Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, January 01, 1841, Image 4

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“The work generally has progressed very slowly, most ol j GrOCCrV aiul CoJI’.lllission BuSlUCSS. the Contractors having heen engaged nith small forces. It , ™ IIE „ n(ler .4 n .,, ]mve l):iv emerrd into Copartnership for the i- unnecessary again to enter into a thscriplion of the nature : purpose of trim h.-.j a CwFoees*! es l Groceries;! Engineer’s Office, W. <fc A. R. 11. Marietta, Oct. 1G, 1840. To his Excellency Charles .1. .McD-umld, Sir—I transmit herewith a ctqiv of tnv Report to the Rail Hoad ('<nnnii"innt;!>. concerning operations on the Road during til ; last quarter. I have (lie honor to he, verv i r>~j;I nil v, \ nur obedient servant, J \.-5. W Il.LiA.MS, Ch: 1'tig‘r. fa'gi.nee;us office. \v. &. a. r. r. ) iMaiielta. * )ct. I ' 1U. ) To the Hoard of CouniHssioners X\. <!v; A Ji. R. Getitlfinen—! have the minor to submit a report < I opera tions on the Wo,tern and Amur - Rad R.» n! during the Rrd quarter of IS* !. Tit.' ticcnmp :u> itig (iocinn'uiis w iil explain in de!;u! li:e iiamve amlc >st of the woik executed. Em i tin-quai ter!\ return livrcv. ilh sulutiitled it appears that iti M work done -i ice the 1st ol July, cuusi-ts of 'J:>i) hUt> cnli. v<!s of excavation and embankment. ,‘Jl;i2 perches ol tnusoiny in (nidges ami culver;-, R01),G7.> feet hd. metis, of In'idge iimher delivered. Id trestle piers framed and 5 erected, G72 feet of bridging erected, besides 51 I feet ol stqtersti uc- ture of hridges framed ami prepared (or raising. I he amount paiii for w hich, according to ( null acts is 6‘/ 1.51)7.42. luad- dition to this expendiiuic. 'here appears tut the return, as payable on account of repairing finished sections S‘4,R4‘j.dd. From the abstract of final e-iiniatcs it appears that, the •grading of six sections, and the mascoirv of two hridges, viz: f Etowah and Arms )li;ue heeu finished dnrtng the quartet '1 he auoniiit of ri*.-,ei ved hal mccs paid on tiieir completion has heen .-si -i.ui(. Tim total aiiinunt expended up to this date from the com menceir eni i.j ope: itiou-. including survey s, location, con strnciion. repairs, the Engineer service and various coutin- gemm , is .*1.71)4.47:* fid. '1 no in unit ill it will pro'udilv lie required to complete the grading, masonry, and bridging of the roa I, according to existing root!.iris, is as follows: For the 1st. Cud and 2d Divisions, tj"7.(!40 00 1’iirtiir: Jth Division, 42,032 Oil Forth,: 7>t!i 1/iv. u >i including die Tunnel, 111(1,401 00 For the runnel through Kittle liitic Ridge, 84.RIKJ 00 For contingencies on the same, 10.000 00 For the Tennessee Division, 170,400 (I'd Making the total amount i riiCi'tiou d purposes, .'linliV circutlisiaiu es liav< operatioti dttt mg t sickness ’etitiessee line. emtu'r.cii) tptired for t!te above S.vlO.078 00 litre cniitiilmtcd to restrain vigorous i -I quorier—titnong these is the tetri j pmaded the region adjoining the the principal part of our work in ot tlie excavations on the several sections, as the lull account j :iven in my last report is applicable to the work since done, ! except in a few instances. In the deep cut approached at the western extremity of the ; . 3 tinned, a material of setter nature than that met near the 1 in ’’ ! surface has heen found as the depth of cutting increases, par ticularly at that portion immediately adjoining the '1 untie!. J-ome annoy once has been experienced by the contractor in tlie prosecution of these excavations from the appetir- i atice of water, arising doubtless irom springs having their origin at some higher part of the ridge, and although it per colates th* ugii the sides and bottom ofthfe cut in scarcely • perceptible streams yet tends to render somewhat difficult of ! teinoval a material olhei wise so very favorable. In a dryer I season it is not improbable that lite water here spoken of J would disappear altogether. This rppioach (the western) is j now exeavared to a level with tbs roof of die Tunnel, and it I requires but iitdo more work to prepare lor the commencement j of the heading 1 iu the Eastern approach, tlie tiiatetial excavated continues to lie very hard—it is however favorable lor the operation ot tumiciiiug. i itree sections of this Division, viz. the 9th. 1 Jth, and loth, wid probably be completed within the ensuing month. 