Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, January 28, 1840, Image 4

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> \ ?; >-* »r..'iT--Zj* *JL*r/ / / B MFrcuFLi.. i ( \'\Vv\/// r . , eiN- Hj An.i.•., (K.'lut.i.'i' S T offerin ’ th- so Bids t<> th’- puteie, ir i^ not deemed obtru- .- * §jve or impertinent to give a brief hi-:. ; «f the cireuui- ■tuieos which I. dt-> their vrigmnl preparation. !u IL-esndter, | Ur. n. tool in t '•■n,." - - :.s a deer -rotative ffomVjc r-*n. w hih» GbOKing andm- j*:*: tract.":-**>: :..•«« disease, th« cr.nsrcinei-cu ol asavcre'attack of fever .a the curse ol the m-evn.L .crania. H vi-.- «-x-:r- 1 usam retnedtr* n 'nit rc'i T h • deter clued to try the < c» -t cmnmmng a Amtnb rof well known medicines. wint the s.-p ir no action of e .rii he had h- n Mo.m.-.h acquainted in course of nr>re than twenty years. iiw-e tuei'ictnes surnm- iitu-d. his ANTJ-Dysfpno A:U> vN , l- i>i. PlLf,-. He prtjr.i i (l Co f' * * <,r dvsm’,-ia and her , rwm.h: die- r. s requiring '-idiot, ell Urn b-n 's. one .nil at bed lime, w hirh he »• .1 moc-tJ to rep-Ht nieirtlvVor About a week, ft which time he was ns tree hioir-ns disease ,:- ii lie b>d never been aHln-trd wit-i «»• <-•» his rtmni ,,, Gt-orgi '-1 Die spring j '2:>, m the signal bene it h- had dri tv ed : ow tb- P«- them U.s Urotnei. wt.o had beet, <»•--"• « an ! liver enihpbiint from-the autumn of l -•>_■ of :i severe : n i prouac;, I alta< ■ hi lion (i .,ij .(.h' improve, and !<■ n r f-.-gan injure in she in: -oier st «•: I-.. .1 o 11!.. r upon the co fi i qucuc-of ■ h . [in ?c. ib. d III.,er dyspepsia in con sequence vsr. Ilis+ieahl. istor.-ni by them .1 '"•? .1!'he. ! !'.. iiavt-' s; { I s-.-p ' ■ ;n -rdiiur Peieis' !*>,:- tor ti’ie i IS . ars. and ilur.iv- he iim-. have nei a-inaa’*) . Irik* li.litem | r,r..- if. (i iieli'-re them I ■ be ,I g >od nnd riae I ih l in- J5 days pasf. I had iroag sVinlHoins of Id i-uisfeve ! j io*>k some ot I’eteni* Ib is, • a! not recei'-inR any i'c-nefii fr«im i m, I ; t ,ciii - d a t.o -. of Joiir^!tills. and am l»ap| y to say j i!i-■ r ’!:• ( in a few days removed ail symptoms of approach- j i L ,g si<:S*i"ie-s. I conceive them to he an itivalujihie mi-dit hie. j Yours with respect, TilOS. M. i's'■ ?’ N ;,, 1ft I LLKOG r! V fLLK JfLY 2(», I Soft. Dr. Haynes, Sir: I lake great pleasure in adding my tes timonial til those Villi :! V ■ alr-ady rrcr-ivod. to ibe value of your and-ily-iii'ptif anil anti-hi'bons p-.lN. - j j jr A-v.**,i in■:(.mo e, I cimiineticnd Using rhem in in*, fiuiilv- “ ih u Vis if us fti.i ■ . ml llu'm i:iw v ui-ili -:'. 1 y- , • . n ils tb oi any ether rt-ni'-dy ! have i ver £!'>“• —ccirdiy ".1 n-ci « t c .-<• of it .-nsii ua: >.h- iiuciiiiii of --uc - on I 51:i-';’(■< i::-dy in aw-sl i-y «cvi r: ill.-' a. 1 •> r"’ : p!i- .■ ;.,.s u I,'.!. «.is Ci-tireiy relieved in a very f. ,., by the : - -1 . . ' -<CfnfU still. I hive siren tl). i • ~ —. t hi:!:..;; ■ f-ver wriu cnureVuci c-s. Your frit ml. \ i : : r.;.- 1 - ^5ii.i.KB;ii.vitr . ■ 'fey I- ry . C r i;r lies; I hive h hr :-,=o i.-f'-j-. d by icd j if deiicatv :i-lo ivithtrol * from tl> - iibhe.. vhe >-xo. - (v|( r i i eimp‘rilWol?"s^rt UIJLf€ ? fohfebrua^ 1 v’: 1 -; U( , rf .„ „ f P:c . i7 united states marshal’s sale Un.’ in tfiitdi il- hddt of V:v-i -it h," i ,i- •:•. i*. t-E ILL : :!ie Court House door in the citj ih ;-i ;■ v in neai'iv ail . < mcweifd my purpose.. I i V / Mdb (Dr-wile, on the first Tuesday in Februf b ivfiii otin i u, ;i i - - mi.- of i . ver- gooti uoss. I next, wirtiin the !( ~al hears of sale, the following prop i«: r‘i« ;r {;• v<*r. ! HS^O-wit: : ’iiA'',L 'Tn; N. .)an j Six Ijiit.dred seven and one half acres of land, more or Dear Si: — 1 r.uv- m id.-- trcqneur u-e <1 y->ur I'iiia in Jp SSj i„ the cottntv of Baldwin adjoining the lands of Le- /{’ the incipient of bidio I* v.-r. and obstmnte couwtpa- | v ;„ J. Smith and others, being the place on which Henryk the enlargement of the spleen, ,, i_ j... w ,._.i .i.r _ T . -■ * lion of i!ii. boo els; r.isii. if i cltnonic diseases of da and in all cases have f<wi•••' lliein io I I tJ"e u da'.--- of doubtful trii- 8." itV. flier lui'e op,--d a 'i v fi .!!•■ h'.uidie.i- that tr, ’ .or l-iaeebed O’l" i the- tide of e> nidi now -t.-i.--! in-fire me |ii»S :e -s hi h in rcpii'niion. end as ex ten •i ve: v c:':; jei.y : . i . ■ i ■ il I -i * -.-•. I a *'-s. l a- ■ a a-ibis. 1'cYas. i o tbe l'. e-t Indies. a« any rnc.b - that , ivc baei i : t,a,line- ■ w n revcr il e. a riu n’i ; and there ire ml u fov. ns .! , . • * s 1 : I • • ■ ■ ’li d hav-i.. Ut-ei pr, j ■ He : ta ju.i ,-ii ! iijovai -s oi f •• ii- iui,, of tvhi It me from reg- |.file 1 ;;; .--i . tvltl* a e the Most eoni |. eteO t iii h,s a'iiig i •( as.-s been - - • i n- 4 v. Slll.- of ni’v •! fie and :'d !0 f5e Ir.fairs <1 in i' I. 'i d. t : tnc ioregamg j . • ap.,1 cations I 4 in i ' : inclusive. | :!i I -.veil i j !