Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, September 20, 1836, Image 4

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I’Tlie last Warning?!! TIE undersigned respectfully asks all those < indebted to him, to make payment tvithout I <May. , ; Between this time and the first ot October ; Heit, he feels assured, that all who desire to do cuu make arrani.emeuts to meet their re •poclive dues; and ho appeals particularly to th asc who are in arrears ter two, three, lour, ttad five years, to come forward and settle up their old scores at once. This call is forced upon him by tin* imperi- I eus necessity of meeting his own emragements; which he is unable to do, without punctuality on die part of those who owe him. Therefore tiiev are hereby notified, that even one who iffiaU fail to make payment by the first day ol October next, will find thbir notes and account' pt the hands of collecting officers, without dis- i c |ti ruination. This will be a painful step, but it catlnot be avoided; and those who fail to pay within tiie riuse above stated, ought not, and i:e trusts, will net complain. JOHN M. SH ARP. Sparta Gt». June 11 1836. 22—ts. subscriber offers for sale, six hundred Jj and seven acres, first rate Corn snd Cotton Land, with owe hundred and twenty acres fine Ikad, under good fences, all fresh; which will pixduee from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds button to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels ffura. there is on the premises, a double log rab bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two • xeelioul Wells of water, which never fails; the above lauds till lie in the fifteenth and twenty mghtll district Lee. now Sumter county, all join- I tag; which will bo sold on a credit of one, two md three years: persons wishing to purchase, would do well to view ths premises, and call on th» subscriber in Milledgcvile during the present session, oral my residence in Twiggs county, af ter the cession. BENJ. B. SMITH. December, 7. 1835. 47—ts EORGI A, Dooly County. Whereas stJT Asa Shiver applies to mo tor letters ol administration, on the estate of Ann Crozier, late of Burke county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Mitgrilar the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by iaw, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should nnt be granted, (liven tinder my hand at office. 3rd September. 183(1. THOMAS 11. KEY, c. c o. September 13 35 -it A dnit nistrator’s SkiSc- ON the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Eatonton, Putnam County, be tween the usual hours of sale, A tot of land, containing 202£ acres, known as No. 106, in . -the 4th district of originally Baldwin, but now Putnam County, laying between sugar and gla <dy preeks, in said county, the s.imo being a part lof.lhe real estate of Isaac Youngblood, deceas yn I sol 1 for the benefit of the heirs a::d cred sKUtiltois of sai 1 deceased. Terms made known on bs t the dav of sale. .•I - ■ JAMES YOUNGBLOOD. ) . ■t ■ REUBEN BULLINGTON. J ” 4 ‘ vc" • August 13, 1836. 35—tds. k. • > J _ "|IML t ILL BE SOLD to the highest biddi r, W V at the late residence of Aquilla Leap i trot, deceased, in Washington county, on the 57th day of October next, ALL THE PERSONAL PROPERTY to wit: consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, corn and fodder, cotton, farming tools,household and kitchen furniture, togethi rwilii many other ar ticles to tedious to enumerate —sale to continue from day to day, until all is sold. Terms made known on the dav of sale. BOLIN LEAPTROT, Adm’r. September 9 tds Pulaski Sheß’ifls’ Szrle. WILL BE SOLI), in the town of Hartford Pulaski county, on th.' first Tuesday in October next, the following property to wit: One part ol lot of laud, number si.x-y-thrcc, in the fifteenth district of formerly V> ilkinson, now Pulaski county, levied on as the property of Thomas Pope, to satisfy a li fit in favor ot Simeon Bishop. P roperty pointed out by S. N. Phelps, Esq. ami levied on and returned by a constable, this 22d Aug. I's-Jli. JAMES DYKES. D. Sh’ff. Aug. 3f> 33—tds KE E S A EBE A IL ’$ l & FIKE PROOF WAKE-HOUSE. TUIE undersigned tenders his gratefel ac knowledgements to his friends and those of Mr. Joi m Hees for the very liberal patronage extended them tire past season, and beg leave to renew a tender of their services the next sea son, with assurance of prompt attention to any business intrusted to them. The business will be conducted as heretofore in the name of the undersigned. The Ware-House is large and Commodious, situated on Broad street, conve . , nienttoall business, particularly in forwarding goods to the country, everything will be put in , . complete order ready for the approaching sea . son ; charges will be at the regulai established rate*. EGBERT B. BEALL. •’ slsoDoßkirs Premium. The undersigned will on the first Saturday in D.ceinbei next, award the following premi . um, to wit: for the choice (or No 1) of ■’three load* cotton to be exhibited on that day tosome three respectable judges of cotton, seventy-five dollars ; to the second, fifty dollars, and the third twenty-five dollars, each load to number eight bales and average weight of 320 lbs. to be de livered at Rees & Beall’s Ware-house. After the inspection and award, the cotton to he sold to the highest bidder for account of the owner. Ail pets ms contending for the premium-, will instruct their cotton marked accordingly when scut ii . Editors friendly to the proposi tion cant publish it in their respective pa pers as often as necessary, if not, can give no tice on account with Ware-house advertise ment. E B B. August 1G 31—1st Get. $ 100 KE WAKO. FOR the author < f a publication in the K-r --nlil of the 23d ult. giving a part of my mini.-. 