Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, January 28, 1840, Image 3

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. OF TIIE REPUBLIC. A great contest is Mo much reason >o f ar that the three are thetwfy 1 DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT WILMINGTON. I)?® 8 ? MAKING. MRS. A.\v oouctx, of PliilaJelphia, and Iiaiiu, mighty interests are at stake; vit-.l prim i- surv iv.>r-. 11 - is however p sstble, that others may ~ " ~ ‘ Ini' e h. en sax t-d. The boat drifted up the sound with the tide, and Extract of a letter received in Charleston, from Wilming ton N. C. :— “ We have suffered a great calamity. About hall j ™ ak '‘ npthiMr dresses m the J*k. • ."he will lit M i ti-n-'# hi? Iitrtii^hpi re concerned. I can never ( onsmt dial l-oiiii- ry doc'rines shall prevail: 1 can never consult i the constitutional r that the goner degrading d the measure ^the sinews of war. I can never consent that an ' nor- ciniiy end at Southport, to go in aid of die sulferers! fire extended to the lower square, and consumed the mons national debt shall he fixed upon die country f.y proved, owing to the ice in the harbors, and to other : whole to the river, except die Cape Fear Bank—die titutional currency shall he supeisded, was ofl this harlioi about midnight. Capt. A. states! past tw o, M. A.,.a fire broke dft in Dawson’s store,) EN-ii'tsH, anii PARIsIaxVa^TIUin's. 1 "lib-v n. hops* .by eneral government shall Ik* reduced to a din she sank at iiir< e o’clock, as lie marked the time i ‘„ ( . ar i|„. Court Home which consumed the whole ' "■ >"* !>"sine«w, ta mejit a sliur. of th ■ patron „ . • . ‘ ’ . . i tli.’ La<li«; ol uiLLKDGKriLi.E. IVrsons wi<!ii;m their Dresses pi iidauc. upon pi 11 ate corporations tor liy I is waic.i. square, except one ol llestor s houses, the corner op- j in a um m. ti,u ■ m - inf-inn,-I th c iinv ■»» a ti ami. n»ac- : of value, the medium of exchange, and The efforts .which last night were made, in this vi- | , ms jte the State Bank, the oh) Catiiord « House. The i Connw -v punn-.iall.. attm.drd to. ' Terms i RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies ol Millriksevii.le end its vicinity, that she intends making this'pluce her permwiRnt residence, and may hv lonnd - at the GLOP.E HOTEL, where !«he m prepared to. -t FASHIONABLE STYLE, he will m till tim 's he furnished with the LATEST .NORTHERN, assi- • pntronoire ol done of the mode- sisstnning debts created bv ihe lolly ami exlr-ivaonre of sonic of the Stales, followed, as it would be, by all ■ ard circumstances, entire!\ unavailing. 1 M.iitiu Mouse, and old iUr. James’, and a building' We learn that a boat which succeeded in getting! back of the Martin House, which had been used bv the evils resulting from the pllbrts to establish, and | out <>l Southport harbor, after reaching the middle of R. P.itter. Tiie Court House is also burnt, both the probable establishment of a high tariff. I can never consent that the vote of Georgia shall be con ferred on the Whig candidate, or that it shall so soon again be thrown away in the Presidential electi n; involving, as it does, the great antagonist principles which have divided parties from the formation of the government. In the controversies in which I have recently, and .formerly, been engaged, I It ive injured - the feelings, and lost the confidence, of many valued friends. The regrets arising from this source are not fully removed even by the confide nee <>f the many friends who. iiav. arisen during the storms through which I have passed. They are not fully removed even bv the conscious ness of having successfully combatted error, or li n ing exposed the insincerity of a man who has thrown himself upon every current, and taken advantage of every breeze, which has seemed calculated to carry him to the port of public honor. To those who have felt aggrieved by the pieces I -have occasionally published for some years, I have only to say, it would he well for them to remember, that, if disposed to complain, l, too, could enumerate substantial cause of grief. But the public shall n >l unnecessarily be annoyed by the recital of wrongs sustained by the writer of these pieces. If any with whom I have ever acted have heretofore believed, or should hereafter believe, that they have had sufficient reason to decline further concert, let them do, as I would do under similar circumstances, decline further concert. I do not say this in disregard of valued