Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, January 14, 1840, Image 4

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pills. ANTI-DYSPEPTIC &. ANTI-BILLIOUS MV /53 I’l'cpiit <ml i>j c. c. "A' m:s. ml i>. SPARTA, GEORGIA. IN offering these Pills i.» the piil.iic. iti* »'•: deemed obtru sive or impel tinetit to give a bri- t history ot the circum (tames w huh led to their •>• igota 1 prepii aliou. lu Dei ember, 1828. Dr. 11. took • is ,*e it in Cotuiv** a* a Kepresentativ< from Georgia. w Into laboring under protracted billions disease, tlie consequence of a severe all ek <d lever tn the course o. the previous iitllilmn Having exhausted the Usual reiuedies without i vik'f. he determined to by the etf cl <*f combining * iiumhcrof well known medicines wilh the * parole irtinn ot each lie ha I been launiinily acquainted in h:s pret'essmu «. course of more than twenty years. ’I (test* uiedicitvs so com bined. <■> inpese his A \TI DY SVi.I’ TI C \.\l* ANTI BII.LIOI 8 1’11.1.8. He dto I r.s dirreted Im dyspepsia and uth r chronic disease* r<qui:ing action on lhe bowels, one pill al bed time, which he continued to repeat nightly for about n week, at which lime he was ns fr<, font billions disease a- if be bid never beet a 111 u led with it. <*n his return to Gemgi i in the spit.g of IS2!>. in consequence of the signal it It'd derived Itum the pi;., h. them lor his In'othci. who had been niiuet dyspepsia nnd liver comp! tint ftwin lite aultxtoi <a I *23. in cutt-i tpiencr of a severe nil.l piotiaetvd ait *• k <d . i lions n ver. His health began immediately to ntptove. and It »s liven restored by them ill the manner stale I i:i his ceitillc.ite. I'ne pit's were pre sciabed to other* bib niug tinder < -roai.* bflliou* dl’eetmits upon the co ;fi.fence inspired by tin i sttetvs* it the Imegotn, cases, mild those i-»m s became *o uumei • - that appl i aliens Mele immally made to I)-. Il tun,: 1*35 to IN** in. lesne Nvhen annul to dep n t forW shiuglou for from twenty to fdty tlofcvn ns a simply din ing Ins absence, by persons who liitd tested their vir lies So .ar. ro si imus thought "Was enieiiaiiivd of Hem g tltriti to the pnb'tc ar iarg ■•. : * th. supply hid bei n Hu.i <<i to me ran ;,' it I is priv.Ue practice Nor did Hr. II e.aisciit to piep.oe ami oli'et them for ;; neral use. until two or tin *e years lifter he had been urged to do so. by It'O-e w ".i had been signally benefited l»v them. YA hen first used by himself. he supposfd tlb ir application would he coidiued In cases nt chronic Lilli.>v.s disease, and it v as no! un til niter more tlrm ten years experu m e id' their uw in many «.f the varieties . f chrome. mid seme of t he mote violent iiciite febrile diseases, that he beeatti-- com mei d. us he now is. that they possess greater merit in .Ji vises nqttiritig cither mild or vigorous nciiim upon the bowels, iln.n any ether known rem vdy. As an alterative or mild aperient, ti'.ev answer m-st ef fectively, the iadieaiimi stated by Hr. .!aim s Johnsmi in bis admirable wmk ml the utrirbid iriit.d i iiy of the * omat h am! b wcl*. by producing Usually •‘hut otic evacuation daily, nnd that cfa solid, rather th in a liquid < niisistcacc.' 1 Nor is it Tldlicult to account for their riot.’i.s op< i(ni<<i. Mere cvaruai ts operate by stimulating the mucous im nibr.ane of the stomach mid bowels, without aHecting the organs cs ciitiat to healthv sligesimn. and nil' inigh they procure I in;urniy leiicf. the dis eased secretions grow worse instead of bet:i.r. These pills combine th i most gentle act'mn upon the mucous coat w ith tin efficient nnd hcidihy iulliieiice upon the liv.r and other or -gunsuf the digestive apparatus, and. consequently operate in the mildest m.inner, and nut only give prescutre'.ief, but w hen steadily persevered in. a pr-rm uicut vine. Not are they less effici. nt in fever ami oilier acute diseases requiring active purgation, by increa-iug the dose r.sditee.ed, causing the double operation <4 more vigorous mtum on the bowels, and proportimialdy stimulating tile liver ami oi*. rm gans to more healthy secretions, justifying the confident opin ion. not only entertained by the inventor, hut by many who have used them, that they approach more near y to tin char ncter of a universal remedy in lhe cases d, tint: any other known medicine It is mil deemed m<e*s:.ry to specify the various disorders for the iciie’ i f wim Ii thi y are applicable but the l.dme. ing are eno'a'.■• i- • o-m id tin hi t I >y- pea-la -:<■•. hi e, hvci ii.mpl -n". hid'itual or e co riveue-s Diar rhea. heart-burn, eliolii-.-our stouiai-li. it v r. f.-mn e ob-t m-timi.-. Occ . &e. In st.o i. m evciv Gi.-ease re.ptiimg urtion <m ifie bowels. Nor is it liie «ma. i-si n commcmi itum, that in dysp.-psi - , liver oi mi pin ill is. ami o'her chronic di-.-ai s. h single pi It- gem ral.y .1- ■ilicient nos.-. The. tire p<<u ll.irly a tapleo to i|p- com itnm ol ll prisons ut sr-deut ity h i bits, eiihvi mde m ti-mdi-. who with scmeelv a soli.arv i-x s-eptiou, Aufl.