•» i ll; i t'V |, -us u ho ! ° imiiglit alilKllill oi I ctasioa tviieu about *o dep i t !•:; U s.:ii.; •• «i<;.'.vn is a supply .hiring Ins ;.!> h fii tested their vi-pi, Ho iar r.o^ seifmii vt as enlt.-i i ruled of idfei ieg them fo the pnh-ia' a, la -. . .is ih, i seujilv haii hr- n ia.ia-il to she range id id-’ |.rivat.- ... a-tif . ^ _ ^ >r fid Dr. M- i ■■ t*i n re pa re and oiler ihem tar geoer.'ii 1 1 e'-e until two or li. e years after he had In eu urged todo iir those who li id ; n s. r - :i ni\ beuenred by ihent. first used fty hiuiseh. he >uj.j. -■ th-^r :p!»iie-iii'iu wouhl I CiriifiiKd to*- 4 .- si no IV inibaas d.soase, ; «* .£ was no: u ti'i .,ifpr ri'O'* th -n .< u t * trs eveeiu urc ot f. i 1 use in ir-ai. i f he varieties'-if ehrii.ia- am! s-nue oi ihe l::„i e vio fp!-.:-de diseases, liiat hs . ,.n c uiviw;s he miw i~. t -cat".- merit in ; I. i i-c- dieir v,* !ae in i vu/Pficac -d their :i v|,in . y .air. •!• -p. -.-g oi’ i = s iera i r period di in any having II .-II nlflietc-d from lh i u ii{i c. t -pepsia. ii, er rii'o p I s 1 . uf. ile a it- i' a in. .. vere attacks of cramp cholic I v as indlli'- d e. to Use a I'lil wllieii you had piep lied at I W pshiugtyu t'iiy. in li.e winter of 1 «2i. ' Imii n..l Pikeu i When ' them a week, before ifi- ir good effects were so opium m a- to induce llieir eoutimiance, and fit the < i.d of ;i iiiou i . ! f und mv system v ready relieved, ami by then .-. c - -i- ■ use. for a !\ vv mm.ills. v,a- rest a red to an ex*e,i -,l si ;e '! j. . I health, uhiefl I have ever ince i :-;-.-.ed i . a very h: .! d- . . I have u-f-d iiieiti wi fi gieai i-Yoet in : ■ v own I. • 1 . iam; re: iidenti\ Densler dec. resided, and three negroes, John, a man verv effective. i about twenty three years of age; Willy, a woman about >. -IDiYD. M. D. ' thirty years old,and Molly, a woman about forty years of M hi.i'\t.Ri Fo Co. Va.. f-’eii. 7, \r' 7 age, all levied on to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Having us.-d )h p. hi- Pi!:.- in mv practice for the I Court ol the Uni'ed States, fur the District of Georgia, in la.-t tv, Ivc mi.,,iii | i. iUe pleasure in giving mv testimony . favor of Brewster, Solomon & Co. cs. said Henry Densier. of !hmr g..;,! . b-,-w mia- of dy sp. psm. s.Cy herd-ache. | POSTPONED SALE. ,r - 1 • - ,!-d ml I r ics. d liy mactiviiy of i At the fame lime and olace, will he sold, the west half '■; ;«•;. ; >• j ;• • ;7;E; il l ,eliout - ,he bes ’ of lot number fifty five, 'in the first District of Coweta L < ! ‘ ''(•(' r SCOTT V f) i county, containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, The- • much approved .’mVinEv c-leSir dv.. I*i!b. are sohl ! ‘* ss ; ^'E' 1 0,1 , 8s il * Oropr-rty of Anthony North w • c>! ' cw Yorj. pri«-c»N, fiioihy <iil »-*}♦• fiiiuci S'ltis.y a (j }m tj.-m the District Court of t lie United ‘hi;. . I- They I) ih;.;ug!:,»::f the I'm id States.' t'-e Cimela:.. Stales for the Dis’rii t of Georgia, in favor of the Post *' 1,1 ‘ m v »'ii •.! ■ >!ic < v <st in i -. Itetas! Price. 5W cents .• -.sier Gi-netal r.f the l-niieu States vs. said Anthony cijutj . , j*• «. :>e» fl. iSofll? «ir,i\ &ruU:j) Wwllon. r ' • ' }••. I: \ \C S it\\ Kj,L, and I)r. i ' >*•'. k’i \ . AUn, • ;i mi. !;nr !-vo litmcTrefl^ajid - twenty-two in \]i.iciigrvisit-. «i ".i* *::a -I .y f r v. i*t:, !•»>-. •• : •• • •; • * ol’c** * ounrv. containing eighty Tff j-ts i , i i ■ :■ , acre', lev -dona- the pr >;:»*riy of Stephen Kervin, to . - ,. t «- - •, Ts a j -(.i• i■ < i,. -'oi- i ■ | n 1 ■■ «!,s! v a ft f i in favoni of the I nited Slates of America ■ ■•’- . , , : Kjt :*loiir*.e eo (.a., sotneimic ab»nt iue I tit it nay. utsihiit. r. r V , ... . . , . - Df:c. In... the-ernes performed by tew me.!,cute been the | :i ;, ou „ )lt , rsr , s , v< .„ v ,. ; ,rs old. near five feet high-no ‘ ' , " 1 '7 issued from the --.idij-ct of edi.m-iai comment, iu various newspapers and ! ., ;;l . li4 . ll!!ir „ .rks recoHccted. \,n itifnrmati.m .cs}.ecting i D<""trt Corn I of t:ie tutted States for the District fo o nulls; and ii may "Tb rn.h be asserted, that no medicine i , j)0 >ai<4 | 1(11S ,, will l, e thankfully received and suttab y reward- 1 ( ' v " r r |: '- W SI. J. DA\ IS, Marshal. • f the kind has > v- . received testimonials oi greater value j e(( ’ N. G. SLAliGliTEB. ! Dec. S*4tl» 1S39. 48—ids. "ViVVic'lfnse =,saf-,u,ifv --— arc thousands ot amdu-s v.ho declare Uiey are never says- E' PO> I PON ED.—In cons, qnence of the re- , );l , i:l K.-l„-aary next.b-tw.-eadte lawful hours of sale, the following «r afllictintis |»P„|| li e city of Augnsta, the pin- ja..] of li,e L \FA YETTE COL'JISE deem il proper | J|*b“, !; «bb?•“••“bf “i'.e ? y-four (941 . - \ 1 .. . ! »n rn*A si.vln ui^tritt of Hi**iry coiinrv 9 ievii*tl on to nii-fv a fi. fa.i-biied «ine their Dt-'-esuhor 't*fingf, imiil ihe I froMi t Jn-tices C< ien iiiiu! iliev have a supply always mi baml riiev ha\ c no lival in Hiring and pn venting i'i":i'ius : e .-.-i--. pev.