Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, March 03, 1840, Image 3

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ed through, repeating alter him nearly as I could catch them the following words.:' “J solemnly prem ise, to abstain from all intoxioating. liquors* and by my advice and example to persuade others to abstain also.” It has also been said that Mr. Matthew has reduced (he revenue on spirits in Cork alone to the extent of £lo*ooo. If he proceeds as successfully elsewhere as in Limerick, there can question but hall the distillers in Ireland will be obliged to give up lm<i-. ness.—Size. 7W. ffZ’ “ The Boston Notion." We would .just say to our friend of the B<shn Notion, that when he sends us again such a quantity of his notion, that he [ must loan us a wheel-barrow, to have the commodity brought to our ollice. It is itnposingon us too much to make us carry such a load. And more, just be good enough to send along a couple ol giralles to hold it up for us to read. W hat a paper ! Only three dollars a year! And full of the latest choice literature of the day. If that paper does not obtain } 100,000 subscribers during this year, “ then w rite us down”—but, hold, not us—but those who patronize ’ the nambv-pambv trash of other Northern literary papers—yes, write them down whatever yon please. This Notion is very good, and we shall hate ' reading matter enough from it, to employ our leisure j hours for three months. (EZ* We have received the fourth number of the Forsyth Gazette, in the almost incredible short time of seven days’ passage from Forsyth, Monroe county. But we do not believe the postmasters arc at fault. There is intrinsic evidence upon the face of the sheet, that it was published some days after it was dated. Il is a new paper, printed on medium size, and its terms, are three dollars per year. Send us your back num bers, and let us sec your maiden speech. the House of Representatives of Pennsylva nia, resolutions have been introduced, inviting Gen eral Jackson to visit that State, as the guest of the Commonwealth. MR. CLAY AT lIIS PRANKS. We discover that Mr. Clay has recently presented , an abolition petition to the Senate, from some old cod-1 ger in Ohio, and advocated the right of reception and discussion ; and an inquiry arose in our mind wheth er the whig papers at the South, w ould take him to task for the offence ? but so far, they lie close and keep dark. Now if the same petition had been offer ed by Mr. Calhoun, Col. Benton, Gov. Lumpkin, or any other member of the democratic party, what an; outcry would have been made. ‘‘Look ye there I” one would have exclaimed—“ Behold !” from another— “ The constitution violated !” from a third—“ The South betrayed !” from a fourth : and so on to the end of the chapter. But Mr. Clay may present as many abolition petitions as he pleases,and speak to his heart’s content, and in favor of reception ami discussion, and yet, there is no whig paper to raise the standard of opposition, or to tell it to the South that he is hostile to her rights and her interests. Verily, verily, there are many cro keil ways in the world. BANKS.—The number of .Banks in the United States, including branches, are 959. Those w hich, in 1839, suspended entirely, were 343. Partly sus pended, G 2. Those which did not suspend, 498. The number of banks which have resumed specie payments, 48. ff?" Robert M. Charlton, Esq., has been appointed Attorney of the United Slates, for the District of Georgia. CONGRESS.—In Senate, February 21st, Mr. Lumpkin presented a memorial of Zachariah Wil liams, and Robert W. Williams, praying for reim bursement of losses sustained by the appropriation of their property to the uses of the army in the late Creek war : which was referred to the Committee on Claims. TEA-TO TALLERS.—The English arc great tea-drinkers. It is computed that the average annual consumption of this herb, in different countries, is as} follows:—France, 230,000 lbs.; Germany, 2,000,-! 000 lbs.; Holland, 2,800,090 lbs.; Russia, 6,500,- 000 lbs.; United States, 8,000,000 lbs.; Great Bri tain, 38,000,000 lbs. , It is estimated, according to the latest advices from England, that the stock of tea at present in London, is 35,000,000 lbs. OHIO PENITENTIARY.