Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, April 02, 1839, Image 1

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EDITED BY THOMAS HAI'NES. VOL. VI. NO. 10. ' V be of BY V. E. UOBIXS9X, State Printer. Anti Publisher (by authority) of the Laxcsofthe United States. ISSUED EVERI TUESDAY MORNING. frT TERMS. —Three Dollars per annum. No subscription token for less than a yeti, ami no paper discontinued, but at the option of die publisher, until all arroar. af*»» are paid. CHANGE OF DIRECTION.—We desire such of our subscribe!* as may at any ’time wish the direction ot their papers chanced from one Post Office to another, to iuComi us, in all eases, of the place to which they had been previously sent; as die mere enter to forward them to a different office, places it almost out of our power to wotnplv, because we have no means of ascertaining the office from w hich they are tonler'! to be changed, but by a search through our w hole subscription book, con* Raining several thousand ne.mei. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the usual rates. Sales of LAND, by Admi nistrators, Executors, or Guardians, arc required by law to be held on the first Tiros* day in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the after* moa, at the Court House in the conntv in which the property is situate. Notice of those sn es must ba given iu a publtc gazette SIXTY DAVS previous to the day of iVales .if NEGROES must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month between the usual hours of sale, at the place sales iu the county where the letters tcstinientnrv,of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAVS notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes of this State, and at th • door of the Court House where such sales are lobe held. Notice for Hie sale of Personal Property mist be given in like manner, FORTY DAVS pievious to the day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published F ORTY DAY S. Notice that application will las made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR .MONI'HS. Notice fi.rleave to sell NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS before any order absolute shall be made by the Court thereon. Notice ol Application for Letters of Administration must be published THIRTY DAYS. Noti< eof Application for Letters of Dismission from the Administration of an Es tate, an* required to be published month) v for SIX MONT HS. [BY AUTHORITY.] LAWS OF THE UNITED ST A I’ES PASSED AT THE THIRD SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. [Public —No. 19.] AN ACT making appropriations for building a pier at the northern extremity of Winnebago lake, and for other pur poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of Kmexica in Congress assembled, That for the security ol the navigation of the commerce of the United States, the following sums be, and the same hereby are appro priated, to be paid out of any money in the Tieasury not other wise appropriated, and to be ap died to the following objects; For buihli ig a pier at the no hern extremity of Winnebago lake, in the Territory of Wisconsin, the sum of five hundred dollars; For placing buoys a, the mouth of Neenah river, at the head ofO-eatbiv, in said Territory, to mark the channel thereof, the sum uffiuzuhtiudred dollars. - JAMES K. POLK, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RH. M. JOHNSON, Vice President of the United States, and Presedpnl. of the- Senate. Approved, March 3d, 1339. M. VAN BUREN. [Public —No. 21.] AN AUT for the improvement and survey of certain rivers, and t"e repair of certain roads in Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the folloning sums of money be, and the same are hereby ap propriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury, ikH otherwise appropriated, for the purposes herein specified, that is to say, For the removal of obstructions at the mouth of ihe Suwan nee river, and for the survey of the said river, with a view to its improvement, fifteen tlFm-and dollxrsj F>r the survey of Yellow river, Florida, to ascertain the practicability ami cost of removing the raft which ob.tructs its navigability, fi*e hundred dollars ; For the repair, including the alteration if necessary, of the road from J icks-mville, by the wav of Garey’s ferry, to New nansville, Florida, five thousand dollars; F t die < on-iritcii m of a road from J icksonville to St. Ma ry’«. Fiori la, in part or in wliole.upon the route of the exi i ig i road, as in-i v be found expedient, seven tlnms <nd live hum r d d-dlars ; all which sums shall be expended under the direction I of the Secre'ars of War. Approved, M .rel. 31, 1839. [Public —No. 24.] AN ACT to amend the act of the third March, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, emiilr-d “An act supplementary to the ! act entitled ‘An act to amend the judicial system us the Uni ted State.,’ and for oth-r purposes.” Be it enacted by the Senate an I House of Representatives of the Unite I States of An erica in Congress assembled, Th u if sh ill Incite duty of the dislrii t judge of Missouri to attend at Si. Louis, on the fl st Monday of Oi'liiln r annually, who shall have power to make all necessary orders touching any suit, ac tion, appeal, writ of error, process pleadings, or proceedings returned to the < irctiil court or depending therein, preparatory , to the hearing, trial, or deci-ion ufsuch action, suit, appeal, writ of error, proves-, pleading-, or