Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, November 24, 1836, Image 3
i i.i: r 1 ( . .'I r. GoMuti, (■.' l ' ... •.■ :, -’-ii..l:. nm ri 11 from i:■ e Cei.i'.m ’ .■ .* <i I", , -i- re- cent Rail | t 1. -ni. > , . ■fp.i'.a .. ,1; Ata con—refc. i .-1 to timi->'' ■ . •■< 1L: ■ri:,::lm prov<-;m.U'.s, .. .i.l 2 ■ uim'.. <; ,o He pila;- Tue b’il es tho S. i.,..- u> .1. !,■ i.l the 1 sec ti‘» »of till- .Ct of ■i, a ;i'.i ■: 1/. 04 the >■ -i.i.;; ot grants to i.i nl in 1.. ■ t’xi-i.iXee .1 ii'o ■ Bill ,0 re-org tiii/.- 1 the mil. • ■ ci \ I le.'.i! of ton; S' I.: !)i, 11 iv »J. 'file » o: > iki i>;.':. o« is !ived .ii * . 0/ .■■•',/: . C’.’.'i. Ir. A mess mo c;■ ■utn;; rem ival oi Brigadier id ~U. ti. r, .nJ .1 coii>e-. qm nt 1:1 ide Ist Dr....ide dd division, G. Al. A m •<« ’.J > in answer to il.t- r i]| <-f the I louse ot Kepr.'s.'.i ‘it v.'s ...»• i ... .■ .1 cion o,'.i;i\ resig li:itin!i in ear d I. - ■. 1 t . C i;.e.—infm'ill i’lg the I !<•;• •■: .. 1 io !, r.-.i i, llml I ..,-n tendered him, . 1 t;> it :n nev •11 <>cc.u- ' *’ >, t’xce k ihit < ■ ■ 1 ■ t ....... ( ..'•••••< .. .11 < r .0. 1 die Hon« G. \V. . ! ... ' House qm > -i, w.l de. it a. , I. , cl - ence to that b, -ci . r not. /». ..7 Mr. Davis of I' 0.-rt: For it- ai'poi.cniL-ut j of a Comnvtt. e to co i.i.'. r .ml report on tin propriety of pi 1; .JI .-a 'll m-emm.s ter .low t,. .1 ■ : • >r articles . sisten , in tl Swainol •co npai ; ?<; Utt . a j report I y bill or otia-r'wise. i tie »1 ouse a ! |e.i; u d it -in .rro'.v mornirs!. FrZkc;, X.tcem!: r IS. 1336. The Iloike r.'iiisfd Mr. Jd'Xuily's mo tion to re-considi r ;i;e pass ige ot tin- bill to r» -erg iii’rxe tii? < 11; e .v;j u i..ui G< io r .1, &.c.—yens 72, 1 v s I’s. . tie: s j. r By Mr. Iltt.'is, oi'liaidu in ; Atneiiiiatory of (tie act of J St 3, to prev ■ nt a or transfers 0; progeny to a por.imi hi i red itors to the iii u,d inj u i of eii.i'ts, by persons wim I.til 'in mn;;.ic.»>, Uc. —Also, Ami n i t'.irv oi tiir s t -v< r;;l acts rel.itivi to tile torpor :l on o! .'.lidedmwiile. Mr. June.- ol Mari. 11 : 'l\> t"ini a new county out of parts of Marii.n 110..5-1 ton. Mr. B. illicit : To . 1.-. t ti.e Mi'iti i ! ;u> of tiiis Suite, audio mcoiuage vclutiitir < ompanii s. 11 Mr. Carroli: 'fo nitthori.’ • .a. S. s to establish a ferry across tbe tuiisanuiti ' river, Sic. Mr. Fiet lur : T> in -0.-. i ».•.>» t;ij [’.it 1 Creek Academy in Al .: i i>; Air. Acitiru: ' monev to 1 open and improve the road ;r..i.i Luudsidie Htbersliani C'o'.iny, uy way of Biaiisv ike i Fnion county to State line. i Air. Coup ’r; 1 ir me iciiel u! Lie heirs ; o f ThoniLS H Sargent. Mr. Di .iiu'i.i : l’v .ippropriaic 3 300 to pa\ ; the cxjK'aSL'S o! ti." trial us .'J .j. i err'., ■ in Dcca ur, DeKalb cu.m y. Air. Bull .ch : 1o am a i die art auiliorizinc; the Court of Cuniniun Picas and Oyer and 1 <•, miner of Savannah io h.dd special Courts, and ' to einpo.vei tiie M iy<>r o; S.iv.iuaaii also to hold such Courts, and to regnlite seamen, cc-.'. Air. J* louruoy : 1 outer tne times oi lioidiug the Inferior Ceurt of Al iscogee, de ■. Air. Kin ey, bom the c.mimiiiee appointed, reported a bill to appropriate money to build a bridge across the Cuatlaliuocbce near Dobbin’s ford, in Hall. Bills passed. To incurporste Lie Pioneer Steam Boat Company. To incorporate the Ch ill ihoocliee Steam ' Boat Comiianv. lie la/ Mr. M'Kinlcy’s : lit feriing to the Com mittee on the Judiciary toiiiip .ri into and report iu tiiis Mouse, t ie propnety oi ini- • king gambling debts coil , viable, as th ■ best means of stippre.-rinv; the vice 01 gambling, , and to devise atid report ti.e best ii.ran.s m their judgment, of ri iiiovmg tiie ev d tneie- , of— adapted. Mr. Harrisof Neivto. : To employ suit able Fngineers i<» examine Lie rivers of this . State, tec.—Laid on the table for the pre- , sent. Air. M’Kinley’s : Imtructing the Judici ary Committee to i nquire into and report ( iheexpeditmry <>f amending the statue on pages IG7, ami 163, ofPi im i-’s Digest, re - . ative to the claim of property at Executor’s , Administrator’., and Gnaiihan’s sales, so far as to specify the amount ol tiie bund re- 1 quired. 2d. Os amending tiie statue regulating the granting of certiorarivs and i: Jnuciious, so far as to dttiue the term •• evenumi ton- . demnation money,” by making the com plainants’ bond biml him costs ..nd aii dam ages sustained in cbm? the bill be dismis sed or injunction dissolved. 3d. Os explaining the aitacl nient law of ; 1799, so as to dccl oe the maker.- 01 the bond liable thereon in the first instance without an action on the case for <!ama ges. 4th. Os amending the claim laws s > as , to authorize w.'its ot p>■ - um i > i..,i;e<n. ; , the final verdici, in f.v .>r 0! th • sm. i1 . ..'ui claimant w hen a»t in pm... "ion of li.e pro h perty. , sth. Os explaining the lie. re! Lv e to u i nesses ami subpoenas, so as to <!■ cl ire that; parties shall not eontimm tin iri as. s for ab- 1 cencc of awitnes-, mil ss tiie witoi'.-s -li.di j have removed within .5 days bi'me Conn, except the knowh dge of w ilne-s male rial shall have come to the party 's knowl edge within that tire. 6th. Os ami iidm;. 11 i’ law in regard to appeals, so as to com, I 17 v- co tors -md Ad ministrators to give b lid -nd - < ili'Ly wlr n they repeal from verdir;., :.g..itist Liam ; 1 favor of heirs w!io su • for ::ie;r I , rci or ( distributive shares. 7th. Os declaring it laifd for p! it.iifT, who may r cover in a. timi- •'•.nt x..0.i u tor» or Admini'ir ilor- vlio p '-,i | t.d viy. <>r fail to plearl entirely, t • »i.!