Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, December 08, 1836, Image 4

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    Administrator’* Sale.
ON th* first Tuesday i> December nett,
will be sold before tire Ccmrt-houss door
«■ the town of Eatonton. Putnam County, be
tween the usual hour* of sal?,
A low of land,
foataining 202 J arras, known •* No. 106, in
the 4th district of originally Baldwin, but now
t utnaaa County, laying between sugar and gla
dy crooks, iu said county, the same being a part
of the real estate of Isaac Youngblood, deceas
ed, and sold for the benefit ot the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased. Terms made known on
the dav of sale.
August 13, 1836. 35 tds.
W’ ILL BE SOL Drenthe first Tuesday
in December next, at the Court-house
in Samptor c unity, in the usual hours of sale,
lot of land N>. 164, in the 17tli district, origi
nally Loe, but now Sumpter county, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of Thomas
Barber, dec’d. This the 6th Sept. 1836.
JOHN BOWIN, m/’rnr.
Sept. 30, 1836. 36—tds.
'VTMFILL BE SOLD, en the first Tuesday
▼ ▼ an December next, at the Court house
in Cobb county, Go. agreeably to an order of
the the honorable the inferior court of Warren
Oounty, when witting for ordinary purpose*, a
lot of land enntaining 40 acres, in the gold re
giea, (now Cobb coanty,) known as No. 164,
17th district 2d section, belonging to the estate
•f Adam Gratiadc, doc’J. Terms cash. Sop
camber 15th 1836.
t. 20.1836. 36—tds.
WILL be sold on the 17th December
next, at the Sate residence of Henry
Jackson, deceased; fiic following property to
26» Acres of land tn the waters of Shoulder
bane—one negro man 45 years old—one negro
woman, So .years.eld—one do. do. 30 years old.
Also, die etock<ef horses, cattle, hogs, dkc. dec.
Also, the earn, fodder, household and kitchen
ftrniture dk*c. &c.
Aujnst23, 32
on the first Tuesday in January n-Xt, at
ba court-bruise, in Gwinuett county, lots of land
WO. ‘415 7th diSt. & 316,
A dist., both in Gwinnett county ; also one
• e * y negro fellow BEN. ali.nt twenty eight
•ar s old, sold for the benefit of the heirs and
p»l itors of DaviS Delk, late of said county de-
<e. HOWELL. J . , .
PAY ID DELK, { Admr t.
Oet. 25. 41—m4m.
GUARDIAN’S SALE.—On the first Tues
dityrin January jiext. will, within the legal
hours, he sold. Aefwe :be court-house the
town of Zeltulaa, Hike county, one uegro man.
by the uaine of HARTWELL, between twenty
seren and thirty years cf age,.<s the property of
Joseph H. Dateols, '(niin.r.) sold for the benefit of
said minor. Tastns mads kirewu on the clay,
ibis 12th Otdbet. Id-ft.
October "25. 41—m4m.
FOUR MONTHS after date application
will ibe made honoraMe the In
•rior Court cfPainekiioounty, wlw-n sitting for
ordinary purposes,ifor .kutve to sell 250 acres of
land, being lots Na. J 9&, and 226, in die 12th
district -of Houston, now Pulaski
«unty, lying on dbe waters of Buck Creek :
The Negroes,together with same Cattle and
ousehoU furiMasq, belonging to the estate of
roderick late of said couuty, dec’d.
September 39th, 1836.
October IL 39—m4m.
FOUR MONTHS after date, application will
bo made to the honorable the Inferior
court of Pike <c«aioty. when sitting for ordinary
purposes, fwr leave to sell 10l of (and No.
125, in the tlnsd district of Pike county, for the
benefit of James A. Crawley, minor, under the
age of 21 years. September the 17th, 1836.
JAMES A. CRAWLEY, .Vat. Guardian.
Sept. 2W. 37—m4m.
uiauths after date, application wiP
JB. be made to the honorable Inferior Court
•f Ware county, when aiuing for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th
district of originally tCarroll now Heard county,
belonging to the illegtfiir.ates of Pininmon
July 26 28—m4ni.
FOUR MON HIS afteridate application will
he made to the JBoiiortfMe, tke Inferior Court
of Dooly Couuty, when lutiiiigferordinary purpo
ses. for leave to sell hrtirf land No. 201, in the
7thi dist. of said County, for the benefit of the
heirs of James Coleman steed, this 21st Julv
1836. 3
August «<t 29—4 m.
GEORGIA, Fayette County.
SIX MONTHS after date, application wil.
be saxde the honorable the Inferior
Court, of said cwnnty, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, for letters dissuissory from the estate
•f John Crittenden dec.
This is therefnre to admonish all and and sin
gular,lbe kindred and creditors of said deceased,
if tliey have any ejections, why said letters
should net be graced, to file their objections in
terms nf the law.
June 19. 25—6 m.
GEORGIA, Crawford county.—James Wil-
M« of the 529th district, G. M. tolled be
fore me, Johnatlww Ross, a.Justice of the Peace,
one iron grey horse, six years old, blin I in the le t
eye. a long switch tail, appraised by Lew .
Holt arid Samuel Duke* to $ 164)0.
WM. McGEE, C. I. C.
September 28th 1836. 38—ts.
GEORGIA. Forsyth county,
WHEREAS Wiley B. Hutchins applies
to me for letters of ad ministration ou
the estate of Willia n B. Hunt deceased.
T><e«e are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and cieditors ofsaid de
eeased, io lie and appear within the time pre*’
scribed by law. to s’lew cause, (if any they have)
why said letters shu ild not be granted.
Given unde- my baud, this 15th Oct. 1836.
D- McCOY, C. c. o.
Oct. 25. 44—h.
GEORGIA, Murrny comity.
WHEREAS Robert Reidmnd A. B. Wear,
applies to me for le'tersof administration
on the estate of Samuel Blnir, late ofsaid county
These ere therefore to che and ndtnoeisfa all
and sittzul ar. the kindred and eneditors wf said
deceased, to be and appear at my office within
the time preecribed by law. to trhew cause, (if
any they have) why said testers sdtoald not be
Given tvider mv hand at offie-, 10th Oct. 183.1
BURTON McGEHEE, Cl’k. c. c.. o.
Or . 25. 41—3 t
FOUR months after date, application will
be made to the honorable the Court of
Ordinary of Washington county, for leave to
tell all the lands belonging to Aquilla Leaptrot,
deceased. BOLIN LEAP IROI, Adm’r.
-• -1.. .1,0- AT
Iu the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan
uary Tertn, 1836.
the petition of Edward Thomas and
•titers, Stockholders ot the Merchants' and
Planters’ Batik, praying the appointment of a
Receiver of the asseta »f said Bank, for the pur
pose act forth iksaitl petition on file :
Ordered, That Edward Thomas be appointed
aa such Receiver, he first giving bond and securi
ty, to bo approved by the Clerk,-in the stun of
Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of
this Court, and his successors in office, 6)r the
faithful discharge of his duty in said office.
It it further Ordered. That the said Merchant's
and Planters' Bank, do forthwith deliver and
transfer to said Receiver, all ami singular, the
Books, Papers, Monies and Assets of every des
cription, belonging to said Bank, anti that ani<l
Receiver be and he hereby is fully nuthofhr.etl ttnd
empowered, to receive and collect by stlit in his
own name as Receiver, or by other legal mentis, all
outstanding claims due to said Bank, and to pay
all debts due from it. ami todefeud all suits pend
ing, or that tnay be brought against said Bank.
An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por
tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said
Recei'-er is authorized and reqttifctl< from tithe t
time, todadide among the Stockholders or their
legal in proportion to their res
pective interests, such part of the assets of said
Bank, at he may find prudentand proper to divide,
always reserving a sufficient fund to answer the
probable responsibilities of the Institution.
And it it further Ordered, That the said Re
reiver doreport to this Court, at its sitting in Jan
uary next, his actings and doings on the premises,
and that after the making up of said report, he be
no longgr liable to any suit or claim, as Received
by any cgpditor of said Bank, unless the term of
his responsibility 4* then further extended.
It it further Ordered, That a copy of the above
order, be pubKkhed in one of Ihe,public Gazettes
of Augusta and Milledgeville, at leastone# a month
from this date to the first of January next.
A true extract from the Minutes, this 16th day of
February, 1836.
AGREEABLY to an order of the Infer-hjr
Court of Washington County, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first
Tuesday in December next, within the legal
hours, lie sold before the court-house d<»oi, in
the town of Newnan, Coweta county, the Lot
No. 250, and of the fourth section, belonging
to the orphans of Grove Corbit, dec’d ot said
counts', for the benefit of said orphans.
Terms made known on theday.
JARED WOOD, guardian.
October 11. ‘ 39—tds.
PURSUANT to an order of the Inferior
Court of Washington county, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, will,*jon the first
Tuesday in December next, within the legal
hours be sold, before the Court-house door, in
th« town of Fayettville, Fayette county, Lot
No. forty-two, ninth district of said county,
containing two hundred two and a half acres,
of land, being a pat t of the real estate of Groove
Corbit, latfe of Washington county, dec’d for
the purpose of distribution among the heirs.
Terms made known on the dav of sale.
JARED WOOD, adm'r.
October 11. 39—tds.
THE subscriber contemplating to remove
to the west, offers for sale, the Eagle
Tavern, in the town of Warren. It is the
half-way-house between Milledgeville and Au
usta, is the stage house, and one of the bes
gauds in Georgia. It is quite probable tlia
st arm of the rail road from Augusta, to Athens
anl be constructed to this place. For terms
wilch will be liberal and accommodating, ap
white the subscriber,
>ept.2O, 1836. 36—ts.
WILL !>• sold on the plantation of Dr. F. G.
Calloways dec. iu Baker Couuty com
mencing on the first niomlay in January next, and
continuing from diy to day. until all is sold. All
of the perishable propertyjbelonging to said dec.
consisting of ten first rate Mules, one first rate
mare and colt, .'ie stock of Hogs and Cattle, two
road waggons and harness, one two horse waggon
and set black smiths tools, one gin
and running gear, plantation tools of all kinds,
household and kitchen furniture, and the crop of
coni and fodder, consisting ol about eight hundred
barrels of coni, and a considerable quantity of
fodder also, will be at the same time and place, the
plantation consisting of about four hundred acres
of open land, all under a good fence, and in a
nice state of cultivation for the ensuing year.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
To Teachers.
A TEACHER wanted, for the year 1837,
to take chat ge of the Clinton Academy,
Jones County.—One calculated to teach the
usual branches taught in Academies, will re
ceive a liberal Salary, on exibiting satisfactory
Letters addressed to either of the under
signed Trustees will meet with attention.
Editors of the Southern Recorder, will
give the above advertisement weekly insertions
n their paper until Ist January next and for
ward their account to the Trustees or P'.'-
;nent. Clinton, 18th Oct. 1816.40.—tlstJa’..
Sparta Hale Academy.
fHN -IE annual exainiuirtioii of the stud. nl» <
JL this institution, will take place on Thm>
day and Friday, the 3<l and 4th days of Nov
text All interested, are respeetliilly invited ti>
The exercises of the above Academy will be
resumed ou the second Monday in January 1837,
Oct. 55,1336. 41 Jt.
For Sale.
A VALUABLE tract of LAND, cogtainin
262 j acres, of which about one hundred a <'
twenty acrelf*ife« cleared and under good fcnci
the remaiude/tt'iill timbered with asnixed grout,
Pine, Oak and lliekorv.
Ou the premises is a dwelling house, and oth< i
out houses, including a fine new Gin house and n
excellent Gin. The farm is supplied -with pur
water from both springs and well. For terms ap
ply at-tbe office of the Standard of Union, or t<
Absolam fJx,AC«, on the premises.
Gct.-22d. 41— ts
INFORMS the public that he has o»t hand, a
lusoffice, nextdoor to Messrs. Cowles <!t Da.
sett’s store, a quantity of Wallace’s Polishii.
Tooth Powder. This article is superior to an
thing heretofore used ou the teetlt. When die
are free from calcarious matter, by applying th
powder two orrtweo times a week, the teeth lx
comes perfectly white, and remain in e hnaltl
Operations on the Teeth and Gums performs '
with care and promptness, and all cases treat,
with the strictest candor.
For &ule.
THE House and Lot formerly occupied by
Mrs. Jenkins & Moore, and recently by
Win. W. Carnes, as a Public House in this place.
The buildings have very lately undergone the most
thorough repairs and alterations, mid are now in
good order, and can accommodate a large num
ber of boarders. There are several lots attached
t»the premises; also, furniture of every descrip
tion, necessary for the business. I his property
will be sold upon a credit of one, two ami three
years, and unquestioilllltle titles made to the pur
chaser and immediate possession given. Any per
son disposed tn etlgstgc in this business would do
well to call rtfitl exatiiiue the premises, mid make
the purchase in time to open the House for the re
ception of members and others, the ensuing Ses
sion es the Legislature.
Milledgeville August 30tli 33—ts
FWNHE Subscriber very respectfully informs his
1 friends and die puldick generally that he
has locate? himself lit the Marrietta Hotel, Cobb
C 11., where he offers his services to search out
anil test the value of Gold and LaipHots, and to
make a trtie return to applicants in the counties of
Cobb, Paulding, Floyd. Cass, Cherokee and For
syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot) at the
above stated place, reference may be had to the
State and Cheek maps, the quality Book, and nu
merical list. Patronage in the above business
will be’tliaukfully received by
M archil. 1835. 61 ts.
Georgia Femfilc College,
'I fWfW!
THE friends of this Institution are iti
forhicd, that until furthei arrangements be
, made, Ms. JULIUS LATASTE, late Assistant
f in Dr. Maths’ Institution, neat Columbia, S. C.,
. will assist ill tllo Literary arid Scientific Depart-
I ments. Mr. J. L. was to have assisted in the Ahi
| sical Department, hut the number of pupils in that
| hits been limited, that he might assist in the ones
( above named. This aiTtngemcnt has been made,
, on account of soma delllv hi the correspondence
' with the gentleman and fady named in a former
1 notice. .The number of our pttpils, therefore will
be limited to 60, till further notice. There arc still
a few varaitties.
The Institution has undergone an entire and
tystemactic re-orgnnizntiun. Our friends are In
vited to visit us at any time, during its exercises,
from 5 A. M. till 5 I’. M.
There will be a monthly examination of the
I Students, beginning on the 19th of August, and
every fourth week thereafter, to which •uivfriends
e also invited.
I.UI iTN LA TASTE, \ r " ne, l K!lg
Sorcottslxjugh, July ii», I®'!6, 27—ts
MOO Reward.
THE above rcwnul will be paid for the appre
hension of iny man WlLLlAM,sometimes
called Bill Black. WILLIAM left inc ahout2sth
December last; he is a very bright ir.ulato, about
5 feet 10 inches high, thick set, full faced, small
red or rather Idood-shottcn eyes, and straight yel
lowish hair. I have no doubt he will change his
name and try to pass himself for a white man,
which he may be able to do unless to a close
, observer. He was formerly the property of M. '
Myers of this place, and travelled with him
through the up country last summer. The above
reward will he paid for liis arrest if loged in a
safe jail so I get him.
Aug. 16. Y S PICKARD.
07 s -The Darien Telegraph, Macon Telegraph,
ami Journal, Milledgeville, and Hive Columbia,
S. C., will insert the above twice a month for 6
months and send their bills for payment.
ED from the subscriber on the 26th
Sept, ten head of BEEF CATTLE,
particular marks not recollected, only that the
most of them are branded J. P., five of them
ate small size, and five large size ; they were
driven from Lowndes county, and may be ma
king their way back; any person who may )
take them up, or give any information of them
will be liberally rewarded, on giving the sub
scriber the earliest information of the same.
Sparta, Oct. 4. 39—ts.
Fifty dollars rev. ard win be
paid by the subscriber to any person
that will deliver him his Pocket-book with the
effects that he lost in said book, on the 4th inst.
somewhere between Jourdan Dee’s store and
the cross routes towards Shiley’s Ferry, the
following papers, viz : Five notes for twenty
five dollars each, signed by Warren Stokes, and
Thos. H. Key, payable to Gilford Kent, and
due Ist day of January next: also ten notes for
twenty-five dollars each, signed by Edward
Dutlay, and William Bush, payable to myself,
and due Ist day of January next: also five
twenty-five dollar notes, and one thirty dollar
note, signed Warren Stokes,and Stephen Hust;
also five twenty-five dollar notes, signed bv
Wm. Jourdan, Samuel B. Moore : also thiee
twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William
Jourdan, Wm. R. Wheeler, and Pulasiak
Wheeler; also three twenty-five dollar notes,
signed by Needom Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and
Wade Floyd, due Ist day of January next, pay
able to myself; also eight thirty dollar notes,
and one ten, signed by M. N. McCullers, and
Wm, H, McCullers, and Francis Brown, due
Ist day of January next, payable to myself;
also one sixteen or (17) dollar note, signed by
John Rohetts, and Jacob Swearingen, due Ist
January next: also ono for twenty-three dol
lars and soyenty-five cents, signed by B. A.
Tharp, due by Ist day of January next, payable
to myself; also two for thirty, and one for twen
ty dollars., signed by Moses Spivy, and Warren
due Ist January last, payable to Elijah
Calhoun, or bearer ; also one twenty-five dol
lar note, signed by Brunkly Brown, John An
drews, apd Wm. Bush, due Ist January last,
payable to myself; one eighteen dollar note,
signed by Mathias Floyd, due Ist January last,
algo one sixteen dollar note, signed by Ephrom
Kendrick, and Edward Munger, due 25th Dc-
Detnber 1834, and payable to myself; also one
thirty, and one twenty-five dollar notes, signed
by William Little, due Ist January last, also
two twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Allen
Wheeler, payable to Easter Kent, one day after
date, and dated 15th of January 1834; also
three executions issued from a justices court in
favor<>f Daniel Mathis, vs. Martin Swearingen,
amount not recollected ; also one execution is
sued from the Superior court of Dooly county,
in favor,of Thos. I[. Key. vs. David Scarbo
rough, for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars
and sixty-aeven cents, ; also one hundred and
seventy dollars, in current money, the precise
date* of the above notes not recollected at pres- .
ent. Ido forwarn all persons fron; paying, or i
trading for any of the above mentioned notes
nly to my_self.
N. R, The subscriber can be found in the 1
7th dist of Dooly county, provided information
should be sent.
P. S. Also two twenty-five dollar notes on (
las. Brooks, J. L. Shelby, security ; also one I
for twelve dollars and fifty cents, on the same ’
ndividual ; two for twentyzfive dollars, on Jo- '
•iah Fountain, and one for .twelve dollars and t
Ifty cents on same individtnd, all due January .
text. GILFORD KENT. [ t
Dooly county, July 23.
is Nl—tlst Feb J
Tr»y Hill,
THE undersigned informs his friends and those
of the late linn of Cutter If Cornwell, that
he intends resundag the Warehouse and Commis
sion business at the store next above the one re
cently occupied by T. J. Chace, on the margin of
East Mucon, known as the townofTroy. Ho fur
ther informs the public that be has bought his
Goods, &e., and having now on the way, from New
York and othel' placet. Dry Goods mid Groceries,
together making bis stock complete, which will be
sold lolv for ready pay. he will be ready to receive
Cotton early in the fall, and be prepared to make
1 advances. He would particularly notice to his
1 friends the great advantages his W arehouses have
over those in the dense part of the city with regard
to fire, they hclhg detached from otherbuildingand
at a disttliice from ally street or lane and well en
close. H. S. CUTTER.
(U* The Macott .Messenger and Telegraph, Mil-
tedgsville Journal and Standard of Union, will
. publish the above until further notice.— Georgian.
, Areh st. 26—9irt.
t A Caution,
But more particularly io those living
e in the. lU2d Dist. G. M.
e AS it has been binding on me for
' ww three or four years to take up ail slaves,
s and tree pet sons of colour who are living in tin
Dist., or iu the village of Sparta contrary to the
law that was passed in Dec. 1832, for their regu
lations, and 1 having been put to much trouble
_ about them, ami not getting pay for tny labor, ami
it doing uo good, lam done with it. But, be it
known to the citizens of the 102 d district G.
M. that 1 shall take a shorter way to pat a stop to
it. The law is very pointed, that any white per
son offending against the provisions of this act, be
'indicted and prosecuted before the Superior court
for any such offence, and ou conviction thereof,
shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars, and all
cost ofsaid suit, now if the owneis, guardians and
managers of such, will read the law, they will find
they are not as friendly to their country as they
• think they are. They were friendly enough with
e me once, to employ an attorney to drive me and
t other constables into our duty, in Iningiiig their
• slaves before the courts for trial ; and have they
- ever paid us our costs ? No ! Itoith.-r de they ever
- intend if they can help it, but 1 intend to have
t mine. Have they ever paid their attorney that
s they employed ? No! they think he is rich and
, can do without it, and Rhodes is poor, anil they
e cairswindle him out of his fees. Now there is
r but little diflereuee between your eases and mine,
I mine is ten days imprisonment more than yours,
1 which Ido not intend ttt bear. lean chiploy an
attorney to attend to the business better than yoti
1 have, where he will get his fees) and 1 will get
• mine that is behind, for I intend to have iny full
• cost. 1 know who they are that is owing cost.
and they that owe it knovt' as well as 1 do, and
s they would do well to pay it before an execution
I | comes after them for it. 1 also well know who it
’ is that give their slaves privilege.of hiring their
ovn time, ami I have sufficient proof, anti mean to
try the project next Superior Cdliirt; I shall take
every one indiscriminately, and they must take it
as well as they can, I expect they ivill think very
strange of this, that I have quit bringing their
B hves td‘•oilrj for trial, and bring the owners in
stead of th© I can tell my reasons for
. that, there is more to _ ” ntad p - by taking the own
; ers, than the slaves, and all win) "re guilty of
i giving this privilege, you have given yu” r '' aves ’
t know it; and as Ido not intend to be bothereu >"7 ,
I more, with their slaves, 1 will take the owners
■ and bring them to court, and when they come to
i pay fifty dollars, fine and cost of suit, on two or
, three slaves, they will learu to keep them in away
i that they ought, (if they are friendly to the govern
ment) without having poor Rhodes dragging them
i up to court for trial; and after trial, in less than
> one week, they aie buying their meats, and they
i will buy a small bit to-day, and steal twice as much
next day, they will buy a chicken from a friend
Friday night, and Saturday night they will steal
i a P*g from another person ; you who are letting
, slaves do that way, may watch them, for I intend
; to watch you. HENRY W. RHODES.
August 23. ;}o ts.
Tlie last Warning!!
THE undersigned respectfully asks all those
indebted to him, to make payment without
! delay.
1 Between this time and the first of October
! next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do
so, can make arrangements to meet their re
spective dues; and he appeals particularly to
1 those who are in arrears for two, three, four,
and five years, to come forward and settle up
their old scores at once.
This call is t< >rced upon him by the imperi
ous necessity o f meeting his own engagements;
which lie is uns ble to do, without punctuality on
Jie part ot th< >se who owe him. Therefore
t hey are hercLy notified, that even one who
, hail fail to malic payment by the first day ol
i next, will find their notes and accounts
. the hands of collecting officers, without dis
, > n imination.
I c r This will be a painful step, but it cannot be
. avoided; and t hose who fail to pay within the
time above stat ed, ought not, and he trusts, will
| not complain.
Sparta Ga. Jn ne 14 1836. 22 ts
THE subsc fiber offers for sale, six hundred
and sevc a acres, first rate Corn sml Cotton
• Land, with one hundred and twenty acres fine
land, under g< , o d fences, all fresh; which will
pi educe from t;welve to fifteen hundred pounds
Cotton to the : icre, and from thirty to forty bushels
Corn, there is on the premises, a double log cab
bin shingle rc agh, ami other out houses, and two
excellent We. Is of water, which ixpver fails; the
above lands all lie in the fifteenth and twenty
eighth distric t Lee, now Sumter county, all join
ing ; which ivill be sold on a credit of one, two
ami three ears; persons wishing to purchase,
would do well to view the premises, and call on
the subscrib e.r in Milledgevile during the present
session, or:a c my resideuee in Twiggs coWtry, af
ter the cess i on. BENJ. B. SMKfIL
Decemlw r, 7, 1835. 47--ts
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale on ac
cotn tnodatiug terms, bis settlement of good
Oak and 1 lickory land, lying on the eastern side
of Monro e Comity, three miles below Brownsville,
comprisi n g six hundred &. seven acres, one half of
which, ii now in cultivation, and under good fem e.
Convenient to every part of the farm, is a very
comfort able two story dwelling, a gin house, and
every o’lber house necessary. ■
Augi)ist2d. 1836. {29 ts.
TILE undersigned will attend to the Renew
al of notes in the Central Bank at the usu
al tee of one dollar for each renewal. They wil)
also pass through the several offices and forward
Grants a t one dollar for a single Grant, and fifty
cents eac. h, where more than one is requested.
Commu mentions addressed to them jointly oi
separately, post paid, will bo punctually attendee
lo ' JOHN G. PARK,
Millcdge rille, April 26 15 t s
T Milledgeville IC1; Company
11 I'j stockholders met on Saturday the 20th
inst., and organized by the electimi of Col.
Abner Hammond, F. V. Delaunay, T. R. Huson,
as a board of directors.
Atatnieetingofthedireetotson the same dn .
Col. Abner Hammond was elected president, and
b. 1). netton, Secretary.
August 23. no |f
STItA YEDfrom the stable of the subscriber ii
the villnge ot Sparta, some time in May last
a Bqy Horse about five feet high, 7or 8 years old ’
walks, trots and paces under the saddle, no parti
cular ynarks recollected. He was raised in Ken 1
tqgky, and will probably make off in that d ret 1
tion, Any information respecting said hoise wil
be thankfully received and reasonably rewarded 1
Jfflyfl 25—ts. |
subecibers have received their assort
-M_ metit of fancy a«d staplr, fall asd
WINTEH Boons, consisting of
I'*l satins, fig’il. pou de,
Gros do zan. Plain m.d fig’d. chally,
r fench and English Merinos, and
Merino grosde naps, Ladies satin
embroidered cravats. Gloves,
Hosiery, Cheneille aiql embroidered
Meriuo Bhawls. A great variety of French
woi ked capes and collars.
' Boys Fur and Cloth Caps; Car
petmgs. Rugs &c. latest patterns. They invite
<ali a,l<l t ‘ xanD ' l ’ c ’heir assortment . f
NIU. KG cloths. Shirtings, Shoes, /fats &c„ ns
they are determmed that prices and quality shall
Consisting of Gen’ts., and Ladies cloth Cloaks.
Over coats, Fants. Vests, Collars, Stocks and
10,060 lb*. Cheese.
OF COTTON, fornhich
the highest market price will be
Thankful for past patronage, they promise to
merit a continuance of the same.
Milledgeville Sept. 22d 1836.
Sept. 27. 39—ts.
FHq HE subscriber has received a part, and is
JL notv receiving his FALL AND
li ITEH STOCK OF Dll 4 GOODS, among
wi ich may be found the following articles, viz :
Superfine Broad Cloths; different colored Cas
simeres; do. VeMings; Rich Embroidered and
Fig’d. Satins; Silks, do.; a new article called
Reps, fig’d and pjain; plain black Isabella, do;
Blaek Silk, fig’d. mid plain, of the best quality—
some 40 inches wide; India and Sarsnett do.;
Parisian and Ilenianni Gause; Plain Satin cheek
and fig’d Shallys and Shallyetts—a new article;
the I' reneh Brocade for the head ; German and
English Merino’s and Merino Gross De Naps, j ;
Circassian, Jackonet, and Cambrics of different
qualities; plain, fig’d., dotted, and check'd dotted
Swiss Muslins; Irish Linen Sheetings 12-4;
Lawns and Diapers; Superfine Linen Cambrics;
Pongee; Ladies embroidered Linen Cambric
Capes, and Pi cket Hdk’fs; Muslin Capes and
Collars. Fur Capes; Boas and Ruffs Down do.
Ladies finest Kid Slippers, bl’k. and col'd.—new
est style; Gold, Silver and Bronze do.; White
and black Sattin do. ; Kid, Calf, Morocco and
Seal, Village Walking Shoes; Water proof do.
a new article of French do. ; a general assort
ment of Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Shoes;
Gentlemen's and Boys do.; Gent’s, fine Calfskin
Boots; Opera and Navy do.; Kid, Morocco and
Dancing Ptimps.
of each a good assortment. PERFUMERY &•
Ready made Clothing*
A large and extensive assortment, among which
mav i,'”' •'<>■’*l6, Gent’s. Cloth Cloaks; Cloth. Mo
hair and >i.2 , ‘Lit>a Over Coats ; Frock and Dress
Coats. Panialoo.’.’” a,K * Vests. Shirts, Bosoms,
and Collars; Merino 'a?' l Cotton net Shirts and
Drawers; Flannel do. STOCKS — a good as
sortment. Ladies Cloth, plain mid fig’d. Merino
lie would respectfully ask the attention of Plan- |
ters to examine his assortment of NEGRO i
SHOES & BLANKETS, as he has a large as
sortment of each, and WILL SELL THEM
3'o those who visit Milledgeville, for the pur
pose of buying their Fall and Winter supplies of
Dry Goods, he would, with his friends aniF the
public, most respectfully invite them to call and
October 11. 39—ts.
Rockwell &, Kenan,
filiUedgeville, Georgia,
INTERESTS, will attend to business en
trusted to them in the Counties of the Ocmul"ee
Circuit, in the Comity of Hancock of the Nohli
ern, Washington of the Middle, Twiggs and Lau
rens of the Souther,l, and Houston, Bibb and
1 Monroe of the Circuits: also in the Federal
1 Court.
1 Their office is on the second flaor of the Mason-
I ie Hall. July 19th, 1836.
Auguit2. 29—ts
1 TiUIIL ly iufor,ns ilis fr’*e*uis and the
iiiiiCTß public, that he has opened a house of
entertainment in the Town of Law
renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he
Hatters himself those who may favor him with a
call will find every thing provided which can cou-
I tribute to them comfort and convenience.
» Lawrenceville Dec. 9,1835. mtmti—49
** Establishment is now under
* ‘tiL “"L l^c con,r *d oF d ,e subscribers.
! i.Hil&w "d* o pl<-'<lg e themselves to render com
lot table those who tnavcall on them.
’ , ’ JOHN D. RAMEY.
, February, 23. (j ts
A Teacher wanted.
THE Trustees of the HILL ACADEMY,
in Monroe County, are desirous of a
Male Teacher the ensuing year.
This Institution is within a mile of the Macon
and Forsyth Road,seven miles below the latter;
place, and the neighbourhood both agreeable '
and healthy.
None need apply unless he can bring unques
tionable testimony of moral character, industry,
and capacity to teach the mixed and solid
branches of English and Classic Literature.
Communications addressed to the Trustees,
at Stalling’s Store, will be promptly attended to.
M. W. M’CR AU, }
THOS. DYSON, f Jrusfccs.
October 4, 1836. 38—ts.
TH*' SUBSCRIBERS (former partners of ,
Ellis Shotwell, & Co.) have resumed their ,
business under the above firm, at their old stand
opposite the Brick Tavern, ami will keep a gener
al assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Surgical and
Instruments, Paints and Oils, of all kinds, Win- ]
dow Glass, assorted sizes, Glass-Ware for shop 1
urniture. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes of j
jvery description, Botanic and Patent Medicines
Carpenter’s preparations, also his Essays Medica.
Dye Woods, and Dye stuffs, and a great variety »f
liscellaneous Articles, which they have received
1 la-go supply of, and intend keeping their stock
constantly replenished, so as to be able at all 5
lines to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planters and 1
thers who may favm them with their custom. 1
Intending to he permanently engaged iu this
business, the subscribers from tfoeir lopg experi Ii
nee, hope to render it worthy the patroi>?ge of
dd and new customers. Orders by letter will
neet the same attention as if made in person- \
N. B. Garden Seeds, assorted, warrented fresh. V
V liberal discount made to country dealers. V
_ „ H. &.J. 8.
11 <
Ry the President of the
United States.
IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of a trea
ty between the United States and the Chick
asaw Indians, made and concluded on Pontitoc
Creek, on the twentieth day of October, 832 am.
’ id the supplementary and explanatory articles
thereto, made and concluded on the twenty-sec
ond day of the same month, and also of the '1 reaty
betweeu the United States and the Chiekasaw
Indians, made and concluded at the City of
i \\ as * , ‘‘ 1 g to **. on the twenty-fourth day of May.
B'J4, I Andrew Jackson, President of the United
■Mates, do hereby declare and make know n, that
public sales for the disposal 6*f such of the land
ceded to the United States byfhe said Indians, as
are heieinafter described, shaft be held at thte laud
Office at Pontitoc, in Mississippi, at the under
mentioned periods, viz:
( On thvfirst Monday in September next, sos the
, sale of the lands in the following townships, viz :
Townships ,of rn;es ,2,3, 4, and 5 east.
> 1 ownships 3,4, 5, and 6,-of range 4 east.
.Townships 2. 3,4, 5, and'6, of range 5 east.
I ownships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of ranges 6,
7, 8, and 9 east.
I own,hips 2,3, 4,5, 9 and 7, of range 10
On t\iofourth Monday in September next, for
the sale of the lands in tiie following townships,
and fractional townships, viz :
5 Townships 14 and 15, of 1 anges3, aud4.
Townships 14, 15 and 16, of range 5.
' Townships 9,10, 11, 12,13,14, 15, and 16,
* fractional township 17, of range 6.
TownshipsO, 10 ami 11, and fractional township
’ 15, 16 and 17, of range 7.
’ Townships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9.
’ Also, at the same time, for the sale of the ua
. der mentioned townships and fractioual town
] ships, west of the meridian, of the Huntsville dis
. triet, being that portion ot the Chickasaw ces
t sion, situate in the State of Alabama, viz :
I Fractional township 4, of range 12'
. Fractioual townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of
I range 13.
’ Fractional township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 and
j 7; fractional townships 8, 9 and 10, of range 14.
Fractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7 and 8,
’ township 9, and fractional townships 10 and 11,
, of range 15.
j Fractional townships 8,9, 10 and 11, of range 16.
On the third Monday in October next, for the
_ sale of the under mentioned townships, viz •
I Township 1, of range 1.
Townships 1 and 6, of range 2, 3 and 4.
Townships 1,4, 5 and 6, of range 5.
I ownships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range 6.
{ Townships 1,2,3, 4, 5 and fi. of ranges 7 AB.
Townships 1,2, 3 and 5, of range 9.
On the first Monday in November next,
for the sale of the undermentioned townships
1 viz :
Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, of range 1.
j Township 7,8, 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 2,3,
4 nttd 5.
, Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8.
Township 7, of range 9.
.' The lands reserved by law forthe use ofg-_hoqj s
I j or for other purposes, as well as the la>’.ds selec
. ted as reservations, under the pro visjong o f the
[ said treaties, are to be excluded f r<) n the g ales
Each sale is to continue ope,. fo r two we ' e k s ,
and no longer. The lar.ds will he offered in quar
f ter sections, aud fro'- quarter sections where
• such exist.
| Given under ' <lt y hand, at the City of Washing
ton, this twentieth day of May, A. D. 1836.
ily the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
of scrip issued from the
Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty
land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia,
and the United States, for services in the revolu
tionary army; as well as certificates of land
e j stock, issued at the district land offices, for the
- amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under
- the credit system of land sales, are not receivable
J for lands within the Chickasaw cession.
.1 General Land Office, May. 20. 1836.
June 14. 22—1st Nov.
Worth of GOLD Wanted!
e FBI HE subscriber has on hand, and is now
>1 E receiving, at HIS OLD STAND, an
’ extensive assortment of
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Fan
cy Hardware, &c. Ac.
All of which is offered on the most reasonable
He will pay a liberal price for any amount ot
The preference will be given to Gold in its
native state, (not fluxed.)
b October 18th. 40—6 t.
THE following is a list of lette's temaining in
the Post Oilice at Decatur Ga. If not ta
ken out before the first day of January next, will
be forwarded to the General Post Office as dead
letters. Oct. Ist, 1836.
’ A.—Spencer Atkins, Robt. Andersou, Sarah
1 Askew, Malishia Avary.
B.—F. Baldwin, 2; Mary Broughton, Win.
1 Baker, John Blewett, Miss Byiiam, Jethro Baker,
-; Nathaniel Leaucbanip, Eliz. Brown, Jacob Barry,
. Mr. Baldwin, Isaac W Benard, L. D. Benham,
Amry Bates,
. C.—Abraham Chandler. Wm. Clark, Jbhu
Croiford, Aaron Clifton, Wm. Cochran, Thomas
[ Cojler, Philip Curvcr, Wm. Couch, Levin Clif
ton, 4 oung Carter.
*4—Martin Deibor, Margaret Davis. J. 11. Da
> vison.
E.— Mitchell Evans, Miles Estis.
F._Win. Ford, Amos Forrester, John Fain,
Mary Ami Fowler, John 11. Fowler, Mary Faw
cett, Coday Fowler.
G —M. Garrison, JII Gallispie. Archv Gill.
L Galbraith.
11'—Elizabeth Horton, Newtun Higgins 2, Phi
lonien Hodges, Wm Hurston, Wm W Hugin
Mary Howard. S B Hill. Isaac Hughes. Hize
liarnson, John Hughes, Islmm Hendon, Thos 11
Hopkins, .1 L Hibler, Wm E Hall 2.
I. & J.—Mary Ann Johnson, Lewis E Jones S,
Joseph Jolley, John Ingram, E Joidan, Martha
K.—Mathew Knight.
L.—John Lawhon, Ww Lester,
h0,,1i,s Mal ’"PPy. Bauiel M’Lewis John
M (.inms, Sarah Mezzick, Sarah S Moore. Wm.
M’Donald, James Mangum. Israel Miller, Beni
Morris, Neal McLeod, Joseph Mitchell.
N.—Loiiiza Namer.
O.—Wm. Oetry, Alexander Oliver.
P.—Sarah Pickens, S VV Peck, Jareminh Perry.
R.— is lac Roe.
S—U m. Skeif. John Still, John Smith, Wm
S>prewell, A Stephens, Thom is Simmons. Diadi
ma Smith, Chaudti r & Still, Offry Stowers, Si
mon Smith. II Sprayberry, Wm Smith.
1, J'.’ 1 ' 1 ' Towers, David Tanner, Joseph Trim
ble, Daniel Tuiwer. i
V.—A N. V.erding. i
..'Y;—'' 11 '' Simon. Jacob White 2. Nedom
A hitley. John Woodruff. Joseph Wooten 2. Isaac
Wiffibrd'' L Wi,lii ‘ n ‘ s ’ Uavi4 White
Yancey, James Young.
UPON Augusta, Georgetown, DCT
Savannah, Philadelphia,
Charleston, New York,
Norfolk, and
Baltimore, Boston,
For sale at the Bank of Milledgeville. Al.o*
Checks upon Macon, Columbus, fyc. can general,'
ly be bad to suit applicants.
T. RAGLAND, Cashier
October 11. • <’;9—,tf.
THOSE afflicted with inflamed or sore eyes,
should be aware of the great excellencies
of Dr. Adam’s Eye Water, in the treatment of this
troublesome affliction. It lias been before the
public but a short time, yet it has already beeu
aii ly tested in comparison with all the common
remedies, and with what success may be inferred
irom the extensive demand now existing for it,
and from the numerous testimonials of its value
now in the hands of the proprietor, one or two
of w hichit was deemed proper to subjoin.
Sir .* It is with pleasure J state to you. that my
wife who was troubled with sore eyes, was com-'
pletely cured by using one bottle of Dr. Adtms’
Eye Water.
JOHN GARDNER, Green street, near 7thl'
Norristown Pa. .
Mr. Fisher : I take pleasure in hearing testimo-'
ny to the superior excellence of Dr. Adam’s Eyo
Water over all the others that 1 have tried. Ha
ving given Dr. Thompson’s a fair trial 1 consider
Dr, Adams’ by far the best, as it is free from that
smarting produced by Thompson’s. I know sev
eral gentlemen in this place who have tried both
and they decidedly prefer Dr. Adartis’ Eye Water
a very valuable medicine. Yortrs,-
Prepared and sold by tlie sole proprietor, Jo
soph I isher, south-west corner of Seventh and
Buttonwood streets, And of Huddleson, Norris
A constant supply of the above for sale at
Qct ' 1 * • 39—ts.
DR. C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac-*
tice of Medicine and its collateral branches,
to which his undivided attention will be devoted
P until the close of the sickly season. When not
professionally absent, he may be consulted at the
! office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea
gle Tavern.
’ Sparta, August 1,1836. 29 ts
Balm lor the
Petersburg, Ya. 2 June, 1836.
IL D. M’Tntosh, Esq., Henry County, Ga.
Dear Sir:— l am this morning in receipt of
your favour of the 18th instant, requesting to
have some of the Balm sent out to your State as
soon as possible. Such is the pressing deniamU
in every section, that 1 have, as yct/not beet»<
able to supply the orders that have been some
time on hand. I have ha-J an order from Au
gusta, Georgia, au.' u Savannah, since last win
ter, and only week sent one groce to eaeh
place. D', f r. Calhoun, of South Carolina,,
has ce a tr ac j e( j |' or t|, at State and Georgia, amd
• “ a '.e shipped to him near five thousand b»t
I aes, all that I could spare. As soon as I can, f
will send him more; but when, I cannot say, as.
1 must divide it as well as I can, until 1 can sup
ply each State fully. I willdomyself the pleas
ure of requesting Dr. Calhoun to establish am
gency at your office as soon as other engage
ments will allow. I have been putting up near
ly two thousand per day, and now find myself
in want of about fifty thousand for immediate
use, and have not fifteen bottles, but what are
packed up for siiipment. From the present de
mand, I should not be surprised, if it were to
take five hundred thousand bottles a year to sup
ply the demand.
Yours respectfully, dec.
11. B.
Albemarle, April, 1836.
Dear Sir We suppose you like good news,
particularly when you are mostly interested.
We have but two bottles left of the box of Balm
you sent us. You can draw at sight for §
which we believe will be the amount, after de
ducting commission and expenses We will
thank you to send to onr friends, Me’Srj. • • • '
of Richmond, by first conveyance, a double box’
which y Cu Wh , J)Ut your who i esale price> fa.
w.licn you can also draw on us. Il has failed
in two instances in this neighborhood, but one of
the persons that we have seen, thinks it was
(with him) rheumatism, as he had the tooth
drawn, and the pain still continued.
Several persons have used it, with defective
gums, or scurvy, and are so much delighted with
it, that we are charged to keep a supply. The
ladies are using it with the tooth-brush, and say
that it is the best thing for the teeth and gums
they have ever used. We are glad, for the sake
of tl.e sufferers, as well as on your account,
that this remedy is not only not of Northern or
igin, (from whence all the patent nostrums
come,) but is a V irginia preparation, and by a
V itginian. Nor does it detract from its efficacy,
on account of the place of its preparation, (Pe
tersburg.) once styled by Mr. Jefferson, the
“cockade of America.” It seems to us, that
all you now have to do, is to see to it, that you
keep a supply sufficient for the demand— for if
( it sells elsewhere as it has done here, there will!
bo no end to the demand. Several merchant®,
oi ray acquaintance, mean to send for a box..
Allow us to congratulate you, and the
at the discovery and use ot the only remedy (ex-.
Ccpt drawing) for tooth-ache, that lias yet been,
Respectfully votrrs,
R. R, &T. T. G.
Huntington, 1
near Cabin Points 24th March. J
Dear Sir: I bought a bottle of your Balm,
from Messrs. , in Petersburg, in Februa-
ry, chiefly because 1 had a servant who had
suffered most excrutiaiingly for some month*.
We had tried all the remedies which were in
our reach ; an attempt was made to extract the
tooth, but broke it off. 1 caused the Balm to
be used after wanning it in a cup—this was re
peated with a second spoonful, when she vas
entiiely relieved. '1 he next night she camefes
more, saying that a tomb on the other side
ached, and also tequestad some for her husband
who, she said, had been suffering w ith the same
disease for some weeks. 1 cheerfully gave it„
and the next day on inquiry found both were
relieved. One of my neighbors of high respec
tability sent to me for some for his wife. I
have this day seen him, and he assures me that
it afforded immediate relief, and there has been
no return; before, she suffered almost constant
ly, and could not bear to let cold water touch
the tooth, and for two nights previous to the
application, she had not been able to sleep
'<an eli at all. Now she has no inconvenience
from cold water or anything e|se that conies in
contact the tooth. The night before last
he used some with one of his own men, with the
same ssuccess, and says if | IP ( QU ld have had thii
remedy fifteen years ago. and known its effica
cy, he would willingly have given a hundred dol
■>rs tor it. I have written in haste, giving »
plain statement of facts.
Yours respe ;tfullv,
_ , , WM. F. R. RUFFIN’
eq pf c rn be r 6