as sociations which I would willingly perpetuate, hut in justice to friends having equally or greater ability and opportunity to judge for themselves. Under all circumstances, let personal friendship—! had like to have said, ‘brotherly love’—continue. In my future efforts, I will endeavor to give as lit tle offence as the proper disposition of matters in hand may allow. I shall not feel bound, however, to pa-s by aggressions on my feelings or charade-; or on th >>e of my personal or political friends; but shall feel at perfect liberty, if need be, to notice either. In conclusion I’have only to add, that, having done myself justice in the controversy, with M. 1 am for the present satisfied, and willingly pass to other matters! January 18lli, 1840. ‘ LACON. the Sound was compelled to return. | p-inting offices, five lawyers’do., fne doctors’ d< The account which we have given of this awful ca- J Sherifi’s do., Clerk’s of the Court do., Custom House, From the Baltimore American, January 17. AWFUL CALAMITY’. Loss of Steamboat Lexington, with nearly every soui \ on boar/l, in number front 1 50 to 200 person::. By yesterday’s Eastern Mail we learn the particu lars of a most appalling calamity, involving tiie h’S- j of about one hundred and fifty lives in consequence j of the conflagration of the Steamboat Lexington, j while on her way from New York to Providence. All the details which have reached us are subjoined. P j will he seen that panic and terror in the extreme fol lowed the annunciation of the fact that the steamboat was on fire,.and that tlmse vile* rushed into the small boats under their-influence, while the steamboat was under full wav, were all suddenly lost. The burning of the hempen till* r ropes, so*m after, rendered the vexsei unmanageable, and the ti-e of this article, in defiance of the Act of Congress, doubtless h d to the loss of many ’lives. We are verx sorry to learn tint letters have been ^received mthiscitx stating that Mr. John K-irle, -nd Mr. G. W. Walker, Mr. Keith’s son in-law, left Now York in the steamer Lexington on the day of her fa tal disaster. There are also strong grounds ! *r be lief that Mr. Church, formerly-of the firm of Messrs. A. Lillv & Co., and Mr. A. Weston, of the firm of Weston, Pendexier& Co., of.this city w ere on board. From the X. Y. Journal of Commerce, Jan. 15, 2P. M. Onr community has been thrown into great excite ment and grief, in consequence of the news of the lo-s of the steamboat Lexington, which left here on Mon day afternoon for Providence, and nearly all tiie per sons on hoard perished. A letter from Norwalk, received some hours since, announced the fact that a steamboat laid been burnt off tluu port, and that it was supposed to be the Lex ington. But the full extent of the calamity was not known, nor scarcely anticipated, until halt an hour since, on the arrival of the Nimrod, Capt. Brooks, from New port. Among the passengers, wp understand, were Ro bert Blake of Wrcntham; a Mr. Fowh r of this ciu; Wm. A. Green, firm of Allen Sc Green, Providence; Samuel Henry, of Manchester (Eng.) ( has. H. Pi elps, Stonington; R. W. Dow, fii in ot Doxv Sc Co. New’ York; Capi. Vanderbilt. Office of the Republican Standard, > Bridgeport, Tuesday evening. Jan 14,1840. ) A PP AI XING C A L A MIT Y. Steamboat Lexington destroyed by Jire, and nearly two hundred, tires lost!! The Lexington left New Y rk for Stonington, on Monday, 3 o’clock, P. M., having, it is believed, •about one hundred and fifty passengers. A large -quantity of Cotton was placed upon Iter decks. At 7 o’clock, when about two miles from Eaton’s Neck, •the cotton took fire near the smoke pipe. The boat was beaded for tlie shore as soon as the ! efforts to extinguish the fire proved unsuccessful. She | was provided with three boats—yet such was the pa nic which took possession of all minds that they were hoisted out while the boat was still under headway ( and immediately swamped. The engine a few min- j utes after gave way, leaving her utterly unmanagea ble. The scene which then ensued, is described as most appalling. Captain Chester Hilliard, of Norwich, a passenger , on board from whom we have guth- red these few par ticulars, states that soon after the engine stopped, the | passengers began to leave the boat on boxes, bales, ta-trophe, is exceedingly imperfect. It may be well imagined that our informant is hardly in a situation ] to furnish many details. From the Republican