-r fiom a slugg.sli siatc ot tlm bowels. Tie -. a;e ;dsi> recomiuemied ns parti, idarl' convenient to the trnvelk r in warm chiolites, or seasons, ami for the u-e id' large fami lies, the dose b. i g so easily adjusted, especially when rcsi •ciiug at a dismn<-e from the experienei d physi< ian. Thu inventor tisks his his own fellow citizens to give the pills a fair trial—pledging Imnself if they will do so. that they will not fail to obtain the confidence, ami ijrrfr.rtnce of iimety time out of a hundred, ol nine hundred ami nine!v-niuc out of a thousand As ait a iterative, or mdd aperient, for correct ing habitual or casual turpi lily of the Imweis. one pill taken ■at bed tim • is the proper dose, without tlie neees-tv of < hail glug ordinary balms of living if one should fail to procure the desired efiect it is better to repent ii tor two or three sue ces'ive nights, than to aid its operation by tak.tig any tinug else. For liillimis fever, or other acute disease rcqtliiiug m live purgation, one pill repeated every horn nr two. ti'itii the de sireil cllecf is produei d. i- lii bst mo.-rr* of administering them The subjoined certificates sufficiently attest the eliieacv of these pills. CERTIFICATES. St>An rA. Islh June, 1830. I certify. I‘iiit I have n,id Hoel. C. la. Haynes’ tn'i-Drs pep’lie Pills for more than two years : and pronounce tin no to lie the best remedy, th..t I li ive ev- r yet tri.d, for Dyspepsia and Asthma. I have tried Ghallu:han's, fli rkwith s. Brim drctli's ■nd f’. ter’s I’dls. without success, I have also li.uml Haynes' Puis to be an excellent temedy for tiiteimitent and bilious fever in eni ly stages. UM. SHIV fHtS Jr. ® .lime 15th. 1839. Dr. (>. Ja. Hatxes:—Dear ** - ir—vlv anctitiim was direct ■ed to your Pills a hide more than a vein- siiire. bv C'ol. Stov ers- Sm<e that lime. I have fiequem:', take-, ?!:em mvself and given them to my family with the |uo«t b-ippv results. With me they have' removed cu-tiveness. checked eflm-lu- Hilydiarihca and nikeu ■ls bile as fuil a.- calomel, wit-mut prodiu-iiig the ttlip'eiuant . Hf-i-l that is usually produced by that vatmdde iiu-dit-me. I there fore Indi.-ve ininn a vahiald'e medicine, and would recommend a ttial of them, at le i-t. It. specifnlly, R. S. I! \! DWIt'K. Mir.i.r imr viLt.i I“i|i lune, I *3! I. I am pleased with the oppermimv ol -rd<:inc mv fe-timouv 4o the value ot 10. Hayc.e,' A.xit Dyspeptic i'ti.t.s. I have used ihi m <■< <-asiom>hy I'm more than a year past, in ordinary dis.-a.-.-s of the stomach and Im w els. wuli the h m piest efTei ts: and recently, in a -ha p intermittent bilious fe ver. wbieh was i-ntiri ly ermiieab d by them, in three or mm slays wilooul the aid ot any oth.-r m-dieim*. and checrfuliv Yei-oioim no liiem as ad.niralily ad ipted to the cure of d-.s .peptic and u.lisiis di--..«■» Hl| Mi VII I, R \ Y /lavin'? '• eu - eeuty a’tioked wiIII , 11 otej hi lolls mp •toms. I useo Dr. Hay nes' i'll , .vidi du- fin ot, st < |l< <•'. which 4-nti.e'v relieved me, ami which 1 do not hesitate to recom .■uewJ as a sail. eu> me-iii me. <;n x-i.i:s e. ry i , Milk dgevi I -. 2ltd Huie. I *39. Sparta, July 15, 1-39 Dr <'. !i. IHivm-s; Sir—For several yeats past. I have been afflicted will; oils nmle Ci.stiv. m-- of bowels, often going f mu -in i<* n n days without air, discharge from tin « i. Fol eeveral imnifli*. I used Dr. Peters iidl*. ami found them ualTu! to me. Early last .•>priiig I was induced to trv ymu Anti dyspeptic Pills, whiifi I have cominm-d io use *, mi s sion required, and have derived more bem-fit from them than J'rom auv other medicine I have ever taken. Tlie operation is more easy, and die ulfi ct more permanent than from anv other medicine I have heretof ire used, and I jive 'hem a decided prefeience to any othei remedy. NATH vN COOK. I’owelro.v, July 15, 1839. Dr. C. E. Haynes:—lt afi'ords me pleasure to state, that I have repeatedly used your Atiti-dyspeptic ami Anti-bilious pills, ami in every instance found immediate relief. 1 believe th' nu to be an excellent remedy iu various diseases, mid es pecially in cases of asllima. In esteum, &c., &c.. JXO. WILLI AM RABUN. Sparta, July Hi, 1839. De .r Sir—l have used in my practice some of your altera tive Anti dyspeptic pill* and have uniformly found bem-fit to my patients from their administration. 1 can therefore cheer fully iceommeiid them to the afflicted, us a valuable purgative medicine. Very respectfully. Your friend, A. S. BROWN', M. D. Dr. Charles E. Hayiwß. ■ Hancock County, July 15. 1839. I itiH, that my wif- hid sufleied *. verely with Dyspep sia, for a cuusiuuiable liiu* and bad tried the prescriptions ol ■ver d pliy-iciaiis w ithout deriving any benefit from them.--- 'tie then c un ueiici-it taking Dr. C. E. Haynes’ Auti-Dys pep ic Pills about the lull of 1836, which relieved lici eiilire y tu the course ot a ft w months. R. MITCHELL. Sparta. July Hi. 1839, I have been selling Peters’ PiiU forth.- las hree vem*|tjjMß|du r ng ibe tunc ha»<» oeca-ious’lv taken them *■ them lo b»- « good in-d cine ) Some 12 o' 15 days p-i-t, I ha»l strong sympiom- of ntijuits fiver. I o.ik some <>f Pe er-’ Puts, a ;d not receiving any lu nelii from diem. I procured a ‘mx of your pills, slot am happy to say flat they in a lew days removed all svmptoms of approach fitg sickness I conceive them to be an invaluable medicine. Ynms with re«pet:i, THOS. M. TURNER... MILLEtIGEVtI.I.E Jvt.Y 2(i, 1839. Dr. Haynes, t*ir: I take great pleasure in adding my tts imimia! to those you Itav- already received, to the value of ‘"tie mui-dyspcptic and anti-bi'licus pills. Ar your iustante. 