1 would again urge upon your consideration the import ance of providing lor tlie execution <d the culvert masonry yet undisposed of. The prices now allowed are uot suffi cient to induce responsible contractors to undertake it. It is plain that one uiiilorrn price (as at present established) will not meet the object.— \\ hat may afford a fair remuneration in (me locality, may be entirely madequale iu others. While upon the subject of masonry, it may not be improp er to remark that, tlie above observations as to the inade quacy of tlie prices which have been fixed as the standard on tliis part of the road, are applicable also to the Bridge ma sonry, but with tnueh greater weight.—Abutments (which are to sit'tain the pressure of an immense body of earth) and piers subject to severe shocks from llood-wood iu times of freshets should tie built in the most substantial and pertna- nen: manner.—To effect this desirable object, sufficient in ducements should be held out to responsible men, who will execute the work faithfully, audio accordance with their contracts. A large amount til masonry yet remains to be executed on this division—l hat it will lie greatly to the interest of the state to increase the rates of prices fixed for this kind of wot k, and in proportion to the facilities tor procuring stone, lime, sand, iJcc., I am firmly convinced.” Suhsc the date of .Mr. Campbell’s report, the excavation of the Western approach to the Tunnel through Little Blue ridge has discovered at a (list nice ol 400ft. from the entrance to the tutmel a stiatuin of nine limestone 10 feet above the grade line, lying with such a dip as will pass above the roof j <2l jbu- gfilxS, Cifi ". H tZ 'll SL’ C031 MIS,6N BUSINESS ns city, under the name (if FORT, CLOPTON ,v 10 A LONE. WILLIAM FORI’. M UtTt.N if. CLOPTON, IRA E. FORT, CHARLES J. MALONE. avannnh, Sept. 21th, 7 “40. 3d 2m UT' N O T I C ciOt&Zi mis and the public gen- ( "X RATEFf'l. for past favors, respectfully informs the citizens of XMiliedge.iile, and its vb-initv, that he has taken tlie Store latelvoc- [ copied !iy D. A. CHITTENDEN, opposite NICHOLS Ar ItEMING. ! where he i- receivinsr, and will keep constantly on hand a FI LL and 1 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of £&3 ti i Ji kick he u it! sell Jaw fur CASH. rj’iilt: SI BSCRrnF.RS inform tb= Jt critliv,timt they- still coatiuue the WAREHOUSE m 00MilSS!0N &JS [Id I X S A V TlianVfn! tor the Iihenil pafmimc itiditstrv :iml strict attention to him they respectfully solicit.,! '..-Those indebted to him for TAILORING, will please call and ■ tile ns soon ;:s possible, ills present arrangements allow of no fur ther indulgence. October ti, 1870 37 3 Vj All. o oxLmh1!*{!, they hope by i rit it< fo:iti:3ii;ni(.*e, which j rc f. COJsSiZl \.% m4u bumm 2E3 13 if -tZ 2«xS Cba =., AT SAVA XXAif. WILLIS HOLMES. K. SINCLAIR. friend-,, for their fi rmer patronage, and We tender nur thanks solicit a continuance ol the same. August 11, It! 10. OfiV The .Messenger and Tcleg will publish t!. above for three i "0 3m apli, Macon; and Coluudms papers oaths. N. S. ymt ^ cjo® wsaoswros) eaaa ; er n 5* t&u as ul: ea im cdJ ■...Anil Xi ILLED G EVIL LE, G EORGIA. TSlIJK mulrrsitinpil having taken this ES T A I* LI SII 31 E N T, ami X title il it u|> as a HOUSE OF PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, IT !S NOW OPEN UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF COL. THOMAS HAYNES, WHO WILL SPARE NO EXERTIONS TO RENDER IT WORTHY OF A LIBERAL PATRONAGE. The favoiahle location of the premises, with the admirable eon- roetion ofillie 7!ioisc, for comfoi t and convenience, are considerations hieh leeomincmi it to the attention ot Travellei 5 and \ isitors. P. L. ROBINSON. Milb'deeville, Slareh 17,1810. EAGIjE es&tew,. MILL EDGE YILI.E, 19th October. rrpilE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs Mendiers a of the Legislature, that he will Board them at ONE D( M.LA R per day, no absent time deducted. Their Hor ses will be kept at Twelve Dollars per month. ROUT. McCOMB. 