Farmer, ) Bridgeport, Jan. 15th. <j STEAMBOAT LEXINGTON BURNT—ONE | HUNDRED AND FIFTY LIVES LOST. O ii - citizens were alarmed i>n Mond , w jug. bv the appeai a e of a great light at some distance west, 0 i the Sound wliirli’was gi neruliy held ved to he a steam') at n iire. No iiitig conclusive, however, was heard in regard to it 'ill he arriv I .ff our boat from N-w York, on Fuesdav afternoon, which brought the melancholy intelligence Dial the light was occasioned by the conflagrati the steamboat Lexington, n Inch was entirely destroyed, and that all on board except three perished. One of the survi vors, Capt. Hilliard, ol Norwich, this State, whom we have seen and conversed with, came on In re in the boat. Tiie Lexington left New York at 3 o’clock, P. M. for Stonington. A'<out half past 7 o’clock, when off Eaton’s Ne< k, L. I., ihe wood-work, casings, See., about the flues, was dicovcred to he on fire. An alarm was immediately given, and ail efforts to subdue the flames proving unavailing, the pilot head ed the boat directly for Long Island shore. In about 15 minutes it was found the tiller ropes were burnt in two, and the boat consequently unmanageable. The engine, however, kept in operation, under a heavy head of steam. The three : mall boats were got out with all possible haste, but they swamped soon after they struck the water, in consequence of the speed at which the steamer was going towards the shore. A life-boat, which w;*s aboard, was also launched but by some means was in a few minutes unfortunate- I Jy lost. No relief, therefore, was obtained from ei ther nf die boats. When the Lexington had got within ab ut two ! miles n( the shore, her engine suddenly stopped.—All hopes of escape to those on board, except by clinging j-to -.lii'li articles of freig ht as would sustain them, were eu* off The freight of the Lexington consisted principally of i nitiui, on which some of the passengers tried to save themselves, but none succeeded except Captain Hill! i-il and a fellow-passenger, Loth of whom got j astride of a cotton bale on which they kept together Dill 6 o’clock in the morning, when the strength of - Captain Hilliard’* companion failed him, and befell off and jva> drowned. Capt. II. continued upon his bale of cotton til! 11 o’clock, A. M., Tuesday, when lie w is taken nffbv a sloop which went out (V m Southport, having bet n thus exposed about 15 boors. Two others, clinging to a fragment of the boat, were also rescued bv this sloop—one the engineer, the Ollier ;i fireman of the unfortunate boat. The bodies of two other--, one a colored woman, were lilnwise taken from a part of the wreck, on which they had perished vvidi cold. The number, on board, Capt. H.‘ thinks, vvas not ie s ih n 175, o| whom 150 were pas engers, out of which, lie helii ves liim-el.f io be the only one saved. Among ill number, were five or six women, and two | or three child-en. ! The scene on hoard was awful beyond description. 1 The fire being midwat of the boat cut off all commti- I nitration from one end to the other. The passengers j crowded together in the how and stern, moaning and | bewailing iheir fate, til! compelled to cast themselves into the watery deep, to escape the flames. The l oat drifted with the tide, and sank at 3 | o’clock, off our harbor. (Correspondence of the United States Gazette.] New York, Wednesday, P. M. I enclose von a slip containing an account of one of th- most appalling disasters that ever occurred. I have procured for you—expressly—the names of die following of the passengers and the crew, who were on board, in addition to diose published, and which yon thereby are at this time only possessed of:— Di. Folleu nd Ld>, fiumerly professor of German literature ai Harvard Universitv. J. Cnrlev Pr -vidence. S. Henry, M > whe*ter, England. Henry Ur ig, of the non e of Maitland, Kennedy Sc ( n. Sec. The amount of buildings destroyed comprises! &e-; also a fine Rifle (lun. ADMINISTR A TO M’S S A L E. ■WOtyll.L-be sold, on 8-iturrhiy. the 2-tli day of Match next, at ihe Court li#i:se door in sp o'a.ili- FKK.-TI- \A1, 1'ROPKRTY belonging to the estate of l-'.DU \R1 > W. BROOKING, deceased: consisting of a bay Horse, about nine years old; a first rate gold lever Watch. Chain am! ?cal: military Coat ; three giit Epaulets: gilt scabbard Sword, Chapeau, &c.; red silk Sash; pair of Holsters, about one-third of the town, and that in the very cen tre of business. The following item of foreign intelligence, has been received by the recent arrival of the Hibernian Iro n Liverpool. Germ ifn Hardware.