Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, October 31, 1837, Image 1

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WflMWmwmsnr ■ i i ii * ...» ----- —— ■TI l> «v T >«<» «« '.VGA VOls, IV. NO 42. of anion, jbst J,. raoß.C(Mi : O’,v, rntJVTf.K, AND Publisher (By Authorih/,) of ike Lan ; of the United Stales: OUlcc near ihc corner of Wayne and ; Fm< klin«t eels. Issued eveiy Tuesday morning,nt $3 per annum ( No subscription taken for less than u yeiti •nd no paper discontinued, lint at the option <n 1 he ptatdisher, until all arrearages arr paid. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at the - isttal rates —those not limited when handed in, I will be inserted ’till forbid, and charged accord- ! CHANGE OF DIRECTION. \Ve desire such of our subscribers as may a’l sny time wish the direction of their papers <•' m- Ced from one Post Odice to another, nr" inform : ns, in nil eases, of the place to which they h id been previously sent; as the mere order to for w-ard them to a different office, places it alums! i outof our power,to comply, been use we have no ; naeans of ascertaining the office from which they i are ordered to be changed, but a search through i our whole subscription Book, containing severa thousand name... POSTAGE. It is a standing rule with this office, as well I as all others, that the postage of all letters and > communication* to toe Editor or Proprietot ' must bo paid. We repeat it again,—and re- I quest all persons having occasion to address us ■ upon business connected • » any way with th j establishment, to bear it in mind. Persons. wishing to become subscribers to the Standard I •fUnion, are particularly requested to give tin i r , atteation to this; or they will nut hare the pa' ‘ per forwarded to them. TO ADVERTISERS ABROAD. Persons, at a distance, who are desirous! •f giving their advertisements an extensive circulation, are respectfully informed that THE STANDARD OF union presents the' means of spreading them before a larger ' number of readers than any paper in Geor gia, or perhaps in the Southern country, ’ with but a single exception. There is not j • State or Territory in the Union, to which ! it has not found its way: and scarcely a Past Office in this State w here it is not ta ken. H.<fc J. SHOTWELL, »rnggiKta, Ii aeon, Oa. FWSHE SUBSCRIBERS (former partners of Ellis Shotwell, & Co.) have resumed their basin. is under the above firm, at their old stand | opposite the Brick Tavern, and w ill keep a uoner •l assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Surgical and Instruments, Paints and Oils, of all kinds. Win- I dew Glass, assorted size.,. Gia,,-Ware for shop farniture, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, lira,he, of •very description. Botanic and Patent Medicines i Carpenter's preparations, also hi. Essay, Medics. Dye Woods, and Dye stuffs, find agreat variety «d Miscellaneous Articles, which they have received • large supply of. and intend keeping their stock I constantly replenished, so as to he able at all i times to supply Dealers, Pliysieiaiis. Planters ai d i others who nany favor them with their custom. Intending to he permanently engaved in this ' business, the subscribers from their long experi i ence.hopeto render It wm-hv the palroiw't-e of • old and new customers, t triers by ! ettvr will, meet the satn« attention as if made in i .on. N. B. Garden Seeds, assorted, ic./r, fresh \ liberal discount made to c. uiitr. waies. 