1 commenced using them in mv family ab"ul six years ago, nnd twund them more auifermlv eiiiea ’ tons th in any other remedy I have ever given. E-peciaily •ii a rcc< nr case of menstrua! obstruction id long standing, uieflectii illy treated by several distinguished physicians, " tiicl] was enttresv rylteveel iu A very few days, bv the use of youi-ptiix ‘ - ' Io <• 1-,-i'uiiy s.i!l, I have given them in the early stage of billions fever, with entire success. Your friend, ALFRED M. HOR TON. Mlbi.»:DGEVii.t.E. 25t!i Jt’t.Y, 183!) Hr. • !.. Haynes; I have been hitherto induced by feel- ings of delicacy alone, to w ithliol t from the public, the e'xpres -io-.i of my opinion in regard to the merits of your Anti-Dys t ci.tu-and \ titi-BiHions Pdls ; but the numerous testimonials Vii’.u h ycu have received from respectable and intelligent cit iz.i'tis, ol their vidue in the euro of diseases fur which they w ere iiib-mled. w ill. 1 think, pistify me ill now adding mv own. having experienced their benefits lor.a longer period than any oilier individual, yourself only excepted. in the spring id !?_!*, after having been afflicted from rhe ail - un ot I >g'3 with dyspepsia, liver complaint, he irt-hurn. ■it'd eci a-lirnral severe attacks ot cramp choltc. I w as induced it your instance, to use a pill which you had prepared at Washington f.'ity, in the winter ot 1828. I had nut taken them a week, before their good effects were so apparent as to induce their continuance, and nt the end of a mouth, I I'rnud my system greatly relieved, ami by their occasional Use. for a few months, was restored to an exeelletit state of health, which 1 have ever since enjoyed in a very higltdegrec, 1 have u-ed them wi ll great effect in i.--. own lamily. in cases of billions fever, dyspepsia and che’ic, and confidently recommend them ;»s an iuvalutiblo remedy. T. H AYNES. Mti.i.i.nGt vt i.t.E, 30th July. 1839. Dr. diaries Haynes: About ten or twelve months since. I was induced by your brother to make a trial of ynnr \nti- I)\'peptic mid Anti-BtlLtiits Piiis. in a severs billious attack, and found tii. ni mo-t i iitcieut hi removing the disease. I have used them with great success, iu several similar at tacks since, as well as lor cltoltc and disotders of the stumach and bowels. They have also been administered to several members of my famdy, with like results, and partieidarlv in a case of bil lions fever, in the early part of the present season. I rum the very fair tii-il which : have made of these pills, mid tlie signal benefits which my family and myself haye <!• - rived from them I am fully wa ranted in reroinmctulii-g them a- R medicine of iiiestimahli' value: and confidently predict, flat ih 'v have only to be tried, to find great f.ivor with the public. ’ JESSE COX For sale by E. al. COWLES. ii ml JAMES T. LANE. MACHINERY. ,vkip. alili.C'a.'-tixgs, Ironwork, Cotton anti all ,• s r > kinds of '-iachitiei y fnrnisbed of the best mate <l • ji* rials, and iunshi tl in the best manner, bv “'i’he Munuhu nuin" Company of Maryland, ’’ who have made Hnan-jetncnls with Messrs. StoVali, Simn/on * &, Co., of < ’ z * ■' Aomista, <ieo., lobe th ir Agents, ibr receivin'? n* xt’j, who are authorized to receive puynient of bills and expenses on d’ l'.vi’i v ‘i\ them, (d the above described work, scut to that section ot th • South u.onvo ientt.) Aoiru-'ta. Prompt att? ntion w II be paid to all or.’, rs addressed to those gentlemen, at \ii2ii<ta, to Thomas Lamlsdale, Superintendent of the works at tli* ‘‘Savage Factory,” Md. or to GE<FRGE UH I \ -'S, IPiltimore GEORGIA AGmt’l'S/3T MAI. MSTOSITOIcT. 57 X - ■. ■b -. . ,-J Z? O’,' IELISS FOLNDIIY. Corner of Jones and ('umining streets, first corner above tlie runis d' the Planters' Hotel. rgT 11 la snbsi-i iln-rs i-ffer fors-ilea large* ami extensive tis s ntmeut of Ag ieuhmal Implements, comprising all th -t i- req-med to st-iek the most extensive plaiitatiim-; Ploughs. A ood’s p itent.'Frtifburii. D ivi,’. Howard’s, ih.-ti- Ide uii'itul boaid, isgc.; Cultivate!:;, fm-corn and <•• ttim ; Hur mws of all k' and sizes; Wheat Fans; W nkius’ piteui am! Dutch Cylindrical Straw Cutters of diflercut sizes; Co'ti Shellers: < orn and Cub Crackers; Thrashing Ma chines iioisc Pi;-,vers; Turning Lathes. Tyre Betiding' M i chincs. Arc. • >iir Iflf) A and HU A S.S f'()l DR Fis now in complete opcr.-iiioii; navitig a b-rge stock of materials, and fir-t rale workmen, we are able to furnish all kinds of Castings. ol a stipe im quality nt short notice. t, w ts —4O <! I '.2!k 1839. ’ _ imp.FRT PHILIP & SON. > i oVA L L ’’’s’l MMO .N S , & CO. V.’ ■6l CJ S Xi <>., .) their (i un'!-, and tlie piddie. gen.-*rally. that thev » bail- I ~!(.-„ tin I IRE PROOF WWE HOUSE, op- I osite G'-n Dawson's, formerlv occupied liy Heard &<’o6k. This in ail liiiou lo their Fire Pronf Here House, on'Bioad Strei t, will give them ample room, lo place under cover, ail • 03011 ermsi'. lie'! them ; ami being near the river, w ill be quite cimveni'-nt lor the tceeption of cotton coining down < n notes. Augu-ta. Nov IHti. 183'9. 43 2m WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. ® 1 po S IOIALL, SI.-J >if)NS if CO. Al GLSI A. r J'H’. p !mc rue iiiCrm'-i tli-.t wo eotiiinne m I, t ] ie ul „ )V0 b „. 1 -in.... a* ,m ill;:: rr.HH- bare norsi;. ‘• J '**| ;: "'ii!ii:s not to Is-interested in luiv innnner whatever, in '!'• i '■ I t'ot’- ". e«< • |.l '■ r order, ivl.r I, D i-.-.jin-,,! h|| . ' "I '' .nil' !- i«T! hant, nnd wliii-h is done bv ail others v. In 11 a:i «•. r ‘ ■ t/.b-ts. ! ton. < a »<)I»8 V. ill niert prompt uttrnlion. Our frioiiils ’ • & HA.MLEX. ' ontimie tlie GROt'FJiY and IIAMI IX ■' ' ' ' *' DK\ GOODS 111 SLNESS. ami are m,»’ ■ " e.c Ilmir tall siippb's. (i.wiils bo.i K ht of liiem will Im tree from '. SI < Il,.rse of eom:m—ion tor pinclianiiig, im.l will f>.