—A London Shop-keeper writes t-> ii- as lollows: “Sir—I wish you could see a h-t of German cntle- 1 v and hardware which has been examined .it die cm torn-house to-day manufacture, and die low prices at which they 1 erms—Small notes, with approved securities, duo De cember 25. 1840. PI II i II* T. SCHLEY, Jau. 2.>. 1840. (I) Adiiiinirtratoi. FLOWER SEED. f SX H K subscriber resp.ctfully info-ms his friends, and ihe R. public in genera!, that he has a splendid assortment ol. FLOWER SEI.l) consisting of near one htmilred varieties, and comprising most of the choicest flowers, among w hich are— The Devil in a Bush, or Love *i a Mi-t; Orange Buff Mmwgold ; Bloody Wall Flower; the genuine Ice Pa; - :; Love Lies Bleeding; Fox Glove; Indian Shot; Scarlet ngio PRivri: k signed. agenl^H 'few York, will colitis of Priming Type, to ibex mi, and G-orgia, on as tn furnished from the maun fag « staldishmest is all cast t v hnr snperior to any in the country: We are also agents tor45. Ht Presses, and all other articles m fiifl Printers acu Binders use We also keep on hand, and r -itfart for - ply of Printing Parser, of any quality or size. Johnson & Durant’s printing Ink. always on hand, sale by BURGES & WALKER. Stationer’s Hall! 85 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Printers whoiu'.t nd dealing with us, will please pub lish the above truce a week till it amounts to five dollars. .1 an 28 1 5t. B. fc W. For publishing PROPOSALS - at Fort Gaiii- s. Georgia, a Newspaper to he called S have chos- u this rustic appellation for my paper, not be* cam* 1 iateui' to make a big blaze, or to set the woods or river on fire, but break e it is as suitable as any other and happens to unit my taney. ' Although ! hold hut siender pretensions to the possession of the light of Science. Literature *r Fashion. 1 design to . ’• e my patrons sow::important lighten all these things, and Their near approach to English , Trumpet Creeper ; Blue Bottle; 8wevt William; Lupins: i ? ; -er waiters v. Lie!: concern them as much in a pecuniary = 1"» 1>r ' ces «■ * I’W. tl’OV c,n be I y—i Jacolbs Udde,, Cl.a..;, A-gVn-.o,e Ui-ll ! r».“ iSS , , . , r rj. • i , flower; Elegant (oicoo-h; Scarlet flowered Malone; 1 —• i-p; . make “lie tremble or l-iiroiinaham anil i , .. • ... ,r '’ , and many others too tedious to mention . oi. i.jra .. ngs—,n.-£ We cannot keep th in out of the market; many others too tedious to mention ’ •'"""Bin —i'l.-*- cu:rent cl inis, and more itnpor- The above are fresh and genuine, and arc now offered ! marcels— improvements in implements of Husbandry-- what you will, set till the tyranny ami ill nature to j low. for cash. B. F. DOUGIN. ! >» ftniliziug and tilling lend—eu .itock—domestic aflairs. Globe Hotel, Milledgeville. Jan. 23.- 1 4r. LIVERY STABLES? WARRENt6nTGA" Slieffield. d w ork of w liieh bnniaii nature is capable, yet will they | be at Von. They must heat you: your mis rable mainifacturers starving without resistance, or dyi.ig at the pi>int of your bayonets—that is the f. turitv which awaits you. But there are otli r prospects in i the distanc*—a ruined gentry, decayed farm-houses, neglected fields, a dismembered and fallen empire— : persons as may travel the railroad to Augusta, at moderate &c., Sec. lu short. Tl! a New soaps r ni 'he comprehensive —- ; sense. In political party strife 1 shall not participate. Hut matters ’l HE subset iber would inform bis friends, and travdlers j „f geuernl interest'will be occasion .liy noticed. The Paper **d.-d for the chivchieoce, amuseracut, and in- strnctioti of t Jii- comniuuity. The Lioht wood Toa-. u will be a superroyal sheet, pub l lie fruits of what ? Tiie grinding coveiousness of the landed interests. — Chronicle. The corner stone ol the Jackson monument w as laid on Monday last, with appropriate ceremonies, in the Place d'Amies, New Orleans. The Catholic Bishop, in his pontificals, and the Clergy in their robes, assis ed; a bri> f address in French and Engli-h was read hv tiie Abbe Anduze, and an oration pro nounced by Mr. Barton. General. Jackson was pre sent on the occasion; and alter the oration was con chided, embarked on tiie steamboat \ icksburgh, and proceeded up the river oa Ids way home.