1 imall pay the above reward for the delivery of the scoundrel to me at ('meta, Chambers comity. Alaba tna. and every iidbrmatiim with regard to ' his publication shall !».; satisfactory. There arc ■> two nocturnal perig: maters,l by names Scrog gins ami Dawsey, sn-.picions characters. I wish the honest community to be on their guard of thrill. 1 pronumiee the author of the Ileral I prblica tien and iiatidlnll a base calumniator, and the edi tor unroilrteoil > iu suppi r< ing mime ; STEPHEN O'KELLY. September 13 3t (T.»* The Standard of i'uion, the Abd a ;ia Journal, ai <| Uotitgomeiy Advertiser will pic sc give tl e above :j insertions audfforward their ac eoiiets to Lal ivelte ('hainbers emtntv Alabama. I FjENt’l R V'D. T!!S after date, application will C. be made to I. - honorable interior court of (iwimiett county, when settiu'’; lor ordinary pur poses, for h-avc to sell i.ot of Land, number one hundred .k Com-teen, in the six'eenth (list, former ly Lee county, bitt now Sumpter comity, drawn by Mary I’..Colyer and Air her benefit. JNO. I’. HL I’CHINS, Guardinn. June 7. 22—Im | SAOI i> months after dat;’, anplica ion will j be made to the I’ororable the Court ol Or .in.iry of u-hiin t> i county, for leave to sell all lira I.unis he|or. ii : .r m Vniiila Lenplrot, dec’d. BOLIN LEAI’TROT, Adm’r. September 13 mini Gi.ORG! \, Layette County. I \ ?dO.\ il'S über ;!.:te, application will |k 7 be made to the honorable the Inferiot Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor letters dtsmt.ssery from the estate ol .iclm Crittenden dee. ’Lliis is therefore to admonish a]| a: <! and sin gular, the kindred ami creditors ot said deceased, it they have any objections, why said letters i should not be granted, to file their objections in terms ot’ the law. JOSEPH 11. CRITTENDEN, EYr. June 19. 2.5 6m. THE undersigned will attend to the Renew al ol notes in the Central Bank at the usu jal tee ot one tloliar for each renewal. They will also pass tlnough the several offices and forward Grants at one dollar for a single Grant, and fifty cents each, where more than one is requested. Comnmnicatmns addressed to them jointly oi separately, post paid, will bo punctually attendee •»■ JOHN G. PARK, PETER FAIR. MillodgcviHe, April 26 15 ■ : s: SJy tli© of S; is 2 dl S i Sc s. 5 N I’l Re-vANOE ,;t the provisions o! a trea ty between the Eiiited r'fates am! the Chick asaw Indians, made and concluded on Pontitoc Creek, on the Uveniitth day of October, 1832 ami of the supplementary ;,nd explanatory articles thereto, made and concluded on the tmnty-sec oml dcy of tin: same, month, and also of the 'freaty between toe L’uited States and the Chickasaw I iudiatis. made and condoled at the City of I Washington, on the tweiilij-fciirth day of : l;-.,4, ! Andrew' Jackson, President of the l’uited : States, tin Hereby declare and make know 11, that ’ public sales for the disposal of such of the lands ceded to the 1 nited States hvthe said Indians, as I are hetcinaftcr described, sha’l! beheld at the land . ( Ifficc nt PoxTiToc, in Mississippi, at the under ■ m. ntioned periods, viz : I On the.; fust Monda:/ in September ne.rf, for the 1! ■ - in the following townships, viz: t ownships I, of ranges 1,2, 3. 4, and 5 east, j ownships 3,4, 5, and (J. cf range 4 east. i ow nships 2. .3, 4, .1, and 6. of range 5 east. 1 own-hips 2, •>, 4, .1,6, 7, and 8, of ranges 6, 7.8, and 9 east. ’ aoc. nships 2, -1, 5. 9 and 7, cf range 10 east i . On thcyb;z.',7i .Vo.tJcy in Stpleml-er n-.rl, for ■ me sale ot the Lui Is in toe following townships, and fracrional townships, viz, ; EAST OF THE CHICKASAW MERIDI AN LINE Townships 11 and 15, of tangos 3, and 4. Pownsbips 1 i. 1 > and 16, <,l range 5. • Township 9,10,11, 12. 13,14, 15, and 16, frttctioual towmhqi 17, of range 6. , lown.-.lup-b. Li .ml 11, and fraction-d townshia 15, 16 ami 17, of range 7. low nships 9, 11) an ! 11, of ranges 8 and 9. Also, at the same time, for the sale of the ua ler mentioned towns i:ps and fractional town- I Tips, west ofthe meridian, of the Huntsville dis aict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces ■mu, si.'uate in tlie ."ti.te of Alabama, viz : ( i ractional township 1. oi' range 12* ( i ractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of range 13. . *'raciioaal towndnp 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, Gand 7; fractional tov.,t;igs 8, 9 tmd 10, of range J i. rractioual townships 3,4, 5,7 ; . ni | t iwiishipb. and fractional townships li) and 11 of range 15. Fractional tov nships S, 9. 10 nnd 11. of range 16. On C:a third Mmitlay in October next, fur the *ale of the under mentioned town-hips, viz, ; WEST OF THE CIHCK LSA'.V MERIDIAN LINE. 1 ownship 1, ofrr.nge 1. l own'hips 1 and (I, of range 2, 3 and 4. i ownships I, 4, 5 and 6, of range 5. .’’ownships 1.2,::, 4, 5 ami 6, of range 6. l ownships 1.2,3, 4, 5 ami 6, of ranges 7 &8. 1 ownships 1, 2. 3 ami 5, of range 9. . Ou the first Montltttj m Aitveniber next, . ior the sale oi the underineutioned townships ’ WES TO F THE CH IK AS A W MERIDI A N LINE. Townships 7,8, 9. It), 11, 12 am! 13, of range 1. I Township 7,8, 9, 10 ami IJ, of ranges 2,3, ■ 4 ami 5. | Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6, 7 and 8 . Township 7, of range 9. The lands reserved by law for the use ofschools, ; or for other purposes, as well as the lands selcc ted as reservations, under the provisions of the said treaties, are to be excluded from the sales. Each sale is to continue open for two weeks tmd no longer. The lands v. ill be o!T el -d in quar ter sections, and fractional quarter sections where such exist. Given under my hand, nt the City of Washin"- . ton, this twentieth day of May, A. D. 1836. ” ANDREW JACKSON , By the Presidents ETHAN A. BROWN, Commissioner of the (imeral Land Ofice. \ (L? Certificates ot scrip issued from the | I reasm-y Department, in satisfaction of bounty I land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia ■md the United States, for services in the revolu tionary army; as well as certificates of land itock, issued at the district land offices, for the I amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under the credit system of land sales, arc not receivable for lands within th- Chickasaw cession. (.’