-rund \g ir. Djspcp-m. l.ivrr (Vmpiuiuls. .'-J. •■.cue. J ail'! fee Wi-mu. D : ;i.v, i.'f:e;oi,a;i in. fa •• rgt-mcn* id tin- St>! I II. Pile-, Cholic i tnaic u! s'ructi":--. ! lc!l. thltrn i’-|;;. f d i'i.ugi.e. Nau-ua. L> n Its Oil >,< tl‘ * ten ch. I • I Cl Ml - .. i. 1 ■ Apt ii--. ;> rill-1 -tlllon Cm.:! ii-x- mut in cases .1 t.::-i.:o of the iH.nri-ls. tvlicie a ca ba-in or r- ii.-ui i- iu edi rf. ’S l>c\ nr.- e'.ci i-4at iu tfc-ir i.p •> p istporie tin-ir A Dcceililu-r Al -eting, until the j In, ,, -I Jii'in es Co a ileiirv c-n.niv. io Oiv.,,- ot .lubu W. Erowu vs. •27ih dm of Januatv next, at which time fine simrl mav be j Jo * OT lh,j,l,,Je»y n «d -iai r t,:-i,-;l n, .m !>v *'••>, ,i. : -. • * . p ■ i \ \ ’ JA | t \' / 1 c* I * «i;f «jj !:i i} ; l. Idlliit- r I•» 1 ■ t'• i! :t :i ! f r11 -. ’ ■ ■ ■ j *.0 in t iif» iliir*i '-Xf (i. E,)MOND>ON, Cor. Sec. I - . ,.,trae l.a.fVcreV Nov.-mli, THIS u- rijf ji ;,« • action etjy. .\ .< au ' ; < feetr cl>. ehe in f Tii • Vc \YO! K l!:.M *! A r <iitTiC’»h to !U i V-:: ; rccor.rjvjiid iliem . • i!f*\ ;.ns’.\ pr riM .-r c - t. . .!. ‘ :t s'-.ii i:j !•: i rid • ! I ] ! :-.r . MV 1 I \ I: \Y\ •h .iuiv. D a A-lh’lh a: f • • gj it; tin 11. o- ■'•w L i*r n i i i . ami Of v. ;;<■*! f Alalia i iif'U ?)« i bee K i wi ;>T v.UV..»Li . ( 44 rd .XC ’1st X Dip sir !•*« -. !. \ i «i l t£ •:»t r 24 : • k; \ \ si (itj i%> if i til d I ■ (ii o:i a--' o; r iy o' :■-!;« .'•» K Urn, to '. Id. i~;r-I frosu d * :, i‘ ri -r <:ct of Hciirv : -*-*• L. HEAD, u. ' iu. nr. soed. .as above, the eighth tv.!*-:.]..;;;: :-jp.-rf v cl* Gib.-on, - r ’y, in fa- . * i und re- JA*[ES V.\ Clio ULTT, l). SfjfT. ‘il ; 0 :crs fo Ooii. i: ; i't.'l 1 ; .. t'ihpro.* ;» *. :::e i.» , u : ‘ ->«s fen* Fr-.’f; i V : i !t( il »«• SPVfTnl |T1 :• il! 1 .fTS «' •( '.i : i . :;nd };?».» is-17.r‘y j:: u e;*sc »: i i- riy : *’1 ft off!',;* spfDOl). - hi* v • til'll I !t vp ..oole of iheso rht i lorn e s-<i ?ctT<*iio!>s grow vw rsc ik-u r;;ni* : e if; - Tii>»si •: i»'l- . * e ?: - -: i u; .o': Iii:* ni jr.n v tiic;M:t ai»<i he.iiihy iiiflucitco !«j>oo ii:f* n st ns of ib^fii^siive apparatus. aa»i % co: isle mihicfsl in ii ii tier. ri:!(.l not *oil\ j^ivt* pr*. 1 *»f ii t rciioi, iut w ben itea iiiv persevered tr. periuaii 'Ul Not are'they less cllici ::t in f.-ver and other acute diseases . . . , c , requiring iicn .p p*irg-inofi. ov nit tidsPds'intt ’t><, j t .. J cauriny. the <lou!dc uj;pn!.'i n (.{ inoro vp'iirn'i? acturi on the J P il • houtU. ami prsijM ;ii ;iiinulatiir^ the iiverami uthorm * .:j-s \ . !i‘«;n* ht i-:. : - g• 1 '• s. ji:,:ifviug :h-» a nf:<! ni opin ion. uni ortJy c-hiei'i too : ) «4 » ii-vj ?.Tiir. J LsHiiy i:u l 4 ill'".;, !.'•• r ’Ijcj :»;>r»ro-.;;: on if ir i y T: me ac?er of ;» miiver-at r i.e»ly ;u ih: c: ks in -4, tha. o'i'er ktioun ihio * id ii: [f:: i>isi riu-m. i uni (ul v w i rnnH'd in rer«mins-*niiii!u >i (tiriue of inesnmnn’.e value: : u i c***’.lidein!y ;:•<■<!• *. •sti fnvor with t!i.* fRSsE ('<)X Far sale-by F. V. CO’ILFS. n„.i 1 i'l V T. f. 4 XF. t ; (| •. , i: • \ a V. V 1 W 5 }', [> i . .1 OSC |ihiesllv Pe- ■ rer »*.•• At"" l i\ori iin iiopressi ni «»J his #»..i ni' charas*ter. derived l.oin hi> I• • mis, haxesfii- s V iu»- ih::i ho is w e!l ( Uti’.iecJ to ihe uedie. ! li-.Miors ho re- • iv-i'fl A’a.e (Voiiesre. and that the public •»•:::> salt* > ... . . ' ,vt ‘ 1 ti c 1,1 . ‘ .. - T .. J . viMous at the cheapest rate li ‘a ni his infe^ril\ an skill, m the e.v io*s*<>l Ins prniessrou. 'Bhe toShiwing tN as iwivarded to Dr. Peters, hy a highly cf.’iY etalde i*iaufor ol Wake Comity. A Ca., Aland] 3d, 1838. Dr. IMers—Dear Sir.—H> leipo -r of \nur Mr. ? Ifirriv»il. I semd Mill a f*-w !io»-s tvspertiii^ die •Jtimn>i n.i raer. viH eflVets of Vaur r.ds: and I w' lh.i add, that ymi ns )\ Mia).'; a- of • i:» • j s - f » « « \ nr. n -it. in an;, rii iipicn ii (!■"(’!» cl. : i « • - \ • li. Wi sl.'ni par: oi i 8*;oi« s». e. Hr f U an ' . of » Bridge is * well kn«*u n. that we rh-ein ii iinsrree^s \ to tr nlde j io* puidio with a ijptiji:i of tin* advantage's. I»nt flatter ourseives \vp will in* jiheraliy tiatronised. i’ll- r*>ad shall he at ail times plentifully supplied with pro- r Sept. !*2. 183H. e 7\ • .- \] • lE .EIi- • > . LE*'.—\\ ill !k* su’d in r!if» town offfaw- i.iiiHv ill*'. I *! 11 • k i <’tii:ity. !s iwom ill? Ie2n1 hours ofsnle, ontho lir a Tues(fn\ in Eobmary next, the loiiowin«rnropertv, to wit: Ene undo id jii fill»i o! the f^tate of Elizabeth Thompson, Inte of said (’oiinii, dee'd. as follows—One nesrro woman nan.rd Nicv. about sixty years o: ose. One neirn* woman named Caroline, about IK vears of ae:e. »• One I’ract of routaiuimr three hundred acres more or Jess, ad- 11. M(; AFE K & (jRK(D)R Y. j«»i“•«nIi p. Ccdienr, mm;1 E. St. Ger»rsro, number not known, levied on to jf saris{\ a fi. fa. i su d from die Snpcrior Couif ».