proceeding. ; ami all writs ami process may be returnable to the said courts on the first Monday of October in the same mariner as to the sessions ol the circuit ' court* directed to be held by the said act of third M arch, eigh teen hundred and thirty-seven ; and the said writs returnable Ho the circuit court- tuav also bear teste on the said first Mon day of October as though a session of said circuit court was hidden on that day. Sec. 2. An Ibe it further enacted, That the district court of the United States for ths district of East Tennessee shall, hereafter, be holden on the third Monday of October iu each year, instead of the second Monday of October, as now pre ibrd bylaw; and that the rli-tt id court of the Middle Dis • tof Tennessee shall be holder! on the first Monday >of Mart h »» »l September, in each year; and all causes arid processes shall be cmitimied over, and be returnable tIT, the respective terms ofsai I courts as hereby established; anrl said courts shall he holden at the places now pre-cribrri l»v law, anrl exercise all tin- power* and j<iri*dicii<>n they now enjoy. Sec. 3. An Ibe it further enacted, That from and after the first day of June next th • cirt nit court of the United States for the southern district of Alabama shall commence its terms on the second Monday of March anrl the fourth Monday of November, in each anrl evt ry year; and the circuit court for the ea-tem rlisirict of Lmii-iana shall commence its terms on the fir«t Monday of April and the third Monday of December nt each ami every year; and all writs, pleas, suits, recogniz in ,<es, indict merits, and all other proceedings, civil anrl criminal, .. roll be h-ard, tried, and proceeded with by said court, at the tint* . Irereiii fixed, in (he same manner as if no change in the times of holding said courts had taken place. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the circuit and dis* <'• < courts o( the Utriied States for the district of Michigan, f h ill be held at Detroit, on the second Monday of October, in stem ol the first Monday in November, as heretofore establish e< , ami that all writs, pleas, suits, recognizances, indictments, ati'l all other proceedings, civil and criminal, shall be heard, tiled and proceeded with by the said court, at the times herein txed, in the same maimer as if no change in the tames of hold ing the said court had taken place. of flJwiow® Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the district court ol ’ the United Slates fur the district of Arkansas, shall be held at > Little Rock on the first Monday of October, instead ol the fir-t i Monday in November annually as heretofore established; ami that hII writs, pleas, recognizances, indictments, and all other | proceedings, civil and criminal, shall be heard, tried, and pro-1 ceeded with by the said court, at the times herein fixed, in the same manner as if no change in the times of holding the said court had taken place. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the circuit court of the United States for the southern district of New-York, shall hereafter be held on the last Monday in November, in stead of the last Monday in October, the time heretofore estab lished by law; that all indictments, informations, suits or no tions, and proceedings of every kind, whether of a civil or crim inal nature, depending in the said court, on the first day of Oc ti ber next, shall thereafter have day in court, and be proceed ed in, heard, tried, and determined', at the time herein appoint ea for holding the said court, in the same manner as they might and ought to have been done had the said court been holdeu at the time Iterctofore directed by law. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all writs, suits, actions or recognizances, or other proceedings which are or shall be instituted, served, commenced, or taken to the said cir cuit court to have been holden as heretofore directed by law, shall be returnable to, entered in, heard, tried, and have day in court, to be holden at the time by this act directed, in the same manner as might and ought to have been done had the said court been holden at the time heretofore diiected by law. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty I of the clerk of the district court of the southern district of Nevv- York, within six months after the passage of this act, to trans mit a certified copy of the dockets of all judgments rendered in that court, or in the circuit court of the United States for that district, since the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred ami twenty-nine, to the clerk of the supreme court of said State, in I the city ofNevv-York; and on the tenth and twenty-fifth days of each month thereafter, to transmit a like certificate of all dockets of judgments as may have been rendered in either of said courts since the last certificate was transmitted. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the northern district of said State within six months after the passage of this act to transmit a certified copy of all judgments rendered and docketed in that court, either as a district court, or as a circuit court, and of all judgments in the circuit court of the United States for that district, docketed ; since the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-j nine, to the clerk of the supreme court of sai,' State at Utica ; ' and on the tenth and t -eiiiy.fifth days ofeach month thereafter, to transmit a like certificate of all such dockets of judgments as may have been rendered in either of said courts since the last certificate was transmitted. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That every judgment which shall havSheentendered either in the district or circuit courts aforesaid, previous to the passage of this act, shall, as : againstiiibseqiient purchasers or incumbrances, cease to be a . lien upon the realestate or chattels real of the person or per sons against whom such judgments may have been rendered re pectively, at the expiration of five years from the passage of i this act; and ever , judgmentto be hereafter rendered in either • of said courts, shall, as against subsequent purchasers or incum- ! brances, cease to he a lien upon the real estate or chattels real of any person or persons against whom each judgment shall be 1 rendered at the expiration often years, from and after the day of docketing such judgments respectively. Approved, March 3 I, 1839. [Public —No. 25] AN ACT making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Gori > liioeui lot the year eighteen Immli cd and thirtv-nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That ! the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury , viz: For compensation to the President and Vice President of the United States, the Secretary of Stale, the Secretary of the Treasure, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navv, and the Poslma-tei General, sixty thousand dollar.-; The salarv of the Secretary to sign patents for public lands, per act of March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand five hundred dollar.; For clerk- and messengers in the office of the Secretary ol State, twenty thousand three hundred dollars; For the contingent expenses of the Department of State, including publishing and distributing the laws, twenty-five thousand dollars; For compiling and printing the Biennial Register one thou sand eiuht hundred dollars: Provided, That the printing the said Biennial Register, and the job printing, stationary, and binding of each of the Executive Departments, shall be fur nished by contract, proposals for which shall .regularly be ad vertised for in the public print-. The classes, character and description of the priming being specified in each adverii<e m-nt. as far as that can be done, and it being made a condition in all cases, unless otherwise specifically stated injhe adveitisv nient, that the work shall be’done in the city of Washington; and the contract shall in each case so far as the proposals and acceptance shall enable the contract to be made, to be given to the lowest bidder, whose bid shall be accompanied with proper testimonials of the ability of the bidder to fulfil hi- contract; For the superintendent and watchman of the northeast exec utive building, one thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labor, oil and repairs, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, sixteen thousand four hund red and fifty dollars; For compensation to the clerks in said office, per a.’t of twenty-third June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, entitled, An act to regidate the deposites of the public money, three thous and six humlred dollars; For compensation to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars; For compensation to th clerks and messengers in the office of the Frst Comptroller, nineteen thousand three hundred dol lars; For compensation to the Second Comptroller, three thotts i ami dollar; ; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the offic< of the Second Comptroller, including the compensation of two clerks transferred from the < ffice of the Fourth Auditor, twelve thousand two hundred ami fifty dollars; For compensation to the First Auditor of the Treatatry, three thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the First Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars; For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the offici of the Second Auditor, seventeen thousand nine 1 died dol- lars; For compensation to the Third Auditor, three thousand dol lars; , For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Third Auditor, twenty-seven thousand two humlred ami fifty dollars; For three additional clerks, under the act of the 29 h of April, eighteen lion.'red ami eigh'een, to enable the Third Au difor to execute the act of sixth April, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, two thousand four hundred dollars; For compensation to two additional clerks, imployed nmlei the act of the eighteenth January, one tliotis ittd > iglit him !ri < and thirty-seven, for the payment of horses and oth< r propi r y lost or destmyi d, two thousand four hundred dollars; For compensation to the Fourth Auditor, three thomaml dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the ofiice jWTLLEI>€rKVILLES, 'OIKSDAY MOBNTXG, APRIL 2, fi Orr CwwsOrwrc CouHtru fSttr <>f the Fourth Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty dollar-; For an additional clerk in the same, to carry into efl' ct the act of th? third of.Alarch, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, for the more equitable administration of the pension fund, one thousand dollar.