—According to the report of the Directors of this institution the number of Convicts is 485. Os these, 154 are from the coun ty of Hamilton, in w hich Cincinnati is situated. The number received into the Penitentiary during the past year is 172. Tw’o thirds of the whole number of Convicts are young men under thirty, and one fourth are under twenty-one. There are but two females in the prison. The cash receipts of the institution for labor performed amounted to 852,210; and the ex penditures to 834,957. —At lit* re vide neo in Newton county, Decem ber 20, 183!), Mr. HEZEKI AH GATES, in the 83d yetu of hi* age ; a native of \ irginia, but lor many yeat* a resi dent of Georgia. He was a kind ami loving husband, and » tender and affectionate parent. He lias left a number of relative*, and a large circle of acquaintances to mourn their loss. He fought under the banner of Wasiii.xutox, and died as he lived, believing in the cause. He was a member of the Baptist church for a number of years, in w hich he .conducted himself a* a pious and wot th member. At the residence of Dr. Moon, in Newberry District. S.C., on the 22d ult., the Rev. WILLIAM M. KENNEDY, aged. 57 year*. He was taken with a violent lit of apoplexy, and » expired in a few minutes. 'I he Rev. Mr-. Kennedy has been a faithful laborer in the (itinerant) Christian field for 35 years—and was, no doubt,an instrument in the hand* of God, in converting score* to the Maviour. At the last Annual Conference of Mouth Carolina he was elected one of the Members of the General Confer ence; and this year for the ft-;t time in his life, was placed < upon the siijieraiiuatcd list. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. • il I c tlg e;* i lie Jia r fire I. M/UlCll 3rd. 1840. UOl'l’ON—From I to 61 routs. CAN 1)L1 IS—Tallow, 25; Sp >rm, 62 to 75. COFI EE—from 17 to 20. BAGGING—from 26 io 30. ■ L(H K Irom >3 to $9. MOLASSES—from 60 to 75. IKON—from 3io 9. OlL—Lamp, $1,75; Linseed, $1,62. BACON—Hums, old, 15; Shoulders and M idlings, old, 11. SALT—none in market. STEEL— r.n-lisli, IK; German, 16; Km-'ricnn, 12. SI GARS—from 11 to 15; 1.0af,.20 to 22. NAILS—Cut, 10. POTATOES—Irish, $6,00 per Id. C\S i ! XGS—IO cents. SHOT—In bugs, $2.50. MILLEDGEVILLE BANK NOTE TABLE. BANK BILLS RECEIVABLE AT THE CENTRAL BANK AND MILLEDGEVILLE BANK. All Sa\aunali Banks. Stale Bank and Branches. Commercial Bank of Macon. All Augnsta Banks. Ruckersville Bank. Georgia Bail Road Bank. Bank of ('olumbus. Iluwkinsvilk* Bank. Bank of St. Man s. Insurance Bank of Columbus. Brunswick Bank. Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Columbus. All the South Carolina Banks. Ocmnlgee Bank. Reeeixable in small amounts. Chattuhoorhio Rail Rond. “ “ ** L’NCI RRENT BILLS, NOT RECEIVABLE. Monroe Rail Road and Banking Company.’* Darien Bank mid Branches. Western I kink of Rome. Farmers Bank <>f Chuttahoochic. * Receivable at the Treasury. From the Augusta Constitutionalist* AUGUSTA BANK NOTE TABLE. (Tf* Specie is the bads for our quotations of Bank Noles, and Augus ta Citv Noles the basis tor Exchange. Mechanics’ Bank par. Agency Brunswick Bunk - par. All other Banks in Augusta are ala discount of from 5 to 10 pr. ct. SA VA.X NAH NOTES. The Bills of the Savannah Banks are from 3 to 5 per ct. discount. COUNTRY NOTES. Central Bank 6 8 dis. * Branches State Bunk 5 '«< 7 “ Brunswick Bank 6 8 “ St. Mary’s Bank 6 •a* 8 M Branch Central Rail Road Bunk, Macon 5 a 7 “ Branch Murine and Fire Insurance Bank 6 at 8 “ Georgia R;iil Road Bunk, Athens 6 'a 8 “ Milledgeville Bunk 8 at 10 “ Bank of Columbus 6 ® 8 “ Commercial Bank, .Macon 5 ■© 7 “ Insurance Bank of Columbus, Macon 5 'at 7 “ Planters and Mechanics* Bank, Columbus 8 a 10 “ Ocmulgcc Bank 8 <© IQ “ Monroe Rail Road Bank 10 'a) 12 “ Bank of Hawkinsville IQ Jo « Bank of Darien and Branches 15 - a *»() u Western Bank of Georgia t b jjq < <f . py <. Farmers Bank of Chuttahoochic f!a | e3 SOUTH-CAROLINA NOTES, Bank of Charleston Bank State of South Carolina *. *. *. *. . *. *. *. *. .par*. All other Carolina Banks from 2 to 5 pr cent, discount. 1 CHECKS—On New York, sight,7 toB pr ct prm. On Charleston, Ito U. prem. On Savannah, Ito 1J percent prem. Gold and Silver, 5 to 6 per cent prem, • AUGUSTA AM) SAVANNAH PRICES CURRENTS. CORRECTED WEEKLY. J i/gv/sto, | Savannah, FEB. 27. I FEB. 21. « T "" ’| ' " COTTON—lnferior to choice 5 a 81 I 5 a9l BAGGING—Best Hemp, 42 i>ieh 20 a 25 | J 8 a 22 Kentucky and Ante. Hemp 15 a 20 Cotton . 20 a 25 BALE ROPE 10 a 121 7 n lO OSNABURGS s „ 9 8 al2 TWINE .28 a 37; 18 a25 ’?> 3 45 a •>-! 1 02 sack. BACON 7 a 121 9 al4 LARD 10 a 12i a 13 Bl r’l’Eß—Goshen 311 a 37J 26 a 27 CHEI - —III Casks or Boxes 12J al4 10 al° MOLASSES 30 a45 23 a3O < 01'1 EE.. 10 als 114 al3 ' NAILS—Cut, Id. to 20d 3 a 81 I 3 PLOUGH MOULDS 6 a 7 LEAD—Pig and Bar 8J alO 7 a 8 SUGARS 7 a2O 8 al6 CANDLES—Sperm 48 a 00 [4B a 50 Georgia made 20 a 22 121 TALLOW 12J al4 13 al4 •UCE 3 [ a 5 2} a 3 SOAP—Vellow 8j a 91 6 a 81 MACKEREI 10 a 18 | 9 FLOUR 6 a 10 | 6j a 8 COLUMBUS, FEBRUARY 26.