.g-orntL LA.xnOfncK, May. 20. 1836. JuueLL 22—1st Nov. PjTIHE friends of this E iosa are in- _kL formed, that until furthci arrangements he made, Mr.,JL’f.H S L.iTASTE, lam Assistant I.> Dr. Maiks’ Institution, near Columbia, S. C. will assist in th:- Literary tmd Scientific 1 meuts. .’dr..'. L. was Io have assisted in ihcMu sied Dcpartmoii), bvt Ihe mmilicr of pupils in that has been limited, that he might assist in the ones above named This tirrt.ngeim nt has been made, on account of some delay in the correspomjeiicc with the gentleman and lady named in a former notice. The number ofoitr pupils, therefore will be limited to 6<>, till further notice. 'There twe still a few vacancies. The Institution has undergone an entire and systemactic re-organization. Our Irk mis aie in vited to visit us nl any time, during its exercises, from 5 A. M. till 5 P. M. '1 hero will be a monthly examination of the Students, beginning on the 19th of August, am| evi ry fourth w eek thereafter, to w hich our friends aic al >0 invited. ANN \M. LA TASTE, ? . . I.i (HEN LA TASTE, tj ' rmcipats SorcoJsboiigh. July 19, jH.'lti. 27—If | I R AIT.I) from (lie stable of the subscriber in k”) the village of Sparta, some time in May last, a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 orS years old, walks, trots and paces under the saddle, no parti cular marks recollected. He was raised in Ken lucky, and will probably make off in that direc tion. Any information respecting said horse will be thankfully received mid rcasonablv rewarded. WILLIAM SIU'. EKS, Jun. July 5 25—ts. Troy FISI 111! undersigned informs his friends ami those .sL oi the late firm of Cutter ts Cornwell, that he intends resuming the Warehouse and Commis sion business tit the stoic next abm<■ the one re cently occupied by T. J. Chaco, on the margin ol East M ■■on, I,now nas the tow uc.f Troy, tie fur ther informs the public that he has "bought his Goods, <k <■., and having now on the way, from New York am! other places, Dry Goods ami Groceries, together making'his stock complete, which will be sold low for ready pay. he will be ready to receive Cotton early hi the fall, and be prepared to make advances. He Would particularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with regard to fire, they being detaciied from ether building and I at :i distance from any street or lane and well en close. U.S. CUTTER. OjT” The Macon Messenger and Telegraph, Mil ledgeville Journal and Standard of Union, will publish the above until further notice.— Georg-i’cm. Arch st. 26—9 m. SUBSCRIBER respectftiL r ‘y informs his friends and the public, that be has opened a house of e'sSS'-As.'-sk entertainment in the Town of Law renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he llatters himself those who may favor him w ith a call will find every thing provided which can con tribute to them comfort ami convenience. JOHN F.MARTIN. Lawrenceville Dec. 9, 1835. m tm 6—49. PTJNHE Subscriber very respectfully informs his Ja_ friends and the publick generally that he has located himself at the Marrietta Hotel, Cobh 0. IL, where lie offers his services to search out and te“t the valt’.'e of Gold and Land lots, and to make a true return to applicants in the counties of Cobb, Paulding, Floyd. Cass, Cherokee and For syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at the above stated place, reference may be had to the I State and Cheek maps, the quality Book, and nu- I merical list. Patronage in the above business [ will be thankfully received by DANIEL MAY. March IL 1835. 61 ts. ; Fj Kj“• !'• HAYNES has resumed the prac- .ELfj' tiee of Medicine and its collateral branches, to which bis undivided attention will be devoted until the close of the sickly season. When not professionally absent, he may be consulted at the office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea gle Tavern. Sparta, August 1, 1836. 29—ts Roekwc’3 <& A Ti'ORNE YS A T LA IF, Milledgc rille, Georf ia, •FTTAVING united their PROFESSIONAL ! JLIII INTI.RES'; S. w ill attend to business en | trusted to them in the Counties of the Ocinulgee Circuit, in the County of Hancock of the North ern, Washington of the .Middle, Tw iggs and Lau rens of the Southern, and Houston, Bibb and Monroe of the Flint Circuits: also in the Federal Court. Their office is on the second floor of the Mason ic Hall. July 19th. 1836. S UH’EL ROCKWELL, M. J. KENAN. I AuguftS. 29—ts bo sold on the 17th December V w next, at the late residence of Henry Jackson, deceased; the following property to wit: 2G5 Acres of land on the waters of Shoulder bone—one negro man 45 years old—one negro woman, 55 years old—one do. do. 30 years old. Also, the stock of horses, cattle, hogs, &c. &c. Also, the corn, fodder, household and kitchen furniture &.c. &c. IS \AC J ACKSON, } . , , RODT. JACKSON, J rs - A ig'ist 2 >, 32 SteamlbosiS. Cossipsainy c-f Georgfiis. pfniTE “Steamboat Company of Georgia,” of £l fi r toshippers unusual facilities lortraus partatiou of goods tmd produce between Savtm uah and Augusta. Having three first rate st< tuners of speed, ami light (trait oi water, with a full set of totv boats, the Company will be enabled to des patch three sets of low boats per week, with a na vigable river, ami in the event of alow river, tiieir new iron Steamboat Chatham, it is expected, w ill he enabled to reach Augusta at al) times, if there should be three feet water in the channel of the river. Their other steamers, Cherokee and Geor gia, drawing not over three feet six inches, can, at any time, other than the lowest state of the river, ascend to Augusta. With these facilities for the convenience of the public, the Steamboat Company rely upon a con tinuance of the patronage of the public, with an assurance on the part of the Directors of the Steaboat Company, that every attention will he paid in the protection of property, ami giving des patch to the same. WM. T.kY LOR, President S. B. Co of Georgia. August 23. 