his
I rival. Such, at least, are said, on the best
I anthoeitiy, to have been the sentiments of
Governor Clinton, almost in the last mo
ments of hisjlif’e; and the folow ing affecting
and eloquent testimony of Air. Van Buren
to the public, services and private worth of
: his illustrious competitor, is publicly on re
cord. At a meeting of the Senators tinrl
i Representatives in Congress, from the state
of New York, held at YY'asbington, on the
I9lhof Febuary 1828, to express their I’eel-
* The Roman historian’s remark, will) re
spect to tin; Emperor tfallta, maybe applied
to All . Clinton major private visas dam pri
vate fuil et omniuni consensu capax Imperii,
i nisi rmpcrasset-’’ Tacit, I'istjib. J, cap. 49,
ings on the sudden demise of Governor
Clinton, Air. Van Buren, then a member of
the Senate, introduced some appropriate
resolutions with the follow ing remarks.
“ Alr. Chairman—Y¥e have met to pay
a tribute of respect to the memory of our
late Governor and distinguished fellow-cit
zen, De Witt Clinton. Some of our breth
ren have been so kind as to ask me to pre
pare a suitable expression of our feelings;
a id I have, in pur nance of their wishes,
drawn up w hat lias occurred to me as prop
er to be said on the occasion. Before I
submit it to the consideration of the meeting,
1 beg to be indulged in a few brief remarks.
I can say nothing of the deceased, that is
not familiar to you all. To all, lie was
personally know n, and lo many of us, in
timately and familiarly, from our earliest
infancy. The high order of his talents,
the untiring zeal and great success with
which those talents have, through a series
of years been devoted to the prosecution
of plans of great public utility, arc also
known to you all, and by all, lam satisfied,
duly appret ’ tted. The subject can derive
no additional interest or importance from
any eulogy ol mine. v\ll other consider
ations out of view, the single fact that the
greatest public improvement of the age in
which we live, was commenced under the
guidance ol his councils, and splendidly
accomplished under his immediate auspices,
is ol itself sufficient lo fill the ambition of
any man, and to give glory to any name.
But, as has been justly said, his life, and
character, aud conduct, have become the '
property of the historian ; and there is no
reason to doubt that history will do him ,
justice. The triumph of iiis taiants and
patriotism, cannot fail to become monu
ments ol high and enduring fame. We
cannot, indeed, but remember, that in our
public career, collisions of opinion and
action, at once extensive, earnest, and en
during, have arisen between the deceased
and many ol us. For myself, sir, it gives
me a deep-felt, though melancholy satisfac
tion, to know, and more so, to be conscious,
that the deceased also felt and acknowl
edged, that our political differences have
been w holly free from that most venomous
and corroding ot all poisons, personal ha
“ But in other respects it is now immate
rial what was the character of those collis
ions.—They have been turned to nothing,
and less than nothing, by the event we de
plore, and 1 doubt not that w e will, with one
voice and one heart, yield to his memory
the well deserved tribute of our respect for
his name, and our warmest gratitude for
his great and signa! services. For myself,
sir, so strong, so sincere, and so engrossing
is that feeling, that I, who whilst living, ne
ver, no never, envied him any thing, now
that he has fallen, am greatly tempted to en
vy him his grave with its honors.
“Olthis, the most afllicting of all be
reavements, that has fallen on his wretched
and desponding family, w hat shall I say?—
Nothing. I heir grief is too sacred fbrde
, scription ; justice can alone be done to it by
those deep and silent, but agonizing feelings,
which ou their account pervade every bos
The resolutions, thus introduced, ex
pressed, on behalf of the meeting, “their
deep and sincere sorrow for a dispensation
of 1 roytdence which had, in the midst of
his nsefinness, cut off from the service ot
that stale w hose proudest ornament he was,
<t great t:i;'ii,who had won and richly de
served tiie reputation of a distinguished
I lie noble generosity of these sentiments,
considering the source from whence tlrcy
proceeded, w ill be appreciated by the rea
Alr. Van Bvrv.s's support of Rufus King
for Senator of the U. S. Ills connnection
irith the proceedings in Albany, and in
the Legislature of New York, in regard
to the Missouri question.