—Mobile Planters Journal. uni the W est, who lake th- railroad r:t Wurri-nton, for Augu-ita, North, and Charleston, that he has upend! a LIVERY- ST VBLE. Having good ostlers, rind excellent stables, he will receive and take care of the horses of »tu h IKhed weekly ut Three Dollaisiu advance, or Four Doilais at the eud of ihe year. The first number will he issued on the 1st Saturday in March, if the subscription list will warrant success in the JOHN BROWN. January 1st 1840. charges He w ill keep car. isges. ami careful drivers, with j which persons can he ac:umiuodated. Hi* house is also the | supper house for passengers in the mail coach from th : West Travellers intending to go on the railroad can be also ncx-ommoclaied wish sup Waneutou, lair. iD. JOHN BUTT. 4t. Orders are in market, in New York, through French houses, for the purchase of flour to send to Algiers! There is a novelty in this, at least. The purchase of. flour for.England and France still con tinues. HENRY SHERIFF’S SALE. !,!. lie sold before the > 1 .net House door in the town w V of McDonough. Henry County, on the 1st Tuesday in .March next, between the lawful hours of sale the follow ing property, to wit: Forty acres of and. a part of lor number TJ4. and twentr ! acres, a part of lor..number ninety-two [92,] both lying in ttie seventh distiict ol Henry County, levied on as th. property of Edward F. Knott and James Knott, to satisfy a li. fa. is-ued from die Inferior Court of Henry Conntv, in favor of Y> illiarn II. \\ hire, bearer, vs Edwar. F. Knott, and James ! Knott and James B. Weaver, securities on the stay. BILLIARD TABLJS. HBiVO superior BILLIARD TABLES for Sale. Apply to E. J L. EASTER. Milledgeville, Jan.21. . 52 tf. T ADM1N1STRATOB S SALK. " aorwriLL b sold u the late sideot of Ii.t i bo son, de- * " ceased, on Chattooga River. Rabun County, on \\ ed - nesday, the 4tb of Maicb uext, ail ihe PERSONAL I*RO- I’ERTY of said deceas'd; consisting of ilorses, ! 'tittle, Hogs. Corn, Fo .di r. Rlaatalion i mds. Hotisr-loal anti Kitchen Furniture, and other article-tiio numerous to men tion. Saie to eon nue from day to day. until ail i- sold. of I Oue negro boy, named Bruce, levied on as the prop riv fold for the benefit 'jf the heirs and creditors of Said de- Eduard F. Knott, to satisfy a fi. la issued from ihe -u- • ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. * II. S..F C it.trh’s mi \\ •. median, une -n\ w’tl J IT Juh.B.tWn I. the fi. Boston. Chari s L'-e, Bsi-t n. Mi. M tsnn, Gloiirester. Clttts. II. P i lps, Stonington. George Child, Stonington, commander. Jesse Uomstoek, Provid* nee, clerk, (’apt. Stephen Manchester, pilot, saved. N. P. Newman, steward. Ed. Therber, mate. 1). C rowlv, second mate. Courtlund lleinjistt-ad, engine w. William Quimby, second engineer. Martin Johnson, wheelman. Joseph Robinson, (colored,) cook. Oliver Howell, (colored,) second cook. R. Peters, (colored,) thi d cook. Job Sands, (colored,) head w-.titer. Five other waiters. Eight deck hands, and a boy. Four firemen. Two wn si passers. Susan Hulcomb, chambermaid. Sc U Ike. In company with one of the Firemen he was so general ext iteinent. fortunateas to secure a cotton hale, to which lie lashed himself’. He remained upon this bale, the wind blow- The Western waters float 327 steamers. iug, when he was taken up by the sloop Merchant, off 1|lS 0 f dollars. The average cost of each I Southport. . , ,, , stand a, $15,000. His companion in the meantime had been relea-ed by death from his sufferings. Two others wee t- Wl 1(J()W Glass of a super io r and beautiful lustre ken up by the sloop, a fireman and the Pilot ol the* .- boat. Both were nearly insensible. It is surprising "> ( 1 " "i.'parcney, is being manufactured Iron 4hat any should hax"e survived the exposure.^—There i crystal, at Keene, N. H. (T/= Serious diffi ulties are appreliended with Eng land, in high quarters, growing out of our boundary question. sx"sa a- Z *5: " sS ! SLi., ATUUSTA AND-SAVANNAH PRICES CURRENTS. t’ORKEC run WEEKLY., Jan. —Savannah, Jan. 20. COTTON—Inferior to-choice .. ti * a (ij a 27 BAGGING—Best Hemp,Ti inch 21) a 25 Jii a 22 Keutuckv und Am Hemp,.... 15 a 20 Cotton 20 a 25 BALE ROPE— 10 a 12, 7 a 10 OSNABURGS— li a 9 8 a 12 TWINE 311 a 3” 18 » SALT— no a 75 $1 t>2 sk BAC(—Hoj; round 10 n 12 9 a 14 LA Iti) 10 a 12 13 a 13 BUTTER—Goshen 30 a 37 i2G n '27 • CHEESE—In Casks or Boxes.. t- S a 14 10 a MOL \SSES— 10 a 50 23 a 32 • OF FLIC— Ill a 15 lit a 13 N MLS—Cm, 4d. to Od . ;8 a o-2 I'i.iil HI MO! i.ns— (> a 7 LEAD—Pig und Bar 0) a IU SUGARS’— 7 all 12 a IS CANDLES—Sperm IS a 50 48 a 50 < Jt’or^iu made. .... *20 a 21 TALLOW— 12) a 14 13 n 14 RICE— - 3). a 5 21 a 2J SO .VP—Yellow ,3) a 0 0 a M VCKEREL. S 15 a #1 3 9-i FLOUR $G a 10 6| « 8 S WANN \H, J in. 20.