Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, December 31, 1839, Image 4

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IIEHE i'l.i* ill li» • tiger UHl'ilig ill. rr ot doubtful U'il .si fiy. They h ive pa»*i <1 away liuin the hu-atied* that Hie d ttlv laiiuctu*l lipmt ilia tide ot experiment, iiud tatty it in.l hefare the public a- l.i ain n p.itwtt,.rt, atid n* cxtrit atveljr« mp oycil in all parts oft h United Slab s, me t '.luadits Texas. .Mixtco and the D e-t Imim* a- .::a tr.»'.:i;ive tlia has ever been pi'. parerl Im' the ■•ln . «»’ stiffi i lag’man 'I h; y h ive l>.mi intni.hire J hi: rave ii way leutl-t p.,"lht<* b' cat;y them; and there are bin I ir t 'un* ti;i> do nut imotam sonn letti : k tide i i iilnici» rd tin i< good ilb i ts. 'I h «< rtlf'vutc that tl ive hi r« p e-cn’e.l t i the piimnett.r exceed IWitl'v tliiiusnnd ! upwird* nf five fiiitidiv.i of which are fiotit reg till r tMaciising pay-urins, who arc the most competes t indues i l their im.r:!*. <‘fteu hue the cares pi'rfiirir.ed by this nttaficii’-e bi .•« th,, •tihject of ednmi :i eiiitinii n'. tn v.-ri Hl* newspapers :>uit ju irnals; and it tn n wi Ji be ass ried, dint to m d citw of the kind Iris ever received ivaitmoui as <»l g.eater vain, than me attached m this. 'lll. y me in general use * i fimily medieine and i en n •<• llmus'iii•'* .if anui' s wlm ci i I .ie 'l’.ey aieiwver t. an ile-! mini tin), h ive » supply always on hand Thar have no rival ill curing mid preventing I’i'tioiis Fe v is. Foverami Ague. Dy*pep ia. 1 iver • • *. .*■ cl- Ifcttilnrhe, J nin uce Asdiait D aipsv. •Itiemna t tn. Fm Ii lycineii nf itie Spiel'll I’ll''-. < lliilie Fi male obstruction-. Hi a tlittrn Furred f'o gne. Xml en Pi ten- on id the Stern rich and B inds. Ineipieir Diaribea Fi iinlein-e, It.ibitua' C»-tivene**. 1.. ss"f Appetin- Bm idled or sallow Conipl. x ion ani in ca-es .4 torpor oft he huwi Is, w hei ea cmhiirtir <■■ aperient is needril. Tl;<" are exceed mgly mild in their op elation. pi edit;ring neither n.itis a grip: g imrdebiiity. From Dr. t'.ii /■//<■ ErrA/t nl of the .Medical sS'rx'j ■/</, t'f ('l'.'.'.r .<.'//z.'/. ant of the !n-’ tour, Ji LartJbrJ, I S?j’timber 3, 182-3. MY p rs. it d . <'ct: li i’mice wi h Or. Joseph !’■ ie-tly I’e ter-, t'lget er w ith i;ie very favor i'do impression id his talents and fits character, de.tved bls f lend*, hue sat idled me lie is w. !l ent tied tn ihe uedie. l horn is he re ceived at Vi e t’.dli-ge. mid that he public may safe y con fi ehi In* iiiiegritv an skill, in tiie exent*oof his pr des aon Th following wa« lo warded to Dr. Peter*, by a highly r> spts'tab c Planter of 'A aktt C.ruiity. N (.’a.. Man li 3.1. Dr. !’■ t>'rs—Dear Sir. —Pv request if your agent. Mi rinrrtson I *ct.d mhi a I w lines respet ting he amin-t lei racn sin effects of ymir pills; and I wou.d add, you tn iv m ike use of them, in <• tun emm «dh inv name in an. ! tn inner y m if. cm pr> per. 1 speak i t their tin r.ts frmti ex pericnce, as I and my iaini y takin i pwmil* <.l thaiy ' boxes in three vi a'*; mid great are the b nefit* tve ■ have net iveii limn tm tn tn g neral, th t I would ra;h r pur- • chtts th ' n it inn dollars a box than h ive my hoti*e witlu rit them. I will not enumerate the iitlJictim s th.-v have .cliev ' cd ns <f; Im I can a-me you h'-y were tn my. and of vei opposite naitnes. w iicli hit I.div proved to me that your , medicine is .. -imp e pu iti. r ol tin svsiein. and th. refore eipt illy the I'll :n nf every disease. I will tn ntum one ease : I have a sister woo It .d ne it tor a long severelx al iiii'ted with dropsy tn the chest and w is I r:mg!d by it to the v«"gn of he grave . lie wis .itt< un dUy the mo-t t tnnienl ph'Stciaus iliat money c .ni I pruC'tre: titi' a l their eff its to restore her to t.e citi, or even t» m.t git h r sufti ring* imr fruitless : mid iccnr .iitgly. We all considered he: i nrni'dtate death as im'vit;.‘i e lit good furtinm however. ..s -he was tn this si<ii hi >n, .-x'H'Ctm en y day obo her hist, xour • pill* were inlmd »••< «: i it • n:v f-itiii y a.i t *o -p e>l>. mi ' pis ' paiilu were their iff its th I tin- . o*< s v: itiiv teii'vd bet. . and m ie-s h u fhr. e mon h» she tv .is peril cly n -tor. d to . iiesfch. ftte case I tn.l d wh ■ w ere w t.neas of it, bu (more, rs,.eci iliy tile vilfT -Illg pety .) CO' sidereil lo lie hn xt thing tv miraculous; mu l -el I i-mild menr on in in more of an equally esp.rtte n i it e. mvv hull y nr pt IL w. re < qii.liy sue tcasiul t.s rescuing the patient- from the j iws of death. Xro d I ad.l that the 'opidai i y ol your niemcnie amounts tn enthn xia*m in tins sei turn ol Hie coootry ! But this I presume V ti ku <W fro hi ihe imnens qu tri , yon 01. I mat mi ntion, lmw. v. r. ihu mnwih t ndi.ig its general me, I nr er heard m imliv ulual compi >m oi its efT cts. Vy r. *i dei ee i* 12 ini t s f. uin tn ti.e road t > Favi ttevii’e. \ I with setitiinet:!’of regard, rcur ol’t -enaui. V B WK=. . Tu Dr. Pl« r«. -Sir-—for n-w ard* nf fifteen tnimlhs I have j been ciucl y ..fli.cteil with F v.-r mi l Vgue; a ,d during lliu ' inr cmld find nun iog -though l bad pp i. d to ever I -bi ig that gave ine my thing ike pi rui.anent relief. Al • lengi , It iwcier. y- iv pt-ls were ie<-<-nini>-ndod to me, hv one ; of nur best phy sici ills, ami i am m * giat fid aril happv in being a'de to ad I, tb it I h id -c <rc Iv n->-d iwoh- x. s v hen I found th it the .h:d ri * ori dn" io oerl-.