Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, August 30, 1836, Image 4

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Four months after <i :itc application nil tie matte to the I ionor:able, the Inferior Court of Dooly Comity, when silling, foronlinn y pnrpo- i loses, for leave to sell lot of land No. 2<li, in the 'th Dist. of said Comity, for the benefit of the heirs of James Coleman deed, this 21st July 1836. JESSE SANDERLIN, Adm. August 2d. £9 —Im. To the C'iliz.etts of noKtilb i’oiittiy. A (JAIN fellow •citizens I a:n before you a can didate for a seat in the State Legislature. I deem it proper thus publicly to announce my sell in consequence ot the nomination n hit h a portion of the party, of which I am a member, have made. With thisnonihintiou my friends have ex pressed dissatisfaction, and re piesicd my contin uance ns a candidate before the people, and I be lieving ns they do. that it is theirs, mid the people's right to vote for a candidate for office, (if it suit their views mid propriety) notwithstanding he may by management be cancusecd have consented tocontutuen candidate, pledging my- j self to the citizens ofDiknili. if elected, to do al! | to advance (heir's and the State's interest, which | my feeble abilities will enable me. MOSES MURPH V. August 11, 18-36. 31—2 t EXPRESS MAIL. i’o Offici: lliansTMtAT. Washington,July23. 18”l>. $ PROPOSALS will be received day of September next, at 12 o'flock, M., (to be decided the next d 'y) for carry ing a daily express mail on horseback, ttt railroad curs, or in steamboats, for the purpose of conveying slips from newspapers in lieu of exchange newspapers mid letters (other than such as contain nionay) not exceeding half tin omico in weight, mark ed “express mail,” and public despatches, on the routes aud during the times hereinafter stated, to wit: From New York to Philadelphia, DO miles and back, to stop at not more than three intermediate offices: Leave New \ ork at 5 p m. arrive at Philadelphia by 2 a in next day. Leave Philadelphia at 7 am, arrive at New York by 3 p nt. Proposals from the Railroad Company for car rying the great mail us well as the express mail, will be considered at the same time. Service to continue until the 39th June. 1840. From Philadelphia to Baltimore. 100 miles mid back; to stop tit not more than two intermediate offices. Leave Philadelphia, at 2} am, arrive nt Balti more by .» p m. Leave Baltimore at 8.1 p in, arrive nt Phila delphia by 6} am, next day. Sei vice to continue tmtil the 30th June. 1840. From Baltimore to Washington, D. C., 38 miles and back. Leave Baltimore at 1 p m, at rive at Washing ton by 5 p m. Leave Washington at 1J pm, arrive at Balti more by 8 p m. Proposals from the Railroad Company to carry the groat mail as well as the express mail, will be considered at the same time. Service to continue till 30th June. 18-10. From Washington to Fredericksburgh Virginia, 61 miles and back, to stop at not more than one in termediate office. Leave Washington at pm, arrive at Frede ricksburg!) by 11 j p in. Leave Fredericksburgh at 10 am, arrive at Washington by -1 p m. Service to continue till the 30th June, 1839. From Fredericksburgh to Greensboro’, N. C.. 248 miles and back, to stop at not more than seven intermediate offices. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Greensboro' (25 hours,) by 1 a m the next day af ter. Leave Greensboro’ at 10.} am, arrive atFredc ricksburgh by DA a m the next dav. Service to continue till the3oth June, 1839. From Greensboro'to Yorkville, S. C. 121 miles and back ; to stop at not more than four interme diate offices. Leave Greensboro’ at i.i a in,arrive at York ville by 2 pm. Leave Yorkville at l()t ~ i n , arrive at Greens boro’ by 10 a in the next day. Service tocontinue till the 30th June, 1839. From Yorkville to Washington, Ga., 116 miles and back : to stop at not more than four interme diate offices. Leave Yorkville at 2Z p m, arrive at Washing ton by 5 a mnext day. Leave Washington at 10,} p in, arrive at York ville by 10 a m next day. Service to continue ti'l the 30th June, 1839. From Washington to Columbus, Ga., ISj miles mid back ; to .stop at not more than five intermedi ate offices. Leave Washington at "j a tn, arrive at Colum bus by 11 * p in. Leave Columbus nt 3£ p pi, arrive at Washing ton by 8 a m next day. Service to till the 30th Juno, 1839. From Columbus to Montgomery. A1a.,8! miles and back; to stop al not more than one intermedi ate office. Leave Columbus at 12 night, arrive at Montgo meiyby 8 a in next day. Leave Montgomery at 7.1 am, arrive at Colum bus by 3 p m. Service to continue till the 39th June, 1833. From Montg-eniery to Mobile, 198 miles and back; to stop it nut more than four intermediate offices. Leave Montgomery at 9 am, arrive at Mobile by 5a ni next day. Leave Mobile at 12m, arrive at Montgomery by 7am next day. Service to continue til! the 30th June, 1838. To enable the Postmaster General to select be tween the two principal mail routes through the South, proposals will al > l;c received for carrying the daily expre-; mail from Fredericksburgh, Ya. to Columbus, Ga. as follows, viz: I ro'.n I redcricksburgu to Richmond, 67 miles and back; to slop at not more than one intermedi ate point. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Richmond by 6 a r.i next day. Leave Richmond at 4 a in, arrive at Fredc rieksbargh by 9,} a m. 1 roponaL from the Railroad for car rying the great mad, as well ns the express mail, will bo consideied attho name lime. From Riclmi iml to Petersburgb, 21 miles and back. Leave Richmond at 6j a in, arrive at I’eters burgh by 8} a m. Leave Pe'ersburjh at 1 }a rn, arrive at Rich mond by 3} a m. From Pet'r,burgh to Blakely Depot. N. C., 64 miles ami hack ; to stop at not more than one in termediate ofii'-. Leave Petersburgb at 6 am, arrive at Blakely Depot by 2} pm. } Leave Blakely Depot nt 8 p rn, arrive at Peters burg h by 1 a rn next day. Proposals from the Railroad Company to carry th j great mad, a, well a 1 the express mail, will be con.idered nt the same lime. From Blakely Depot to Fayetteville, 151 miles and back ; to stop at not more than three inter mediate offices. Leave Liakcly Depot at 3 pm, arrive at Fay etteville by a a rn m-xt day. Loavs Fayetteville at 7 am, arrive at Blakely Depot by 74 pm. J From Fayetteville to Columbia, 154 rn i| f . 