>i j •! p-m. .it.. ■>- gainst each Executor an I '. I ii'iii tr nor al ternately, (ir»t (■> be I", i I tp<;n til" good '.i , the deceased, if to be foirid, it’ m-t, then ; upon the indivi< pi 'jjerty o( Lie Ixxcc- Igors and Adr.iiui trator-. On motion Al 'ssrs. II :rris »>! A< '.vton and ■ Drysdale were mid; d to the Committee 0:1 Public Education and I ice S hoo.s—and p Mr. Clark of I'all, to the Committee on ;, Finance. Sa/urduj. Nwcmbir 19. Mr. Cleveland, from the select Lmmm’t I,_ | ported a bill to lay off the State into uiue e ■- 1 lonal Districts. To authorize I .aac Wliartnn ::n I George K<*l - establish a ferry the Coobawa! tee ri ver. • MU-i.y U. I U.uu <h 1.. . h i 1 i;n* .. CampG ■ ... ■<■ -••mi'V.'. t | lo l; , (1 of v ( i ‘ ■ '••' I m.t. i,:’ •.n’’ ' •’ * ::"x. '■■■" '• >' ‘mb. tv ■ ■ ' a.'. t.<> 1 th ■ Cu.uiii:;. . -' ' ‘ 11 n uif 'li? « iiccuir I ■ nt c. t.i.. c’ul.iti •. and tlic ptt.xhuse bv ’■ 1 ‘ v. vi amit'iui*; 1 oi copies. At I. o < •:<>< k th? J.mi eu s joiiied l y the *•” 1 P <: 'ii t > the electi »n i f certain 1.1. jih. t .«. ils noticed elsewhere—after 1 v. Ii .I: th Scii.ite vv iihdn w, and the Hoilo ad i'.U.'ll- <l. Mi Speaker Dvr, on 'r tod lv 1,4 took occ-i --'OI 10 iv 1; :h due (o !\«n. !f Vr. ris, of D, lw in. t ;at i e s'i it I *ta<e to the 11 > ' t the 11 :,i ' . , .... .ie 1 ' ■ i i'i.‘JU' D 1 r\ <\) hUHrcc $ ‘.‘’.ll hi; ■»i i- g n?J tl.'.r:. Ji.hl i ('» 11 act J <it ;li J bj h u jU< .g /a (li ft rar. A mcssagi iran.mining the aecotmt of ’ Mv. -i-' Bri'bane and tVoite for u 1 vices and cvpi'ii’i's as -. ngmeeri, and asking an appro r alioa fur toe s un' . A message 1.1 lepiy to a call for the sir. nLlh oi’tlie iinliiri, t e number ami h>- catioaol'the pi.bite arms, eke.—t.m-mit ling a si in mi-iit of the nmii.a, ( limipady ■ ken liom h uiras <d !ast yi..i—.if rrmu ’<> the ii'pm .s of' ||;e inilitm'V sioreke. |hts for lhe number 01 tiie arms—t-mi as to their loe ton, ud'ei'iiiiii .■ lhe Li'tisiaiuie, ;t --lxit:i Ji’.ii stand tne in Ci-mml ;.s, am. the b l.tneoe I'.ose Used m ilint viiinitv »e>. .'t in to the I S. .its.‘mil in Alaminm to he repair, d—SCO si >ll.l, v. ith lhe a Coll in meins, arc il C i.eroki < , and lie i.iilance . to ilia n tutu vi eslvi n counties <.f tl;.- S.nte. A mess.'.ge cntnmunictiting the iisiigiia- ' 1 0.-i < ! .‘. all C<e. . bl.i tiir, <.■<• bill itiv ision G. Al. Pelditms 1 res: nt<d. .«Ir. Strickland : '1 lie petition of John A i.s. n. Mr. Colbeit ; Ofsntm’iy eiiirans of U - son and C a., lut'd, on lite siilject ci ill. B.t t.iiiic pra< ti< e. Mi. Ai'L'mit’dil : T.;< m inmial of’ sna il y Citizens ot Darien, and a p. id. n < f ;h ; . -i;.l kiudiicrs, against tiie r< im.v al < fth*. La -1 it ti B ;nk. Mr. Fiuuraov : For the reliefof 'A m. Cox. 1 lie House adjourned till Monday mor ning. Mr. Dav is, ot E bert, inlroduct (I into 1! e House of Representatives, the folM.ving resolutions : A aer< as, n m ijority ol tiie R >p;'e-e,iia lives from ibis St ile, i> the Congress of the L.iitcd Slates, have tmcouiiii ualiy pledged tiu’iiis.'lv es in cise the eiec.tiim oi Brtsidfiil sicmid upon th t b ulv 10 siipp'nt tiie cun il l it? for P e-id 'nt, iv./i should receive th • vote of G -or r ia ; an i, w iicreas, liw peo.iie have given a decided majority io Hugh L. V/.iite, of L’ciiii tssee, fur tiiat office : Be it liter, J'i.rc Resdrc J ly Re Scra/e and Haitse cj R<prcscidalites tj il, biuk t J (reorit'ia in (t neral alsse-atL: ij nat 1 ’J ini m.r Representatives in Cnignss are dis-' tinctly pledged 10, and iiisirmted by tin people to vole forHugii Ij. V. iiite, for Pre sident without any alternative, and that 1 they cannot disobey tiiis deliberate ami clearly t xpre-sed will ol their coiisliitieut', on a particular and definite stiiije. i, without ■4 rn iiincst <>l liicir own vjlui.t u > p!ed<e, and an niter aband oi* ihc ! ijFJoit and fundamental prio ipLs of' coa>litUL’iit instruction, so de«?jdy iuierivo ven with our R. pul iiean Institutions. And wm icas, ihn wishes of the people <4 ! Georgia have been alike clearly cxpiessiik in til oral John Ty ler, of Virginia, to -1 u < President, over 1 r.uiris Granger, VViliimn bad.h and iiii hard AL Johnson, the oppos ing l andidates for that office. Ami whereas, said election for Mice Pre- ' si-ieiit is likely to devolve upon tiie S mate oi the United States, Be it therejure resolved, That our Sen ators be, and they are hereby instructed to vote for John Tyler. Be it J'urtiier resole d, That his Exi tl tency tin-G .vernoro! Georgia be icigiest rd to transmit a copy id' the last aforesaid Preamble ami Resolutions relative to the ’ '•hition ol v ice President, to each 01 our Senators in Congress. VR. iTeALLISTEU’S RESOLL'TIOXS. SuuniiHcd in. lhe S male on Saluroai/ the 19. h insl. an I ordered io be printed. ; A hvreas, the election 01 President oi the Uiiitid States miv be transferred from the I ultimate tribun I —the peoph—t > th<- . ii iii'i'ol’ Represent .lives ; and, wii< re..s tie; i.i.-ction of 'vViiiiatn Hcnrv ii irris oi to the Presidency is .in event to e de r re-I ca ed by < Veiy Reptildicmi, ai dit< 01 siili - nulled, to be deplored by every Souti.e n I matl ; and, wiiri i as, the <pi< slion of bis <.dec- ; ti "I iia» never been stibl’iltle i to lhe pea, le i ol G 'oriri 1, ami it is b'dieved, if the same ■ •vi re stiiimitted it would fie answered by a di;ci<led negative : And vv'iereas, alth ititih a majority of the ;i‘'opl • ol this S.-tle have given their sui in favor of lhe lion. I! 1 h L. tVhiie, W"; 1 Ii siiffr igi's were not given will; a view I !Ot’> ell'Clioil of Vl'i.ii 1,11 ! I II .'V li'tli-.011. Beit th.rejore r'-sd.vid, lye. That in <•; -c the eh <-ii,,i ( Pn-sidcnt ol the Unit'"! h't'itcs sh.dl (!• velve cpoll the House id •I or' simtmiv 1 s tirii our Rcpre.-eiiialiv es :n 'i 'll body tie. ami they are iicri-iiy reqm s-; t‘<! m 1 i> event to vide for William il my j I! ii ri on. lie it j/urHnr resolved, f-c. That our Re- ; • re-ent uiv es in Ci ngri.