-er In iilih Sine tin u varions tnem'.H ts my fann y h >v<-used 'hern with equal sai'cess —ami cims q irmiy I fee! it my duty t-> aopr -e m-u r.f th- fm t, ami a q est ol you to pidiiish ibis c< fnhi-'ne as I am huxuhi- «>» nad my public '« .iiimuy to the a nrot mir.iCultill- VI. U -of yogi- ttar.v.i >■< im-dicme THEODORE J Angus a. Gn Feb 10. IS:K». <’ominmii-attmi rt ce;v< d from the eminent Dr J. 11. Ir- Dr. J. P Pi tirs—v|y Dear Sir—On tlie night o' thelbh inst . I wiu ch‘!"<l tn gn at litisle to the boils.- of a fellow cn fß n. (Mi. ) where I found h *-on I jin in- nnder a most abt-mitig attxck of yunnehe i'r.u neali* (Ctoup) mid appa gently h-y mid the mil of ttincih. B- ihe pro nest good mr hinc, h i vevi r. I hid i t my p<-ckm» a tii'olye i box of yom pills—tour ol wheii I adiuiiiisteii d. with »m h immediate fa ippy i (T el that in a lew minute* my patient wi-at ease, an I out ol dauger Tl>;» c i-e. tn c mi w t:h tin n -ni> H at ymir service—iml I n ,ve the plca-nre to iufm-m y.-u h -t y 11.- iuestttnable incilivine I* hi s t h • rout favor w ith the lac n'.ly hi re. th it I believe iti-re t* not one ol them who .Ines Hot use ti 111 I Ispiiva’e pructice. \ :r * iiioat respectfully. M -rcb 13 I T* J H. IRWIN.M- D F'x'raci fimn a '.elkr an ti n by Dr Francis Bogart m Piovidt nce, 11. I . Dei 17. I'ID. -Peter,’ Pills are an ex eelleul ..pi rrnnt -tn«l ca’h i tie medicnie iltnae efl'ects being pm duced by the difl'metiers of th • q tv tak< n. ;md me deci ! dedlr superior to •eo s Br u-lr- th -»r Morns n l . Pill,. Extract from a I ter wii t-1> by Dr Hop-mi < Hatigor. 1 Maine. J n. !•. 1 They are a peculiarly mild ye', ffieu ut p< cgaiive hi.dicitt , mi l prod ce any griping „r I nasemi I h ive pre ctitu .1 them v tth sut h siicciss tn sick bead iche .Hid slight t.illi•». « f ver. Extract of a letter by Dr Joseph Wilh-ams nf Riirlington. tt Ju’v M 1 4 A7 —I cordial y rec .nnn»-ml Peters’ Pid» as a mildly efl cti*e ;>u lin u<> c.i-e dnogetmis. fmni y in' divine Tliev .re pi v u iariy iuflmu:i tl in iwivi ms- ami ;:1! the usu al di*e-t«t —ul t ‘ligestiv r organ*. Extract -f a et’io f I'm Dr Ediv. th of, L’. I', —epi ~ I '-Zi. lu< vei km w *1 g'r iHi'cm medicine I c, l ' f Ih i-isti- .fi ! c. 11l l.m Dr Pl-lei- Ve get .id. t’ll.s. ■> ha 4 " r>. I .v. ii -le i*i -v.-rv I have n» ties :.s'i >u ii i.’ing i' known it it I use du ni ' xteuaivelv in niy prat tire tor all compl nuts, (and they are n-t a bn) w Inch h - v.- in ir soan-c i lin- impurity of the Id I Ext .it ..f a b-tei i .on Dr I've ofQ.i.dii- I. C. M h ft. 1*37 —For bil l. 11* f vers, sii k head ■<•!:••. tmj idify nf iln b»M !«, and <-nl irge inert of the spleen Dl I'et. is’ Pills are an excr.lei.l mt d < nr. Extract of a iet'.-r 'r'.rn Dr Gmn v uf.X'cw ft leans. I.m Oct !•. I "117 I hvrn e. ived much assistance m nr, prac. lice—cspeci'tllv tu j im,*'i*-e un i yellow fever, f-mu rfi u-e of Piters' I’i'lt. I picsiime tbit till -ill average. I «nsiiibi‘ 1141 boxe- in a mouth Extru-t of a letter fl . m Dr Pi irhmd .f 11 iDon X Y. Juried. I* Ii _ | „ ,» awar. thil Dr Peters W * one o' the hr-i ch m »t* o; lie l oi’rd -late*, and flt assmed lha' h w u.l-l-ume d . if .on hi- w edge ri ihe tn. pel - ties > I hr Ii- and d ug-) pro me an <■ ” o n medicitie ami I mti-i r-kiiow'i-il,e that l.i- \ g td ie Pill- til ly re-pomt to rriv ex:.<-et HI. |.* 'lhe. <r< iod. cd a -i>|ie. inr It erlil iue Him iliU fipun iht < bec.iM, me I’hphrtn and di I I \’rat t i>( ;« b r I’t \\ hint** of < *ii:<'inriii. !•’« !». ». lin |‘|U> p|»» i| l( ii.ihh st m Ihrir < |tvif.lh-Hs. i»nfl < 1 ii osl | i.o erlul ip il.t-ir t tie, t* i f imv ill'll I have <vi i me i wifi, m * pruel it col cig h> mm <w < nty y cat *. *1 li* ii ;*c tloii mi ihe chyle, i,nd hence on the impm ities id blood, is ev idently very surprising. b Miael ol n litter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore. Dec. 17. l-.lti—l urn in ihedmly habit ot prescribing ihi m. (I’< ter*' I'til*) mid they in nearly all cases answered mv purpose. ! have discarded oilier metiieiucs some of them very good ones, in tin ir favor. f’liAtiLoTTE. N. ('..Jan. I. 1837. Dear Sir—l have made frequent u-e of your Pills in lie incipi;m stage of I iliios- lev. r mid ibs iuaie constipa lou id the bowels; also, hi the eitlai genu tit id the spleen humic di*i >se» of the liver, sick headache, general debility , ■-fid ia all eases have found lliem to !'<• very effective. J D. BOYD. M. D. Alf.iki.»:miel'iui Va.. Feb 7, 1fi.37 Having used Dr. ib ices' Pill* in my prm-liee for the •:t*t Int ive iiinnilis | take pleasme itt giving tny testimony "f lheii g. ml yfit i ts in case* of i!> *pi | s:a. s'ck bend ache, 'iliimis I. vies mid oilier diel-a-es. p.-mluced by inactivity o! Il<- liver. Th- y are a safe mid tndd apeiieut. lining the best ut ch- of the kmd 1 have ever u*ed geokgf, c. SCO'I t. .m. d. These much approved mid iti-tiy celebrated Fills, are sold w Im'esa'e mid ret ail. at X <-w York prices, ami by all th. pi iuci pal D nggi-ts throughout the I m id States, the Canadas I * vi*. Mexico ami the M cst indies. Kctai! Price, 59 eeut* |>*r box. wholesale price ? J per dozen. F.rsale !