It may be proper food vert, in this place,
to two or three particulars in the public life
of Mr. Van Buren, which have been the
subject of considerably remark. The first
of these is bis support of Rufus King
for the office of Senator of the United
In the winter of 1819, the legislature of
New Ycrk was divided into three distinct
parties. As has already been remarked, a
large portion of the democratic party had
become dissatisfied with the public measures
of De Clinton, then Governor, and
had seceded from the support of his adminis
tration. These seceders, with Air. Van
Buren at their head, formed one party in
the Legislaturs. A respectable portion of
the old federalists bad also seperated from
the friends ol Mr. Clinton and constituted
a, second faction in the Legislature.
1 he iiieudsol Clinton, embracing both re
publicans and ledeialists, constituted the
third division.
On the 2d of’Febtiary 1819, the strength
of these respective parties was developed in
balloting for a Senator of the United Stars.
John C. Spencer, a near relative of Air.
CiiiHou ami supported by bis interest, had
si.rty-one votes. Samuel Young, the can
didate of the republican party friendly to
the national administration, received /?////-
si.e. voters; aud R tl f„ s King the federal
candidate, who was at that time the actual
incumbent of the office, received thirtij-eighf
votes. At several successive ballotings,
each party adhered to its own candidate,
and as neitecr had a majority of the w hole
votes, no election was' made during that
Ihe great personal worth of Air. King,
his patriotic .services as a member of the
Convention w hich Irained the Federal Con
stitution, and subsequently as Minister of
Lngland from the last year of General
YYasliiuyttni’s administration t,o the third
year of Mr. Jellerson’s, and finally his
zealous and honorable support of Governor
Tompkins and of the national adniinistra
tion, during the most gloomy period of
the war, had won for him the high respect
and confidence of the democratic party. —
After the unsuccessfull attempt to elect a
Senator in 1819, Col. Young declined be
ing any longer a candidata. The attention
ofhis political friends was then directed to
Air. King, whom they were strongly dispo
sed to support, provided it could be done
without suspicion of an improper coalition
with his federal friends, and w ithout hazard
ing the prospect of a democratic ascenden
cy in the legislature.
1 In December 1819, a pamphlet entitled
‘ ‘ Considerationsin favor of the appointment
of Rufus King, to the Senate of the United
States,” was addressed to the republican
members of the Legislature of New-York
by “one of their colleagues.” It was
understood to be from the pen of Mr. Van
Buren : and as it contains, not merely an
exposition of the reasons for bis support of
Air. King but also discriminating views of
the federal party, aud a distinct expression
of the great rule of action w his;h has guided
his political life, to wit a scrupulous obser
servance of the will of bis constituents, —
die following passages are extracted from
“ To the Republican members of the Legis
lature of the State of New York.
“ A fellow member, who knows, and is
personally known to most of you, who !
has from his infancy, taken a deep n erest
in the honor and prosperity of the party to
which yon belong, and who, if’ he has ever
erred in his labors to promote its best inter
est, has erred from defect ofjudgement and
not from a want of devotion to the cause, i
ventures lo addres vou on the subject of
the choice of Senator to represent this state ■
in the Legislature of the Union.
“ The state of parties, the character and
standing of the most prominent candidate
for your favor, the general aspect of politi
cal affairs, and a variety of concurring cir
cumstances, render the subject one ofcon
ceded delicacy, and not entirely free from
It is, notwithstanding, one on which will
be our duty soon to act ; and all experience
demonstrates, that nothing i» so well calcu
lated to a judicious exercise of’power, as a
free, frank, and unrestrained discussion of
the subjects of it; and nothing, certainly,
better comports with the character, or is
more congenial to the feelings of freeman,
than that those discussions should be atten
ded with all possible publicity. It is with
those convictions and upon the impuls of
such feelings, that this examination is utider
“ YY'hen this question was presented to
the Legislature at their last session; the
names of several of our friends, who are
rich in the esteem and congdence of repub
licans, were spoken of, and one was actually
voted for to fill the existing vacancy. It !
is satisfactory ascertained that all those !
gentlemen, for reasons which it is unnsces- I
sary lisre to slate, but which are of a nature ,
reflecting upon them the highest honor,
which evince an entire devotion to our
cause, and entitle them to a continuance of
our best opinion, are unwilling to bo re
garded as candidates for the station, and
are desirous that our attention shotiid be
directed to another quarter.