11. J. S. 'let. 11 :<•!. _,f Valuable Land’s for Sale. THE subscriber offers sot sale, on accommo- i dating terms, three -•■mres of first rate i PINE LAND. in the Dili District. Dooiv County, ten mill's from Drayton, near die rm.rl leading to ■ Traveller's Rest, and about six niiivs hi th** i Rest. There is on the premise*, a new Log • Dwelling House and Gin Hmm. anti other out | Buildings. Negro Houses. &<•.. as w ell :,s about •it* hundred and seventy acres of Cleared I.and which is mostly rich and m good repair. The I settlement has several fine Springs of cool water i on it. The terms will be liberal and mac be known’ . applying to JAMES M. EVI b ill. n- ar Dray' j ton, Dooly Counts, <lrrrrgm. < i •<> CH \RLFS 11. EVFIU.TT. Fort Valley. I lotiMton (’minty. I August3o, 1837. ' *;j Jnckscm A THE Hubscrilxr t'tul 'i» his thank to his friends au.l the public genera. >y, for’he liberal patronage th.; hair heretofore ext. uile.l to him; ami i; u . . by the attention wf himself ;.n<| ib../u t<, m, rit contiotrmn-e <rf their support. lie lies rlouhp..; the size of his Dining Kmmi. ho as to be able ;<> accomnKxiate treacly twice as;-. ai the table as he could nt the last s<- i- nos the I,.;; lltroo n.oro U 1.. |, . .., tablisfiHietlt, Which will ettabi. him to n:' large It ooms for large Ur.niiti. . He has also added largely to |, : ta''!< s. « h ■' will he strictly ntteu.lcd to. I!i» f \ 1). I>eat rhe country affords, mid ; !s osu I. the :■ rm moderate. TRY UNCLE SAM AG’jv, at his Old Stand. He will al-o take a f. v, momh'v or Boarders and Families, .lining tbe iimim r." He also tead.-rs hiurr-'lf' to r’> ■ .5 i nure, • n candidate for L'O'.IFTRO LLEI’ <; Ij: •,' nt the next Session. SA'.I’L. Bl.; i r.'GTON, August 22. 1837. .‘(’-lit <n pi tn 1 fttoek 8530,Ge0 ‘ ! .. ?;t | I VER 8:» 4 L i! A t 'I '. AGENT nt Vlilledgevi!!.-, of I-),- uci oi i i u surnnee nod Trust (?•>,;>.■., mH i;,:.. |''i, anti Marine lusitrime 0:1 t.i • m 1 r< . 0,,. i,J term*. THOM S. i; I C V.l !’.r- " M. T. Gour.o, ;•* -<'|'*r • Di rectors of th. ~ , 7 . ; ..., ( puny, Am'.-,, /, r ;-5 ; ■ ; Samuel Hute, H"no David If. St. John, 1./;’ Adam Johnston, Bdtri d T ■, , Jacob Moise, J1 h , /„ Solomon Knee land. i’.rt llayt timed re, /. ~,■/• ' PleriMint Stovtfl, C. Artemi s (Jont.l, John M, .{ll:inld. j- 1 Andrew J. Millei, r '1 r /■' . Nov 17—11 J BANK ' * *■ . Bank of Ike Slate of Georgia, Savannah, J3/AO,/. , . . . I'Vrcwitli submit (he > lui-nnnrnl k port of the state and condition of the B ink of the State of Genrnia nnJ in Oir. rv «. ♦ i n •• t* t >mg Inshtmi ns of ,t IH State, t| l( Enk rd 11. Stan of G.i.rg'm >M as a St<>. kh.dd. r, in mt instance has the I ,j V sub "bed Vi r d 4 1 Ts I be proper to remark Hint although in the List of Stockholders of some ..f f - - Batik is represented as holding ta.R.. ’red skates. Tin s' were tr u.sfern das collateral secuiity to the Branch at M"n " ‘ S V' ° f Sl '“ U -> of the Central Rail Road and Bankh" ( .