- irarninte.t • ■ ->< niie-li - .ti-iaeti .a, ns to quality am! price, as those pnrcha-i. ii .. .di • liMise in the eiiv. CO J'TON sent to 11- by Rail Rond, will be tnken from the depot to our W are Hous.', nnd NG till ARG E will be made Ft IR DR A \ AGE. < oitmi ent by Rail Rond, should be hramled, and nccompiiiiied bi *rilt«n in-tiui lions to the rieeiil of the coinpanv, st.iting, to whom it is '•■•iHieued Ml Anriisln—it being the duty of saill A. ent, (as the emnpn nt iKlvortis.-i) to receive and forward all cotton and goods free of charge. Any other agent is unrh-KS. Being vet blessed with health, and our usual cuertiies, nu<| enpaetties for bnsinei «, wo are now at our posts, prepared to serve customers whose orders and interests shall be strictly adhered to. SIOVAIJ., SIMMONS A> CO. September 10, 1839.-3S-3m CAMPBELL TOWNS, A TT O R .X EY S A N D C <) U N S E I. L O R S A T I, A \V COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. f KIII E undersigned have associated thcinselvex in the prac “ lice of the LAW. umler the above style, they will attend I the sittings of the Superior Courts, in the following counties io wit: Muscogee Stewart. Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee, >mnptcr. Mgii ,a. Talbot. Harris. )L 1 iwether and Macon, m Georgia. Barbour. Russell and Macon, Alabama; and ds<> iu ilie Chancery Courts at Clayton and Montgomery Uab.<ma. J < \| F.S 11. CAMPBELL, \ng. 22.-3i-tf. (J. W. B. TOWNS. MORUS MIiI.TICAUI.IS TREES. 8,"“ J Apply la 7 GIDEON HOLSEY, 43 Kparla Ga \ \y\J3-K-LjJ I rKTHESb, i’liis .He no l.'iigi 1 amm.g timse of doubtful tnil- C ity. They have passed away .from the hundreds that ue ilaiiy lauuc.'ied übou the tide of experiment, tittd now stand before she public ns bi..ii in reputation, and as exten *ivcly emploJßi: in all parts of lie United States, tne Canadas, I exas, Mexico, mid tho W est Indies,' as any medicine that has ever been prepared fm- the relief of suffering man. They have been introduced wherever it w a- found possible to carry I tnem ; and there are but few towns that do not contain -oiiiv : iemm ui;b!e evidences of their good effects. The certificates 1 that have beer presented to the proprietor exceed twenty ih-ousm.>u ! upwards iof five hundred of w hich are from reg , ul;.r practising physicians, who are the most competent j judges of iheir menu. < >lte:i Slave the ernes performed by this medicine been the i subject cl editorial comment, in various newspapers and omuals; ami it may with iru-h be nssi-rted, ilia; no medicine ol the kind Iris ever received testimonials of greater value' than aie attached to ibis. 1 hey aie in use ns a family inedietne and there are thousands of tamiiies w!m deciare they are never salis -1 tied until they have a supply i.lwavs on baud. They have no rival in curing and preventing Biiiious Fe vi'is. Feverami Ague. Dyspepsia. Liver Complain's. Sick Headaeho, J :i:n-lico isihma. Dropsy, Rheuniati-m. Eu it rgemetii ol the Splei n. I’mCholic !'■ male obstructions, • ! Lartbiirn. I-urreii longue. Nausea. Distension ol the Stom- I >eh and Bowels. Incipient Diarrhtea. I’latulencc, Habitual 1. osti . . lie-s, Loss ot Appetite. Blotdied or sallow Complex- II 11. mid in <":■ - ut torpor of the hmv-els, wheic a cathartic or •p lient is iv-edcd. '! hey are exceedingly mild in their op eration. primming neither nausea, griping ni>'.*debiiitv. Ur. Eh To-hl, luti I'iesiJ.n-t oj the Medicitl Snt-K ty, of Cot a i lieitl, and Prine!/nd of tiui in sane IlosjHal-, at Hartford, dated September 8, 1828. MY personal reqii-iintance wilh Dr. Joseph Priestly Pc ' ter.-, together with tiic very fa’, ora’do impression .if his ■ tiJeuts mid iiis charm --er. ileiived from his fi tends, havesat ! isfied me that be is wi II entitled tn the .tiedical honors be re ceived nt Yale Colicg ■- and that the public tuny snfe'y cou- i fide in hts integrity an -: ski 11, in the ext 11 ise of his proses.-ion. ' The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a highly . ri- pi ctabie Planter of W a!tc C.unity, N. Ca., March 3d, ISAS. i Dr. Peters—Dear Sir.—By request of your agent, Mr. : Harrison, } send you i f.-w lines respecting the almost.mi i rncuhnis effi-ets ot your pills: and 1 would add, that you i may make use ol them, in connection Willi my name, in any j in.inner y; a deem proper. 1 speak of their merits fiotn ex ; perieuce, ns I and my lamily have taken upwards of thirty I boxes in three yenis; and so great are the benefits 'we I have received fiom them in gi neral. th t 1 would rather pur ; clias;- them nt ten didlars it box than have my house without I them. I will nut i iiuiuerate the afflictions tltev have reiiev ' rd us us; hut I caumssure you they were many, and of very i opposite tr.tiiiies. which has fully proved to me that your ’ medicine is a simple .purifier of lite system, and therefore | equally the enemy of every disease, i will mention one case I a sister who had been for . long period severely’ at' - Dieted with dropsy in the chest a:;J was brought bv it to the i verge of the grave She was attended by the must eminent Iph . sicians that money could procure; but all their efforts to | r,-store her to health, or even to mitigate her sufferings weie . Ijiiitlcss ; and accordingly, tve ail considered her immeditite i death as ineviuilile. By good fortune, however, as she was m this situation, cxpcclitt every day to be her last, your pills were iutredticcd into my family, and so speedy and pal pable w ere their effects llial three doses visibly relieved her, and in less than three months she was perfectly restored to health. The case I and id! wlm were w itness of it, but (more -spe< ialiy the sufieiing