-s be ti (piestml imt j to mge the i h.ims of the Hou. liuuth L. | •'• nite in ti nt liudv, if, by so doing, th< i emclion ol William Henry Ilairtson is to i Ir. e five ted. MIL BOND’S RESOLUTION’S. ’vViicreas, during tiie la-t session of Con gress various petitions were submitted to : and reci ived by tiiat bodv, baving for tin ir 1 object ti e abolition of slaverv within the 1 n irt of Columbia ; ami w hen as v- j( ; ~, I optniuns exist in relation to the .:. t., 1 r em,« Sß a. i' Tem J and, sir.r.,re it mav seem, itlltil diversity ol opinion wa, found even jmnorgthc Delegates from this State, ami j wc believing the peiiod has aniveit j when n' 1 ”’lv Georgia, but the whole I S u u -.mid pi :' 'it an mid.v ttk tl fri in . p■ I dll' idl . ilia MH jv, t. /> /7 r /: r,.v. r dll,' he S. nah a d . ‘ y! f. re. matins < f the Shit- tt j .'..A. I. - h I■> ti- ! 't, limit 1 tlm Const ini : ' ti-to ia' 11. 1 u ,t!i 5'..,, . x j|, || !t . u,,. ■ tr.i t 1 4 '. oi' nd;; 1„r ;>cv wla re else, vv itiiiu 'h •ii > its .of the ' it ■! States. dl. J. dr d, T.': it Cougrtss Ims 110 ri.lit j . nemve any pi-titions whatever, , i.i i witlitii ( oiislitutmiinl sphere of it ! action. o . li. e. (red, 'I fiat Congress, in receiv ing petitions for the abolition of'shivery in the Listre t of Coltimliia, violated the spi lit of the Constitutiim, and that the mem -1 ers from Georgia who voted for the recep (:(>•: l>v lb it body , grm.-ly Leirayed lhe in-1 Ln st of' lir lo.i.tiimiits. •, • ‘ •• "'V> • < _ '• < ; .L o “’A. s,v , Si.aj.'*siAfc ’ I ,s " ’ ” I" ■' d ’-a:.Av’ -.1 itieiL 1 ■' 'd !i,e I ninnart our fronds,and it»\ f Rf lHh 3, mil t HfHlicS.” 'M m r, ij; Nov. 23. fDtvl AND GLORY !!! -i’HE liEH B- LiC IS S .EE ! Hi people hue jirnveil til ■ uselves true to! llicii best pri.i i ?! es. a tll | their de.u e»t intert.ts. ‘ "■ £i:ir.,i, tl:,. aide .iirl eulightilied ’ si.He.'inn 11. toe s uiiid ilemoertit and unwavering ' i' lt.iol, i., e ectcd Jlii.-i .n*gistrate oi' the I niltd i ■ S.ates nf Ame.Ka. A „i- it -in.i .! a amig camtihuitimi is l.rokan up ■ I sl ' tU'.o lot I I. l- lils.m ban .ism. t.ui.'ii in and j 41. 11. '.l.i. di . .Iv'.'.l. by the Item vim., and : ’ iai.''h eiu m’l lejieopii.. N'm is time ie.s I ‘an to r'j.iii; , ;i|.t l.ii; gen and -lore., g j ’ «m I '!i a.:s tu.ever . xtm.,iih,! l cd lb? tiie of null t < ... hi a. 1.. e cm. ae. I upon a [x'limiiKiit basis,; iiJCU” K <>• ilii 11 govern. ine Cout '-tiiis been 0;).; of’uncommon efibrt; an.l H.ip'iiade.ed asperity. Tiie opposition lime 'P ii. du . . (ll ,ias to m, .lea I th? ] witl, and I eautron! ui ■ pual.c v.uce. F.i.-on, witii her mil , li.'u.,. h.c. gone lot Ifimto die content dele,'mined to 1 '■■it g'.'.'J n ojHui.iu;. from ••.j// eo./s „f p ep/e, , re„,u tk-as of wl; .1 it miyiit cost. The black I •?oc , i,.e p .riy h ue m o ,?.i tile spirits of Ailams; ..ti, 'iiuia.on, r> come up and pie«d in tbeir uc-1 aii. 1n: in ilf pa'ty iiave appealed to the sor-i aid and .'.-Itisli p <» ~.>f ,„e lt , to aid th< min the I gran 1 c, is l ie .ig iri -t ih purest p. iueiplus of re- ! p ..oic in iia iky. ilu tinilitieis have sounded I liicir I ist t u.npet. and r Id -d dr ir I st inau to tlia conliiit fp. a oaii nests too have walked' .mi' i.ii,‘• a ianli in oue u.ind, and a svvcrJ hl til mile;--’ A l All :11 I'.e been upon tile iield. an I ill arc vin j i..ha 1. isi ii eth'm.hi >? i ih? .?:hi:,*t between Mr. .f ; f- I ron.n I <4 1.-? A tins, no r?ptml,c.iu can. j. | a it.-iris e.iro.ia'a .':.i sii ‘1 a loaibiii.cmu. The j c hi es.s bct'.v.-oil -Ir. .ha.iisou and Mr. Aioiiroc,t.n : ' ti: ir opponents, vve.'e n I'Jiiu ; in comparison vvidi j tbi., imr h'.d Gel. Jackson at any peno.l of his career, u.h m d.ifai iou., powerful ami d ! m i.e.'i.d; I > eneoent. r—liutail is well. Vi -li ivo a pc.- ss.’ -at who is pledged to carry I oit :h.- in‘ i'll'es of tho present adnmmt aliou, : a'l.l th it is eiunvii ; forth.' m ;ii who treads i.i th ■ la 4-step, i I Axdiu.w .lacksox, will by al w ly.'.stisl iued bihiie Americiiii p. cp'c. Ja". el'c.iint ot Mr. Van Buren, the U. S. an.'s is cut oil ,ro:» ns List hope oi power and 1 d. imtioa. Tm- ; i., of ine trade ..nd <qu .1 | l'ix?.ii.i:i. iniy Lok mid to a of’ loose oimrous ami o ’u.o . i .us bu.-d.-us which t ey i h ive l> >: i:e so long. The friends of the con-li.u tion a a! the .ini in c:i i now exclaim w ilh pride and ■ • e. itiw i, 'thj,tmlui in. it mult I t prestrviit." I t ae imuliliun laiic 1..- has burst, and die inccn- j diary, with his i.iiplcmcuts of l ioo'l mid devasta [' ti hi, wdl he ..I; i . i n b < k to his niirky den. J hese are rcsalrs u iiieii v. ill cc t dniy llow fr< ni 1 the success ol ,’lr Via Bur. ti, and wnich caiiiiot I ; t. 1 1 ui.'.eit'.c ihe I: >ppi:ie s s and prosperity <.f too ■ p'.'cple, and ialMe new life i.ti I energy ' oiiigieit and growing rep.i die. ft will plant our five iiismumm. upon bro.a.ier ai.d deeper fminda- u. at.. while it arioids tue mast striding evidence oi thee t,ia. i y of the people to govern and tojadge ior them-.eivvs. 1 Lpoii reviewing the progress of the late Presi- . uen.i .1 e'uii|,a;;;n. we caiuio withhold theexpres- , soul of our regict. at the course of judge Whit-?. He had oeen lae devoted and confidcniial friend of i Gem .I ic.;s in, though evil mid through good re- 1 port. He ti ;<l itooii zeaiouJv mill lirnily by his i si lo i i i■ gi ;.r with the i.-iuk, mid sup- ' p i.'1.'.l .'ma, to ih: .ii n in al! ins measures Io ; , <].'-if 4.e ex .4 .inat oi S'i t'ariiiiiii produced oy th? ni.ut <uii.ut;.hi ei .imm G Calnb.ili- j 1 ‘■JtmuiLiv Procl iimuion and all; and just it th : inoai nt, win the pa me voice had given it-, sin timi i » all,e measures, that he should , ii.ive yi-'l ied to the avenue.,s of men, between i whom in ILi ns li’, th re was neither sympnthv I nor c'linniuuity of fi e'i.ig or principle, affords a ■ trik ii? ilimtratioii of the frailly of hum a nature, atid will, we hare no doubt, be a source of infi ll, I? s urow to Judge \\ iiite during the riuuiant of hi life. .’t v d;'’a I. so >u iff ir hit n i.a’: tti ri. t'm ' • • • 1 • io'.. *A!i > were in.