^2■. , pel tel tly good, m lependenth of tint security . In thi, and all other cases w here Sto< k has been transferred as collateral sei nritv or in imm'i'ni' of ,7 lit - "in "t 'tl 1 7 ’ a ' Kl ' lle ' , ‘' H ,lie tfaiisactiitn is founder! is r> p:rsr ( .t.-d ti< late of Georgia,’ must legally t e used, wln liter the transaction be the result of the business of the Principal Bank or of either of its Branches. ' *' '" ° 4 ”* ,ts <»» setdemeni with their debtors, the Corporate name, “ "Fur ft u,lt His Excellency, WM. SCHLEY, Governor of G. orgia, Milledgtvil'e. 1 haVe tbe hono! ’ 10 bp » very respectfully, i W. B. BTHJ.Of'kf P.-, s ’ oUlu I j vn, f 1 i'( ie Hi. Fl . —— 1 -- . I .11 —w— | __ ■ ■ J2'_2 ,__.r , _ - M-II -Tl 111-11 111 - ... ■ *T ATlC.lE.vr of the sitdation of the BANK THE STATE OF GEORGIA and BRANCHES, for j, , . i I . I i Due from I Bills of I I i s r— —i • j • Whereat. ' l! nl : 'l Ihnses'and Salaries Incidental Bridge at S ' IL " Protest ' Bank State | Bills of Branches on „ . I ! to Bank) .Votes. Estate. H<.t nd I Sahrits. E ts . . Augusta. « Account. j «'ber Banks hand other I V.’V’" I Dividend-, Discount Surplus Due to I "'to o L ‘" ' Judgment j Banks. and ; C(1 hand. ftian their | | S,ock ' Cticuhtio,,. Unpaid. Aecdum. Fond. L u^a1l k. i p-n ’'rgu amt] 894 a::;' ;« Silis I ms h| £«loo “*5 i'“ J'S •-1223 8, ;?-S; 3 n ‘- RECAPITULATION. C/ . I i ~~ : -J ■ 1 LIABILITIES. j! To Discounted Notes, . . . * i .7n Ti - > iT Z. I—————1 —————— — “ Bills of Fxch'imre ' ’ ' ’ ’ ‘ $2,L.),b01 /_ By Capital Stock, . . , ' ' - is “ Real Fst-, • ’ 318,552 2!) “ Notes in Circulation,* $1,500,1X10 00 j .. ,: fe-S :: : ‘■'WS i :: ShhTr T :: J “ Assignment of a Judgment, . "’ion U) “ balance Due to Bank Stale .f Georgia and Branche., 147 "q If U “ Prou st Account, . 5 ",2 n* Indtvtdual deposites, . ? . . . . ‘ Balance Duo from other Banks, . , . , . ’ ( j<j ~ Balance Due from Bank State of Georgia and Branches, . . Ifio’dß’? 19 “ Bills of Branches on hand. . . • • . . er’cee rn ’3 “ Bills of other Banks on band, . *247217 00 Specie on hand, . , . . , ... 477,282 70 ■a. ' -- $8,669,666 28 ' J —j. . . . .... $3,669.666 28 . /;< •Notes in Circulation, . . • . $1,130,389 00 1 Deduct on hand, ... . 55 555 0() J | Actual Circulation, '. '. . $1,074,831 00 October, \3th, 1837. 1 j! TT-TT" ' • ■ ; E. PORTER, Cazier . STA TF.MEN f of dm Condition of the BINK of the STATE cf GEORGI \ and BRANCHES, up to Monday, 2d Ort. 1837, < in relation to Bills nl Exchange and Notes Discounted; showing the amount ol Active or Running Paper, tlie ■mount in Suit, —the amount under Protest and not in Suit, an I Total Aiuount. Also, what amount is considered Good, what amount Doubtful, and amount is considered Bad ; as required by an act of the Legislature passed 24tli December, 1832. n i Aiiionut not Amount ia Amonni i.n Amount con- n.mhtfiil Rad > olal W,1 '’ r ' !a '' du.. Suit. “' r I MiKted food. noub,fuL • “ d - Amount. nut Hi >UH. |* i __ 1 I u, ~7~ Augusta, . ' 406.31166 11,919 34 62.982 82 4S 1,246 82) i 477,594 D» 3,652 79! 481,246 82 1 .Milled mville, . 