*f said County, in favor of John JtawU 6c Co. vs. Solomon \V r . Mitehell. property pointed out t: is n :ee fr \l r rciiei of \\. I:v i'oinr! * •ij ;h V U. s’: s tir jfii C L C Ti C:! A AGEifTLTI SAL IkSyP«SIT021T. Ir OS AND BDASS cr *.f .Lmt santi < Hi:*ism --*: i^. first cornor abovt -of;* r for \ ii lot bn V : : - hits ei»iu*r mule or foordi*. wlit* w. . .v . ■ • « .\:\ »•* s’eptimi, sufivr fiom a sluggish sta?<»’ol ti'i - >w -U. : ii.-y ,j|\* reffonmended R' p-«rsi ularl^ couxrnifjnt to tlu* : a\ s'er in warm rlimatcs. er seasons, and L*r t!:«* use oi large »;nni- ; (] i -ed t; isi* rowers tl.;-- | e.pi.adv hr 1 Uuv a r ‘lietod with dr« vT’ «p uf i hr -c ph.siftiaris iSmT ;>s \v i r |mr ISj>o5i FHV.T, -nft'ci ilufi-, ,.n 1 tic 1 Ot Ii nisi . ii,'! between J:ic>b 1 I'lnilk 4 - ::(>(■ Hi.lam C. .-'iiivey’s, a POf'Ki.’l IKMtlv. cii’iiaiuiitg --T i iu 1 .i;k mite'; ut vvhich ;fbi were on ii -.* t, v . nii-al l!.:uiv r.t Or .!;■ — !‘iii,i- foils mi the Central Dank . ; , ; IiMmIIr; three $JU !>ills ou, liankr i: V.c Dank; t«<, : J.) b ■ <> li’i in I’- uk: one J'kl ,.n 11 - ■ iluis i>-uk : a ini - ! • k. I ‘ mi i lie 1 m-, m- - iv I a I - • >i Vjacun. Vfso.Scecr*:! notes ol haO'lt'meofjJHlb on i’ 1 • s c, Ml, T Dm v. a, ■ ,.iv an i;ail.'ot tiler . five S'l.'-it. -.n.i nil,, cei.-ij,- b.r ilic cn.'i, ctiuu of iie iiev, • iviii rl.,"an Bov. eu to tnvscfl. ami Ul'l >t>.- illy some bv .l ,!m Rawls. ) 'ocruila’r 18 43 AM. 13- WEB 13, Den. HI,S'. til. rl. ( am! returning ii fo i-n- tlli (ml a- . for n -biitg p.-i i.i.f severely ai in tin- cfii-sl ami was firiiugiil by ;; to the Hiit- wis atl, Uilcii by the nmsl euiiucnt 11,■> cuilil-qirneiiiv ; bui all iheir eff n is to .i.iv i crs-Mi ii.ic.ipg -a p. or pin.-- ii -,\ li ii c-u hr nbt.iineil. -h ,'i receive a : cn ,• ■ Fitly 1>. liars, if required H i! l.iA if C. M’lVi .l . Irwin cniiKtv. May 21. 18E9. 17 — 4 t 'tr, - s of liiiTereut sizes ; Frackers; I’bra-liiag lla- !.allies. I vie Bending ilrlti- < )ur IHOy and IjRASS? FO ’ SDH ) is no-.v in c« mpleti itiou: fiav i.ig a I rge slock of m in , iaU. and fir-r Ji.-*, the dose being •<> easily a.fjuslc.l, e-peciaMy when res,- j : ‘‘tiv mg a I -rgesloeK =«•*«* «**-r ra„ ; v t | If . 5ri gV, j„g party.) en.isidereil 1 -x orkmeu. we are anlo to furnish all kinds of ( astmgs. ^ ro : . lw | , e , 1 coil,I trw-tf.— 41) <litig at a distance fruin the experienced ulsvs'cian. . Tim inventor inks bis bis own fellow .itizens to give the «*.f Mip.-i.H qualiiy at short untie ()<i.2:>. 1S)9 pilis a fair trial—p!« hiinsoli if they will do so. that they j ‘ - mil nor fail to •ib: kiihc -..uti lciicc. .ml ,-r^fi-renct of niiiciy- - ” ~ n ti'- out of a In: d, ei nine Inin-1 cd n d ninely-nme out cf :l d .lit ,n;d As r), *; i V’", or n ■, III .V, ' Will, for con-cci *’ mI: ‘ - lag li.i.,':,iul or casual torj'i i; y <•(' the ht vv t -. one .,i;i takeu in. a! tied ! iu • is tier ; ■ •'•>-•. vs; h ut tire ,:es cssity ol , ii si lot . girg ordiuarv httiuts ef li-. g fmidd tail to pro a- - ii on t! till- ilesirei' effect :t is 1>. ;tcr i» repe it it lor tv. o or to ... ®i;c- '', <-<----ive uigiits, th: u t » • i,i its ojo-.-ntlou fiy t,ik ;ig any . .;. g Iff*l -!I v’T; store her io health, or c-vt-n to iintig it her sulferiugs vveie frcitless ; and acciirdiuglv. we all r.msidered her immediate ic ;tii as incvitali e tiv good fortune, however, as she was in this situation, expectiu eveiy day io be Iter last, yom Aills were introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable were llieir effects ifi.,1 three doses vi-ibiy relieved bet, and in Ic s ill -n three Iim.ii'is slid was perlcc.iy icston d to health. The c;t'*- ! uud a), who were witness of it, hut (more arty.) considered in be rim next tiling ro mil m tifoii'; and v el 1 cuiild un-ni'oii many more of an . qiiallv desj,-rate u I'lmc. iu w hicb \ in pills were equally slic 'd -lui in ri-si uing iIn- patient- Iron; the jaws of death. Need ) add that the pot.-a- ri : v , , your n.-di:mi.-n- ainuimtsjo e.-illni 'iastn in ibis sn-lii i; of the country ? Hat tills i presume rgtn- ■ van know* from tlic iuimei.s quantity you dispose of. ! mav NEGROES; probsfi.v ti.e like j nx-ttiioti, howi-w -. tbai ii.,|w ii.b-r.imliug its general use, 1 sdcit ill ibis marker, n hi !) lie w : ! ..dwr bear,I an imb’ itiiu.-i i-oinpiaiti oi' its eff, < y i .-si- ! term., i he', r -i.-'-t of servants !. nee is !2 uiiics front Bat-,. li on tiie road to Fayetteville. ig th.-tn are - -ver d w ■!! qnalifii d i am with sentiments of iegard, your ob't servt-.iii. cT.-r.ii GOOD COOKS. \; VSil- j A. O. BANKS. £r«e8ic‘f‘sas A^esscj. T HE uiidersigned renews the infer of tiis services to Ins friend, and the public, in the transaction «1 a GENT If A I. AGENCY in thisplnce He will attend to the renewal of all notes. &M-.. that may he entrust'd to Ids care, lit the Cen tra! Bank, for the eustoiuarv fee of Onk for each renewal: a!-,,, to the taking out and forwarding Grants, for Fi fry 1 ’ hXT ■ e.b. (fj=> error- eneb sioL' titoit -.lie-t wirfi prompi a - eu i ,,:i i(»|l\ K A NT) E B !