*!"' m ‘iKa! in putting him up, , ,• ;i . not <•'• ct l’..n if y could. ;m ; | could not, < y wc:i I. .’nil t'j i i|v .ole object of lumiing 1 tnji'a >. to <;i i -.d and di > i it* tiie republican par- ' .y, aato meet a polmcal cminge tit some of ti e .Sothern ."Maims. I. i- was if'i’tl prediction, is now m .tier of his- 1 tory. J.'iic tion is over, an I where is Judge ' vA’bite ? Van 1 tin nis < lect'.d—-and llmrisou die ni'.ii-icikraml ab-litioinst, lias !;c:.teii him all In .cor'd t. mmy st ..I,nr union men have v<>- ti 4 i ir Ju l,'e Whi a. fr > n a belief that lie steoii a i in <'.'.a r e to be < lee ■ 1, but they must now he I co :vim-e I, th u lhe main ol>;cet of the iiiillificrs in I running him tie., . was to h.-.-al; up the unimy ], :n --| ty. But in ih it t!i.-y h ive f nl. .1, and t'., c rcstdr <4 I ,ho '■ 1 sati , t . ()Uflili | - u •• the v m.h: I > iii’L j)! (m ;, s pa- I , MR. M’ALLISTER’S RESOLUTIONS. Wo publish m-ila v the Resolutions oflcn d in i th'? Tc by Al". M’.vllister, of Ciiuthiiin, rc (pies ing ourii '."Hidoii in Congress, not to vote for General Harrison for the presidency, under ; any circumstance*. T■ 3 t. 1 U’’ f> t 1 n » n ori ht v i v Je S7 £ 1 V ii AH ili 5!: ' 1 \.2 1 L 1 IX it (■' t'i • i Atlhotime h e ;1? .'.Jmi ms were iiilnuluc el, v.-itmik it f< rg. aa;, d, they would rereive ! tiie unanimous vote of the iScnai;-, but in this expvi liii ion we have been disappoint! d. They 1 have met the derided <i| pi .liiun of th • Niiliii:- ''••’■■, •’•i l after having tmd.:r ' >no two days dis , cussio;i, were I ini over on Tn? .day, for further 'lobate on ycsti rdav, vv h ch had not closed when , our p iper went to press. If there is a man in Georgia, who would be willing to sic General Harrison elected, we j should like to know him, or ii there is one, who is not willing, yea, anxious to throw every ob stacle in lhe way of his success, the people should know liini. General Harrison is a I lack cockade feder- . alisi—<i tari.i man—a ba:.:; man, and an aboli tionist, and if he has friends in Georgia, the I sooner tliev are km vvn, il. • bciter. j Although there has lie* n much opposition to the Resolution*, and a strong desire manifestc-d J by the opposition to lay them o« the table, or in i some way to slave off a direct vote, yet vve cher ish the expectation, test when it comes to tl;o yeas and nay s, they wdi !>t> carria I mianinimisly. We si.all give the re:clt hi our next. Since the above was in type, tile vote was tu- I ken upon tiie resolution.", and carried bv a ma- i joriiy of fu’ieen -yeas 4S—nays S3—Those] who voted in the Aflirm.i’ive are Messrs—Ba-| I ker, Beall,oi ( arroll, i‘i-;:ll,ol'Wilk..'iiKon, Biack- ! i man, iiiaceweil, Bush, Butt, Cochran, Cone, j ! Conyers, Cooper, Dnnagm:, E'dinls. ol’Coweta, I Fari«s, • reemim, Gil.son, .' uesl In.-- ; i ris, i lohnes, of Baker, liol an , -.if Eitl v, .1 nd - i ; inys, Johnson, Kiny, of Crawford, King, <> I : Eavette, gent, L’-ld. I, AlcAliister, I j M'.'Comiell, I* Leo.i, Al i/'. u a:;, Alus. iv, Pike, I I I’ovvell, oi Talbot, Room Rohsi n, Rooi-rs, j l Safibid, Smith of Floyd, Smith, of Ila iiei'skim, i | Those who voted in the .V?-itive,a;'<‘ M-s-rs.; Avery. Boml, Cowart, Curry, i'lov d,oi’ulargai:,; j Floyd, of Neitcn, Good', Gresbam, Green. | ' Hardeman, Hines, of Bryan, h'im s, of i/ibertv,! ’ Heard, Hopkins, Hudson, luji' im, Jam?;., La-| i mar, Lawlion, Lawson, Mitcbell, of B i dwin, | Mitchell, ot Clarke, I’ovvell,ol filetutosh, Hees", ■ 1 Reynolds, S- oar, Stap’o'o", ai'kioo, Sitrren : cy, Walthour, \\ lii’e, Willi, my, Wright. MR. D < IS’ :: ■ , •_ j Mr. Davis of Elbert, lus laid before the'; I House a string of R •<)! :.; ms i:p?n the sal; je'ct! lot tiie rosideutial elociion, which will be, found j ! in another colutmi, Imt as no action has yet been I |,a'l upon them, we make mi comment at ]>;■<■- ! sent. * \\ c slmll probably speak oflhem lit reafter. ii.' obil’ar i'. i DIED at his resdi.'i'ce at . ,’ Lion Iliin i cock comitv oil the ci) lit of ihe il/ih V r. , 'A II.rA ALEE '* of a prot: n't?d, but violent r.t --i in k of tißrvutis fevei'.iu fifty .kxth Tea s i f his I ate, 'lr. Xlli'ii was a uaiiv..' of Warren coimry , No: th Carolina, Lilt has a worthy 'u:,l highly i i iC'pi-<'la'>!e ol tlii.. county for r,may yea::* I I pa-r. w: Ii moy n i e : r.lil dint lio w * an a.T.em>n- ' me Hn.l"iml, kind par. n*. and ; n hi'g nt mas er. j i Icavi'i;.- behin I him a win: an.l two child . n to i ' monrii their irreparable las*. ’•> sh"id I Im offering great vio'eiicc to the ■ , inoniorv of the ifoteaseil not to sav. th'.: apr re:'l and nob!-r feeiing never actirited li elm «.*;< I [liia'i't. and til-? liv; 'ie-4 1.. : .-. ■■ r- cl? ri- lied, I diat he has receive 1 a h?.ppy pa-sport to cterua' ' bliss. On Sttn l i.'svei'iiig the 23.1 October lest, nt • h-r c-LTii "? in Air" ';: eoim y Georgia, Mrs N’.NCV IBEC'IOM >H ,in her 7<lt!i year, af ter a few days iiim- a. Mis. Ab.i'c-romm- h d i b.-en a worth ' mcmi.-r of th- B::;?ist Cllm-ch, [ ior upwards of thirty years ; she. Ins L it man', I relmions at: I friends to mourn her loss—; he was a goo.! neighbor, an ai.cctimiaic me.her mi;! i.i. d ! mistress. j < J£V: BP ES . KN ELLA .ND &■ Co.‘-omi'iue to trim--: act WARE HOL’.SE AND COAL ! N- 1 r-UJA Bl■ .**lNr.St",at ihejorinm' -t.i. d■>*. ,*■ Williams & Woo'soy. ’Ti.ey feel grateful lor. [last, ami solicit a c.mtim:. tmn ofpidd:C|>a';rn age. Tiiesafety of their building im iinst FIRE, ' tli. y can recommend wi ll coiiii-lc.'.ri; their charges are low, aw! every excruon shall I c used to promo o the interest c.!' wim i.iav favor them with business. advan ces in l ie on pio lnce in store. (Cy* The Macon Messenger, Alilledgeviil.. 