>v l-\\C .XEUF.I.L, and Dr. POWELL. ViPedgeviPe. Georgia 21 Iv iIAVXES’ PiLia. A NT! -DYS P E FTIC & A NTI -BI LUCUS EILLS, Prcparrd :>> I . AIAE9, Iff. D. SPARTA, GEORGIA. '•? X' offering tbcsi Phis to the public, it i* not deemed obt' U a3i »ive or impel Htieiit tn give a briel history ol ihe < irruoi *f am e- whuhll dto their miginat preparation. In Dei einbci. I*2*. Di 11. look .t« seat in Congress as a Kepreseii.alive from Georgia while labrnitig under prmracieii bllmms disease, ihe consequeme of a severe attack ui l< vtr m the course o. , ihe previ. ns auiumti I Living exhausted the usual remedies witiiout uni.-I h. determined to try tin-ell ci • f comhiniug a mimtu r- f well known medicines wnh the s parato action of each he hail been familiaily ucqumnH d tn Ins pin h s-umm entuse ut more th mi twenty year*. 'I be*e menu me.* soemn '-iiu-ii. i - mpos.- ins A.XTi-DYSPEP I it; AM) ANTI ULI fGI .- PILLS, he proc, ed dto take, ns directed tor dyspepsia and o h- r chronic disease* requiring action on the iiowi ls, one pill at hell time, which he eoti'inucd lo repeat mghily for about a vxei k, at w nicli lime tie was us liee Lom oil.ion* disease as it he had never bee i afflicted with it. <-n Ins leturii to f fcorgia tn ttie *.p m« ot 1829. m cmi-equenee ol the signal h. had deuvcdlimn tin pul* h, ia-esciihed ih* m to. In* broiiii i. who had t een lalmrii.g um.ei dvspep*i<i -mis I v. r < im-plaint f;»mtlle autumn ot 1*23, in consequence jol a severe mi piouacted iti.u kol m iious It ver. Ills heaiil. - beg m un <Hi tely to improve, and Ii s been restored by then !tn ilu ni .sioH stale in Ins rerlificate. I lie pills wer> p-e i scribed to other- I ilmrtug i.mler chronic tnllious offer Hons upon ihe < o fi It nee I spire.i by thei *ni i< ss in ihe foregmn. cases, mud those i a*es became so mimei u«s turn a ppi callous ! w-te .unmilly made to Dr. Il 1835 to L*3* im iustve | w m n am-tli to depart tor H tdiingi.m. for limn tm ii'y to fill .dozen as a supply ilurii'g his ati-ence. by p. r-i.'n* n li. had listd Ihtir vir<ues .-o ,ar. no senous ih ugh- ' wa- enti-it ineil of. fk-i mg thi m to 'he public ai large, as th. -apply h id tie. n lin.i cil to the range ot I i- piivme practice X’or Cid Dr. 11. consent to prepare and offer 'hern fm general use mint two or three yea.s after be bad h-en urged todu*o by to-. V. <> had been signally ion filed by Hum. \\ hen flint ti-< d by Innisell. ho supposed Hi ir api.iie.ttl'Hi would bi ci.nlim d to cast s of chrome s di-ease. amt it w as um un tr a lei mor. tli .n ten years ex| ermine ol tnetr u-e in many - f ihe varieiii s I chrome and some ol tb. more violent ..cult . lebri . diseases, tint he became i-hiihi.c. d. she now is. that i they prisM gi.-ai»i merit tn •■! casco requiring either mild m vigomt ae mn upon the bowel*, than any o.i.ei kn vvn nin edy. X* an ,d er.itiv. or mild aperiei-t- they answer most el fee I'.eiy. the iti>'lca>i<i|| stated by Dr J uili'-s J- liii-.m in hl adinir. .t.'e wmk on ill. morbi tin itahilitv ot ihe sumiai h aid h w. I*, by producing ‘bin one i-vaciiaiion daily am that .1 a *.>lid ra tier th in a liquid consistence. ’’ .Xm is I difficult In lot their moi/u.s oy.crmmi. .Vcre eva< tia.-t* op -r.He by stinml itmg the mui-ou* meinbr-ne of the stomach ; ami bowels, without affecting the organs es.i-nttal to heailhv digestion, mid alt otigh th. y pro. tire t. uq oraiy ieii> f the ill eased si-rr. i-ms grow w ..r»< instead of lu t. r These pill* combine >hc most gentle actimi npmi ihe nmeotis coat with m efficient and lie hby mfliu nee upon the hv -rar.d ..ihe: or gal.* ol tin-digestive a ppm atus. ami. c.-nsi quell ly i perate in j the mildest mall.-er. a. <1 not only give present rel|< f, tmtwh. Ii ’ *:ca ;tly persevered in a peitu rnout cii.e. i Xm ate th- y les- cffii int in fever and other acute diseases l requiting active pmg non. by increa-iiu th.- <iose asiliii c oil. j causing the double operation <4 more vigorous ac tion on the 1 | bowels, .sod proporliomtl.ty stimulating the aver and iHh. i ni t gau* to nn-r. healthy secretions, justify log ihe «-.-i fi.l. nt opiu- I ion not only rnlertamed by the inventor. I ut by many win. have n-. <1 then., th t hey approach more near y to the ch r ..l ie: ill a universal remedy in the eak.-s imiliat H, thai any o. her known medicine it isnm de<me.' m-iess.iry to »p<. ify the varintisdi-order* for the re let of which <h- y are applicable but tin following arc I numerated as ,-om. of th. m : Dyspepsia, sick head nrl.e, liver complain:, asthma. liabittial or casual co turtle**, Di li i hffia. heart burn, cholic, sour stomach, billnuts lev. r lema e oli-linettims, &c., &c- In short in every disease requiimg action mt ihe bowels. Nm is it the smallest i t cominemi .tioti. that in dyspepsia, liver complain'*, and mherchr'.iiic disease*, a single pelt, g< neral y.l ».,ffi. tent <!o»e. ’I hey are pei ■ hu ly adapted to h - com itiim nf ;ll person* ot * dent iv hi bit*, either unde or tcinale. who with scaicelv a soli ary ex e. ptinu, suffer fi Olli a 'biggish state ol the bow els They are .l*u reeommemled a p irtl. n.'arl- coiive nicul lo the traveller m warm climate*, or s.-asotis. ami lor the use of large fatiit li- *, the <Lwe b i g «<> easdv adjn*ted. especially when resi diug at a i.'istanr.