39 2t PUBLIC SALES FOR JANUARY. Pulaski Sheriff Sides. YylLL be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before tlie Court House door, >n the town of Hawkiusville, Pulaski Countv, within the legal hours of sale, the following propertv to-wit: A negro woman by the name of Viney, levied on as the propertv of Berry Tipper, to satisfy two ii. fas. from Pulaski Superior Court,"one in tavor ot S. \\ . Moor & Co. aud the other in favor of William T. Crook & Co. vs. Berry Tipper—property pointed out by defendant. i lie following lots or parts of lots or Land, as follows, two hundred and thirty sin cti and a half acres, lv irig and being in the gist district of originally Wilkinson, now Pulaski County, the south half of lot number 38:1. and fraction -!0J, also one hundred acres, more orless, oflot number 210 in the 20th district of said County—also, the one third of 307) acres of la ii I lying in the ’-'(till district of said county —levied on as the proper ty of W. Brace we II, to satisfy sundry ti. fas. issued from Pu laski Superior Court. A Wood &. Co. and others vs. Harwell W. Brace- well. A negro man by the name of Austin, about 70 years of age, levied on as the property ot the estate of Joseph J. Bracewcll, deceased,to satis fy two ti. las. Collier, Jelks &• Co. vs. Burwell \V. Bracewcll, adm’r. propertv pointed out by defendant. A fractional lot ot laud No. :>UI, lying in the Ith district of originally Houle, now Pulaski county, levied on as the property of the estate of I ellair i osey, deceased, to satisfy sundry fi. f is. issued from a Justices’ Court, Gubr’el B.Robertsvs. Norman McDuIlie, adin’r.—lew made and returned by a constable. f hree lots of land No.7ti, No. l.)9,and No. 9o, all Iving in the eighth district of originally Dmily now Pulaski countv, containing each 202( acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Green G. Graham, to satiety live Ii. fas. two Irom the Superior ( unit, otic in favor of James Walker,survivor,&c. one in farm of William T.Crook it t?o. vs. Green G. Graham, ami three from a Justices'Court of said County, Nixon Moor vs. Green G. Graham. Property pointed out hv said Graham. A fractional lot No. 3(18, in the Ith district of originally Doolv now Pulaski, containing one hundred acres, more or iess levied on ustlie property of Joel I!. Harvey, to satisfy a ii. fa. from the Superior Court of said Comity, John Rawls vs. diaries Harvev, Joel B. Ifarvev and Elizabeth Harvey. Propertv pointed out by Joel B. Harvev. A dwelling house and ten acres of fund, more or less, where Edward r J t. George lives, adjoining Pnd.crt Collier’s lands—levied on as the property of Edward St. George, tosaibfv twofi. fas, issued from Pulas ki Superior Court. Washburn & Lewis Vs. Collier, Jelks it Co. Pro perty point d out by John Rawls. Twenty bags of cotton, live hundred bushels of corn, five til pounds of fodder, more or less, five mules and one horse, levied oi property of James (>. Jelks, to satisfy two ii. fas. issued from i Superior Court, Washburn A: Lewis vs. Collier, Jelks & Co. a: pertv point Tw enty hags of cotton, live hundred bushels of corn, five thousand on as the Pulaski ... and sun dry Ii. las. issued from Pulaski inferior Court, the Bank of Hawkiusville vs. Jamss <). Jelks. Property pointed out !>v John Rawls. Two In uses an i lots, on • win re I loraec I.. Nile (lid tn" oilier louse and t hv \\ m. Kirksev, and lime acres ofiatid, more now occupies as a aing J. I icrupied as a dwelling les-. b*v it'd on hv snli- ug- f3 o! the inline! near its entrance. Present appearances in tlie (O'kil s* excavation of the approaches lead ns to anticipate, that the tunnel will pass almost entirely through rock. Tlie contrac tor is preparing to lay a temporary track lor the removal of the earth from the eastern approach, to lot in the adjoining embankment. Iron rails, car wheels, spikes &c. tor tins purpose with which the fttrte is hound by contract to supply him, are now in course of delivery at tlie tunnel. In leferenee to contracts for masonry, 1 would wish to im press you with the importance of a good execution of this hruicti of construction. Economy is ol course to be regarded, | hut not so strictly as to lose sight of the advantages of permu- ue.icy. The taste which governs the execution of pubitc work in our country is uot so refined as to demand much ol thooi oamental in our structures.