4 and back; to stop at not more thau two intermedi ate offices. Leave Fayetteville at 5.) am, arrive nt Colum bia by7} pm. Leave Columbia at spm arrive at Fayetteville by 6} a m next day. From Columbia to Milledgeville, Ga., JG3 miles and back ; to slop at not more than three interme diate offices. Leave Columbia at 8 p rn, arrive at Milledgeville I y 11 a in next 'lay. Leave Milledgeville at 3.} am, arrive at Colum bia by 5 p m. From Milledgeville to Columbus, 1! 3 miles ami back; to stop at not more than three intermedi ate office <• Leave Milledgeville at I If a in, arrive at Co l-.i ■ ! ’■ ■■ . ' Leave Columbus al 3.1 pm, arrive at Milledge ville by 3 a in next day. Service on the ■<- routes to continue till.'loth June, is: ill. W ith the hope of inducing the several compa nies that occupy the triivclling lines between New 5 ork and Washington lo form sm h a connection ns will carry the mm!.; as well as trn vellcrs 11 trough in lite lea..! possiido time, proposals me invited from them to carry both the great mail and the ex pre-s according to the loliow ing schedule in.slt am boats mid railroad cars, viz ; Leave New York at 4 p m, arriie al Philadel phia by I 1 p m. Leave Philadelphia nt 11. J p m, arrive at Balti more by !i.} am, next day. I.etivt Baltimore at lt> a tn, arrive al Washim - ton by A p ni. Ileturnin<r. Leaveashingtt.ii tit 4.1 p in. arrive at Balti more by 7 p m. Leave Baltimore at 7} p m, arrive at i’liilmlel I phiti by 5.J am, next day- I .eave Philadelphia at <i a in, arrive at New Yoik I by I p tn. Contracts for the foregoing service are to !>e executed by the 15th day of October next. They w ill he sent to the post offices of the accepted bid ders for the purpose in time. ’i he service is to commence on Tuesday, the Ist day of November ilex’, and is to be daily both ways. No proposal w ill be considered unless it fie ac companied by a guarantee, signed by two respon | sible persons, in the follow ing form, viz. i “ The undersigned and guaranty that if his bid ! for carrying the Express mail from to be accepted by the Postmaster ! General, shall enter into an obligation prior to the I 15tb day of October next, with good and sufficient sureties to perform the service proposed.” Da ted “ . 1836.” To which the guarantors shall sign their names. It is ab-o required that the bidder or bidders for ward with theirbids the certificate.of a postmas ter. in the following form, viz: “ I certify that Rn! j , who have signed the forc ! going as guarantors of , j n |jj s j bid for carrying the Express mail from to , are men of property, and able to make good their guaranty.” Dated” I 1836.” I Each route must be bid for separately. The route, thesum, mid the residence of the bidder, I should bo distinctly stated in each bid. The Postmaster General reserves the power of elimigingtho schedules, but not so as to increase the expedition. The mails are to leave precisely at the time set. Three minutes only m e allo,wcd for opening and closing them nt the intermetliatc ofiices. I or each failure to arrive at the time set in the schedule, the pay of the trip shall bo forfeited, sub ject to be increased to a penalty of ten times that amount; and lor a repetition of failures the con tract may bo annulled. If it should become necessary at any time to dis continue the service contracted for (a result which is not expected) the contractors shall be entitled to receive two months’ extra pay. These who enter into this service must make up their minds not to let bad roads, nor storms, nor floods, nor casualties, nor dangers, prevent their performance according to contract. Water-proof bags will be furnished for the mails ; and no ex cuse w hatsoever will be taken for a failure to arrive at the time set in the schedule. The proposals should ho sentto the Department scaled, endorsed “ Proposals for Express Mail,” aid addressed to the first Assistant Postmaster General, S. R. lloebie. AMOS KENDALL. August 9,30—4 t. P. S. If the mail shall regularly exceed seventy pounds in weight, the Department will consider it self bound to pay for an additional horse when the express is carrcd on horseback, if an additional horse be employed. A. K. College, npilE friends of this nslilMliOH are in formed, that until iurthei arrangements be made, Mr. JULIUS LATASTE. late Assistant in Dr. Maiks’ Institution, near Columbia, S. C., will assist in the Literary aud Scientific Depart ments. Mr. J. L. was to hare assisted in the .Mu sical Department, hut the number of pupils in that lias been limited, that he might arsisi in the ones above named This arr: ngement has been made, on account of some delay in the correspondence with the gentleman and lady named in a former notice. The number ofoitr pupils, therefore w ill bo limited to 60, till further notice. There arc still a few vacancies. '1 he Institution has undergone an entire and systcmactic'.vn. Onr frit nils me in vited to vi itus nt any lime, during its exercises, from 5 A. M. till 5 P. IM. There will b? a monthly examination of the Students, beginning outlie 19th of August, and every fourth week thereafter, to which our friends are also invited. ANNA M. LA TASTE, > „ . . , LUCIEN L \ TASTE, $ 1 r,nc 'i Kl3 Sorcottsbough, July 19,1836. 