Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, April 21, 1840, Image 4

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ftsll THESE Pills are no longer among thoseof doubtful util ity. They have passed away from the hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and non stand before the public as hUh in reputation, and as exten sively employed in all parts of the United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering man. They have been introduced wherever it was found possible to carry them; and there are but few towns that do not contain some remarkable evidences of their good effects. The certificates that have been presented to the proprietor exceed twenty thousand ! upwards of five hundred of which are from reg ulsr practising physicians, who are the most competent judges of their merits. Often have the cures performed by this medicine been the subject of editorial comment, in various newspapers and journals; and it may with truth be asserted, that no medicine of the kind has ever received testimonials of greater value than ate attached to this. They are in general use as a family medicine and there are thousands of families who declare they arc never satis fied until they have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing Billions Fe vers, Feverand Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, En largement of the Spleen, Biles, Cholic. I'emale obstructions, Heartburn. Furred Tongue, Nausea. Distension of the Stom ach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhcea, Flatulence, Habitual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite. Blotched or sallow Complex ion. and in eases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their op eration, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. From Dr. Eli Todd, late President of the Medical Society, of Connecticut, and Principal of the In sane Hospital, at Hartford, dated September 8, 1828. MY personal acquaintance with Dr. Joseph Priestly Pe ters, together with the very favorable impression of his talents ami his character, derived from his friends, have sat isfied me that he is w ell entitled to the medical honors he re ceived at Yale College, and that the public may safely con fide in his integrity and skill, in the exercise of his profession. The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a highly respectable Planter of Wake County, N. Ca., March 3d, 1838. Dr. Peters—Dear Sir. —By request of your agent, Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the almost mi raculous effects of your pills; and I would add, that you ■may make use of them, in connection with my name, in any maimer you deem proper, I speak of their merits fiorn ex perience, as I and my family have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great are the benefits we have received from them in general, tint I would rather pur chase them at leu dollars a box than have my house without them. I will not enumerate the aflliciious they have reliev ed us of; but I can assure you they were many, and of very opposite natures, which has fully proved to me that your ■medicine is a simple puiificr of the system, and therefore ■equally the enemy of every disease. I will mention one ease. I have a sister who had been for a long period severely as Dieted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the •verge of the grave. She was attended by the most eminent physicians that money could procure ; but all their efforts to restore her to health, or even to mitigate her sufferings wete fruitless ; and accordingly, we all considered her immediate death as inevitable. By good fortune, however, as she was jn this situation, expecting every day to be her last, your ■pills were introduced into my family, ami so speedy ami pal-, pable were their effects that three doses visibly relieved her, and in less than three mouths she was perfectly restored to ■health. The case. I and all who were w itness of it, but (more especially the suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to miraculous; and yet I could mention many more of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills were equally suc cessful in rescuing the patients from the jaws of death. Need i add that the popularity of your medicine amounts to enthu siasm in this section of the country ? But this I presume you know from the immense quantity you dispose of. I may mention, however, that notwithstanding its general use, I never heard an individual complain of its effects. My resi dence is 12 miles from Raleigh, on the