109,77100 10,522 72 32,673 33 152,967 051 151,506 05 1,261 00 200 00 | 152,967 051 '! Washington, . • 157.417 52 9,636 00 167.253 52, 167.253 52 ! 167.25.3 521 E itonton, . 148,117 00 116,147 0. 118,147 OO 148.147 00 1 ; Gi.eiieslmrongh, I 71.713 0 16.13? 97 7,993 00 95.86 S 97| 87,623 97 , 5,245 00 .3,001) 00 95,868 97 ij M icon, . . 199,HH 6! 43.879 OS 61.224 07 30.',2!l 76 291.221 54 8,983 .58 7.006 64 I 307,211 76; 1 \tuens, . . 1 178,485 O() 4.3 H) 00 12,160 no Jf>5.255 til', 195,255 o<l 195.255 0B I T'it'al~ . _ S2OBI,’ PUS7 145,(185 27 222,247 16 2 448,354 (>0||2,402,1(il 48; 22.784 -17 23,-1(6 05 2.1'1835-l 00| •' - - -;; ; ; “T“1 !j State of Georgia, i WILLIAM B. BLLLOCH, President, and A POR I ER, Cashier, ol the Bank id the State of Georgia, f Cl t‘am Cour being duly Sworn, sav, that the returns herewith made cioitajii, to the lust ol their knowledge ami belief, nt am owi y. statement of the cimdi’ion of said Ba >k and Brat,cites; she returns to this Bank from each Branch I having IteeiiTinadi' under the oath of the President and Cashier thereof, and al Gleenesborimjli by the Agent there. Swoin to before me the 13f/i October, 1837, IV. B. Bl LL()( 11, President. ; JOSEPH FELT, J. P. . A. PORTER, Cashi.r. — I A! of dbieldo.lders in the Ban <>f f!,,- S'a'n of Go ,r 2 ia on ' C:f 21 of October, 1837. the number of Shares /:■ If ei irh I an/l the amount paid thr reon. ’ c'"'''! , 20 2 000 < irndmi ( um-y Acaden v, 2 ; o 999 'i " rirtt.i Al.nv, by Trustees, John M 3eir?”.t, J? 0 12 090 L -ojm F. Alexander, X! 11l A.'a 'f .y, r r 3.100 /. '• ,x , 200 20 000 c.t. him ( mrmy A.-'d-mv. 99 fi 999 :<v 7''' C -"nn A<”demy, 124 .3999 L. A. \ I, r ., f „fW.J.S of, G 600 L tm.f .m-fx-Aoid-my. H 1• - A I'.m,'. Cr i-p... f... <•_ V '.r AI I 2 290 \ r ‘ r ,?■' A " '' T '" l '• 4 409 Am. Lmr.m, 37 7’.r"' 1') 1000 B.m.u,>-rm, 59 5,999 -r 15 ’’s°° A-in d. B mrke, Fr ism ( .f„ r E th 10'. 10.50 Anu M. B . rrkr, Trust-m f.,rC , , r j f) ]ol , y . () Au-, M. 80-irke. flu'i-dimi ■ f S •• >h, J lu ) I horn-.- Ittd VViJli’.'.i B>’ I", .4.■! ■ a■ 1 r. rnn 'l' B |. ( ' w ..u . ? -.1 , W'O . £ 9 900 J.m. S. B .rncn, 12 l<2 uu JggtOww OT Vti il 2j2a ii'ski/Cii 3‘j iiSa A, i' «7./r Cent* tie iter () ft r fotssi! >■t { — stet rr' r> . . v ~ '2 = . E ’ i = -~ Joh.t Carmii'ha.l, 100 10.000 Harriett Campbell, 73 7 V aladeit Cowling and Cl ildrett, bv 'I r«ts- ) lees, R. Richardson ami VVm. Davies, $ 2,900 Rosannah Creamer, 3 Ridiert Clark. 18 180 f) L Itarleston r ire and Marine Insurance Com- ) patty, j 288 | /123 12,300 • I iiiloehlua r,. Cuspy, 20 2 000 Aim (’. Cimrlunati, 350 E-'wau! Coxe, j 04 * 10>400 t eniral Bank, Georitia, 5,000 500 000 K. A. Cunningham; Guardian of Marg. ) Cunningham, i 35 3,500 Robert ( ampbell, pg g 600 Aaron Cha.npiim, 2<) , ( hri-t ( l>or< l i, S iv. Sunday S.-hool Sncietv, 3 300 Christ Chur, h, Sav. Sunday School Build- ) inti Fund, ? 6 GOO Mary G. IA imimr, • qnn .Lunes K Daniel, 50 S gg o : Frederi. k Densler, 4 _> 4 2 gg l» tlltatn Dearing', g 600 B-'! Dimon, by Ex’rs J. Penfield, in trust, 20 2 000 I t ’ ' 111 J°o M V< ■'* L ‘ T 1 " s ’- 30 3.000 Marta Edwards, 20 2 OQO ! John I "X, . c . r ,,„ 7 P ’ 45 4 500 | n\v 13 V 13430 ‘ i’. T k o S E ’" rnoy ’ 054 0 - r ’s° n’wi’t vt ,rr, ° V ’ 55 i 5550 ' R. W .lit, Flournoy, 250 25 000 Cath. F irz-tmmons, 25 2 500 j • atb, J. (,nmes, an I daughter, by Trust-''-. ) Geo. Jones, z 6 600 ' WH ; G 20 2 000 ? 