- from the experienced pliy*i< iao. 1 he inventor a-k* hl* his own fellow citizens to give the ! s a fail tria’—pledging Ininsell if they will do so. that they i wdl not tail tn obtain ih>-cnnfi-leiice ami prefrirnce of ninety- | ti tie out of a himdrid, «>i time hundred and ninety nine out ol a thousaml Avan idterativi, m mild aperient, for correct ing liabitm.l or casual torpi lity of the bowel*. «>ne pill taken al tied tun I* till- propel Hose. «nh .ut the necessity of chan gmg ordinary habit* et living II one slw uld fail to produce the desirni efi-et it i» better to repe -t it tor two or three sue ■■essive a gb'v ;.“ian t > <-.i I its operation by tak ng any thing i bor to f.-ver. or other acute disease requiting Relive | purgam- u cm- pit! icpeat. d every horn or iwo. the d.- *ire.t <!!. ei k | ii.ihicc-rl, i* k-b st mode of iidiuiiiisteriug them I h • s .1 jo.ii- d certificates sufficiently attc»t ihe efficacy of ■ these pilfiv, CERTIFICATES. Bpa«ta. 15th June, 1839. 1 . irtify.t'rit I have used Duct. C. E. Haynes’ Anti Dys peptic i’l l* for moir- Iriu two years; and pronounce them to Ive the best remedy, that I have ev r yet tried for Dyspepsia Hill \'t' mn I *i-ivh tiled Ghalla*han’*. Bei-kwith’s. I'.r-.n dietb * ml ter s (’>ll*. w itlmut success I fi- v.- also fonml ! Davin - F os tu be un rxeelieut for iuh-rmneut and bilious lev,a tn emiy stage*. \\ i|. fJUIVERS J r . I Sp.vtiTA. lune 15th. |H39. Dk F DaTxf.s:—Dear Sii—My attetitioti wasduict >.l io y>iir Fd« h lit le inure th hi a year *mi-e. by fail Sim- II- Sinee Ilial time, I have I i-qii< mly taken Miein mvself ■ml given them to o y f-i-i liv wiili the most happy results Willi m they h-ip temni-il costiveuess. i-b.-ike.l eff'ecim ally dianhi-a ami lulu n • fi’ bi'e as fu'lv a* i alumel, without prodm iug the inipte . -o' .fleet that t- usually produced by vain ibh- I iher. fore !>< lu-ve tti.-m a v ilu .l. e iiieilu in.-, ami yv.iid.l i a com mend a tiiiil of them, at least K. spec ully. R. S. II XI.’DW ft K. Mii.i.mmi v.i.i.K. 17th Juno, l" i 3B. I ‘tn tor .*. <1 with the opportunity of -idditHt mv testimony to the call I I lav r,es’ \x-rt I >v*i-rr ttc I’ll t*. I lr.v» used llein .x-ca-iotially fur mure thiiu a year pa*t. 11l ord'mi v di-.a-es us ibi- stomai h and bowels wi'h’lu hip p. .-tfei'ts ; ami rec.-oils in a -ha t> I i am* fe- I Vei. which wis entir. ly eradicated by them, in thiee or four id y« w iiliiml tfm a|.l of any other m< divine. »lld cl-eerftilly ’ t cirmim nd them si* admirably adapted 'o 'he eure of dvs -1 peptic uud W N McMV Iv RA Y.’ 1 1 aviiig I-. en recenOy attacked with «ti. tig In i-its sy mp ■ l-.ios I use.l 111. Ilayne*’ I’d * Willi ihe h ippu st iff <•' wlm h ei.u e-y re.ievi-.i m. . ami vs Inch I du u-.l m -iiaie lo r. <<u« ! ineml as a valuable medicine. » <ll \RLEd E. RYAN’. ' Milledgeville. 21th Juue, 1-839. Sparta. July 15. H 39 Dr ('. E. Ilayties: Sir—For sesetal yeai* past. I have been afflicted will, oh*mate costiv- ncss cil he bowels, olteii going iioiii six io tiu days without any discharge from them. F..r-everal mouths, I used Dr. Feleia pills, ami found th. in m me. Early hut -pimg I was luiluc.d io hv youi Anti dyspeptic Fills, a Inch I have coiitinmd to use as'i.cci sion required. auJ have derived more heu. fit Iroui them taau Imm auy other medicine I have ever taken The operaimn is more easy , ami the effi ct more pei'uiatiein than from anv oih*r medicine I have iu-reteif»re u-ed, and I give them a decided piefeieuce to any othei rieaidy NADI.mX cook. Fowm.tuv July 15. 1839. Dr. CE. Ilaynes;—lt afliirtls me pieasui* to state, that I have lepcatedly used yenir Anti dysp. p ic- ami Anti bilious pills, and in every instance found imiuedlate re-lie-f I believe l ill in to be an escelh nt r< m dy in various di-ease*. and es pecially in cases of asthma. lu high esteem. &c.. fee.. JXO. V. ILLI \M R WI N. HpaKiA. July Ki. 1639. Dear Sir—l have used in my practice some us vinr altera live Anti dyspeptic pill*, and li.iveuniformly found hem fit t< my p ili-jhts from their admmisti atioti. 1 can therefore cheei I ully i ecu mine ml I lie-in to the alilu ted, as a valuable purgali v i medicine. Very respectfully. Your fr'eml. A. ri. BROWN, M. D. ' Dr. Charle* E. Ilaynes. Hancock Countt. July 15. 1839 J e'ertifv that my wre had sufl'ereti severely with Dy*pi p * a tor a eoii*r er.mli- time amt had trieel the prescription* o sen r-d pliy iciaie- w ulioi.t eriving any benefit from them, -he the n c numeticed taking Dr C. E llaviie.*' A ti-Dy* pep !<■ Fill* about ihe fall ol I 8 >6. which relieved het < titire y m the course ul a tew inomiis. R. MITCHELL Sparta. July 16. 1839. Dr. Haynes; 1 have been selling I’eieis’ Fili* tor the l o lirea year*, ami dm tig the time have e>cca*mna:lv taki r ihett mysi It. (I believe iln-tn to he a good tn d cine ) Some 12 or L> day* pa*t. Iliad strong *y mp'om* of bil i>us lever. I <> >k Miine ol Feiei*' Pills, a .d not receiving any benefit from them, 1 pioi-ured a ox of youe pill*, and am happy to say hat they in a lew days removed all symptoms of approach mg sickness I conceive the tn to be an iuvahiab.e im diC'lm . Y'.ui* with re-pict. THOri. M, TI R.XER. ! Jtlt 26. 1839. Dr Ilayties, Sir: I take grea V.pleasure in adding my tes 'iuioiiiai to ih->se you tiav air ady received tu ttie value ol your »ii,i-dyspeptie and anti bi'lious pills. At your instance I coiiimenc-ed using then, in mv family about six years ago. and imind them more eiiiforiiily iflii-a --■ mu* th H any other remedy I have ever given. Especially in a recent c-..