Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, July 05, 1836, Image 4

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Poetry* w . ; “.IltCil SKT REM INT I ' i ’ , Frmn the LfriiiJ-vi texia x song or r \ttle. Tcxinns ! wive aloft your banners, — I Let victorious shent* ,iw:a!— Pell the war! I tliit S.iul.t \ua i’s Haughty soul is made to ivml. Texians 1 on to deeds <.f glory ; Santa \una leads no more— Fame awaits to write our storv, From the field of Spanish rare, Te.ians! now's the t'n.o or never, Arm for liberty and laws ; Let your watchword he iovever 'I extis,and Mir Ireedom’s cause,’ Let the flag of Toxas, stream,') ’ 11;;'; . b ve, her stripesd play ; Lol its beauteous . tar is Brighter than the orb of day. II irk, the roar of denfatug battle ; W ait no longer—vengeance call.,— On, an i though hot battle, rmtie. The hot of Mexico uo.r falls. Make the haughty tyrants tremble, Soon will victory’s wreath be thine ; Sans of Washington, assemble, Al.:ko the star oi freedom slime. WESTERN BARI). QB— Ht> IM. .1 tWFirr’ >« «rrt J 2 isceiJkuieo un . Frow the Exet-:r(N. If.) .V.'.r.t Letter. I ABDUCTON BY AN INDIAN. Previous to the B volution, wlmn a few ordinary looking buildings occupied the present site of the pleasant village of Exe-| ter. it is well known the country ti-■ round, was generally a v.iliknie», inhabi ted by numerous tribes of The intercourse between them ami the earlv set tlers, was frequent, though not aiwavsol a friendly nature. The ’ natives, improv i <lent, indolent and idle, were coniimiailv begging and stealing from their more frugal • and industrious neighbors. As the benefit oi such an intercourse was ail on one side and to the serious inconvenience and injun ' of the other, it was sudered to continue by the whites only I ecause they were the wea ker party, ami did not possess the pow er to discontinue it. At this time, an elderly firmer, by the name of Rowe, lived on the south hank of the Exeter river, a short distance below the Mils, an I near the present site of Cam. i Furnald’s tannery. Among the numerous natives that used to frequent house, was n young Indian Iro n the borders of the j Cocheco river. Mr Rowe had a danuh-' ter by the name of Caroline, a comely las- i of seventeen, to whom the Indian became inui Ii attached; and wished to tai.a her home with him, and mike her his s-iuaa. The young lady treated ail hrs overtures with scorn and deri-iou; for site had no j particular fancy for the Indian Character, orhis pjecari )tts m>le of life. VVht tWer the Indian was capable of the most refined • and sen-aticns of love, is not ne cessary to determine ; but it is certain that he exhibited all the frenzy of son > of our modern lover* on being so decide.i’v n iect- • ed and forbi den the t | )e house. I'imling entreati ■ vam, he did not give up Hi d itr ; but 1 lion to posse , hhusi If of th ; obj let of bi wishes, willing or unwilling. This was a bold sad Imz udons i.nuvrt<:l.m ,T , ami it which if detected, his life would be the for feit ; but hi., ungoverii d,!e feeling promo ted him on at all imz .rds. One day, at early dawn, he gli 1 Ino the river in his canoe, unperi i-ived ; and to prevent giving alarm, Iml it ou ;|m opposite | shore, swam across, ami concealed himselfi near the house of Mr. Rowe. The family l had not yet arisen; and he waited there I some time, in breath! ?-s anxiety for a fa-' vorable moment to seize his intended v ic lirn.—At length Im heard the family stirring in the ho .-.e ; and soon after, saw Air. Rowe come out of the door, and pass on to bis . rude built bant, to fm-d his‘ cat le. When he Was i iirly out ol sight the Indian rushed ' into the kitchen, an.i to hi, great joy, found .Miss Caroline there .done, lie did not stop to parley, but folded her in Lis arms at once; ami, imtwitn tandmg her si reams and resistance, he triumphantly bore her to the river, and wita f.-r, plunged into the stream. Her father h ard her cries, seized his pitchfork, the only weapon he Ii id at hand, and pursued the Indian ; but be on ly arrived on the bank, jm-t as they leaped ’ into the water. Ifi ; lather, being tine- I qua! to tiie tael, of-.w imin’mg across ran some i distance up the stream for a boat; lie lucki- i ly found i', and started offm pursuit. Mean- j while the Indian swam across the river, with bis lair one, to bis bark canoe, put her into ■ it, and pad d, ' oil’ down the stream as fist as he could. The father, as he turned round the bend of the river, came in full view oi th" fugitives, and paddled after them with aii his strength, There was mi 1 intc-ie.-iing equ.'ilic race; ami the light boats glided on the surface of the water/ with the sw 11 mi;, ol a.i arro.v. 'i i.e Indi an labored under some disadvantage he. had two in bis canoe, and propeiie I it wit!, a paddle, the old gentleman was alone in his boat, had row locks and two good oars ; and would, beyond question, shortly have won the race, had not the Indian bolted. Jits keen eye soon ob- rvcrl that the other boat neared him fa-1, in -pile of ail hi- <■!■'• ; , forts, and that i.e soon would be caught if i be continued on the w ater. He found a' 1 small creek on the west side of the river ; 1 he ran bis boat into it, and tn: (.<1 to the i swiftne-s of Ins I' i‘i and th ■ <l< n forest ol - trees, to elude his pur.-ner. The! ithcr fid lowed on, but after tr>mg the forest awld|.. ■ he found it was aloin r race to him. He cot’ld apply the oar with mor" <-fii < t than lie could tli" fool. II ■lo t igln () f the fu gitives ; but, as he ( mud no di'iJculty in 1 tracing their f., »t-i p in the fi . I, and in ' tlie oeca.-ional patx-hes of snow, he reso lutely pii'-lied forward. 