“In consequence of the general under
standing, w hich has obtained, as to the
views of the gentlemen of whom I have spo
ken, and from other causes, the only name
which has, for some lime past, been held
up to public view, and occupied the public
mind, as connected with the subject, is that
of RUFUS KING, —in whose favor their
has been, apparently, a spontaneous, and,
ceratinly, a very extensive expression of
public sentiment.
“Having learned from experience, to
place almost implicit confidence in the gen
eral justice and ultimate wisdom of die pre
dominant sentiments of the republican party,
1 have felt it my duty scrupulously to ob
serve the indication of these sentiments on
this interesting subject ; and I am entirely
satisfied that I am not mistaken when I say,
that the republicans of this state think &. feel
that the support of Air. King, at this time,
would honorable to themselves,
advantageous to the country, and just to
him ; and that the only reluctance which
they have to a public avowal of their sen
timents in his favored, arises from the com
mendable apjirebensions that their deter
mination to support him, under existing
circumstance, might subject them to the
suspicious of having become a party to a
political bargain, to one of those sinister
communication ol principle for power w hich
they think common with their adversaries,
and against which they have remonstrated
with becoming spirit.
“ I have no hesitation in declaring my
sentiments tube in unison with those which
j believe generally to prevail among the
republicans of the state ; and 1 cannot but
avow my conviction that this apprehension,
which evinc.s an honorable solicitude to
avoid even the imputation of the errors ol
their opponents, is without adequate cause,
and can be fully obviated.
“Although the rule may, possibly, in
some instances be carried too far, it is cer
tainly tine, that the conduct of public men,
who were in active life, or in a situation to
he so, during the last war, has been, and
will, unavoidably, long continue to be the
test of their claims to public confidence and
“The federalists of that day may justly
and, by the historian of the lime, will prob
ably be divided into three classes; the hirst,
consisting oftliose w ho, influenced by strong
prediliction for the enemy, and instigated
by the most envenomed malignity against
the administration of their own govern
ment, adopting “rule or ruin,” for their
motto, exercised an industry and perse
verance worthy of a belter wse, to para-
puwiiAMfifcsj aev i,. rcYmitc n.
wssoli: iw.
lyze the arms of their own government
and encot.yage the hopes of the (be.
Ihe second class w , composed of a
v< ry numerous and respectable portioi ,
"ho, inured to opposition, and heated by
collision, were poorly qualified to judge
dispassionately ot the measures of goverir
ment; wh<>, deemed the declaration of war
impolitic in the linn state of the country,
aud were not as well satisfied, as subse
quent reflection has rendered them, of its
justice and indispensable necessity; who
were deceived, too, by sippearances, and
by the bold and confident denunciations of
their leaders of the first class, into a be
lief that their on n government was partial
to I' rance averse to peace with Britain,
and who froui tliecausesl have enumerated,
aided by that strong desire to supplant their
political opponents, w hich is common tosdl
parties, were induced to make al) the oppo
sition to government which they lawfully
could, within the pale of the constitution.
“ In the third class, are included all those
who, entertaining a correct sense of their
country’s rights, a lively sensibility for her
wrongs, and a suitable spirit to defend the
former, and redress the latter, rose superior
to the prejudices and passions of those with
w hom they once acted, and throwing down
the weapons of party warfare, enrolled
themselves under the banners of their coun
“Those whom I have first designated,
display ed their principles, and gave earnest
of their designs, by assisting at, or abet
ting, the ever memorable convention at
Hartford, and those preceding efforts of
factious opposition, which were connected
with it. The rising indignation of the
American people, however, retarded the ex
ecution ol their designs until peace put an
end to their prosecution. Their labors led
to the same results w ith those of their pro
totypes of the revolution ; and as their mo
tives were less pure, and their conduct less
excusable, they have reaped a u ore abun
dant harvest of public obloquy and disgrace.
