Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, November 24, 1836, Image 2
■ ex ■ Min ' ' ' " * r ,l,e r r <t. The principal .mpmmiemlam c. nil contracts uuJ s } l " r! ‘ iu< ' : ’ t ', Engineer, anJ hi* assistant*, w “ 1 -*' ’* 1 . " ’ ' the immediate supervision ol lh<J (xo.utton o ; the work. The mmwy iiecossnt vto <«p< r- ( ation, could be drawn front ti e I treasury on the ( requisition of the superintendant, b' ’ - I ''' l,ll •f the Governor, by plaaing in the , Bank from time to time, to ti e credit cl Me tor mor, such amount as tliel.erislature m ty pres, cribe, and under such provisions fur the periodi cal accountability ol that officer, as they may de*tn proper. . ! All which is respectful! v submitted in bcltall r ®f"the Rail Rond Convention of M icon. JNO. 51. PHERBON BERRIEN, , > THOMAS GLASCOCK, JOHN A. CUTHBERT, * A. HULL. ' * Milledgeville, 17th November, 183 C. / Foreign Sews. L -—-- - - ■— F Front the A’. I”. Berning Post. / FROM EUROPE. The arrival of lite packet ship Virginia, . captain Harris, from Liverpool, puts us in f possession of Liverpool papers to the Sth ftf October inclusive, and London papers 'to the "th. They furnish the official ac count of the important victory gained bv General Alaix over the Carlists. The de mand for ready money wlt’ch has created rich a pressure in England, has also been felt nn the continent, in France, Holland and Germany, where the rate of interest has risen. it appears that a serious quarrel h»< broken out between France and Switzer land, and that the latter is threatened with a blockade. SPAIN’. The official narrat ve of the victory gain ed by Gen. Alaix over tite Carlists troojo.! at Villarobiedo, will he found below. 'i ' importance of this event may bejtidgeri of! from the number of prisoners taken. The London Morning lleral , however, re marks that the victory is said itt the accounts 1 from Madrid, to have been obtained over the raw levies of the Carlist Generals, and j not over the seasoned troops, who wa re too! far in the van to take part in the affair. | By advices from Madri”, of the 24th of September, it appears that the ambassadors • of Naples, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Hol land and Sardinia had withdrawn from that capital—a step which is looked upon as I portending consequences ol some import | ■nee. The city was tranquil and guarded | by Rodil with 15,003 infantry and 830 ca valry. I he latest intelligence from M idrid is to ' the 27th n| September, and mentions a se cond victory ained by Alaix over Gmm t, in which 600 were taken ; but the news had no favorable effect upon the Spa nish stock at Paris, where the letters com municating thi< report were le eived. “ Third Div iston of the Army of Operation of the North. !‘ Excellency—l hereby send von an ■ccouut ol the movements of mv division, am! ol the rebels, since they left the Utiel. On the 15th inst. the division was at C.u hontzas; ihe rebels left Utiel for Ciissas de H inez, by the Venta del Moro ; the 16th division was still Pl Carbmiezas, and trie rebels on the march to Albace’a. The 17th. the division advanced tn Compillo de Allerbuev, and the rebels remained at : Alhaceta. The 18sl>, the division left for Tarazena, and the rebels for Roda. The 19th, as Gen. Goim z had pointed out two place* where lie wished to pass the night, i determined on putting my division in mo tion early in the morning, either to attack him in the evening if he marched on San Clemente, or to await Lis departure from Villarobiedo :the soldiers snfit-red greatlv from f.ifigne this day. The rebels pased the night at Villarobiedo. The 20:h, I marched the greater part of the night, ami at daybreak one of my brigades was within half-gmi shot of the house of Villarobiedo, which uas occupied bv Go-mz, Qailez, and ' other chiefs, at the head of wh.u they call; 11 battailions and 10 <qu i.lrons, immedi ately made preparations fir entering the 1 town, which was easily done, as the enemy were already leaving it on the other side, and full of confidence in tlieir GOO cavalry, they organzerl their columns whilst mv troops attacked them by surprise. Twice the enemy’s cava) y t rn-hed on mv gueril las; but they were .beaten of by Bon Diego de Leon, the brave colonel of the Princess’s hussars. “For the second time, this di-tingiislicd. off: '•er attacked the enein’s cavalry ; ami ] profiling by a favourable opportunetv, threw them into disorder, drove them back I on the infantry, who were unable to main tain their ground, and within view of mv i ifanlry, which was advancing rapidly, made 1276 prisoners, among whom were 55 officers. The arms, ami a great part of the enemy’s baggage fell into our power. We likewise took 14 mules and some prin ting materials. This little victory which has been gained at the excuse of Cl woati ded and lour killed, is ol'gn at importance, because the chiefs of llie tcbel.s tlmuelr themselves already masters of the country, and fancied the Constitution alists dared not attack them. Thus 110 hussars and sixt? men of the sth light horse have kept ii. check eight hundred of the enemy’s caval But it is to the courage and ability <> colonel Leon that is mo<l due the sm ees of this day, so glorious for the arms ol lie- Majesty, and the brave troops I have tb< honor to command. I congratulate tie country on possessing so distinguished ai officer, who, if lie obtained the first rank ii the army , would no doubt render the iiatioi the most brilliant services. I thought it my duty to compliment colonel Leon in tin presence of the division. 