'The par nit had coir'mued for some hour —lim tiny was fur spent ; the father was j an elderly man and somewhat infirm; he I became weary md began to faitcr. There I sei med to be no prospect of his overtaking i th. 1 Indian, or <f re-i uitig his daughter; I but as he could not think of returning with i out her, he stiil continued on, even agaiu-t j hope. • At tills critical junction of severe trial and deep dvspoiideucv, die welcome form ■ol a youthlul hunter met Lis eye. He was l on his return home, from u short excursion lin the woods. To him he unfolded his tale iol v. on, ami the v i rorous youth, lin'd at the ; outrage committed b\ a son of the fori st on j the dignity of a <1 ut.'hicr of civilized life, started on’ wi:h z.’.d in the pit, suit. Night imd airiaily cmim-m id its reign; bat the moon wheeled it- broad di-k in the sky and ; shone almost as bright as day. He 'could follow their trail w ithout much difiictilty ; i and a few hours active pur-nit brought him insight otihem. The Indian had Lepta I good look out, and was aw are of his ap . prone?.; but was artful enough lo make tiie vouttg lady his shield of uefence. lie made her walk between himself and the hun ter, so that he could not fire without etidaii ) geringher life. The hunter followed on at i a distance, for some time ; but the vigil ; ance of the Indian thwarted every attemnt • lo attack him. ?.t length the young hunter, determined at all events torescue the young lady, hit timm ;.n expedient which proved successful, i He lingered behind, as though he had be : come fatigued, and let the Indian pass on out of sight, lie then took a sweep around tiie line ct their march, as fast as ho could, came out ahead on their route, concealed himsell behind a tree, and shot the Indian through the head as he passed along. They : were then in what is now the town of Med- I bury; but they had travelled a long dis i lance, as lite Indian took a circuitous route, in order to elude Ins pursuers. Thus was the young lady rescued, and ■ relieved at once h um her tedious flight and ’ 'from her (l-ar.'ul npprvben.-iotis of a life of v. retd.edness and woe among the natives oi the forest; and thus the ra*h and pas- I sinuate ladi m, rightly paid the forfeit of • his life for his bold ami unjustifiable abduc- . lion of a maidei , who had a positive dislike | lor himself and hi- miiion. The graceful I maiden an! her generous deliverer imine- 1 dmtely started on their return home. After ■ travelling a short distance, they met her fi- I ; ther, who still had continued o.i the track, I ’ imtvvithstanding his extreme fatigue. Tiie 'chivalrous young hunter, as be surreuder- ;cd his interesting charge to the arms of ! her lather, and heard their warm-hearted I acknowledgements for the signal services ! ■le had rendered in their behalf, felt more i i true joy than ever actuated the breast of the great Conqueror of the world. Who might not be prompted to great and noble deeds of ' daring, even with a faint hope of obtaining i such an interesting trophy of victory, and i imaring from the lipsof innocence and beau ty, the soal-stir.-mg breathings of a grateful iteart 1 i hey all passed on to the houseofthc liun ; ter, anti the strangers partook of bis hospi | l.ility and rested awhile their weary limbs, iOn tiditng kav e the next day, the parting j scene between tiie youthful limiter and the ; rescued daughter wus too interesting to be j mistaken. It plainly indicated that their acquaintance, so suddenly, am! under such -tri’.nge ami peculiar circumstances i ced, might not ba doomed to an evanescent 1 existence. llm old gentleman and bis i daughter soon reached home in safety, to j relieve the anxiety and gladden the hearts of I his family and friends. How- strangely cimiige the scenes of life 1 Our great afflictions are often the very ■ means by which we receive our greate t 1 blessings. Six months after this event, the j interesting Caroline was seen aloii"'. a willing bride by the side of her gallant iiunter, to bless !.:s home and gladden his 1 heart. The rash abduction by the Indian, only hastened her on to the arms of a kind I andalk cliomit-e husband, and in his safe keeping, we may be allowed mo t respect s :!iy to take our leave. * -ar~.W2a~-r.r, ['.lcbou;™,-—':.,. A RESOLUTION providing for the distribution of weights and measures. It ifvliwl b;/ the Seiiih'r and Jfouse of It: presoitaiiris of lh“ I r nited Stales of i America in ConL'riss assembled, That the Secretary of the t reasury be, and lie here . by is directed to cause a complete set of all the weights and measures adopted as standards and now'either made or in the | progress of manufacture for the use of the | several custom-houses and for other p:.r --i poses, to be delivered to the Governor of' ‘ each State in the Union or such person as .ne may appoint, for the u-e of the States j I respectively, t > the end that an uniform I .-tandard of weights an I measures may ; lie established throughoi t the United f ’ Stater. I Approved, June 14th, 183 G. . iIBO t 25. i i iT GBT or-to', ii the Mihsciilr-r in Burke j J County, on lhe I Ith or l-’lh day of May lust, i a COL.) P.vri. x'!' LI',VER 'VATCif, ei-iaui piled dial, full jcweiled, No KG.'i. S, I’. Tobias' Co- Lsvepool Makers. The above named : derd. of ONE 111 xDiil'.!) LOLI.AKS,! will b" paid for the wat:-l) and coir.ictioii of die i ’tl i's, (if stub a.) or futy ilcllms fur the watch j i,lone. AMOS \\ IGGINS .June 13, 23—3 t. ' Tm- r l.m-b'ii'd of I nion. Mil'edg.-ville. and the Hive. Cohmmia, S. will givy the above three ms' i tioir . . TAILOBS, rs X I f) It' I ATIO.h is wanted < oncerning Wyl !■! |. s il. Scott, a travelling agent for the imb r.iia.'s, in teaching Cutting, obtaining Subscri b-.'i s to <mr Ri'pm'l of the I'm l.i:a>-.. and collect in; for the uib ie.'ibors i I Danii 1 Oatman. As tire -idiscrilici'- have not heard from him in seme months, tiwy .