-; For compensation to the Fifth Auditor, three thousand dol lar-; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fifth Auditor, nine thous iml eight humlred dollars; For compensation of two clerks in the office of the Fifth Auditor, according l<i*the act of' the seventh July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, two thousand dollars; For comoensatimf to the Treasurer of the United States, three lhousuaid*dollars; For cojnpensativn to the clerks and messenger in the tiffice of the Treasurer of the United States, one or more of which clerks may be empYoved in tlje other offi< es of the Treasury Department, teiwhouSiuid sexeti hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars; For coinpen- nion to the clerks and messengers in tba office of the Rcgider of the Treasury, twenty-four thousand two hun dred dollar.; For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, per act of fourth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollar.; For compensation of the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, and a-sistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, ami packers in the office < f the Commissioner of the General Land Office, one hundred and saven thousand eight hundred and fifty dol lar-; For compensation to the So.icitor of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars; For expenses of stationary, printing, and all other contingen gent expenses of the Treasury Department, viz: For the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, including copying, and expenses incurred in consequence of the burning of the Treasury building, twelve thousand five hundred dol lars; For translating foreign languages, and for receiving and transmuting passports and sea-letters, in tne office of the Sec retary of the Tn asnrv, thr e hundred dollars; For stating and printing public accounts, one thousand four hundred dollars; For the office of th: First Comptroller, two thousand dol lars ; For the office of the Second Comptroller, one thousand five hundred dollar-; For the office of the First Auditor, one thousand dollars; For the office of the Second Auditor, one thousand dollars; For the office of the Third Auditor, one thousand dollars; F“f the ofii'-e of the Fourth Auditor, one thoti-and dollars; For the office of the Fifth Auditor, one thousand dollar-; For the office of tlm Treasurer of the United States, one thousand five hundred dollar-; For the office of the Register of the Treasury, three tlious sa:id dollars; Foi the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, one thousand dollars; For parchments, booys, stationery, advertising, rent of an additional building, ami contingent expenses of the General Land Office,, and for books and blanks for the district land of fices, nineteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-three dollars; For co npensation of supcrintt ii.'ent and two watchmen for l> for ihe use of the General Land Office, one thousand and fifty dollars; For compensation of the superintendent and watchmen of the southeast executive building, two thousand one hundred dollar.-; For contingent expenses of the building occupied by the Treasury, including fuel, oil, labor, repaiis, furniture, and for rent, amounting to three thousaml two hundred and fifty dol lars per annum, twelve thousand dollars; For co upensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the S cretary of War, including the messenger in the Boun ty L >nd Bu r eau, thirteen thousand thiee hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of W r, three thousand dollars; For books, maps, and plans, for the War Department, one thoti-a id dollar.; For comp< nsation of extra clerks when employed in sail of fice. three thousand dollars; For compens ition < f the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. liree thousand dollar.; ’ For compensation of the clerks and messenger in th? office of the commissiotn.r of Indian Affairs, sixteen thousand four hundred dollar-; For conti. g ut expenses of said office, two thousand dol lars I* or compensation of the Coni ni-sinner of Pensions, three thnii-nm! dollar*; For cotnpeosaiion of clerks tr n-ferred from the office of the Seen tnry of W ar to the offo e of the Commissioner of Pensions, lour thousand < ight Inmdred <lollar>; F"C compensation to cl rks and messengers for the office of the Co nmi-.'ioner of the Pensions, authorised by act of ninth Max. eighteen hundred and thirty-six, tiiirte< n thousand four hundred ami filly dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dol lar- ; Fh; compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of th •P; lyrn i.ter General, seven thousand one humlred dollars; For i oii'iiigent expenses of said office, including two-hund ie<l d ollars for arrearages, seven Ired dollais; For compensation of clerk and messengei in the office of the Commanding General, one thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of’ said office, three hundred dol lar- ; For compensation to ch rks ami messenger in the office of the Adjutant General, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand six humlred doll u-.; For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office ol the Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dol- For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand dollars; F r compensation of clerks and’ messenger in the ofiice of the Commissary General of Purchases, four thousand two hun dred dollais; ♦ For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dol lars; For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, four thousand three liillidreil dollar ; For contingent expenses of said ofiice, two