27—ts I hereby caution all persons from trading for a Note given by me, to John Spratlin, for $50,- 00 due 21sl Dec. next, dated some time in the latter part of January last, as I am determined not to pay it, unless compelled by law. JOSIAH VV. JOSSEY- August!) 30-—2 t. ALL persons indebted to the estate of .Miles Batey deceased, of DeKalb County,are re quested to make immediate payment, and those to w hom the estate is indebted will present their demands within the time presented by law. MEREDITIICALLIER. SARAH BATEY. August 2d. 29—tds. The iaNi ! TTHiIE undersigned respectfully asks al! those indebted to him, to make payment without delay. Between this time and the first of October next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do so, can make arrangements to meet their re spective dues; and he appeals particularly to those who are in arrears for two. three, four, and five years, to come forward and settle up their old scores at once. This call is forced upon him by the imperi ous necessity of meeting his ov, n engagements; which he is unable to do, without punctuality on the part of those who owe him. Therefore they aro hereby notified, that even one who shall fail Io make payment by the first day o! October next, will find their notes and accounts in the hands of collecting officers, without dis crimination. This will be a painful step, but it cannot he avoided; and those who fail Io pay within the tii'u; above stated, ought not, anil lie trusts, will not complain. JOHN M. SHARP. 'Sparta Ga. June ] 1 1836. 22—ts. Ffl’iHE subscriber offers for sale, six hundred _E. and seven acres, first rate Corn slid Cotton Land, with omi hundred and twenty acres line land, under good fences, all fresh; which will produce from twelve to fiftcim hundred pounds Cotton to the :x;i c, and from thirty Io forty bushels -orn, there is 011 the premises, a double log cab ■•m liinglc rough, and other out lioti .es, anil two '-'celletit Wells of water, which never fails; the •i.iovo lands ail lie in the fifteenth and tv.cuty 'ig'itn district L< c, now Stimt.i r comity, all join ll1 '’’ 'vhieh w ill be sold on a credit oi one, two three years; persons wishing to purchase, 'V'mld do wi ll to viev. the pr. mises, am! call 011 >'■ it.. ,r:-i!>cr in Millcdgevilc during the present •s’tsimi, m at mj residence in Twiggi comity, nf ttr theces,1011. BIINJ. B. SMl'f 11. r. 7. 1835. t-- ,r months after date, application w ill be | kI? made to the honorable the Inferior Courtot I’ul: 1 l.i < ounty, v hilo sitting for ordinary purposes, lor u tters <,f dismission ou the estate ol Charles Mills, deceased, by Daniel IL Rhodes, administra tor : This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by iaw, toshew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of April. 1836. JOSEPH CARUTHERS, e. o. c. May 3. 1836 FETOUR MONTHS after date, application will .li? bo made to the honorable interior < ourt ol Gw innett comity, when setting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to soil Lot of Land, number one hundred Nr fourteen, in the sixteenth dist. former ly Lee comity, but now Sumpter' county, drawn by Mary F. Colver and for her benefit. JNO. P. HUTCHINS, Guardian. June 7.22—4 m GF.ORGI \, Fayette County. IX MONTI IS after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for letters dismissory from the estate ofJohn Crittenden dec. This is therefore to admonish all and and sin gular,the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, if they have any objections, why said letters should not lie granted, to file their objections in terms of the law. JOSEPH 11. CRITTENDEN, A’.r’r. June 19. 25—(im. Opl'lE undersigned w ill attend to the Renew- Jft. al of notes in the Central Bank at the usu al fee of one dollar for each renewal. They will also pass through the several offices and forward Grants at one dollar for a single Grant, and fiftj cents each, where more than one is requested. Communications addressed to them jointly 01 separately, post paid, will bo punetuallv attendee to. ' ' JOHN G.’PARK, PETEK FAIR. Milledgeville, April 26 15 ts ■ Kay USic Presitilent of ITnited States. N PURSUANCE of the provisions of a trea -51. ty between tbe United States and the Chick asaw Indians, made and concluded on Pcutitoc Creek, on the /ipcnficf/t day of Octoler, 1832 and of the mid explanatory articles thereto, made aud concluded on the twenty-sec ond day of the same month, and also of the T’reaty between the United States and the Chickasaw Indians, made and concluded at the City of Vvashington, on the twcnly-fomth dayof 1834, I Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales lorthe disposal of such of the lands ceded to the United States by the said Indians, as are heieinafterdescribed, shall beheld at the land Office at Poxtitoc, in Mississippi, at the under mentioned periods, viz : On thejlrst September next, for the sale of the lands in the following townships, viz : Townships 1, of ranges 1,2, 3,4, and 5 cast. I ownsbips 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 4 east, t own hips 2,3, 4,5, and 6. of range 5 east. 1 ownsbips 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of ranges 6, 7.8, ami 9 east. I ownships 2,3, 4,5,!) and 7. of range 10 cast On Vue fourth biondcy in September next, for tile sale of the lands in the following townships, aud fractional tow nships, viz : EAST OF THE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN LINE ■ 1 ownsiiips 1 u and 1.», ol ianges3, and 4. ; Townships 14, 15 aud 16, of range 5. Townships 9, 10, 11, 12.13, 14, 15, and 16, fractional township 17, of range 6. iowuships9, 10 and 11, and fractional tow nship 15, ll> and 17, of range 7. Pownships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9. Also, at the same time, for the sale of the un der mentioned townships and fractional town, ships, west of the meridian, of the lluntsvilla dis trict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces siiuate in the State of Alabama, viz : f ractional township 4, of range 12* Fractional tow nships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of range 13. Fntctioual township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 and f, fractional tow nships 8, 9 and 10, of range 14. I‘ractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7 .