— Cotton : The demand for upland cotton during the first part of last week, was good, and site sales reached about 5,500 bales, hut toward its close, the market become ■dull, and the prices obtained the first part of the week could not be realized, except for the belter qualities We quote for ;ili qualities, 04 to 10.V. There \va a better tie- nmnd b>r s» a island during tiie last week, at prices rancing from 20 to 27 cents. We take tiie following statement of the receipts of cotton from the Savannah Shipping and Commercial List, at the places mentioned, since i lie 1st ofl October :— n»9. 1833. Georgia, Jan. 17, 65.794 92,570 Smith Carolina. Jan. 10, 94.502 71,547 i Mobile, Jan. 4, 27,849 78.959 | New Orleans, Jan, 4, 330 405 163,953 Florida, Dec.-21, 5.424 14,210 North Carolina, Dec. 21 , 1.704 1,014 | Yirgini i, Dec. 4, 6,000 4,250 Total, 531,67 3 427,099 Tli follow ing ix a soil ement of the stock ol cotton on li.itnl at t ie l e-pec i ■ t places named — 1839. j S .1 aicnh. J o . 17, 19,58S 22 440 ' South Carolina, Jau. 10 , 23.2 45 10,830 Mobile, Jan. 4, 16.083 30,200 New Orleans, Jan. 4, 126.027 74.359 | Virginia, I)ec. 4, 1,500 1,500 | Nortii Carolina, Dec. 21 , 1,704 1,614 August a and Hamburg, Jau. 1. 35.000 28.949 : Macon, Jan. I, 30,143 17,000 Florida, 1 )ec. 21, 3,000 5,000 Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 800 2,45)0 ■ New \ oi k, Dec. 31, 6.000 15.000 Total, 263,097 209.390 Rice—For this article there is a fair demand, and sales reach over 1,000 < asks since our last rpport, at $2^ to 82$—a prime article would brin, ; $3. Repub. MACON, Jan. 23.- -Cotton: We quote from 6 to 7$. The latter price an extreme. \ large quan- tin i dailv accumulating in the warehouses, and the general belie! is, that i uid go still 1 over. River still very low—freight to Savannah 84 50 per bag. Telegraph. AUGUSTA, Jan. 23.—Cotton : This article continues low, having varied but little for some weeks. We now quote 7.J to 8j as the extremes of s ; the market, sales being •hii-llv effected tt 8 a-8) cts. 1 It continues to arrive in great quantities , and planters in despair of getting belter prices are selling freely. Our river is now low, and does not allow xteamboats coming «ip fo th.e city. A good rain would have a t beneficial influence on the market. F reiglit, by the periur Court of lleury County—The Executors of Abner! Davis, deceased, vs. Edward F. Knott. Thomas D. Johnson, \ security, and William F. Crew, seem in on the stay. JAMES L. HEAD, Deputy Sheriff. ! January 21, 1340. ALS(), AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE- Two bales<ifcotton, two stacks of o its, and four stacks of 4 hirty acres of land, more or less, a part of lot numbered !t)9, in the first district of Henry Comity, on the east side of atd*lot. levied on as the property of Elisha Crew, to satisfy i li. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court of Henry Conntv— ,evi Cloud vs. Eiislia Crew, levied and returned to me by Clarion, Jan. 10. 1840. EDWARD COFFEE, ? JAMES LOVELES, ) \d Three hundred acres of land, more or less, whereon Mrs. errell now lives, in t'te seventh Histric of He try County, vied on as tile property of Thomas II Ferrell, to satisfy a fa. from Henry Inferior Court in lay >r of Burnell Rag- ml. vs. Thomas II. Ferrell. W illiam F. Crew, security to numerate the secunty. Also, on the first Tuesday in April next. Sixty barrels of corn, more or less, three thousand pounds seed cotton, more or less, two featherbeds, two bedsteads four qui.ts, two counterpanes, two shoe's, one large rose ir, under beds. &e .levied on as the property of Nelson d, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of lleury Courty, in favor of Joseph B Tanner. >ue road wagon and t ears, one gray mule, two brown mules,.levied on the property of John Fryer, to satisfy a nioitgagefi. fa is-utd Iroin the Superior Court of lietur ^utility, in favor of William II. White JAMES W. CROCKETT, Deputy Site-iff. .January 21, 1840. 