party,) considered to be the next thing ■ to miraculous; and yet I could mention many more of an I equally desperate nature, in w hich yum pills were equally suc i ■eisful in rescuing \)ie patients fiem lite jaws of death. Need ; I add that the popularity of your medicine amounts to ent'iu- I -iasm in this section of the country? But this I presume I voti know from the initnetis-’ quantity you dispose of. I may | inciitmu, however, that notw itiistanding its general use, I never heard an individuM complain of its eff cts. My resi l<mce is 12 miles from Raleigh on tlie road to Fayettct ille. i 1 am with sentiments of regard, your ob't servant.' a. g. ranks. To Dr. Peters,—Sir—for upwards of fifteen months J have men cruelly afflicted with Fever ami Ague; a..d during the time cmd.l find mill.iug—though I had applied in every king iliat gave me .my tiling like permmient relief. At teugt ■, how ever, yintr pills weie reemmnemied to me, by one ! •if our lies! physicians, mid I am g: :it<du! am! h ippy in ' being able to add, that i had scarci-lv o-i d rwolu-v- w tn n I ' -mii’.d that they had restored me to perfect le-alth Sim-, then. | variims members of my family have used them .w ith equal ! | success —ami cons-qnenily ! feel it my duty to ap|.r.'s<. y«,i» i d' liie fait, ai;d lo lequest of you to publish this eeriifieaie, ■ | is 1 ain auxioii- t« add my publie testimony to the almost I miraculous virtues of your unrivalled meniciiie. ‘IHEODORE JAMES. I : Augustn. Ga. Fell. .9, 1839. Communication received from tlie eminent Dr. J. 11. Ir- I w in of Floietice, < ieorg a: Dr. J. I*. Pi t'i-—Mi Dear Sir—On the night of thelLh : inst . I was ended i-i gn at haste to die house of a lellow eu- ■ I izi-it, (Mi. Lee.) w her. ! found h s son labm ing under a most ' ■ ajarn.i.ig aitacl. of I ymnii-he Traciii-alis (Cioup) and appa- ; i renily lu-youd the aid e! remedy. By th:* greatest good for- ; tune, however, I had in my pockets a lnokea box of votii pills—four of which 1 administered, wiih such immediate I happy effect that in a few minutes my patient was at ease, | I and out of danger. Tins case, in connection with my name : is al your service—ami 1 have the pleasure to inform you that your ineslimable medicine is in such great favor wilh the fac ulty here, that I believe there is mil cue of them who does not use it in bis private practice. Yours most respectfully, March 13. 1839. J. H. IRWIN.M- D Extract liom a letter written by Dr. Francis Bogan, of Piovi tence, R. I , Dec 17. 1838. Peter-.’ Pills are an ex cellent aperient and cathaitie medicine.l hose effects being pro duced by the differences of the quantity taken, and are deci dedly superior to Lee's. Brandn-th’• or Morrison's Pill*. Exiract (rum a letu-r w ritten by Dr. Hopson o Bangor, Maim-, Jan. 9, I '3!* They aie a peculiarly mdd ye' efficient pi.rgative medicine, and produce hitle. if any. griping or; naseuii. i h.iv, prc-ciihed liiem with sm h success iu sick ' head i< he and slight billin' s fever. Extract of a letter bv Dr Joseph Williams of Burlington. Vt . Juiy 9. 1837. I cordially reeommeiul i'ett-rs' Pills as a mildly ell etivt- mid m mi case daogei <>'is. I’ami'y medicine I iwy are p. euliarly infim-nti'il in costiveiiess and ail the usu al disease- id the di-;,, slice organs. Extract ol a 'etter from Dr. I’.dw. Smith of Montreal, U. L'., .-epr 27. r*3<>. I m ver knew a single pateiil medicine that I could pul th*- least c 'tifideiiee in bill Dr. Peters’ Ve getabie Pills, whicli are really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation in having it known that ! use them extensively in my practice, for ah compbiiuts. (and they are n -it a few ) w hiidi have their source i. the impm il . <>f the blood. I'lXtract of a leiici fiom Dr. Dye of Quebec L. March l>. 1837. For billions fevers, sick headache, torpidity of the bow els, and cnlarge-ment of the spleen. Dr. Peters’ Pills arc an excellent medicine. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurm-y ofNew Orleans, La.. Oct. 9, 1837. I have received much assistance in my prac. tice—especially in jaumlici- and yellow fever, from flu- use of ' Peters' Pills. I presume that on an average, I prescribe JOO i boxes in a month Extract of a letter from Dr Prichard of Hudson, N. Y., June 3. IS.'lli —| was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the best ehi-m'sts in the United Stales, and felt assured that he would some dav (from his intimate knowledge ol the proper ties of heibs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully re-pond lo rny expect.itions They arc indeed a superior medicine, ami reflect ci edit alike upon the Chemist, the Physician and the Pbdosonher Extract of a loiter from Dr. Waines of Cincinnati, Feb. 2, 1838—Y our Pills are the mildest in their operations, and yet most powerful iu tbeir effects, of any that I have ever ; met with in a practice of eight ami twenty years. Tbeir ac tion on the chyle, and hence on the impurities of blood, is ev ideiilly very surprising. Extract of a lettci from Dr. Scott of Baltimore. Dec. 17. I8.j(> —j nm in the daily habit of prescribing them. (Peters' Pills) and they in nearly all cases answered my purpose. I have discarded oilier medicines, siimi* of them ver. g*md one*, in their favor. Ciiai.i.- tte. N. Jan. I, 1837. Dear Sir—J have mail. I|. q( -ill li e< f y lir Pills in die ineipii l; : - . r ; - mi,.-.•. lever ami ■bs ui-iu- e inslipa Hou ol tjic biiwiis: a -<i. m ih- eiilai gi im-iil of the *pieeu .■humic din.,,.o s . | ,i,e I,', er -..A h, •!. <*he gem-rai di bilil* and in • all i-.