humlred doll irs; For < <Mii|>i>ii-.alioii of clerks and mi'ssenger in the office of the Cnief En ; inner, five thousand six hundred and fifty doll u s; Fi>r co tingent expenses ol -aid office, including one thons <mi doll irs lor expenses attending the removal of the office, fil let n hundred dollar*; For compensation to clerk anti messenger in the office of the Sitgeon General, one thous nid six liiuidn d anti filly dollar*; For Contingent expenses of said office, five hiimiretl dollar-; For compe sation of clerks and messenger in the Ordnance Olli <•, eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; F >r contingeni uses of said office, one thousand dollars; F'ir t oiiipeiisaiion ol the clerks and messenger in the Topo graphi • il Bureau, two thnu-and five llmd.ed dollar*; I? tr cooling! nut ex: * uses of said Bureau, one thousand two liiintlrcil ami thirty five doll >r-; F r compeiisaiion ol stipernitetidviit and watchmeii of tin iionliwc-t < xecinive building, two thousand two hundred ami fifty dollar*; For contingent expenses of said building, including rent of Bunity Land Office, for labor fuel, oil, ami repairs, and for the contingencies of ihe fire engines and apparatus, four thousand st ven bundled dollais; For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of the Seerciary <«f the Navy, twelve thousand eight hundred dred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, including three thou saml dollars for extra clerk hire, six thousand dollars; For compensation of the Commissioners of the NaVy Board, ten thousand five hundred dollars; Fi r compensation of the secretary of the navy board, two thousand five humlred dollars; For compensation of the secretary of the navy board, two thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger of the navy board, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, including seven hun dred dollars for arrearages of extra clerk hire, two thousand five hundred dollars; For .alary «>f superintendent and watchman of the southwest executive building, one thousand two hundred and fifty dol lars ; For altering and painting passages in said building, one thousand eiffilit hundred dollars; For contrngsmt expenses of said building, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation to three Assistant Postmasters General, per act third July, eighteen hundred and thir'y-six, seven thou sand five hundred dollars; For compensation to clerks and messengers in the General Post Office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dollars; For topographer and additional clerks, in said office, and a clerk to keep the appropriation account, eleven thausand six hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, including four thou sand dollars for rent and fuel for the Auditor’s office, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; For compensation of two watchmen, six hundred dollars; For compensation to the Auditor of tht Post Office, three thousand dollars; For compensation to clerks and messengers in said office, fiftv-five thousand five hundred dollar*;’ For eleven additional clerks in said office, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, including the expense of quarterly books, stationary, printing, and pay of laborers, four thousand seven hundred dollars; For compensation of the surueyor general northwest of the Ohio, two thousand dollar*; For compensation to clerks in his office, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, six Ujpusand three hun dred dollars; For compensation to the surveyor general for Illinois and Missouri, two thousand dollars; For compensation to clerks in the office of said surveyor general, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty six, three thousand eight humlred ami twenty dollars; For compensation to the surveyor general of Arkansas, two thousand dollar*; For compensation of clerks in the offii-e of said surveyor general, two thousand eight h indeed dollars; For conipen.atioti of the surveyor general of Louisiana, two thousand dollar*; For compens ition to clerks in the office of said survey or general, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred hud thirty six, two thousand five humlred dollars; For compensation of the surveyor general of Mississippi, two thousaml dollar.*; For compensation of clerks in the office of said surveyor general, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-, si , five thousand dollar*; For coinpeiisat'ou of the surveyor genera) of Alabama, two thousand dollar?; For compen*ation of clerks io the office of said surveyor general, per acts of ninth May, eightei n hundred and thirty six. two thousaml two hundred dollars; For <-ompen*atio.i of the surveyor general of Florida, two thousaml dollar*; For compensation of clerks in the office of said surveyor general, three thousand five hundred dollar*; For compensation of the surveyor general of Wisconsin, ami of the clerks in hi* office, per act of twelfth June, eiubt et n hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand one hutidied dol lar*; For extra clerks mid drauglitsmen in the offices of the sur veyors genera), t<> lie apportion! d according to the exigencies of the service, eiyht thousand dollar-; For extra clerks to transcribe field notes of survey, for tin purpose of having them preserved at the seat of to be exp' iide<l in case fire proof vaults are not furnished foi ilit l r preservation, at the following aiz: Os the survey or iieneral nuEUrwCst of the Ohio, four thous and five humlred dollar.