Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, August 16, 1836, Image 4

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Look out for a VHkiin. Absconded from this place on Friday the first inst., William 11. Ogles. Said Ogles has has been a citizen of tins place some thing above one year and worked at the Cabinet and C arringc making business during said time. : ha is about 30 years of age, proln.ldy .> feet 10 inches high, d rk skin, black hair an.! eves, rr.t'it t spare made, and is very apt to look at hi- I< < t immediately after dismounting from his horse. He wore off a black c.itnblet suit, anil fur cap. Coder a pretence of going to Thomaston, he bor rowed my horse, bridle and saddle,all of w hi. hhe 1 has carried otf with him. The horse is a dark I bay. long swich tail, his hind feet while, :t star in j bis face, considerably scat red up w ith mules, and I is about 9 years of age. The saddle is about half worn, ami my name written mt the lilt hand! tideof the pome I: he has also carried otf a pair of saddle-bags, the property of James B. Hooten: ! •aidbags tire neatly new ami entire, except the mice have cut the buckle oil - the Itiudermo-: >tirp on the right side : they likewise have James 11. : Hooten's name w ritten under one of the 1 appt I- , or fastenings. 1 will reward liberally any per son who will bring me mv horse bridle and sad- 1 die. or give information so that 1 get them. Blountsville, \\ M. B. 1! \K 1)1 SON. i Joly 19. 27—81. EXPRESS MAIL. Post Office DrrAr.TMf.jtT, ? Washington, July 20, 1836. s PROPOSALS will be received until the 15th day of September next, at 12 o'clock, A1... (to be decided the next day) for carrying a dmb. express mail ou horseback, m railroad cars, or ia steamboats, for the purpose of conveying slips: from newspapers in lieu of exchange newspapers t and letters (other than such as contain rnou.i,) not exceeding half an ounce in weight, mark- ' •4 •• express mail,” ami public despatches, on the routes and during the times hereinafter stated, to wit: From New York to Philadelphia, 90 miles and ‘ Hack, to stop at not more than three intermediate ; offices: Leave Naw York at.s pm, arrive at Philadelphia by 2 a in next day. Leave Philadelphia at 7 am, arrive at New York by 3 p tn. Proposals from the Railroad Company for car- ' rying the great mail as well as the express mail, I will be considered at the same time. Service to continue until the3oth June. 1840. ' From Philadelphia to Baltimore. It?) miles and ! back ; to stop at not more than tw o intermediate j offices. Leave Philadelphia at am, arrive at Bt.lti- I more by .J p m. Leave Baltimore at B.J p m, arrive at Phila- ' delphia by <>A am, next day. Set vice to continue until the 30th June. 1840. 1 From Baltimore to Washington, I). C., os miles and back. Leave Baltimore at 1 p m, at rive at Wnshin”-! ton by 5 p m. Leave Washington at4j pm, arrive at Balti more by 8 p nt. Proposals from the Railroad Company to earn the great mail as well as the express mail, will be | considered at the sama time. Service to con inue ' till 30th June. 1840. From Washington to Fredericksburglt Virginia. Bl miles and back, to stop at not more than one in- I termediate office. Leave Washington at 54 p in, nrrivo at Frede- I ricksburgh by 11A pm. Leave Fredericksburgh at 10 am, arrive at I Washington by 4 pm. Service to e n.inv.e till the 30th June, 1839. From Fredericksburgh to Greensboro’, N. j 248 miles and hack, to stop at uut more than seven intermediate offices. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Greensboro’ (25 hours,) by 1 a m the next day al- i ter. Lonve Greensboro’at 10,1 am, arrive at Frede. ricksburgh by 9j a m the next dav. Serricu fa: continue till the 30th June. 183'*. From Greensboro’to Yorkville, S. C. |o.| n) j; cs j and back ; to stop at n it more than four interme diate offices. Leave Greensboro’ at 1 j am, arrive at York- | rille by 2 pm. Leave Yorkville at 10j p m, arrive at Greens boro’ by 10 a m the next dav. Service to continue rill the 30th Jetm, 1839. From Yorkville to Washington, Ga., 146 miles and back; to stop at not more than four interme diate offices. Leave Yorkville at 24 p tn, arrive at Washing ton by 5 a tn next day. Leave Washington at 10.4 p rn, arrive at York ville by 10 a m next day. Service to continue till the 30th June, '•'39. From Washington to Cohini! in, Ga., 181 miles nnd hack; to stop at not more than five intermedi ate offices. Leave Washington at 5£ a tn, arrive at Coluiri- I bus by IJ.( p in. Leave Columbus at 3j p nt, arrive at Washing ton by 8 a m next dav. Serviceto continue till the 33th June, I '39. From Columbus to Montgomery, Ala., t-1 miles and back; to stop atuotmorc than one intermedi ate office. Leave Columbus at 12 night, arrive at Montgo mety by 8 a rn next day. Leave Montgomery at 74 am, ani.e at Colum bus by 3 p m. •Service to continue till the 39th June, 1838. From Montgomery to Mobile, 198 miles and back ; to stop at not mure than four intermediate I offices. Leave Montgomery at 9 am, arrive al Mobile by 5 a rn next day. Leave Mobile at 12 m, arrive at Montgomery by? a m next day. Service to continue till the 30th June, 1833. To enable the Postmaster General to select be tween the two principal mail routes through the South, proposals will also be received for carrving the daily express mail from Fredericksburgh,'V to Columbus, Ga. as follows, viz: From Fredericksburgh to Richmond. 07 miles and back; to stop at not more than one intermedi ate point. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Richmond by 6 a,ra next dav. Leave Richmond at 4 a in, arrive nt Frcde ricksburgh by a tn. I roposalsfrom the Railroad Company for car rying the great mail, 7,. well as the express mail, will be considered at the same time. From Richmond to Petersburgh, 21 miles ami ; back. Leave Richmond at 64 am, arrive at Peters i burgh by 84 a m . Pe’ersburgh at 14 am, arrive at Rich inond by a in. From Petersburg!! to Blakely Depot. N. C., 6d I miles and back ; to stop at no't more th; » one in termediate office. Leave Petersbnrgh at r, a tn, arrive at Blakclv ' Depot by 24 pm. '! h.,1'77’ Blakely Depot at 8 p m, arrive at Peters- ! burgh byl a rn next day. Proposals from the Railroad Companv to carry 1 ’V?” r l ’"'’. wel,a “ ,ho expreismail, will l.b j considered at the same time. Fayetteville. 151 miles I m<'diXoffiX‘ ,Opat,, " t,nO ‘ -e thn ” three '" ter ’ ~,‘'■o' J'" 1 11? 1 Y at 3p m, arrive at Fny etteville l, y „ ilni m-stda,. J Dr.m?’ :i "*’ arrivc at Blakely Depot by/4 pm. } «;'r" u '. | -' ; to Columbia. S.C.. 154 miles am offices. ’ P "” l " ,Ore " bitl'h^ l ;r eVill, ' ;,t a -. arrive atCohnn- From Columbia to Milledgeville. f; !t jj --i Leave Columbia at 8 p m,arrive at Milled-evilb i by 11 a in next day. Leave Milledgeville at .’J.) am, arrive at Colum bia by 5 pm. I'ruin Milledgeville to Columbus. It;.’; milcsand back; to stop at not more firm three iutermedi me ofhccM. Leave Milledgeville at 114 a rn, arrive at Co famlms by H 4 p m. I cave Columl us atB.J p m. arrive at Milledge -1 die by 3 a in next day. berx ice on the: <• routes to continue till 30th June, 18.39. \\ ith the hope of inducing the several compu iiu . thatoceupy the travelling lines between New 5 ork»ud A’.l. nto faf m .... h a connection ns w dl carry the mail.-, a., well as travellers through in the least po-ilde lime, proposals are invited from them to carry both the great mail and the ex pies.s at cording to Ihe following schedule in steam boats and rad: ead ears, viz; Leave New York at I p m, arrive at Philtuhl i phiti by i I p m. Leave I iiilaJelpbin at 111 p m, arrive at Balti | more by 9.) ;1 next day . I.cave ii.dliiuoi'e at 10 am, anive at Washing ton by .1 p m. 0 7?< 'tirninp-. Leave \\ ashingto'.i nt 44 p m. arrive at Balii- I more by 7 p m. i Leave Baltimore at 74 p tn, arrive at Philadel phia by ,>4 am, next day. I .eave I'mla. Iphia at 6 a in, arrive at New York 1 by 1 pm. ( untracts for the fore going service tire to be I executed by the 15th dav of October next. They will be sen! to the postoi'.iccs of the accepted bid -1 dvrs lor the purpose in time. 'I iie service is to commence 0:1 Tuesday, the I -t day ol November nex'.and is to be daily both , ways. No proposal will be considered unless it be ac companied by a guarantee, signed by two respon j stble poisons, in the following form, viz. *• The undersigned and guaranty that if his bid for carrying the Express mail from to be accepted by the Postmaster i General, shall eater mt.l an obligation prior to the 15;h day of October 11.'xt, with good and sufficient , suretie’s to perform the service proposed.” Da le.! •• , 183 J.” I To which the gu trauiors shall sign their 1 names. It is also required tint the bidder or bidders for ' ward w ith t.uiroids tae ccrtil.eato of a postmas i ter, iuthe following farm, viz; 1•• 1 certify that ' ant ] , who have signed the fore ’ going as guarantors of , j n his bid fur carrying the Express mail from > are men of property, and able to ' make good llseir guaranty.” Dated ” ■ Each route must he bid far separately. The : route lhesitni, and the residence of the bidder, I should be distinctly stated iu each bid. 1 1 iie Postmaster G-nend reserves the power of! , chmigiug the schedules, but uot so as to increase ! I the expedition. . ’i iie iiiaiE ;.ie to leave precisely at the time set. 1 aree mmutes only arc allowed for opening and I closing -.hem nt the intermediate ofiiees. j For < ach failure to arrive at the time set in the ! schedule, the pay of the trip shall be forfeited, sttb l.jeet to be increased fa a penalty of ten times that ;i:n:otmt; -'.ti l lor a repetition of I,lilures the con- I tract may be a inulled. If it shoulilbecomc necessary nt tiny timelodis -1 continue the service contracted for (a result which ] is rot xp.cted) the contractors shall be entitled to 1 receive two months' extra pay. I Those vv ho enter into this ser-icc must make tip 1 their minds not to let bad roads, nor storms, nor i iloods, nor casualties, nor dangers, prevent their j I performance aeci r.liiig to contract. W-iter-proof | lings will be furnished far the mails ; and no e.x --1 i nso b.- t; ken foi a fiiluie to arrive I 1 :it thelimeser in the sc’n dale. I The j roposals should bo sent to the Department | I sealed, eudotsed “ ihopcsals for Express Mail,” : I and add;es<td to the fust Assistant Postmaster I General, S. R. Hobbik. AMOS KENDALL. AugustO, 3O_4t. P. S. It the m id shall regularly exceed seventy | pounds in weight, the Department will consider ii- i 1 sell bound top ty f?r an additional horse when the j I express is c:> red on horseback, if an additional i terse bo employed. A. lx. 1 7 7p !,i ' ion are in- j Ji farmed, that, until further arrangements be | made, Mr. JULIES LATASTE. line Assistant i:: !>r. .Talk-,’ Institution, near Columbia, 8. C., vv ill assist in the Literary and Scientific Depart ments. Mr. J. L. was to have assisted in theMu sieal Department, but the number of pupils iu that has been limited, that he might assist in the ones above named This arr; ng< ment has been made, 011 accmmt of some delay in the correspondence with the gentleman and lady named in a former notice. The number of our pupils, therefore will be limited to 6.1, till further notice. There are still a few vacancies. Ihe Institution has undergone an entire and : s-, str max-tic re-orgaiiizatii n. Our friends are in- I vited to vi:,:t us at any time, its exercises, i | from 5 A. ,«L till .5 P. M. ; There vv 11 baa monthly examination of the : Stu.tents, beginning rm the )9ih of August, and every fourth week thereafter, to vvhich our friends ' are also inviu- I. .