32—5 t. (fy 1 * The Constitutionalist, and Chronicle, Au gusta; the Standard of Union, and Recorder, .Milledgeville; the Telegraph, ami Messenger, Macon; the Whig, and Banner, Athens; the News, and Spy. Washington, Georgia ; Courier, and Mercurv, Charleston ; the Journal of Com merce, and Courier and Enquirer, New York; the Journal. Providence; the Courier, Boston; the Daily Advertiser, Newark, N. .1., will oublish the above five times, and send their bills. [Sait. Geor, WILKINSON County Gn, Cia-iieon. ALL persons are hereby forwarned against purchasing or trading for one promisory note, for twenty five dollars, given by the under signed, ami payable to one Gergc Herndon of this county, dated August the Gth. 1836. As the consideration that the note was given for has failed, I am determined not to pay it until compelled by law. August the 17th. 18.-.6. CLEMENT GORE. Aug 11st 23. —ts- Sidle. THE House and Lot formerly occupied by Mrs. Jenkins &. Moore, and recently by VVm. W. Carnes, as a Public House in this place. The buildings have very lately undergone the most thorough repairs and alterations, and arc now in good order, and can accommodate a large num ber of boarders. 'There ate several lots attached to the premises; also, furniture of every descrip tion, necessary for the business. This property w ill be sold upon <1 credit of one, two and three years, and umpicstionable titles made to the pur chaser and immediate possession given. Any per son disposed to engage in this hiisinc's would do well to call and examine the promises, ami make the purchase in time to open the House for the re ception of members and otlters, the ensuing .Ses sion of the Legislature. ELIZA .1. CARNES, Adrn’x. Alillcdyeville Avgust 30th 33—H THK STANiHO OF UNION. <»Et? 11l the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan uary'Term, 1836. S TPON the petition of Edward Thomas and im . . "n?’ ol the Merchants’ tmd .m.ds praying the appointment of a Leee.ver ol the a.setsof stml Bank, for the pur pose set forth m said petition on file : Ordered, I hat Edward Thomas he appointed as such Recover he fir st ..i-.j,,.- 1)()I1(1 „ J (i l secul . i . W;."- j'PI-'ov dby the (l< ;k, in the snm of I hirty 1 . i "“ l lIH Kuceessms in offic-e, for the ftu.hfuldi charge ofhL(lntvin said office. It it further Ordered, That the said Merchant's and Haulers’ Lank, do forthwith deliver tmd transfer to said Receiver, all singular, the ttooly,, 1 apers, .Monies and Assets of every des cription. belonging to said Bank, and that said Kece.ver l>u and he hereby is fully authorized and empowered, to receive and collect, by suit in bis own name as Receiver, or by other legal means, all outstanding claims d ue to said Bank, and to pav ail debts due from it, and todefend all suits pend"- mg. er that may be brought against said Bank. An on the receipt of said assets, or of such pcr tmn thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said Recci'-er is authorized and required, from time to time, to divide among the Stockholders or their legal representatives, in proportion to their res pective interests, such part of the assets of said Bank, as he may find prudent and properto divide, always reserving a sufficient fund to answer the probable responsibilities of the Institution. And H it further Ordered, That the said Re eeiver do report to this Court, at its sitting in Jan uary next, bis actings and doings on the premises, and that alter the making up of said report, he he no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received by any creditor oi said Bank, unless the term of his responsibility he then furthcrextended. It is further Ordered, That ti copy of the above order, he published in one of the public Gazettes of Augusta and iMilledgeville, at leastonce a month from this date to the first of January next. A trite extract from the Minutes, this 16th day of February, 1836. JAMES M’LAWS, Clerk, FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th district of originally Carroil now Heard county, belonging to the illegitimates of Pinin"ton WILLABY ADDAMS, Guardian. July 26 28—m4m. ©S OT&An", fn, MACON, GEORGIA. FTpilIS Establishment is now under i (he control ol the subscribers. P ,e<l r e themselves to render com tfe’glfeatt’A sortable those who may call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS. JOHN D. RAMEY. February, 23. (j ts COTTON S/WO3N G. 31^' 7 hCmP BaSSinS f 0 NICHOLS & DEMING. August 16 31—St. IWilJeisg'eviire TCF3 Cosnpatty stockholders met on Saturday the 20th .111. hist., and organized by the ejection of Col. Abner Hammond, F. V. Delaunay, T. R. Huson, as a board of directors. At a meeting of the directots on the same (lay. Col. Abner Hammond was elected president, aiid S. D. Betton, Secretary. Avgust 23. 