1 should Lavi thought m\self most happy to have h>d tin power to cooler on him on tin- tin acre o Ills exploits, (he rank to which he has en titled himself, and to recompense, at th same lime, the other officers who signaliz< < themselves. “ If your excellency inf urns her Mails ty the Queen of the sen he my division |, a rendered the state, in driving* Gomez froi. the province of Madrid and beyond th mountains of Albarrain. I will a-k >onrp< i mission ; in any case, 1 think a n compi m du •to the whole division. The rebels lav ing been he Hen. and repulse,| four lettgn., beyond Villarobiedo, have taken the ioa to Tontnillozo. 1 have returned here t give the prisoners in charge to some oft|;i ircops in tl.i, ni ighbm hood, for my objici is to pursue the libels i beg y our excel a iicy to infoi m me as soon as possible el lour intentions relative to the prisoners, and the mtns taken from the enemy. Th. rebels have proceeded towards Osa de ?den liel. I think they intend to return io Utiel. ami Ruvieros de Mora. God keep vour excellency. ALAIX. Villarobiedo. Sept. 20. 1836. (To the Minister of War.) “ Fifty-live officers have been made pri s< tiers ; of this number 22 are wounded. The total ntimbtr of prisoners is 1,274. The Constitutionalists have had 66 woun ded and 4 killed. Paris, Oct. 3.—News from Madrid dat ed the 26th, has arrived this evening. It seetns that Hie refusal of the ministry to au thorize the forming the club of Regener ators excited loud murmurs. It was feared ' they would end in some popular move ment, the result of which would be a n .i --diilcation of the Ct bimt. The misunder standing which prevails between A’cndiza bid and his colleagues, nnd Gil <lc La Quadra, Would of itse’.f suffice to cause the dissolution of the ce’.iimt. Letters of the 25th tilt, fr uln Madrid, an . a second victory gained by General Alaix over Gomez, and ..he capture of GGO prisoners. Mention j s also made of other advantages gained over the Carlists by General Rodil in , risen, the news of which was brought b» a courier vvho left Madrid on the27tli. ’The powers entrusted to Ro dil as conu'.muder in chief are very exten sive: H'j is authorized to give, take away and change commands. He can cotdir proim.iion to all ranks, and his ori'eis ate to have all the force of the Royal ordinan ws. The Spanish patriots vi ho are i.cqmiin- I led wiih the activity and energy of Rodil < have confidence that this - temporary dic | tarot ship with w Liili be is invested »iil be ! attended with beneficial results. In Na | v at re, the Carlists are endeavoring to fortify ! themselves at several points. These wmks ] have been begun at Elisoudo and Urdacb. i At Estella t..ey remain on the qiii rive. .'1 here was an alette on the 25.1 i, when the ! greatest disorder was display t.d, anc. it be j came necessary for Don Carlos to issue an outer to restore tranquillity. The decree ' appropriating the effects of the convct t to ; the expenses of the war has already 7 produ ced wealth to the mint. FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND. M. <!e Montebello, has delivered to th« Federal I'iiectiii'v of .■Switzerland, a note by vvfiidi all the | <li| loiuatie relations between fSwilze-iand and | Fi-auce are »us|>euded. France comphiiis eliietly ot Switzerland because her territory h;s been the ' reiuge of those vv hu Imre plotted against other i slates, in the note the case of Cctteii asstunes] a totally different aspect from that which it has received from the descriptions of the German pa pers, ard liisconfessic n.-> aie styled pretended, and ; obtained by a knife at his tliroat. Switzerland is ] pei rutin i'unfortunate than failty. in tiling ] surruundcil by Mates, many of whose subjects ! are coiistr lined to leave them, and who nitturaily ' seek au as fun: in tlie nearest place vv here they • arc not !ikeiy to lie arrested and given up to their pursuers. 'lbis affair of Switzerland seems to nave excited some apprehension at I’aris, and a , tall n lii. Ii to<,k plan, in ifie l , 'rench Funds is at tributed io it. ft has also given rise to a variety of rumors. I.oxoox, Oct. 7- The quarrel between France i and .-vvitzerlatid occupies the Paris journals oi Oct. ; oth. \v e sulijoiu the circular letter which the Fed -1 erni Directory of Berne has addressed to the Can tonal Guvcriimeuts for the convocation of an ex traoidiiiary Diet, in order to confer upon the I ’l'inch government’s ultimatum of tlie 20tii lift. Vi tint issue ti c fem! is likely to have, it is difficult to lorsee. Tlie tone of the Ministerial journals continues very loltyatul menacing, Litt it will not be forgotten that it w :s equally fierce in the course of tlie dispute which has lately ended in llie acqui escence of tiie French Cabinet in all tiie prelcii lions of the W mhiiiKton Govermaent. The Jour nal lies Debates denies that SwitzeJand lias any light to discuss the merits of the Ambassador of f rame, ana declares, after a itiatiire exatiiinatii.n of the documtnts connected with the affair, w!n< ti it alleges has ttff’orded a pretext for insulting France, that the w hole is false—that neither M. de Montebello, nor the French in Switzer haid, lias liad the slightest intercourse with the spy Conseil, ami that the “inoiist:oils procedure” is as groundless as it is unprecedented. The De bats tui tiler tells us that which the ultimatum does not explain, namely, that tlie satisfaction required a toriri if disavowal of the report made by its committee, mid the aiititilhng of the whole proce dure—ti.e atiaii- of Conseil being tlie motive ol the note, and the disavowal of the procedure its object. Another Docriinaire organ, whose language i, not b ss tlireati niug, docs not seem to anticipate a ve ry prompt stilmii-si.'ii to the note. La Paix say that, in de pite of the nioderatc language in w hich U is com hed, it lias given rise to fresh matiifesta tn u of tin- Swiss liadical party, and that ; mong others, tl’.e Gram l Council of Vaud rejected, on tile gß.fi, the cmiclusum of the Diet relative to tlie ex pulsion of the refugees. Circular addressed l>y the Vorort to the Cantonal Governments ofSwitzerkiud. “Most honored Gentlemen, faithful, and