-; Os the surveyor general of Illinois and Missouri, three thousaml eight liundied and eiulity <l<dla s; Os the surveyor general of Arkansas, three thousand dollars; Os the surveyor general of Louisiana, four thousand fivt humlred dollar-; Os the stir* eyor general of Mississippi, four thousand two hundred and ninety dollars; and Os the surveyor general of Wisconsin, three thousand dol lar-; For compensation to the Commissioner of Public Buildings, in Washington, two thousand three humlred dollais; F'ir coinpensat’niH t i three a*si*tants to the commissioner, a siiperinteiident of'llie Potomac bridge, and for the expeu.t ol oil for the lamps, one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollar*; For compensation to the officers and clerks of the mint, twenty thousand four hundred dollars; For pay of laborers in the various departments of the mint, and for con'ingent expenses, twenty-three thousand dollars; For incidental ami contingent expenses, including the wast age of gold and silver, fuel, materials, stationary, water, rent and taxes, eighteen thousand three hundred (hillars; For new machinery, three thousand dollar.*; For spe< iinens of ores and coins to be reserved at the mint, one thousand dollar*; For compensation to the officers and eJerk of the brand mint at Charlotte, North-Carolina, six thousand dollars; For pay of laborers in the various departments of the same, three thousand six hundred dollars; For wastage of gold, and f< r contingent expenses of the same, five thousand one hundred dollars; For compensation to the officers and clerk of the branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, six thousand dollars; F<>r pay of laborers in the various d partments of the same, three thousand eight hundred dollar.*; For wastage of g.dd, and for contingent expenses of tin same, four thousand one hundred dollars; For compensation to the officers and clerks of the branch mint at New-Orleans, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars; For pay of laborers in the various departments of the same, twenty-tn<i thousand dollais; F<>r wastage of gold ami silver, and for contingent expenses of tin* same, seveiitei li thousand one hiimlr d dollais; Ear compens >tiou of the Governor, judges, and secretary of Wisconsin Territory, nine thousand "lie hundred d« liars; For contingent expenses, pay ami mih age of the membeis oflhe l.ngi'lalive Assembly, pay of olliceis of the Council, printing, furniture,-tationart, fuel, and other incidental i xpen ses. twenty-five thousand dollar-; For coiiiperis.ition of the Governor, judges, and secretary ol the Teri iioryof Florida, fourtei n thousand three hundred am seventy dollars; For conliiigviit expenses, pay and mileage of the mem’’crs<>l ihe Legislative Council of *iy<l Teri iiory, pay < f the officers of the Council, printing, fnriii'iire, rmit, stationary, fuel, am oilwr im'id' iital t xpi'iise.*, twenly- ight thousand two liundiii iml sis in n doll ir*; For compensation to the Governor, judges, and secretary ol the Territory of lowa, eight thousaiid two hundred dollars; P. 1,. RO»|1«OIV, PROPRIETOR. For contin'gent expt uses, pay and mileage of the Legislative Asm nibly, pay of officers, priming, forniiiire, stationary, fuel, nid all other incidental expenses, including an arrearage of »xleen thousaml three humlied ami fifit-four dollais, for eigh teen hundred and thirty-eight, thirty-seven thousaml one hun dred and four dollar.-; For compensation to the chicfjiistice, the associate judges, ami district judges of the United Stales, ninety-three thousand’ nine hundred dollars; For compensati >n of the chief justice, and associates judges of the District ol'Coltimbia, and of the judges of the criminal ami orphans’ courts of said district, twelve thousand seven hun dn d dollars; For compensation to the Attorney General of the United States, four thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerk and messenger in the office of th- Attorney General, one th'iusand three hundred dollar*; For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred dollars; For compensation to the reporter of the decisions of the Su preme Court, one thousand dollar*; For compensation to the district attorneys and marshals, as granted by law, including those in the several Territories, and arrearages, fourteen thousand eight hundred and forty-two dollar*; J For defraying the expenses of the Supreme Court and the the district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for jurors and witnesses, iu aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and preceding years, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for oflences commit ted against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of pris oners, in addition to former appropriations, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars; For the payment of pensions granted by special acts of Con gress, one thousand and fifty dollars; For the support and maintenance of light-houses, floating lights, beacons, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of lamps, oil, keeper’s salaries, repairs, improvements, and con tingent expenses, three hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and thirty-one dollars; For survey of the coast of the United States, including the compensation of the superintendent and assistants, ninety thou sand dollars; For the compensation of