22—ts. DOLLARS REWARD will be I Js_ paid by the subscriber to any person ’ that will deliver him his Pocket-book with the | effects that he lost in said book, on the 4th inst. somewhere between Jourdan Dec’s store and the cross routes towards Shiley’s Ferry, the following papers, viz : Five notes for twenty five dollars each, signed by Warren Stokes, and Thos. 11. Key, payable to Gilford Kent, and , due Ist day of January next: also ten notes for twenty-five dollars each, signed by Edward Diitlay,ard William Bush, payable to myself, , and due Ist day of January next: also five twenty-five dollar notes, and one thirty dollar note, signed Warren Stokes, and Stephen Hits!; also five twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Wm. Jourdan, Samuel B. Moore: also three twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William Jourdan, Wm. R. Wlieeler, and Pulasiak Wheeler; also three twenty-live dollar notes, signed by Necdom Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and V; ide Floyd, due Ist day of January next, pay able io ntvsclf; also eight thirty dollar notes, and one ten, signed by ’>l. N. McCuiiers, and Wm. 11. McCuiiers, and Francis Brown, due ist day bf January next, payable to myself; also one sixteen or (17) dollar note, signed by John Robetts, and Jacob Swearingen, due Ist January next: also one for twenty-three dol lars and seventy-five cents, signed by B. A. Tharp, due by Ist day of January next, payable to mvseif; also two fortiiirty, and one for twen ty dollars, signed by Moses Spivy, and Warren Stokes, due Ist January last, payable to Elijah Calhoun, or bearer ; also one twenty-five dol lar note, signed by Brttnkly Brown, John An- I drews, and Wm. Bush, due Ist January last, payable to myself; one eighteen dollar note, signed by Mathias Floyd, duo Ist January last, also one sixteen dollar note, signed by Ephrom Kendrick, and Edward Munger, due 25th De- Dember 1834, and payable to myself ; also one thiitv, and one twentv-fivc dollar notes, signed by Will am Little, due Ist January last, also I two twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Allen Wheeler, payable to Easter Kent, one day after date, and dated 15th of January 1834; also three executions issued from a justices court in favor of Daniel Mathis, vs. Martin Swearingen, amount not recollected; also one execution is sued from the Superior court of Dooly county, in favor of Thos. IL Key, vs. David Scarbo rough, for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents, ; also one hundred and seventy dollars, in current money, the precise dates of the above notes not recollected at pres ent. Ido forwarn all persons from paying, or trading for any of the above mentioned notes nly to myself. N. B. The subscriber can be found in the 7th dist of Dooly county, provided information should be sent. P. S. Also two twenty-five dollar notes on Jas. Brooks, .J. L. Shelby, security ; also one for twelve dollars and fifty cents, on the same individual ; two for twenty-five dollars, on Jo siah Fountain, and one for twelve dollars and fifty cents on same individual, all due January next. GILFORD KENT. Doolv county, July 23. August 16. 31—list Feb. nphe SUBSCRIBER offers for salo on ac- JsL commodating terms, bis settlement of good Oak and Hickory land, lyins on the eastern side of Monroe County, three miles below Brownsville, Comprising six hundred <v seven acres, one half of which, is now in cultivation, ami under good fence. Convenient to every part of Ihe farm, is a very comfortable two story dwelling, a gin house, and every other house necessary. GEORGE TAYLOR. Avgust 2d. 1836. J29—tf. T® S’l’intcrs. TWO good workmen tire wanted at the Palladium Office, Newnan, to whom the highest wages will be given, prompt pay and ti permanent situation, il’ application be) made soon. 1 September, 6. 31—3 t. I COTTON BAGGING. jjl UST received a prime Lot oi real Hemp <2s Dundee Bagging, Warrented to be a first rate article, which will be disposed of on very moderate terms. J. W. SILAHAN. Sept. 6 34—8 t. ■gp ANAWAA' from the subscriber, on the 31ss up., a Negromail named BERRY, about 25 or 26 years of age, about 5 f eet 6 or 7 inches high, very black, and has a down cast look when spoltcn to. he has followed the river front this place to Darien, on a boat for Messrs. Nichols & Deming, 3or 4 years; whoever will deliver him tome in this place, orlodge him in any safe Jail in this State, so that I can get him, shall receive the above reward, tmd all reasonable expences paid. PRYOR WRIGHT. Milledgeville, June 14, 1836. 22—ts. FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of Doo'y County, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell lot of Lind No. 2GI, in the 7tli l)i t. of said Comity, for the benefit of’ the heirs ts James Coleman deed, this 2Jst July 183 G. JESSE SANDERLIN. Adm. August 2d. 29—Im. Twenty ©ollsws HewssiM, WILL be paid for the lodgment in any safe jail, of my negro man who absconded about five weeks since; complexion dark, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, spare make, thirty years old. moves briskly, affects the use ofelegant language, and has a small scar on the lower lip. He is probably in the vicinity of Mr. Rushin’s plantation in Houston, who owns his relatives, or that of Mr. Job Taylor of Monroe, from whom I bought him. BENJ. A. WHITE. Milledgeville, August 2. 29 ts. sl<M> Ueward. THE above rewrad will be paid forthe appre hension of my man WILLIAM, sometimes called Bill Black. WILLIAM left me about 25th December last; he is a very bright mulato, about 5 feet 10 inches high, thick set, full faced, small red or rather blood-shotten eyes, and straight yel lowish hair. I have 110 doubt ho will change his name and try to pass himself for a white ’man, which he may be able to do unless to a close observer. He was formerly the property of M. Myers of this place, and" travelled with him through tiie up country last summer. The above reward will be paid for his arrest if loged in a safe jail so I get him. Aug. 16. ’■ A’s PICKARD. The Darien Telegraph, M aeon Telegrap , and Journt.l, Milledgeville, and Hive Columbia, S. C., w ill insert the above twice a month for 6 months and send their bills for payment. zl Caution, TO THE CITIZENS OF HANCOCK, But more particularly io those living in the 102 d Bist. G. M. WHEREAS it has been binding on me for three or four years to take up all slaves, and tree pet sons of colour who are living in the