dear Confederates. “ In pursuance ofa resolution adopted en the the ib.h August hist by the o.dinary Diet of 1836. t ie Federal Directory on the same day addressed to the Frencli Ambassador in Switzerland, the note, tlie tenor of which, had hem discussed ano decided upi.iiaiso on tlie same day in the Federal As cmbly. “ lu reply to that note, emanated from the Diet, ilic Federal Directory lias received the amiexei' ci.mmtmieation from the French Ambassador dated llie 27tb of this mouth, which alleging thi aforesaid note of the 2!)th instant, as well as tin deliberations which have taken place respectin, the individual named Auguste Uonseil, informs tin confederacy that the Ambassador accredited to i; ;>y lii, .Majesty the King of the I’i ench has beet ordered I y liisGoveinuieiit to cease ail refation? ol budnes.s with Switzerland until France liavi ■htained satisf .ction for the said facts. • Cousidei ing tlie important consequences w bid; ttch a communication must have, and particular ly the circumstance that it has been caused l.y de isioii- and deliberations of the ordinary Diet ot (831. the Federal Directory deems itself bound, it ompiiaiice vv ith die Bth article of the compact, t< onvoka at Derm* an extraordinary Diet on Mon day, tlie 19th of October next, mid to address i< il the states a pressing invitation to give tkei. i)i pu u's al that extraordinary assembly extciisiv< n L'ticliot’s and powers, which may euabk hetn to co-operate cHiciendy in all that, in lh< resent circumstances must bo resolved ami regu ited in the well understood interest of the cctifed i-ncy, mid p''.:t.culai-ly in that w hich concerns th. laiions < xistilig between Switzerland mid Frmici nt hki'wis *, ."til in a general mmmer, in vvha miceriisthe relations ol Switzerland with foreign oi.nlrics. Vie expect ficin the enlightened and ioya' nfimenta of the Gmitunal Govern incuts, tlm hey will efficiemly <’<»-( perate in all that may In quired l.y the prosperity, honor, and Indepen «:ii«e of Switzerland, undo.'the complicated cir i tnutaiice* in which our beloved country finds it :lf. “In that expectation we are &c. The A voter and Executive-councils oflheCantoi I!ei Federal Directory. ••The Avoyer. Tseltarner. “The Federal Chancellor, Arnryhm” “The Narrateiti', a Swiss journal of the 24t! It. states with wh it truth wo know not, th r. Yoricr. the Bri’i-h Ambassador nt Swiizo id. has been direr trd to offer his meditation so ii nrmgein n'of the differences between th:i •outitry and France. iVtMcll. .'•ept. a I.—T > ;dl Hpycart'ec- s seri- : Ol . I ;..C. < ate’ te I e tel en ; gc'.u-' SwilZi r ' Ii nd lea . t " has ■■ Irendy commeu- I c« ,i . n tl.e Atoni ti tmuti is. 'i hi- iianneut I I k'titu dun cu the Ir'th of this month ;i l.rtr lieu <>> ; idles, caked the l'.n.pc‘< r‘s bv.n. h s nr.irelirtt , i <nu IttspriK-k t» !■'< Iklo'.k. a siiiai! town only half an htiur’s u ..Ik Ircm the I’ i.iiie, which on that side s' | ar.iles llie in:p< rial (loniiuU'Us from the Swiss . territory, and the Cs.i: (>u of St• (Jalien in partic ular. Threer of our Bav;>riaii resiieenns station ed at the soutkvveol of Bavi.i i. »!so hr.tte received ord< rs to recall intnte.’i ;t< ly all tl'.e min on fttr hni;:b, and to keep tliejisi Ives in readiness fori marching, lu Wurteinburg and Badem similar I me;.seres have beer, adopted, so that we soon may I expect to see ell r xnmiuuications stopped for per ous as well as fjrgoods, as llontibeUo had threa tened. It is said iiiat impoitaut information has been rect i' about plans el the young Ger- mans, which at ( lice det 'imined the four ‘ ovci c tii-. iitioiwd to rake these sti pts, and ibtit France and Sardinia will act in concert with dtepj. Thcwbole hovvevetisyetiuvolved inmys t<ly. i Batone, Sept. 28—You will not, I apprehend, be n:ucli surprised, when I inform you that in the last three days, the French force al Pan and Tar h( s has been ccmplelely rli-baoded, and the troops of which it v. as composed of inarched back to their rcspertiv e resi'i me nts. • A I’aycmie lett< rofthe 2Cth says : —“Pon Carlos is not content with instituting festivals in l.mior of \ iiviu Mary, Generali.-simo of his army, but ajourm.l amiottcrs that the Inquisition is re established by law. Its organization has been completed after a long labor of the cardinals, in I wliicli flgeutsof Don Carlos assited. The officials, promoters, ;>post( lie registrars, grand inquisitors, and other officers are named, and nothing mo'e is wanting th: n to gain possession of Wad;id. The leaders of the I'outifical Court consider the en thronement of their protege as very close at hand: and do not wish hint to be devoid of the Holy tributi:'l. which will unite politics with religion and t'.ti< relieve the rov;.l authority from apart es its bnrtlien. The ITcih h Ambassador at Rente cannot be ignorant of these facts.” I osoon, Oct. 3.—Them vv official evening pa per < f Paris, the Ch irtede 183(1, disavows, en the part efihe Goverement, the system of iieutriality towards Hpain aunouiiccd seme days ago by the JoutualDes Debuts. The French Government, it declares, will remain within the limits of Quad ruple Alliance, w hich is far other than iieutriality. \>e accept and record this disavowal with pleas ure would have beta greater had it come a few days sooner, and previous to the news of Alaix’s victory. I.o.ndon, Oct. 5. By advices from Bayonne, of the Ist ol Octolwr. we learn that Gomez lias retired to the mo mtains betvvecu .'itmeiaand La Mancha. G. itcral \ iilaieal Las dispatthed another division of his troops uiult r S..tiz, into the Asturias ; and to meet them. General Evaus has st nt a force un der the command of Colonel Toibez.d. from San Cel.a-tiati, in the s earners Phenix, Salamander, and James \V att. 