1 Siaiidm'd of Union, an ! ih? CMiimbits Sentinel ■ will insert the above for two momlis, and for ward their accounts to S. K. & Co. Augii'ta Nov. 24. 2m—44- ■' ’ag . FOR MESSRS. S. &, Al. ALLEN. FTifIHE undersigned will generally bn a pur- ■ _EL chaser of bills on London and on Paris, i ' Buy and sell drafts mid < iu-cks on tiie n i"di I ' &C. ’ _ D. PONCE, i; Stocks win be ptu'chased and sold on com- ! mission. Paper from any part of tiie United i .States will be received lur collection, if made : payable at either of the b: liks in Georgia or South Carolina. Orders for the purchase of: Northern feiHs will he earefuilv mid prompt-! Jy consignments of Cotton will lie ! thankfully received with an assurance of liest exertions to render s.trisfactory ■■.des. Savannah, 31st October, 1R36. (IJ*The A iHist i C'm-,tit"t’ ri.dist, M’llerlge ville Standard of Uni m, and 51 n on Ti-legr >i»h I will insert the above f.»r one month, am! render ! their accounts to the Georgian o‘lico for pay- ! ment. ' Nov. 24. Im—44. . fir DO hm-cliy ewiti-m all person; from trailing !' fm one proniisory uoie of*!: nd, given by in; s< Ii ’to . I ames Hu-ggmi <»• fim.rer, dited some ; lime in July or Augu-t. liTi, if I mistake ooi, for ' one huii'li'.c ami eigety ddlars, as I -. m deter- ' mined not io pay said note iml.l <.maipeliml bv ! law, as ih': consideiati >u fur vvhtcli it was given ' has. or is likely to fail, this l.sth Nov. IS.'jtl. h Also, eight hundred dollars made payable to Douglas’A . Odum, or bearer ns lidlow s v iz. :If I misthke not, tlrco bundled dollars due the first ! day of Jauuafy 1".J7, in ;• .'!, <-aeli note; one note for three hundred dollars, due the firfi day of .Itui. I S - —one note for two lnm li; (l dollars, due lhe first day of .lanuary, 15:,9, dated July'2o:h, JSfk'i as well as 1 recollect. ' FREDERICK A?*’l'/-’RS i __ TAJ i-eggy Tosey x Libel f„rDiy „ree in Im- Timku,.- r -. ( < mart I .< L t oscy, y • eptomber ici in 4836. I 'f '.ppearing to diet o art from lie virtue of lhe I .'lieritl the Defimdant is nm to be found m tiie I . oiaily of DeKalb, am! it further appearing to the court that the Defend ml has no settled resi'ence n the State of Georgia v>h; u the Oidinary pro cess of Law can be served on him. It is tlieicfmc ordered liy the ('ourt, that the aid Pinckney ( i’oscy, do appear at the ne'.t erm of this cotirt, ami an.wcr to the above stated a .c, am! tiiat ervii e. be perfect. <1 !>y the publ'i a inll of thi.'i'u; ■ in one of tin pa'clie < i..... ;i..i.( tins 't de once a tniatr.h I'm ticae ino.chs rr ">i "is to -aid i-mirt. A true copy from the minutes of the court Sept ember Term ... ....•< , 4 * 'k. . ' "x.’illE .Subscriber mo,: re-pectfidly asks the ; _LdL indulgence in tics way, to make known to tti.-i itiz;? isaml strati.■<:;> nov.’in MT.edgc-vil'e, awl its vicinity, Imsiiiteinnm to remain inashi rt ' i time in the city, i.i his professional capacity. I lie Ims trkcii a very e< nveuiimi room on Jes • ! f'erson Sneer, iu tioiil of tin* Capitol, whore he , will with plea- ire, v. lit the comm mil. ot Ladies and G uiileimm, at all limns of the day, who may please to give him a call. For the informaiio;i of those who are not ac ' qnainted with his p."i»fe:s<ii):;:ilskill, he will state, > that lie lias commendatory letters from the prin cipal officers of state —The Medical Society ol Augusta, and professors of the Aledical College .if Gem ja; hmany from private genlle meti of the first respectability. He repairs the mouth in every possible situa tion,an 1 w.uran’.s Lis O'H'l'dt ions. E. OSBORN, Operative Surgeon Dentist. j Nov.24—2t. A s I & 111 &JX fl It. H: ! WILLIAM sell LEA', Covemer cf said \ State. ! Lave received official infor- I matio i tiiat a murder was committed in I the county ifLaurens, in tiiis State, by JAMES j A. MERCER of the cetinty of Pulaski, upon ! :he body of Jarnos B. White, Am! it being I repn sentod to me the said James W. Met | cer fled from justice, I have thought proper to j issue this n?v Proclamation, hereby offering ti 1 reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS to I any poison or persons, who mav apprehesd : a I-I deliver the said J AAIES W. MERCER, to i :i:e Siierili or Jailor of said conniy, of Laurens, ! in order that ho mav be tried for lhe offence ! with which be stands charged. And Ido moie ! .-ivor charge and require all officers, civil and . m'Ltary in this State, to be vigilant in eiide.avor ‘ h:g : ) aimrehimd and <h ’iver him as aforesaid. i JAMES Vv. MERCER is represented to be j -■> years Os aye, about 6 foot high, dark hair, grey 1 eyes, and fair complexion. Given tinder my liai'd and the greai seal of the State, atthe Ci ohe] in M ide, the ISthdav of November, eighteen hun d.-'-.l and thirty-six, and of American in dependence tiie 51st. By the Governor. WILL! \M SCHLEY. WILLIAW A. TEX’XiLLE, Std.'V (if St ite. Nov. 22-2:. 'iff ' -’Gt'O Li* i' j N'j j'W » f .'S ■ti’N a'iditiim to the above reward, I will give any per.-on delivering to the Jailor in the ' .mntV'f La irons, the person of J GUES W. MERCER, tiie sum of .J 5 (>. JAMES YICKEBS. .The .'ldle kjev iile papers vv:!l give tiie above i 2 ins. rtions. - ——.— j 'isyisti’E'stiiA iieJisA Siwstse. fj?X '' ■' ‘ s'.d'.'C. i.ier I, ... -i ■< ;i. d a l.ou ,e i.f this de- | ..s'v. s, : iptmn on the Nortii A est of the Mu unit ! < n vGiyue street, whir, he will at all times I , fu;m h t te s, 1> ii i.i s,&<• and a? a; iely of oilier i I things lhe maiket iisumiy aimins. iie invites bis i Irn n !s ;m I lhe [ id !:<• to give him a c».IL i Nov. 17—id 3-t >.'i ALTER JONES. r;plIE J iCKSGN ACADEMY «ill go into ■ -D- operit.on Hie n,u:ng year, uad r lhe ' ••• '• •*■ i ~ * ■.x< e and I. Aar, ; id ln;.mly :■ i i•.<.- * *• 1 : <p- imii-.dous. l.avmg tj.e ad- | a i'u n.i. ,d. and .<■:r. hi. 4 and . ; I’ Apparmus, llxv w di be able to give] I thmouiih insti ueii ii in all the brandies of libera) ' i-'.'U'-aii-.u- i’ mti.