“Many of those inclndedin the second
class, whatever may have been the extent
of their delusion at the moment, and how
ever strong the infatuation by which they
were Lliiided, would, at all times, have
shrunk from the abandonment of the ac
knowledged interests of their country, and
have, subsequently, embraced eveiv op
portunity .to testify their devotion to the’
public interest. There is, moreover, good
reason to believe, that they will all, in due
seasoij, be found to have embarked in the
same cause with the republicans of the
stall', and of the union. Nor Lave we
failed, and, I hope, we never shall fail, in
becoming liberality of sentiment, towards
that portion of our fellow citizens, oi in ex
ercising that respectful deference for the
freedom of opinion, which should ever
characterize the conduct of men, who, ac
tuated by [lure motives themselves, are sen
sible of “thesafety with which error of <>-
pinion may be tolerated when reason is left
free to combat it.”
“As to the merits of that description of
federalists, who are embraced in the third
class, there has hot been, nor can there ever
be a diversity of opinion among us. If we
look back to that period which, a second
time, “tried men’s souls,” as the pri udest
of our lives, they also have reason to exult
in the rucollection ofthe parts they respecl
ively acted in ihose interesting scenes.
“It is true, they have not the merit of
advising to the commencement of the war,
a warby w hich the fame, the honor, the
true iulen sts of our common country, hate
been so much advanced;- but that circum
stance alone ought not to impair their claims
to the respect and confidence of their (el
low citizens.
“ It was fully compensated by the alacri
ty with which they lent their aid to an ad
ministration which had so recently been the
object ol their warmest opposition, the mo
ment they found the question to be between
their ow n country and a foreign (oe. They
acted, as it had been fondly hoped the
whole American people would have acted ;
nor were the administratio. s ot' the Gener
al and slate Government::, at the close of
the war, backward in bestowing the proud
est respect, on those whose conduct had
been thus meritorious.
“ It is true, that, in so doing, they have
in some instances been deceived and disap
pointed, in selecting, (or high public sta
tions, men who have not that stamina us
character they were supposed to possess;
but who, rendered giddy iy their sudden
elevation,’ and torgctlul of the sources of
that power which they ascended, w ill soon
fall, with their master spirit in whose legion
they are enrolled, ‘ never to rise again.’
“These arb circumstances, however,
which can, at most, produce a trancieni re
gret, lor the folly mid*w eakness of the.,e in
fatuated men. Such consequences are n*t
always to be avoided ; but thev are soscep- '
tible of easy and prompt correction. Thev
donot tend, in the least, to impair the high
credit which isjttstly due to the republicans
of the stat,e and Union, for the course tiie
adopted in regard io the p< rsous hq\V
question. .• iiat course had ('or its ybjjyci
not the particular benefit of these indiv nli. '
alsonly; but was meant to eyewpl.ify tl.-...
general justice of our policy to. them* an I
te shew the rest o( our co'uijtrytner, that
whilst we Icttdly and igcyarably’coinieim
cd the remissness of g portion of our fellow
citizens, in d’iscl W ging the gn at dni’n
they owed to thyit; country, we dealt ot.i
justice with an even hand, and wetg as ret.r,
dy to ajqfl.aud as condemn,.
“ I here has been, however, one exccj
lion in this liberal polii y, and it is an e.
ceptiou o( no ordinary character, It
is(s person ol Itufus lying,
i Lc darn cloud w hich pm-,
po/itu-al horijon, in the ffill of 1814 x s.ttm |
w ith dismay and terror, some of the liiW'W
Ol our patriots. The disasters w hich L\
. oelallen us, the difficulties w hich beset, m
he dangers which threatened our courv v
troin every quarter, have made itnpies.-i