—We may therefore discard ; tiio object, and couliau ourselves to considerations of dura-I bid y. T his end eanuntlte attained witliont emploving good ■ materials, and securing the services of good workmen. Ido j , .. . , . , not hesitate to say iliat the standard of pi ices now fixed fur j tlie cost ol repairs, usuahv a ne-ivy item ol expense on a new i> ' , i . , , . , . : , 1 i»ifiige masonry is too low to encourage competent mm to rotei, wot lie (inilo incoii'idei tilui-. .. , , , . , .. ,, 1 i undertake, anil execute laitnlully, contracts ol this kind, iu ; The aiii-iant exp n :>• under tin: contracts mad; 4:^.4-. .. lion we take into roa depth of m my of our eta dented rains of the Ins! w: embankments built <1 ttritig rejiniis, r,f sections completed or io I.'eceinhcr, 1 ~VfiJ, is s! !, ’• i ition the immense lieiglit and moots affl cuts,—the unprece- j ami sprittg filling upon green ; try drystason. we have cause ! to congratulate ourselves upon tiiesmtiil cxpi’iiditure which has heen necessary ttntler tliis liead. Moreover, ne must : consider this expend it me advauttigeous. as tending to dim in j isii in a great degiee the cost ol keeping up the road atiei Jhj siipi-rstniclure shall he laid. ImK-ed a snjierstruelure of Kyant/e’d timber laid ujuni hanks consolidated by the .set- : tling of vwns, and carefully repaired by ramming into the breeches choice material mil lie so hrm and durable, that ' !S3*3223 Hssl>33?sa, P llWi’lllllg. ! tlif t lands, iii.d mb. rs, n by \Yui. Kirkse v, ai j dry fi. tas. issued fromi Pninski .Sii|)erior Court, John I r.jishjrt mid oth- | ers vs. Bryant .( ailli r—property pointed out by James M. Brace well. , I lie n in ,o id. a halt ol a in,use and ! o tin Inc to want Hawkiusville, j formerly occupied by Bright and V, alker—levied oil as the undivided ! interest of James Bright’s estate, to -misty a ti. fa.from Puhist i Superi- tis, Hopkiris White \s. James Walker, siirvuin" partner of Bright and Walker. Property pointed out bv John Allen, agent for plaintiffs. f!N*. Ill NDKLD and Seventeen acres rd f.-itul, it being die Dower of Jlid.’th .dove, whereon ahe uoa lives, No. not known, ivingand b mg in tlie fourth District of originally Doolv, now Pulaski y; levied on by sundrv !i. fas., issued from a Jn.-tii es » on.-t; (’oilier & Bi.u-ewell & Go., vs. .lad, ti, 'lot ,'. Levy made and returned hv a Gonstahle. \ Iso, a N gro Boy ti’-nu-d Dave, let led on as the propertv of Janies J. Mayo To -:i'!-|. sundry tas. issued troiu Pulaski ."Superior t’ourt; .loliri R:iv. ill:.! Others vs. James J. .Mayo. Property pointed out bt rum BROKE yet!, iSCTjK SAM is nut DEAD nor COME UNTO ME ALL VE THA.T WOULD LIVE AND f ET i slat LIVE, AND YOU’LL NOT FIND AN EXTORTIONER! I item Shot ono Riilo ariil >hot H;i 1 I ? oi!?tOf!, one Trunk :imj lor . !. r,one violin, one fable, one lot c iocherv o! scales, one box irnnmorv, f»i;c SadiII,? am! KriMIe, ' IL-zor ami Strap, one lot <*a5tin".*, lot f>t \\ beat 4 or one wool, I of stoc\ Iio-s.r ■pouters tools, one pair of .steelyards,one axe. nno plough ai»d t" o?ets of LP:ir,one Iron-, tweiitv-tivc ciiteen beadol st n *;k er.trle, four goats, one sheer*, fen acres of sfand- sropenv ot' Jonlnn I). .s. Jordan l>. IlradsJiavv -\II business entrusted to biin, ,\n« next, at which time. hi>o .!line id|tb '• scrvici i\x'chasi wSf rcc«" ton, and other Prodac *. have prompt rill be < ;KT:"d attention after 1st 'S) tf COill Em. ~ S TNCLK SAM will inrjrd Members of the Legislature and nil others i I'-'<>i hors, twvnty-me acres of standing corn, 1- and tiieir horses tit 31 -10 cts. pr. day bv the whole session and ! V, 1 ' f 1 ‘ 11 ' '"'I on > •’'•'* ' lin ! :i j >r* day for Transient customers. He has about sixty fire places and 1 I’ 1 ' "-unw, to s tisty thre • ti. las. John Law Is vs. J Rooins of all sizes, aud will be supplied » ith the best the country affords. I ‘ “ i ‘ lcrt -' I’ oir ' !l “ " ut - f j/ 1 :; .. Ij oin tl.-e long experience of himself and family, he hopes to me tin nance of past favors. SAML. Bl- t'i 1N' i'f<). lilledgciille, Sept. 29 .Woiisit Pieasaait HENRY COUNTY. GEORGIA. 7th AUG. 18pi. OSrPO.NK’D and | VLE. e f "iff lie sold on the fir t Tuesday in t House dour iu the town of Hawkins- the legal hours oi sale, the following pro- To furni'h you with details of iiiformtition resnecling the i , . , , , I these matters, excess ol liueraniv is less dangerous than itu o»cr;itions (luring the last <i t,liter, i extract Irom the reports i J U ,, . , . , b , wist economy, ot the R( si lent r.ngineers. .Mr. TMocktnu m eli'irge ol ihe ,, , : , ■ ■ . , . >- . ,, , ,, i>'-‘lo:e making <i decision to adopt the IVyntnzmg tiroces’ 1st, 4<l, turn part ol the ,4d Hi vi-mn reporis as lolhm s. 1 - ‘ - ^' ‘•Since the date of my last quarterly repoit. Sections No. r ❖ thirteeti and fourteen, of the 2nd Division, ant! Section \o. 7 ol the Third Division iiave h.en coinplctcd and accepted,— the masonry of i b-- Etowah and Arms Viaducts has also been complete l and accepted, and final estimates on each rendet- ed. The masonry of the V ittittg \ iadtiet is progressittg rap idly, and gives every indication of being well and substan