'llicyatelo proceed to Gijoti, about three leagues from Oviedo. According to the corn sp- ndeuce of the no riling Chronicle and efthe Paris papers, some activity is manifested on both sides in the ne'glihoi hood of San Sebastian —but the C ; rksts arc the attacking party. Gen cr..l Evans is fortifying the Amctagana hill, as if j he found it necessary to strengthen bis position. I; the Chr.stiiios are not Homisliiug, the Carlists ' seem in no better case, and dissections prevail in , ihcccurt and camp of the Pictender. ENGLAND. Tuemoxet j:AF.iET.—I. now bcconiesfully np i parent ;h:it the leading banking inatiiutioiis upon I tiie Euci p ' .u cimtment have ('etermiued to follow the example of the Rank of England to frustrate ’ the *bj ?ct of the 1 hrcadneciHe street association who have been straining by their late operations to i turn the exchanges in favor sf this country, but in ' van, as w ill be seen l.y our quotations, since it : f.'htrws that of all the European burn ing estab i lishucuts concur with General Jackson’s suppor | ters ti the American contim-nt in the scheme of , il <• i itte oi interest, it i* < tcnrly «le>noti»irrt- j iive:h;t the Bank of Engl.c.d even aided by the I jugglin' effects of lb' l exi hequer cannrit whistle i luck tie necessary supply of gold tn their coff.'i-s. i By thdcmmei-cial advices from Ireland it now I appeals that in the true Hibernian principle of mnkinjr wrong right, the Bank of Ireland Ims fol [ lowed tlie Bank of England and raised the rate of i interest to five per cent. Fhe secietof the story jis that.the Bank of England direction mid the | govcn’im tit disieg'ards us the property of funding ■ ihe oiitstamiing e?.chcquei' bills some time past; ] But tiiey ’ have 10-t their tutor, and vv ith him the consequent dread of his mighty operations, so set the rn ittcr right between themselves by adopting j measures to i educe the price of consols, and l< nipt I the conltm it :l capitalists to invest their money in them, in order to tuin the continental exchanges in 11;nir favor, which even our wonderfully boast ed aliment of exp- rtatii n, has failed to <'o for some time past. However, what with the result of the harvest on the continent, and this new ■nent on part of the continental banks, the Solons in Tinvadneedle street have been outwitted.— dforjin'r Hcrt.ld. I<cv. De. Rowly. Chancellor of Oxford Univer sity, died October ;'th. Four men were killed nt Merueth, Fidhatn, bv tlie explosion of a fii-e-'l tmp. Rls-SIA. Attempted Ass.issts ation of the Emperuou of ItuiisiA —The Cun.ti;it.i.iual contain the fol lowing extract of a letter from Warsaw of the 12:h instapt:—‘-On the 11 th of this month we re ceived the official iii vvs of the accident that hap pened lo the Emp.nour on tlie road from i’etiza I aptbol. 'i he report says that the F.mperottr was overturned ; but a well informed person as films that a Russian officer fired a pistol at the I.mperour the moment he was rising in his car riage to see some horses go by had been col lected lo remount a regiment of Hussars. The assassin was arrested immediately, mid the i’.mpe > our was only slightly wounded cii the left side. It is deubted whether he will continue his journey for the existence of a vast conspiracy iu the ar irty is believed in. On the night of tlie news ar ising. berc several officers of the gmi-ison were irre.ste.l and taken off' nobody knows where, uu lerihc c-'ccit of the gend umcrie. GERMANY- A Frankfort in ticle, dated September 26, says that the demand in ready money .ms so increased, that in the German mur .vels discount rate is in one week from three :o four per ('(tit. with a probability ofa still The number of new en t< rprizes undertaken in Germany Ims pro duced this ( fleet in part. Great embarrass ments and distress are apprehended. Tlie cinder.t in Hungary, it is said, des ;roys as many victims as in 1831. Below die Tliieirs it is said to be still more n:aliLr iiant, sweeping off, in some places, die ■vltole population. In Moravia i.i appears it a mild form. PORTUGAL. Advices from Lisbon toe to the 24th ol jcpUtnber. The persons employed under he government vvere (viticbig their dissa isfactinh with the new constitution by .ending ir> tlieir resignations. From intelligence received, of as lati lates as the 23 1 and 25tli September, from Lisbon and Oporto, it appears that the Portugese people care v cry little about theii evolution. The con. lilttlion had been iroclaimed in Oporto, and all the principal owns, without disturbance and without en husiasm. The ministry was principallv mployi (I in efl’, cting retrenchment in the •liiccs of state. It is mentioned, that by hi economical system no less a sum than £250,000 per annum, will be saved in sala ies. The g ivernment alsft propose to brow upon the different parishes the sttp »ort of the clergy, who by a decree of Don Jedro, which also abolished tithes, are now iaid by the stale. By this arrangement 6100,000 a year will he taken Ron: tlu government expenditure. The reason ::s --■igned for this change is the miserable con- , THE STANIIW GV ('it'.ui of the clergy,!" iio, vve s.ij.po a, : ilifii.’ul.v in |uociirii!g their stij.. uc, t', . ,n her,:! quarters. Pt il. e Ft idi: iikl Ims r. - : sit?nvii the commani of the* army, vvhi. lij he would not have Irrii allowed to .t'i'U'.iii. The* “especial order” i:> vvhiih !