two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars; F<>r the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States, riot otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of sutleinent at the Treasury-, twelve thousand dollars; For salaries of ministers of the United States to Great Brit ain, France, Spain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, fifty-four thousand dollars; For salaries of the secretaries of legation to the same places, twelve thousand dollars; For salaries of the charges des affairs to Portugal, Denmark, S veden, Holland, Belgium, Braz'd, Chili, Peru, Central Ame rica, New-Grenada, Venezuela, Texas, and Naples, including an arrearage to the charge ,d’;<flair* to Texas of one thousand two liiimlred and eighty-four dullars, fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-four dollars; Fors ilary of a minister resident of the United States toTur key. six thousand dollars; - " For salary of the drogoman, and for contingent expenses of th- legation to Turkey, six thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, thirty thousand dollars; For salaries of the consuls of the United States at London ami Paris, four thotisan<i dollars; For expenses-of intercourse with the Barbary powers, seven teen thotisMiid four hundred dollars; F<»r the relief ami protection of American seamen in foreign enmitries, forty thousand dollars; For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, twenty fl v <- thousand dollars; For ch-ik hire, office rent, stationary,’ and other expenses in the offi e of the American con til in London, per act of ntne ttenih of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thous and eight hundred dollars; For interpreters, guards, and other expenses incidental to the consulates in the Turkish dominions, five thousand five hundred dollars; Far *:d..ry of the principal and two assistant librarians, pay >f the messenger, ami for contingent expenses of the library, three thousaml nine hundred and fifty dollar.*; For 'he purchase of books for the library.of Congress, five thousand dollars; For stationary, fuel, p.’intrug, and all other contingent ex- in addition to former appropriations, forty thousand dollars; For stationary, fuel, printing, and all other contingent ex nenses ol the House of Representatives, in addition to former appropriations, one humlred thousand dollar.*; The two sums last mentioned to be applied to the payment of the orilinary expenditures of the Senate and House of Rep res ntatives s-verally, audio no other purpose- For salary of the principal gardener, one thousand two hun dred dollar*; For alterations ami repairs of the President’s house andfur liturr, ami for superinteodem eof the grounds, three thousand our hundred and sixty-five dollars; For preparing, printing, and binding documents, ordered by the resolutions ol toe Senate of the second of July, one thotu nid eight humlred ami thirty-six, and second March, one thou ■aml eight humlred and thirty-seven, relating to the establish ment of the seat of Government; plans and surveys for the im irovement of harbors and rivers, roads and canals; to be dis bur-ed under the direction of the committee to audit aud con ■ ro 1 the contingent expenses of the Senate, fifteen thousand ollars; For expenses arising tinder the act for the relief of certain in solvent debtors of the United States, three thousand dollars; For an appropriation carried to the surplus fund on the thir y-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, for a b ick wall around the custom-house at New-Orleans, five t| oosaml five hundred d< liars; For completing the marine hospital authorized to be erected in the i ity ol Mobile, fifteen thousand dollars; For an appropriation carried to the surplus fund on the thir ty-first of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, for the repair of the pierami wharves at the public stores on Staten Llaml, tw o thousand three hundred and thirteen dollars and s venty-fiv e < ent.*; For constructing the custom-house at Boston, seventy-five thousaml d dlar*; For con.trm ting the custom hou c at New-York, one hun dred ami fifty thousand dollars; For furnishing one liumlreii and fifty-six rooms in the new Freasury budding, including one thousand dollars for shelves iml ca*es in the various rooms occupied by the Register, six teen thousand six bundled dollars; For carrying int<>< ffi-ct the acts relating to the Smithsonian legacy, ten thousand dollars, to be paid out of the fund arising from that legacy; For surveying the public lands, in addition to the unexpend ed balance ol former appropriations, fifteen thousand dollars; For sin veying the public lands in Loui.iana, al a rate not xc eding < i._hi dollar* pertnile, in addition to the special ap i r pi ition for this purpose, per act of the third of March, ■it: litet-n liundied and thirty-seven, fifteen thousand dollars; I' or tin- cotistriiciion ol the new Treasury building, one hun* dred honsatid dollars; For the construction of the Patent office, fifty thousand dok ars; For alteration ami repairs of the Capitol and incidental ex pen*vs, one tlum.ami one hundred ami ninety-eight dollars; I' or lighting lamps and keeping in order the public grounds irotiml ihe Capitol, the iron water-pipe*, and yvooden fences, - x riiniisiiml three linmlied and six dollars; I' or attendance on the wesiern gates of the Capitol, five hun dred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents; WHOLE'fto. Q7O.