tially executed. The foundation of the Eastern ahutmentof •:he Noonday Viaduct has been excavated and iu a few days ■the contractor for laying tiie masonry will commence opera tions. when the yvnrk will be prosecuted yvilh all icnsonable -dispatch. Dmi ig 1 lie past month, a small (divert has been introduced on I lie 11th section of ihe Second Die i'ion. in or der to draw off’the large quantify of surface water u hich col lects in the vioimiy of that section, after all heavy rains. ’Flic masonry and other work connected with tlie cons ruc tion of this culvert was done by the tepairitig party on that part of the Rail Road, aud charged to repairs. The tarring and sanding ol the flooring of the Gliati ahoochee viaduct has been seiimisly delayed during ibo past mou h. owing to the unlfiivorabie weaiher which litis prevaiieil.—About two thirds of the flooring remains in an unfinished -tate is noyy actively engaged in its completion. An attempt was made to complete the calking of the above, prior to covering the same with sand and tar—this plan, however, did not suc ceed, the action of the sun and rain causing tlie seams of the floor to open to such an extent, that a rc-eaiking of the same became necess try. A verbal contract for such amount of tar as may be required to complete the above, has been made, to ba dt.-iiveied a* wanted, and on terms according with ill” lowest price vet paid for tar on this work. All of the repairing parties have been discharged from that cousideratiou of the subject is respectfully sug- part of lhc roa.1 except two, which are now employed in the ( , ,• vicinity of Allatoon i. and mt the Frank in embankment, it U 1,,!e °" the su! 'J cct,,i P re i ,a " u ? materials for our super-, has been a leaning object to restore the heaviest emb u.kments ! st ' u;£uie ’ 1 ,v,,u!<! earnestly recommend to you that some Eh- j to their proper grade, ami bv iii- construction of the proper i & ,n ® ep Hluce / <,,,r c “ r P* ‘‘CheNtled lor a mission to Eng- j centre ami traverse drains, to place them iu a state to with- !;: n,i - f,,r !,le P«reha*e of the iron that will he required, stand the rains &c. ot the coming «inter—a recent inspec- I 1 tle adva,lla Ses a tnorongh inspection of our rads in the , lion of this part of th? road. wa. rants me in the assertion : t '° UrsC of ti,t,r manufacture are obvious, moreover, we shall C.-Nii Jtrj ST0V4LL, f tOYCLNUE tin- \j NEs*s, at their AREL’DI I wan tiie timber lor out superstructure, it would he advisable l-t investigate ihe claims of Dr. Earle’s system of preserving wood. The short time that has elapsed since his discovery ol the process has not afforded a fair experience concern-, _ nig it. Experiments are now m progress, under direction of' t*IREg PRO Dr the lie Government for testing its efficacy, by exposing | 53 S S3 timber liius preptired, to artificial causes of decay. The I which is in complete order for i!i" STORAGE of COTTON and j ■ Tp !IE present iiicmiilicnt of this Institution having dctermiiic.! to re- i .5 lin(|iiish the hu-itiess of Teaching in future, the Trusters arennx- ' ions to nia e an en^tigement for the ensuing year. A gentleman and l"'ly would he inelemd. It would he expected of the gentleman, at Iciist.tliat bo 1ms »i thorough acquaintance with the classics. Near the . Aeiulem v, and in the same inclosnre, is :t comfortable Dwelling House j and other necessary buildings, belongiag to I lie Institution, situate in i one of the most healthful and beautiful regions in the inferior of Georgia ' All applii ations madetotbe Board through their Secretarv Uol Thomas Alien, near Pittsburgh, Hem v conntv, (In. JOHN WILLIAMS!, I ELIJAH 7>eVAUGH»\ DAVID DA I LEA". AZERI AH Doss ' * ’ WILLIAM SE\GI R. | WILLIAM BERRY THOMAS ALLEN, Trustees. ’ The Standard of Union and Southern Recorder, MiUedgcville will I please insert this once a month until the 1st of January. August 18 ' 30— m t J. the sat: Januarv next, ii.-t.ire th villa, Pulaski County, with pertv to w it: A house mid let in the town of Hawkiusville, known and distinguished ill the plan of said town, by the centre part oflot number throe ^(con taining twenty six leer and two inches on Broad street, and thence north, two hnnilrcil and ten ti er, ‘aid lot :;:><! iioilse, now oeeiipirrl hv A. Bish op; levied on as the property <3 Eli satisfy a fi fa i--ned from Murray Superior Go art—James ’■!. Spidloes, vs j’cEii I .iming princi pal—Eli Bolin. William H. Underwood, and Gaston M. Ur.derword, endorsers; property pointed out h’, A. Bi.-hon. December !, ID ID. JOS. GARRUTHERS, Sh’lf. IDODS. Their charges will lie such ; Augusta. August, 1810. cheapness of rho materials usctl, the sulphates of iron am copper (the common green and blue vitriol of commerce,) leans us io anticipate that it will be a cheaper mode of pie- ■ serving wood than 31 r. Ixyau's pioeess, in which corrosive j , sublimate, a costly article is employed. It certainly would | rf fidentVvreei.muU'.ds M ne un w i-e iti us not to avail ourselves of scientific disco ve- j of Ids friends' w ho have tonne nes, applicable to our purposes, and we are admonished by j uize to his expei lence of tlie great cost of renewals and i epairs of wood en superstructures, to adopt some means of diminishing this expense, i would recommend tlie adoption of some process for preserving the timber tisi-d iu our bridges, as well as in the superstructure of our road. As tne tittie for making some decision respecting our future plans of operation, appioaehes, it is proper to bring to your 5 mav be customary. J'J w-12w A . C U M M l a a Georgia Agricultural Repository, AUGUSTA, GA. i louse and Store Messrs. ; forun 11% House and Cmnmi.ssion Business, cou- rs. BustinOk'Walker, to the patronage si!v consigned tiieir produce and merclmn- Bnstin ,v Walker have leased the V, are a-ciipied by hint. , j c tlS i co.isiueraiiou the necessity of early action with regard to our j 1K7 3 FSTn)i? ’ 1 a t !,rSe t f0rCe ' superstructure. We shall require about H.B00.0UU feel ! tVillLll r ♦. R- oMj v\bt N i U S 1 N K Pulaski rSiicrifl' Sales. I VVH.L be solil on die fir.-t Tuesday in January next, before tlie Court ” House door, in the tow n of Hawkiusville, Pulaski County, within i lie legal hours ol sale, the following propertv to-wit: A plantation ol hirin’, mum . is not known, joining lands of Micajnb Johnson. Isaac Bnrl.balter, and others, lying in ihe 21st district ot' old : U iikiuson, now Pulaski, containing sixteen hundred acres, more or i less—also two negroes. John, a man about 21 years old; Jack, a man I about 35 years old—ali lev it d on as ihe property of John J. Gatlin, to j satisfy two i:. fas. issued from the Superior Court oi said County, llie | Hank cf Hawkiusville vs. John J. Gallia—property pointed out bv ihe I defendant. One fourth pa-r of4ot number two hundred mid sixty nine, an., one i fourth part of one hind), d ai.-res of lot mimfier two hundred and ninety three, in die 21 si district oi old \\ dkiusou, now Pulaski eomitv. a-o* hundred bushels of ecru, more cr less, fin e head ot slock callic, more or ( li-r*’*, thr^c ho»ul nfstocV hc-^, more m let——nil Ic'i' tl «»si it> the |>M>j»pr- of Darling Jonc.s to sati-’tv a :i. In. is^ueii trum 11»** Superior < .'ourt of 1 s<ii<l t*oiuU;». ti*'- Ct-jorai P*«^k of Georgia v>. Darling Join —j»roper!v ! pointo f oof l»y flu* riei«'a<I;int. i One lot of faruf, not known, whereon Junes Piifh now live**. !«■'inir in the *J/>t ilistrii r of o!«i Wilkinson, now I'ujaski crnintv, 1» vit-d ; on as th» 0 property of Jsurds PnL'h. to satisfy a fi. tn. i--»tf'<l from ill • >u- rncr of Jones owl Cummin™ > / reels, first corner above the ruins of I perior Court (>f>ni;l Gon.iry, Allen ii. ('Imsr.un vs. James Pudi—j»ro- thcplanter* Hotel. ; pert v jmintPil out by tliu i!*'!enflaiit. fUMlK si)l>«rnbers offer lor sale a largeaml extensive assortment of j One lot ot lam! \} imr in ti*-''21>t ilistrirt c»f oritiinaliy Wilkinson, now . A^nrnitnra! Implements, cotnprisimz all tliat is required to stock ! Pulaski conntv. nunber not known, whereon John !. Coates unu li\r Mf p ; , S! a£3S_fflStC£(S_- 53S E4S. . 3L V O U N S) R Y , board measure of timber, for a single track. The facilities alfonl ti by the neighboring country for furnishing lumber, j TIl „ IlIH , erBi „ n cd have associated thru: -Ives it, due Ware non are not extensive, and to avoid delay, preparation should he : Commission Business In the dry >t tlie firm of made for its delivery some time before it may he actually j & Walker. They have leased the w. .-.-house bit l v occupied by Gapt. needed—moreover, the Ixyanizing process requires liie con- ! -}• Gumming, whore they willbe pleased i.‘ ao. t-d m mw iuisinesscon struction of suitable vats at convenient points along ihe line fid e, l t0 d'dr care. j Wikis \ j jT.;j{ of the road. A contract for ti or 12,01)0 toils of iron vvili re- ; tirm-ta, Sc|.r. 17.1'UO. 8.j—i m quire a long time for its fuliilmetit. Iu view of till these) — tlie most extensive plantations; Ploughs, Wood’s paten:, Freeborn, Dnv is’, Howard’s, double mould Board, ,Vc.: Cultivators for corn ami ! cotton. Harrows of all ’in.!