-md 8 township 9, and fractional townships 10 and 1R of range 15. Fractional townships 8, ft, 10 and 11, of range 16. On the third Monday in October next, fur the sale of the under mentioned townships, viz : WESTOFTIIE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN IJNE. Township 1, of range 1. I ownsbips 1 and 6, of range 2, 3 and 4. Townships 1,4, 5 and 6, of range 5. "lownsbips 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range 6. 1 ownships 1,2,3, 4, 5 and 6, of ranges 7 &8. 1 ownships 1,2, 3 and 5, of range 9. Ou lite first Monday in November next, for the sale of the undermentioned townships viz ; * WEST OF THE CHIKASAW MERIDIAN LINE. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, of range 1 Township 7,8, 9, 10 aud 11, of ranges 2 3 4 ami 5. 8 Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8. Township 7, of range 9. The lands reserved bylaw forthc useofschools, or for other purposes, as well as the lands selec ted as reservations, under the provisions of the said treaties, arc to he excluded from the sales. Each sale is to continue open for two weeks, and no longer. The lands will be offered in quar ter sections, and fraction;:! quarter sections w here such exist. Given under my hand, at the Citv of Washing ton, this twentieth day of May, A. I>. 1836. ” ANDREW JACKSON By the President : ETHAN A. BROWN, Commissioner of the General Land Office. of scrip issued from the Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia, and the United States, for services in the revolu tionary army; as well as certificates of land stock, issued at the district land ofiices, for the amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under the credit system of laml sales, arc not receivable for lands w ithin the Chickasaw cession. General Land Office, May. 20, 1836. June 14. 22—1st Nov. 4000 Hisf-iiaels TOOR SALE, at the BOAT LANDING, at .ti‘ 75 cents per bushel, cash, in quantities to suit, purchasers, from five bushels and upwards. NICHOLS & DEMING. Milledgeville, March 15 9tf <? EORGI A, Dooly county. Tolled before W me by Thomas Hopkins, a bright bay with some saddle scars on his back, supposed to bo 13 or 14 years <dd, 4 fc< t 9 inches high : ap praised to $ 10, by John Butler and David Girt man, this 2d July. 1836. JORDAN F. HAVARD, J. P. July 19 27—4. liiSl ,a:<; cotton BA<; GLN’G. For sale bv W. G. .fc J.' T. L.ANE- Jnh I ’. 26—5 t. THE STANDAUh OEUNION GEORGI A. KgpULLED before me, by Walter Manning, .Eg one bay Marc mule, with one eye out, on the 101 l car a small car, pretty much scared up with the gear, no other marks nor brands per ceit able. Appraised by G. W. Gaber and Vv tn. Dttun, to the valuation of thirty-five Dollars, sworn to and Subscribed before me, this the 2nd of August, 183( : . WILLIAM PUNN, <;. W. GABER, WM. P. MELONEY, J. P. A True extract from the minutes. MARTIN ADAMS, c. t.c. August 16. 3!—4 . To Ugritijge jjwiiaera. to an order of the Inferior Kt Court of Balwia County, will be let to the highest bidder, on Saturday the 17th Sep tember next, the building of a new bridge across Fishing Creek on the Road leading from Mil ledgeville to Macon, at the site ol the present Bridge.—The Contractor to give Bond and security to build a good Bridue ; to stand for not loss than five years, and the same to be completed bv the first day of November next- JOHN IL OSBORNE, ] ED. W. BUTLER, j. p. B. McCRARY, }»Com’rs. G. H..JOURDAN, JAMES BEVINS. J A re. 23. 32 &4TR.AYED from the stable of the subscriber in Kj) the village of Sparta, some time in May last, a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 or 8 years old, walks, trots and paces under the saddle, no parti cular marks recollected. lie was raised in Ken tucky, and will probably make off in that direc tion. Any information respecting said horse will be thankfully received mid reasonably rewarded. WILLIAM SHIVERS. Jun. July 5 25—ts. Troy Hill* HE undeisigned informs his friends and thos c .IL of the late firm of Cutter .Cornwell, that he intends resuming the Warehouse and Commis sion business st the store next above the one re cently occupied by T. J. Chaco, on tiie margin of East Macon, known as the town of Troy, ilefur ther informs the public that he has bought bis Goods, Ac., and having now on the way. from New York and oilier places, Dry Goods and Groceries, together making his stock complete, which will be sold low lor ready pay. he will bo ready to receive Cotton early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances, lie would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to fre, they being detached from other building and at a distance from any street er lane and well en close. H. S. CUTTER. The Macon Messenger and Telegraph, Mil ledgeville Journal mid Standard of Union, will publish the above until further notice— Georgian. Arch st. 26—9 m. UhSUBSCRIBER respectful f- VJd. ly informs his friends and the |f ; public, that he has opened a bouse of entertainment in the Tow n of Law renceville, Gw inuett County, Georgia, where he flatters himself those who may favor hint w ith a cal! w ill find every thing provided which can con tribute to them comfort ami convenience. JOHN F.MARTIN. Lawrenceville Dec. 9, 1835. intmfi—49. KSN H E Subscriber very respectfully informs his Jii friends and the publick generally that he has located himself at the Marrietta Hotel. Cobb C. IL, where he offers his services to search out and te°t the value of Gold and Land lots, and to make a true return to applicants in the counties of Cobb. Paulding, Floyd, Cass, Cherokee and For syth; at. the low rate of five dollars por lot; at the above stated place, reference may be had to the State and Check maps, the quality Book, aud nu merical list. Patioaage in the above business will be thankfully received by DANIEL MAY. March 11. 