road to Fayetteville. I am with sentiments of regard, your ob't servant. a. g. banks. To Dr. Peters,—Sir —for upwards of fifteen months, I have been cruelly afflicted with Fever and Ague; ami during the time could find nothing—though I had applied to every thing that gave mo any thing like permanent relief. Al length, however, your pills were recommended to me, by one of our best physicians, and 1 am most grateful and happy in being able to add, that 1 had scarcely used two boxes m hen 1 found that they had restored tne to perfect health Since then, various members of my family have used them with equal success—and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you of the fact, and to request of you to publish this certificate, as I am anxious to add my public testimony to the almost miraculous virtues of your unrivalled medicine. TIIE ODOR E JAMES. Augusta. Ga. Feb. 10, 1339. Communication received from the eminent Dr. J. 11. Ir win of Florence, Georgian Dr. J. P. Peters—My Dear Sir—On the night of the 11th inst , I was called in great haste to the house of a fellow cit izen, (Mr. Lee,) where I found h's son laboring under a most alarming attack of Cynanche Tracnealis (Ctoup) and appa rently beyond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for tune, however, I had in my pockets a broken box of your pills—four of w hich I administered, with such immediate happy effect that in a few minutes my patient was at ease, and out of danger. This case, in connection with my name is at your service—and I have the pleasure to inform you that your inestimable medicine is in such great favor with the fac ulty here, that I believe there is nut one of them who does .not use it in his private practice. Yours most respectfully, March 13, 1839. J. IL IRWIN,M- D. Extract ftom a letter written by Dr. Francis Bogart, of ■Providence, R. L, Dec. 17, 1838.—Peters’ Pills are an ex cellent aperient and cathat tic medicine.those effects being pro duced by the differences of the quantity taken, and are deci dedly superior to Lee’s, Brandreth’s or Morrison’s Pills. Extract from a letter written by Dr. Hopson o Bangor, Maine, Jan. 9, 1839. They are a peculiarly mild yet efficient purgative medicine, and produce little, if any, griping or nascau. I have prescribed them with such success in sick •headache and slight billions fever. Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of Burlington, V|., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recommend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no case dangerous, family medicine They arc peculiarly influential in costivencss and all the usu al diseases of the digestive organs. Extract of a letter from Dr. Edw. Smith of Montreal, U. C-, Sept. 27, 1836,—1 never knew a single patent medicine that 1 could put the least confidence in but Dr. Peters’ Ve getable Pills, which are really a valuable discovery. I have no hesitation in having it known that J use them extensively in my practice, for all complaints, (and they are not a few) which have their source in the impurity of the blood. Extract of a lettci from Dr. Dye of Quebec L. C., March 6. 1837. For billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of the bowels, ami enlargement of the spleen, Dr. Peters’ Pills are an excellent medicine. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney of New Orleans, La., Oct. 9, 1837. I have received much assistance in my prac. tice—especially in jaundice ami yellow fever, from th<- use of Peters’ Pills. 1 presume that on an average, I prescribe 100 boxes in a month Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson, N. V., June, 3, 1836.—1 was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the United States, and felt assured that lie ■would some day (from his intimate knowledge of the proper ties of herbs and drugs) produce an < Ificienl medicine, and 1 must acknowledge that bis Vegetable Pills fully re-pond to my expectations They are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist, the Physician ami the Philosopher. Extract of a letter from Dr. Wttincs of Cincinnati, Feb. 42, 1838—Your Pills are the mildest in their operations, ami yet most powerful in their effects, of atty that 1 have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their ac tion mt the chyle, and hence on the impurities ofblood, is ev idently very surprising. Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836.—1 am in the daily habit of proscribing them, (Peters' Pills) and they in nearly all cases answered my purpose. 