Dist.., or in the village ol’ Sparta contrary to the law that was passed in Dec. 1832, for their regu lation;, and i having been put to much trouble about them, and not getting pay for my labor, and it doing no good, lam done with it. But, be it known to the citizens of the lG2d district G. M. that 1 shall take a shorter way to pat a stop to it. The law is very pointed, that any white per son oli’eudiug against the provisions ol this act, be indicted and prosecuted before the Superior court for any such offence, and on conviction thereof, shall to: feit and pay a fine of fifty dollars, and all cost ofsaid suit, now if the owners, guardians tmd managers of such, will read the law, they will find they are not i s friendly to their country as they think they are. They were friendly enough with me once, to employ an attorney to drive me and oilier constables into our duty, ia bi iugin"- their slaves before the courts for trial ; and have they ever paid us our costs ’No 1 neither de they ever intend if they can help it, but 1 intend to have mine. Have they ever paid their attorney that they employed • No! they think he is rich and can do without it, and Rhodes is poor, and they can switid e him out of his fees. Now there is but hide difference between your cases and mine, mine is ten days imprisonment more than yours, which i donot intend tobear. 1 can employ an attorney to attend to the business better than yon have, where he will get his fees; and I will get mine that is behind, for I intend to have my full cost. 1 know who they are that is owing cost, and they that owe it know as well as I do. and they would do well to pay it before an execution comes alter them for it. "1 also well know who it is that give their slaves privilege of hiring their own time, tmd 1 have sufficient proof, and mean to try the project next Superior ('ourt; J shall take every one indiscriminately, and they must take it as well as they can, I expect they will think very strange oi this, that 1 have quit bringing their j slaves tccourtior trial, and bring the owners in i stead oi the slaves, but I can tell mv reasons for . that, there is more to be made by taking the own j ers, than the slaves, and all you who are guilty of 1 giving tins privilege, you have given your slaves, I know it; and as Ido not intend to be bothered any more, with their slaves,! will take the owners and bring them to court, and when they come to pay fitly dollars, fine and cost of suit, on two or three slaves, they will learn to keep them in away that they ought, (it they are friendly to the govern ment) without having poor Rhodes dragging them !up to court for trial; and qfter trial, iq less than one week, they are buying their meats, and they will buy a small bit to-day, and steal twice as much next day. they will buy a chicken from a friend Friday night, and Saturday night they will steal a pig from another person ; yon who are letting slaves do that way, mav watch them, for I intend to watch you. HENRA r W. RHODES. August 23. 32—ts. THE undersigned, Owners, and legal repre sentatives of the owners, of Two Hun dred Shares, or more, of the Capital Stock in the Bank of Darien, hereby call a general meet ing of the Stockholders in the said Institution ; to be held ai the Bank of Darien, in Darien, on Thursday, the 3rd day of November next, at 10 o’clock, .A M. The ob ject of the meeting, being to consider the propriety of mcinoralizing the Legislature to grant certain amendments to the Charter ; and to consider such propositions, as may then be presented, relative to the interests of the said institution. ./ P Stuart, L Ganah, J K Kilburn, G 11 fy N Holland, Luther Roll, Robert Walton, Blodgct, Fleming Co Andrew Mitchell, by JI Walton Guardn, A Gould, Geo R Jessup, Edward Thomas, Matthew Nelson, J &; W Harper, I l ' A Morgan, David E, iialsey, Henry Byrd, John M Cooper, W R Huff, Hitt eV Dill, Thos W Freeman, J Higginbotham, R W King Co Robt Lambert, Estate J Penfield, M'Kie <S; Hindsale, Jos Cumming,EFr. Sandl ( lark, A Champion, IJ in. Poe, John J Jackson, L P Ji' E C Dugas, Elias Reed, John Coskery, Mary TF Muir, Lewis Gibson, Jane TF Muir, Robt. F. Foe, Elizabeth L Muir, Rowe fy Smith, by FII Welman,At. John A Urquhart, per Fit Wchnan, J. Ansley, Atty. Sam'l D Corbett, J 11 Jf j T Heard, Robert B. Jackson, Pleasant Stovall, Bcnj Burroughs,per Stovall Simmons, Jos II Burroughs, Hand Jj' Barton, Adams fy Burroughs G Dugas, Jos H Burroughs, P Butler, TFat Duncay, by N K Butler, Chas Green Atty. 1\ ! K Butler, in Trust H 5». Duncan Co Thomas Bartlett, Jos Jones S Kneelanel \ Co August 16 31—IstNov. ’ Adlißßisiistrator’s Siafi©. TKTNDER an order of the Inferior Court of Twiggs County, when sitting for oidinary pm poses, will, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours, be sold, before the Court-house door in Marion County, lot of land, number Ninety, in the fourth district of originally Muscogee, but now Marion County. Sold as the real estate of Janies Deshazo, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. RICHARD DESHAZO, Adm’r. August 30 33 tds Administrator’s Saafie. WILL he sold at the Court House, Stew art county, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours oi’ sale; Lot No. one hundred and ninety-three, (193) in the 31st District, originally Lee coun ty ; being the real estate of Henry Griffin, de ceased.—Sold by permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court oi Effingham county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMES GRIFFIN, » , , , JOHN C. GRIFFIN,! Adm rs - Aug. 25. 1836 33 tds. < Improvements, IN WE the Committee, appointed to examine the Improvements of the Scholars who have been under the care of Washington H. Brown, through the term of one course of Lectures on S’jß wavi AS?