-eby warn all per- on-ar ainst uay iug him, < r not ot aK oums, raid w ill bo ve ry thankful for any iiiformatmu that will fmnisli them with acic.w to find him if living, a.; we fear ,omc < vil has befidkn him. SCOTT & PERKINS, Gt) Liberty i.irc. t, New York. June 21 -3—>t. z-i 'srri FSSIHE S! BSCiiH’.ER icspectf'il ly informs hit friends and the d;pul.lie, that he lias opened a him c o o oiitei't.-imiieiit in the Town of Law- ■ ci- . ,H<, Gwinnett. < 'oiinty, Georgia, w here In ■ : lim.-, Imi If ibir." who i.i-iy favor him with u ■ II v. ill laid ev. ry thing provided which can con tiu utc to th' ui < uiiiforl ;oul cohvcHK ncc. JOHN F. M \RTIN. Lav. rem evillc L’ee. !), I ;3.''i. i i fm (i— 40. $ IO : ? B 'Vi A) from the subscriber, mi die. i’.l-t j _ pilt., a Negro man niiined BERRY, about : -.>or -ti years ol age, about 5 feet t> or 7 inches , high, very black, and has a down cast look when to, lie has followed lhe river from this idace to Darien, on a boat for AJc- is. Nichols N Deining, tl or 4 years ; whoever will deliver him 1,1 me in this place, or lodge him in any safe Jail in this State, so that I can get him, shall receive tue above reward, and till reasonable expellees I’i'i I- PRYOR " RIGHT. Jilk'ilgeviHe, Juue 1-1, 183 G. 22—it GEORGIA, "■.me Comity. 7 before Stephen Williams, a Justice Jfl- <d the Peace, in and for said Comity. Onccstrny Brown bay Indian mare—one hind mot white, and a-tar in the face—about five feet three inches high—about 3 years old, and ap peal d to 8-1(1, by John Williams and Henry Joice. JOHN i„ HENDERSON, C. LC. May 2Lt, It-'tiG, 22—it. wticjeT (-.1 I'RAV I I) from the subscriber, two miles a k.v hove Corin tii in Cow et i comity, about the Ithb day of May l.i-t, ONE BLACK MARE All i.E; about six years old, the about hall grown out in consequence ol being vouched ; a common size mule, no particular marks rccol- Icetod.—Also, one SORREL HORSE COLT, one year eld, tolerable low in order. The last I heard of them, they were in Newnan, Coweta county : 1 think they were making up the country. Any iufoi'ination will be thankfully received— any per ant tailing up said Mule add Colt, shall be amply rewarded by informing me at Corinth ■ Heard county, Georgia. ROB. ATKINSON, J mm 11, 23—;>t rrexllE SI BSCRIBERS have formed a Co -L- partnership under the firm of Shackleford, Bong <A Co. for the purpose of importing ami transacting a w holesale nnv coons business. They w ill open a large and extensive stock of goods direct foom Europe, suited to the southern market, about the Ist September, in the Block of buddings, at the corner of Fraser’s \\ half and East Bay. J. M. SHACKLEFORD, W. S. BOAG. Charleston June Ist IStJti. June 11. 22—5 t. • ?pi HE subscriber offers for side, in Harris conn JiL ty, one tract of nine hundred acres, of fine k- 1 . tViY' <i i\|' ?} 'i-ALNi'j); seventeen miles from Columbus on the Marshall ferry road, on which, there are thee Jmndrcd ami fifty acres of open land; a great portion of which is fresh, A good gm house and screw ; a good barn and stable:—a comfoitable two story dwell ing house, well finished. A good kitehen and comfoi table negro'muses. A handsome situation; line water; a beautihd farm, and every way desi rable. ALSO, a tract in the same neighborhood of six hundred acres, on wliich there are one hundred and seventy acres of open land; tho whole o which, lias been cleared within the last two years. Tolerably comfortable log buildings. Corn and fodder, and stock of different kinds can he had at both places. The above property w ill be sold on terms to suit purchasers, and at reasonable prices. Persons wishing such property, would do well to call early, orthey inav tni-s a bargain. Or :i!> ' ' HENRY H. LOWE. I he Standard of I tiion ami Georgia Jour nal. will each give the above six insertions, and or wan! their accounts to Ellerslie, Harris county, or payment. AA’t from the subscriber livinenear Hawkmsvillo about the month of Februa ry a dark coloured man 45 years of age with a scar on his face, am! (toes by the name of Tom. lhe above reward will be given to any person, who will deliver the said negro to the subscri ber at Ins residence in Pulaski Countv. PROBATE COLTER. GEORGI \. Knoxville Crawfofd County. ; before me ontho Bth day of June _eL 1836, by Alexander Bull—an Iron Gray ; Mare supposed to be about three years old, i black main and tail, no other perceivable marks or brands, appraised by Nathaniel Shelly and George M. Wells at Sixty Dollars. JOHN MATTHEWS, J. P. WILLI AM McGEE e. t.c. ! 4t- i Borgia Feuauale FpilE Spring Tenn ol this Institution will _fiL end on Friday the 21th inst. and the excr ■ci-tsof the fall tern; will be resumed on Tuesday the sth of July. J j ihe unexampled patronage which this Institu tion has reeeivi d during the first term of its exist ence,, (its students immberitig 5.5) induces the Principal to make sneh arrangements for its fu ture ti-ciillness, a- shall place it on a foundation to • > cotnpaired with tho best Institutions of the xaid iuthe t nited States, and, at the same time, worthy ol the appellation it has received. A cor- ! rcmoudenee now pending between the Principal I and agentleman ami bis lady, will, most probably, : i'" l 'l t nt the connectian of those individuals w ith i thj Institution, from and after the begiuni ng of | oe approaching term, at which time, every de partment will have its head. The character, ex- | periencc and talents of those persons as profession-! al teachers, will, we trust, ensure us coutinn-1 mice ot the support and confidence already ex tended to us. It is very desirable, that al! pupils intended sot ; Ims lii-titiition, shohld be present at the organiza tion ot tho classes, on the first day of tiie m'v> term. ANNA MARI ALATASTE. I . I LI Cl EX LAT'STE ( Principals \ The following will be lhe officers for the next term. L. Latasti:, Principal and Instructor of mod ern and ancient languages. History, Rheto