* * *\. Milledgevi!e. .1 no - I ‘.'rft. . ol)—tf GBEEABLE to an orjei from tito Honorable I,ife- _CiN rior Court of J, (ti-rson countv, when sitting as a Com i for Ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in Frbr.-iary tu-xt, before the Court House, in llte.Town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Lot of land Num- hi-t'od 222, m the 23d District of ori-.d; *iiv 1,,-e. now S- -w rt county, belonging to the Ex aie of'.lames fi. Johns, late of said coini'y deceased, tei in- of sal, made know n on tl d -.. MARY E. JOHNS, \d m ’ x . vYasbincton ommtv. V>\ 2S'.b. 1S 20. 46 td %X.n'M.bex-ht at -h ~~V~,'| Zelmlon. Pike Co. » e oil the firs’ Tuesday i i FF.iiK!.' A B Y next. Lot of an I .Vo. ■"(>, ai tin- 2:id dtsrnct of onginrdfv Monroe, now I'ske cototiy. subl ; - die pr- party ol Joint B. Slaughter's es tate, for the Irectfit of Ins It 'is. SABAH SLAU GHTER. Adm’x. Nov. 19. 1839. 43 CITATIONS. ROBERT PI!!!.!!’ .A SON. ^ • "i it — T 'll* iv.‘ fro p ,~n rr J u T, te • b . -. \ 5 NIT t i D : g A, s Ni r SL amt i an. a ii. e tm tig w 1; G F.ORGIA, Btillodi Countv. I'?7’ f 1EK E AS James E McFlveen applies for letters of dismission as mhaiaislnttor of the estate of Edmund i N.-t.-s fposi. paid) j y i |! Burn-ides, deceased. These aie therefore to cite and admonish a!! and singular the kindred and creditors of said deeaased to file their objec tions in terms of the law. otherwise the applicant will he cn- titl, d to a discharge :;s aforesaid. Witness the H n. Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of the I tiferior < "ourt of said e-mitty. this 4r!i dav of Septem ber 1839. ELI KENNEDY, Clerk C. O. (fct. 15. 318—m fun *■ rs; 4king. O'BRIEN, > ii!: LT «v .1 from ("iin nr w-va n sfie« rectinin,. II v» !, R S 1 Ef EVHi* r*-. .» i‘ . \ :C >.\s ii 11, 51! ;r 3 J -'»••{ j To Dr. P-'UT** --.Sir—foi^'upwards of fifteen mouilis I have -iv: ■ i’U i |;OYS. a SHHniKT of fi*.i4 !tom!s ; »>.-e» crucjiv nliL. v. cA Fi v<m sin4 a-.t! (lurinj; the LADiES, ti!SS£3 A■: 0 CK i Lf-REfi ! S BON NETS, »’Il Ifi ay if*i; lati;?t <tvle. time could find ,1 1 had applied to even , heautifu! D, iw • > ! x. of i.ew and Jam-n ie. lY-ous-k..i„„,s of r.-r!..» i i„. tin- above n nn-d arooertv, king Unt ga- - -mv thing like permanent relief. At I '7,'’"''/‘f f r t n/'Ps's^ Y ’ r- ' •; n=qu x,eii I., give me a c H. ax I am d> :e: ’niu-d t fctl g,‘-, however, your pills «ere rcc,-tn»., :,ded to nte, by one ii 1 "! %/f;« k ^ DHE^Lt-toU u st at a -.-er\ - nail advance on the \ irguita tn get pi u-c. •! our best pbysieiatts. and i am m.»t gratelm and happy tit I -iv,, I , id ,::) a fx 0 ; r-:ie Vi":-g, ti mi fou-- Horses beiug aide to add. that ! bad scarcely uxi d two boxes when I T. h •)---ss -i,.--.iplcte, t'T. g,,od Ca 1 -.iclswitli : : er>ex iouiukthtit tiiev fiad restored me tn pertect health Sincethen.i , -, j - p- I;,t !; -s. ' BEN.' D VV'iH. various members of mv fantifv have used them with equal ,'"' r - - - ■ - 1 and of the best mate t to j gad \ ! I nave tri. .i Ghali ,. h - dieik' in! '• ’ r'x v.fheti; -ile,, -. 1 hav, al-oi'miud I lay lie ' Pit's to he »U ex.-eimot f.:.i dy io, and bihims fever it! fatly stages. A II. •'-Hi. EliS Jr. Si'a::ta. June loth, 1839. Dr.. C. E- IIaynkx:—Dear Sir—My aUeiitioii -.vas direct ed or Pills a it; le ni„ithan a yea.- since, by Col Shiv er-. Si;-.,- •: at ti-- ■ 1 fin * frcqi.eiitly taken them myself, iii!-i :;iven ibeni t,, n v fa oily v. irh the most happy results. t:l, ..••* they !, ot re a d co.-ttveness. eli.-tked effectu- a!-y d .,.rihoa. and • ke:i ,-fi I,do ox mdy as c-a!on:el. without tHai-fmaiig tli° unp e-i»ant effect >h--it ts u-iiakv r,roriiir--d bv that . i,iaol.- tn-i.-tc. f therefore befi, i-e ti'cm a rtthiaide utedicinc. and won! ! rcc- g:meud a of :h-m. a- least. Respectfully, R. S. H \RDWJCK. Mti.t.KiXiEvtLLK, J2lh Jtitir !"3!k I am pleased with the opportunity of adding my testituonv to the value of Dr. Hay ties’ A .xti-1 ty.xeupTlL f'ii.t,-. ; , , x-’ l! n ;n < ■< im- ; v for mere r-: a w ir n: -t. S. C. November 7:lt. IS39. 43 J»t \ success—and consequently I feel ir Any duty to apprise yob | T ii'f-d’.- ilb-. A aeon mid ('.dumbux papers and j if the fact, and to icq nest of you p> publish this certificate. ; i,tv,-riser, wi ! give the above ten insertions, as I am anxious to add my ).-tib!ic tesiiniouy to the almost ■|.rr to the subscriber. B. D. ! tniiaculous virtues of your unriv.died tnolieine. - f < /; O R f! 1A. Puhtski C'ounig. A?. (I ERB.VH .Vornnin McDuffie apjdioF !,-r Ivtter> of adniinisti-gtion v v on the estate ofTcli’uir Posey, iutc ot said County,deceased. These are to ci:e a a I admonish ail and singular the kind led and creditors of said deceased to file their objections if any they have, within terms of the law, otherwise, letters of administration will he granted to the applicant. Given under mv hand and sae.1, this 20th Dec. 1839. ...... 4» JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. Her Bonnets win be sold f, oui one dollar and fifty cents, to — — n , p v~?~rx . ,io||,rt-s " A ' / i 1 ( B. e to O derat the shortest notice WS/ !iF '! !E ' S ' r 1 •• • >” 1 rj B- Stevens applies for letters of r\ < In i„ for e.i'lt. Vw disnussimt as Administrator oil the estate of MIL- bree. even am! tiveiv, Also, tin baud some xpib-i, Siiiieo’geville. At-ci! Bi b oilers for Bonnets. 12- A Pa (JCLA iWA : ION By IBs Excellent-; Ci,a:;i.:;s !. McD:in t.:». Guvc-rn«r am .’oinni. iidei- ia i hi-.fof tm- .Arinv and v of > is .~; r, THEODORE JAMES. Augusta. Ga. Fell. <0, 1839. Ooijiimii.ieaiion received from the eminent Dr. J. II. Ii w it: of Fbtrcoec, Georg a: 2^4 the branch bank darien,; Miiiedgeviile. 27th Marcit. 1839. $ a meeting-if the D:--i-ftors (> f ibis Bank, tins day ir w as Resolved, T iiiit in conse.qttevec of the snspension of LEDGE STE\ l.NH. bite of Pulaski County, deceased: ! hc>e are to t-iie and ao'monish ; II and singular the kindred and ctedi ors ,,f said deceased, to file their objections, if anv exist, before the first Monday in July next, why said letters shout'd tint be grained. JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. Jan. 7, 1840. 51 ,-!l Bank IV l s-u\aim tb. it is advisable to sav to tlie lui! holders of this rs IVam t - e reports of •r IH , it: thft OIMltV of • ti q , im MS.- ml iv 11 I;.: piest ei; d ■ ' and recently, it: a ~‘i-i p in: -rri.itten: bilious li as , fitirt ly c-idient-d hy tb ;n. in tit:, e oriTi. , the aid of any mi: r m dieice. anti cheerful!-. I , ■ ,,int- nd 1 • tn as :p! i. raiily ad tpUstl to be cure of dis pCiili, oili o- ,-e - * x U M Vfi-Mi It, AY. Having iieeit reieutly a'tacked w i; It strong Id nuts mp too,- I use ' Dr. Haynes' Ptl s with the hopples! , fi'.-c*. w bid. enti'ely relp •*<-. and which I Jo n it ticsit.ite to recoin to. i 1 as a valuabie loedicim . CH MILES E. * YAN. Miiiedgevii!--. 21th June. !»;39. SpAtiTA, July 15. 1 >39, Dr 1 . E. Havocs; Sir—For several vais past, ! havr iici-a af .-"ted with o. » mate costtveness of .he how Is, often g,.ii,g f-uin six to ten d- y vi.h a:t mi . disclnrge from tin m. For severa, t.,..utlis, 1 used Hr. Peters pill- and found if; in useful to me. Early last Spring i was induced .<> try vow A> ;; -- -pepti,- 1 s iD-s. whu-h I have eontino'-d w, u-.e orea- rio:, r.-'jioci. an I ii ivy.- de ived more in uefil I rout them taa.-i from any other niedicitie i have ev> r taken. . a, operation •- more easy, and the efl -ct more permsneni than from any othat nu-dicute I have berctof tie used, and 1 ti'-: them a dciil.rd pi.-fereuce to an;, nthei reru-dv. NATHAN COOK Pow.ici.ritN, July 15, 1839. Itr. C E. Haynes:—It aftords me pleastua to state, tlvat 1 If)vr- iv-icalediy t;si ri your Atili-dyspeplic and Anti lii!ious pills, and iu every axtance found iiuim-diale relief. I believe lit ni to be an excellent remedy in various diseases, and es pecially in cases of asthma. Iu high esteem, &-c.. J NO. WILLI AM RABIJN. Sparta, July Hi, 1839. P'-ir Fir—1 have used in my practice some of your altera tive Ami dyspeptic pills and have uniformly found benefit to mv patients from iheir administration. I can therefore el ect- felly tecninmend them to the afflicted, ap, a valuable purgative medicine. Very i-cxpectfuily, Your friend. A. S. BROWN, M. D. Dr. Cl aries E. Haynes. . Ham.ock Countv, July 15. 1839. . ' yertifv that my w ile had suffered s vcrely with Dyspep *" a ’ v "\foBsideruble time and bad tri<-d the proscriptions of MI tne i,l•;:.i i,. i JOHN isf hi •a- i-J l Hit i in it hi ! 1 ti' i V v a;»pr -it: op -I- to t - st, - I- tt-.T ul ONE per P- i - Sb< ,. .'-hr HOi.L -H.F, t< f and deliver ,'i .ir J ,'lor of - ',.t,-r ecu, tv. and i do ni -rcnv-c'of-ge and r -qt,i; i; all r Civil Ml-! iht try wi hilt Ihi-—late to be vigilant i-t • n eavnri . t , i;>prelie,i-l tin- said James 8he. it if to ha ’-■n:: ! vvit.'iii, to-- So : hat he. m ay undergo a M :a! i'or the i rime of which i- c.b.rrged (Bv *-u units-; ba it: .slid the Great Seal of the State at Hie S; ;t<- ion- ,u Ni, . 'g.-viile. this tliirtiath day ot i»e. ,-ember, i : the - a -of nur ... -d one thousand eight hundred j a ni thirty nine, and f :'••<- ind •peii leuce of l!:c United States of Im- riea tiie six tv-fourth. in >1C! fiy the Governor. CliAKi F-r? J. McDONALD. 1 have pie.,-liked them with Mich Wm. A.Tf.nxi!.i.n, -Sec y, of State. i head n-lte and slight bilbo s fi ver. Jaw.s .-h ru I- described ax he-ng about five feet "even |. :vt( |,.„ er |. |) r J„.. plr Williams of Bo: lingloii ******* " half inches ItiHi sandy hair, redi-h color-ed Beat-.i V( (| . ,, ( . ;ir y recommend 1', tors' t'nl.x ax . Blue eyes and afnml i'weutj t igjtt or Thirty years of age. | . |j|(|jv ^ cljv( . „„ ,. mix. f mi y medicitn- Jatui'iry /. Lx!) 50 . ; u^ p. - eu liarl y inllu, ntial in co. ivcrcs- an I ail the usu ~ — — —~ - j ;jj disease- of tin* ciiiiesfive or^ims. i'SCW S^*a»V SsOG-'kS. | a otter from Dr. 1 Ht vv. Smith of 'ioiitreal, U fcf|| OBfiltT .’I. CHAR i,TON’S R,-putts of Decisions j C.. -cpt. 27. I d.