1 have discarded other medicines, some of them very good ones, in their favor. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 1, 1837. Dear Sir—l have made frequent use of your Pills in the incipient stage of billious fever, and obstinate constipa tion of the bowels; also, in the enlargement of the spleen, ehionic diseases of the liver, sick headache, general debility, and in all cases have found them to be very effective. J. D. BOYD, M. D. Meckleng burg Co. Va., Feb. 7, 1837 Having used Dr. Peters’ Pilis in my practice for the last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, billions fevers, and other diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver. They are a safe and mild aperient, being the best article of the kind 1 have ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT, M. D. These much approved and justly celebrated Pills, are sold wholesale and retail, at New York prices, and by all the princi pal Druggists throughout the United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and the West indies. Retail Price, 50 cents per box, w holesale price §4 per dozen. For sale by ISAAC NEWELL, and Dr. POWELL, Milledgeville, Georgia. 21 ly JList of Eel levs REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE AT MILLEDGEVILLE.GA. APRIL 1, 1810. A. Allen. Susan Allen, Mary Ann Allen, Anderson W. Ambler, John Anderson, James S. Avery, Thos. T. IS. Bartlett, Henry, Butts, Sarah Baskerville, John A. Butts, J. L. Belt. L. C. Blake, Juo. T., 2 Brown. E. D. Berry, Charles Beck, William Baxter, Andrew Barnes, Geo. Brantly, Wm I l '. <D. Collins, Margiana Cone, Mary Clem, Mary Cade, Juiia A. Crane, S. 1)., 2 Chambers. Wm. 11. Clark, Alfred, Cook, W. A. Colting, Jno. R., 2 Chapman, B. S. Clifton, Daniel Cumming, David Cox, Jesse, 7 Collins, W m. F* Doyle, Mary Dupont. Etnaly A. Desmukes, Delila Dickerson, Susannah Dickerson, W. B. Day, Jno. B. Dwughty. W. A. Densler, Robt., 2 Doucin, B. F., 2 Davis, Thos. 11. Davis, Wm. G., 5 D’Lyon, Leonora Davis, Wm. Doney, T. D. Derdeu, M. Duncan, C. E. Eaton, Sewel Erquart, Martha Evens, Walter Etheredge, G. B. Ells, N. F. Fairer, Jesse Fanning, F. D. Franklin, L., 3 Fuller, Wm. 11. Fuller, Isaac Foster, N. G. G. Green, Louisa Green, Joseph Greenwood, N. Gaither, IL B. Googins, J no. Grant, Joseph Goodenough, W. Geno, Jno. El. Ilaiper, Eliza Hall, Lydia Holly, Elizabeth Hall, Rebecca Hurt, Sarah Haywood. W., 3 Hillmer, Janies Ilarrcndon, Jno. Hobby. M. .1. Iloward, Thos. A. Hill & Atwater Hendee, Homer Hall, James B. Eammond, M. L. Hicks, L. F. Hull’. Jno. Hinkley, W. Herrington, C. 11. Ilincs, B. F. Hudson, Hampton Hodges, John C„ 2 Harris, Clark M. Hunter, John C. Haddock,A. J. Johnson, Sarah, 2 11 LA PATSTTE HALL. MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. FEFUIE undersigned having taken this Establishment, and JK_ fitted it up as A House of Public Entertainment, it is now open, under the superintendence of COLONEL THOMAS HAYNES, who will spare no exertions to render it worthy of a Liberal Patronage. The favorable location of the Ptcmises, with the admira ble construction of the House, for comfort and convenience, are considerations which recommend it to the attention of travellers and visitors. P. L. ROBINSON. 17th March, 1840. 8 ts. GEORGIA A G RI C U LT U R A I. REPOSITORY. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. Corner of Jones and Cutmning streets, first corner above the ruins of the Planters’ Hotel. rrai HE subscribers offer for sale a large and extensive as ” sortment of Agricultural Implements, comprising all that is required to stock the most extensive plantations; Ploughs, Wood’s patent, Freeborn, Davis’, Howard’s, dou ble mould board, &c.; Cultivators, for corn and cotton ; Har rows of all kinds and sizes, Wheat Fans; Watkins’ patent and Dutch Cylindrical Straw Cutters, of different sizes; Corn Shelters; Corn and Cob Crackers; Thrashing Ma chines, Horse Powers; Turning Lathes, Tyre Bending Ma chines, &.c. Our //iOiVand BRASS FOUNDRY is now in complete operation; having a largo stock of materials, and first rate workmen, we arc aide to furnish all kinds of Castings, &c. of a superior quality at short notice. trw-tf.