\NNA M. T.A TASTE, ? , LUCIEN LA TASTE, '>«cipal3 . Sorcottsbough, July 19,18)16. 27 ts I hereby caution ail persons from trading for a Note given by me, tn John Spratlin, for §50,- ; i)0 due 21st Dec. next, dated some time in the latter part ol January last, as 1 am determined not to pay it, unless compelled by law. JOSIAH W. JOSSEY- AugustO 30- —2t. Al.!, persons indebted t > the estate of Miles Patey deceased, of DeKalb County, are re quested to make immediate payment, and those to whom the estate is indebted will present their demands within the time presented by law. meredithcallier. SARAH I'ATEY. August 2d. 29—tds. TSae last Warning!! THE undersigned respectfully asks all those indebted to him, tbniake payment without delay. Between this time and the first of October ! next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do | so, can make arrangements to meet their re spective dues ; and lie appeals particularlv to ! those who are in arrears for two, three, four, | and live years, to come forward and settle up I their old scores at once. This call is forced upon him by the irnperi- I otts necessity of meeting his own engagements; ' which he is unable to do, without punctuality on 1 the part of those who owe him. Therefore j tlmy arc hereby notified, that even one who] ! shall fail to make payment by the first day of j ‘ October next, will lied their notes and accounts' ;n the hands of collecting officers, without dis -1 c i'in>iuation. I’liis will Im a painfil step, but it cannot be j avoided ; and those who fail to pay within the I lime above stated, ought not, and iie trusts, will; not complain. JOHN M. SHARP. Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22—if. KS’illE subscriber idlers for sale, six hundred .!u_ and seven acres, first rate Corn sud Cotton Land, with one hundred and twenty acres fine land, under good fences, all fre::h; which will produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds ! Cotton to the acre, ami from thirty to forty bushels | Corn, there is on the premises, a double log ettb : bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two I excellent Wells of water, which never fails; the ] above lands all lie in the fil'tcmitli and twcuty cighth district !.<■■■, now Sumter county, all join ing; which will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years; pe-.<ms wishing to purchase, would do well to view the premises, ami call on the subscriber in Milledgevili: during the present : >si in, oral 1114 re ideaue in Twiggs county, al ter Ilioceisioti. BEN'J. B. SMITH. December, 7, 1835. 47 —ts months after date, application will be Jft? imide to the honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski i minty, vv hilc sitting lor ordinary purposes, for letters ol dismission on the estate of Charles Mills, deceased, by Daniel 15. Rhodes, administra tor : This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceas ed to he mid appear at my office within tho time prescribed by iaw.toshew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my > hand this 18th dav of April, 183i>. JOSEPH CARUTHERS, c. o. c. ! May 3, 1836 3,10;!; MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable inferior court of Gwinnett county, when setting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell Lot of Land, number one iiundrcd & fourteen, in the sixteenth (list, former ly Lee eoiintv, but now Sumpter county, drawn by Mary F. Colyer and for her benefit. JNO. P. HUTCHINS, Guardian. June 7.22—4 m GEORGIA, Fayette County. IX JlO-N'i’HS alter date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court, o .said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for letters distuissory from the estate of John Crittenden dec. > This is therefore to admonish all and and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, it they have any objections, why said letters should not be granted, to file their objections in ' terms of the law. JOSEPH H. CRITTENDEN, Ex'r. J une 1!). 25—6 tn. FBH HE undersigned will attend to the Renew- JiL al of notes in the Central Bank at the usu al tee of one dollar far each renewal. They will also pass through rhe several offices and forward Grants at one dollar far a single Grant, and fiftj cents each, where more than one is requested. Communications addressed to them jointly 01 separately, post paid, will be punctually attendee ,0 - JOHN G. ’PARK, ... PETER FAIR. Milledgeville, April 26 15 ts EBy iSae President of tSae United Stsetes. IN Pl RSUANCE of the provisions of a trea ty between the United States and the Chick asaw Imlians, made and concluded on Poutitoc CreeK, on the twentieth day of OcfoJer, 1832 and <d the supplementary and explanatory articles theieto, made and concluded on the twenty-sec ond dayvf the same month, and also of the Treaty between the United States and the Chickasaw Indians, made and concluded at the City of Washington, on the twenty-fourth dayof May, I 1 Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, co hereby declare and make known, that public sales for the disposal of such of the lands ceded tothe United States by the said Indians, as are heicinalter described, shall be held at the land Office atPoNTtTOc, in Mississippi, at the under mentioned periods, viz: On thejirst Monday in September next, for the sale o! the lands in the following townships, viz : Townships I, of ranges I, 2,3, 4, and 5 east, nships ,i, 4, and 6, of range 4 east, a ownships 2. 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 5 cast, fownships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of ranges 6, 7,8, and 9 cast. Townships 2,3, 4,5, 9 and 7, of range 10 east On thefourth Monday in September next, for the sale of the lands in tne fallowing townships, and fractional townships, viz : EAST OF THE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN LINE Townships 14 and 15, of tanges 3, an<l4. Townships 14, 15 aud 16, of range 5. Townships 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, fractional township 17, of range 6. Townships 9, 10 and 11, and fraction,-.1 township 15, 16 and 17, of range 7. Townships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9. Also, at the same time, for the sale of the un der mentioned townships and fractional town- I ships, west ofthc meridian, of tho Huntsville dis trict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces sion, sifuate in the State of Alabama, viz : »■ ractional township <l, of range 12* i ractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of range 13. Fractional township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 ami 7: fractional townships 8, 9 and 10, of range 1-1. r ractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7 and 8 township 9. and fractional townships 10 and 11, of range 15. Fractional townships 3,9, 10 and 11, of range 16. Outlie third Monday in October next, far the { sale of the under mentioned townships, viz : WEBIXOFTHE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN L LINE. Townsmp ], of range 1. 1 own Tips 1 and 6, of range 2, 3 and 4. vowtiships 1.2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range 6. 1 ownships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of ranges 7 &3. Townships 1, 2. 3 and 5, of range 9. On the first Monday in November next, for the sale ol the undermentioned townships ; WEST OF THE CHIKASAW MERIDIAN LINE. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 nnd 13, of range 1. : 1 ownship 7,8, 9, 10 aud 11, of ranges 2,3, 4 and 5. 6 ’ > Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8. Township 7, of range 9. 1 he lands reserved hy law for the use ofschools, ; i or for other purposes, as well as the lands aelec- I ted as reservations, under the provisions of the ! | said treaties, are to be excluded from the sales. ; Each sale is to continue open for two weeks, and no longer. The lands will he offered in quar- j ter sections, and fractional quarter sections w here such exist. Given under my band, at the City of Washing ton, this twentieth day of May. A. I). 1836. ANDREW JACKSON By the President: ETHAN A. BROWN, Commissioner of the General Land Office. of scrip issued front the treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia, and the United States, for services in the revolu tionary army; ns well as certificates of land stock, issued at the district land offices, for the amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under the credit system of land sales, are not receivable for Linds within the Chickasaw cession. Grnhrai. Laxo Office, May. 20. 1836. June 11. 22—1st Nov. 4000 BlecsSicSk Snlt, SALE, at the BOAT LANDING, at E ; 75 cents per bushel, cash, in quantities to suit purchasers, from five bushelsand u-pwards. NICHOLS DEMING. Milledgeville, March 15 9tf <4 I'. ORt; IA, Dooly county. Tolled before R me by 1 homas Hopkins, a bright bay horse with some saddle scars on his back, supposed to be 13 or .14 years old, 4 fact 9 inches high : ap praised to §!(.), by John Butler and David Girt mau, this 2d July. 1836. , , JORDAN F. HAVARD, J. P. July 19 27 4 Uotton P i,,, ' ,, ' i '"Oe COTTON BAG GING. For sale by W. G. a, J. T. L\NE •’"b'l2* 26—Gt. THE STANDARD OF UNIONS Milledgeville. j) oc oy, 1835. * 1 ‘ Slil ’ s ‘'' l i, ' er returns his sincere thanks to those who | m ve favored him with the trnnsaetmn oi mismess i u the Central Bank • Ik -1 mg now about to remove to Columbus, he’has . ranslerred In-books to his son Benjamin T. Be ' thune, ami 1 1aindtoi, IL Gaither, who are autho l nzed to settle all balances due to or from him on , said books; and they will attend to the renewal oi notes in the Central Bank, at the usual fee of . one dollar for each renew d. He solicits the pat ronage of his former friends and others in their behalf; he fee!< confident that all business euti'us j ted to then-care, will be faithfnllv and promptly f attended to. JOHN BETHUNE. ■ _. J;llllliil 'y 50—ts. SI I»A\ El) from tlie stable of the subscriber in the village oi Sparta, some time in May last, a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 or 8 years old, walks, trots and paces under the saddle, no parti cular marks recollected. He was raised in Ken tacky, and will probably make oil’ in that direc tion. Any information respecting said horse will be thankfully received and reasonably rewarded. 1 WILLIAM SHIVERS, Jun. ■ Jtilyo 25—ts. ' Esieciitivc Uegjfiii'Ctiiciiit, Cdii. ? Milleogevill::, ‘dOth June, f c 3o. $' Treasurer having, this day, reported to L. S Uypartmenl fbe amount received at the > [ 1 reasury since the 24th June. 1835, on account of ’ the fund set apart for the support of Academies i and b ree Schools, and the same heing found suffi cient to justify another Distribution, ORDERED, Taat an Apportionment of said funds be made among the several Countie in this .State, in the manner provided by law; and that notice thereofbe given by publication of this Or der, twice, in the Federal 'lnion, Standard of Un . ion, Southern Recorder and Georgia Journal. By order of the Governor, I WM. J. W. WELLBORN, Secretary. I I July 5 25fit. Troy iilifiS. fgl HE undersigned informs his friends and those X of the fate Jrm of Cutter fy Cornwell, that he intends resuming the Warehouse and Commis sion business at Pie store next above the one re cently occupied by T. J. Chace, on the margin of East Macon, known as the townofTroy. Hefur ther informs the public that he has bought his Goods, &c., and having now on the way, from New York and other places, Dry Goods and Groceries, together making Its stock complete, which will be sold low for readypay. he will be ready to receive Cotton early in ths fail, and be prepared to make advances. He would particularly notice to his | friends the great advantages his Warehouses have I over those in the dense part of the city with regard to /re, they being detached from other building and at a distance from any street or lane and well en close. IL S. CUTTER. (L? 3 The Macon Messenger and Telegraph, Mil ledgeville Journal and Standard of Union, will publish the above until further notice.— Georgian. Arch st. 26—9 m. SUBSCRIBER respectful informs his friends and the publie, that be has opened a house o tecSsaf&i® entertainment in the Town of Law renceville, Gwinttett Comity, Georgia, where he flatters himself those who may favor him with a call will find every thing provided which can con tribute to them comfort ami convenience. JOHN F. MARTIN. Lawrenceville Dee. 9, 1835. mtm6—49. rpiiE Subscriber very respectfully informs his I IL friends and the publick generally that lie has located himself at the Marrietta Hotel, Cobb C. IL, where he offers his services to search out and test the value of Gold ami Land lots, and to make a true return to applicants in the counties of Cobb, Paulding, Floyd, Cass, Cherokee and For- I syth; at the low rate of live dollars per lot; at the i above stated place, reference may U<> l;a,l to the j State and Check maps, the quality Book, and tin- | merical list. Patronage in the above business | will be thankfully received by DANIEL MAY. I March 11. 1835. 61 ts. j ®e JKaaStb SfacrSiT’g Ssaies, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- ; tember next, at the Court house in the I ! town of Decatur, De Kalb county, the following I property, to wit: — I The undivided half of lot of land, number 115, in the 15th district of originally Henry, now De Kalb county, levied on as the property of Win. u rner, to satisfy sundry fi lias in favour of Win. o b bins and others, vs. said Turner. Also—l.ot of land, number 175. in the 15th dis > trict of originally Henry, now De Kalb county lev ied mt as the property of Stephen S. Simmons, to ! satisfy sundry li lias issued from a justices court ■ in said comity, in favor of 11. W. Scovell & Co. I n<l others, against said Simmons. Levy made n d returned by a constable, this 25th July, 1836. S. FARMER, Sheriff. August 2. 29—tds. 11 B". C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac tice of Medicine and its collateral branches, I to which his undivided attention will be devoted i until the close of the sickly season. When not I professionally absent, be may be consulted at the office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea gle Tavern. Sparta, August 1. 1836. 29—ts FIN HE mdersigned, ever grateful to his friends I JiL for their very liberal patronage, for the last twelve years, would say to them and the public, that it is his wish to decline the practice of medi cine for the present, at least, so far as visiting pa tients in the country. He does this in order to re gain his own health. Having justreceivcd a fresh supply of Medicine from Philadelphia, he will, should it be desired, furnish medicine w ith prescriptions, at Lis office. I Sparta, JulvSOth, 1836. J. G. GILBERT. August 2 29—3 t. Rockwell & Kenan, A TTORNE YS .! T LAW, Milledgeville, Georgia, HAVING united their PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS, will attend to business en trusted to them in the Comities of the Ocmulgec Circuit, in the Comity of Hancock of the North- i ern, Washington of the Middle, Twiggs and Lau-| reus of the Southern, and Houston, Bibb and ’ Monroe of the Flint Circuits: also in the Federal ' Court. Their office is mi the second finer of the Mason ic Hall. July 19th, 1836. SAMUEL ROCKWELL, M.J. KENAN. Augu it 2. 29—ts WARE-HOUSE ' I AND nn |,E undersigned considers himself penna- | J&. neiitly located in this city, and will ccu.’iime | to transact the miss ion H&uniiieffs. All business confided to his charge will meet with j strict attention. His Ware-House ami Clean Stores are all Tir- ’ proof. EDWARD MUSTIN. July 8 ‘ 27tlS. "WM/’ILI, BE SOLD on the first Tuesday V V in September next, at the court house door, in Drayton, Dooly comity, the remaining unsold town lots—in said town. Terms made known on the day of sale. 18th July 1836. By order ot the Inferior Court. TIIOS. 11. KEY, <•. i. c. July 26. 28—tds. . Sp|!>Uß MONTHS after date application will be made to the Houorabfa.the inferior Court ol Dooly County, when sitting for ordinary purpo poses, for leave to sell lot of land No. 201, in the 7th Dist. of said County, for the benefit of the heirs of James Coleman deed, this 21st July 1836. JESSE SANDERLIN, Adm. August 2d. 29—4 in. FHNIIE SUBSCRIBER offers far sale rm ac .hL commodating terms, his settlement of good flak and Hickory laud, lying on the eastern side cl Monroe Comity, three miles below Brownsville, comprising six hundred be seven acres, one half of which, is now in cultivation, and undergood fence. Convenient to every part of the farm, is a very comfortable two story dwelling, a gin house, and every other house necessary. GEORGE TAYLOR. August 2d. 1836. J29—tf. GEORGI A, Cobb County. ( before me, by Joseph Casson one ? i,L black horse poney—supposed to be ten or eleven years old, branded with a double (S.) on the leli hips, and the same brand on the left shoul der, and a small white streak on his forehead, and sonic saddle spots on his back—appraised to twen ty-five dollars, in the terms of the law, this 26th June, 1836. M ARTIN WILLIAMS JOHN W ALULA VENS. THOMAS WHITEHEAD, J. P. A 1 rue extract from the minutes of their estray books. J MARTIN ADAMS..c .i .c August 2d. 29 4t. G£OR<iUA» In the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan uary Term, 1836. E'TPO?4 the petition of Edward Thomas ant! kjJ others, Stockholders ol the Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank, praying the appointment of a Receive, ol the assets of said Lank, for the pur pose set forth in said petition on file : Ordered, I hat Ldward Thomas be appointed as sucii JJecciver, he first giving bond audsecuri ly;. >" b y tile in the sum of I hirty .thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of this Court, and his successors in office, for the faithful discharge of his duty in said office. It it further Ordered, That the said Merchant’s am! Planters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver and transfer to said Receiver, all and singular, the Books, Papers, Monies and Assets of every des cription, belonging to said Bank, aud that said Receiver be aud lie hereby is fully authorized and empowered, to receive and collect by suit in his own name as Receiver, orby other legal rncaiis, all oiitslanding claims due to said Bank, and to pay ali debts due from it, and to defend ail suits pend ing, or that may lie brought against said Bank. An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said Receiver is authorized and reouired, from time to time, to divide among the Stockholders or their legal representatives, in proportion to their res pective niterests, assets of said B amt, as he may find prudent and proper to divide, always reserving a sufficient fund to answer the probable responsibilities of the Institution. And it it further Ordered, That the said Re ccjver do report t-> this Court, at its sitting in Jan uary next, his actings and doings on the premises, and ; hat after the making up of said report, he be no longer liable to any suit or claim, es Received by any creditor of said Bank, unless the term of his responsibility he then furtherexteuded. Il is further Ordered, That a copy of the above order, be published in one of the public Gazettes ol Augusta and Milledgeville, at leastouce a month from this date to the first of January next. A true extract from the Minutes, this I6th dav of February, 1836. J JAMES M’LAWS, Clerk BANKS my apprentice lotlie ' 1 adoring business, about 14 years of age, with lull i. hair anti gray ex : s, quit my shop on the 18th instant, ami has not since been heard of. Charles and another youth of about 14 years of age, of highly respectable connexions, have been decoyed by a journeyman tailor by the mime of JNO. 11. BREWER, and are now ‘ strolling over the country tothe iminent injury ! of tlm morals of these youths. Any information ; of these boys, by which they may be arrested I ami lestoied to their business- and relations,! would bo gratefully received. John H. Brew er is about 21 years ofage, dark hair, and spare make, aud limps in his walk, occasioned bv an injury in one ol his legs by white swelling.— Tlie public should be cautioned against tbislfel low, particularly parents whoso'children may come w ituia the circle of his acquaintance. - CHARLES S. DORSETT. Covington, Ga. August 2. 29——5 t. ?•' I'i 'r* !l S ALE.— Fhcrc will be sold on the j -h<—<l ‘“st j uesday in Augustnext. nt the Court House door, in Knoxville Crawford County—one I cream coloured filly, supposed to be about fam i y-ar. old—appraised by Hardy Ray ami Sherod Vluttmgton to be worth $45,00 on the 25th July AVILLIAM McGEE, c. i. c. August2J. o') 4t GEORGIA, Crawford County. ‘lYj'l DWARD W. HUSSEY, of Capt. AVhirting- JiU ton’s district tolls before n:e, Elisha I’. Tur ner, an acting Justice of the Poate, in and for said county, a bay filly, supposed to be three or four years old, her two hind feet wiite, with a small v. iiite spot in her forehead and some symptoms Ol the distemper. .Appraised b» Hardy Ray and Josiah Shuey to forty dollars. J u [ v 30th, ’1836. WILLIAM MGEE; C. I. C. August 2d 21) 4t Murray Cohnty.—U hereas Edeth Kimbrough applies to me for let ters ol administration on theestate of Marma duke Kimbrough, deceased, kte of said county. 1 hesc are therefore to cite and admonish all j and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time ptescrihed by law, shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 12th day of July 1836. BUSTON McGHEE, <*. c. o. m c Ju[ y 26 28 It. KpOUR months after date, application will nla,b; t 0 fkc honorable Inferior Court ol i. are county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th district of originally Carroll now Heard county, belonging to the illeoitimates of I’iningtou WILLABY ADDAMS, Guardian. 28—ni-lm. be sold in the town of Hartford, v J • ulaski county, on the first Tuesday in September next, the iollowingproperty, to-wit: One sorrel horse and one sorrel mare, one horse cart and one pot, levied on as the proper ty of Elisha Hodge, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Robert (mode, issued Irom the Superior Court ol Laurens county ; property pointed out by- David Simpson. J AMES DYKES, Jr. I). Sh’ffi August 1, 1836. 1 U ’’l i.X'O. A. ij :(UTTi-j/,, MACON, GEORGIA. ’ F£[litis l.stahlis!incut is now nndcr , .|“ the control if tho subscribers, i V‘ : " l ,!(,(l 6 e themselves to render coni- , sortable those who nay call on them. , PETER WILLIAMS. r JOHN D. RAMEY. , I'.lunrytM, 6 If p NEATLY EXECTTED L| AT yerc?; 1 I Central Bank ot Georgia, ? -lune 16, 1836. “ RESOLVED, That a distribution of three ’ hundred thousand dollars be made on accom modation notes among the several Counties in this State, in alphabetical order. Resolved, that on Thursday the 11th dav of . August next, notes will be received for discount fiom the counties of Appling, Baker, Baldwin Bibb, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Butts, Camden’ , Campbell, Carroll, Cass, Chatham, Cherokee’ . Clarke, Cobb, Columbia, Coweta, Crawford’ , Decatur, DeKalb, Dooly, Early, Effingham’ f Emanuel, Elbert, Fayette, Floyd, Forsyth, and . Franklin. On the 18th day of August thereafter, notes I will be received from the counties of Gilmer Glynn, Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall’ Hancock, Harris, Heard, Henry, Houston Ir win, Jackson and Jasper. On the 25th da v of August thereafter, notes will be received lorn the counties of Jeffer ] son, Jones, Laurens, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln Lowndes, Lumpkin, Madison, Marion, Mcln . tosh, Meriwether, Monroe, Montgomery, Mor gan, Murray and Muscogee. On the Ist day of September thereaftet, notes will be received from the counties of Newton, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Pike, Pulaski, Putnam, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Scriv en, Stewart, Sumter, Talbot, Taliaferro, Tatt nall, Telfair and Thomas. And on the Bth day of September thereafter, notes will be received from the counties of Troup, Twiggs, Union, Upson, Walker, Wal ton, Ware, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkes and Wilkinson. Ail notes must be made payable at the Cen tral Bank of Georgia, have two or more good i endorsers, and no note will, on any account, be I received after 12 o’clock, M. of the days above t specified. By an Act of the last General Assembly, it is provided—“ 'Chat from and after the pas sage of this act, no note shall be discounted at ■ the Central Bank of Georgia, unless theprin \ cipal and all endorsers shall be residents of the respective counties entitled to said dividends: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall . be so construed as to require the officers of said i Bank to retain the amount of dividedns, or any i part thereof, more than thirty days after the same shall have been actually declared and made." That the distribution may be made in conformity with this act, the Board will require ’ from all persons offering notes within the time specified, i. e. within thirty days of the day set apart for receiving notes, a certificate from the Receiver of Tax Returns, or any civil officer of the comity, stating that the drawer and each of the endorsers of said notes are resident citizens of the county from which they are offered. Certificates of the taxable property of the makers and endorsers of the notes offered, will be regarded the best evidence of their solvency; but the certificates of the judgments or mortga ges against the drawer, which have heretofore been required, will no longer be exacted. No note will be discounted having on it the name of any person indebted to the State, ei ther as principal or security, which debt is due and unsettled, or who is the maker of, or endor ser on any note or bill heretofore discounted by tlie Bank,and which is pastdue&. unattended to.” Extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors. R. A. GREENE, Cashier. . A TABLJE Showing the White, Colored, and Representative Population, under the Census of 1831; also the amount of the eighth Apportionment made by the Central Bank of Georgia to each County. »*S >-g _S" -s NAMES OF ■= SI g 5 ft! » - S’ ® §-2 5' COUNTIES £*o s.S ri.S gg -2 o =■ c A g ~ ? ? = -• 5 ° r Appling, I’ 1,227 182 1,336 866 I Baker, f 977 276 1,143 741 Baldwin, : 3,123 4,374 5.747 3,733 I Bibb, 4,475 3,089 6,328 4,111 i Bryan, 723 2,416 2,173 1,410 ’ Bulloch, 1,8471 701 2,268 1,472 J Burke, 5,193| 6.210 8,919 5,795 Butts, 3,367| 1,724 4,401 2,858 Camden, 1,441 3,097 3,299 2,142 Campbell, 3,398 772 3,861 2,507 Carroll, 3,067| 377 3,293 2,138 Cass, j 1,451 990 Chatham, 5,0011 11,436 11,860 7,711 Cherokee, ' 1,524 990 j Clark, 5,134 4,675 7,939 5,158 i Cobb, _ ].778 1,160 : Columbia, 4,317 7,639 8.900 5,783 I Coweta, 4,146 1,503 5,048 3/279 > Crawford, 2,764 1,733 3,804 I Decatur, 2,750 1,450 3,620 2,351 ] DeKalb, 9,020 1,867 10.140 6*589 Dooly. 1,865 368 2,086 I Early, 1,466 602 1,827 IJBS Effingham, 1,711 1,228 2,448 D 589 Elbert, 6,389 5,717 9,819 6/380 Emanuel, 2,155 506 .2,459 1 596 Fayette, 4,589 1,261 5,346 3’4'73 Floyd, |1,745 I’l3o Forsyth, 2,305 1,460 Franklin, . 7,517 2,405 8,961 5,822 Gilmer, | 413 07Q Glynn, 1 622 4,028 3,039 1,973 Greene, I 4,865 7,265 9,224 5 993 Gwinnett, I 10,721 2,372 12,144 7 891 Habersham, 10,262 1,186 10,974 7 131 Hall, 11,177 1,500 12,077 7,848 Hancock, 5.022 7,426 9,478 6,158 Harris, 4,182 3,060 6.018 3,909 Heard, 1.481 624 1,855 1,203 Henry, 8,387 2,640 9,971 6,479 Houston, 5.601 2,428 7,058 4*585 Irwin, 1,066 114 1,184 ’735 Jackson, 6,734 2,955 8,507 5,527 Jasper, 6,531 6,203 10,253 6,662 Jefferson, 3,514 3,682 5,723 3 718 Jones, 6,19G b 6.922. 10,349 6,725 Laurens, 3,005 2,341' 4,410 2,864 Lee, 977 279 1,144 741 Liberty, 1,578 5,763 5,036 3.271 Lincoln. 2.785 3,245 4,732 3,073 Lowndes, 2,155 389 2,388 1,550 Lumpkin, 4,904 Madison, 3,561 1,323 4,355 2,828! Marion, 1,729 153 1,821 I’lßl I M’lntosh, 1,077 3,926 3,433 2,229 Meriwether, 3,603 1,740 4,647 3,018 Monroe, 9,723 7,514 14,231 9/248 Montgomery, 946| 352 1.157 750 ■Morgan, 5,093 6,515 9,002 5,849 Murray, 859 5'30 Muscogee, 3,106 1.960 4,282 2,781 Newton, 8,101 2,972 9,884 6*422 ' Oglethorpe, 5,313 7,536 9,824 6/i9O Paulding, i io j s ’ 6s g Pike, 4,713 1,903 5,855 3 803 ■ Pulaski, 2.996 1,77 e 4,063 2*639 Putnam, 5,294 7,667 9.894 6 420 Rabun. 