-i- and 'hi Fine Arts will bet tuglil ; ! als - tb.e I.otin ,md Greek Languages. , 'il:e lughly i-?;utable character of Mr. and! • : io i e. as teachers, cannot fail to elicit iur the mstiiiition a liberal patronage, and to place i. iu point m'cel. brity, at Fast, upiu; a level with j I any similar institution in the State. 1 The moral an Ih? iltliv condition of the village < J wdl afimd an a I i.rimril indu'-emeut to parents mid fpiai'iiimis (rem abroad to send their cl.ildien ; ; lor me ai'coaiaio.l'ilicn of vvhorn boaiiliug may be ii" !. cither in private famdies er at te.ruiar ' i'Oaidiug house, tit the most reduced pri<-**s. ' ’ WJLEY Vv. G V.Ti'F.R, •S'f c'y. ttu.i rd o f 7'rtwf ' p ; ! , 42 vv flit :i n-.r” 'u.' "'irberu Mcrie'der,ville, will 1 ii rt the above v. ( k’y until! :!• - Ist Jmmtiry, and 1 mI ih... account.— A/acvi. 'l'eiegriryh. "X TU’’’S' K "X Z\ f‘RI ' I• 1,1. to an tlrdi-i of the Tnferio -LiSu Ceurt i f r. am u county when silting lor ordinary purposes. >\ iliii:: -Td on ih? first Tin-. day in Janury ,nex at ihet.'imrl I 'oust- door in Warrenton. Warri'H comity, wi t.,i: th-1,}:.! hours of sale, the lauds and mgr,' liilimging to itubert Walt'-n, lam of, ;:rr* ii county d. emisi-tnig of 76 acres! of land lying on the waters of Middle Creek, join ing hu.-ds <>f tsco’t Haruiii. rmd Joy.—One Negro ! man bub -ilm.nt 65 y t ar.-; of age, also, one named I h.iis iiLimt 70 years of age. oue negro girl named A'leiine 1.1 years of m e. ALm, will be said in th-? town of Carnesville | raid.hii eiainiy; at the Court Imus.) door on the I first i t'esih-iv hl March next, one track ol laud .iniug 2874 acies lying in Cobb Creek.—All j sold or lb.-I.miefit of tiie heirs and creditors of said dc<eased SE WORN DOZfER, Adm’r. 1 Warren cotri.y, Nov. B—IS. aI. 1 — I I ___ jrT _ 1 l’ ■ ? i nr “ ’Kf.r] v<7 V. h.iili iiOOVIS. ~nT HAVE found my premises 313, am’2oßroad- JJL st., too small and mconveaieut to allbid m»- customei's fiir opportunity of examining they purchase, ami have therefore rS’ilMei'rfM? to the coiner of Broad an.! Campbell-s'.rect last ■ occupied ly George D. 'Uunibs, >■■. ( > j Beitnoch &( MRlenzii's old stanfe v p,...., j g |j al | con-m,.illy k<-:-p on li.nul a lai-' . eut> ral i.s-i sortim-nt of plain f.l hion.'.l-j„ b’nr.jitiire. Families v. i-ihing to P' , . t . c |' l me, [ ,j V e only to ca! onjliesi.h ci:l>ei, to .’ iOS(1 advantageously. ll.—Orders i:' j( ed fiom the North at shortest notice. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Nov ;o. ti—l 3. eVT] LL be sold on th? first Tuesday in Deccin- V v bei 11 "'t i t I’l ■ Court luma: door in the ! town of Harifoi'il Pulaski county, between the lisim! hours of ale, the follow ing property to wit: tltv- lot ol him F, ing in lhe 2!)'li District, former ly Wilkinson now Pulaski comity, known by No. two liumlic.l an ! eighty-one (281) levied on as the property of •’■clmmm Wilson, to satisfy a fifa m 1 vo,' oi' .fames Russel. A!-;» one half lot of lamL’ying iu the 21st dis trict of originally Wilkinson now Pulaski county kimunby one hundred mu! ihirty-imie, (io9) lov i; d 0:1 as the proporly of Thomas B. Cooki'v, lo satisfy two small lifas in favor of M'illiam Win galo- Also one twelfth part of a lot No. (263) in 'he I fil'-ei-alh di-tru t of ibrmcrmly V ilkinsi n imw Pu :l ki count;- 1.-' ied <m ■■ ::<i- | i-opei';'of Tlmnit.s Bop ■to -i .ti-d'.- iif.i in f.vor oi'imon Bishop, le.i iu on ami rot,-..; m >1 Lv > <• 'n -t.ihlo. WILEY HOLDER, tliilT. Nov. S 4 fi i-i ji.'.x.jG, 'i. _ ij I the Grant Jury of ea.i.i.y, ut lilt > duty a:ijuu.nml iota. ; jmy, by, have t'*iiiiiiii,y c.;v vu ie.,, vi .lie •>*.<>.<. I ... .110 OUICL'J <J; U jJ ClUll.S Ol me ..JU. /G 1...1 ill. <••!<,! Coans, ulla U1C(11 r. uia.l, ...... j ‘Vvii kcp. so on a< l.m pre.>umvio. .\... sv.xi,.l; a. I mdliy MoCUlWiioU, uuu ctm.m.a casus i.aVi: Uui ucen htmi'wd, v.mcfi siimdu Lava- wu avm. UJ previous clerks, a l)u ot tl.o books Lave ' no mdox, It is respcctiui.y rcuiutiutiiLcif io ii-e Inferior Couii to nave un» (.cuciuucy sup- By examination of the es'.ray book, it is dis covered that toe loauwmg ot prupcily lias been luffed anu uo re.ui i.s made ii.ereoii . John K. scoti, c,s p djui Uc., todi, uo Jolm if. Dyer, lino jury, ltdi, 120 Ulsuup Ciomva.s, Uu! vol. 100 Bisiiup Ciemeiils, 7ui isuv. ion, v>. Bai.ley AicCruiy, /ui uiy, ioo2, 1 u'u alter b. a»ma,?o.h .vu-uai, 1632, 6du JOllli iV. gj.I.UU, ’ j ;j (j„ K alter s. aem- ius, iuifa >< O v. lsa3, 4.» w James m,.j, i 0..,, boo,. ' Krai.Uey, iuuc, IcJvil, kuu., Aiaviu .xiukcy , til xXov. s do 0- Lh.rics i eiauuij, ltd.;, ov , Aaru® Jirutiih-y, vui vcp.'U, idwu, t> uu E, vi. iiUixr I,Hi, .tu 3 .a1, lOdu, Um u Auwuuting to t Viereeomnieud Ih.rl u« Im me- speedy co.lcuimu or smuemvm oi lite above aIxJU util. i lie books of tlm euevty treesursr, R. fi. Smim aave been ami compare w.t.i die VommcK, ~m IjUnJ culiuci, fv«?i., t j ,lO<l.auev- 111 ms li.i.ius uu; iO I iic CvUhlj </i c jitTGHiiuCud Ujut AtjuiiHrd T. Lingo. t<i> eoilccmr tor mu year rcu-*, Lu imunc. „y t.. k Luu.j troflur Geuci.d *■ 1< at.u oy du couu. ; Os, making 1U li.u aggregate: me »u..< u. ■r<o lu, a, ti;u mnoimi oi ln o iiu. j UI j tile purpose ul ,be cuLi.iy sue., losses, we suggest to our ltcp;v."tui..u•• <;s m Im prusciii l.egia ;imu, dn, cxpvui iuy *.t j iucu itij. .'Ueu a Uiu<i.Uc.rUvii oi u;e funs, mat luevolieet.. d siiuJJ uutnuiciice a o »p<x<my as i.rac.ieu.iie alic. ‘tie e.lgts, sljail ;iav e been euuipivxu uj lhe reuef- e find the jail i;j good condition, secure am! cx'uiiiy, amt ti.e atid cma,.u>i.ui« appim.* lu lie dmy luieliuLU cu. »>u ux .mmauuii of die bit poor seiijol fund, vie find mm. i'ljur I,l'igbi, uie i. to ilusiue has rcce't - red Joe sum u, IMa uu. Vve iiayu b? u aa.diju <u plociiit ji'um mm any vuuui.eis or smtvmeml ei dialiursii.ei a ana liivi'vi.a'u rcCvmm. uuvd itim ..uit .o be lumiuf d against mm lurmcciiti.vdy iy !, the properau.booties, in justite to oir‘. urigi.i i we r.