1835. G1 ts. liaib SlicHlF’s Sales. '©j-I/'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- W v tembor next, at the Court house in the town of Decatur, De Kalb county, the follow ing property, to wit:— The undivided half of lot of laml. number 115, in the 15th district of originally Henry, now De Kalb comity, levied ou as the property of Vvm. Turner, to satisfy sundry fi firs in favour of Wm. Robbins mid others, vs. said Turner. Also—Lot of laml. i.umber 175. in the 15th dis trict of o: • ;inally lienry. now Do Kalb comity lev ied on as the property of Stephen S. Simmons, to satisfy sundry fi lias issued from a justices court i:t sai l county, in favor of IL W. Scovell A Co. mid others, against said Simmons. Levy made and returned by a constable, litis 25th July, 1836. S. FARMER, Sheriff. August 2. 29—tds. BR. C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac tice of Medicine and its collateral branches, to which his undivided attention w ill be devoted until the close of the sickly season. When not professionally absent, he may be consulted at the office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea gle Ta vent. Sparta, August 1, 1836. 29 ts FSfS HL undersigned, over grateful to his friends Jl. for their very liberal patronage, for the last twelve years, would say to them and the public, that it is his wish to decline the practice of medi cine for the present, at least, so far as visiting pa tients in the country. lie does this in order to re gain his own health. I iaving just received a fresh supply of Medicine from Philadelphia, he will, should it be desired, furnish medicine with prescriptions, at his office. Sparta, July 30th, 1836. J. G. GILBERT. August 2 29 3t. fEoeliv/en & .Kenan, A TTOHNH YS A T LAW, f\lilledgevillc, Gcorgia, JOT AING united their PROFESSIONAL S. uX INTERESTS, will attend to business en trusted to them in the Counties of the Ocmulgce Circuit, in the County of Hancock of the North ern, IV ashingtou of the Middle, Tw rons of the Southern, mid Houston, Bibb and Monroe of the Flint Circuits: also in the Federal Court. I heir office is on the second flaor of the Mason ic Hall. July 19th, 1836. S VMUEL ROCKWELL, M..1. KENAN. August 2. 29—ts Te fihe Public. ib-/?— 3 -- •“'HE . . . ■ t j ''' ■' ' BSCR IBERS tab' s lliis method of informing the public, mid particularly all persons who have occasion to travel from Macon, westward, that they are running tt 'S'B’i-Wcekty two Horse Stejge Irotn Barnesville, in Pike comity, by the way of Zebulon mid Greenville to LaGrange, in Troup county. Leaving Barnesville on Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 5 o’clock, A. M. mid arri ving at LaGrange, at 9 o'clock, P. M. of the same days. VVe assure tdl poisons who may think proper to favor us with their custom, that wo are supplied with good horses mid pleasant carriages, mid that every necessary accommoda tion widbo rendered. Rates of Hinge fare, 10 cents per mile. KILPATRICK A HEAD. August 16. 16—It. \ Piihsski Slierills’ Safe. V 7 ?/ 1 ' n in the town of Hartford V V Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday tn .September next, the following property to wit: Guo small bay horse, levied ou as the property ol i'-lisha 1 lodge, to satisfy a 11 fa issuing out of lhe Superior court o: I.aureus county, in favor of Robert Hodge vs. the said Elisha Hodge—proper ty pointed out by David Simpson. JAMES DYKES, 1). Sb’ll'. July 5. 183 G. Notice. FjT? I HS will notify the public that Mary Dey _«L nty w jle has without provocation, deserted my ocd and board, aud I do therefore hereby for warnall persons from crediting the said Alary on my account, as 1 am determined to pay none of Iter contracts. THOMAS DEY, Blacksmith, arrenton, Ga. 10th August 1836. August 16. 31 2t. GEORGIA, Cobb County. PtpOLid.D before me, by Joseph Casson one black horse poucy—supposed to be ten or eleven years old, branded with a double (S.) on the let; hips, and the same brand on the left shoul der, mid ;; small white streak on his forehead, and some saddle spots on his back—appraised to twen ty-five dollars, in the terms of the law, this 26th June, 1836. MARTIN WILLIAMS. JOHN WALLRAVENS. THOMAS WHITEHEAD, J. r. A True extract from the minutes of their estray books. MARTIN ADAMS, .c ,t .c August 2d. go GIiOEJGIA. In the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan uary Term, 1836. ■g-TPON the petition of Edward Thomas and others, StocKholdcrs of the Merchants’ and lantcrs Bank, praying the appointment of a Recover of the assets of said Bank, for the pur pose set forth m said petition on file ■ Ordered, That Edward Thomas be appointed as sucii Receiver, he first giving bond ami securi ty to be approved by the Clerk, in the snm of • bitty thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of tlusCouit. and Ins successors in office for the faithful discharge of his duty in said office. Itit furthir Ordered, That the said Merchant’s and 1 lauters Bank, do forthwith deliver am! transler to said Receiver, all and singular, the Books, 1 apers, Alomes and Assets of every des cripnon. belongmg to said Bank, and that said Receiver !