-and sizes ; Wheat Fans ; Watkins’ patent and ‘ and Dutch (,’y liudricnl .Silaw Glitters of ditlereut sizes; Corn Shellers; stiu ) Corn and Cob Crackers; Thrashing Machines, Horse Powers; Turn ing Lathes, Tyre Lending .Machines. Are. Our IRON and BRASS FOI NDRY is now in complete opera tion ; h.tvin:r a large stock of materials, and first rate workmen, wo are able to f’linisli ail kinds of Castings, Are. of a superior,|ii:ililv at short notice. ROBERT PHILLIP A SON. Oct. 29.18:0. trw-lf—10 levcd bv th.- levied ‘rtv on as ii Tax (.’oiiector • and returned by A lot <.: : .and whereci ing and being in tlie tw ki l jiin.fv, emit; !■ -s. levied on a- ed out of a Justi, and John Dorniauv, seenr*f of Reb a Alexaud sc id t.’ountv, Stale ■ ms,able. i lin in Spire- m in -ri-st Ifi-ti:r-r of Rcbci . fa. issued exander— that, with bur a trilling exception on the i-ith and Irhh see lions of the 2nd divi-iou, the erubaiikments are iu a good stale cf preserv ation.” .Mr. D. 'i’ilton. t inoorarily charged witli the sitperinten- ,lance of the -I’fi. and j >, r t of the ffrd division, reports, that “ l poll the Fiftii Ucsideacy. a repairing I: rce has been em ployed for the l ist month. I ts operations have thus far been confined to the 2(hh section, wherein const quenee of ihe hanks having settled much more ill m could have been auti- thus be enabled to avail ourselves of those improvements iu ! details, of plans for depots, warehouses, and in the arrange- ! nients for working romis, which have been adopted in thepnh- r 39 HE suli.-cribcrs haying Pi,niied a (■npaytner ■ ■ , riM i .hi 1 . j 9 ofa FACTORAGE AND (.’O.UMls»I<>: lie works ol Great Dntam. 1 his plan would also save the ;;miu: tii? hrm w usual heavy charges for commissions by the purchasing Ageus. Our work has recently been struggling against financial embarrassment. It needs no argument to prove that our present currency will not answer our purposes under existing laws. I tie Bonds ol tiie ^tate paid to contractors for work ing ana forwarding goods. Oottmi led and return, d iiv a < ’nnstabi \lso. oae lot of Land No. • a I r’litv-fir-1 District cf mi.-imillv uing TWO IK NDIfLD two ay as the pneicrtv of Willi on j a Ju-=tii e Court of said Comity. Sc | Property pointed out by the plain Dec 1. 1840. i Hit oil States T l. I. I y lives. No. not km>w»i r lv- >M \*» ilkili?on t now I > *11:i.**- :_r TWO IIJ NDiiKD two ami a liali'arres iimnr nr property ot'John i^onunny. lo.-afi.-tv a fi. fii. is.sti- tji.ur. I> Simp-oa n .--. \\ i.'liain .Spin*.**, princ ipal, pertv pointed out l»y John j)or£iiany, r drefi erid' forty-three, h hiz in tlio ilk in -on. now PgIhski < ’omilv. eon- i •• ha• ; irres Dion or ■> 1*5; levied To - a : : ~ I \ tv •) fi. t. .. !<'UCci Oflt of aime- i'ui'lvincs vs. »\ iiliam Spires. JAMES f). Shff. Thirshai's S;*ie. edge- legal cipntcd at the time they were made, a large amount of work was required to r ii<e them to the necessary height. < hviug dn "' a,c at a lieav >' ‘liscouiit. We must look to the next le- to the same cause, considerable labor will be required upon ^Dotture to remove tliis embarrassment. Ihe present is an i several other sections, but should the weather prove favora- unpui t int crisis in the affairs of our stale. V* hen. in ) !»’ j, and an efficient force be employed, the completion ofthe ( ' eol & i: » awoke from her inglorious lethargy, and issued tier ; Iieaviest portion within lire present anil ensuing months tr.av l ‘f! re . sTmll.Ge a rail road communication to the valley j be reasonably anticipated. ‘ °( l ^ e Mississippi,” the friends of internal improvement, the : The grading required upon the 25th and 2li'!i sections t>f i Iriends^of our country, warmly anticipated the glorious re-j the third division, in order to raise ihe embankments to the | s ."* t4 "* '* requisite height as indicated by the last spring freshets, lias r,l(,r y HOPKINS & STOVALL, flave taken the commodious fire proof Ware-House on McIntosh street.opposite Gen. Tiiomus Dawson’s. The location of their Ware HoiiscL ingli,an ( free Irom risk ot high water, convenient for the r. - i eeivingof Cotton Iiv wagons,railroad or river, and also for tlie roceiv- 1 ” i,l ether produce or Merchandize, consigned to them, will meet with prompt attention. Their charges will he the same as made by other Com mission Merc hauls of this c it v. By strict attention to business, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARGELLUS A. STO\ AI.L. August 4,1840. 