ric, Beth s Leltros, Criticism, Logic, Geogra phy, &c. &c. Rev’d Instructor of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Matbcma-i tics, &, &. Airs Instructor of Drawing Paint ! ing, Needle Work, Nc. &. Vti.Ton Lataste, Instructor of the Theory and Practice of music. Jr t.iusJLATAs-r;:, adjunct instructor of music, also of 'lathcniatic.s Astronomy, Arc. N c. Arrangements are being made to supply the Institution w ith a ticw ami complete Hi ientific mid l hilosophical Apparatus—a Cabinet of Nat ural History—a Harp, several new Pianos, Gui-t tar-, Flageolets, &c. Nothing shall be wantin" : here to give young ladies a thorough ornamental, literary and scientific education. Tr©y 50 b §3. TU’’ HE undersigned informs his friends and those _K.. of the bite firm of Cutter i,- CornueU, that he intends resuming the Warehouse and Coinmis sion business at the stoic next above the one re cently occupied by T. .1. Chace, on the margin of Ernt Alacoti, known astlic townofTroy. ileftir ther informs the public that he has bought bis Goods, &,<■., and having now on tho way, from New York mid other places., Dry Goods and Groceries, together making his stock complete, which w ill be sold low for ready pay. he will be ready to receive Cotton early in .’ie fail, and bo prepared to make advances. He would particularly notice to his Irifmls the great advantages Ids W arehouses have >wr those in the dense part of theeity w ith regard to ftre, they beihg detached from other building rmd it a distance from any street or lane and well en ■i(ise. ILS. CUTTER. ‘ The Macon Messenger mid Teh graph, Mil ■ cigevillc Journal mid Standard of I nion, will •n blisli the above until further notice.— Cinigian. Arch st. 26—9rn. THE STANDARD Os UNION. I ‘" ,;| K C IRlico lor the tw o lines of Stages I J 3 tttnmng from this place to Augusta mid ( olimibus, having removed fiom Mrs. Hu son s to UASHIAG’ 1 ON 1 LA LL. persons wishing j seats emi proems them by calling at lhe " ASH- I 11ALL, lor either line. The Mail or I 1 ej.'gtnpli, the Mail going West, leaves every ; moi imi,', at 6 o'clock, and going North al eleven o’clock It night— Telegraph for Columbus leaves every day ut ,J o’clock. P, M. North every day at 6 o < lock ii l the morning—for <'lintoii, Tues days, 1 hursdiiys and Fridays. Scats for the a hove lines can be taken al their office, in the East emi of the Hotel. fisy tlac ri’/i-’T) nW BN PURSUANCE of the provisions of a trea ty between the I nited States and the Chick asaw Indians, made mid concluded on Pontitoc • reek, on tiie Iwentietii day of October, 1832. and id tiie supplementary ami explanatory articles thereto, made and coticluded on the twenty-sec ond duy oj the aime month, mid also of the Treaty between tiie United States and tiie Chickasaw Indians, made ami concluded at the City of V. ashiugton, mi the tuenty-foiirlh dayof Muy, 183-1, I Andrew Jackson, I’rcsidcut of the United States, do hereby declare ami make known, that public sales l<sr the disposal of such of the lands ceded to the I nited States by the said Indians, as are heieiuafter described, shall beheld at tho laud Office at Pontitoc, in Mississippi, at the under mentioned periods, viz : On t\wfirst Monday in September next, for the i sale ol the lands in the following townships, viz : ' Townships 1. of ranges 1,2, 3. 4, and 5 east. Townships 3,4, 5, and G, of range 4 east. Townships 2. 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 5 east. Townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of ranges 6, 7,8, and 9 cast. j Townships 2,3, 1, 5. 9 mid 7, of range 10 east. I On the fiurlh Munday in September next, for j the sale ol the land* in the follow ing townships, j and fractional townships, viz ; I EAST OF THE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN LINE I Townships 14 and J. 5, of tangos 3, and 4. I Town-hips 14, 1.5 ami 16, of range 5. i Townships 9,10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 1.5, and 16, | fractional tdwnsliip 17, of range 6. Towiishipsft, 10 mid 11, and fractions! townshio 1.5, 16 and 17, of range 7. ! Townships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9. | Also, at the same time, for the sale of tho ua ! der mentioned townships and fractional town i .hips, west oftho meridian, of the Huntsville dis -1 trier, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces sion, situate in the State of Alabama, viz : Fractional township 4, of range 12- ■Fractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, ami 8, of ' range 13. . Fractional tows-hip 2 ; tow nships 3,4, 5, 6 mid i /; fractional townships 8, 9 mid 10, of range 14. : Fractional townships 2. 3,4, 5. 6,7 mid 8, | township 9. and fractional townships 10 and 11, of range 1.5. ; Fractional townships 8, 9. 10 am! 11, of range 16. j Oa the third Monday in Octo!,er next, f>r the sale of the under mentioned tow nships, viz : i WEST OF THE CHICK \SAW MERIDIAN LINE. I Township 1, of range 1. I Townships I and 6, of range 2, 3 ami 4. j Townships 1, <l, .5 and 6, of range 5. ■ Town-hips 1, 2. 3,4, .5 mid 6, of range 6. i Townships 1,2, '■!, 4, 5 and 6, of ranges 7Jc 8. i Townships I, 2. 3 and 5, of range 9. On the firs! Montlat/ in November next, ; for tiie sale of tho imdertncutioned townships ! V. EST OF THE CHIKASAW MERIDIAN | LINE. ' Townships 7,8, 9, 10. 11, 12 and 13, of range I. i Township 7,8, 9, 10 am! 11, of ranges 2,3, 4 and 5. Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8. ■ Township 7, of range 9. The lands reserved by law fertile use ofschools, or i. r other purposes, as well as the lands selec : ted as risi rvations, under the provisions of tho ■ said trenties, are to be excluded from the sales. Each sale is to continue open for two weeks, mid no longer. The lands w ill be offered in quar j ter sections, and iractioiial quarter sections w here sueh exist. Given under my band, at tho City of Washing ton, this twentieth day of Mav. A. 1). t"36. ANDREY; JACKSON. By the President: I ETHAN A. BROWN, Commissioner of the th neral Land Office. Q2?