>« and he hereby is fully authorized and empowered, to receive and collect by suit in his own name as Receiver, orby other legal means -11 outstanding claims duo to said Bank, and to nay ad debts due from it, mid todefend all suits pend ing. or that may lie brought against said Bank. An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por tion t nereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said Jvecci' cris authorized and required, from time to time, to divide among the Stockholders or their legal representatives, in proportion to their res pective interests, such part of the assets of said Bauk, as he may find prudent and proper to divide, always reserving a sufficient fund to* answer the probable responsibilities of the Institution. And it it further Ordered, That the said Re cciver do report to this Court, at its sitting in Jan uary next In:; actings aud doings on the premises, and that ttfter t ho making up of said report, be be no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received by any creditor of said Bank, unless the term of his responsibility bethen further extended. It is further Ordered, That a copy of the above order, be published in one of the public Gazettes of Augusta and Milledgeville, at leastoneo a month from this date to the first of January next. A true extract from the .Minutes, this 16th dav of February, 1836. muayoi JAMES M’LAVVS, Clerk BANKS my apprentice to the Tailoring business, about 14 years of age, with dark hair and gray eyes, quit my the 18th instant, and has not since been heard of. Charles and another youth of about 14 years ol ago, of highly respectable connexions, have been decoyed by a journeyman tailor bv the name of JNO. 11." BREWER, and are now strolling over the country to the iminent injury of the morals of these youths. Any information oi these boys, by which they mviy he arrested and restored to their business and relations would be gratefully received. John H. Brew er is about 21 years of ago, dark hair, and spare make, and limps in Ins walk, occasioned bv an injury in one of his legs by white swelling.— The public should be cautioned against this f*d low, particularly parents whose children may come within the circle of his acquaintance. CHARLES S. DORSETT. Covington, Ga. August 2. 29 -st. STRAY SALE.—There will be sold on the -tii— A first Tuesday in AugusLnext, at the Court House door, in Knoxville Crawford Comity—one cream coloured filly, supposed to be about four years old—appraised by Hardy Ray and Sherod Whittington to be worth $45,00 on the 25th July 1835. WILLIAM McGEE, c. i. c. August2d. 29 it. GEORGIA. Crawford County. pT'l DWARD W . IIUSSEY, of Capt. Whining- ALM ton's district toils before me, Elisha P. Tur ner, an acting Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, a bay filly, supposed to be three or four years old, her two hind feet white, with a small white spot in her forehead and some symptoms of the distemper. Appraised by Hardy Ray and Josiah Shirey to forty dollars. July 30th, 1836. WILLIAM M’GEE; C. I. C. August 2d 29—4 t EORGIA, Murray County.—Whereas Edetli Kimbrough applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Marma duke Kimbrough, deceased, late of said county. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office witkin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if atty they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th day of July, 1836. BUSTON McGIIEE, c. c. o. m. c July 26 28 4t. months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th district of originally Carroll now Heard county, belonging to the illegitimates of Pinington WILLABY ADDAMS, Guardian. July 26 28—m4m. he sold in the town ot’ Hartford, v v Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday in! September next, the following property, to-wit: One sofrel horse and one sorrel mare, one horst; cart and one pot, levied on as the proper ty of Elisha Hodge, to satisfy a II fa in faVor of Robert Goode, issued from the Superior Court of Laurens county ; property pointed out by David Simpson. JAMES DYKES, Jr. D. Sh’lf. August 1, 1836. ©is P'U'.- A. L MACON, GEORGIA. USNUIS Establishment is now under psU.W .M_ the control of the subscribers, I”J t •'i'r'3 "h” pledge themselves to render com s.v.-—Riii fortablc those who may <•;:!! on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS. JOHN D. RAMEY. Feb uary 23, 6 ts ~COTTON BAOOINGK"" * lcav y bemp Bagging for NICHOLS & DEMING’. i August 16 31—8 t. Central listatk of Georgia, ? June 16, 1836. $ “ RESOLVED, That a distribution of three hundred thousand dollars be made on accom modation notes among the several Counties in this State, in alphabetical order. Resolved, that on Thursday the 11th day of August next, notes will be received for discount ftoni the counties of Appling, Baker, Baldwin, Bibb, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Butts, Camden, Campbell, Carroll, Cass, Chatham, Cherokee, Clarke, Cobb, Columbia, Coweta, Crawford, Decatur, DeKalb, Dooly, Early, Effingham, Emanuel, Elbert, Fayette, Floyd, Forsyth, and Franklin. On the 18th day of August thereafter, notes will be received from the counties of Gilmer, Glynn, Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Hancock, Harris, Heard, lienry, Houston, Ir win, Jackson and Jasper. Ou the 25th day of August thereafter, notes will be received from the counties of Jeffer son, Jones, Laurens, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln, Lowndes, Lumpkin, Madison, Marion, Mcln tosh, Meriwether, Monroe, Montgomery, Mor gan, Murray and Muscogee. On the Ist day of September thereaflet, notes will be received from the counties of Newton, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Pike, Pulaski, Putnam, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Scriv en, Stewart, Sumter, Talbot, Taliaferro, Tatt nall, Telfair and Thomas. And on the Sth day of September tliercafter, notes will be received from the counties of Troup, Twiggs, Union, Upson, Walker, Wal ton, Ware, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkes and Wilkinson. Ail notes must be made payable at the Cen tral Bank of Georgia, have two or more good endorsers, and no note will, on any account, be received after 12 o’clock, M. of the days above