—4o Oct. 29, 1839. ROBERT PHILIP & SON. JOB PRINTING” Os all kinds Neatly Executed at this Office. I Jewett, Mr. Johnson, Hardy | John, Andrew i Jones, J. V. j Jenkins, T. S. | Jones, 11. W. Jolley, Esq. | Jordan, J. A. j Jenkins T. W. ! Jones, VV. & W. K. Knight, G. Kimbrough, 11. Lumpkin, C G. Little, Mary, 2 Lamar, J. A. Lloyd, T. E. La Conte, W. Lataste, A. G , 2 .11. McNees, J. P. McGehee. J. W. Moore, W. B. Malone, Pompy Miller, J. J. 1 McCombs, James ( McGar, Edward I Malone, Nat. I Miers, Mial ■ Moore, J. J., 2 i Miller, J. N. Moore, L. W I Miller. Wiley’ McGehee, N. .Morgan, N. A. j Nelson, R., 2 Neely, .1. J. j Nicholson, A. L. Napier, W. T. j Norman, W. I Nusom, James E*. Prosser, J. 0., 3 Parckhurst, C. , Pemberton, F. ' Pryor, P. ■ Pullan, R. Page, Robart | Page, W., 2 . Pool, Claborn l Porter, Mr. <1- Qumo, John R. Ross, James I Roberts, Spencer Reed, Templeton Rush, Jackson, Robinson, R. IL Roberts, Samuel S. Shin holster, M. E. Simonton, J. R. Smith, John Stone, L. M. Steward, W. A. Spights, Levi Stafford, M. , Stiles, W. 11. Smith, Cincinatus . Smith, J. IL I T. I Tompkins, Sarah ' Tomkins, W. F. Thompson, J. W. , Tanner. R. i Tend, 11. M. Tucker. D. T., or D. M. Tankard, J. M. Tatum, 1). V. Varney, L. w. Willis, Penina. 2 Worsham. L. Warner, Mary Walker, Duncan Wiley, L. M. Williams. J. T. Warner, B, F. White, Steel, 2 \\ hitter, A. E. Wood. T. M. Ward, John Wever, Wiley G. VV., J. j Woodall, Thomas | Youngblood, Sarah A. i Young, T. E. DAGGETT, P. M. PUBLIC SALES FOR MAY. UNITED STATES MARSHALS SALE. Will he SOLD before the Court House door, in the City of I Milledgeville, on thy FIRST TUESDAY in MAY next, within the legal hours of Sale, the following PRO- j PERTY, to wit: "IWriNE GOLD LOTS of LAND, containing forty acres! each, in the Twelfth District of the First Section of formerly Cherokee,but now Lumpkin County,being numbers 925, 951. 1027, 1030, 1055, 105(1, 1079,1080. 1081, and LOT number 723, in the Twenty-first District, First Section, in said county; also, ELEVEVTOWN LOTS in the Town of Dahlohuega, being numbers 61, 70. 79, 81. 83, 84, 86, 87, 91,92, and 131; and THREE NEGROES—WiIIiam, a negro man, about twenty-five years of age , Polly, a mulatto woman, about twenty years of age; and Fred, a boy, about I six years of age : Levied on as the property of John Choice, to satisfy three ft. fas. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia—one in favor of Weed and Fannin, vs. John Choice &Co.; one in favor of William M. Tileston &Co.,vs. John Choice, one of the firm of Choice, Harbin, & Co. ; and the other in favor of Henry B. Gleeson, vs. Choice, Harbin, & Co. Also, ONE HOUSE and LOT in the Town of Rome, known as the GLOB E T A V E R N, occupied at pre sent by Davis Reynolds: Levied on as the property of George W. Tuggle, to satisfy a ft. fa. from the District Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in favor of the United States of America, vs. George W. Tuggle, John J. McNiel, ami James Fitzpatrick. Also, ONE LOT in the Town of Perry, containing ONE HALF ACRE of LAND, with a good Store House, and other Buildings thereon-—bounded on (he south by McGehee and Felder; on the etjst by Kelly and Rice; and on the north-west by the Court House square; Levied on to sa tisfy a fi. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia, in favor of Lerov M. Wiley, Parish, & Co., vs. J. J. Scarboiough & Co. Pro perly pointed out by J. J. Scarborough. March 28,1840. if. WM. J. DAVIS, Mashal. Pulaski SlicrilT’s Sale. Will be SOLD, on theFIRST TUESDAY in MAY next, before the Court Utilise door, in the Town of Hawkins ville, Pulaski County, within the legal hours of sale, the following property,fo wit: ONE LOT of LAJD, No. One Hundred and Ninety eight, in the Foutlli District of originally Dooly, now | Pulaski county : Leviel on by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from | a Justice’s Court, in faittro Thomas D. Johnson, James L. Jones, and Jonathan M Peck, vs. James Morgan—levied on I and returned to me by aconstable. , Also, TWO LOTS cf LAND, situated, lying, and being ' in the Twentieth District of originally Wilkinson, now' Pu laski county, Lot No. Two Hundred and Eighty-one, contain | ing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less ; No. Three ! Hundred and Fifteen, centaining two hundred two and one ; half acres, more or less: Levied on as the property of j Samuel C. Harrison, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Jus ; tice’s Court of Pulaski county, John Mcßee vs. Samuel C. : Harrison—levied on and returned tome by a constable. Also, ONE LOT of LAND, lying, and being in the j Fourth District of origjually Dooly, now Pulaski county, I number not known, but Known as Robert N. Taylor’s plan- I tation ; lying on the waters of Big Creek ; containing two hundred two and one-hllf acres more or less: Levied on as the property of RobertN. Taylor, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Pulaski Sttpeiier Court, in favor of Washburn & Lewis, vs. Halsted. Taylor, & Co. Also, a NEGRO WOMAN, named Dicy, about forty years of age : Levied on as the property of Robert N. Taylor, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from Pulaski Superior Court; Washbuin & Lewis, vs. Halsted, Taylor, and Co. Property pointed out bv Brayant W. Collier. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, ONE DARK BAY HORSE: Levied on as the pro perty of W illiam t ’ermafty, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from i Columbia Superior Court, in favor of George W. Crawford, vs. James Germany and William Germany, principal, and Henry Delby, security. Property pointed out by Bryant W. Collier. 12 JOSEPH CARRUTHERS. Sheriff. Ae3mißiisti*ators Swle. an order <rf die Honorable the Inferior Court of xLJ Jones County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold to the highest bidder, on the First Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door, in Clinton, Jones County, between the usual hours of sale, JVJE&ISO named RHODA, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and her CBSIBj about two years old, belong ing to the estate of WILLIAM BARRON, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. JOS. DAY, 7 . . WILIE BARRON, $ 22d of February, 1840. 5 Adßßziissstrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door, in the town of llawkinsville, Pulaski county, w ithin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One ol* Laasd, situate, lying, and being in I the twenty-first district of Pulaski county, (originally Wil kinson.) and known in the plan of said district, by lot No. i 282. Sold as’the property of James Johnston, late of said ! county, deceased, for the hem fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day. HILLARY HENDERSON, Feb. 24, 1840. 6 Administrator. L(t:id sltiaitfif. THE undersigned, who resides in Randolph County, and w ho is extensively acquainted with that Section of the I State, will EXAMINE LANDS in EARLY ami RAN DOLPH, and ascertain their location, value, and the price for which they can bo sold, for the SMALL COMPENSA TION of TEN DOLLARS. Persons wishing to avail themselves of his services, will address him at Fort Gaines, post paid, and may rely upon his prompt attention to their business. J. G. GILBERT. March 31, 1840. 10 ts. I'ine Siorsc. AMATEURS on the TURF can have an excellent op portunity of breeding ftom the fine II O R S E £WK RA E E», a five year old this Spring: got by the celebrated RACE HORSE OtjS* SB EK <»Mt ot distin guished RACE MARE. E M ERA LD will occupy Ardrew’s Stable, near the Milledgeville Race Track, the ptesent Spring. He is of the finest size and appearance, and was a most promising mover on the Turf, but from distemper when three years old, became injured in the throat, and could not longer be trained. He will stand under the care cf Mr. Parmer. 7 ts It E Ilf » E E K WILL stand the present season in MACON,at the new LIVERY STABLE of JAMES P. CAREY, at the CORNER of THIRD and WALNUT STREETS; and will be let to Mares at S4O the season, and S6O to insure. KeindCCT was sired by the celebrated IIENRY, the competitor of ECLIPSE; his dam, SPORT’S MIS TRESS, by HICKORY (son of imported WHIP;) his gran dam, MILLER’S DAMSEL, the dam of American ECLIPSE; she by imported MESSENGER; great great gran dam the imported Mare bv POTOXAS ; great great great gran dam by GIMCRACK: SNAP DRAGON, by SNAP REGULUS . BARTLETT’S CHILDERS ; IIO NEYWOOD’S ARABIAN, out of the TWO TRUE BLUES. Ste Turf Register. For fut titer particulars refer to printed bills. March 5. 8 ts. ~GEITEELAL AGE IT CT. rsniF. S U B S C R I B E R renews the OFFER of his HL SERVICES Io his Friends and the Public, as a E- HtfKE •!&€!BiJVT 1 >u this place. He will AT TEND to the RENEWAL of all N O T E S that may he entrusted to his care in the CENTRAL BANK, for the customary FEE of ONE DOLL\R for each RE NEWAL. Also, to the 'I’AKING OUT and forwarding A’’ F « M f fi for FIFTY CENTS EACH. He will also make MAPS of the vatious DISTRICTS in the several LOTTERIES, and give a NUMERICAL LIST of the DRAWERS of the LOTS at the CUSTOMARY PRIC E. All letters (post paid) will meet with prompt attention. CHARLES E. RYAN. Milledgeville, April 9, 1840. 12 ts - CITATIONS. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. WHEREAS James E. McElveen applies for letters of dismission as administrator of the estate of Edmund Burnsides, deceased. These arc therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said decaased Io file their objec tions in terms of the law, otherwise the applicant w ill be en titled to a discharge as aforesaid. Witness, the Hon. Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 4th day of Septem ber 1839. ELI KENNEDY, Clerk C. O. Oct. 15. 38—mGrn NO TI CE. W,5/ r HERE AS Thomas B. Stevens applies for letters of v V dismission as Administrator on the estate of MIL LEDGE STEVENS, late of Pulaski County, deceased: These ate to cite and admonish e.ll and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any exist, before the first Monday in July next, why said letters should not he granted. JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. Jan. 7, 1840. 51 notlce? Hawkinville, February 13, 1839. WHEREAS Robert Williams. Administrator de bonis non, on lite estate of David Fitzgerald, late of Pulaski county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. 0., 5 Pulaski Cawily. GEORGIA, Montgomery County. WHEREAS, William C. Phillips, Guardian for L. B. Thompson, (minor) applies to tne for letters dismis sory from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor to be and appear al my office within the time pro scribed by law, to show cause if any they have why the said Letters dismissory should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this Bth day of Jan., 1840. FARQUHARD McRAE, Dept. C. C. Jan 21, 1840. 52 m6m GEORGIA : ) GEORGE BRAI- NERD applies for letters of Ad l tdasht County. n) ; n i stial i O n 01l t h e ESTATE of JOHN DESHAZO, late of said County, deceased. These ate, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any, w hy said letters should not issue. Given under my baud, this 20th day of March, 1840. 10. JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. ~ Notice?" “H" OST, or MISLAID, so that I cannot find it, a PRO jl J MISSORY NOTE, given me by Samuel Slade, for FIFTEEN DOLLARS, payable on the First of March, and dated sometime the last of December, or First of January last. Ail persons are hereby cautioned against trading for said Note; and the Maker from paying it to any person but myself. JOSEPH G. RAINES. March 20th, 1840. 10 ts. JPeiiileHtiartf Georgia. BOOK KEEPER’S OFFICE, March 28th, 1840. ALL Persons INDEBTED to this Institution, pre vious to the Ist day of January last, are hereby noti fied, that unless their Notes and Accounts are satisfactorily arranged in SIXTY DAYS, they will be placed in the hands of an Officer for COLLECTION, and sued to the first Court. THOMAS 1.. ROSS, 10 ts Book Keeper. ‘ TOW "¥WBi 3 ' CHEAP ENOUGH. AFRESH SUPPLY, just received. 15. 12. 3t. NEWRLL. ~ CLOTHIITG _LOW. AN ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER AND OTHER miw mu (LoiJii.xii, ON CONSIGNMENT, which will be SOLD / at AUGUSTA PRICES, to ensure a speedy sale. The subscriber is also constantly receiving large supplies of FS&ESU GROCERIES, Os a superior quality, which are offered very low. D. A. CHITTENDEN. Milledgeville, April 7. 12 2t. LAW. 11. R. Wzlßl> Has resumed the prac t i c e of l a w , and w ill attend the SUPERIOR COUR'PS in the CHA TT AllO O CIIIE CIR C UIT. When not absent on business, may be found at his Planta tion. twelve miles south-west from Starkesville, in the Twelfth District of Lee County—his address at the latter place. March 31. 10 st. ~C A M P B¥LL & TOWNS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA 5V COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE undersigned have associated themselves in the prac tice of the LAW. under the above style, they will attend the sittings of the Superior Courts, in the following counties to wit: Muscogee, Stewart, Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee, Sumpter, Marion, Talbot, Harris, Meriwether and Macon, in Georgia. Barbour, Russell and Macon, Alabama; and also in the Chancery Courts at Clayton and Montgomery, Alabama. JAMES IL CAMPBELL, Aug. 22.-34-ts. G. W. B. TOWNS. coTrt~oe~ MARCH, ADJOURNED TERM, 1840. GEORGIA. ) it is made the duty Baldwin C<mnty.\ ” 0^ 1 t, I ’ i ?- C ? u,,t eL S against all defaulting EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, and GUARDIANS, who shall fail to make annual Returns of the state and condition of the Estates with which they are severally charged, and it ap pearing to the Court that many such are so in default, and have been for many years; it is, therefore, Ordered, That all such defaulting Executors, Administra tors, and Guardians, make RETURN of the STATE and CONDITION of the ESTATE they manage respectively, on, ot before, the next regular Term of this Court, (first Monday in May next,) as in default therein they will bo dealt with, indiscriminately, according to law. in such cases made and provided : And it is further ordered, That the Clerk have this Order published twice a mouth, in one or more of the puldie gazettes of this place, until the next regu lar Term aforesaid, A true extract from the minutes, CHAS. W. CHOATE, Clerk, Couit of Ordinary. Milledgeville, March 17, 1840. 