>• aa-i iHHiuces his ri : igimt’m to thr- army is be.ldly : worded, < uiisid. riiie the ciri iiiiis'iiiii'cs in I w Inch he is placed. He reproaches the sol- ! diery with having “ tro.hle i ttiider foot'’ ; Doti Pedro’s charter ; and declares tlm! I lie will pot resume bis command, t‘ until 1 good discipline, obedience mid order are | restored” in their ratk-. The Dutchess of; Braganza has forma ly anuouticcd her de-1 termination to share the Queen’s fortunes, I come what may. El is not stated, but ii j may be presumed, tint this declaration was I required by attemptsto seduce her into some : plot against the government. Tig? last ar ticle in this budget of Portuguese news re lates to the health of the Queen. The S2d September was the third annivere.rv of her arrival in Li-lon ; and it was tnher editi by salutes from the Portuguese, Bri tish, and c' skips ol war 'ii the li.ii hv.i■. I The Quern was to have revived company at the Ajiida Palace; but she was taker ill so suddenly, there was no time to j acquaint even the ministers with her indist position, and several c.f them heard <.f i for the first time on their arrival at the Pa lace. No bulletin was published, and no i thing was publicly known of the cause for the nature of her Majesty’s sicknes;'. Cm Es*2l• t h 2 A LIJGSJ4L A'l'S- SENATE. Saliirddy Ngv. 12, 1836. Bills iii'rodui'i I. By Mr. Cone: To authorize William WiiliAmsnnd Willik I otiut, t»v build a bridge across llie Great Osrxchce river. Mr. Butt: To prohibit persons from driv ing cattle in Union county, who are not ci tizens of this State. ■ Me. J.'.tie*: To incorporate the “South- 1 en: Baptist College” al Waski tgioa. ■ Mr. Wharton: 'l'o t utborize J.umb Car nd to erect a toi.' bridge over '.he Higlitw o er river at or near Black.nan’s ferry, Ik’.c. Mr. Bracewell: To authorize tlie Inferior Court of Pulaski to remove the public buildings I’roia Hartfoid to Hawkinsville, and to incorporate said town. Bills passed. To authorize the trustees of the Roman Catholic Church in Augusta to sell the I n | conveyed to them by the trusti es of the i Richmond Academy anil to app opri.ite llie proceeds, B*c. To repeal the Bth and 9th sections of an act incorporating Mount Pleasant Acade my in Muscogee, Le. Tlie majority of’ the Committee on Pri- I vileges and elections made a report on the j contested Election for Senator in co., declaring Lewis Law.-he Esq., duly elec - ;*dby a majority of two voles. The mi ; uority of said committee made a count: r re- ■ port declaring a tie ami instriu tinc ti e gov ! enior to order a new election.— troth reports were laid on the table for consideration. Monday, See. 14, 1836. The Senator elect from the county of 'i Sumter, John W. Cowart, E.-q. appeared •nd took his seat. j 3? 11S ill iTl>: Itt fC: I. By Mr. ’Alliste :To incorporate the Savannah and Augiota Steamboat Compa : nj—Alsu, To incorporate the Savannah Insurance and Trust Company. i Air. Shotwell: Ti authorize the Bruns- J wick and Fh-ritla Rail Road Company :o ■ construct a branch iiuiii some point on said ; road to some point on Hie Flint river. Air. Holmes, ol 6 .kt r: To change the names oi certain persons—also, To appointa Trustee fur the Poor Schoo! fund of Baker. Air. Morgan: To ncorporate the “West ern Bank of Georgia,” at Cassville. Air. Wliartou: Tocompensate Grand and Petit Jurors in Fors’t’.i comity. Air. Ingram: To establish an additional I election precinct in II uicock. Mr. Surrency: T< authorize Albert Duke, of .i attnall comity,to estaiiiish a ferry a cross the Oboepie. Air. Beall, of Carroll: To cstabli-h an Election precinct at the house of H. 11. Ala berry iu Car.oli, Air. Baker: To authorize the Inferior Courlof Mm ray to lay (.fi'tl.e comity into militia districts and organize the same. Mr. Faris: To divide the county of Walker irto tw o comities, and to or. auize a new comity west til'the Look Out Aloun tain. Air. Law lion: To amend the act incor porating the “Columbus I'isuraiice Compa ny,” so as to conferon said company Trust and Banking privileges, to increase die cap ital, a id to change the name to that of “The Columbus Life insurance and Trust Com pany.” Bids passed. To change the time of holding the Su perior and inferior Courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Resolutions adopted. Air. Alitchell’s, of Clark: For printing lor the two U mses, 300 copies of the Cher okee Treaty mid the correspondence r. la ling thereto; the report of AI ij. Gem S -n --ford on the events of the Creek war; 303 <opies ol the documents relative to the Sur plus Rev enue ; the resolutions of Al nine and Ohio relative to the el< < don of’ Pn>id<nt md Vice President of the United States; 300 copies of the Reports of Banks, in cluding the Central Bulk; 530 copies of the resolutions of Indiana r<dative to the Cincinnati, Louisville and Charleston Rail Road, ami Report of Knoxville Conven tion; Report of Messrs. Dearing and oth ers; and report ofCol. Brisbane. Air. Hines’of Liberty; For the paymetH to Charlton Hines for the trustee of' tlie poor school fund of’ Liberty, all unpaid dividends of said comity. At 12 o’clock, Al., the Smiao’joined tlie House of Representatives an I proceeded to the election of United States St nator. w hich resulted in the clioire of Hom A. Cuthbert—as noticed in our last. Wednesday, Scvtinlrr 16, 1333. The Se mite was principally engage I th’s day hi the -consideration and discussion of the contested election from Bibb. All. j Lavrshe was at length declared duly elected j 0., . s 31. lie was imm dlately i mimiited ami took his seal. A.ter vv im ii the S. >:i»ie adjemriied. ..’civw’rr 15. On moUon .J 3.1 . S nib- >, th • Senator from En Iv uas adeod io the Cui iniittce to whom .v.i.s referred that part of the Governor’s Ales s U.e io! liive to tie? seivice and expense of the niih i i in the Creek war. Al;':;.is. Holmes of E irly,Hopkins of Cam den, and 11. hoes of Baker, presented claims of sundry persons in relation to said war. Is ills introducfd. By M’-. Stockton: To incorporate the “ Bank of Bru-iswi' k.” Air. Powell of Tall.ot : To amend the act of ineoi-peraiion of tin: “ insurance Bank of Co lumbus.” Air. Ingram: To manumit Daniel, the pro perty of the late Alfred .Skinner of Hancock. .Mr. Al •Allisler, from the select Committee : I A Bill to establish, the Court for the Correction of Error.