“Ceriilleales of scrip issued from tiie Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia, and the I nited States, for services in the revolu tionary army; as well as certificates of land stock, issued at the district land offices, for tiie ; amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under the credit system of land sales, arc not receivable for lands w ithin the Chickasaw cession. General Land Office, May. 20, 1836. June 11. 22—1st Nov. Pulaski Sheriff’s &ale. sold, in the town of Hartford, Pu v v laski county, on the fust Tuesday in Au gust next, the follow ing property to wit: One lot of land, no 232, lying in the 19th dis trict origitially Wilkinson, but now Pulaski coun ty, levied on as the properly of "en ley Hobby, to satisfy tw o small4l las in favor of William C. Micou. Levy made and returned to me by a constable this27th May, 1 ti 6. JAS. DYKES, Jr. 1). Sh’ff' June 7. 22—tils; l 2 Sheriff 9 s Sale, zff ’B\N the first Tuesday in August next, will be sold Iwfiire the Court House door in the Town of Warcshoro, Ware County, w ithin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Red Ox, also, 20 head of other catlie 18 of which are marked, w ith a crop and slit, in one ear, and aswallow fori; and upper bit in the other, the remaining two, marked with a crop, mid slit and under bit. in one ear, and swallow fork and I upper hit in the other, all branded M. -Levied on 1 a.sthe property id’ Dempsey Daugherty, to satisfy | a fi fa from Tatnall Inferior Court, in favor of Charles Partiue. GILES .1. GUEST. June 1-1, ids.—22. NO'S’SCL. FR*HE Tuhsi'iibers havingreold out their entire .EL Stock of DRY GOODS, AND HARD WARE, to Messrs. KALL & BOSTWICK, so licit for them tlio custom oftheir former acquain-. tanccs. LEWIS GIBSON, LEONARD BOSTWICK. The unsettled Business of L. Bostwick & Co. will lie attended to bv either of tile firm. W 'ILL BE SOLI) on V. ednesday Hie 15th dayof .lime next, in the Town of Spring Place.. Murray County,Georgia,all tile unsold Lots in said Town. Capitalists and othcis wishing lo purcltasc valuable Villagi properly, would do well to .call mid examine before that time. Terms made known on the day of sale. ELI BO" LIN. j. t. c. SEABOURN SENTER,.i. i. c. STEPHEN PAXSAN, j. t. c. Ordered by the Court,that, the above advertise, inent. lie published in lite Standard of Union- Milledgeville, and the Southern Banner Athens, Georgia, unco a week mitill the day of sale, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. I A t’-'to extract from the minutes of the Inferioi Cour of Murray ('utility. Georgia. BD KTON MeGIIEE.CI k. April 14th, 1838 J. t. m. e. The Subscribers having formed a connexion in business in this place, under the firm of R.ALL iSI BOSTWICK, offer the Stock ol Goods bought of Messrs - L. Bostw ick 4L Co- on favorable terms at the oldstand, Harper’s Brick Building, adjoin ing Messrs. Rowe Cv. Smith. They have recent ly received a supply of Summer GOODS, and -uch as will make it worthy tho attention of Country Merchants. Planters, and all others that deal in their line. <ll GILES HALL, LEO \ 'RD BOSTWICK. Augusta, May 10, 1836. June 11. ’ 22 NO'AIGAI. Subscriber very respect fully informs his rj friends and the publick generally that lie has located himself at tlio Alm rietta Hotel, Cobb C. 1!., where he oilers his services to search out ami test the value of Gold mid Land lots, and to make a true return to applicants in the counties of Cobb, Paulding, Floyd, ( 'ass. ( lierokee and For syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at the above stated place, reference may be had to the State and (Ihei k lYaps, the quality Book, and nu merical list. Pationage in the above business will be thankfully received by DANIEL MAY. March 11. 1835. 61 ts. liScsshc’.*) SALE, at the BOAT LANDING, a; 7.5 cents per bushel, cash, in quantities to suit purchasers, from five bushels and upwards. NICHOLS is DEMING. Milledgeville, March 15 <)tf 151 OUR mouths after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court ol Emanuel county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the real estate of Vi'tlli mu W Heath, illegitimate of Sarah Heath, ol Striven comity or Emanuel ceunty, known by No. B.'-, 22d district, originally Muscogee now' Talbot county. HARDY HEATH, Guardia February 16, 1836 4 IU ISowswudl’s fwcmamc Tonic Mlxtairc, or Ftbrifuge. W' Ah R AN i ED a perfect and lasting cure for lite Fever and Ague. For sale by COWLES &.DAGGET. May 24. 19—ts. fi»isfjcpfic JPHts, For sale by COWLES Az DAGGETT. Milledgeville, Feb. 16 5 t s A. G ■CtO'i'a/-, MACON, GEORGIA. FONHIS Estiiblishincnt is now under p"*;'.':/ -ffi- die control of the subscribers. " * io !^ e( lh e themselves to render com sgaftkigad lot table those who mav call on them. PETER .1. WILLIAMS. JOHN 1). RAMEY. Febttary 23, t s Estoss mud On tho 27th day of May last, a Negro Boy was delivered to me by a waggoner in Augus ta, will' a request that I would take him to Hmt ) cock county for the purpose of delivering him ' to his ownet. 1 received (lie boy and brought him home, but could not find Lis owner. He is about ten years old, four feet two inch es high, ami dark complexion. lie says bis masters name is Thomas W imberly of Han . cock C r.i'ify, but from all, the enquiries which I have mad.", I ajn certain there is no such man in tlio comity. He also states that he was lost from his oxviter. '1 he boy is stiil in my possesession, and being desirous that his master should find him, I take this public method oi' making known tho facts I shall keep him a reasonable time and ii ho is not called lor, shall deliver him to tltd public authorities of the county, to be disposed ol as they may think proper; during’ which period, I shall be ready to deliver him to the owner, upon proof of his right, and payment of expenses. NATHANIEL GRIGGS. Hancock county, Ga. June, 14 1835. 