11 fr, -y> 36J 3.650 Anthonv Green, )2 , 20Q I rtsi'tlia Honstonn, . r . rr>n 1 honias Hamilton, 10 g 10,000 b ivamm > H.lierma,, Sorietys H I]OQ .•rah G. Haig, 3Q 3 on() | Abraham Hargraves, ir , rriri j 8 ( ,js 9 Isnae||.. tlt y, 5() - 5()oo I . Houstouii, for Susan M. Johnston. 15 1.500 i Jtir’ di H :rri s, in ti ns forth.- Appling Acad > em», Coh’inbia Cotintv, ( ‘ 700 T. N T . Hamilton, as the Committee of A. Na- ) pier, a Lunatic, <’ 72 7,200 C . L. Hutchison, by Trustees, Normal > VV„|i a e. and G. VV.‘And. rson, j 10 1 - 000 i';'”’. 0- " ’ it, io i.coo •len.irl nml Sarah Johnston, 3 300 Joseph Jones, 23 , 23,100 Jane P. Johnston, 9 soo P. Augusta Johnston, s 500 r laru-.L, 4 4Q g L”- v S I aac, 2 2ro B. R. Johnston, e c_ r .. W. P. Johnston g 800 J- W -,? ij™ - B>. S. R. R. Jenkins, by Trustees, R A. > ' Ree.i, and W. W. M H ,n £ 30 3 000 Elza Ann Jaek<on, by 'rrus.‘ee«, C A ) ll.ip.r an •C. Waters, "j 100 10 000 Eliza A. Jedinston, 2 Adam J dniston, in trust, J 8 1 poo Esmte of Rnbert Isaac, by Ex’rs VV n. Sear- ) btoug)li, W.n. Taylor and Norman Wa) 5 280} 28,050 Lucy Isaac, Lucy Lam-, | )v Trustees, Win. Scarbrough ) mid Wm. Taylor. < 50 5,000 Gmn J.J" / R - 39 3.900 J>< J.nno, f. )r Oi,. m; yf -r. m ’ 4 ,.- u ..s Cf> . - < ’/’ GO . 1 ■ Siutte, ” g soo -V U '*» u„ .v M j •„ 4.. ,X,e si U i4£ iii 3. ,Il • ■i.*/ .tarfar-,.> •• ■ i»-jn- w _ (-i C Q C J .=■ 5 1 < a ' aT' 1 ’ i*’ (i J “ es ’ 50 5.000 Arl.itn Johnston, in Trust for Jane B. Peake, JO 1 000 Marx K-db, j JOO William Kolb, 1 100 Rebecca Knox, and Children, by Ex’rs., ) Jno. Pr rry, in trust, j 20 2,000 i Geon-e J ones Kollock, 50 5 000 . P M Koil.n-k, 10 j’.ooo Mary t enwick Kollock, 7 799 ! Zieh. Lamar, JOO ]O.OOO i ( ht-tsttan Levett, 123 12,300 Joseph H. [jiunkin, c enn G. B Lam.r, 253 25i300 Jos. Al. L wtop, for the use of tbe estate ) ol Win. H. Lawton, ) 43 4,809 L-'wt. 1,. C.mte, 92 9 209 Catharine Law ton, 44 4 4 qq Catharine L-wtoiij (or Mngian Cain, 1 100 Alex.ind-r J. Lawt.ui, Attorney of Martha 5 S. Back-d il.', Ad-i ’x Estate of T. H. ' 15 1,500 Ba> ksd de, for the use of said Estate, ) John D. Margin, 64 d,400 E-tate of Margin, J. D. by Win. Patter-) son. Ex’r., ( 47 4,700 Aim C. Millen, 9 999 James M. L tws, 03 2 300 Ja ,es McL . vs, Guardian for Lucy M. Jones, 10 1.000 Pollard .VLCormick, 320 3 2 000 James Marshall, 30 3 000 v'i’v lrPas -;’ ir - . 15 1,500 VV.VV. 'Lmtgomefy, Guardian for Abraham ) H. M Laws. ' 5 10 ~oo° ; A. M. Rea, - 3 300 John Mcßory, g 800 J 'sse M'-rcer, 172 j 7,299 banmel McKenzie, 4 4 gg Ch i tian McKenzie, 4 4 qq James McLnws, Trustee for Wm. Raymond ) and Lai ivette M< Laws, j 15 l ’soo John McKintte, Truste-for M. M.M. Mor- > ’, j 22 2,209 The Justices of the Inferior Court of Mor- > gan County, and their successors in office, ) 97 °,7OG Andrt.wTlitfbe", 34 VV. W. Montgomery, Trustee for Anna Lau- ) ra M. Laws, 9 900 Mer. Myers, in trust for Sarah E. Miller, 5 599 A. C. Mi Kinley, Guardian of Sarah E 1 Upson, ( 21 2,100 A. C. M< Kinley, Guardian of Stephen ) Upson; (j 21 2,100 I VVilli-mi Mond, Trustee for the Children of) Joo. J. Gray, ( 279 27,900 ■ Mnrv M Kmn.y, * ]2 Ann McKinney, ]2 j 20Q 11 °’| " 129 12,900 Hugh 200 20.000 Augusta New England Society, Jo , 999 Edward Newfoille, ’ 3 3QO A'n'n ’ l2 ’-200 7- O p.'