—Candles,tallow, mould, 18 a00; sperm, 45 a 50. Coffee, 14 a 16. Flour, Western, $6 a $3; Countr y $6 a $7. Fish, \o. I, Mackerel, sl2 a sl4; No. 2, $lO a sl2; No. 3,’ $9 a $lO. Hides, 7a 8. Iron, 7a 9. Load, bar, 9 a 10; Sheet, 121.’ Molasses, New Orleans, 37 a 43J; St. Croix, 43 a 15. Oils, Sperm, $1,25. Soup, 8 a 10. Spirits. Brandv, gal. $1 75 a $2 25* Ruin Jam. and St. Croix, $1,75 a $2,25 ; Now England, 'SB a 6 ’l’ Gm, Holland, $1 50 asl 75; Common, 58 a 62|; Whiskey, Monon.’ 87 a $1,00; Irish, $4,00. Sutrar, New Orleans, 10: St. Croix, 12 all* loaf, 20 u 25. Salt, $3,75 a$ 1 per sack. _ SAVANNAH, Feb. 21. Cotton: The transac tions for the pa t week have been extensive, and prices had advanced a little up to Friday, when we received later advices from Liverpool, by the ship Olive Branch, at this port, which caused a further decline olto $ cent per lb. on previous prices. The sales ol the week will reach upwards of 6,500 b.des, at prices ranging from 5 to 9,f —principally from 7| to 84. Freights: To Liverpool, LJd a Ijd per lb ; to Havre, lie a Igc ; to New York ;|c per lb; to Phi ladelphia, per lb ; to Boston, I|e per lb. AUGUS I’A, Feb. 27. Cotton. : Our Cotton market opened on Thursday in the same dull state as last noticed, and continued so up to Saturday, when we received accounts from Liverpool, via Savannah, tip to the 4th of January, which gave an advance on cotton ol J<l per lb., in that market. These accounts gave more animation to purchasers and sellers, and operations were freely entered into at an advance of J cent ou our last quotations on the middling and bet ter descriptions, and i; a .1 cent on fine qualities. The receipts for the past week have been light, and planters do not appear anxious to forward their cotton to market at present prices. Our stock is on Ihe decline, and every day diminishes it—it is about 28,000 bales at the present time. The sales from ware houses have been large this week, amounting to about 3634 bales. We quote inferior 5 a 6, middling 61 a 7J, fair 7;|; prime and choice, in round bales B.J, in square 84. MACON, Feb. 27. Cotton : Inconsequence of favorable accounts from abroad, out’ market, for the last few days has been somewhat brisker, and the sta ple has brought better prices. VVe quote from 5J to 74 extremes. Freight to Darien, by boxes, 82 75, and by boats, §3 per bale. .Uni! .Irranxentent. POST-OFFICE, MILLEDGEVILLE, FEB. 22, ISIO. NORTHERN MAIL-Dne dnilv nt HA. M. Closes dinlv nt 7 \ M SOI TH EltN—Diio duilv at 7P. M. ('loses daily lit 10 A M ’ SAVANNAH—Due didlv at 11 A. M. Closes daily nt II m' PI EDMONT—Due T.e ’ day, Tlnnvdm, & Saturday, at GP. AL (.'loses Sunday,Tiinsdav,& Thursday nt It P M HAWKINSVILLE—fVia Irwiim.iijdne Tuesday & Friday at II) A. M t'lo.a sou th,- s.iine days nr 11 A. M. NEWS' AN—(Via Covingion,) due Monday, ’Woilii.-.olnv, and Saturday nt lOP. M. Closes Sitiinlav. Monday and Tlmrsdav, at I) P. M. STANFORDVILLE—Due on Wednesday at GP. M. Closes on Mon day nr H P. M. RAM A 11-Due on Wednesday at 11 A. M. Closes at tho same time. JT G/-7-7C/-; HOUllti— Every day from son rise until sun set while opening and dosing of Mails. <>n Sunday the Office’ will l.e open between the hours of 12 and I o’clock. E. DAGGETT, P. M. DRESS MAKING. MILS. A. W. DOUCIN, of Philadelphia and lately from Charleston, RESPECTFL 1.1. Y informs the Lames of Mii.i.kihikvii i.k and it vicinity, that she inlands making thia place her permanent residence and may belbnml nt the GLOBE HOTEL, whore she is prepared to make tiptln , r DRESSES in tlm most FASHIONABLE STYLE, as she will at all limes be furnished with the LATEST NORTHERN ENGLISH, AND PARISIAN FASHIONS-. Mrs. D. hopes bv issi dtlity mid ntti-ution to tier limitless. Io merit a share of tlm patronage ol tlm Ladies of Mli.i.iamevit.r.K. Persons wishing their Diiksses done inn l.i-urr.h time are informed that limy must give timely notice of llio Min -. < >rd -r.s from tlm Country punctually attended to. Term > mod rate. Jutjnnry "8. 1810, 16' ‘ GEORGIA. ■ j A PROCLAMATION. BY IDS EXCELLENCY CHARLES .1. MeDONAL’A GOVER NOR, ,IX» CO A! .UANDEIMN CHIEI'’ OF THE ARMY AND NA\ Y OF THIS STATE, AND Till. MILITIA THERE OF. WM Al i i’.IJ I' AS I have receive ! eflieial information that a VW '!( KbICR wtts committed in I'l'inkiiit county. 011 the 23<l of I)i'eeml>ei'.lS:!!