® lEZ 33?, decertify that they have made great proficien cy in that art, as such we rt commend the said Brown to the public, as a fine scribe, and hope he will meet the confidence of the people, as he writes various hands, well calculated to advance the youths of our country, in fine Penmanship, Respectfully, &c. August 12th, 1836. Robert Greer, James IT. Stark, A. L. Robinson, Noah W. Taylor, Pleasant M. Compton, Johnß. Dickin, James M. Magbee, Peyton IL While, George Davis, John V. Berry, David J. Bailey, Stephen Bailey, Samuel Snoddy, Robert C. Mays, William L. Wilson. September, G. 54—3 t. EXPRESS MAIL. Post Office Department, ? Washington, July 23, 1836. 5 PROPOSALS will be received until tho 15th day of September next, at 12 o’clock, M., (to be decided the next day) for carrying a daily express mail on horseback, in railroad cars, or in steamboats, for the purpose of conveying slips from newspapers in lieu of exchange newspapers and letters (other than such as contain monay) not exceeding half an ounce in weight, mark ed “ express mail,” and public despatches, on the routes and during the times hereinafter stated, to w’it: From New York to Philadelphia, 90 miles and hack, to stop at not more than three intermediate offices: Leave New York at 5 pm, arrive at Philadelphia by 2am next day. Leave Philadelphia at 7 am, arrive at New York by 3 p tn. Proposals from the Railroad Company for car rying the great mail as well as the express mail, will be considered at the same time. Service to continue until the 30th June, 1840. From Philadelphia to Baltimore, 100 miles and back ; to stop at not more than two intermediate offices. Leave Philadelphia at 2j am, arrive at Balti more by .J p 111. Leave Baltimore at 8J p m, arrive at Phila delphia by 6j a tn, next day. Setvice to continue until the 30th June, 1840. From Baltimore to Washington, D. C., 38 miles and back. Leave Baltimore at 1 p tn, airive at AVashi tig ton by 5 p m. Leave Washington at pm, arrive at Balti more by 8 p m. Proposals from the Railroad Company to carry the great mail as well as the express mail, will be considered at the same time. Service to continue till 30th J line. 1840. From Washington to Fredericksburgh T z irginia, 61 miles and back, to stop at not more than one in termediate office. Leave Washington at 5t p m, arrive at Frede ricksburgh by I !.t p m. Leave Fredericksburgh at 10 am, arrive at Washington by 4 p m. Service to continue till tho 30th June, 1839. From Fredericksburgh to Greensboro’, N. C., 248 miles and back, to stop ataiot more than seven intermediate offices. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Greensboro’ (25 hours,) by 1 a m the next day af ter. Leave Greensboro’ at 10. - am, arrive at Frede ricksburgh by 9.j a m the next day. Service to continue till the3oth June, 1839. From Greensboro’to A’orkville, S. C. 124 miles and back ; to stop at not more than four interme diate offices. Leave Greensboro’at 1J am, arrive at York ville by 2 pm. Leave Yorkville at 10£ p m, arrive at Greens boro’ by 10 a in the next day. Service tocontinue till the 30th June, 1839. From Yorkville to Washington, Ga., 146 miles and back; to stop atnotmore than four interme diate offices. Leave Yorkville at pm, arrive atAA’ashing ton by 5 a muextday. Leave Washington at p in, arrive at York ville by 10 a m next day. Service to continue till the 30th June, 1839. From Washington to Columbus, Ga., 181 miles and back ; to stop at not more than five intermedi ate offices. Leave Washington at am, arrive at Colum bus by 11 £ p m. Leave Columbus at m, arrive at Washing ton by 8 a m next day. Service to continue til) the 30th June, 1839, From Columbus to Montgomery, Ala., 81 miles and back; to stop atnotmore than one intermedi ate office. Leave Columbus at 12 night, arrive at Montgo mety by 8 a in next day. Leave Montgomery at am, arrive at Colum bus by 3 p ni. Service to continue till the 30th June, 1838. From Montgomery to Mobile, 198 miles ami back; to stop at not more than four intermediate offices. Leave Montgomery at 9 am, arrive at Mobile by 5 a m next day. Leave Mobile at 12 m, arrive at Montgomery by 7am next day. Service to continue till the 30th June, 1838. To enable tho Postmaster General to select be tween tho two principal mail routes through the South, proposals will also be received for carrying the daily express mail from Fredericksburgh, Va. to Columbus, Ga. as follows, viz: From Fredericksburgh to Richmond, 67 miles ami back; to stop at not more than one intermedi ate point. Leave Fredericksburgh at 12 night, arrive at Richmond by 6 a m next day. Leave Richmond at 4 am, arrive at Frede .licksburgh by 9<t a m. Proposals from the Railroad Company for car rying the great mail, as well as tho express mail, w ill be considered at the same time. From Richmond to Petersburg!!, 21 miles and back. Leave Richmond at 6j am, arrive at Pcters burgh by 8A a ni. Leave Petersburgh at 1 <Janri, arrive at Rich- ‘ tnond by a in. 1 From Pet.ersburgli to Blakely Depot. N. C., (’4 miles and back ; to stop at not more than one in ermediate office. Leave Pctersburgh at 6 a tn, arrive at Blakely Depot by 2j pm. J Leave Blakely Depot at 8 p m, arrive at Peters- c burgh by I a m next day. I Proposals from the Railroad Company to carry . the great mail, as well as the express mail, will bo considered at the same time. From Blakely Depot to Fayetteville, 154 miles and back ; to stop at not more than three inter mediate offices. Leave Blakely Depot at 3 pm, arrive at Fay etteville by 5 am next day. Leave Fayetteville at 7 a in, arrive at Blakely Depot by pm. From Fayetteville to Columbia. S.G., 154 miles and back; to stop atnotmore than two intermedi ate offices. Leave Fayetteville at 5j a in, arrive at Colum bia by 7 J p m. Leave Columbia at spm arrive at Fayetteville . by 61 a m next day. From Columbia to Milledgeville, Ga., IG3 miles and back ; to stop at not