—I never knew a «il.g ! <- paten; nn d ,-iix 'A&' made in the Superior Courts of tin: Eastern District I that I could pi.t the least ttfiifi-uce i i bur Dr. I‘e<> rs \ o id Gc-- g. . by Judges Ben tell. T. U. I*. (bar! ton, 1\ a v lie J *. - ’ , lilt Pi, is. w bicb a --e re ally a v ; iri -h- <' i~C" very . 1 Davies Law, Nicoll, ;it;rl Robert M. Charlton, and in the ; no hesitation :«i having it knoivti tioit 1 ase them extensive! Middle Circuit bv Thomas U. I’. Charlton. - ,n toy practice, fur all conipl.tints, (and Just received and fin sale ut the Miile Lucille Bookstore. • wbicii-have Hn-ir source i. the impurity <>f Nov. 15. 1838. 43—tf W. 0. BOW FILL i F xt act of a letlei from Dr. Dye of (J,tehee L O . March fir. J. I*. I'.-tcrs—Mx Dear Fir—On the uiglit of tbe fib ,„,r . 1 was called in haste to the house of a fellow cn- j th ;‘» thi ', F.raurii snsp, nd ..aynu-nt for the j ; Z M1, (Mi. Lee.) vv.!n,io i foirndh s son labo iug tinder a must 1 * 1e Cashict beg, I .lining attack of i H uauclic Trucnealis (Ctoup) im! appa- i Branch tliat they tie,-d he und. r tin appr.-ltc-usiuii in relation renfix |, yam! .Iu aid' of rentedv. By the greatest good'll r ; Bti-rel... as the assets of this Brandi are more limn ample to tunc however, i ii ni in mv pockets a broken box of vatu meet all its irdiiittics. mil—tour ol which I ad,iii,oxtered, with such itiimetlmte I R'sAeed. That th I'-ank wiil pay an interest of seven per happy effect that inn lew minutes my patient wax at ease. «" nt - '»!>"*> :i;! «» on-Imud-eil dollars and over depos- . j , ; j- ,j s .r 'Hus <*.i .i*. 10 c mis: rfmn with r.i\ n.;inc : :Ie ^ * n iht.s <- thr I.mI-s ul sai<! Bank (hiring liie sus- t> i vi*ar MTYin —::.!*•! i tin picture tn iuConn you filar !>y order. Clue is in.such great favor with tbe fuc- " J. R. ANDERSON, Cash te». I re. i i :: 11 i Leiieve there i v util one ol iliem who does '"» rD rr. n . . 7 .... «> .. *. - . rn - ... 4 (iHEt.i iJLL to /inorder of the nonoj.iblc th • IiiJorior ( our! oi !-• ihj! il in «'•* y»ii»a?f* *-rac*•(*<*. . \ Ivnib Lmturv, will he* sold on ihe tirst Tu**r s da;. iu .V'an h next,: ! Y*M;:'S uiosi resjjyelfuNv. j flic (’unit house door in Salem, *.uJe (’tiiimv, on*’ first rule lot ofl.imi March 13. !£:w. *.i. II IFtWf.V.M- 0 ■tiiown In ill : vSockeuu lot- and N«). I'l l, Oth di-ai'ict. ami 41h si». mn, ; ' I . §» ie. . • «. ..... coniaiiii loO arrcF, l>elini-:in:r to th-* minors of Miani \!e!$pe, deceus- F.xiract f,oi„ a letter -n by Dr F ran, s ..og.tit, o, ' Terms »„ the ,!»v. JOHN U . MeIH2L, Guanliun. Bioviocnce, R. I , Dec I/. I:'3'.— i eterx Pills are an ex | Dcc<-i,iW-4 * 48 c, Ion. apcrieitr and catitai tic ill, dicitu-. those ■-flee is being pro tnced hy the difl'-reurcs .,f the quantity taken, a,al aie deci Jcdlv superior to Lee's. I'r Mnln-iIt'- or Morrison's Bills. F.xn act from a b tow vvri-t, u f>y Dr. I < opsoo o Battg<n, ! >' (U , , „f lla\ v ,.in*viPe, ill tv arms ot l.aud, lying ami li.-ing in the 1 M.-line. .1 an. 9. I -39 They are a peculiarly mild ye dfidei-l j; r, .-i ,,t origin dlv If >u*rnn, now Pulaski County, uml knmvn a- tbe p rgative tin du-itte, au-i produce lic e, if any. griping ,-r |> (l i. O R G1A— ! f i lAnson Count if. ^7 HI’. REA8 .Muses .8. West and Alfred Bran earn, yf V appli s lur letters of :, n ; -11: in < n tfcts.a of JOHN \\ 1 SE, la ic of said county, deceased. Those a:e theicfore to cite and admonish al! and singular tiie kindred ami creditors ol said deceased to be and appear ai my i Eire vv iiliin the lime prescribed by law—to shew cause il" any t xi-t why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud and seal, this 21st of January, 1840. 53 C. BF.ALL, Clerk C. O. MONTHLY NOTICES. months afterdate, applicatii ■able Interior Coml of Entat ting f r ordinary purposes, for leave to GIOUR months alter date, application will be made to the L honorable Interior Com l of Entanuel county when sit- < VI a lot of land No. hiidreu of , . , , . . <>’> in Harris county, drawn by tbe illegitimate cbiidreu 1 l v,v I V .x’,3 S Ud-..—Agiccutne to ill, 1,1,1 ;r „l t.ii.-: i.n i o art | v . . ... , J ,- ,, . ,, * of P-ihisi.i ’mintv. when siting Ibr ordinary plnp,,see, w ill he s-,i!,l ^ lj, u 1 1, u ft JN ). C. » l M N L b , Gltarn. the lira Tnusdav iu .Vl -i re ii next, before the Court House door in the November I*—. 42 old llie f»e- vIjmc-mj •'rc’dcricn Larher lived «inti» hisdtii’h. , ,.l of ilie h-irs <*t Jonathan Parker. 31 \mil \S M,'CnlOlh'K, Guardian. Drcpruher CL 4J] i- I’n WA LL \BLE IT. Wm’lON F OR SALE.