1 REVOCATION. |M; HEREAS, On tiie 29th day of May, 1S39, V v I executed to Levrii Argoe, a.power of Attorney, to se.l and convey the following ■ lots of land to w it—Lot No. t-24. in the l~th d.strict, and second section f herokce. and Lot No. B24. in t)ie 2nd district, and 2idsa* Cherokee. Be it known unto all whom it may concern, that I have, and do revoke said power of attorney, and that I will not sanc tion or confirm any sale, or disposition whti-b he may make" of said lots. .Given under my hand and seal this 12ih of No vember. I8.'l!). JOSEPH FLE 1 CHER, [skal ) Novptnher 12, 1S3?. * 42 PEXiTEJS TLARY, GEORGIA. OFFICE PRINCIPAL, J A NUARY, I Sill, 1840. 3 HAVE been instructed by the Board of Inspectors ol this Institution, to Notify the Public through the Press, that" wc are determined to sell every Manufactured \iticle we have on hand below the Cash Friers of similar articles o he had at any point in tiie Slate, and will manufacture articles to order on like terms on the shortest uoiiee. We have now "'ii hand Barouches, Jersey Wagons, Two Horse Wagons. Four Horse Wagons. Carts. Wheel Bar row s. &:c. Every variety of Harness. Shoes. Boots. &e : a iarge assortment of Family Furniture, Coopers' Ware, &«•", &c. All of which will he sold on the following terms, viz : All sums nird ’i Fifty Dollars Ca-li, over that Mini. 1 ~0 da\s Credit: Notes with apnroved ami undoubted security, with, ihe condition that if they are-ne. ected until su:f. the Collecting.fee will lie ai the C’osr of the D. or. JohWuik, Repairing, &;■ . done as heivlofore for good Customers. CHARLES ii. NELSON. P K. river to Savannah, $2 per bale. Sentinel. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALE. II I, tie sold on the first Tuesday .in Mnic.i next, before the Court House door in the c ty of MiiieUgc i ville, helwceti the legal hours of sale, the follow ing pi. petty, to wit: One lot of land., number twentr-five .(25 ) in the first dis. triet ot Dooly county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, and lot n umber sixty - two, (U2.) ii the tit >t district of formerly Muscogee, now Macon couni.,, i-ontainiog two hundred two and a lialf(2U2^) acres, levied on as he property ofAibeit G. Bedlam, tosaiisiy ali la from the r-ixth Circuit Court of the United States tortile District of Georgia., in faver of Not tli .Manning and Hoyt, vs Rechnm . and AlcMi.llen, properly pointed out by said Bech-uii. Also, lot of land, iitiuibcr three liiindied and eighty-one (38l,)m the third district of formerly Ekily in w Baker county, (outainliig two liundieii and fifiy (250) acres levied on as i the property ol Hoin- , W illianis rV t'o. ;■ n d lot unmi *rr one' hundred and sixty iho (|l>2.) in the fourth oistriet, second section (’herokce, containing oue hundred and sixty (Hill; i acres, levied Ouas die property of James E. J. Home, to sa : tisfy a fi. fa. from the rbxih Circuit 1,'nurt ot ihe I oiled States (or the District of Georgia, in favor ol Khnekel on!, Boag & Co., vs said Home, Williams <N. Co., properly pointed out by the defendants. Also, lot of land iiuinhei two hundred and twenty ( Containing two hundred two and a half (2U2J) acres, and the west half of lot number two hundred atm twenty-eight. (22b.) containing one hundred one, and one fourth (101$) acres—both io the second district of formerly 1 loustop. now Crawford county—levied on as the property of Willis S. Scott, to saii lt a fi. fa. from *il6 Sixth 1 ireoit I ourt of the I luted States for the I'istrict of Georgia, in favorol Abraham Hester vs. said >eort. prope ty pointed out by the defendant.. Al-’o, one lot of laud number nine (!•.) iti 'he fourteenth district of Lee conntv. containing two hundred two. and a halt (202J) acres, levied on as the property of David Goff, to satisfy a fi. fa. from ihe Sixth Circuit Court ol the United Stales for the District of Ge rgia. m tavor of North, Man- llillg & Hod, VS. 1). Got: 4k Co. A Iso, one house and two lots in the town of Taswell, in the county ol Marion, mimber fonx two and forty-tine*, levied tin as the property of James K. Cotton to satisfy a ft. ta. from the* Sixth Circuit Court ot the I nited >t:ifes for the District of Georgia, in favor of Rose. AH Knight &: Co., vs. said (Hilton, property poured out bv the del’ uoant Jan. 27. 