-iM - have Ii m.-i 'lieu: ..Is vet. .ff.c.i'i. J D l" AD. M. D M ecu Lem. m r o tn. V.i.. Feb 7, 1837 Having used Dr. Peier-' Pili, in mv..practice for she last twi tye months I take pleasure io giving my testimony of their gVod effect* in case* of dyspepsia, s c’. bead ache, billions Ir-vers. and other disease-;, produced by inactivity of lhe liver, ’i h- y are a safe and mild ape;lent. b> ing the best | article of the kind I have ev. r n-ed GF.OBGi'. C. SCO I T. M. D. I iiese much appioved ami justly eelebrateil Pills, are sold ; w holesale and retail, at New Y ork prices, ami by all the price: pa' Druggists throughout the Cnited States, the Canadas. Texas. Mexico am! tlie West im!ir-s. Retail Price, 50 cent* ' per box. wholesale price .® I pt r dozen. For sale by ISAAC NE’BTiLL, and Dr. POWF.LL. ' Milledgeville, Georgia 21 ly iiil fiom the subscriber, living ;it ( ulhiduns, Mui:r«»eco <ia.. somenme alrniii ibe lOih May. instant. • a biouo l-zy Horse, seven years old, near five feet high— tin particular marks rcco'lecied. Auy iniormatioo respecting ' the aid horse v. ill hv thankfuHv received and suitah'y reward >d ’ N. G. SLAUGHTER. Miv 29th. 1839. 21 ts ACEs POSTPONED.—In consequence of the re- li -S <• ent afiltctiims tipon the city ol Augusta, the pto i prtetors of tin: L \ f AY ET IT. COURSE deem it proper ! to postpone their Annual December M- eting, until th,* I 27tb day of January next, at wliicb time .firn- spurt may be expected. G. EDMONDSON, Cor. S<c. November 26 44 id AitcoJioo I’l‘oa <*nri"s. HI S will inborn the public that we have just completed, i am! have i.i op tation. a SPi.l ND!! 1 B R IDG E across ■ Cbaltahoot hee Rivet at <«ate»’old established ferry. in Gw iti- I iiett.t 'minty. Georgi *. (miTowtis' pa'enl plan, neatly sliiugkd ami weatherboarderl) on ihi- most 'lirect rout leading from \ irgiuia, Nort.’i ami i-tiutii Cartdinas. and the eastern part »f ; Gemgin. to Alabama. .Mississippi, Arkansas. Missouri, and the western part ol The safety and facility of a Bridge is so well known, that we deem it unnecessary to trouble the public with a deseriiition of the advantages. ’ but flatter ourselves we w ill be liberally patronised. ihe mad sb-.-li he at all tim*-* plentifully supplied with pru- ' visions at the cheapest rates. R. McA FEE & GREGORY. I _ Sept. 12. 1.83!). 31—if. .NOTICE. ~ Cl*- undersigned would re peclfully infurm their friends ' JL aiid the public generally, that they have ptircii e-ed of ; Alt*. James ! . Laue, his stock of goods, ami intend replenish ing it immediately. Detel mining, by strict attention to bu siuess to please all, they hope to receive a liberal share of j public patronage. E. B. BREED!.<>VE, VVM C. D E!t RY. Milledgeville, Nov. I 1839. 43 ts , YU the paper* in Milledgeville will publish the above i!l forbid Socket ISook SjO*>l. so! tsciiher, on the Illih inst . lo.*t beiween Jacob .®_ Baulk's and Solam C. Spivev's, a BUCKET BOOK, containing §s9t) in bank notes ; of which 8490 were on lhe I Central Bank of Georgia—four bills tin the Central Bank were §IOO euch, anti nine §lO bills; three §lobi!lsun Hawk ' insville Bank; two S2O bills on Dinien Bank; one S2O on ; Columbus Bank ; ami one §!0 bill on the Commercial Bank of Macon. Also, severe! notes ol hand: one<d §lO6 on Thom as Cobb, < f Dooly, and one Logi-.u B. Ballad, of Smnter : c<> , for $l5O, am! one receipt for the collection of monev, given from Sparkman Bowen tn mvself, and probably some ' other papers of value. Any person finding said Bucket Rook, am! returning it to me. or plac it w here it can be obtained, shall receive a rewatd of Fifty Dollars, if required. \\ ILLLA.M C. SPJVEY. Irwin cmiHty. Mav 21, 1839. 17—ts Agency. rSTHE undersigned renews the offer of his services to his JS_ friend* nnd the public, in the trensactiim til a GENER AL .AGENCY in thisplace He will attend to the renewal of all notes. &,c.. that may be cn<>ust- tl to his care, in the Ct-n --iral Baiik. fortlie <".i*tomarv fee of Dollar for each renewal; also, to the taking out and forwarding Grants. ; for Fifty < ’ i:rs each. enclosing money and Notes (ptist paid) will me-t wilh prompt atiention, JOHN R. ANDERSON. ■Milleilgevili*. Jan 8. 1839. 59—ts MILEIX fR Y AN i» ’T.k A STl.l-71AKa.NG. MRS. LOOISA O’BRIEN, i V i i.IA iiiioi tt.’S ’he I..mies ot M H i AQu Ht»d its v;uu i- x iiuo h»< l-i<« l\ received Chqrlcs. ;••>*-!•! I j’hmH . J A <«l her <>\vu seieulion, 'vhicli a* r LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S BONNETS, OF TLE LATENT >TYI.E. S<(nie henutifiil Diawed B- tmuJs. of •* m-n and late>(\!e Also, lhe L test FasMau for C A ft/til If Ki/)I) h* EX XES, ;hk! the Latest Fashions' for LADIE>' DU EX XE —Aiti ficial Flowers of various Hoi lionncts will be sidd fioin one dollar and fifiT cents, to two, d ree, even and iwelve dollars. Bonnets and Dresses ina<le lo <> der at the shortest notice and of the best inaier als, very cheap for ca<h. xAlso, on hand some splendid Feathers for Bonnets. Milledgeville, April I6ih, 12—ts BBANCH HANK DAKIEN,? Milledgeville, 27th March. 1839. Ta meeting <»f the Directors of this Bank, this day it was z ’* liisolcftl, T'hnl iu c msequeuce of the suspension of the Branch Bank of Darien al Savannah, it is advisable that this Branch suspend payment for (he present. 