>.u|>oii the body of JOHN ENGLISH, i-y ho is a man between 'lie age of forty-live stud fifty years; the rise of six feet in height ; ralltei slender built; fair skin; blue eyes; and a large Ro man nose—who, it is represented has 11 d from justice. Now. tli t the said Moses Reese may bo brought to trial for the ofi’etico with w hich he is charged, 1 have thought proper to issue this, tnv proclamation hereby offering a oEcW3s’<ft 08* Tmv/AKL’JJ and SjoU t'i to titty person or persons who may tip prebend and deliver the accused to the sheriff or jailor of I'Tanklin county, at lite same lime enjoining and requiring all officers, civil and military, of this State, to be aiding and assisting in the arrostatiou and delivery, as aforesaid, of the said Moses Reese, if to be found within the same. Ci ven under my hand, and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in Miile Igoville, this 14th day of February, A. I)., eighteen hundred and forty, and of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica the sixty-foufth. ch irles j. McDonald. By the Governor: \VM. A. TENNILLE, Secretary of State. G 3t. GirORGTA. K PROCLAMATION. BY HIS EXCELLENCY CHARLES .1. MeDONALD, GOVER NOR, AND CO.UMANDEit lN CHIEF OF THE ARMY AND NAVY OF THIS STATE, AND OF THE MILITIA THERE OF. WHEREAS, 1 have received official information that a MURDER was committed in Liberty County, on the filth of November, 1839, upon the body of Wit,LIAM \\ ELLS by HAD.N’G* — w ho. it is represented, has lied from justice. Now, that the said'Levi Long may be brought to trial for the crime with which he stands charged, I have thought proper to issue this, tnv proclttma litin. hereby offering a JiSeWHS’d OfQlSe ElundreU llml S'Tiiiy t I any person or persons who may apprehend and deliver the accused to the Sheriff or Jailm of the Comity of Liberty; at th? same time enjoining and requiring all officers, civil and military, of this State, to lie aiding and assisting in tho arrest and delivery of the afore said Levi Long, if |o he found within the limits of the State. Given under tny han t and the groat seal of the State, nt the Capitol in Milledgeville, this 21th day of Fe bruary, 1810, and of tho Independence of the United States of America lite sixty fourth. Charles j. McDonald. By the Governor, YVM. A. TENNILLE, • Secretary of State. 6 3t. D'gscnirTioN. LONG is about 35 years of age. 6 feet high, weighing 175 pounds, stout and athletic, talks a great deai and particularly so whi n under the influence of spirits, much sunburnt, fair hair and blue eyes, and rather a good looking man. He is t eported to have been seen since the commission of this offence, in the neighboi hood of Coosav, hatchie, S. C. B§c sBz 3 s’2 a* tea* s, CJ e©a*?? is a. MILLEDGEVILLE, 17th February, IS4O. ORDERED, — That the following persons be, and they are hereby appointed, ABfiJS-DE-CAIHB* to the CO.M MAN DER-iN-CHIEF, w ith the rank of Coloild ; and that they be obeyed and respected accord ingly, to wit: WALTON EWING JOHNSON, of the County cf Richmoml. TURNER CLANTON, “ ’ Columbia ALGERNON S. BROWN, “ Hancock THOMAS .1. BURNEY, “ Monnin JOHN BONNER, « Greene.’ HENRY A. RAMSEY, “ Elbert. WILLIAM E. DEARING, “ Clarke WILLIAM TURK, Franklin JOHN W. ANDERSON, “ Chatham. EDWARD W. DELIGAL, “ Mclntosh. HERSCHIEL JOHNSON, “ Jefferson • BENJAMIN F. KEENE, “ Tasner THOMAS D. JOHNSON, “ Henrv ALFRED C. BOSTYVICK, “ Pulaski ELI.I YH MAT TON, “ Ware WARREN JOURDAN, “ Hall’’ GEORGE SMITH, “ JOHN M. Mi AFEE, “ I nninkin ABNER P. POWERS, “ B 1 ,'h HI «•! W LAWSON, •• . Houston. Jl'jJsSL I Ol L, ,l Monroe. WALTON ECTOR, “ Meriwether. SAMUEL C. CANDLER. “ Carroll ALEXANDER McDOl GALD, “ Muscoeee ERASMUS T. BEALL, Stewart ALEXANDER W. SNEED, “ Talhct ’ NEEDHAM W. COLLIER, “ Baker ISAAC B. PAYNE, “ Paulding. ROBERT O. USHER, “ Newt m THOMAS R. HUSON, “ Cas» WILLIAM E. CYItSON, “ Mnrrnv. SEABORN J. SMITH, “ Randolph. By the Coininandcr-in-Chief, BUNJAMI.X S. JORDAN, Ai<l tle-Camp. jOOUR MONTHS .afterdate application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Centt of Newton county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, (or leave to sell all the real estate bi longing to the e-tate of Martin Warren, dec’d for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. C. HAMILTON, Adm'r. AJJi UAIIREN, Adm’rx. Newton county, February 25. G dm GROCERIES, ET C , Fresh cod fish. loooib*. 30 boxes. No. 1 Scaled Herrings. 3001bs. Bologna Sausages. 4 blds. Smoked Beef. 10 firkins choice Goshen Butter. 20 boxes assorted Boston Pickles. 23 bbls. ? e , „ , 20 half bbls. $ f,es! ‘ Boner Crackers. 5 bbls. Pilot Bread, for family use. 200()lbs. Loaf Sugar, < 500 lbs. New York double-refined Loaf Sugar. 75 whole, half, and quarter boxes Raisins. 5 casks fresh Rice. 4 Ithds. prime St. Croix Sugar. 6 do. do. Porto Rico do. 20 bags old .lava Coffee. 25 do. Rio div. 2 bales soft-shell Almonds. 50 dozen Snuff, of various kinds. 50 boxes Soap. 50 Jo. 11 till & Son's Candles. 15 do. Starch. 10 do. Jesse Hare’s best Honey-dew Tobacco. 