184(1. '(I) W M. J DAVIS. Marshal. PI LA SKI (DIN TV SHERIFF’S SALES. BirihL he sold on tiie Tuesday in March next, be- % $ fore the Court House door, in the to" n of Hawkins- , viile Pulaski county, the G lowing property, to w it : Two negroes—one by the name of Lett, a woman, about thiiiv years of age, and Bill, a boy, about fifteen years of age ; also three beds and furniture, five sitting chairs, one oven, one pot. one tub. one pail, coffee mill coffee pot. one axe, one Bowie kuife, and one pistol : all levied on as the property of Marion Sims, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from Pu laski Superior Court—The State of Georgia, vs. Marion Sims. Also, one lot of land, situated, lying, and being in tile twenty-first district of old Wilkinson, now Pulaski, number one hundred and seventy two ; levied oil as the piopeily nfj Spencer Roach, to satisfy two fi fa's, issued out of a Justice j Court of said county—John B. Bush, v». Spenewr Roach;' levied and returned by a constable. Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land, situated, j lying, and oeing in the twenty first district of old Wilkinson. | now Pulaski county, number fifty two ; levied on as the pro- . pet ty of Thcofilous Williams, to s atisfy three fi In- issued out ; of ;i Justice Court of said county--Hurcel B. Dykes, vs. j Theofilons Williams; levied on and returned by a constable- j Jan. 21.1340. JAMES DYKES, Sheriff. > AT-The Macon Teij-grat-b ami M.-ssenge/ Southern Spy, W ashitigton, Ga.. and Banner and Wing. Athens. Ga., wnl each give the above uotiee two iusei!i,.ns and for' per containing the same with ui.-’r accounts <o t* pavnicn:. / jan 21. 1640 52 2t fiEOKGI \,• Al-’-ittgomeiy County" ®^E7'I11 RE A.**, William (U I'iiiliips. Guardian foi L, B. ^ Jf Thompson, (minor) applies to me for letters di^iis- sory fiOin said guardianship. These are therefore ti^pite anil adnriuish ail ami singular the kindred and creditors of sax! in'tior to be am! appear at my office within the titnepre- sciihed hv law, to -bo* cause if nv they have why the sai l letters disinisso’ry should not be granted. Given under mv h nd a* olfiee this >i!i oav of Jan., 1840. FARQUH iKD AlcRAE. Dept. C. C. Jan 21, 1840. 52 mfirri PRirSTLNG OFFU’E FOR fi*ALE, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, IX AUGUSTA, GA. ’ ji^fTF. subscriber oilers for sa!c-th** establishment of the DAI- f LV N KWS. in the ci ; v «»f \ujb-ia, TIr' newspaper i;. consists ol N(.njM»re*l, Rrevici, Bunr 'c-is, ami l.on2 Primer, i.i sullicu'iir (jiiantity tc p :■» isit p«j cr m the Souih- .)(j \ j ern states. The type i- ver\ sroo.hand b en ! iit little used. , . . Tli ’PUUSS, is (*At* of Smith*!* patc:s!. of l|oe*s moniifaefurp, and ra- pab!eofpriutiu^au imperial sheet—am! warranted lobe inferior to none in use. ^ The JOB TYPE in the oftiee romprises almost every size from pica to twenty line pirn, ami extensi’.e Vonnts capadile of t!oin» any work which mil'llt oiler. Fhc assoitnicnt wts m:u!c m* Bruce's tbumlery in > w YorU, without regard t-.; cost. :i:ni i-as coo*p1ete-ffs coubl lie desir ed. There is a in nr" s-oitimui» of Border . attar! Al to the Job Office. A lar®rc Iniposins Stoiia. A ^reat egiiiIvtof Uhase§, lanre and small. A Vast Iron Ro ler Mould, Uyliiidcr.-, Frame. Arc? Posetlier with Stands, C’nses, Sticks. FurnitHie. ; «! every otli- r e.rticle necessary in an extensive rrintinir e-tahli-lmicat. The terms arc Jl.’UbU O»:o*third cash; a third cm the 1st of July, 11540 ; and a third on tli 1 ~t of January, UUl, with approved notes. Any person wishim: to pureimse a Friniing: Office, will scarcely ever meet With a more favorable opportunity. Potters on thm subject, post paid.addressed to Andrew J. Miller, at OimstT or to the stioseriberin MiHed-ic. ille. wiB be wtfeiidedto. • r WILLIAM If. VRVrcnARI), Sunivin^ partner of Pritchard & Bush. Millcilgcville. J'lr.uarv 7.1S40. k r\yi;i |ju> bretliren of the cratt be fo kind as to give the above a few insertions. ^ I ’ NOTICE. A LI. persons indebted to me by note or open account are re.ptcsteil to call and xrtile by the Gt of January next, or they xx i 1 i bepkiced in the hands turn. Dec. 8 4ti—tf. of an officer for eollec- JAMF.S T. LANE. EDUCATION. rjsOIK duties of Alimtit Fit s it Academy, vri!! beresnmed on the first Monday of Janualy next. Thev will be eondueled bv the same iustrnctors, and under ti e «amc rules nml legiikitioii- is hereti.f e estnb'isbed by ’he Botrdof Trustees T^ie fidl iwnig named gentlemen constitute the Board, nm^t of whom will accommodate young ladies and .'enilemen. with boarding, on moderate terms, JOHN \VILL1 VMS. President. Col. Thomas Alif.j. Sec’ry. Utilibcrs. E. D. Vaouhas Esq. Asartah Doss, Esq. Wm. Bkrrt, Esq. Dr. DavidJUui.y. Dr, Wm. Skgdr. Henry Co.. Ga. Dec. 24. 18;?9. . 4!> m2m MORUS MULTIC \UItlS TREES. 8 <)l{ ikiy}) for sale—By the .smgle a a "Ft™ tree, fool, or eve. 7 Apply tv 7 GIDEON UOIf.EY. 4-5 Spans G#