-maiKfudi ye dm; j,;., papers wuic I iiabdud iu au v.ilcer appomteu lo supervise tiieia. .1114 lucy were by lost vr misplaced ; wi.i.u to ms possessiim « find mat die present trustee, R. H Smith | received lu.Apui 27, aud ti.a, $ i'7-i j I remain m me treasury u. the Cstaie of ilie same ] I luud uunrawu- ! vv ita regard to roads and bridges, we find that I ! some o.i mu smah bridges Oil Illa io<ul leading! j irom MiUedgeviiiu to lUuiM.Kuii.u, u.f '.vllieii ihu.m I . U 3 iiUOlpiHio a 1J UiO Ml Driti i Also, thujuiic i S<»kuj ip , tiir.GU”d Uhi O*ilvtii Ui'lCit, by a'j GI Jia.lur s —aunii i r*»s^ V ‘i uuu v*in. I'uUiLhiaK uversjcis. A so, tuat part of <u.-ru< d cm /UUljdge- V4lv to u iutucouiu.cih:\al,.-, .aU'L.j <iIJJ stills <IL JL’iUlil’iiUj b ---. *'. jMj I’.Ci - ., pari of the roa I lending lii.mi <>'iii , e(. n e ■ i-.e t» K.’ueme u’s n rry ivim.ii l uiimicuces at | to.mmrus quarter nuci ui.-.s at iue L-r. ixn Um m m •ui »Hu übg - --C .* ii i'i v 3 <\ i u.u..s»us’. I i Also, purl 0.l me ru.m leaumg ,i;>m aiyiL [ , tu ceotuou-ruu e> u >. tjeb cumimo-. e.v ... I tue f imiguu auu culls at J* arisb i- m ler • : ! .tiiil. Also the bridge over i’imi g week, cm the roai; leading trum mjiieGgei dJe m bruiuboiougli, lur wim 11 .m. Jo,mu i.i o iiam is c;.u,.-.k-tor. Also, tile road eoismivuciiig ai L>cu,«imii L»w ers and ending at ,u . outrict iu.e. _ Aisu, tue lo.idcumiiieiiciugiit .u:i.iw;;y ;;n.i end- ! lag .it Air. Geoige Levies’. We rucommemi io me inferior Cwart to.euforcc I promptly me laws .ig,.mst <4l ... i.mpL ut comim. j siimers, oversews aa.; cuuiri.iior... >. e recommend turn simsuintial ami cep iii.'ii j Ou, time posts be put up, .rn-.i tdat siga-bomus be , eicc.ed at tile ul ail loads. nt) reuumm. nd an aiteiatiou ul iue law in re ( lereuee tu die ..rd causes im: de ub u" impiis;>ume.H in tin: I'cmt. n iar for tbe >'.‘ll'o.l tli.n, as me law now js, me .end - is e bliged a> g<> m t;iai b.-ii’ie om. or <>;.,. , of t l peiil .Junes, o. e believe wiKil ibe li'at'.'.y <u , .citi •>! is 1 ‘.uucerued, the Imres. p;is.;ii,ie cliauce she t.Jd b al- j ■ lowed uiu .iccusud. aim liny, lu: .'Uouia ii.. ,au p- I pui tuiiiiy to maau a seiccuoii from liotli p (l t. ul . the pen. jury- _He may nicraoy avoid a t.>.. uy ; - , a jury, suuie of whom may be liyjaejm icu ; : ,or partiality, eiibu: 4>i 'vim u di quulincs a loan from p issing on t;ie rij,f>is orhbt rties us ais fu L.iw ci,i.,eu- it e request urn- senator ami repreatiiia- 1 livesiu the present isisg .0 -. m!eav..,r iu pro- ■ cure such an ..Iw.atmu ul tlm Lav Umt iile imjuct ceiiteuipJated may be obtained. e present ihoiuas Lee lur retailing spirituous < liquors .10 negroes on Sundays—witnesses James d ■dcCraiy, sen. O. L». lihl, J ~uies Hili, .Ucnj.miiu Lester, Jotm Kay, Joliu Stupiiens, Augustus xiiack aud Cbaries iiutchiusuu. ’ I > Wu present Jufau Kiikpatrick and Leonard Worsb m for an aunty iu the streets < f Milkuge vide, on 7th Nov. load witness J. .Vmi ii, BaradeilP. ritubbs, and iv iuiain V. iVlcGeliee. We reeommeud tu tiie present Legislature to rope il the law mtroduethm of slaves mto the .State for sale, as we cptni-der it, iu its present form, iuelileieut. ami tiiat it gives to those who aie reg-irdlvss ol the laws, mid possess sulli cieut mgenuity to evade them au opportunity to ' make heavy profits out of others who desiie cmi- ; ' scieuiioii'ly to obey them. In taking leave <n his honor Judge Poihill, we i tender Imn our thank's to.- his urbanity, anil to I Kichara O. Davidson, Esq. tiulicimr Gem.rid, om | approbation lor the prompt peribnnauce us th’: | duties of his' office. | ■ We request that these presetitineutsbe publish- ! ed in two ol the public Gazettes. 11. P. STUBBS,.For?iunu. • B. Scott, H’?;t. I r . lUcGc/iee % ‘-• I’'.viiis, Elisha Kinr, Jarrt-tt, lioTt E. ftcaehem'., ! 67<>rge liJieG elite, lite her af\ Eiaga, • i John fl. Osborne, Walt or Buncaii, j Ecwis Day, l-'ii id-ng Leaves, 1 Bartley McCrary, (itarge Lewis, j Boj. vi. IVhite, Borland, j jdurtz/iaxM Board, Joseph Siovail. - H. A. Scogin, i Nov. 2-ltU IN the election foe .li.-ilge us the Coweta Cir cuit. Mr. BAI DWIN was not a camlid -tc, ami so I iuformid his friends sometime Lt lore the balloting took place; and .1 am authorised to say that Mr. Baldwin is tmtcli graiitied to see tli tithe Legislature is deteriniiied to reward distinguished j ' Judicial talents, such as Judge Warner possesses. I MOSES MLBIMIY. Nov. 17—ff i JOHN IT. WRIGHT, DeasSiwa. ‘H’NFORMS the public that be. has on hand, at 1 _LI hisoinec. next door to Mes'i's. Cowles & pelt’s store, a qmmiit" of Wallace's I‘qlifi.riiisg Tooth Powder. This article is superior to nn? thing heretofore used on the teclb. \»'hm th y are free from calcnrums ni ittcr. by npplyiug tills I powdertwo ortliroo times n w ■ .4;, th? 1. . .:i tw eenies ri'r tit v-hrn’. mi lr. iimiu in -. bqiilt'.iy .■on Ini in. Opi'r.i'l’n 1o i l!i'T?"h tin I •,' u--,'i (••■■.f»,;< cd with c.t.e and p • up a r, aj ir-.t.t.d with th? strictest caadar. Nov 17—41-(f I L oamu lip;as 1 Libel fur‘‘Jia: »» ii': is. \ j’ikc F:i;>wiur < «, I Martin cuius. ) bmpt, 3 enu, 1656. ! S" i' ajipcariug (■> the cour t it the s.'iiii drl'eu- I-fcL ...i Itnot 1 evn sc v. ,i w.'Ji tlw nsu. i Ij.ue u,; .mi itapp'?;; mg .ski) cm'Hut h? Garni, lii- " ‘ rt n d ,-y the c.i.rt, th-t ■■ ? . '.'L"ir ;.t iha im? t It'i.p'-i ipr court, to l>>- he: m ’’“J j1 ' !'i'<': niy. <i; die !.-t .’ ttt Mr.rvi 1837, ! :md tlr-u :n? ihi-i'.') tip.wi'r tu tl.i' s'x.hvh -y i. \ni-1’ is m,d:;r u "'h-"ci by the c-oui. ti>»? ns-v-ra ■ h t.iis 1 1::«. be pe:-;.?< ted, by its bcirg j »hi; di> v! i>m <;;( inubtli, ior tbi'c-e tnoutlis, in one of trie public gaze-lies of ibis chat.'. A true extract from the minutes, (ith S<s».'