8 s. tn. t. d. HURLS MUI/riCAULIS TREE& Appyto 7 GIDEON IIOLSEY, 411 Sparta Ga revocation; To all whom it may concern : [DO hereby CANCEL and REVOKE each and till Pow ers of Attorney, which I have heretofore made and given to Green G. Grab in, and to Frederick L. Boman ; and 1 do hereby notify the public, that I will not ratify or abide atty thing or act w hich they may door perform by vir tue of said Powers of Attorney. MOSES L. BOMAN. 1 lawkinsvile, Ga., February 1, 1840. (3) ts MONTHLY notices. Months after date, application will be made to the - Honorable the Inferior Court of Jones County, when sitting as « Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the REAL ESTATE cf PHILIP CATCHINGS, late of said county, deceased. CHARLES HUTCHINGS, Adm. „ •’ !l iL’ y 29 ’ 184 °- (2) MENOLR MONTHS afterdate application will be made to fl? the honorable the Inferior Comt of Newton county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the .state of Martin Warren, dec’d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. C. HAMILTON, Adm’r. AMY WARREN, Adm’rx. Newton county, February 25. 6 4m Months after date, application will be made to ' the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefferson County, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the ESTATE of ROBERT LOWRY, deceased. W. R. LOWRY, Louisville, Match 14, 1840. 8 Guardian. FOUR Months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of DeKalb county, when silting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to SELL the REAL ESTATE of the heirs of BENNET SORICELS, late ofDcKalb county, deceased. B. B. AVERY, March 6th, 1840. 10 Guardian of the Minor Heirs. FOUR Months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson County, for leave to SELL the ONE HALF of LOT OF LAND, Ho. in the 3d District of originally, now Sumter Comity, as the Property of Marvanne Elizabeth Shepherd, a minor. ' JAMES IIASTON, March 2, 1840. 10 Guardian. BRANCH BANK DARIEN,? Milledgeville, 27th March, 1839. $ AT a meeting of the Directors of thisßank, this day it was Resolved, That in consequence of the suspension of the Branch Bank of Darien at Savannah, it is advisable that this Branch suspend payment for the present. The Cashier begs leave to say to the bill holders of this Branch that they need be under no apprehension in relation thereto, as the assets of this Branch are more than ample to meet allits liabilities. Resolved, That this Bank will pay an interest of seven per cent, upon all sums of one hundred dollars and over depos ited in this Bank, of the bills of said Bank during the sus pension. By order, 10—ts J. R. ANDERSON, Cashier. Executive Department, Ga, MILLEDGEVILLE, 14th February, 1840. 'S”TPON the petition of Abner Robinson, for the orphans of M_J WILLIAM PEARRIS, of Harris’ District, Columbia County, shewing that they are the legal drawers of Lot Number 80, in the 24th District, 2d Section of Cherokee; that said lot of land has through mistake been granted to William Parris, orphan, of Harris’ District, Columbia County, and that said grant cannot be produced at this De artment for correction. Ordered, That unless sufficientcause be shewn to the con trary, within six months, an alias grant do issue to WIL LIAM PEARRIS’ orphans, the rightful drawers of said lot; and that this order be published in one of the public gazettes of this State for six months, previous to the issuing of said alias giant. JAMES U. HORNE, (4) 6m Sec. Ex. Depart. AN ACT to alter the 3rd, 7th, and 12th sections of the first article, and the Ist, 2d, and 3d sections of the 3d article, and the 15th section of the 4th article of the Constitution of this State. Whereas a part of the 3d section of the Ist article of the Constitution is in the following words, viz. : The Senate shall be elected annually ; and a part of the 7th section of the Ist article, is in the following words : The Represen tatives shall be chosen annually ; and a part of the 12th section of the Ist article is in the following words : The meeting of the General Assembly shall be annually : A.x n whereas a part of the 3d section of the 3d article is in the following words : There shall be a State’s Attor ney and Solicitor appointed by the