40 bbls. Jobs Taylor’s superior Cream Ale. 30 do. superior Ne.vaik Cider. This day received, and for sale, together with a good as sortment of other GROCERIES, by W. & J. NELSON, I’eb. I. (3) Augusta. MORUS MULTICAULIS TREES. B,°“ ** Apply to GIDEON HORSEY, 43 Sparla Ga fusl (' t lit ion. B. M . J A C M 8 O iW BESPECTFULLY tenders his services to lite Citizens of Milledgeville its a TEACHER of the PI AN O'- FORTE, FLUTE, am! VIOLIN. N. B. Mr. J. will attend to the tuning of Pianofortes. e.Ki r.i E.vcF.s. W. W. CULLENS, Esq. Rev. G. S. HILLYER. Milledgeville, Feb 11. (:j) j n s ||( IMM COTTON SEED. raijir. ger.ame 'ifwa.u cottox heed Im_ WARRANTED, just received and for sale by ’ !’<b.'’s. (5) 2t O. D. HAMMOND. IVERSON L. UAH RIS ATTORNEY AT LAW, . PJ illftlgeville., a a., REGI LABIA VI TENDS THE SESSIONS OF THE CIRCUIT COI IIP OF THE UNITED STATES UN SWANN til AND THIS PLACE. 07“ SEATON G. DAV, Attorney at Law, may be found constantly al my office, and it authorized to transact business for me during my absence, 5 ,| t . PUBLIC SALES FOR APRIL. | ’TwarSHal/S SAXJEiIT -•■ be iold al the Court llouse, ittsihe City of Milledge ville <m the FIRST TUESDAY in APRIL next, within the usual hours ol sale, the following property, 10 wit: One lot of laud, number fifty. (50,j in the second (2) dis ti nt ,d formerly 1 roup, now Harris comity, containing.two hunlted two and one hall acres; and one lot adjoining the low it ol Covmgton—Joseph S. Andeison and Cary Wood -—emit.lining five ai res, well imp. oved ; also, two negroes— Isaac a house carpenter, about 23 years of age ; and Noel, a man about_ t wenty-six years of agm ‘Levied on ns the. properly ol I homas Baber, to satisfy a ft fa. from the Sixth G'lieilit Court of the United States in favor of Browns and W ilsman, vs. i homas Baber. Property pointed out by the’ defendant. > Also, two lots tn the I own of Fort Gaines, numbers fifty six and one-hall, and fifty-seven. Levied on as tho ptoper ty ol John Dili, to satisfy tour li. fas. from the Sixth Circuit Com t of the United States for the District of Georgia; one in favor of Robins, Painter & Co., vs. John Dill ; one in favor of Barnard and Trull, vs. John Dill, p,. W. H .ndersou. and Simon Green ; one in favor of J. Forbush & Co , vs. John Ddl, B- \V. Henderson, and Sicton Green; and one in favor ol A 1 llington, I'oster & Co, vs. John Dill, B. W. Header son. Simon Green. Levied 011 as tile property of John Dill—pointed out by said Dill.* Also, one house and lot in the Town of b'lorencc. number two, and lot number five, itt block M. To satisfy a ft. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in favor of T. W. Smith & Co., vs. John D. Pitts. Properly pointed out by the def’eudatit. Also, one house and lot in the Town of Fort Gaines—oc cupied at this time by Simon Green, as his residence to sa- tisfy a ft. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in favor of Godard and Gleeson, vs. Simon Green. Property pointed cut by the deft ndaut. Also, four lots of land, uunib.sis seventy-eight, seventy nine, eighty, and eighty two, in the secbml district of for merly burly, now Baker county. Levied on as the property ot George VV. Collier. Also, eleven hundred acres of laud, lying in the county of Pulaski, adjoining Probet Collier and Milledge Thompson. Levied on as the property of Edward St. George. To satisfy four ft. fas from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia—one in favor of Fellows, Wadswotth & Co , vs. Collier an I Bracewell ; one in favor of D. & A Wesson & Co., vs Collier and Bracew ell ; one in favor of Parish & Co., vs Uollier andßracewell ; and one in favor of North, Manning & Hoyt. Property pointed out by James M. Bracewell. , Also, four lots ol I nd. number one bundled and thirty nine, one hundred and forty, one huitihed and forty-one, and one hundred and forty-tw the3d district of Dooly county. Levied on as the property of James <). Jelks. to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court ofthe U. States for the Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of Patish & Co., vs. Collier, Jelks & Co. Property pointed out by said James O. Jelks. Also two Lots of Land Numbers one hundred and nineteen and one hundred and twenty one, in the sixteenth District of formerly Lee now Sumter comity, and two Lots itt the tow n of Americus, Numbers 0 & 1 in square Letter 15. as the pro perty of John IL Blount, also two Lots of Laud N'umbets tw o hundred and seventeen, and two hundred and‘eighteen in the sixteenth District of formetly Lee now' Sumter coun ty, levied 011 as the property of John W. Cowart, to satisfy a li. fa. from the sixth Circuit Court of the United Stales for the District of Georgia in