specified. By an Act of the last General Assembly, it is provided—“ That from and after the pas sage of this act, no note shall be discounted at the Central Bank of Georgia, unless the prin cipal and all endorsers shall be residen ts of the respective counties entitled to said dividends: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to require the officers of said Bank to retain the amount of dividedns, or any part thereof, more than thirty days after the same shall have been actually declared and made." That the distribution may be made in conformity with this act, the Board will require from all persons offering notes within the time specified, i. e. within thirty days of the day set apart for receiving notes, a certificate from the Receiver of Tax Returns, or any civil officer of the county, stating that the drawer and each of the endorsers of said notes are resident citizens of the county from which they are offered. Certificates of the taxable property of the makers and endorsers of the notes offered, will be regarded the best evidence of their solvency; but the certificates of the judgments or mortga ges against the drawer, which have licre-tofore been required, will no longer be exacted. No note will be discounted having on it the name of any person indebted to the State, ei ther as principal or security, which debt is due and unsettled, or who is the maker of, or endor ser on any note or bill heretofore discounted by the Bank,and which is past due & unattended to.” Extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors. R. A. GREENE, Cashier. , A TAkEe Showing the Il'hile, Colored, and Representative Population, under the Census of 1831; also the omonnt of the eighth. Apportionment made by the Central Bank of Georgia to each County. ' -j >-S I— “3" • NAMES OF ~ ® ® t? , E-g: E-2 S-S ; COUNTIES g-s g-2 g-g =g. = ? = < g Appliug, 1,22/ 182 .1,336 866 ’ Baker, 977 276 1,143 741 Baldwin, 3,123 4,371 5.747 3,733 [Bibb, 4,475 3,089 6,328 4,111 I Bryan, 723 2,416 2,173 1,410 ' Bulloch, 1,847 701 2,268 1,472 ! Burke, 5,193 6,210 8,919 5,795 , Butts, 3,367 1,724 4,401 2,858 Camden, 1,441 3,997 3,299 2,142 . Campbell, 3,398 772 3,861 2,507 , Carroll, 3,067 377 3,293 2,138 Cass, 1,451 990 Chatham, 5,004 11,436 11,860 7,711 Cherokee, 1,524 992 i Clark, 5,134 4,675 7,939 5,158 Cobb, 1,778| 1,160 Columbia, 4,317 7,639 8,900| 5,783 Coweta, 4,146 1,503 5,0181 3,279 Crawford, 2,764 1,733 3,804 2,470 'Decatur, 2,750 1,450 3,620 2,351 ! DeKalb, 9,020 1,867 10.140 (>,589 'Dooly. 1,865 368 2,086 1,354 Early, 1,466 602 1,827 1,185 I Effingham, 1,711 1,228 2,448 1,589 Elbert, 6,389 5,717 9,819 6,380 Emanuel, 2,155 506 2,459 1,596 Fayette, 4,589 1,261 5,346 3,473 Floyd, ’1,745 1,130 Forsyth, 2,305 ] ,460 Franklin, 7,517 2,405 8,9611 5,822 Gilmer, 413 270 Glynn, 622 4,028 3,039 1,973 Greene, 4,865 7,265 9,224 5,993 Gwinnett, 10,721 2,372 12.144 7,891 | Habersham, 10,262 1,186 10.974 7,131 I Hall, 11,177 1,500 12,077 7,848 Hancock, 5,022 7,426 9,478 6,1581 Harris, 4,182 3,060 6.018 3,909 Heard, 1,481 624 1,855 1,203 Henry, 8,387 2,640 9,971 6,479 Houston, 5,601 2,428 7,058 4,585 Irwin, 1,066 114 1,184 735 Jackson, 6,734 2,955 8,507 5,527 Jasper, 6,531 6,203 10,253 6,662 Jefferson, 3,514 3,68” 5,723 3,718 Jones, Laurens, 3,005 2,341 4,410 2,864 Lee, 977 279 1,144 741 Liberty, • 1,578 5,763 5,036 3.271 Lincoln, 2.785 3.245 4,732 3,073 1 Lowndes, 2,155 38'. 2,388 1,550 Lumpkin, 4,904 3,185 Madison, 3,561 1,323 4.355 2,828 Marion, 1,729 153 1,821 1,181 I M’lntosh, 1,077 3,926 3,433 2,229 Meriwether, 3,603 L 740 4,647 3,018 Monroe, 9,723 7,514 14,231 j 9,248 Montgomery, 946 352 1,157 j 750 Morgan, 5,093 6,515 9,002: 5,849 Murray, 8511 530 Muscogee, 3,106 1.960 4,282 2,781 Newton, 8,101: 2,972 9,884 6,422 Oglethorpe, 5,313 7,53(> 9,824 6,390 Paulding, 1,015 658 Pike, 4,713 1.903 5,855 3,803 Pulaski, 2,996 1.77,- 4,063 2,639 Putnam, 5,294 7,667 9.894 6,420 Rabun. 2,982 82 3,031 1,968 Randolph, 691 322 884 572 Richmond, 5,558 6,218 9,289 6,036 Scriven, 2,216 2,242 3,561 2,312 Stewart, 1,371 59s 1,7301 1.122 Sumpter, 796 172 900 583 Talbot, 4.475 1,624 5,448 2.539 Taliaferro, 3,105 2,665 4,702 3.054 Tattnall, 1,821 611 2,188. 1,420 'Telfair, 1,487! 575 1,83”! 1,188 Thomas, 2,399 1,313 3,205 2,081 Troup, 5,02(i 2,934 6,786 4,109 Twiggs, 4,518 3,854 6,8ti0 4,457 Union, 1,019 660 Upson, 3,921 2,319 5.3(2 13,451 Walker, 683 112 Walton, 7,078 3,150 8,968 5,8’27 Ware, 1,063 69 1,104 715 Warren, 5,043 4,686 7,8511 5,103 Vi’asbiugtoii, 5,812 3,921 8,165 l 5,305 Wavne, 667 251 Blß| 529 Wilkes, 5,21(. 8,995 1 0,607’1 6,892 Wilkinson 4,785 1,887 5,917 j 3,844 1309.835 22:’>,881 j 461.860 390,060 All the lililledgeviUc papets will publish the above until the distribution is completed. June 28 21 ft I ANAWAY from the subscriber, on the 31st At®/ up., a Negro man named BERRY, aborts 25 or 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches Itieh, very black, and has a down cast look when spoken io, he has followed the river from this plat e to Darien, ou a boat for Messrs. Nichols & Deming, 3or 4 years; whoever will deliver him to me ia this place, or lodge him in any safe Jail in this State, so that I can get him, shall receive lhe above reward, and all reasonable expences paid. PRYOR WRIGHT. Milledgeville, June 14, 1836. 22—ts. Twenty ©olfiars lie ward, "ViTbyiLL bo paid for the lodgment in any safe v’■» jail, of my negro man GII/ES, who absconded about five weeks since; complexion dark, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, spare make, thirty years old, moves briskly, affects tho use ofclegant language, and has a small sear on the lower lip. He is probably in the vicinity of Mr. Rushin’s plantation in Houston, who owns his relatives, or that cf Mr. Job Taylor of Monroe, from whom I bought him. BENJ. A. WHITE. Milledgeville, Avgust2. 