Legislature and com missioned by the Governor, who shall hold their office for the term of three years; and a part of the 15th section of the 4th tirticlo is in the following words : The same shall be published at least six months previous to the next, ensu ing annual election for members of the General Assembly : Awn whereas the before recited clauses require amend ments— Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the Stale of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That so soon as this act shall have passed, agreeably to the requi sitions of the Constitution, the following shall be adopted in lieu of the foregoing clauses: In the 3d section of the Ist article, the following, to wit : The Senate shall be elected bi annually, after the passage of this act; the firstelection to lake place on the first Monday in the year one thous and eight hundred and forty-three. In lieu of the 7th section of the Ist article, the following : The Repre sentatives shall be elected bi-annually, after the passage of this act, the first election to take place on the first Monday in October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; and in lieu of the clause in the 12th section of the Ist article, the following : The meeting of the General Assembly shall be bi annually, af.or the passage of this act, on the first Monday in November. And in lieu of the clause in the 2d section of the 3d article, the following, to wit : There shall be a State's Attorney and Solicitor elected by the Legislature, who shall hold their office for the term of four years ; and in lieu of the clause in the 15th section of the 4th article, the following : The same shall be published at least six mouths previous to the next ensuing bi-annual election for members of the General Assembly ; the provi sions of this act not to go into ellect until the year one thou sand eight hundred and forty-three Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That whenever it shall so happen that the tertn of office of any of the Judges, State’s Attorney or Solicitors, shall expire at any time during the recess of the General As sembly, then and in that case it shall be the duty of his Ex cellency the Governor to fill such vacancy, by appointment, until the next General Assembly thereafter to be held, when such vacancy shall be filled by election by the Legislature, until the election of Judges, State's Attorney or Solicitors shall take place. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT M. ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 23d, 1839. Charles j. McDonald, Governor. 10 VALUABLE CHEROKEE LANDS AND MILLS, FOR SALE, For Rail Road or Bank Slock. HAVE selected of good locations, and bought several -™- good settlements of Lauds, lying in the counties of Cass, Floyd, Murray, and Walker, which 1 now offer for sale, (tny present residence excepted); and will take in payment, Rail Road Bank Stock of either the rail roads now in operation iff Georgia, which may promise a dividend of eight per cent, annually; or other good paper. These selections are gene rally of choice Lands, ami well watered. Among them is the well known Oogalloga Mills, on Oogalloga Creek, in Cass county, five miles south of New Echota—containing 740 acres of Land, upwards of 100 now in fanning order, with Grist and Saw ftlills now in operation. This is known to bo one of lite best Mills in Georgia—no other waterfall can be hail within less than twenty miles—being surrounded by the best grain growing county in Georgia. It has been proposed by the best of millwrights to put up a merchant mill at this place, warranted to grind, bolt, and put up fifty barrels of merchantable Hout each day. The Western and Atlantic Rail Road runsby it—the Oostonalla Riverllirec-fourths of a mile on the other side, which has frequently been navigated with produce to Mobile, Giving the flour made at these mills the choice of either the markets of Mobile, Macon, Au gusta, or Savannah. Persons applying will either call on James M. Spullock, ot Cassville; or myself, at the mouth of Amuehey, Floyd County. Georgia. WM. HARDIN- The Macon Tellegrnph and Messenger, and Athens Banner and Whig, will publish three times. 11 3t. ffew £aw SSooks. ROBERT M. CHARLTON'S Reports of Decisions made in the Superior Courts of the Eastern District of Gc—gia, by Judges Berrien, T. U. P. Charlton, Wayne Davies Law, Nicoll, ami Robert M. Charlton, and in the Middle Circuit by Thomas U, P. Charlton. Just received and for sale at the Milledgeville Bookstore. Nov. 15, 1838. 13—ts W. C. POWELL