22—4 t. Tito Augusta Constitutionalist and Macon 1 olograph, will give the above 2 insertions each and forward theirßills to Sparta. N. G J ■ ' H R motit'i. afterdate, application will lie! J>tL made to the honorable the Court of Ordina ry of Baldwin county, for leave to sell the real es tate of Nub;:l Moore, deceased, adjoining lands of Askew’ and others, on the East side of the Oconee river. TOMLIXSO?< FORT, Adm’r. March 22, 1836 zi ni | S OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hancock county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, tor leave to sei! the real estate of William Wiley, deceased. MOSES WILLY’, Ex’or. Hancock, county, March 1.5, 1836 A&SAA f tie tiger i ??e & corgi a. FBpllE subscriber having taken this well known i -k*- staiul, for a term of years, offers to his I friends and the public, as good accommodations as ; can lie found in the up country of Georgia. His supplies will be of tiie first quality ; and all ; that can I.e done for the comfort of those who may 1 favor him with a call, shall be done. ilis charges shall be uniform and reasonable. 'Die whole estalilishmeut is undergoing a tho rough will contain when completed, upwards of sixty comfortable rooms. ALFRED M. HORTON. January I. . s(h—lt. 'Die I'ederal Union, Southern Recorder, Con stimtionalist, ami Southern Banner, will give the above four insertions, and forward their atc-otmts to me. A. M. 11. jjITWUR. months after date, application w ill be Jsl? made to the honorable the inferior Court of I'trlaski comity, n bile sitting for ordinary purposes, for letters of dinnission on the estate of Charles Mills, deceased, by Daniel B. Rhodes, administra tor : This is therefore to cite and admonish nil and sing'tdar the kindred am! creditors of said deceas ed to lie and appeiir at my ofiice w ithin the time prescribed by iaw, to shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my 1 hand this 18th day of April, 1836. JOSEPH CARUTHERS, c. o. c. May 3, 183.6 PUBzANBAS LAXS> FOEB NAE.EI. SI lISCRIBiCR osiers for sale one Lot ofOak and Hickory Land. No. 1.31, 4th district, originally Dooly, but now Pulaski comity, lying four miles from tiie town of Haw kinsville, on tiie Stage road Icadingfrom Hawkinsville to Florida, runs directly through said tr.ii t of laud. Any persmi w ishing to purchase will please call 011 the subsciiber at Websterville. Bibb county Ga. JOHN J. LANIER. May 3. 16—8 t A£HEA€Y. MILLEDGEVILLE. Dec. 26, 1335. THE Subscriber returns his sincere thanks to those have favored him with the trausai'tiou of business iu the Central Bank ; be ing now about to remove to Columbus, ho has transferred liis books to his son Benjamin T. Be thune, and Hamilton B. Gaither, who are autho-) rized to settle all balances duo to or from him 011' said books ; and they will attend to the renewal ol notes iu the Central Bank, at the usual fee ol one dollar for each renewal, lie solicits the pat ronage ol his former friends and others in their beuall; lie feels confident that all business entrus ted to their care, will be faithfiillv and promptly attended to. JOHN BETHUNE.. January 4, 50 ts. GEORQIA, Dclfxilb County. Sakau E. Rei», 1 V - ? Libel for Divorce. Eitrcj; Rmn. ) IN DE KALB SUPERIOR COURT. ST appearing to the Court by lhe return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found iu the county of DeKalb—and it also further ap pearing to the Court, that the defendant does not reside within the State of Georgia—on motion of eeuuiel for plaintiff, it is ordered by the Comt that service bo perfected upon the defendant, by publication of this Rule, once a mouth for three months, in some public Gazette in this State. A true copy from the minutes of the Court, March Term, 1836. JOHN GLENN, Cl’k. May 3, 1836 m3m NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estat ol Patrick Finley, late of Pulaski countv, deceased, are requested to come forward williout delay, anil settle the same; and those having de mands against said estate, will please render them iu to tho subscriber iu terms of the law. SB. W. BRACE WALL, Adm’r. Pulaski county, April 29,1835 17 6t FBI HE subscriber offers for sale, six hundred JcL and seven acres, first rate Corn snd Cotton Land, with one hundred aud twenty acres fine him!, under good fences, all fresh; which will produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds Cotton to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels Corn, there is ou the premises, a double log cab bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two excellent \V ells of water, which never fails; the above lauds all lie iu the fifteenth and twenty eighth district Lee, now Sumtsr county, all join ing; which will be sold on a credit of one, two ami three years; persons wishing to purchase, would do well to view the premises, and call on the subscriber :n Milledgevile during the present session, or at my residence iu Twiggs county, af ter the cession. BENJ. 11. SMITH. December, 7, 1835. 