*e of menstrua! obsltuctioii if long standing, inefl’et uially tiehted by several distinguished physician*, winch w a-entirely relic ved in a very few days, by the use of your pills More -ec< ntly still. I have given them in tire early stage of liilhou- f.-ver. w uh i nine .-uci e»». Your tn.mi, ALFRED M. HORTON. Millkiiokv ili.e. 25m Jci.r 1839 Dr. C E. Haynes; I h ve been billierto induced hv feel ings of d< hcacy alone lo withfioi ‘ from the , uldic. the expt. s im, of my ir inion in regard to the merits of yom Xi.ti Dvs peptic and nli-btllum* Fills; but tiie nuim rou* ti* which you have received t om respectable and m elligent < it- Z.-ns, of rlir.r v bic- tn itu- cure of disease* f-r w h>< h 'h- V w ere inif-uded. vv ill, I 'h nk jci-tify me tn now adding my ow n. having experienced then liem fi * fora longer period iti u any other iiidivnlii <l, yom-s- I only excepted. In the spring <>l 1*29. after having been afflicted fi oin the ;Ui- nol I*~3 v i'll dy-p.-psia, liver - omplairii he. ri tn/rii. md oci a *. vere attacks ol cramp cliulic 1 wa- induced at v. ur m*t me. lo Use a pill whiclf von had prcpaied at Wa.-hioghm <i y. in the wi;4er of I*2B. I had not taken hem .< week, before iheir good effects wi re s<« appan m a* to induce iheir coutinnance, and at tl<r end ol a mon li. I f-iund my *y.-iem . ready relieved am! In their .-ceasu n•! Use. f r a fen r.mi.ih* wa- restored to an exceffent *t <le of lieulih. which I have ever -ince enjoyed in a very high digice 1 h-ve Used ilutn ni h great effect in i*y own family, m cases of billion* f ver. dyspepsia and < hi.lic. and confidently h i them .<» an iiiva.ti.ib'e remedy. T. HWNEri. MlLt.t.noF.viLi.E. 39th July. 1839. Dr. t’liar'e* E ITavnes; \ out ten or twelve mouths since. I was induced In your rother io make a trial o' your Inti- Dv*p.'ptic and Ami BiII.-ih* Pil's. ii a severe billions attack, md found ihem iu"*l i fiieiciit »i leinoving the disease. I it iv tl-ed ih> tn W till great success, in s< veral similar at tacks since, as w ell as lor i holic ■ no disotdcrg of the stotnac h uid lion els They have a'so been ailuiinis'ered to several tn< inker* o my family. with like r< stilt*, anil partictib.riy in a ease ol l-il 11. it* fever, in the e -rly (dirt of ihe p es.-ut season. Fr in the very fair trinl whu ll I have made of these pills, mil ihe signal 'en fi:* which mv family and unsell have de rived liorn th. tn I am till y wa rallied in reroinm-mdiug them "* a medicine of iii'-st midde value; an 1 Coofid.-nily pr.-d . t. :h< v have only to be tried, to find grcai favor with the pub i.'. ’ lE*i-E FOX lor site by r. M. (OH LES. ant JAMES T. LANE. .UiAtKAL C-OrndF. OF THE eighth I'iiiii.m- of un- Is . lines in thi- I istiimion. will be f'ommi'Ui'ed no th .M nday (die I Itu) ot next NoVembei, and be tei'lliin iti-d on ihe li st >.lllll i day (th< 3)ol AJ ircii lolbiwing. File let tores will be de 'ivi ied tn (». M NE\VTON. M. D, Professor of Vnaton v. L. A. Dl'G AS, M. D., i’rofi ssor ot Piiyxiology and Pa thological An.itoinv. CH XRLE'* D WIS, IM. D., Piof.ssoi of Cliemistry ami Ph .rm tev. JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Mm ii M ilica. L. 1). FOifl), M. D , Professor of Insti ute* and Practice ot Modi' me. PAUL F. EVE. M. D , P.ofi sscroi Prinriphs *nc! Prac tice Ot’ Sltrwei v. MIL OX AXTONY. M. D., Professor of Obsteltiisand D -easi s of women and Infant*. Tiie Piob s*or ot Amlmi'v, assisted by Dr. John M<- L st. r, w ill -iipei intend ihe Dissectii g Roon s tn person, and discharge the dmie* ol I) mmstra'o without a di tional fee. Ihe Pn)fe-*<ir* ol Anatomy and Chrmis-ry d« vote tlwir whol. linn to the College. Ttie expensi s fur the till! Comse of Lectures, including the Dem ti> ket, i* §lls. Students attending thi* Ins'itutmn f..r the first time, will pay for Matriculation $5 The current motley of any of tiie States tn which S inlent* may resi le w ill lie taken at par. Specimens in Anatomv a id Natutal History will be thankfully received for the M:>*eitm. P AUL F. EVE, Dean of Faculty. I August 27—44 Pcnitcntinry. | have mi hand in the f’cnitr n'tary. a number of two ■ v * amt four h->. s w agon-, cart*, le sey W-igon-, c<r i-<- ; ges ol various kinds, and an .b<iwlant supply of co <rb hiig ! gy. gi;. sulkey four horse, two horse. Jersey wagon and | stag" hirtiessi-.; saddles and bi ulles. shues and boots, and fur I ni'u e ot various kinds. R i-paii'* done here. Also. Tailoring don*. I In I'o.isequettc.' of die pressuir in the money market, we i will se i on the i‘<>l|.-wing terms:— : For all -Ilins ..ver thirty dollars, a credit will be giv. n nn . til the l.iih of Becem er next the pinch .ser giving n a*' and i s. cu uv to tie appi oved by the board ut Inspectors Tie note* to be drawn *.. that it tin y have to he collected by suit the ; makers shall p iv the collecting fee TH'lri. AV ALEXANDER P K , lime 6 h l<l9 29--if 11,1 '*”• ’ ’’ ill Z.'hub n Pike Co Vt im t.'.e first '’ms-lav in F F.B RUAI:Y mXL I .ol i.f land >«. *6. rhe 2ml district of orlgi-vi'ly Mo -roe. w-w Pike Comity. *O.l s tile pr. p rty of John B. Sl;.ughiei''s t * fate, lor the br m fii of t is li.-it* frARAH SLAUGHTER,Adtn'x. N'iD.l9, IcW. 43 Goners#i Agency* r73’ I ! ’ Ulldt’i s-gue.l rerlew *dl '«•»' ol Hl* services to his ( QL b u nds and die public, lu th. I lasaclioti o a</ENI'.R ; Ai, AGF.M A’ in thispl ice He will abend to the renewal i | of all note* that in ay be enb'tisied I*, hi* care it dir C.