'i he Cashiei begs leave to say to lhe bill holders of this Branch that tffey med he under no apprehension in relation thereto, as the assets of this Branch arc more than ample to meet ail its Ii diiliiies. llesnlved. That this Bank w ill pay an interest of seven per <• nt. upon all stuns of one hnnd cd dollars and over depos ited in this Bank, of the hills of said Bank dnrinp, lhe sus pension. By ordur. Id—ts .1 R. \NDER<ON Cashiei. .1 an 1? i iiouiieed u*< the Teacher of this i I'tituion for liie enauing* yeui, liuviiig dtUerniinefl lo remain in Po;vi. kon, die Trustees ta'.c pleasure in inliinniiig tln ir frivnds, and the pnblic, thnl the} baxe emphncd Air. J. Spencer. A. ’»!. a*j riahm (of \\ ;11 tarn.* (. oI lege, who has spent some time in te iching in a northern A< :uie uy, and coin ’s recommend *d as well tpndiiief! t > instruct in ail th • various branches usually taught in our best \eademi' s. .Sufficient as-;istance will be provided that each sclioiar ma v r.'cnive ample jii.-tice. i’oard mav be had m reapeuiable famdies. The School will commence on the lirst Monday in January. JO SEPH BKY AIN, Sec. pro t un. Di'ei’ r 31 49 3 a TL \ ■ ii i ?. V ANTEO.—A gentleman v\ ell (pialifod to trm h the a \ usual branchv <)f :ia f X'Uj.Sil Id) If A i i< »N, will mt t v. ith a good siu.ii.tiuii in ar. spcctahle i.cighboihood es this county, x> lu i > e will be liberally e.mioHr.’iced. The location vill be nb(’:il eight miles from Milledg. vil’r, on th* Macon road-, i' lirther description or parti culars is deemed in necessnrs here—they will be given on application to tlie undtrsigned. or either of them. JA '»>’> ’’ic* JAMES BONxNER. niilk dgc. ilie, Doe. 24. 48 < GRt’.EA liLE lo imorder of the Honorable the Inlerior Court of De j u Kalb t.ouniy, will ba sold on lhe fust Tuesday in Man h next, nt the ('oiirt house door in (Salem, Dude Countv, one first thio lot ofland known bv th:' Sockena lot, and No. 523, Oth districi, an I lih «e< ti<m. containing IG9 fceros, belonging to iho minors of I ha >i Al Bee, •Dee s cd. Terms on lhe dav. J(Jii;N \V. Aicß Ak Guar Ii in December ‘ 48 |[f 1 I SALE.— Agreeable lo an older ol me not’.* d. • u .ii j V fi of Ptdaski < ’oimt\. when siting for ordinary purposes, w ill be *;oid on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Couri House dour in the Town of Hawkinsville, fifty a< res of Land, h ing ami being in the I th district of originally Houston now Pulaski County, and k nown as the place whereon Prederiok Barber lived until hiadcuih. Sold for the be nefit of the heirs of Jonathan Parker. M vr t’IHAS McCORMICK, Guardian. December 24. 48 JOB PRINTING, Ofcvcry kind executed at this Office. PUBLIC SALLS I’Oll. EBRUARY UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALE. "WTHTI LL bn xold at the Conn House door in lhe city of V » Milledgeville, on lhe fust Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, lhe following proper ty, to-wit: Six hm-dred seven and one half acres of land, more or It s*, in tin* comity of Baldw in adjoi; ing (be Linds of Le vin J. Smith ami oili'-i*, being.lll<-* place on which Henry I), ii-lt r dec. r< *iiied, and tlifee iieuiors, John, a man ilmut twriilv three teats of age; Mtllv, a woman about bitty veins old,and Molly, a wmtiati about fotiv years of all levied on to satisfy a Ii fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the Llni'ed States, for die District of Georgia, in favor of Brewster, Solomon & Co. us .said Henry D-nsler. POSTPONED SALE. At the same time and place, wiil lie sold, lhe west half of lot ntimbi-r fifty five, io (lie first District of Coweta county, containing one liimdred om* and a fourth acres, mote or less, levied on as lite propertv of Anthony Noillr to satisfy a fi fa from the District Court of lhe United States for the Disu ii I of Georgia, in favor of the Post Master General of lhe United States vs. said Autliotiy North and Benton Walton. Alm, fraction number two hundreil and twenty-two in the tenth District of Muscogee comitv, containing eighty acres, levied on as the property of Stephen Kervin, to satisfy a fi fa in favour of the United States of America vs. Green '! alum and Stephen Kcivin issued front lhe District Court of the United States for the District of Georgia. WM. J. DAVIS, Marshal. Dec. 24th 1839. 48—ids. HLN RY SHERIFFS Sz\Lft. U'Mi be sold before the court house door iu lhe town of McDoimtigh, Henry county, on the first Tues day in Dcbru-iry next, between lhe lawful hours of sale, the following piopcrtY. to wit: John Babbs remaining interest in lot of land, number ninety-four (94) in lhe sixth district of Henry county, levied <»n to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Court of Henry county, in favor of John W. Brown vs. John Balrb, levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot of hull, number two hundred and three (273) in the third district of Henn county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, levie d on a? the property of Elisha A! K McCnh hen, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued ficin the .Superior Court of Henry county in favor of Thomas Smith. JAMES L. HEAD, D. Staff,’ December 24, 1839. WILL BE SOLI). AS ABOVE, The so uh half of lot of land number eighty four (84) in the eighth district of Henry co .nty, levied on as the property of Andrew Gib-on, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Henry county, iu fa vor of Ed tvard O. H. Dameron vs. Andrew Gibson, levy made and re turned to me bv a constable. JAMES W. CROCKETT, D. Shff. December 24,1839. 49 PI LASKI SHERIFF SALES.