47—ts AHBREW OF VIKG3IVIA. This distinguished son of Sir Charles, belonging to C'o|. Wil -1? liam B ’ Johuson of ami Messrs, T. B. Howard of Columbus,, and A. 11. Kenan of Milledgeville, will remain the present spring and fall seasons at the stable ot Mr. Kenan at Milledgeville.' As a racer .4ADRE/F was number one, his colts in Virginia and New York are spoken of in. the high est terms. Mares sent to ANDREW will be kep at ten dollars per month and receive every atten tion ; they will be. under the immediate care of the proprietor ami kept within sight of ANDREff'S Stable. The season will commence at the first of February aud end the first of July- Terms the same as last season. Handbills w ill be shortly sent out. January 11 51 last Waraaiagn FjlS undersigned respectfully asks all those Ja_ indebted to him, to make payment without delay. Between this time and the first of October next, lie feels assured, that all who desire to do so, can make arrangements to meet their re spective dues; and he appeals particularly to I those who arc in arrears for two, three, four, and live years, to come forward and settle up their old scores at once. This call is forced upon him by the imperi ous necessity of meeting his own engagements; which he is unable to do, without punctuality on the part of those who owe him. Therefore , .! they are hereby notified, that even one who shall fail to make payment by the first day of October next, will find their notes and accounts I in the bands of collecting officers, without dis crimination. This will be a painful step, but it cannot be ; avoided; and those who fail’to pay within the time above staled, ought not, and he trusts, will not complain. JOILNM. SHARP. Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22—ts. GEOKGJA. In the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan uary Term, 1836. UPON the petition of Edward Thomas and others, Stockholders of the Merchants’ aud Planters’ Bank, praying the appointment of a Receiver of the assets of said Bank, for the pur pose set forth in said petition on file : Ordered, That U '.dward Thomas be appointed as such Receiver, he first giving bond ami securi ty, to be approved by the Clerk, in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of this Court, and his successors in office, for the faithful discharge of his duty iu said office. Jt it further Ordered, That the said Merchant’s and Planters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver and transfer to said Receiver, ail and singular, the Books, Papers, Monies and Assets of every des cription, belonging to said Bank, and that said Receiver be and he hereby is fully authorized and empowered, to receive and collect by suit in his own name as Receiver, orby other legal means, all outstanding claims due to said Bank, and to pay aii debts due from it, and to defend all suits pend ing, or that may be brought against said Bank. An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend; tiie said Recci' cr is authorized and required,- from time to time, to divide among tire Stockholders or their legal representatives, in proportion to their res pective interests, such part of the assets, of said Bank, as he may find prudent and proper to divide, always reserving a sufficient, fund to answer the probable responsibilities of the Institution. And it it further Ordered, That the said Re cciver do report to this Court, at its sitting iu Jan uary next, bis actings ami doings on tin: premises, and that after the making ftp of said report, he be no longer liable to any suit or plaint, as Received by any creditor of said Bank, unless the teinrof his responsibility be their further extended. It is further Ordered, That a copy of the above order, be published in one of. the public Gazettes of Augusta and Milledgeville, at least once a month Ironi this date to the first of January next. • A true extract from the Minutes, this 16th day of February, 1836. JAMESjM’LAWS, Gleik THE undersigned will attorn! to the Renew al ol notes in tiie Central Bank at the usu al lee of one dollar for each renewal. They will also pass through the several offices and forward Grants at one dollar for a single Grant, and fill) cents each, where more than one is requested. Communications addressed to them jointly 01 separately, post paid, will be punctually attendee to. ‘ JOHN G. PARK, * PETER FAIR. ; Milledgeville, April 26 15 t( _. ; MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable itiferior court of 1 Gwinnett, county, when setting for ordinary pur- 1 poses, for leave to sell Lot of Land, number one | hundred fotirteen, in tho sixteenth dist. former- i ly Lee county, but now Sumpter county, drawn by Mary F. Colyer and for her benefit. 1 JNO. P. Guardian. June 7. 22—Im. EBfi*itee’s Type Foundry, No. 13, Chambers Street, near Chatham. m>lE price of Five line Pica, plain and an- , V c ’ ls r ? " c,:l1 10 25 ce,lts » pound, and Six Ime Pica and larger to 20 cents, thereby mak- ■ ing these pc.iect metal types cheaper than any o ther. z This Foundry has a most extensive and unpa ralleled assortment of Plain, Shaded. Condensed, and Ornamental Types, by which Printers at. the' letter press are enabled to rival the impression from copper-plate iu beauty, fancy, and tasteful display. The assortment embraces 250 sizes or varieties from twelve line pica to pearl, of Roman, Italic’ Black, Antique, Itaiiti, Title, Condensed, Shaded’ Sciipt, I’ackslopc, German Text, Ornamented’ Music, cvc., and also Piece Fractions, Superiors. Space Rules, Astronomical and other .Signs, Or namented Dashes, Long Braces, Brass Rules, near ly three hundred borders, aud more than 1000 cuts or ornaments for newspapers, school book, and scientific works. The subscriber furnish Composing sticks, cases, chases, galleys furniture, paper, ink, all kinds of Printing Presses, and every article required in a Printing Office. They also execute orders for Ste rotypiug. (I/ 5 ’ Printers of Newspapers who publish this advertisement (with this note) three times before the first of July, 1836, and send a paper contain ing it to the foundry, shall receive payment whou they make purchases from the foundry, of foue times the amount oftheir bill. GEORGE BRUCE, Ce New York Jan. 23, 1836. 12 3t Ir’iSiy £> Itcxvard. FOR the apprehension aud delivery of a Til lain, by the name of HENRY ASBURY, who from the strongest circumstantial proof, camo to my horse lot on the night of the I.sth inst. aud stole my mare.—The said thief is a man about fifty years of age, five feet, eight or nine inches high, dark skin, hair and eyes, heavy eye-brows, aud of a very bad countenance, with a thick biack beard ; has generally wore his hair long, but may possibly have it cut off for fear of being defected. It has been said that he has latterly lost sight of” one ot his eyes. The mare that he took off is small; what might be called a chesnut sorrel, with a blaze iu her face. She has three, w hite feet and legs; her tail has been very awkwardly cut off; was very much rubbed by the saddle skirts, and considerably jaded by travelling. Ihe above reward is offered for the apprehen sion ami delivery of the said rogue tome in Gwin nett .County, 18 miles below Lawrenceville, near the line of Walton ami Gwinnett. Any person that will deliver said thief and tiie mare above des cribed, shall have an additional reward of twenty five dollars, or I will give twenty-five dollars for the delivery of the mare to my residence iu Gwin nett County, or a liberal reward will be given for such information as will enable me to get the thief or the mare. She was three years old last J line, and four feet, eight or ten inches high as near as 1 can guess. THOMAS G. GARRISON. March 25. 23 3t. (ET’Thc Standard of Union will give this three insertions, and forward their account to Windsor P. O. Walton county, Ga. for collection. T. G. G. DE KALB SHERIFF’S SALE—WiII bo sold on the first Tuesday in July next, with in the usual hours of sale, before tire Com t-hous« door, the following property, to wit : OnO Lot of Land in tho 15th district originally Henry, now DeKalb county, No. 11.5, containing 202. J acres, more or less, one wagon and three work stears, levied on as the property of William Turner, to satisfy a fi fa issued from DeKalb In ferior Court, in favor of Lemuel J. Hillburn —pro- perty pointed out by plaintiff. Also—One Lot oi Land, No. 114, in the 15th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county, containing acres, more or less, levied on as the property of William Turner, to satisfy a fi fa issued from DeKalb Inferior Court, in favor of John Shewbert and others— property pointed out by defendant. Also—Five acres land, more or less, lying ad joining Decatur village, levied on as the property of Wil-.on Edwards to satisfy a fi fa issued from ■ DeKalb Inferior Court, in favor of Jesse F. Cleve land vs. Edwards, (maker,) John Brown and John Breadlove, (endorsers,) it being a part of Lot of Land No. 24.5. in the 15th district of originally 1 Henry, now DeKalb county. Also—One Lot in tiie town of Decatur, with. ! good improvements. No. 112; also, six acres, moro or less, adjoining tiie same, it being a part of Lot [ of Land No. 245, in the I.sth district Heurv ori- I gnmaily, now, DeKalb county', levied on as tho I property of James Hilburn, to satisfy fi fas iw favor of Edward Mays, administrator, &c. and o thers, issued from DeKalb Superior Court vs. said Hilburn. Also the North third part of Lot number 9, it* the Sixteenth Dist. of originally Henry but now Dekalb County,Levied on as the’property of Hola way Sanders, to satisfy two fi las from a Justice. Court of said favor of Adam Pool vs said Sanders & Elias Madden, property pointed out by defendant Sanders, levy made and returned to mo by a Constable, —also one Negro girl of dark complexion by the name of Mary, levied ou a» the property of James Hilburn, to satisfy a fifa issued from Dekalb Superior Court, in favor of Cyrus C lioico &; Co. vs said Hilburn and other lifas. SIIADRACH FARMER, Sh’ff. A P' -iI 25 20—tds. GEORGIA, Crawford County. PCS I ED before me, Mansel Hammock, ono oi tiie Justices of peace, of said county; one estray horse mule, about two years old, dark bay, posted by Irwin 11. Woodard of said dist appraised by Asa Jolly and James Taylor, to six ty dollars,'this May 14th, 1836. WILLIAM McGEE, c. 1. c. June 7. 22- 4t. GEORGIA, Crawford countv. Stephen S. M right, of the , 768th company dist. G. M,, tolled belor-e me one small sorrel mare, with a blaze in her face, left hiud foot w hite and some white on her left four foot. Four feet .aud eleven inchesAiigb, supposed to lie 7 or 8 years old. :i|so, one dark clicsnut sorrel or black horse, witli a small white streak in his face, both hind (cot white, four iect and 8A inches high, supposed to be lour or five years old. The mare appraised to seventy-five dollars, ami the horse to sixty-five dollars. By Josiah Knighten aud Gideon New soin, this 28th May : lß34>. ’ JOHN S. BROOKS, j. r. " ri.i.iAjt McGur., c. t. c. June 7, 183(g ' 24 Fcikiwlki SSa®riff Safic. WI LL be sold, at the Court bouse door in the . tbwnof Hartford, Pulaski comity, on the first Tuesday in August next, within tlio legal; hours of sale, the fellowipg property to .wit Oiie nt gi’o Woman by the name of Kate, levied on as property of the estate of Win. Hodgesto sa tisfy several mail fi fas in favor of Turner Coley levy made and 11 tm net! l>y a constable. " ILEY HOLDER, Sheri ff. June 7. 22—td». A fa*ee Eaejsss ci' C<>S©r, By the name of PHILIP BOMAN, by Ris guardian Nelson Dickinson, applies lo be pul/' lis.ied and registered in terms of die law, fie is sft. 11 i belies high, straight built, thin visage—which colored man says he was born on the 28th of Au-' gust, which will be twenty nine years ago,.oil the 28th ot August 1836, —Farmer by trade; rather a light dark felon, not a jet black pian ; went'from Hnldiix county, \a. to Alabama, and thence tp 1 Lumpkin county Ga„in Oct. 1831, and hud his' name registered there, as lie was infornied accor ding to law, with, as lie believed a full set of pa pers establishing his freedom—thence fee removed in the year 1858 to Murray county Ga., and from thence be came in April to the county of Cherokee, J .lune 23. 24—Gt J. A. MAEDQX, Dep. Cl’k. i.e.