-u | : II '-.I Bank, foi tile cii-toimirv fee of Cnk Dot LAK Im rich. < renewal; al-o. to die taking out ntid forw a-ding Grant*, j ' lor Fifty <’knts each. | (J/*'elter. enclosing m <ney am! Notes (post pa d) will me i w ith prompt a, eut on JOHN It- \NIt b R'N Milledgevile. Im * 1*39. ->0 —<' 1 THE unilt-r-igiK'd will iiteod to the taking "lit of Grant and the leu. walo* Notes at the Uelltl’al Bank, lor th. usual lee of one dollar I’m each uote I'enewed al the Bank . one ilollar for a separate Graut and fifty cents for each art ditional one. They w ill also trntisi'i i’e Docuineuts from atiyofteDe j pertinents ol die Slate House, -ueli a.* copi * ol (lie Nuiiiei'l 1 eel Diawiug* from be I xeeulivc Deparin cut. . einfii-d io pies <>f \ci* p.issed by the I eti lalure. &c . for a hboial ; coinpeiis.bioii. Being i ngageil in the State Hou-", they Will lie always ■eady to atu nd w ith prow.| tn< au business intrust* dto Tin- money fir Grants ami rem nal of Notes must be for ■ ■yarded in all cases, or they ail m.: le attended to. ANDRI M G. I.\ T V-TE. ' (’ll ARLES E II M S ir. Milledgeville, fi t . .lanuarv >. 1839. 50 -Il ■ A Gb! X i Y —The un icr-igm d. b> tug employed a* clerk . tn the Surveyor Gi-uer d'* offii e. will atien I io lin- ta ! in* mH ani forwarding of Gr im- -mil < opr Gram* fm i ly cents each. \ so. t* ihe I'ctl wal ot all Notes Hi the I Central Bank, diat may be eonuslid lo lii-rar lot th cus ornary fee of < )ti<- D liar each renew >1 I <ttm* m- osm* nouev and notes (post paid) will ieeet with prompt .itliu ’ ALFRED M tics. l’liN Milledgeville. Ist .1 line. 1 *3* 29—tt T 3XII!', -ulisciiher very ri-spectlully itiloruii Irienil* ■ amt the puulic generally, that It" ti i* located titmseb *t the Marrietta Hotel, (’olih <’ 11.. where he offer* tn -ervice* ti se irch out am! te“t the value ot Gold and Lan • its. anil io make a true return to applicants tn die > otiu besot Cobh. Paulding. Floyd. Cass, dieiokee aud I'oi -yth: at the low rate of live dollar* per lot: at rhe above -lated place, reference may be hail io the State ami <'heck •naps, the quality Book, ami numerical list f’ationagt u 'he alley e liusine*- will diankfullv received fix M ircti II i~37 M-t< ' It yxtl i MtV UNI JED sT.aTes M “a’hsH AL’S WILL bo gold at the Cour: Ilmise tlout in die city ot M-lb dec* ill»-, on die fnsi Tui sflzv in Fbi nary nex', within tne legal liont's of sale, the tollowing piopei ; ty , to-wit: Six Im tired seven and otu It If acres of I nd, more or less, in the county of Baldwin adjni iug /lie I tnds ot le - vin J. S-niili and others, being the place on wh ch llenrv Di-tish r dec. ti siiii d. and thiee m groes, J 'lm. a mat . about Im nlv time vests of . «■ ; Mills, a w nnian about i fhittv yeais old, md Maliy a <vmn:iu aboil forty year* of ' age, 1' levied on to s ,tisi\ a fi fa from the Sixdi C ri uit Court ot itn- Uni'ed Stat, s, for the D'sitict of G favor ol Brewsti i. Soloniou Ar Co, r.« «ml Henry D nsler POs I PO NEI) > \ LE. At die-same time ami place, wt I be * Id, the west half, number fifty fin, in the fust Dsr et of Coweta i nnnH , containing one hundred o e a d a fm rdt »cr< * moie or 1.-ss. le< ied on as die prop, rty ot Anti er v v o th to s risfy a fi ft fr. in the Di-tricl C„i|.t of tie Uni'.rf Set',-* f-r the Disii-tot Georgia, in ta'or of r 1 r Post M sli t G-oinral "f the I’niied State* r». s.;d Antiumy Nordi and B-nt< ii VA’uhon. AI-o, fra. ri.m jniniber’wo hundri A arid 'won’v-Iwo in <' ’’ ten'll D s'rii t of VL.s-ogc ' oiintv, . oufaii i g eighty i a.-res, h-vm.l on ns dm property of S', pl., n K' "vin, o s,t sty a fit» in f .v.mi ~f dm U"i r d St .'e* of A hi ri< a ri. G ei'ii Fatum ami Smp|i< n Kevin ts-m d fioin ilm D Strict Court of the United >'-t'es for dm D ri> t of (•’••mt»i". \VM. J D\V S, M tix' al. - 0 '• 2> ’’’ 48 -Id*. SI 'Ho 1N lioin to bur tie stage full ngiug to the pei>| le Line. b. tween K. nneda's stand and Span ■. a luni k leather trunk, containing sundry wearing aepaiei marked 'I \V. II : a pocket case of -urg'e.ii in-litlment*; a pocki t case of tooth extri-c iug ln*tru:i eo s. a manttscriptco v of medical lectnir* a* delivered In the | rof-ssor* z.tailud tn the College of Phy*t> iari* and riurg' i.n- at N w A ..|l« tn I <’ls and ”.6; a pair ot pm ket pistol*; a dirk: a pocket book containing a inanli- t of paper- and rlocurn. nis ad dressed ami ttelonging to T W li. rsfiehl. and ■ I no u e to any othei person ; a sum o money in -pecie. Im person findit g tn of the a’ov.- articles will please direr- -< eiter thro.e.’ l 't n- Post I Hfi. directed to T t\ H.-r --fi. IH ore oil! T. H—fi. k'. M I'.. No. 145 Eighth Ve mm. Non York « i l ’>e *uit ililv ren urded ; or at the Igrril'- of the People’s Line at kVa i. n on. or at \\ rn. M.K.r-’* st >ptiia (let. 21 f —ts | Pockfl S.oftt. fSA ! F. sub-ii iln r. .-n tin- 10 h Hist ln*t tn- w .-• n J .cob ■ S P’- -mIS’ .-pivc ’-. , P'>< K' T B'ti 'K, I I'liiicuiiiiii $,9.i in !> >uk notes ; ... w tin !. $ I9D >* ere on the I'< nii' ii Bank of I Jriirji i lon hill* mi th. C. ritral Lank I w. If J*luO. ■■ <h an.' r. n- $!(• H s; ih>.r ,*lll l-ilh. m. 11 -wk . insvilte Bark : un §2(l toll- on D-a o n I*>. uk : om s2'l ■ I* i Co* B ink : ami mm $I It bill ..n h « ’ rcta !'