favor of Smith, Mills & Co. vs John 11. Blount & Co., property pointed out by John IL Blount. Also two lots tis land, Number thirty eight in the fifth Dis trict of Early county, and number thtee hundred and thirty eight in the first District ol formerly Early now Baker comi ty, levied on as the property of David Foster, to satisfy a ft. fa. from the sixth Circuit Court ofthe United States, for the District of Georgia, in favor of IL W. Goodwin & Co. vs. said David Foster. Also four hundred acres of laud lying in the county of Pike, adjoining James Dismuke, and Calcp Cartes, levied on as the property of William V. White to satisfy a fi. fa. from the sixth Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Georgia, in favor of .Miller, Ripley & Co., vs. said \\ liite, property pointed out by the defendant. Also one negro man, a good Black-Smith, by the name of Jesse, about forty-five years of age, levied on as the property of Laar: Low, to satisfy a fi. fa. fr mt the sixth Circuit Court ofthe United States, for the District of Georgia, in favor of Ketchum, Ferris and Woodward vs. Sanders, Low & Co. Also the Black Creek Mills and the lands belonging there to, leu miles from Milledgeville, ou the road leading from Milledgeville to Irwinton, known as Bond’s Mills, levied on ■ as the property of William F Bond to satisfy three fi. fas. ' from the sixth Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Ga .one in favor of Wm. Harris & j|. L. Roosevelt vs. Bond & Sheltield. one in favor of Fellows, Wadsworth •N Co. vs. Bond & Shellield, and one in favor of Spoflbrd, Haseltine & < <>. vs. Bond & Shi flield; property pointed cut by said Wm. F. Bond. POSTPONED Sz\LE. Also at the same time arid place, One lot of land, number three liumlred and eighty-one (381.)in the third district of fortnei ly E:u ly nowßakcr county, containing two hundred and fifty (2511) acres levied 011 as the property ol Horn ■. V> illiunts X’. Co. ’tnnl lot number one 1 hundred and sixty-two (Hl2 ) in th ■ fourth district, second section Cherokee, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres, levierl 011 as the property of John E. J . Hoi tie, to sa tisfy a fi. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States lor the District of Georgia, in favor ol Shackelford, Long i!c Co., vs said Horne, Williams & Co., property pointed out by the defendants. WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Marshal. March 3. 18-10 g tri SlaeriiT’s ON the first Tuesday in Ap if next, will be sold before , the Court House door, in the Town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit : ONE TRACT of LAND, containing three hundred three and three-fourth acres, more or less, in the fourth district ol originally Dooly, now Pulaski county, iiutnbcr not known, whereon Sarah Mock now lives, adjoining John Hughs and Berry 'lipper; levied on as the property ofthe estate of John Mock, to satisfy three ft. las. issued from Pulaski Su perior Court—one in favor of John Rawls; one in favor of B. C. Hough ; undone in favor of Nelson Clayton, adminis trator, vs. Sarah n'lock, administratrix. /Property pointed out by John Rawls. POSTPONED SALE. Also, on the first Tuesday in .April tfext, will be sold in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski comity, between the le'uil hours of sale, the following propertv, to wit: 'Fhe undivided fifth of the estate of Elizabeth Thompson, late of said comity, deceased, as follows :—ONE NEGRO WOMAN, named Nicy, about sixty years of age; ONE NEGRO WOMAN, named Caroline, about eighteen years ofage; ONI'. '! RACTof LAND, containing three hundred acres, more or less, adjoining P. Collier and E. St. George —number not. kimwr.. Levied on to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from tho Superior Court of said Comity, in favor of John Rawls & Co., vs. Solomon AV. Mitchell. Property pointed out by John Raw Is. Feb. 21, 1840. 6 JOSEPH CARRUTHERS. Sheriff. SuSC. ’K/ST’l'J' ' ,e s<l ’ l- 0,1 'be first Tuesday in May next, befo.e V W the Court House door, in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, within the legal hum- of.salc, the following pro icrty. Io « it; OtlC fl/Dt ofi Aiil situate, lying, and bl ing in the twenty first district ~t Pul.iski county, (originally Wii l.iosott.Y ami ko.Hvii in the plan of said district, by lot No. Soiri asjihe property of James Johnston, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the'day. HILLARY HENDERSON, Feb. 24. 1841). 6 Administrator. STElAl’fitlD fiom the subscriber, living at Culloden*, Monroe co. Ga.. sometime about the 10th May. instant, a brown bay Horse, seven years old, near five feet high—no particular marks recollected. Any information respecting the said horse will be thankfully received and suitably teward ed. N. G. SLAUGHTER. May 29th, 1839. 