—WiII be sold in the town of Haw kinsville, Pulaski County, between lhe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Fphntarv : exi, the following property, to wit: The undivided fifth oftlie estate of Eiixabetn Thompson, late of said County, dre’d. as fo’lmvs—One negro woman named Nirv, about sixty years ot age. One n?ffio woman mimed Caroline, about 18 years of age. One Tract of Land cont ii iin? three hundred acres more or less, ad joining P. Collear. and E. St. George, number not known, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. i- s’n d from the Superior Court of said County, in favor of John Rawls &, Co. vs. Solomon W. Mitrhel!, property pointed out by .L)hn Rnwls. SAM. B. WEBB, Dep. Shff. Doecmb r IB 48 A G HEE A BLE to un order fiom the Honorable lnfe _£N3u tier Court of Jefferson county, when silting*as a Couit for Ordinary purposes, will he sold on lhe first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House, in tin- To« tt of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Lot of land Num bered 222, in the 23d District of originally Lee, now Stewart county, belonging to the Estate of James IL Johns, late of said county deceased, teitiis of sale math* known on the dav. ’ MARY E. JOHNS, Adm’x. Washington countv, Nov.2Bth, 1839. 46 td jS. 7 I LL be sold at the Couit House in Zebnlun. Pike Co. W ¥ on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY' next. Lot of laud No. Bb,'in the 2nd district us originally Monroe-, now Pike county, sold ;ts the property of John B. Slaughter’s es tate, lor the benefit of his heiis. SARA!! SLAUGHTER. Adm’x. Nov. 19. 1839. 43 - GEORGIA, Bulloch County. O/117'HEREAS James E McElveen applies for letters of V » dismission ns administrator of the estate of Edmund Burnsides, deceasi-d. These ate theft sot-e lo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dccaased to file tbeir objec tion* in terms of the law. otherwise lhe applicant will be en titled to a discharge its aforesaid. Witness, the Hon. Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said comity, this 4th <l;,v of Septem ber 1839. ELI KENNEDY, Clerk C. O. Oct. 15. 38—mf>m GEORGIA, Pulaski County. Hl! REAS Norman M.-lliilTia applies for letters of administration v v on tin- estate of Telfair I’osey. l-te of said Countv, Th**se are to cite tin I admonish all and singular the kind led ami creditors of said deceased to file their objections if any they have, within terms of the law, otherwise, letters of administration will In* granted to the applicant. Given under liiv hand nnd seal, this ‘'''-th Dec. IP.aO. 14 ’ JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C.O. MON THIA” N OT] C L ST" gUY i It !! mouths alter date, application wdl be made to the R. ItoiMirable Inferior Court of I '.m.tmiel county when sit ting f-r ordinary purposes. Cm- leave to sell a lot of laud No. b‘> in Harris county, drawn by the illegitimate children of z Iphitt Rich ’ JN<>‘. C. SUMNERS, Guat’n. November 12. 42 J7IOI !{. MON THS after date application wiil be made to tlie Honor s’ able tlie Inferior Comtof Pulaski countv, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Ann Willson late of said county, deccused SOLOMON WILLSON, & ) ... Sept. 21, 1539. 36-4 m V. iI.LIAM SAIT, Ad mrs. < • I R months niter date appheatinn will he made to the Inferior Court of Bulb <4l county when sitting (or or dinary purposes fm leave to sell part of tlie land belonging to the estate of John llcmlrix deceased, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deceased. JEMIMA HENDRIX, Adm’x. September 16. 1'39. 38—4 m T^O! Hi months after dale, application will be made to the honorable • the I tiferior Court of Pulaski county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the real estate of James Johnston, late of Pu laski county deceased. IHLLANY HENDERSON, Ad’mr. < Jctelwu- .25,11 • ;; : ;.i, ,| | ,| l;1 months afterdate application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pike countv, when sittin? as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to <m*ll one Lot of land. N'umbt-r two hundred and thirteen, in the twenty-first District of originally Lee, now Stewart coun ty, belonging to M irv M. Han is, Illegitimate. MARION M. HARRIS, Guardian. Dec. U', 1839 46 4m* REA OCATION. T\WHERE.’i.S, On the 29th day of May, 1838, ¥ V 1 executed to Levi u Argue, a pyucr of \ttoruey, l<> se I an I convey the fiillowi: g hit* es land to wit—Lot Nu. i 21, in the I7lh district, an.l second suction < hcrokee. and hot No. 6.2 1. in the 2nd di>ttict. and 3td * ti-ri <>3 of < hetokee. lie it known mint t il whom it may concent, that I have,and do revoke said power of attorney ami I will tint sanc tion or confirm any sale, or dispo-ition which h:. may make oi said lots. Given under my baud and seal tins 12th of No vember. 1839. JOSEPH FLE TCHER, [seal 1 November 12, 1:., a. 42 . POWES/S 03 ACADEMY. f'^^5 HE citizens ol Powelten have again emplovedr of JiiL Recler of lhe institution, Mr. John S>. Ingraham, a gr iuuale of Brown Univeishy. The citizens ol this vil lage are unaninimous in employing Mr. Itigiahani fertile second yeai, am! confidently recommend his serviecsto the public. Instruction will be given by lhe Rector in ail the branches usually taught iu academies ami colleges, in struction will also be given by a Northern Ladv in the ornamental branches. The Academic year will com inetice on the first Monday in .January. Board and food accommodations can be ob'ained in lhe most respect; bit* I imilies on reasonable terms. The superior Itmtldi of Powelton, and its other well known advantages, induct the belief that the public will continue illiberal patrunage. For tin* citizens of Powehon, dec 6 CHARLES IRWIN. wtf