-:. Pill passed. Tocxtond the charter ol die “ Planter’s Bank of Georgia.” S E AT US AC A D E.M IC US. At 4 :>’cl<i< kihe Sen.itus Ac id.'micas met and received additional reports from Senators, after which the Board mse andphe Senate adjourned till to-morrow morning. Taw-slay, dlov. 17, 1836. Toe Senate refused Air. Reeves’ motion to I re-comidc: the adop ion o! tin. report of the m i- j jmaty of tne coiuimaee on Pnvm-ges and Elee- j tion.s, in favor of Mr. Lawshe, in tin.- ci.ulcsted | election iro.n Bibb—, 32, nays 47. i Air. Freeman, die Senator elected from the I : cot: i:y of ITmkiia appeared, was qualified, anti i took ms seat. Pills introduced. Air. Piinnagaii: i o prevent the circulation of Bamciiiils under tiie denomination ol Air. Band: I’o regulate ceiiain election pre- | cincts in'mn county. j. 4.-. Lawsiie: i o for closing the bus:- I . ili-ss of inc iale Aliy or’s Court in tl.a city of! I Alac.on. ; A!.-. Liddei: To authorise tlr- principal keep- ! ier oi tlie Pe.memi.iry, at iiis discretion, to em- ■ ! piny convicts wmiout the wafL o f p.e j us ;i Ul . ’ i lion. Ulr. Lawhna: To incorporate Summer Re-I treat Academy m Aluscugee, and appoint tins- ! ■ tecs* ■Rcsolutiwis. A ii soiUi.oi: of liouse oi Representatives mstructiug toe commiuee on priming to receive no for priniiug the Laws and Jour ; n.i. ■, no not sdpuiate f.r their executmu am.m Hie Smte—.md making it die duty of the ; ..'ecivi uy ol State to superintend the corrccti-jn ol iiie pi'mil sflecls—com i:i red in by the Semite. A res ilmija o: die House of Representa tives, autnmizing the Governor to liiinMi the I -.’i.iiia officers ot IV like* county with 10 copies ..>..(/! a.,su nt of in.'.ia r. Tactics, to be sent well i :e Laws ami Journals—concurred in bv I :he .-(-ii ne. A resolu.ion of tiie House of Reprcsenta | lives, re.'erri-nr all bills tbr the amendment of i the Judiei tr . to Hi.: Joint .Standing Committee o i to-- J : I.? iary, ! sr t;i.:irco:i-,idera'.i-on, and for i tiie cmis'di,Litton by tliein into one bill, oi’ ail ; m--!i as they may deem advisable, to be report ed t-» tlie two bram iit-s of the General Assein j bly—excepting from sacli reference the bill for tiie oroaiiizaibm of the Coart for the correction oi Error , a > i tiie bill to repeal the amendment oi the Cfinstitnimn establishing said Court— concurred in f.y tlie .St oate. A rl a rem!,:;:o : ofti.e House, authorising the j (ieaer.d to employ addiiion il clerks | lo meet the it uaprecedented demands for grants, un >1 the Legi-lature can make perma nent provision tar that purpose—c.incurred in by d.e Senate. O i m >ti<>;i, AL-. Freeman, of Franklin, was added to die committee on the State of the Re public; ..I-. G ; t) oi, of Warren, to the Jodii ia ! rv Committee; Mr. L iws'.ie, of Bibb, to tiie I ’.lm'.iry Cmiimiitee, and Air. C.iwiirt, of Sum ; 'er to die Committee on Internal Improve- fne .Senate adjourned till to-niorrevv morn | .'ling. Friday Nov. 13, IS3S. Bid's introdured. B v Air. Bond : To incorporate the Flint and j' iatiai-.'piehee Rail Road (fompanv. Alt. Swain: tin-i-clief of J im Love t f E r.antiel. A'lr. j .“'aih-F: 's o :,!:er (he times of holding the Sitpc ! rior Co arts of Emintiel, Scriven, an I Jefferson, in tiie t t;l of the year. AI •. L: n ir: T> in i corpora*-'!i>e Fenrde Academy of’ Lincolnton, •x •■. ol . Co ie: For die appointment of Com : mi,.-.■oners to rt-inark and make plain tl:e line imtwecn i.'dloch and Emanuel. .Ab. Powell, of .Talbot: To repeal the Ist, 2,',3.1, 4th and 9th : seciions of the act of 1825, for iieensitig Piiysi- I <:iaus, &c. so tar as they subject Botanic Prac i ’ilmneis to punishment lor said practice, and to | authorize them to practice and collect their fees, Bdl; n tits:-1. ' To incorporate die St. M uys and Coh.imlms i Rail Road Company. To remove the Comity 'o e of L.'ierty Iro u Riceboro’ to the seneral | Parade G•<> in I, or i i one mile of th it place, and to provide for the accomplishment of the ; am.?. 'M •ssa/rts from the G ver nor. X message conimmiicating the removal, be i vend the omits of his command, of Biig. Gen. A. V, . Grier, an I the consthpient vacancy in . the Ist Brigade, 2-.! Division, Georgia AJiiitia. A me.sijo connniinicating the rcsignmion ot [ M.’ j. G.-li. R. C. Shorter, euminaadiiig the 5.11, G. id. A in::ss:i;re tran milling the jceomit oi Col. Brisbane an I Air. Vfhiie, for ilieir services as Engineers; and .c-qucsting an appropriation for die same. Air. AlcAll'.stcr’.s: Referring so much of the ( Govenmr’.s AL’ssiijje as relates to the Surplus i Revenue to the joint committee on finance. — j ' Adopted. Al '. Lamnr’s: Requesting the Governor in j c >nfurm::y’ vvidi die act of a t scssim , to furnish the troop of Cavaiiy of Lincoln wiui a sui’ii cien! number oi pistols, holsters and swords to c.iiiip'cte their t quipments—so that said troop may be pr. pared tor immediate service when re pered---Lind on tie- table fur the present. And the Senate adjourmd till to-morrow morning. S it;ird.:y, Jiovemle ■. 19. The Sen,to agreed to the motion cf Mr. Mit elieil. of Cl .i-ka. to re cmidd.-r so iniicii of di. Joa ye--.ertla_v .-s relates to the meino.ial o t':c Ai.ii .i.i Couveuiii u. jiills Ir.lroducetl. By Mr. 'lopkiii.,: To reguiate veu-h-e ATaster? in tin: t.wnoi .-jt. Viarys, t am.ten county. Mr. PowJl, ot Mcintosh: 'l’o amend the ch.u Ki of idle Auraria mid Blue Ridge I’mupikeCon. | rar. f.awslu?. 'i’o am-ted and con.oli late th j sjvi'ia! m-.s refaiive io the co.poii.iimi <.f A!- | coil, ami ih- < ommmis tlurcof to fay our tlie ci into »a.'d. and topoven; the cr.'c-iiou of uui.,m ecu on said common. Mr- Kim.<>| Fayette :To incorporate the Fav ette county Academy. &e. Mr. V'. billon: To reduce ihe Sheriff's bond. Forsyth cm.nt . Air. tiinnh. <>f Floyd : 'i’o authorize Vi m. F. i Ito establish a Ferry aerus; the Coosc i-ivor, c Lot i\'o. ;>JO, 4tfi Distriei -Jth sei tion A.r. Ft I'linai: 'l’o add Devine Clark ank J. cob I’urceil, ii..w citizens of Habersham, to the county of Franklin. 