more than three interme diate offices. Leave Columbia at 8 pm, arrive at Milledgeville by 11 a m next day. Leave Milledgeville at am, arriv; at Colum bia by 5 p m. From iMilledgeville to Columbus, 133 miles and bacic to stop at not more than three intermedi ate eftrrs Leave Milledgeville at am, arrive at Co lumbus by 1 Ij p m. Leave Columbus at3£ p m, arrive at Milledge ville by 3 a m next day. Service on these routes to continue till 30th June. 1839. i With the hope of inducing the several compa , nies that occupy the travelling lines between New York and Washington to form such a connection j- as will carry the mails as well as travellers through in the least possible time, proposals are invited from them to carry both the great mail and the ex press according to the following schedule insteam . boats and railroad cars, viz : 1 Leave New York at 4p m, arrive at Philadel- > phiabyllpm. Leave Philadelphia at p m, arrive at Bald : more by 9j am, next day. } Leave Baltimore at 10 am, arrive at Washiug- > ton by j pm. Returning. Leave Washington at 4£ p m, arrive at Balti more by 7 p m. Leave Baltimore at pm, arrive at Philadel phia by a in, next day. Leave Philadelphia at 6 am, arrive at New York by 1 p m. Contracts for the foregoing service are to bo executed by the 15th day of October next. They will be sent to the postoffices of the accepted bid ders for the purpose in time. The service is to commence on Tuesday, the Ist day of November nex’, and is to be daily both ways. No proposal will be considered unless it be ao companied by a guarantee, signed by two respon sible persons, in the following form, viz. ' “ The undersigned aß d guaranty that if his bid for carrying the Express mail from to be accepted by the Postmaster ' General, shall enter into an obligation prior to the ' 15th day of October next, w ith good and sufficient. 1 sureties to perform the service proposed.” Da ) ted “ , 1836.” To which the guarantors shall sign their ' names. It is also required that the bidder or bidders for ward with theirbids the certificate of a postmae— -1 ter, iu the following form, viz : “ 1 certify that and 1 , who have signed the fore going as guarantors of , iu bis bid for carrying the Express mail from to , are men of property, and able te . make good their guaranty.” Dated “ , 1836.” Each route must be bid for separately. The route, the sum, and the residence of tho bidder, I should be distinctly stated iu each bid. : The Postmaster General reserves the power of changing the schedules, but not so as to increase the expedition. The mails are to leave precisely at the time set, . Three minutes only are allowed for opening and closing them at the intermediate offices. For each failure to arrive at the lime set in tho . schedule, the pay of die trip shall be forfeited, sub ject to be increased to a penalty of ten limes that amount; and for a repetition of failures the con tract may be annulled. If it should become necessary at any time to dis continue the service contracted for (a result which . is not expected) the contractors shall be euxitled to receive two months’ extra pay. Those who enter into this service must make up their minds not to let bad roads, nor storms, nor floods, nor casualties, nor dangers, prevent their performance according to contract. Water-proof bags will be furnished for the mails ; and no ex cuse whatsoever w ill be taken for a failure to arrive at the time set in the schedule. The proposals should be sent to the Department sealed, endorsed “ Proposals for Express Mail,” and addressed to the first Assistant Postmaster General, S. R. Hobbie. AMOS KENDALL. August 30, 1836, From recent information, it appears that the Mail can be conveyed from Blakely to Mobile,, between the hours of 8 and 10 in tiie morning, and despatched from Mobile, returning, at 3 in the afternoon, more advantageously than at any other hours of the day. The arrivals and de partures at and from Mobile, being fixed at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. the following additional time may be allowed, viz: One hour more time than is above advertised in running from Fredericksburg to Greens boro.’ One hour more from Greensboro’ to Yorkville. One hour more from Yorkville to Washington. And one hour more from Washington to Co lumbus. Half an hour more from Fredericksburg to Richmond, One hour more from Blakely depot to Fay etteville. One hour more from Fayetteville to Colum bia. One hour more from Columbia to Milledge ville. And half an hour more from Milledgeville to Columbus. Returning. Four hours more time from Mobile to Mont gomery. One hour and a half more from Montgomery to Columbus. Four hours more from Columbus to Wash ington. Three hours more from Washington to York ville. Two hours and a half more from Yorkville to- Greensboro.’ And four hours and a half more from Greens boro ’to Fredricksbnrg. Two hours and a half more time from Co lumbus to Milledgeville. Three hours and a half more from Milledge ville to Columbia, Three hours more from Columbia to Fayett ville. Three hours more from Fayettville to Blake-, ly depot. Half an hour more from Blakely depot to. Petersburg. Half an hour more from Petersburg Io Rich mond. One hour more from R ichmond to Frcdcricks burg. And hall an hour more from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Arrival at New A’ork, to be at two, P. M. The attention of bidders is especially called to this extension of time. Alterations in the schedules of the hours of arrival and departure at all the places above named, will be made to v correspond. S. R. ROBBIE, Act’g. P. M. Gcn'l. August 9, 30— 4t. P. S. If the mail shall regularly exceed seventy pounds in weight, the Department will consider it self bound to pay for mi additional horse when the express is carred on horseback, if hit additional horse be employed. A. K.