2,982 82 3,031 1,968 1 Randolph, 691 322 884 572 Richmond, 5,558 6,218 9,289 6,036 ‘ Striven, 2,216 2,242 3,561 2*312 ' Stewart, 1,371 598 1,730 1,122 , Sumpter, 796 172 900 583 Talbot, 4,475 1,624 5,448 2,539 s Taliaferro, 3,105 2,665 4,702 3,054 ‘ Tattnall, 1,821 611 2,188 1*420 1 Telfair, 1,487 575 1,832 1,188 ’ Thnmas, 2,399 1,343 3,205 2,081 Troup, ; 5,026 2,934 6,786 4,409 Twiggs, 1 4,548 3,854 6,860 4,457 i 1,019 660 ‘ Upson, j 3,921 2,319 5,312 13,451 Walker, 1 683 442 Walton, i 7,078 3,150 8,968 5,827 Ware, J 1,063 69 1,104 715 J Warren, 5,043 4,686 7,854 5,103 0 Washington, 5,812 3,921 8,165 5,305 J’ Wayne, 667 251 818 529 Wilkes, I 5,210 8,995 10,607 6,892 J Wilkinso 11 4,785 1,887 5,917 3 844 c P 309.835| 223.881 461.860 300,000 All the Milledgcv ille papers will publish f, he above until the distribution is completed. a June 28 24 A MST BETTERS. THF following is a list of letters remaining in the Post office at Decatur, Ga. If not taken out before the first of October next will be forwarded to the Post Office Depart ment as dead letters. r July Ist, 1836. THOMAS A SULLIVAN, P. M. A. K. a !! man Ar Wm - Kirksa y. Isaiah 2 Allen Wm L. Anderson, Ann Little, Hiram or Avary, B B Reuben Adcock, Linson Lindsev, John I 2 Anderson WB 2 Land, Stephen Allen, Riley Leavell, Richard , Lanier, T B Bird, Ann E Lane, Rhoda Bennet, Ely M. Boman, F L Murphey, Moses Berge A R Mooie, Roland Belk, w A Marlow, Larkin Burdett, Samuel Mayes, Edward Bird, Elijah Mayes, Mary Barret, Thomas Morris, James G Bradford, Elizabeth Mcßee, John W Bailey, Horatio McLeroy, Samuel Badger, Alonza McGinnis, J L Barker, Ammi B McGinnis, John 2 Burdett,Humphr’y Morris, Elizabeth Brown, James Morgan, J & 8 S r M so . rd \. J R Mayson, Charles Baldwin, b red McGinnis, P A Braughton Mary, McDow, David Blacock, Joseph McMosely, M Bowling, Barney Masters, S C Boring John M Moselv, James Browning, Y H Merri't, Johny Baldwin, Elizabeth Millican, Jam.. N. Cook, John R 2 Nichols, Wm Carter, Young, Norman, H 8 Cash, Briant O. 1 Crow, John Oliver, Thoma. Lavmest, Susan P. Carter, John Philips, Janies Uarke Laae Patterson, John Cash, W M Page, Elijah Cone, Samuel Paty, Sarah A Pl aster , Be ■_ c G . Pinc ’ Samuel W Childs, Sarah Pounds, John U ’ n . ~ „ Pierce, Rickersen Davis George R 2 Page, Horati. Dyer, Wayne 3 p ctty , Thoma. Diamond, James, or Powell, Dr Mary Ann R. Diamond, James Roebuck R Dupree, Ann 2 Raimv, Chas Dean, Lemuel Rawlings, R Davis, R F Rowell, John Roe, Martha Edwards, Alfred S. I • , Simmons, T 1* ain, G B Smith, N N 9 Fannin, John Smith, W R Floyd, Joshua Stephens, Albert Fowler, Harriet Simmons, E Smith Simeon Gregory Miriam 2 Sears, Ransom Garold, Caroline, Stone, Daniel Grayham Jonathan Sherling, Matilda George, Margaret Sims, James Grisham, Joseph T. Godden, James Thompson, Joseph Gorham Jane W. Thompson, J D . Ir . Thomas, Thoma. L Harris, Hiram C Tanner, Henry Hagard R. H. Tarpley,R W Hoye, Stephen Thompson M S Henderson, WS B Towers, Wm Howard W J V. Harris, B enj Vaden, Martha, lucky, Janies W. Hooper, Enoch Wooten, Mrs. Hghes, Daniel 2 Winters,John B. Harris, Mr Winters, W B I ugbes, Isaac Whaghed, Heniy Hill, Samuel B Word, T A Harbin, Wm White, Elbert Herron, Wm White D J Hawkins, John Wooten, Joseph Harris, Moses D Wilson, John Henson, Jonathan Williams, S Hall, Thomas F Wood, James Hooper, Thomas Wilson, J B I. <fc J. Wright N Jones, Edward L 2 Wheat A W Johnson, 1 W P White, William Jones, Henry O Walker Samuel Johnson, Wm White, James Johnson, Edwin W. Wilkinson,L. Jones, R I*. E. Watson, Janies M, Jwy i - ...26. 20 KEWAM.' RANAWAY from the subscriber about the first of last March, a large, stout and well made negro man by the name George—32 or 3 years old, 5 ft. Bor 9 inches high, dark complex ion—one of his upper front teeth out, of a pleas mg countenance when spoken to. The above reward, with all reasonable expeu. ses, will be paid, for his delivery to mo in Han cock county, or for his confinement in any safe | jail with notice theieof. July 19. 27 t f, Ihe Macon Messenger, will insert the above until otherwise directed. s2olf 12 WARS), " AN AW AY from the subscriber, on the 31st ult., a Negro man named BERRY, abous 2a or 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, very black, and has a down cast look when spoken to, he has followed the river from this place to Darien, on a boat for Messrs. Nichols & Deming,3or 4 years; whoever will deliver hin» | to me in this place, or lodge him in any safe Jail in this State, so that I can get him, shnlf receive the above reward, and all reasonable expence* P ; ''d- PRYOR WRIGHT. Milledgeville, June 14, 1836. 22—ts. Twenty Dohairs lieward, WILL be paid for the lodgment in any safe jail, of my negro man GILES, who j absconded about five weeks since; complexion dark, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, spare make, thirty J years old, moves briskly, affects the use of elegant ■ language, and has a small scar on the lower lip. He is probably in the vicinity of Mr. Rushin'* plantation in Houston, who owns his relatives, or that of Mr. Job Taylor of Monroe, from whom I bought him. BENJ. A. WHITE. Milledgeville, August 2. 29tf. foeo. Hp HE subscriber found in Sparta, a pair of . saddle bags, containing two letters from Josiah Patterson, to Dr.W. R. McNeel, Chester ville S. C., a copy of the will of James Perter Meclinburg N. Carolina: memorandum account book, shirt collar, and two vials . from circum stances I should think the saddle bags contained other articles when lost, but had been robbed of them. The owner can get the above named ar ticles by paying for this advertisement. WM. SHIVERS, ir Sparta, 12th July 1836. J • J,,1 . v 19th - 26—3 t, I*OST 9 Al, or near Sparta, Hancock countx. G« about the 10th of December Fast, two notes' otnand, made by Pleasant W. Richason payable to W illiam Hauab, or bpaier as follows : I he first for thirty-five dollars, dated sometime in J uno 183.>, and due thirty days after date with ? credit thereon for twelve dollars-the second payable as above, and due July 1835 on ‘* All persons are cautioned against ’trading f. r said notes, and the said Pleasant W. Richastm them tO " ny pe ‘ SOn my July 10,1836. ROBERT B. MARRY 26 ft