.' :e ’ ’7 1,700 . 142 14.200 Sarah P.'ttilione, . ~ <nft Fraui'is Pei'dier and Wile, by £. Martin ) ° ai. J. M L-.Uton, Trustees, ? 52 5,200 " ol «n<l G.*..rp. I 52 5.200 1 ’ '• < I\II 1 1 I i A p, ' ’’ c n ’ . 43 4,800 .•-.state ..( I . 1 rendergrnst, by S. O’Bvrne ) i and H. Cassidey, Ex’rs., J 7 700 Thomas Paine. ’ 20 o 999 I : "" 1 E - Bussell, 50 4 ’ ooo ? t: ".; , 20 2.000 I R-!"g !0 1.999 . : Wvw' , .' ar,isnt " s 142 14,200 1 100 5 i Xid.-r lb. has ds. | ,99 I Gertrude E. Richarckl 1 100 V C 7" «c S r Z - U’. H. Richards. v . T. P. Richards/ \ \ Mary E. Roberts, 10 l'i’-’O c. A. Rogers, . 239 g., Catharine Smith, K William Sanford, 5o , Catharine F. tseymoti", g t Eliza Spencer, - <> . , VVilliam Spencer, 2 Mary Shackelford, . . 2 (l n 0('<) Marg. Sinclair, by Trustees, Wm. Allan) ’ • and C. Edmonston, intrust, y 10 f ,G' ; o Elizabeth Sawyer, by Trustees, A. Porter ) R. M organ and Ri M. Morgan I ” 1,100 Charles Sever, ’ 50 ggg State of Georgia, ]JOO bavannah Fire Company? ]2 ] C*j A. Smith, Trustee under the Wil! of Miss) E. Smith, r 3 3; u Horace Smith, 2(5 o rr , :) Alexarder Spencer, j 3 | -g.j Stevens Thomas, .-9 • „ Hugh Taylor, 95 Iv o'- S ‘ 2'" UlP ’ 6° G.rO!) William 1 aylor, 15 f Richard Tubman, jsj p-, jgg H -me- Tupper, >5 . nu , 134 ’ 3 ' 4O ° Immy 11. Tubinan, Executrix, ]]| 1 150 J .coll Tailman, y !j: j VV idiam Taylor, Admr. on the Estate of A. ) . M. Taylor, i 10 1,000 M iry Telfair, fi o 8 GQ9 Marg. Telfair, 99 93.99 Alexander TeUair, Ex’.-, of B. Gibbons, ) Trustee under tbe Will of William Gib- '• 30 f'.i'i-l S : Doris, (; Wm. Tailor, Trustee for Mrs. Mary C. ) Taylor, ' 5 ‘ i P. W. Tefft, j , q,.j ; Wm. Taylor, Guardian for Martha A. G. > Roberts, j Eugenie Tbbmassnn, 09 ;> 90.9 G. A. I hornas, Ex’r. of Joseph Thomas, 7 5t.0 Henry VV. Todd, 2 j o jg ;} Fraui'is 1.. Upson, oj Dorothy Van Sevreen, 99 v, 999 Asaph Waterman, j 4 g j,. J- P. C. Whitehead, 75 e ,-99 William Tbime Williams, g 1.19 Henry O. Wyer, Jo , Marg. Willy, 2 ~.,g John Wilkinson, 73 7 g () Polly Watkins, Guardian of Rob. Watkins, 12 l.d, O Paul H. Wilkins, Jun. 59 f> 0; 0 Amaimtha L. Walker, by John Whitehead ) and Samuel Dorue. Trustees, $ JG ' !d> Geo. M. VValdburg, Jun., 5 s(h) Elizabeth L. Wahibtirg, 5 -it’Q Jacob VVaklhtirg, 7 799 Samuel Wigfall, j 2 j 099 Shares, 15,000 §1,500.0ut) A. PORTER, Cashin. Central Bail Hoad and Banking Company, of Georgia, Savannah, October 10, 183?. Sir, In conformity to law, I submit a statement of the condition of this Institution on the 2d inst., and trust that that part ol its Capital appropriated to Banking will show it to be in a safe nnd wholesome state. With an atnmiot cf specie in our vaults but little less than our circulation, it rn )-(. be obvious that this Bank is in a condition to give those fa< u-. ities to Commerce which the times demand. Me are making progress with our Road, and tr st E’-dnUISIIEDBYP. L. ftc?;. ;■ ' ? Es? J? IG «:‘j