1. hs i . I 'J o p udon J(,lm ;<uwm<i, ol 'i’alliot, convicted of mm a r, ; <> co a. pel I die clei ks of the Supei ior and iide . I .r Com (, (,i ..;i tugi.leery i-.niiuy to keep t‘.. u i of.w. sat llie Gi.i.i t iiousu of san. county, > r‘a *••• in oi.e muc thereof. lu a.i.iimizv the Inferior Court of Hancock t > ! i.ltvr, cimndmntc and icgub.te die -iihitia a..,tri. ts 1 ol said county. 11'Solutions. The Senate took up, and adonted A-r. Reese’s 1 motion, io r.iivi-so mucli of the Governor's dies- ! ..age as lemtcs to tlie Small I'ox, to a select com- ; mi.tee —Commit; o appointed, Messrs. itee.,e, ; ii i liums, and I'uwcl., oi T..Jbot. Mr. ftceso laid on tiie table a resolution refer- I ing so .m.< a cl die Governor's .Message iisnd..t; .> i to a ge.oogical survey oi the State, to a Select! Committee. Mr di’Allistei* laid on tlie table a preamble and. | resolutions i elative to tiie I’l'esideiilial election,! wliicli w ill be found in another part ol to-day’s pa-; per. Mr. Al’Conucll laid on the table a resolution, requesting .he Guremor to lay before tiie r-eiiaic, a copy ol al. llie correspondence of the Executive with ilia uhicci'sof tlie 12th division, G. ..Lou the sul>;ccl oi raising troops for the proiced in of the j cilizens of tiie Ch; r.d'.ce comities, agi.iust the bes ide Creeks ami C herokees.—Adopted. Air. J;.?nd laid on the table a preamble and res olusinns relative to the ircepdon by Congress o; Al ulili.m I’etitious. (To t.e found in another part of to-il tys paper ) On motion, Mr. Aiiteiiell, of Clark, was added to tlie committee on iut< riial Improvement. At 12 o Clock the r-enate joined the House of Represent al.-es for tiie electimi of Major G.nei ai, m place o! General R. U. Shorter, rc:igtivd,' and a <>r.g.uiier General, iu place of Geti. A '.V. G.icr. also .resigned—for the former, Col. John '.,. Burney, of Jasper was elected; lor the latter, | L'ol. Summers, of Augusta. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ■ Saturday, Nuveni’eer 12, 1836. John Campbell, Esq. a member elect ft oni 1 the county oi’ Jefferson, appeared and took ; his seat. Piesolulions. By 7 Mr. Franklin : That the Governor be ; requesti'd to communicate (as soon us con venient) to thisll lose, the strength of the militia of tiii; State, the w hole number and .lescrtptioii ol the available nruis ow ned by the Slate, with other means of defence, and 'he places of location— adopted. Air. Dougherty : That in future bills shall be iniro.'iiced i islanter, and read the first ti ne w ithout tiie ceren ony of notice for leave to introduce, and a committee appoia eed to prepare, ice.—lost, by the casting vote of the Speaker —yeas 81, nays 81. Notices for bills. Bv Mr. Hammond : To authorize the corporation of Milledgeville to lease lor2o years to George Root, 4 acres of the Town i Common, upon his comply ing with certain i retpii-itious. Air. Culver : For the free passage offish, in the Ogeehee from Fenn’s Bridge to the I Sitoals of’ Og'. chee in Hancock. M . Rivers : To incorporate Union A i cademy in Wilkinson. Mr. Rhodes: To authorize the Inferior Courts of the several comities of this Slate :t • pay out of the County funds, such com ' : en -ation as they deem fit, to Grand and Petit Jurors. Air. Miller : To regulate the in certain eases, where the Plaintiff dies al ter judgment i-- obtained. Air. Dn vis of Elbert: To alter the time of bidding the Stip< rior anil Inferior Courts of Taliaferro ami VVifkes. Mr. Bulloch : To add an additional sec tion to t l, e 12:11 division of the Penal Code ; —Also, I To punish slaves and free persons of co ! lor in certain cases. Monday, Nuvenbtr 14. On motion of Air. Burns, tl'.e House a greed to re-coiisider tiie rejection ol’ihe res okitimi tortile introduction of bills without the formality of previous notice, &<•. Urbmius Dart, Esq. a member elect from the comity of Gly nti, appeared am! took his seat. Notices for bills. By Mr. Hammond : To change the time 'of holding the Superior mid Inferior Courts ; of’ toe comity of Baldwin. Mr. flail : To amend the precinct law of : Appling, and to authorise all elections in ■ that county to be held at precincts. Mr. Campbell: Tocompel all non resi dent owners of plantations and slaves in Jef ferson, to pay tax for the same in said coun ty. Mr. Espy : To compensate Gratid and Petit Jurors iu Cass—also, To compensate one of the managers of ■elections in Cass, for consolidating and car ry ing up the returns. Air. Keith of Decatur: To amend the law oi’ 1534, so as to alter the tiuvs of hold ing the Superior Courts of Appling, Ware, Lowu les, Thomas, Decatur and Dooly. ; Mr. Foard oi Cherokee : For an appro priation tor tiie improvement of roads ami bridges in the comity ot Cherokee. Air. Blackshear of Lowndes : For an ap pro riaiiou to improve (lie navigation of the Wiihlacooclit’e river m Low .des. Mr. Reeves: To compensate Grand and , Petit Jurors in Alerriwether—and, to com pensate the Sheriff tor summoning tlie ■ same. Air. Carroll: To appropriate money for the construction of roads ami bridges in ' Al array. | Air. James Lamar : To amend the Char- Iter of the Monroe rail road co., to extend tin route, to change tiie name oi’ sai l com pany, ami to coaler on them Banking privi leges. Air. Foard of Lee : To compensate one of tin- Ju.vtices superintending the election* m Le ■, for bimgiug up the ret urns from each jirechit. Air. Gently : TocompensatePetit Juror* n the county of Henry. Mr. Bet k: To asses*a tax onallcxhibi ionsoi shows m Henry county. Air. Bowen : To make permanent the outity site oi Dooly at Dray ton, and to iu m pm ate llie same. Mr. Diamond: To compensate one of ie Justices in die county of D<Kalb, for arrviiig up the returns from each precinct. Air. Harrisot Decatur.: To exempt from -.11 mid leiriagcin Decatur county, all vo rs and jurors, going mid returning. Air. Blackshear of Lowndes : To com ensMte