—The sobsciiin-t ofii-rs los |,1 totaimil io Tailmt comity fin sale, s< vi ii inili-s south w ,-sl of i’ ilhotton, coiilaining six hundred acres of land, five hum In d of vv liicb is cleired. nd .ill, vviilt ill,* pxc,-;>ili n ,,l s,-vi-ilty act' s. bavino been eb-ated within the las, !i,i.r years. Coml. i table . l>tiild : ti<-> i,on the preinisi-s. Eeis-ius wishin£ fo h v, will ion- IO* R .VIONTI18 after dale application wili be uvula to th<- Honor- iil»t«- tlie Interior Court of Pulaski comity, w hen siniuc for ordina ry purpo-vy, for leave to soil the real estate belong;:!!:; to Ai.a Willson late ol said coitiitv, deceased SOLO vjO.N WILLSON Sept, Cl. I Nof). ,‘3t'—.Jm U 11 .LI A Al SAl'i*. ^ - »l i nionr|i< ,f 5 j r t| *f»* a ppiiiu<»u u \ i ht* made r»» the >t’ fiifiTiur ('ourt of lUtil: eh eotiuty « hen fitting lur or •hnnr'. 9iir|ti>M's L** leave to sell parr of the land heloomng to iu- -Ldiii liemliix dceeasriJ, lor Mip hei.vfit of the Ik iis nml creditors of said <If*cf*;»<p I. JKVtiM \ m:\lUllX. Adm x. Septomher If) I ‘‘39. —4»rt Ic ’ ; ’ - ‘ . j "l»-tl 111** fftitG-'y * 1 '•>»' « 1 ' • g;TOI r, will be mail- to the honorable se im m • \i -asivi i\ o( liie fcriilii v of lie s«)i) bv l ♦* rr«*|» upon tiie b* mi , *' i'd* l>. : •»io*iA>Mit o: i'itlu<ki «-o , ary, when sitting for onlitKtrv pur- iitev arc n-t a few) . . l>nv menis to suit i„ircba«-is ! «,xcs. for f.-.iv - to — It ull th.- real -stnlc of J nines Job, eton. late of Pu tt, e Id I j -'^ r ' ‘ l ° M ‘" VV xtiaJ \i ,, m SFV i >«*'• ic, ; .:n:,pl-,vi,s,..l. HIU.ANY HKNHKRSON', Ad'mr. CAM PBELL 3s, TOWNS, A T T O R N K V .8 A N D C <> U N S E I. I, O It fc A T L A U COLUMHUS, GEORGIA. TTS^IIE undersigned have associated tbem.xclves in the prac- lice of ifie LAW, utnler '.be above style, 'fiey uilialleixl the sittings of the Superior Courts, iu the following comm s to wit: Muscogee. Stewart. Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee, Sumpter, Marion. Talbot. Harris. Meriwether ,nd Macon, in Georgia. Barbour, Russell and A.’acou, Alabama; and .Iso ill the Chancery Cnurls ntClavtnn mid Monrumncrv VlaUama. J\MES II. CAMPBELL, Aug. 22.—34—tf. G. \V. B. TOWNS. MORUS MULTICATJLIS TREES. 8,°“ 10,000^*r" , .S' ■ ta * 1 ' 7 Apply ta y GIDEON Hot.SEY, 43 Sparta Ga JAMES \1. (10LSEY. • . .i, ,. . -I, ri ii , ft r ■i. ; Talhottou, Sent. 20 1839. 44 1- i. . — For lulftous fevers, sick headache, torpidity of the | ’ 1 bowels, and enlm-ge-mcnl of tbe spleen. Dr- Peters’ Bills are 37(0IJK iii,tilths alter date applicatii>n wili In made to ] kSL the llnnoralde the Infi-rioi Court <it Bike county. -xeeileni medicine. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney ofNevv Orleans, La.. POUTL’I'ON 4C.4JULTlV. , . ,, .. , . .. !IE citizens of Botiellon have again en.plovedr of :,s H ' "• ° r,| " i: * r . v , t,,r 1 *‘ i,v ** 10 sell one Recn-r of the institution, Mr. John- S. Dgraham, a I !'«‘ I •>«<!• Number two hundred and thirteen, in the vjj. I iwt*niv-firs: Dis»rin of L»*p, now Stewart coim- e—c-pecially in jaundice and yellow fever, from the JL'leiH* 1 Ms. I presume that on an average, I -rcseril e 100 V 1 secmi'J \< boxes m a monm . .» .. Kwirnri of a Idler from Or Pri-bard of IL dson. N. V , I«w»r.»f«mi. w,d be tr.vep bv ll.e Lector tn all be I - :j. l.-CitJ I whs a iv arc Dr. Jb-t rs was one of the j branches usually taught acad,-tinea and «<>l|, ges. In- ' , * be t cln in-sfs iu the I'nited St t :i td i* it isstini rhn' lit-j stroction will also l"‘ piv, it by a North,ru Ladv in lb, , i\ U 1 I l L, u.oifi! some,I v (from Ids inion k, w . tlut propel - I .mental hr; bes. The Ac uiemic tear will com- ! A LI. pet-sous .are cautioned not to trade for a certain Oct. !>, 1837. I have received ii.nclt assistance iu my prac. I ^ 0 f R ri|W „ University. The ei.i*,-,.s of this ... , , ‘" Se,,f: l.cearentiamnimous in employing Mr. Ingiahatn forth, j ' v, helot,gmg to Marv M. m is. Ilieeilmtate. .and confide,dlv rcc,limn nd lis serv icesto t Im* MARION M. HARRIS, Guardi.tu. Dec. 1't, 1S39 4(j 4m* ti.-s 1.1' lictfix am! drugs) ■ -, - an a ■■ >■ n m; licitte and f must acknowledge 11»t btx \ t;> i’t lu:!_v rc-|*oml t.. ,uy ,-xpcctutioii.s They -r< i'-ated rixi,.. ;-.r ediciue. and •effo,-: to ,,|it afire upo.-t tfie Cfi„a,i-l. tlje Bfivsiciao and the |*ti soplie- Extract of a letter from Dr 'V i :,-x of Cincinnan. Feb. 2, 1838—Your Tills are tfie mil,Nst iu their ,,par‘tioits, and yet most powerful in their effoets. of any that T have ever -tire on the first Monday in .Lttniary. Board and good accomoiodaiions can be ob'aihrd ill the most re>-pect;S||, lilies on reasonable te ms. The superior heal It' , Bow, lion, a nrl i 1 ' otllei we’I known ndv am ages, induce the indict lli nlije [Mit-lo will <-,i; im., alibn .l jntlrutitige. Fur 'it, i, r/.en.x ul B-twel'oh, dec 6 CHARLES JR WIN. wtf / X NOTE of HAND, payable bv ns to John Ran !>, or , arei, for the sum of Nine Thousand and Nine Hundred >,,liars, i tie tbe pie-, nt dav ol January. 184(1. I he cousi- , rati- n for vv lii< ft x-.nd Note was given having fixi ed. vv e do nt ttitettd paying unless cottit-eUed !>y la.v. HI Ri li M IMBERT 8. J A RED B. ROBERTS, Warrentuu, Ga„ Jan. 2, 1849. 51 3t- i sSL.i d . -