•-nk 'of M ii'. n. Mso. si ver. l rime* ot han : u of.'JlOfi on Th >m a* Coll!', -I Dimly, and .me 1, gan R Bal'aif. of 'i.nner C‘- • for sl-rO. ami mm receipt for ih.‘ coll ctmti of rrmric' . ; iv.-n from Sparkman Bowen to my ell. and piob b y smm ut er paper* .-f value. Aip , ei'sim fiml'ng -aid Pocket Book and r< turning i »o ip. . or plae it n her. ii ."un hr obtained -h dl r.-c.-i' ai t n rd of Fifty D liar*, if r. qu r .1 XA 11 LI \ H (’. .-PfVI 5 . liwin .'oi'rtiy. May 21. l'-’:9 |7—t! STIL%V£I> f. m the subscriber living at Lulled n*. | vlmir- eco Ga.. seinmiuu b ut ihe I.hli May. instant I a brown Lay Horae, sc'eu year- o <l. near fiv feet tiigh—no partictil -r m rk* recollected Auy info.matimi irspectin; the -aid horse w ill h« ih inkfttlly received .nd « nt .hiy iew ~rd- j • d N. G <LAI'GIITt;R. m29th !*::9. 21 ts Attention SiavdkiG THIS wt I ii.t.arn i tn |.ii hr .bat w - bay.- j..- • r ■ n' t t..! and h ive 111 op t Ilion, a SPi,I.NDID I P. DM! .er.,** (,’hattahmK bee Riv. i a G des' old estabu-lied en y m Gw in nett (’unrity. Georgi . ( hi T- wn*’patent plan tie -Im gl.d and weath. rlio.irded) <m .It. umst in ct root b adi g from Virginia. Xor'ti and South Carolina*, and ttie eastern p rt of G'oigia. to Alabama. Mi—is-ippi. Arkansa- Missouri nd ■h'- western par: of Tennessee. The s,.f. tv arid faciliiy of a Bridge is so well know n. that we ileem it tn.necessary to tronole the public with a description of tiie advantages, lint fl liter ourselves we w ill be liberally patronised. Tim road shall be at all time* plentifully supplied with pro visions at the cheapest rates. R. Me A FEE & GREGOR V Sent 12 1839. 34 —if. _ MORJIS MULTicVuLiS TREES. - B,'"’ 7 pl. I • 7 t..DE<> N HOI.SFY, 43 Span., Ga 0TI j* E TIIE nnriersignid would re ncct'tt’ly inf-I'm th i fiends .mil the publie generally’, thti they hive pnrc'i *•'■! of Fir. J ime-T Lane, hi* stock <.f goods, and inti nd rep'.'uish mg it i i'iueibat' ly Den rmimii*. by sirict ntteii'ion hi bu siness to plv„se all. lh< V ho i e t-i receive a iber-I sb ire of! public patronage. ’ F. B BRFEDI<>VE. W M C DERRY. M lb-dgeville, N'.v 11839 43 if (Yy s ’ All the p- .< r in Mill; d-: vise wdl pulrli-h the above il! n but RENOVATING A! I 'lms" imlivi nal* rrsicing in the ci-nmry -ho may ■ wish toh iv.-th uID D RENOWTED; will m k.- [ a .|.lie iiiun iis emtv ns poss ble. ns w e m'.-ml b-nv.iig a< so >n I *we are w iilioot Ini-inc**. "<■ W"iibl ref-i you to there ; -p> c' 'tile i'iiiz'-n■ ‘ f M i'|.-<|- cvilb . m mv of w boor have tried its t-ff ch on f .iihers, an wh wi ll testify t.> i'* uA'i'y ALEXANDER &. SPECK. . 1 Milludgeviih) Nov. ft, 1839. 43 if I | STOVALL, SIMM 0 N S, & ifii? &.\ t.Nb<>RM tin i' fi in '-. a <( ~ < | üb'ir. general! v. hav.-t k ii tu.- ll.iE PROt.F WAKE ll<>U~E «p- ' p -lie G u Da w*i ll’*. I*, in ilv m < iipb d bv Heard & I Till* tu am t ton lotlieir ('oe P’O f ll nrr Houit. ou B-. g ! s'teit. will give tlmrn i.n pb. n <-u>. to place under r«v«r. <Jt ■ !i <> ton cmi II lu 111 ;mil In lug mar the river, u ill b * q i.te c rivei inf ,r ilm ’■ cm.lion of co’ton coming du»»<«* B O.HM. Au ii.i . > * II !<!> 43 Iw WARE HOI riE AND COMMISSION BUriINRS*. 'S7OI A/.L, N fifMONS fy CO. Al FTD!!'! public arc inf 'tn-.I that we r-ontinm- lo trinisnct tha idg.vv l,:i --j j sin.-** ut our IIK I'.. »«J 'A 111 . II >1 SE. M'<- pl •<!'.' oiirs 'lr.’s ma to In intel.—l. <1 in nut ninniicr whale. *r, in ; the pun-iiHSC ol i otloti, r ■.<■.'! I '..r < r.ler, « l-|. I. i- Ir itinu.t I- . tm- » • _/ MU'** ot * (b.imni—i m 51-:ii limit, mid win. Ii i <lon.r by nil othai* | O l* I'O't <>oo'l - will meet > mt niiori. Om : I Sl' HA.I. A II A V1.1.N, <■<■■ liime Ih • <'llol’l ItY mu! I! A2. th i I R TIN -ON. A the 113 GOODS ' I SIXES.*, imil rr* neo i r ’.'Civiic'ih ir full supplies. Good- bo ■lnolthin «HI l>- frr» u«w> /, I ll>e usual < h ige of <oiiin.i«“ton 1..i |miln ■ ing, nn;i will b ■ iruf mutn 1.1 gi>e .I* .nil' ll "mi-, nrtioti. n* lo quality imil pru »* pnichnMH ; bl nnr oth r I.Mi e in the city . COI’ToN - ul to n- bi Kn IR. uk will he tii’cn fimn th- deiurt to ■ rm AA’ure Hmm', and X >< 11 'll .I. w ill li’ EOR I>H>.\AUE. ■ i i n'toii si’iii Ii ilni) Ko -d "bonlil In* brnmb-d, iirn! n. < omp.. i.a by ■ j writ 11 ill t-u.-lion* lo till- m’.-l.t ol ill ’ nsniiMi- . -I-Hl ".tn shoal if i« ■ I ciin-i::iii’il in A»ian*t.; —it b.'inr th' <b t-. ot *nj<! Asrent fu- ib* <-himf*i I ui ndn rti-e) to ri’.'.'i <■ unit nil cotton mid goods Irer ol üburgc. A. y uthm us ill* v-ehnn. I’-'in? v t bl.s—cd wit'i a '..lth *n.l oar usual <Hi*i<'i ", .mil capaetlie* fu. biwirir *-. «ar.■ i" ■ H<r r o r*. ; r rr >1 to -ruerust, inera, who** •ml i* and inl.'r<’*l* -hail be strictly rdb-r-.l 'o. SldA Al.l , SIMMONS & VO. < pi mb r l<i. lij.iU.-T—'ltn FBM.<>) Hil.l —'l lie mim r-iguerl inft<im* hi* H and ilms ot tfie late firm of Cutler X’ ('nrnurll. Ckw Im intend* resuinitig the AA archou-e ami (’ommistou Jrlgmi. m-ss -it the *ioie imxi above the mm r> i > utty o< impie.l ity I’.J I’lime, outlie margin of East Alai •u. km w u as ia, towuuf '1 ruy H>- further inloiin- the public ilint h« bm gin hi* Gomls. &< .. and having uow on rh< w ay. frex New A ork and oilier rilai-c*. Dry Goods .iuil <>’i’m ei:es to gether making hi* stuck eompl.