.;<.ra b:-r1836. EGBERT B. DANiEL, c. »• Nov. I inlJm. , T if. di AM jsp 11 lE 1, (aeetnur oj said’ p '’•-*■ E LS, I have received official iufur- V a uidtion. that a niui'der was comittcl in tiii- cuuiily nt Gw iuiiett, in this Ef.iie. on the tl.-.ii miinio, upon tiie body of AiOSEo C'A.'tii-. ".y L'/tOinasJ. Chunibers. And jt being n-presc iitcm i.o ci«, t;c.t thes'dd J'hoinasJ. Chundtrs lias th <i ..oui jw tice. 1 have thought proper to issue this -ay, hereby offering a leward ol I'ico Hundred to any person or pc'sum; .vfio may apprehend ami deliver the sai l ‘J'liou.vr. ). Cl.nrr.rer.:, to the Slu-rifi or Jailprof said cotm y. I do m ireover charge and i-eqiihc all if’ictrs, civ d mid imljiqry. in this fttatc tu be vigi lant in i imeavpriiig to apprehend, and deliver • urn ns al'ii'csai j,; mde - that lie may be tried lor the efiepce with v.bii h he stands charged. 'i he s.'.id 'l'kumt.s J. ditm/iers, js about j»Oyear< ii - go. mii'dle size, |>:i;e eyes, fair ci uipli-xiim, --ibj tini'k h .ii-. h is a sear on one "f bis cheers, is mat ii given lo iit oxicalmt), and ir ><di Landed. Gi'mu iimler my Ikiikl aiid the Great Seal of t’.e St:>|e, at the U»;pilot it: Milledgevile, tlds, th; li ird d|iy of November Eighteen Ilriniriil and thirty-.ix, and of Aiiieiican ludpeudcut-e the •ixty-fiisi. WILLIAM SCHLEY, By tiie Governor Vt ILLIAM A- Te.miiille, Seedy of State, November 9, Mo—Ju 30i>0 SbfA’lHS UANfi OF AU<UL’STA STOCK, AT AUCTION. rS"SHE sale of the incieased Capital Stock cf t!;is Bank will be resinned in front ut the :.liming Ii -use. at 11 o’clock, on the tnmiiiiig of : < nesiiay, die 18lh Ji.uuary next, al which lime 'he Beaid ol Directors «ill offerat aiictioii the pri vtledge pfsubscribing i',r THREE THOUSAND d i-ti i a! shues. being lhe ha'mice of the increase -ii boriz■ <1 by de■ ( t of I g en. Lei', 1826. Hj order ol tiie Rpa d pf Djre -tins. ROBERT F. POE. Cashur, B?nk of Apgnstn, Nov. 15 h, J8:16. li.?' Tba S'tvmmah Georgian, Cbnrk-stmn i u. i r, S- utheni Recorder. Standard of Union, ’..eoigia Ji'.i: iiiij. Federal Union, Macon Messen ger, Adieu; Banner, mid Washington News, will "id.- kli iriis adveitiseme-ut once a week until the I I'.lth oi Jtuni.ary gild proscut their account* for | payment. ! •Mii'a-dgeviic, Nov. 24 45,« i ■’ Uajyilai Bt®elß. AM iu. IVERSON’ 1.. HARRIS. GENT at .Milledgeville-, of thp Georgia in- surmice snd Trust Con pany. wil! I:Ac l-To mid ilarine Insui-arne on the mo t r<,.s<iiial.l» :<:rii:s.‘ T R°'!AS S. NETCALF, pr»Tt. ?' si. T, Gupt,3. Secr’y. Direc’s's cf tkr Georgia Insvr'mre and Trust Cvm ptinTj, Ssreirler 4tk 18:.-J. I Samyrl rdule. Benjamin Ji, J't'arren, f)uri:i ivk Sr. Bti.'.ha Merton. : L Id.on jrf 1, Bdii'a.d Tiunnas, taceh Ju (die, James P. Stuart, " .l.’.nou Kntcland, Samuel il J’tclt, T/i.5 £’atf>>/re, J suae 'J'. Um rd, i'l ufunt Siernll, H i Ham JI. Morgan, Ir/emas Gonld, Harper C, Bryru i, '■>’ ■■? zl.Zm’i.i. John IT, Cowling, 1 nI ew .!. feiller, B J ward Tai: Ifoi d. So-.-j'— 44 Hkad Quarters, Macon Geo. ) Noveinbi-1- 14.h,8;il 6 y "§T \ 'U .S M KELLY r of Perry. Houston coun *.»'J ly, is h'.H'ji' y appointed AidLtle-Cmnp oi'the e.gliiii '-is’rii-t G. SI. whh the rmik of Major, ami will4>e respected accordingly. To fill the vacan cy "1 Major Joseph Bennet promoted. ■ L, L. GF.IFFIV Maj. Gen'l. Nov. 17—1-t Bth DiviTou G. M. I*4 il t-Z CrOOOSu ■jT ANE LUMPKIN &H AM MON D—l ß afklK -Emd-mn to their ext.-nsive mid splendid stoi-fe oP • -i i.m-l Vijutej Goods, are receiving aline Result meat of Tie i’ly Os-’dc mnutimcturtd in the best maimer, and avoiding o :he latest, fasiiious. Th-y h ,ve also just received a good supply of LIATS, 3JWOTS AND FiHOES, of '--very desci iptiou, »Inch they will still uh reason ilbiC tci’iUS, ALSO. A VARIETY OF Chcnertl Slsawis of t h® largest ssxe. Betides wlneh, their stock comprises article cf Staple and found in <’Uy ofher'est.i!Jis!imeiit. Their friends,aijd the pub* e. generally, ara iu-. cited to ca I. ns they are di-u-rmlned lo pveiy efi’u. t to g-vp y -neral satis,:actin. November 9, 43—it. G iIDRGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. A. fi BL'C examination of this Institution wil c-mnmeuee cm Wednesday, 28d lust, and con ' ame two days. Thecxaui’nmion in music, and the Cimecrt will boon th? afternoon and evening o l thc’lust day. Patents, teachers, apd friends are invited to b.< present, L. L WASTE. P.mcipel. 1 Nov. 10-2-45. j A for SssSr. “HT W i'..L sell n:y plantation on the waters o'" .M- Kogg Creek io Washington County, cogniy ing fix hundred raid twenty-eight acres-tbpit: tw>> aiid fifty cl< ared ami imeler tini-c with a good dwel ling mid cut houses. Gin house. Gin am! , gear. A libera! credit will be r iven—for ti tm i ■tpp'y to L. Augustus J'-rm-mn h'=q in Pr.nrler* vilie. , Tl:II.IP T. SCHLEY. Tolupilms, Nov. 11—44 3-t “E[NoL’>{. MONT> IS after date application w i ! .&? I c made to the Honorable the Inferior c-mi; t m .Imicoi k county, w hen sitting for oidinnry pr.. I poses; tor leave to sell lot -jf laud No. 138, in tii .- j ."?d di.miet of old, Leo m.w Stevrart county, it la - in; a part ot the real ",-.state of Edward B. Bro< it ing dccensed. and.,ot included in his last will m > testami ni, mid sold fur the benefit of the h<a. . of said :,ece4sC<l. REBECC \ A. BROOKING. Nov 17—44 Amr’x of the last will of dec-’o, I - 4£_C- 40---"'—.XL.''.;.-L-' ••■■:■•—rr ■< ‘pTIXECIJTOR’S SALE—WiII be sold «» Alli Wednesday the 28th of December m-x> ■ :he late ickdeni-n o: John vodnll det-enscd in > ’ K.alji all tlfb personal property of sm ’ 1 • Z 1. •!, except the negroes, cims-sling oi *?»».•-■ ■ 1'.’??,.; i ■ ~g:i f<e. On? s?t of Black mith I''' ■_ .• ; lv-.- ell - !bs| I Wa toti. —I'aL- to «'<mV j from Lav t‘J s mi 11 all is fold. Tc-ruw i- 1 : k "O'-.'n ■ i il.;: d.:v cf 1( JCILN HORDS. i' HASTEN D. PALME, . j Nov. 17 Exu.U'u.