21 ts BILLIARD TABLES. TWO superior BILLIARD TABLES for Sale. Apply t« E. J. L. EASTER. Milledgeville, Jan. 21. • 52 ts. JOB PRINTING, Os all kinds Neatly Executed ul this Office. PUBLIC SALES THIS DAY. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALK. W -11 L he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, V t? before the Court House door in the city of Milledge ville, between the legal hours of sale, the follow itig property, to wit: Otto lot of land, number twenty five (25,.) in the first rlisi triet id Dooly county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, and lot number sixty-two, (1’2.) in the first district of formally Muscogee, now Macon county, contain!,ng two liumlred two amt a halt (21>2.'.) acres, levied on as the property ol Albert G. Bechatn, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Sixilt Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in favor ol Noith Manning and Hoyt. vs. Becham anti, ■ McMillen, property pointed out by said Bechatn. Also, lot of land number two hundred and tw'enty (229,)[ containing two hundred two and half (202 J acres, at»<( the west. Italf of lot number tw o hundred and twenty-eight, (228.) containing one hundred one anti ope fourth (l(ll j). acres—both in the second districrof formerly 1 louston, now; Crawford county—levied on sis the property of Willis S. ■ 'eotl. to satt-fy a fi. fa. from the Sixth < ircuit. Court ofthe United Stales for the District of Georgia, in favorof Abraham 1 tester, vs. said Scott, property pointed out by the defendant. Alsu, one lot of land number nine (9.) in the fourteenth district ol Lee county, containing two hundred two audit hall (292 J acres, levied on as the property'of David Gi.fJ’, to. satisfy a fi. la. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United, States tor the D,.strict 'of Georgia, in favor of North,. Man ning & Hoyt, vs. D. Goll &. Co. Also, one house mid two lots in the town, of Taswell, in 7he-. county of Mai ion, number forty-tw o and I'orty-tlire*. levicih mi ns the .propelly of James K. Colton, to satisfy a ft. fa. frofn the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for thta District of Georgia, in favor of Rose, McKnighl & Co., vs,, said Colton, property pointed out by the defendant. Jan. 2’7. IFF). (I) WM.,J DAVIS, Marshal. FlJi/ASKI COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES? - W LI, he sold on the first Tuesday in .March next, he-. V V fore the Court House door, in the tow 11 of Haw kins-, ville. Pulaski county, the follow itig property, to w it : Two negroes—one by the name jif Lett, a woman, about thirty years of age, amt Bill, a boy, about fifteen years oti’ age ; also three beds and furniture, live silting chairs, out oven, oik- pot, one tub, otic pail, coffee mill, coffee pot, oue axe, oue Bowie knife, and one pistol ; all levied on as the property of Million Sims, to satisfy fa. issuing from Pu laski Superior Court—The State of Georgia, vs. Marion, Sims. Also, one lot of land, situated, lying, and being in the. twenty-first district of old W illunson, now Pulaski, numbey otte hundred and seventy two; levied on as the propeity off Sp’encer Roach, to satisfy two fi fas. issued out of a Justice- Court til said county—John B. Bush, vs. Spencer Roach;-, levied and returned by a constable. A Iso, at the same lime and place, one hit of land, situated 1 ,, lying, and being in the twenty first district of old Wilkitison,. now Pulaski county, number fifty two ; levied on as the pro perty of Thcofilons W illiams, to satisfy three li. fa. issued oufr of a Justice Court of said county —Bttrcel B. Dykes, vs. Theoiilous W illiams; levied mt and rctmmedby a constable - - _Jmt. 21. 1810. JAMES DYKES. Sheriff. ’ HENRY"SI’EIUFF’S SALL\~ WLL be soldbefote the Court House door in the tow n >f McDonough. Henry County, on the Ist Tuesday in March next, between the lawful hours of sale, the follow-, iug property, to wit: Forty acres of land, a part of lot number 124, and twenty acres, a part of 10l number ninety-two [92 ] both lying in the. seventh district of Henry County, levied on as the property of Edward F. Knott and James Knott, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the luferioi Court of Henry C'onntv, itt favor of' William !!. White, bearer, vs. Edward I l '. Knot?, and J-atues. Kiiolt and James B. W eaver, securities ou the stay. One negro hoy, named Bruce, levied 011 as the property of Edward F. Knott, to satisfy a (i. fa issued from the Su perior Court of Henry County—The Executors of Abner- Davis. deceased, vs. Edward F. Knott, Thmnns D. Johnson,, security, and W illiam F Crew, security on the stay. JAMES L. HEAD, Deputy Sheriff., Jatiunrv 21, 1840. ALSO. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE- Two bales of cotton, two stacks of oats, ami four stacks of' fodder, levied oil as the property of J antes D. Roseberry, to. satitfy a distress warrant, returnable to the Superioi-Court of' Henry Comity, in favor of Alexander Lemon, vs. James D. Roseberry. Thirty acres of land, more or h-ss. a part of lot ntimltererf 209. in the first district of Henry Cotiqty, on the east side of' said lot, levied 011 as the propei ty of Elisha Crew, to satisfy ■ a fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court «»(' Henry County—. Levi Cloud vs. Elisha Crew, levied and returned to me hy a constable. Three hundred acres of land, more 01 less, w hereon Mrs., Ferrell now lives,' in the seventh Jistrie of Henry County* levied on as the property of Thomas II Ferrell, to sati.-Jiy'a, ft. fa. from Henry Inf.-rior Court in f'ayur of Burwell Rag-* land. vs. Thomas 11. I'm reil, W -Jliain F. Crew, security ta remunerate the security. Also, on. the Jirst Tuesday in April next. Sixty barrels of corn, more or less, three thousand pound* of seed cotton, more or less, two featherbeds, two bedsteads four qui ts, two counterpanes, two sheets, one large rose blanket, under beds, &c .levied on as the property of Nelson Bullard, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from theSiq erioy Court of Henry Courty, in favor of Joseph B. 'l’anner. One road wagon and tears, one gray mule, two brown mules, levied on the properly of John Fryer, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa' issued Irom the Superior Court of Henry County, in favor of W iliiatn 11. W hite. JAMES W’. ('ROCKETT, Deputy Sheriff. Jamiary2l, 1840. 1 ADM INISTR ATO R’S S A LE. T\WTLL be sold, on Saturday, the 23th day of Match vV next, at the Court House door in Sparta,the PERSO NAL PROPERTY belonging to the estate of EDW ARD \V. BROOKING, deceased: consisting of a hay Horse, about nine and Seal; military Coat ; three gilt Epaulets; gilt scabbard Sword, Chapeau. &c.; red silk Sash; pair of Holsters, &c- ; also it fine Rifle Gun. Terms—Small notes, with approved securities, due De cember 25, 1840. PHILIP T. SCHLEY, Jan. 25, 1810. (1) Adminisiratai. ADMIN 1 STR.iTOiI’S SALE. ’ TR77ILL bo sold at the late residence of Ita Nicholson, de ceased, mi Uhattoog-a River, Rabun County, on Wed nesday, the 4th of March next, all .the PERSONAL PRO PERT\ of said deceased; consisting of Horses, Cattle, Ilogs, Corn, I-odder, Plantation ’Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too numerous to men tion. Sale to continue front day to day, until all is sold. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. EDW ARD COFFEE, ) . „ JAMES LOVELES, X A, ‘ ,s ’ Clayton, .Lin. 10, LUO. 52 , 4 GREK YUI.I-: to 1111 order ol the llnnoinbli- the jnlerior Ctniit of Do -1 'A hulb County, will be sold on the first Tuesdui in Mun h next, at the Court house door in Snloin, Dude Countv, one first ruto lot of laud the Socket™ lot, and No. 223, iOtli di-trict, mid 4lh section, coiituinnigliiO acres, belonging to tlto tuition of Lhnni Mcßee, deceits id. Terms on the day. JOHN \V. MeUEi-i, (in.irdimt. Dpcrnibnr 24 .|3 if J. L * ‘ i HI Acts .tei-.-.unc to a.. ~iu,-i if,,,}.? < of i'ul.iski <’ountv, when for oi'diuan purpose?, \vill bo Hold 1 tbe first Tuesday in March ijcnl, before llie Court House* door in the ' Thivh of Hawkinsville, fifty acres of Land, lying ami being in the J2ih ! dislrictoi originally Houston, now Pulaski Countv, and known ns the place whereon Frederick Barber lived until hisdeiiili. Sold for the be nefit of the heirs ofJonathan Parker. 51 VPTHI VS McCOKMICK, Guardian. PccMnbcr 24. 48 SPRING FA Sill ON'S " FOR Tin: I.A DIES. MRS. DOUCI.nI respectfully informs the LADIES of MILLEDGEVILLE, that she has received her SPR IN G FASIII oN S. She has also received a variety of Collars, Hattdkerchicf*, &c.. which she offers.for sale cheap. Globe Hotel, Feb. 18, ( I) 3t ITNDER -dir of the Honorable toe Inferior Court of ) Jones Comity, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold to the higho-t bidder, on tlm First Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door, in ( Hintmi, Jones County, between tlm usii il hours of sale. t named RHODA, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and her about f wo years old, belong, ing to tlm estate of WILLIAM BARRON, deceased, ami sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. JOS.’ DAY, ) . , wilie barron, < ' <l ' ns ' 22d of February, 1840. 5