-tc. which w id be *ul<| lop k.r ready pay. Im will lie ready to receive Cot on early m i|*» fail, anil Im preparer! to make adv,mi c* De would pur tu tilarly notii elo hi* fiit tid* thi greai adi antage* hi* 'A aiu hoii-e* qavr ovei those in tin -lensi pan id flic city r.itbrv garrl lo jire. they t-i :ug detar bed liotn other l>iiihlil>g*. aud *t a distance from am street oi latte and wi ll en-clo-ed. 11. S Ul T'i tR. (TT- Tim Macon Messenger and Telegraph. Milledg«*>**b Journal am* Standard of I mon. will pnidisb the above Hwrff -* further notice.— f lei < srinti. F|M!E -tilisciifier having i r'liiin m ed business in thv R*- K c iiiug ami Furw ai uiug Good* mid .VI • -rchaudia* tc and from August i per the Georgi i Railroad, begs leave «o ! .'ti tpiaim hi* friends and the p bic that all good couaigned, or orders arfdie—ed to him. -fii.ll nn e' with stiiet atkcaiHtn. ami befoi w aided to their destination w iih the utmost prvopi t tide. I'.I.II’HAI,T 1.A1.E. AA’arrenion, two 5 KK Jjti ts , NiTW **t. OitES. S fi ■ n. I’lON VIIY r-l df»i>r <>f th' Pf»-«t < >:T:cr. ot. i’t'Hx .•'iiiiir, Lo;tf <1 >. cra-he.l uud ground do; Jnvn. find VJo h i »»11* ; li!!|H’»i I .«nd II ‘O i fl; Cl ocolnf ; B e wh d! lonr. in bmh*!’’md k’D-; •S a»* t i>i fii;?. ■nd ..i-tl r ' rue •> ; Smo «d i.i’i'f, dip! B”Pt Ti-njuf-; ICicp, Oni n , •«: : ■ •«. ni • Oil I ; linrui s Ufii -tn*', /’rm • , T.ihut nd*, hid! I'ri *d (’itrnti; I’r ndi I’iukl s, nn i < 'ii: or. : fia m <»f vmi m< nrl-; ALSO, A I AHI I ’EY OE \ C’nii-i-titig ~f r',./. Lfnniiy Anr r eMI, imd Ie rh J e; 11 -■ I: nr! 'i , Hoiirgln*■ o. I’ .e ,1 pj-'e, d- .X. th. ,n, <!a; ■AI n n "ih" nAA lu*'*’-'., I'. , In. 1 i»!i,and Sc.nub,ilo. -'l’4 u.. ■ fid billed" i t.’n.n. N.:w Urlinil ill ; I n pt. r v Sytitp Lemon d>. h rry I’,ounce; lain- n - f’o-t-r. ai Qn.irts i-l.d l‘. 1 ; I .ut!<-<! I'l.tint; n- i- iD'-. nsi pi'iior mt'i-le; .Alb* ■» .Ac, :-nd N war <’: 'er; • l.rim av <• AA’:n.’, i Q.m t* n d I’ii t-; A n .1 liir;.' supply -f -upe <i AVnic-, iicn'Ps AA’A HXA JI > gt) I l’i P. . con’i-tin.' of ''ad.’ii.i, I n Sli-m, Old I'ort, < InreL Tam. Iti , M'l I ' : H*. lit. I. .Al* >. St. » <>d*-*t.- ill t:.-ricit< niirfic* •««<■<; Spiini-h S.'i-nr* ol i .ri n* I mini", nnd of Snj-eiior uuslitt; a-»». (11 ■«in • Tobiiei-o, Sin--lin , n. <1 Sunt;; Sp-em, »n II h o-i <’h.ol ; *■’o.l •>. nd S i ’ tz P w ■ r ; dm e- p . t«<l dnilv. n Inirc •>ii>Hv »f A pie*. Ornng.'L 0.-p* . .i n *v„Do of ■ th-r H' i ofea act en. incrn cd. .All .4 wl.i. I: »i.l sold low, lor (' ASH OX'I.Y <’. I>. HA.MMU*i». ■Mill. .! eiil'e. O, .. -Yl. 1.33->. 4(1 ts. MH.MMA.V ANO 71 A X t I A-7IAUIAG. MRS. LOUISA O’BRIEN, RE-PIS 'III I I A’ tiidinsthe Ladies ol Miller!,. .jMe and it* vmi iia th<i«heb<«lar>lsie< <-iv<-d from ' 'hartw i.i . a tine -is-ortm. iil of ot hi r own si .e.aa.c •un- ri- w h uh a ♦* LADIES, LISSES A?:D CHILDREN'S EONNET3, ri .me be utifi.l D. .w .1 Rmm< t*. . „ -,md Ia tu »'-«!• Al O the c fest ft,if„, f„r tH ‘ hihl Hf. Il DU .ml l'i. I, it.rf r ehh,.i‘f-r I.\DIE Dti t. *— ArFi fi.l d f intt. ot i a'mils ml*. i e ; P. ti a-l- c. i;l Im -o'rl f om oim d-.l -r "nd fill . eoqt*. tv no. ibree. ever, .nd > w elvr- d..|l ;r». l-.-umt* ami Th < *-< , tnar'c ion <!. i :,t dm si;orr.--t ti -tag ■ erl - I the befil mater ;il*. y i v <h- a I fm c a-h. .A so. on band -mm- *td< o.l|;i Fl- I'll r- tor Bomiut*. Alille.lg Ville. As 111 16 !.. I -'I 9 ts (AO 37’ /-• 4/ fr'M/AS. GLOBE H3IEL FOR SALE, / a iiji tl , (iioi ca. TIE 11 d r i II 1 off.-is for *..h-. h* valuatil. ami I i v.-r o 1 1 m,*e, in L• * y ell. , AA a I ket* * OUtft v, <•■■., sn •vo i* t-m GI dm Ila I-- 11 • j* ilmr-i tn n.S to di-|i i*e of li* t r "P' tv. ■•* cir. u nst >n< e* n-i*ilivelr rn q lire i<, and w•1 Ia r Inn- give tim Ii • i bargain that can b. .-b allied i- he toiimrv. II ■ wdl a ! M , ,fj (11 , ~ n f , h _ _a_lr-X- _r i ur.-, imt all_ |i ■ T.m rut iiipiu te.nabeea on ilesauu limr-I ti rm-. Iml dg.-m , y, mon yvvrn trrwa~ ti IV ueel 's *. cm ed, ami po*se*si >n will Im giv>'H at. nr tmi . H - oarne-dv i .VHes tlt.ise who arc at .ill dixpMad. to purr base, to <'--|!--- -x imiim the premi*--.*---iscei'lain h * t» rm*, am! s iti fy tin n.s. Ivi * ihat Im is indei <1 anxiaas tos.ll. and v. iilino t > give tinisiial inducenmn's tu pvr- Husir-. A. L. B ARRY. L iLiyt tie, G >. O t. 18.1839. 46 St. CAMPBELL &, TOWNS, A TTt> !i N I. i" S .1 N li COU N S ELl.i> Il s A T L A W II ( O’.UM BUS, GEORGIA. T Cl!' F. tint!- ml fl n » ,*- <-iat. d tlmmsi lvcs in tlm prac- ™ u<■ be , AM . im.L i- tia- -d- vi- *i\ <-. fm y y> i’t a lead : t.'m -:t mg* *<t ill-- ’*<. o rim- i 'o.iri* in tlm follow ing cnnuasß to vh ; Mu*i g't'wart. k:im:..pli, Daily. Baker. L.«. .•*ii-nnt« r. M,ei u Talbot Ha rt*. Al. riwi-tb.i'j- nd Mac,hi, in G orgia. Fi iibmr. R ussi-ll ;m i .M;mm. AlaliamH; ard al-n i-. dm Ch;.nciiv Courts at ('avion »i-d Mont-oujerv, Al'.. ' .! A ME- 11. CAMPBELL," Aug 22.-3!-f. G AA . B TlMAlNri. ~UrtTAH~G7~H IT C H ELL, A IM'OItNEY AT LAH\ Mr«it«>xrn»’t Co.. AGREE ABLE in ■ r.ler I nut ilm H moiahie 1.‘.« ri-'r ( imrt of J.-fi tsioi coini'v. when sit’lag aa a ! (’.mil for O .limit V ptirpno s. will be s |<| <m th. firat Lm sl iv in F -In.i -ry ii, x . Iml’oii the Court Htausu, ia th •I<> < n ■>( Lnn >ki , S<. « art cotiit'v. L'l us laml Nu ja li ‘ii‘ I 222. u rl e t'i iI) iii i of >iriM|i;i||y Lee, aevr S■vv ■ r <-.'..n y. b I 'mg i. In t'.- ate ot J unos 11. J v»b 4», I i'e of * iid conn y <lei ca*t' I. in* . t *ab made known oh ill' 1 M ARY E JOHNS, Ada.’x. I Witoh.iigton countv,, 4G nd