29 ts. NGTUCE. TE7UFTY DOLLARS REWARD will be paid by lhe subscriber to any person that will deliver him his Pocket-book with the effects that he lost in said book, on the 4th inst. somewhere between Jourdan Dee’s store and the cross routes towards Shiley’s Ferry, the following papers, viz : Five notes for twenty five dollars eacit, signed by Warren Stokes, and Thos. 11. Key, payable to Gilford Kent, and due Ist day of January next: also ten notes for twenty-five dollars each, signed by Edward Dutlay, and William Bush, payable to myself, and due Ist day of January next: also five twenty-five dollar notes, and one thirty dollar note, signed Warren Stokes, and Stephen Hust; also five twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Wm. Jourdan, Samuel B. Moore : also three twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William Jourdan, Wm. R. Wheeler, and Pulasiak Wheeler; also three twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Needom Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and Wade Floyd, due Ist day of January next, pay able to myself; also eight thirty dollar notes, and one ten, signed by M. N. McCullers, and Wm. 11. McCullers, and Francis Brown, due Ist day of January next, payable to myself; also otte sixteen or (17) dollar note, signed by John Roberts, and Jacob Swearingen, due Ist January next: also one for twenty-three dol lars and seventy-five cents, signed by B. A. Tharp, due by Ist day of January next, payable to myself; also two fortliirty, and one for twen ty dollars, signed by Moses Spivy, and Warren Stokes, due Ist January last, payable to Elijah Calhoun, or bearer ; also one twenty-five dol lar note, signed by Brunkly Brown, John An drews, and Wm. Bush, due Ist January last, payable to myself; one eighteen dollar note, signed by Mathias Floyd, due Ist January last, alsoone sixteen dollar note, signed by Ephrom Kendrick, and Edward Munger, dee 25th De- Dcmber 1834, and payable to myself; also one thiitv, and one twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William Little, due Ist January last, also two twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Allen Wheeler, payable to Easter Kent, one day after date, and dated 15th of January 1834 ; also three executions issued from a justices court in favor of Daniel Mathis, vs. Martin Swearingen, amount not recollected ; also one execution is sued from tho Superior court of Dooly county, in favor of Thos. IL Key. vs. David Scarbo rough, for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents, ; also one hundred and seventy dollars, in current money, the precise dates of the above notes not recollected at pres ent. Ido forwarn all persons from paying, or trading for any of the above mentioned notes niy to myself. N. B. The subscriber can be found in the 7th dist of Dooly county, provided information should be sent. P. S. Also two twenty-five dollar notes on Jas. Brooks, J. L. Shelby, security ; also one for twelve dollars and fifty cents, on the sama individual ; two for twenty-five dollars, on Jo siah Fountain, and one for twelve dollars and iiftv cents on same individual, all due January next. GILFORD KENT. Dooly county, July 23. August 16. 31—tlst’Feb. "v’Pj/'ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday V V in September next, at the court house door, in Drayton, Dooly county, the remaining unsold town lots—in said town. Terms made known on the day of sale. 18th July 1836. By order ol the Inferior Court. THOS. 11. KEY, c. 1. c. July 26. 28—tds. $ KSO EtcwsaiFclL F£jNIIE above rewradwill be paid forthc appre- Jl. hension. ofmy man WILLI AM, sometimes called Bill Black. WILLIAM left me about2sth December last ; ho is a very bright mulato, about 5 feet 10 inches high, thick set, full faced, small red or rather blood-shotten eyes, and straight yel lowish hair. I have no doubt he will change his name and try to pass himself for a white man, which he may be able to do unless to a close observer. He was formerly the property of M. Myers of this place, and travelled with him through the up country last summer. The above reward will be paid for his arrest if loged in a safe jail so I get him. Aug. 16. Y S PICKARD. fij?' 3 Tho Darien Telegraph, Macon Telegrap , ami Journal, Milledgeville, and Hive Columbia. S. C., will insert the above twice a month for 6 months and send their bills for payment. FIJI HE SUBSCRIBER offers for saloon ae _sl_ commodating terms, his settlement of good Oak and Hickory land, lying 011 the eastern side of Monroe County, three miles below Brownsville, comprising six hundred & seven acres, one half of which, is now in cultivation, and under good fence 4 Convenient to every part of rhe farm, is a very, comfortable two story dwelling, a gin house, and; every other house necessary- GEORGE TAYLOR. August 26. 1836. 129—ts. IsOST, A T, or near Sparta, Hancock county, Ga. I'A. about the 10th of December last, two notes' olhar.d, made by Pleasant W. Richason, and payable to William Hantih, or bearer ns follow; : The first for thirty-five dollars, dated sometime in' June 1835, mid due thirty days after date, with a credit thereon for twelve dollars—the second pnvtbie as above, and due July 1835. All persons are cautioned against trading for said notes, aiid tho said Pleasant W- Richason, from paying them to any petson without my authority, July KUB3G. ROBERT B. MABRY 26 6t GEORGIA, Cobb County, Fi'sNOLLED before me, by Robert Cox, of. tile ISlh Dist of said County, one brown bay horse, about ten or eleven years old, a small white in Ins forehead, tho tip end of his right off, some niarks of the gear, supposedto be five mid .J feet high. Appraised by J. IL Ran dol and John Pace to fifty dollars, this the 21st Mav, 1836. • J. 11. RANDOL, JOHN PACE, WM. P. MALONEY, J. P. A True Extract from the minutes. MARTEN ADAMS, c. 1. c . August .16 31 4t; NEATLY EXECUTED AT '! i. ■: