Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, December 22, 1836, Image 4

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    CHECKS n „
H Tl’ON Augusta, Georg etyfn, D C.
?CJ Savannah, Philaddphia,
Charleston, .Xrw York,
Norfolk, aud
Baltimore, Bodon,
For sale nt the Bank of Milledgeville. Alm
Checks upon Miron, Columbus, V- caH Bcuernl8 cuernl
y be had to suit applicants.
T. RAGLAND, Ctshier
October 11. :<9-Ul-
FJIIIOSE aillt'eted with intlatncd or sore eyes
E should ke aw are of tb« great eacelleucic
of Dr. Adam's Eye Water, in the treutnieut of tin
troublesome affliction. It his been before th
public but a short time, yet it has already beet
fairly tested in comparison w ith all the co'iimoi
remedies, and with what success may be itilerrei
front the extensive demand now existing lor it
and from the numerous testimonials ot i s v.ini
now in ths hands of the proprietor, one or tw<
of which it was deemed proper to subjoin.
Sir .- It is with pleasure I state to you, that mj
wife who was troubled with sore eyes, was com
pletely cured by using one bottle of Dr. Adams
Evo Water. *•
JOHN GARDNER. Green street, near 7th. i
Norristown Pa.
Mr. W+hor : I take pleasure in bearing testimo
ny tn tho superior excollotico of Dr. Adam's I y.
Water over all the others that 1 have tried. lin
viug given De. Thompson's a fair trial I considei
Dr. A I uns’ by far the best, as it is free from that
smarting pro Incod by Thompson's. I know sev
era! gentlemen in this place who have tried both
and th’v decidedly prefer Dr. Adams' Eye \\ ntet
a very valuable medicine. Yours,
Prepared and sold by the «ole proprietor, Jo
soph Fisher, south-west corner of Seventh mid
Buttonwood streets, and of Ilmldlcson, Noni
A constant supply of the above for sale at
Oct. 11. 39—ts.
DR. C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac
tice of Medicine nnd its colint Till branches,
to which bis undivided attention will be devoted
until the close of the uiekly season. When not
professionally absent, he may be consulted at the
office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Eti
jrlc Tavern.
Sparta, August 1. 1836. 29—ts
Iflfentague’D SSaSm aor t-ie
Petersburg, I ’a. 2 F- June, 1836.
H. D. M’l.vrosn, Esq., Henry County, Ga.
Dear Sir:— l tint tics morning in receipt of
your favour of the 18th instant, requesting to
have some of the Balm sent out to your State as
soon as possible. Suck is the pressing demand
in every section, that I have, as yet, not been
able to s iply the orders that have been some
time on hand. I hare had an order from Au
gusta, Georgia, and Savannah, since last win
ter, and only last week sent one • .oce to each
place. Dr. E. R. Calhoun, of South Carolina,
has contracted for that State and Georgia, and
I have shipped to him near five thousand bot
ties, all that I could spare. As soon as 1 can, 1
will send him more; but when, I cannot say, as
I must divide it as well as I can, until I can sup
ply each State fully. 1 willrlomyself the pleas
ure of requesting Dr. Calhoun to establish ana
gency at your office as soon as other engage
meats will allow. I Irave been putting up near
ly two thousand per day, and now find myself :
in want of about fifty tltoitsan I for immediate (
use, and have not fifteen bottles, but what are [
packed up for shipment. ' From the present de- i
m.and, 1 should not be surprised, if it were to
take five hundred thousand bottles a year to sup- !
ply the demand.
Yours respectfully, &.c.
Albemarle, April, 1836.
Dear .Sir:— We sttppos s you like good news,
particularly when yon are mostly interested.
We have hut two bottles left of the box of Balm
you sent us. You can draw at sight for .$ ,
which we believe will be the amotuit, after de
ducting commission and expenses We will
thank you to send to our friends, Messrs. • * •,
of Richmond, by first conveyance, a double box,
which you will put at your wholesale price, for
which you can also draw on us. It has failed j
in two instances in this neighborhood, out one of]
the persons that we have seen, thinks it was
(with him) rheumatism, as lie had the tooth
drawn, and the pain still continued.
Several per >ors have used it, with defective
gums/or scurvy, aud arc so much delighted with
it, that we are charged to keep a supply. The
ladies are using at with the tooth-brush, and say
that it is the bent thing for the teeth and gums
they have ever used. We are glad, for tha sake
of the sufferers, as well as on your account,
that this remedy is net only not of Northern or
igin, (from whence all the patent nostrums
come,) but is a Virginia preparation, and by a
Virginian. Nor dues it 'detract from its efficacy,
on account of the place of its preparation, (Pe
tersburg.) oneg, styled by Mr. Jefferson, the
“cockade ofyAfti-ri/.x” It seems to us, that
all you now have to do, is to tee to it, that yon
keep a supply sufficient for the demand—for if
it sells elsewhere a.i it has dotto here, there will
be no end to the demand. Several merchants
of mv acquaintance, mean to send for a box. |
Allow us to congratulate you, and the public,
at the discovery and use of the only remedy (ex
cept drawing) for tooth-ache, that has yet been
Respectfully yours,
R. R. T. T. G.
near Cabin Point, 24th March. f
Dear Sir: 1 bought a bottle of your Balm
from Messrs. , in Petersburg; in Februa-
ry, chiefly because 1 had a servant who had
rt.liircd most excrutiatingly for some months.
We had trie 1 all the remedies which were in
our reach ; an attempt was made Io extract the
tooth, but broke it off. I caused the Balm to
be used after warmins it in a cup—this was re
peated with a second spoonful, when she vas
entirely relieved. The next ni'.dit she came for
more, saying that a tooth on the other side
ached, and also requested some for her husband
who, she sail), had been suffering with the same
disease for some weeks. I cheerfully gave it,
and the next day on inquiry found that both were
relieved. One of mv neighbors of high respec
tability sent to me for some for his wife. I
have this day seen him, and he assures me that
it afforded immediate relief,and there has been
" L > return; before, she suffered almost constant-
could not bear to let cold waler touch
'.ae tooth, and for two nights previous to the
application, she had not been able to sleep
scarcely at all. Now she has no inconvenience
bom cold water or any' thing else that comes in
contact with the tooth. The night before last
he used some with one of his own men, with the
same success, and says if ho could have had this
remedy fifteen years ago, and known its effica
vy, bn would willingly have given a hundred dol
ltrs Im it. I have written in haste, giving a
plain st H<ment of facts.
* oms re .pa -tfullv,
• WM. F. R. RUFFN.
fc’i'ptvuibar 6, ;j> .(•
U'lH.t.l A.
n tlio Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan
uary Term, 1836.
9 Tl’ON the petition of Edward Thomas and !
others. Stockholders ot the Merchants’ mid ■
Planters' Rank, praying the appointment of a !
{eceiver of the assets of said Bank, for tho pm- .
>osr set forth in said petition on file :
Ordered, I’htit I.dward Thomas be appointed '
is such Receiver, he first giving l oud and secmi- j
■v. to Im approved by the Clerk, in the sum of
Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable totha Clerk of]
his ( <>m t. ami bis successors in office, for the ]
lithlul discharge of his duty in said office.
It it further Order'd. That the said Merchant’s
111,1 Planters' Bank, do forthwith deliver and
ranstei to said Receiver, all and singular, the !
•‘•ooks. Papers, Monies ami Assets of every des- I
ription, belonging to said Bank, and that said
leceiver be and ho hereby is fully authorized and i
inpowered, to receive mid collect by suit in his I
iwtl nmno as Receiver, or by other legal mentis, all
mtstamling claims due to said Bank, mid to pay
dl debts due from it, mid todefeud all suits peud
ng. or that may be brought against said Bank.
An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por
ion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said
Receiver is authorized and required, from time t
'ime. to divide among the Stockholders or tliei 1
egal representatives, in proportion to their res
pective interests, such part of the assets of said
Bank, as he may find prudent nnd proper to divide,
ilwnys reserving a sufficient fund to answer the
probable responsibilities of the Institution.
And it it further Ordered, That the said Re 1
■eiver doreport to this Court, nt its sitting in Jan ;
miry next, his actings ami doings on the premises, I
md that after the making up of said report, he be I
no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received |
'y any creditor ol said Bank, unless the term of
lis responsibility be then further extemlcil.
/I is further Ordered, That a copy of the above
order, be published in one of the public Gazettes
of Augusta mid Milledgeville, at leastouce a month
from this date to the first of January next.
A true extract from the Minutes, this Ifith day of
February. 183(1.
For Ssilc.
hhiie I louse and Lot formerly occupied by
JsL Mrs. Jenkins &. Moore, and recently by
\\ in. \>. (James, as a Public House in this place.
I'he buildings have very lately undergone the most
borough repairs ami alterations, and are now in
good order, and can accommodate a large num
ber of boarders. There nre several lots attached
t» the premises; also, furniture of every descrip
tion. necessary lor the business. This property |
will be sold upon a credit of one. two and three i
years, ami unquestionable titles made to the pur- |
chaserand immediate possession given. Any per-'
•mi disposed to engage in this business would do
veil to call nnd examine the premises, and make
the purchase in time to open the House for the re
ception of members ami others, the ensuing Ses- ]
sion of the Legislature.
Milledgeville August 30th 33—ts
fSI 1 1E Subscriber very respectfully informs his
JI. friends ami the publick generally that he
has located himself at the Mnrrictta Hotel. Cobb
C H., where he oilers his services to search out
and te c t the value of Gold and Land lot.y. and to
make a true return to applicants in the counties of
Cobb, Paulding, Floyd. Cass, Cherokee and For- j
syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at the
above stated place, reference may be had to the i
State anil Check maps, the quality Book, and nu
merical iist. Pationngc in the above business
will be thankfully received bv
March! 1. 1535. silts.
tirCQi'gifg I'tiSittlc
•. A
H ag ins!?
HaTfE friends of this InstktU lion are ill
formed, until furthci arrangements be
made, Mr. JULIUS LATASTE. late Assistant
in Dr. Maiks’ Institution, near Columbia, S. C.,
. will assist in the Literary ami Scientific Depart
ments. Mr. J. L. was to have assisted in theMu-
I sical Department, but the number of pupils iu that
] has been limited, that he might assist iu the ones !
above mimed This arrt tigemcnt has been made, I
I on account of some delay in the correspondence ;
| with the gentleman and lady named in a former'
notice. The number of our pupils, therefore will |
ibe limited to 69, till further notice. There are still
! a few vacancies. j
The Institution has undergone an entire and i
systetnaetic re-organization. Our friends are in- j
I vited to visit ns at any time, during its exercises, i
from 5 A. M. till 5 P. M.
I There will be a monthly examination of the I
j Students, beginning on the 19th of August, and I
; every fourth week thereafter, to w hich our friends I
I are also invited.
i Sorcottsbough, July 19,1836. 27—ts
FiSOO lteward«
] PjSTI HE above rewrad will he paid for the nppre-
JIL heusiou of my man W’l LLI AM,sometimes
called Bill Black. WILLIAM left me aboittUoth
December last; he is a very bright mulaio, about
5 feet 19 inches high, thick set, full faced, sma'l
red or rather blood-shotten eyes, ami straight yel
lowish hair. 1 have no doubt ho will change his
name and try to pass himself for a white man,
which he may be able to do unless to a close
observer. He was formerly the property of M.
] Myers of this place, and travelled with him
j through the up country last summer. The above
I reward will be paid for his arrest iflogedin a
' safe j il so I get him.
Aug. 16. Y S PICKARD.
[ 01/’ The Darien Telegraph, Macon Telegraph,
'and Journal, Milledgeville, and Hive Columbia,
] 8. C., will insert the above twice a mouth for 6
I months and send their hills for payment.
1 Gl' r| u\v EDfrom the stable of the subscriber in |
f 7the village of Sparta, some time in May Inst,
a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 orßyears old,
walks, trots and paces tinder the saddle, no parti
-Iciilar marks recollected. He was raised in Ken
, tacky, and will probably make oil' in that direc- i
] tion. Any information respecting sa d horse will j
' be thankfully received and reasonably rewarded I
July 5 25—ts.
•Vol ire.
THE subscriber contemplating to remove
to the west, oilers for sale, the Eagle I
Tavern, in the town of Warren. It is the!
half-way-house between Milledgeville and Au- j
itsta,istlm stage house, ami one of the bes i
gauds in Georgia. It is quite probable th a !
st arm of the rail road from Augusta, to Athens
anl be constructed to this place. For terms
wi)< h will be liberal and accommodating, ap
whito the subscriber,
Sept. 20, 1836. 36—ts.
WILL lie sold on the plantation of Dr. F. G.
Calloways dec. in Baker County com
mencing on the first monday in January next, and
continuing from day to day. until all is sold. All
of the perishable property Ip longing to said dec.
consisting of ten first rate Mules, one first rate
mare and colt, the stock of Hogs and Cattle, two
road waggons and harness, one two horse waggon
and set black smiths tools, one gin
ami running gear, plantation fords ol all kinds,
household and kitchen furniture, and the crop of
corn and fodder, consisting of about eight hundred
barrels of corn, mid a considerable quantity of
• odder also, w ill be at the same time and place, the
plantation consisting of about four hundred acres
of open land, all under a good fence, and in a
■lice state of cultivation for the ensuing year.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
mi if. undersigned informs his ft iends iiml those I
of the late firm of Cutter Sf Cornwell, that
he intends resuming the Wart houseimd Commis
sion business at the store next above the one re
cently occupied by T. J. Chace, on the margin ol
East M aeon, known as the town of Troy. He bir
ther informs the public that he has bought bis
Goods, &c., aud having now on the way, from New
A’ork and other places, Dry Goods aud Groceries,
together making his stock complete, which will be
sold low for ready pay. he will be ready to receive
Cotton early in the f ill, and he prepared to make
advances, lie would particularly notice to his
friends the great advantages his \\ arcbouses have
over those in the dense part of the city with regard
to fee. they being detached from other building and
at a distance from any street or lane and well en
close. ILS. CUTTER.
The Macon Messcngcraud Telegraph. Md- |
ledgeville Journal and Standard of I nion, will I
publish tliM above until further notice.— Georgian.
Arch st. 26—9 m.
But more particularly io those living
in t/ie 102rf JJis't. G. ?
WHEREAS it has been binding on mo for j
three or four years to lake up all slaves,
and free poisons ofcolour who are living in the
Dist., or in the village of Sparta contrary to the
law that was passed in Dec. 1832. fur their regu
lations, and 1 having been put to much trouble
about them, mid not getting pay for my labor, and
it doing no good, lam done with it. But, be il
known lo the citizens of the J(i2d district G.
?.l. that I shall take a shorter way to pat a slop to
it. The law is very pointed, that any white per
son olleiiding against tho provisions ol this act, be
indicted mid prosecuted before the Superior court
for any such oflcnce, andon conviction thereof,
shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars, and all
cost of said suit, now if the owners, guardians and
managers of such, will read the law, they will find
they are not as friendly to their country as they
think they are. They were friendly enough with
me once, to employ an attorney to drive me and
other constables into our duty, ia biinging their
slaves before the courts for trial ; and have they
ever paid us our costs ? No ! neither de they ever
intend if they can help it, but 1 intend to have
mine. Lave they ever paid their attorney that
they employed ? No! they think he is rich mid
can do w ithout it, and Rhodes is poor, and they
can swindle him out of his fees. Now' there is
but little diflerenco between your cases and mine,
mine is ti'ii days imprisonment more than yours,
w hic.l Ido not intend tohear. J can employ an
attorney to attend to the business better than you
have, where he will get bis fees; and 1 will get
mine that is behind, for I intend to have my full
cost. J know who they are that is owing cost,
and they tint owe it know as well as I do. mid
they would do well to pay it before an execution
comes alter them for it. 1 also well know who it
is that give their slaves privilege of hiring their!
own time, and I have sufficient proof, and mean to
try the project next Superior Court; I shall take
every one indiscriminately, and they must take it
as well as they can, I expect they will think very
strange of this, that I have quit bringing their j
slaves to court tor trial, and bring the owners in
stead of the slaves, but I can tell my reasons for
tnat, there is more to be made by taking the own
ers, than the slaves, and all you who are guilty of
giving this privilege, you have given your slaves,
know it; mid as Ido not intend to be bothered any
more, with their slaves. 1 will take the owners’
and bring them to court, mid when they come to
> ; y r filly dollars, fine and cost of suit, on two or
I ■‘irceslnves, they will learn to keep them in away
that they ought, (if they are friendly to the govern
j ineut) without having poor Rhodes dragging them
up to court for trial ; and after trial, in less than
one week, they aie buying their meats, and they
w ill buy a small bit to-day, mid steal twice as much
next day, they will buy a chicken from a friend ,
Friday night, and Saturday night they w ill steal
a pig from another person ; you who are letting
slaves do that w ay, may watch them, for I intend
tn watch you. HENRY AV. RHODES.
August 23. 32 ts.
TEiic Wsaa’Eßws’ - • •
rETHE undersigned respectfully asks all those
JEL indebted to him, to make payment without
Between this time and the first of October
next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do
so, can make arrangements to meet their re
spective dues; and he apjreals particularly to
those who are in arrears for two, three, four,
and five years, to conic forward* and settle up
their old scores at once.
j This call is forced upon him by the impcri
ons necessity of meeting his own engagements;
i which lie is unable to do, without punctuality on
, the part ot those who owe him. Therefore
j t hcy are hereby notified, that even one who
I hail fail to make payment by the first day of
qctober next, will find their notes and accounts
! the hands of collecting officers, without dis-
I ,n imination.
Phis will be a painful step, but it cannot lie
avoided; mid those who fail to pay within the
tunc above stated, ought not, and lie trusts, will
not complain.
Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22—ts.
n§HHE subscriber oilers for gale, six hundred
Ji. and seven acres, first rate Corn snd Cotton
Law!, with one hundred and twenty acres fine
land, under good fences, all fresh; which will
produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds
Cotton to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels
Corn, there is on the premises, a double log cab
bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two
excellent AA ells ot water, w hich never fails; .the
above lands all lie in the fifteenth ami twenty
eighth district Lee, now Sumter county, all join
ing ; which will be sold on a credit of one, two
aud three years; persons wishing to purchase,
would do well to view the premises, and call on
the subscriber in Mi.llcdgevile during the present
session, oral my residence in Twiggs county, af
ter the cession. BENJ. B. SMITH.
December, 7, 1835. 47—ts
Till'. LSCRIBER oilers for sale on ac
commodating terms, his settlement of good
I Oak and Hickory land, lying on the eastern side
I of Monroe County, three miles below Brownsville,
comprising six hundred & seven acres, one half of
which, is now in cultivation, and under good fem e.
■ Convenient to every part of the farm, is a very
comfortable two story dwelling, a gin house, and
every other house necessary.
August 2d. 1836. +29 ts
rS'IHE undersigned will attend to the Rencw
1L al of notes in the Central Bank at the usu
al fee of one dollar for each renewal. They will
also pass tlirougli the several offices and forward
Grants at one dollar for a single Grant, and lift;
cents each, where more than one is requested. '
Communications addressed to them jointly m
separately, post paid, will bo punctually attendee
l - JOHN G. PARK ’
Milledgeville, April 26 15 ,(
DiilD<*«Bfgc*BE <* BCBC CoMupstasy'
stockholders met <m Saturday the 20th
insl., and organized by theelection ofC'ol.
Aimer Hammond, F. V. Delaunay, T. R. llusom
as a board ofoirectors.
At a inci ting of the directots on the same day.
Col. Aimer Hammond was elected president, mid
S. D. Betton, Secretary.
Argust 23. 22 ts.
STRAYED from the subscriber on the 26th
Sept, ten head of BEEP CATTLE,
particular marks not recollected, only that the
most of them are branded J. P., five of them
are small size, and five large size; they were
driven from Lowndes county, and maybe ma
king their way back; any person who may
take them up, or give any information of them
will be liberally rewarded, on giving the sub
scriber the earliest information of the same.
Sparta, Oct. 4. 39—ts
To T'JAiiclicirs*
A TE ACHEB, wanted, for the year 1837,
.As\ totakcchaigc of the Clinton Academy,
Jones County.—Ono calculated to teach the I
usual branches taught in Academies, will re
ceive a liberal Salary, on cxibiting satisfactory
Letters addressed to either of the under
signed Trustees will meet with attention.
JON ATI! AN I’ARRISII, *- Trusters.
QJ’Editors of the Southern Recorder, will
give the above advertisement weekly insertions
n their paper until Ist January next and for
ward their account to the Tiustees or pay
ment. Clinton, ISth Oct. 1836.40.—tlstJan.
rnxnE annual examination of the students of
_uL this institution, will take place on Thurs
day and Friday, the 3d and 4th days of Nov.
next All interested, arc respeetlully invited to
The exercises of the Academy will be
resumed on the second Monday in January 1837,
* Oct. 25,1836. 41—2 t.
A VALUABLE tract of LAND, containing
21L 2;12.( acres, of which about one hundred and
twenty acres are cleared and under good fence;
the remainder well timbered'with a mixed growth
Fisie, and Hickory.
On the premises is a dwelling house, aud other
out bouses, iticlui'iug a fine new Gin house and an
excellent Gin. The firm is supplied with pure
waler from both springs and well. Fortermsap
ply at the office of the Standard of Union, or to
Absolam Black, on the promises.
Oct. 22d. 41—ts
TcSfiiaii* S&sie.
BE SOLD, at the court-house door.
T2' in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair
county, on ihe first Tuesday in Februmy next,
wttbin lhe legt.l hours oi sa e, the following pro
perty to u it:
C’lie negro man by the mime of JIM, about4B
years old, levied on as the property of Thomas
1* letelicr. to satis!y a li la. issued from the Superior
Court ol said county, in favor of John L. Lumpkin
vs Thomas Fletcher, property pointed out by
plaintifl’s attorney., one negro boy by the name of HENRY,
levied on as the property of Thomas Flether, to
satisfy two ti fas, issued from tho Superior Court
ot said county, one in favor of George Newhall,
vs. Thomas Fletcher, aud George R. M’Call, se~
•uiiiy. aud Ansen Pursnn, vs Thomas Fletcher,
property pointed ouf by G. R M'C'aJl. sth De
cember 1~36. ELIJ.AH WELLS, sheriff.
December 15, 48—tds.
'Ulpf -iff <>
‘IE subscriber has received a part, aud is
Jl. now receiving liis FALL ASH
If iSTEJt STOtL-i OF Dll f GOODS, among
wl ic!i may bo louml the following articles, viz :
Superfine Broad Cloths; different colored Cas
simeres; do. Vestings; Rich Embroidered and
Fig'd. Batins; Bilks, do.; a new article called
Reps, fig'd and [dniii; plain black Isabella, do;
Black r?ii;:, hg'd. mid plain, of tho best quality—
some 19 inches wide; India and Sarsnett do.;
Psrisian ami Ilermium Gause; Plain Satin check
anil lyr’il Shaliys am! ."Shallyetts—a new article;
the r reiich Bioca<i l; for the head ; German and
i.ngh.n Mcrmo's ami Meiio., Gross De Naps,?;
> Circassian, J lekonet, and Cambrics of different
qualities: plum, fig’d., dotted, am) check’d dotted
.Swiss Muslins; Jri.h Linen Sheetings 12-4;
Lawns am! t/iapers; >‘uperfini! Linen Cambrics;
I otigce; Ladies emlumdered Linen Cambric
I Capes, aiffi Pocket Hdk’fs; Muslin Capes and
I Collars. Fur Capes; Boas and Rufis Down do.
: i,tidies finest Kid Slippers, bl’k. and col’d.—new
est style; Gold, Silver and Bronze do.; White
i and black Saltin do. ; Kid, Calf, Morocco and
| Seal, Village Walking Shoes; Water proof do.
• a new article of French do. ; a general nssort
! ment cl Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Shoes;
Gentlemen's ami Boys do.; Gent’s, fine Calf skin !
I Boots; Opera and Navy do.; Kid, Morocco and
] Dancing l umps.
ot each 1 gool a-setinent. PER PCM ER ; (•,<
, S/ATiOf.' itERjJsspLS &• SCOTCH
' CAH! 1 !: '!' 1 yS. ' ' ' ’
; A large and extensive assortment, among which
] may be found, Gent’s. C’iotb Cloaks; Cloth. Mo
hair and Mackina Over Coats ; Frock and Dress
■ Coats. P;mta <>..iis mid V ests. Shirts, Bosoms.
| and Collars; Merino ami Cotton net Shirts amt
I Drawers; Flanw l do. STOCKS— a good as-
• s itn.l nt. Ladies Cloth, idem and lig’d. .Merino
! lie would respectfully ask the attention of Plan
ters to examine his assortment of .NEGRO
| SHOES & BLANEE’i S. as he has a large as
sortment of each, ami Jl'/LL SELL THEM
.•! I’.l oGI S': '.J PRICES.
I To those who visit Milledgeville, for the pur-
I pose i f buying their Fall and Winter supplies of
| Dry Goods, he would, with bis friends and the
plie, most respectfully invite them to call and
October 11. 39—ts.
K@dk.we2t! & Jkenisin,
Milledge vi/ie, Georgia,
Aja. INTERESTB, will attend to business en
trusted to them in the Counties of the Octnulgee
Circuit, in the County of Hancock of the North
ern, Washington of the Middle, Twiggs and Lau
rens of the Southern, and Houston, Bibb aud
Monroe of the Flint Circuits: also in the Federal
Their office is on the second Ilaor of the Mason
ic Hall. Julv 19th. 1836.
• M. J. KENAN.
Augmt2. 29—ts
FffIHE SUBSCRIBER respectfffi-
Ja_ ly informs his friends and the
IJ11, t|!i»* : 3 public, that he has opened a house of
.3 entertainment in the Town of Law
renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he
flatters himself those who may favor him with a
call will ftm! every thing provided which can con
tribute lo them comfort and convenience.
] Lawrenceville Dec. 9, 1835. intmti—l9
’ iV •’> 1(! (
' * I ’tabli-shment is now under
(»'»». -m_ the c iittrol ot the subscribers,
JU. 3’ themselves to rendercom-
■ ......fortable those wl:o maveal! on them.
February, 23. 6 ts
FSpilE Trustees of the HILL ACADEMY,
in Monroe Count v, arc desirous of a
Male Teacher the ensii'nif’ year.
This I nstitution is within a mile of the Macon
and Forsyth Road, seven miles I elow the latter
place, and the neighbourhood Loth agreeable
and healthy'.
None need apply unless he can bring unques
tionable testimony of moral character,industry,
and capacity to teach the mixed and solid
branches of E-mdish and Classic Literature.
Communications addressed to the Trustees,
at .Stalling’s Store, will be promptly attended to.
M. W. M’CR AU,
' October !, 1836. 38—ts.
mm: following is a list of lette’s remaining in I
-8L tho Post Office at Decatur Ga. Ifuotta
ken out before the of January next, will
be forwarded to the General Post Office as dead
letters. Oct. Ist, 1836.
A. Spencer Atkins, Robt. Anderson, Sarah
'.skew, iMalishia A vary.
B. —F. Baldwin, 2; Mary Broughton, Win.
Laker, f hn Blewett, Miss Bynum, Jethro B;iker,
Nathaniel Beauchamp, Eliz. Brown, Jacob Barry,
Jl. L.l Idwi 11, Isaac r>. Benard, L. D. Benham,
Amry Bates,
('.—Abraham Chandler. Win. Clark, John
(.roliord, Aaron Clifton, Win. Cochran, Thomas
t.ovler, Philip Carver, Wm. Couch, Levin Clif
ton, Young Carter.
I)—Martin Defoor, Margaret Davis. J. 11. Da
E. —Mitchell Evans, Miles Estis.
)'—Win. Ford, Amos Forrester, John Fain,
Mary Ann Fowler, John 11. Fowler, Mary Faw
cett, Coday Fowler.
(■'—M- Garrison, J H Gallispie. Arcliy Gill,
L Galbraith.
H-—Elizabeth Horton, Newton Higgins 2, Phi
lomen Hodges, Wm Hurston, Wm VV Hugill,
Mary Howard, S B Hill. Isaac Hughes. Hize
Harrison, John Hughes, Isham Hendon, Thos II
Hopkins, J L Hiblcr, Wm E Hall 2.
1 &J.—Mary Ann Johnson, Lewis E Jones 3,
Joseph Jolley, John Ingram, E Joidan, Martha
K.—Mathew Knight.
L-—John Lawhon. Ww Lester.
M-—7 bomas Mahappy, Daniel M’Lewis John
M Gimiis, Sarah Mezzick, Sarah S Moore, Wm.
M’Donald, James Mangum, Israel Miller, Benj
Morris, Neal McLeod, Joseph Mitchell.
N.—Eouiza Namer.
O—VVm.Oerry, Alexander Oliver.
)’■—Sarah Pickens, S VV Peck, Jaremiah Perry.
R.—lsaac Roe.
H >n. Skeif, John Still, John Smith, Wm
Sprewell, A Stephens, Thomas Simmons. Diadi
ma Smith. Chandler & Still, Offry Stowers, Si
mon Smith, II Sprayberry, Wm Smith.
—John Towers, David Tanner, Joseph Trim
ble. Daniel Turner.
V.—A N. Verding.
W—Win. Simon, Jncob White 2, Nedom
Whitley. John Woodruff, Joseph Wooten 2, Isaac
'Vbite, J L Williams, David White 2, Joseph
V • —Robert Yancey, James Young.
Oct. 25. 4]_
S B inSaski SlicriO* Saße.
WILL be sold, at the Court House Door •
in thetown of IlartH rd, Pulaski Coun
ty, on the firsiTeesday in January next, the
following property to wit:
One Bay Horse, levied on as the property of
Elisha Hodge to satisfy a fi fa issued from the
Superior Court of Laurens county in favour of
Robert Good, property pointed out by David
Dec. Ist tds-=46
(SI IX MONTHS after date, application will
FL/ be made to the honorable the Inferior:
Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary 1
purposes, for letters distnissory from the estate !
of John Crittenden dec.
This is therefore to admonish all and and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
if they have any objections, why said letters
should not be granted, to file their objections in !
terms of the law.
June 19. 25 6m.
S7l ')! R MON I IIS after date application will
. be mndetothe Honorable, the Inferior Court
of Dooly County, when sitting for ordinary pnrpo- |
ses. for leave to sell lot of land No. 201, in the j
7tht dist. of said Comity, for the benefit, of the !
heirs of Janies Coleman deed, this 21st July 1
1836. ‘ J
August 2d. 29 4m. I
GEORGIA, Fayette County. 1
S 7l OU ix months after date, application will
- be made to the honorable Inferior Court
of V, are county, when sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th
[district of originally Carrol! now Hoard county,
; belonging to th? illegitimates of . Pinington’
ILLAItY APDA.MS. Guardian,
28—m4n>. !
FOU R MONTHS after date, application will i
be made to the honorable the Inferior
court of Pike comity, whim silting for ordinary
purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No.
12a. in the third district of Pike county, for the
benefit of James A. Crawley, minor, under the
age ol 21 years. September tl) • 17th, 1836.
JA+II'.S A. CRAVVLEA', Nazi. G*zrdOn,
Sept. 20. 37 m4m. I
OUR MON THS after date application
Ji_L will be made to the honorable the In
ferior Court of Pulaski county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 250 acres of
land, being lot's No. 195, and 226, in the 12th
district of original y Houston, now Pulaski
amnty, lying on the waters of Buck Creek :
The Negroes, together with some Cattle and
Household furniture, belonging to the estate of
Frederick, late of said county, dec’d.
September -39th, 1836.
October 11. 39—m4m.
G UARDIAN’S SALE.—On the first Tues
day in January next, will, within the legal
hours, be sold, before'tbe court-house door,in the
town ot Zebulon, Pike county, one negro man,
by the name of HARTWELL, between twenty
seven and thirty years of age, as the property of
Joseph 11. Daniels, (minor,) sold for the benefit of
said minor. Terms made known on the day,
’his I2th October, 1835.
Cctober 25. 41 —ml m.
on the first Tuesday in January next, at
he court-house, in Gwinnett county, lots of land
W. diSt, &2W,
sth dist., both in Gwinnett county; also one
kely negro fellow BEN. about twenty eight
ears old, sold for the benefit of the heirs and
redi tors of David Delk, late of said county de-
C. HOWELL, ? , , ,
DAVID DELK, (, A1!,,1r s -
Oct. 25. 41—m4m.
11. & J. SHOTWELL,
5>2 > B3ggists, Macoas, G js.
HSnllE SUBSCRIBERS (former partners of!
dii.s Shotwell, & Co.) have resumed their
business under the above firm, at their old stand
opposite the Biii'k Tavern, ami w dl keep a gener
al iissorlment of Drugs. Medicines, Surgical and
Instruments, Paints and Oils, of all kinds, Win
dow Glass, assorted sizes, Glass-Ware for shop
furniture. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes of
every description. Botanic and Patent Medicines
Carpenter's preparations, also his Essays Medico.
Dye Woods, ami Dye stulls, and a great variety <•!'
Miscellaneous Articles, which they have received
a lifgc supply of, ami intend keeping their stock
constantly •.•epleiiished, so as to I c able at all
times to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planters and
I.tilers who may fawn them with their custom. |
Intending to be permanently engaged iu tins |
business, the subs? ibersfrom their long experi
ence, hope to render il wonhv the patronage of
old and new eusti-mers. < trders by lettef will
meet the same Attention as if made in person.
N. B-Garden Seeds, as iorieil. t:-;n rented fresh
A liberal d'. icomit made to country dealers.
' H. A- J. S.
• Oct-. 11 39--ts
* ' 1 :x 1
<Sc Co. continue to trans-
® o ct - Wai:e house and COMMIS-
V? at the former stand ofSims,
W ilbams & Woolsey. They feel grateful for
past, am solicit a continuation of public patron
,l.-<' 1:, .V biiiidingsagainst FIRE,
”»y can recommend with confidence; their
‘bailies are low, and every exertion shall be
used to piomo'e the interest of those who may
favo.i them with business. advan
ces unde ()ll produce in storm
ttjr- i’ho Maron Messenger, Milledgeville
Standard 0 Union, and t| l( , Columbus Sentinel
wdlr.serttbe above for two months, and for
ward their accounts to S. K- Co
! " ’ 2m—44
FWIHE undersigned will gener;ll | y boa |)|lr .
Iluvand ' ( Tt r r < !llld 011 Pa™-
Buy and sell drafts and cheeks on the north, &c.
061 D. PONCF
Stocks will be purchased and sold on com
mission. 1 aper from any part o f t i, (; Unite(l
I t ti G’ ifn,adci
South Carolina. Orders for the .purchase of
Northern funds wdl be carefully and prompt
ly exmuted; consignments of Cotton will be
thankfully received an assurance of best
exertions to render satisfactory sales.
Savannah, 31st October, 1836. *
CW' I'he Augusta Constitutionalist, Milledge- '
Ville Standard of Union, and Macon Telegraph,
will insert the above for one mpntb, and render
their accounts to the Georgian ‘Office for pay
ment. 1 '
Nov - lm—44.
Tn Hancock Superior Court, October Term, 1836
Present bis Honor. Garnett Andrews Juibe
’ 0 '
UPON the petition of John IT. Brantley, who
intermarried with Sarah Shivers, grand
daughter and legatee, of George Cowan deceased,
and. William Shivers, and John M. Shivers, gram!
sous and legatees under the last will and testa
ment of the said George Cowan deceased, praying
the establishment 01 a copy of the last will and
testament, the said George Cowan, which copy
has been established in lieu of the original will of
the said George Cowan, which copy so establish
ed in lieu of said original,lbas been destroyed—a
copy of si id established copy, as nearly its can be
recelk Cod by the petitioners, is hereunto annexed.
On motion of counsel, it is therefore oedered, \
I hat said copy •./ said established copy of the '
last will nnd testament of the said George Cowan. I
so as aforesaid destroyed, be established, in lieu
thereof, at the nsxt term of this court, unless cause
be shown to the contrary.
And it is further ordered. That a copy of this
rule be published in one of the public gazettes of
Milledgeville, onee a month for six months, pre
vious to the time of making application for a rule
absolute, and served perronally, upon all persons
terested. residing in this State
A true extract from theminutes, this fifteenth
October 1836. T. 11. AUDAS, CZerF.
December 1. 46—m6m.
E.ORGIA, Crawford county. —James Wil
son of the 529th district, G. M. toller! be-!
fore me, Johnathan Ross, a Justice of the Peace,
one iron grey horse, six years old, blind in the left
eye. with a long switch tail, appraised by Lewis
Holt and Samuel Dukes to $lO 00.
WM. McGEE, C. I. C.
September 23th IS3G. 33 ts.
HU R. .MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the honorable, the inferior
courtofGlynn county, while sitting for ordinary
| purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal
[ estate of the late Martha Childers, of Washington
county, deceased. , ruuswick, 7th Nov. 1836.
JOHN BURNETT jr. adm'r.
OUR Months afterdate application will be
I JiL* made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court
j of Tels -ir County, when sitting for ordinary pur-
I jtases, for leave to sell uli the real estate of Will
] til! Boyls late of said County dec’d.
sale of the increased Capital Stock o
this Bank will be resutni d in front of the
Banking house, at 11 o'clock, on the morning of
Wednesday, the 18th January next, at which time"
the Board of Directors n il I offer at auction the pri
viledge of subscribing fir THREE THOUSAND
additional shares, being the balance of the increase
.authorized by ihe act of December, 1826. By
order of the Board of Directors.
ROBERT F. POE. Cashier.
Bank of Augusta, Nov. 15th, 1836.
Tho Savanuali Georgian, Charleston
Courier, Southern Recorder, Standard of Union,
Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Macon Messen
1 ger. Athens Banner, and Washington News, will
! publish 1 his ad vertisement onee a week until the
j 10th of January and present their accounts for
I payment.
Milledgcvile, Nov. 24 45.
Leonard Burns ) Libel for divorce in
■ Bike Superior court,
Martha Burns. ) Sept. Term,lß36.
IT appearing to the court that the said defen
dant has qot been served with the usual
j process; and it appearing she cannot be found,
| it is therefore ordered by the court, that she ap
pear at the next Superior court, to be held in and
I for Pike county, on the Ist Monday in March 1837.
and then and them answer to the above suit.
[ And it is further ordered by the court, that service
i of this rule bo perfected, by its being published
once a month, for three months, in one of the
| public gaz.ettes of this State.
i A truo extract from the minutes, 6th Septe.m
--[ her 1836. EGBERT P. DANI EL, c. s. c.
I Nov. 1 m3m.
WILL he sold on the fifteenth day ofDecem,
her next, at the late residence of Mrs.
1 Susannah llolsey, dec’d a number of articlescou
j sislingof Household and Kitchen furniture, Beds
j Corn, Fodder, Pork mid stock Hogs, Horses, and
a lafge stock of cattle and sheep ; plantation and
farming tools, with many other things too tedious
tom,ention. Sale tn continue from day today,
until ail is sold. The plantation will be disposed
of on that day, if not previously sold. At the same
time and place will be sold by Gideon Holsey, from
10 to 15 likely negroes. Terms on the day
[ Hancock, Ga. 42—tds.
Tho Southern Recorder will please publish the
[ above until the day of sale, and forward their ac-
I count for payment.
EXECUTOR'S S/\LE.—Agreeable to the
last will and testament of John Woodall
deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu
within the legal horns, before the
court. door, in Decatur Dekalb county, nine
negroes to wit: Peggy, a woman about 69 years
ol age, woman about 69 years of
age; Duke, a man about 38 years of age, si first
rate blacksmith : Bob. about thirty years of age ;
Patsey. a woman about twenty-seven years of age
Susey, a woman about twenty years os ag-c;
Airney, a girl about seventeen years os age, and
her two children ; Warren a boy about five years
»dd ; and Samauthy, a girl about eighteen months
old ; also, a snv.F tract i f land, containing sixty
five acres, it being part of two friictiouss tio 340,
241, in the 6th district of Gwinnett county, for- I
merly, tl((W Dekalb. Terms made known on the |
d;iv ot‘sale. I Illi i\ov.
HASTEN I). PALMER, S c,, ‘ c, ' s - j
Dcccml..:-, I. 46- -tds. I
A E’fi’ocliiiiiatian
By WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor of laid
WHEREAS, at the October Term, 1836,
of the Superior Court of Telfair cotm*
ty, a true bill of indictment was found against
ALLEN YOUN, for murder; and it being rep
resented to me that the said YOUN has fled
from justice, 1 have thought proper to issue
this, my Proclamation, hereby offering a re*
any person, or persons, who may apprehend and
deliver the said Allen Youn to the Sheriff of
Jailor of said county ofTelfair: and I do more
over charge and require all officers, civil and
military, in this State, to be vigilant in en
deavoring to apprehend and deliver him as
ALLEN YOUN is represented to be about
thirty years of age, five feet nine or ten inches
high; dark complexion, and dark eyes, and in
weight, about 180 pounds.
Given under my hand aud the great seal of the
State, at the capitol in Milledgeville, this third
day of December, eighteen hundred and
thirty-six, ami of th? Independence of the United
States, the sixty-fu st.
By the Governo'r,
William A. Tesxille, Sec'y. State
December, 9. ’ 50—2 f.
•Execsaloa-’s Sale*
ON Monday tho 12th day ofDccember next,
will be sold at the late residence of Abraham
Leverett, deceased, in Morgan county.
e-JH the perishable Property
of the said dec’d. consisting of horses, mules* cat
tle sheep, both meat hogs; plantation tools, 1 Mt
of blacksmith tools, one set of carpenter’s tool*.
&c ; also coin, fodder, oats, with numerous other
articles too tedious to mention
At thqsame time the land will be sold and the
negroes hired for the ensuing year. The sale to
continuo from day to day until all is sold. Terms’
on the day of sale.
Dec. 8 47+Mds.
(l?“ All the Milledgeville papers will. publish
the above till day of sale.
Baldwin Couuty. $
PURSUANT to a writ of Election issued by his
Excellency the Governor, and to us directed,
■ requiring us to causo an Election to be held on
.Monday the 2dday of January next, for one Rep
resentative in the House of Representatives of
the Congress of the United States, to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of the Hon. Geo.
, W B. Towns —we, the Justices of the Inferior
i Court for the county aforesaid, hereby give notice
| that an election will be held at the Court-house in
the town of Milledgeville and county and State
aforesaid, on Monday the 2d day of January next
lor a Representative to fill the aforesaid vacan
cy- . -
Dec. 8 47
The Milledgeville papers, willl insert the above
tilll the day of election.
HE subscriber wishing to dispose of bis farm
ing interest now offers for sale, his beautiful
and much admired plantation situated immediately
on the Chattahoochee River half mile above the
the beautiful and flourishing town, Irwin
ton. This tract contains upwatds of 1200
Acres, all of which is fine productive Lauds
aud lay quite level, of which 499 acres are cleared
and lence. Also a well of first rate water in the
yard and a convenient dairy House attached To it
and all necessary out buildings and a first rate gin
house and screw. Persons having tho chang and
wishing to invest it in such property, has been uni
versally admitted, by all peorsons that have seen
it, to stand unrivalled foil goodland and beauty of
situation and unquestionably healthy. Persona
wishing such a plantation, are paiticularly invited
to come and view the premices.
The Georgia Journal and Georgia Constitution
stitutienalist aud Standard ol Union, are requested
to give the above thro iusenious and forward their
accounts to mo at Irwinton.
Dec. 8 47—3 t.
THIS Institution was organized at the late
meeting of the Board of Trustees by creating
the Offices of the Faculty aud the courses of Lec
tures, and also appointing part of the Faculty, as
Rev. C. P. Ceman, President, and Professorof
Natural Philosophy and Chemistry.
E. A. Nisbet, Esq., Pice-President and Profes
sorof Belle Lettres and Mental Philosophy.
Rev. C. W. Howard, Chaplain and Prefessot
of Moral Philosophy and Ecidencesof Christianity,
Rev. S. K. Talmage, Professor of ancient Lan
N. M. Crawford, Esq., Professor of Mathe
matics and Astronomy.
(Not yet filled,) Professor of Modern Languaget
(Not yet filled,) Professor of Geology, Botany,
d Mineralogy.
on(Not yet filled,) • Rector of the Midway Semina
ry and ex ojjicio member of the Faculty.
(Not yet filled,) a competent number of
Provision has also been made by the Board for,-
the delivery gratuitously of a course of lectures;
on each of the following subjects, viz.: Municipal..
Civil and International Law, Physiology and As-,
Tho corner stone of the university building is to •
be laid with suitable solemnities, aud an addrere.
by Colonel J. 11. Lumpkin is to be delivered du
ring the annual meeting and under thedirectiou of
Hopewell Presbytery, which is to convene at Mil
ledgeville during the lattei part of Marr b,1837.
A sum. which; in the opinion of theEoarJ, folly
justifies them in taking efficient measures has alrea
dy been subscribed to tho ins itution, aud agents
have been appointed, w ho are instructed to make
prompt and energetic efforts to receive the com
plete endow merit of the university.
The exercises of the Institution are expected to
commence early in the year 1838.
The action of the Board has been restricted, so
the present, to the measuies above stated by thcr
want of suitable candidates to fill up the vacant »es
in the Faculty, and as well by th.- want of ade
quate funds. . It is their design to create a univer
sity which shall be of the highest character, ?n or
nament aud blessing to the whole South. Their
success, in theuttaintneiitof this end, will be whol
ly dependent upmi the liberality of the Christian
aud benevolent public.
*Mr. Beman will cominue to conduct the Mid
way Seminary during the next year, assisted by
Mr. Mead, and additional tutors, ns they maybe
found necessary.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
IL P. STUBBS, Secrpear-w.
December 8. 47—ts.
Peggy Posey ) Libel for Divorce in De
vs - > Kalb Superior Court
Pinckney C Posey, ) Septembei Term 1836.
It appearing to the Court.froni the virtue of the
Sheriff that the Defendant is not lobe found in the
comity ot DeKalb, and it further appearing to the
court that the Defendant has no settled residence
in tho State of Georgia when the Ordinary pro
cess ot Law can be served on him.
It is tberefoie ordered by the Court, that the
said- 1 iuckuey C. Posey, do appear nt the next
t< rm ol this court, and answer 10 the above stated
' ’batsii vieebe p rfected by the publica-
I mm ol thisrule in one of the public Gazettsof this
1 t ite euee a month Im three months previous to
>id court. *
I "TermVsjC 1 ' ,le TO " ,ules of tbo court Sept-*