cvrmiti commissioners named. Mr. Crane : To prevent all officers from vying on and seiiing growing crops, uti ss the debtor is absconded or removes from ;e State. Mr. Wood of Randolph : To ai.tlioriz ,:e establishment of a Branch of the State Bank at Fort Gaines. j Hiltt.tis pr<.s: nled. Air. Roger - : From t..e Administratrix of uovl ..1.;,-:.m, (ie. i ise.i. .Ji. Drysd .ie : From tl'.e Georgia Aled ica; :?m r L,. —Ai- <>, i'nmi tiie Piiot* ol Savannuh. Mr. lUiodes : i rum the Central Com mittee ol tiie Eioi'kiioiders of the Darien Lank, praying im- it rt.iiu alterations in the Uh..rier, mid mr tiie removal of the mother Hauk io b.ivannali. Resolution proposed. By Air. ii.irrisof 13vidwin : Requesting the G ivertior t<; furnish tiie House with co pies of aii letters of file in the Executive of fice (not transfintted with his annual mes sage) touching tlie demand for Jim Henry from General Jessup—particularly those of Col. Rockwell anti Ctipt. Gar*riany. Messi g from (he Governor. Transmitting the report of Col. Brisbane ami Air. >’« tiite, of heir survey of the route ilmm Ji the umimtams on tiie North W es tern frontur ol Georgia. Ifidnesday Nov. 16 1836. Committees were appointed on tiie no tices of yesterday, and members gave tlie iulfow ing Not ices.. for Bills. By Mr. Jaine» Lmur: To ament! until consolidate die s. verai acts relative to the corporal I. m ot Macon ;to lay out the city into wards, ai d to prevent the erection of nuisances on the common. Mr. Moore: To define more distinctly the duty of Justices of the Peace iu render ing judgments. Mr. Bulloch: To give jurisdiction to Justices of the Peace in Chatham, incases of damages not exceeding <530. Mr. Johnson: To prevent person from permitting slaves to resort to tliei-r houses, and to inflict punishment for the same— also, 'i’o compensaiethe Sherifi'ofElbert coun ty for summoning Jurors—Also, To consolidate two precints in Elbert into one ot’ Lie bouse of, Barnabas Bar row. fljr. Holland : To authorize the Inferior Court of Altiscogee to sell two blocks of Lots in Columbus, set apart for. hospital, purposes, ami apply the funds to the build in.'. of a Cout'l-.ibuse. ! Mr. Fiouruoy :To compel persons who i have purviia.ed lots or fractions from the St ue to pay tix o.i the same, whether ! granted, or not—and to make certificates for said lots or li 'ictiotjs evidence in any suit in law r or equity—Alsu, : To vest in persons who have paid thcre i on, the title to Lots and Fractions which were advertised to be sold in Muy untf June ■ 1634, as forfeited—Also, To audiorize Alonroe Mitchell to plead I '.uM practice I w in t .is State. Al.. Aler. i.v ether: To appropriate to the i severalco.intiesof ibis State, Georgia’spor lion of Hit- Surplus Revenue of the United ' States—md to authorize the investment iliereef by the counties. Air. Love: To compensate the Sheriff ofHeury for extra services. Mr. Cook : To compel Executors and j Adiiiini-trator-. to pay interest on open ac e-tints, siler a time. Air. Jen! tins: To appropriate money to endow a Female Academy in Richmond county, and to incorporate the same. Air. Bolton : To ait r t ie Road Laws of this State so lur as respects the county of Wilkes. Mr. Coolly: To add the Academic to. tlio Poor S« liool fund of Burke. Mr. Keitli, of Decatur: To authorize e ' lection-precincts to be established al the sev jm-al iniistci'-groiinds and places of holding | Justices’ C(.m is in said c unty. I Mr. Dart: 'i’o increase the capital stock lof the Brunswick Canal and Rail Road Company—Also, To amend the road laws, so far as res pects the comity of Glynn. Also, To incorporate the Bank of Brunswick, with banking privileges. Mr. Eiii.-.: To pay the company of in fantry commanded by Capt. John Towns end, against the Creek Indians. Air. Davis of Elbert: To repel the law of 1835, adding part oi’ Wilkes to Taliafer ro. Air. Campbell: To compensate Petit Jtirors in Jefferson county. Mr. Strickland : To repeal the 17th sec. of the lO.b div isison ol’ihe penal code. Air. .Allen of Laurens: To alter and airn-nd the law of 1535, relative to the poor school f »nd of L ttiri ns. Air. Hammond from the select committee on the subject, reported a bill to repeal the I t, 2 1, 3 I, 4th ami 9th seciions of the act ol 1825, for the licensing of Physicians, ami the 17th and ISlh sections of the 10th division of the penal code, so far as they are subject to ihe punishment of persons practising on the Botanic system, and to •uitiiorize said persons to practice and col lect their fees under ct Hain restrictions. Al' - . J. B. Lamar presented the memorial oi the Georgia Female College: referred to a *elect committee, of Messrs. Lamar, Gordon of Chmham, Gray, Hili of Jasper, and Merriwetker. Bills Passed. To increase the commissions of tax re ceiveisand eolk ctors of ibe several coun*. ties of this State. To authorize W in. J. Campbell Allen and Wm. Can p.l eil, aliens, to hold certain rud and personal i sta e : y< as 99, nays6o, Rescdulii.n Adi pt cd. Air. Meriwi il ci’s : I’oadd Air. Holcombe to the ci t. ii iitee on tlie Judiciary. A rcsoluticii of the i oirir.ittee on the Ju diciary, ref: ring all i ills for the amendment of the Judit iary, to the committee on the Jiuiic'tmy I n ria ir (-oi<sideratic.n and consol idation into the one hili of all such amend ments as tiny may think advisable, to be reported io the two Hmise- : Provided, said (•ou.mittee shall not be authorized to take from the <!< rk’s table the bill to repeal the amendment of'll.e constitution of the court o)i' errors: mid provided also, that the bill n tXW s in propiess for the organization c.f the said court, ilmllimthe refund to said (,<*mmil tee. The resolution of the Senate, i n rc f e ,. cnee to the pay ment of the unpnNl dividend* ol’ihe Poor Schoo', fund, dueto the county of liberty. J The House then adjourned till to-mcr j row morning.