29—w3m. j living in Eatonton. fflllE WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS,heretofore j Eat ®“ Ion » ° rt ’ 12 > 1840 transacted m the name of REES A BEALL, in Augusta, Georgi sold I.cfine tlieGon;! Men ■ ii or in :’ie city < t Mil a the first Tuesday iu Janaary next, within the hours of sale the following property to-wit: (>ne thousand acres ofland, on wbieli tiicre i- a good GrEf and Smv Mil! Iving oa Black creek, and known as Bond’s Mills, whereon Wil liam F. Bond now rest le«, in the couuty ot Wilkinson, ta-vi.-d on as the propertv of William F. Bond, to satisfy a .1. fa. from the sixth cir- the United States, for tlie District of Georgia, in favor of qnalitv hv an’.- ottier tract ot l.arnl ot the same size in mis ;, Co., vs. said Bond Property pointed out by defend- scctiou of couutrv. I will also sell with the land if desired, or alone, out NINE GOOD FIELD HANDS. j . ADo stock of hors --. males, cattle, sheep, hogs, and all necessary fir- j j 1 . ^ ,, of lhe Conntv oforiginallr l.ce. now tiling utensils tor carrying on a larin. I also oth-r turKaie a Plantation, | ^ Z.„.. ,.,g. t, t ... ... >„,v nod rgUIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale Ills Plantation, _S consisting of ONE THOUSAND ACf il’S. lying im- \\ arren’s Fer- k mediately- on the Oconee river, just brie y, ha If of w hich is Wood Land, and is not surpassed in | r ".i f Go - rt M th inalitv hv-an v other tract of Land of the same size in this | .Miller, Ii:j>iey. 2 SAL lv ing v itiilu two miles of Eatonton, on the Warren’s ferrv road, con- ting of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES. The above Plantations are both supplied with excellent sprngs < f water, and are ns healthy locations as anv in this section of POSTPONED time and place. •r*’S of l and, iu iffe C<; Zacliariali Dauee. ar: : Also, at tnesaru Eight hundred : Sumpter, adjoinin: Grist Mill oh the said Land; lev if d on as l! pr art; and two Lots in tlv- town of Am • rices. town hv Numbers ft 1. in Square..Utter R. "it ; , • house thereon; levied on as the pruperfv of Jo: j .Vi-v "ishmg to purchase, are requested 'oea'lon.tho.s-uhsenber j four ,„ s . fr „ m , he fix?ll o.rcuit C art of tit J1AMI.IN BA? 39—31 »pcri; nt I oiiu W. Cow - • u j; ijj i jit* j Jan ot sniil i n Store nml Owitiling in H. Blount, tn L*nitori Sfa!e«, for fhn s of energetic action. Were 50.000 square miles of Ter- i l,issolv ry to be selected from the map of the United States as ; Vviil*He le- j w ill alsoeontmne tiie business far bis own account, r jld j and we beg the continuance of tlie patronage of our tin October 1,1840.—37—tl.N TAILORING. on the 4th section ofthe Fourth Division, by Hitchcock Co. I I,ie|l! s oi prosperity, the boundaries oi this selection xvou Tlie masonry upon the Intersection remains iu nearly the l ,lear, J coincide with the boundaries of Georgia. Occupying j same -tut;: as at tin: beginning of :lie quarter, the contractor I a sa ^ e, R *mgle of the continent, with h--r fine navigable j having been obliged to leave the work on account of sick- stieams ufiordiug easy access to the Atlantic on one side, and j oc>s. It is exp- cd that he will rc-unic operations in a few | 'he (iulf on the other—a main tributary of the mighty Aiis- [ days, and proceed with the work ns rapidly as possible. The S ‘ ss '!'i;' almost touching her Northern border.—An easy pas flaming ol t!t • bridge for this section, ns well as tint for lit olved ihis day l» v limitation. The unfinished husine?? of said con- ; ill be attended to hv EGBERT J$. BEAI^L—and for that purpose. * - /• i , , r . , , , , ill he the only authorized person io use the ,mine ofthe bate firm. Ha ) T\ HE !,,,Rs ‘ t R HER informs h,s old friends and cue timers that he stand ! has commenced the above business in this place. Hi District of Georgia; one iu favor of Swift and Nichols, one in favor of Townsend and Brothers, one in favor of George E. Townsend and the other in favor of Farrar and Hu ves vs. John II. Blount A t o. December 1. 1040. ' M M. J. DAVIS, Marshal. at the same si prices inner friends. UNO. REES, EGBERT B. BEALL. Globe lie moderate, and alt work will be punctually delivered to hiscustouiers for cash. He will be found after the first of October next at the old stand lately occupied bv Mr. James Ilertv. JOSIAH DOI.ES. Millledgeville, Sept. 21, 1810 Ar fi-HOUi A ! (!L ST A, Georgia. A.G. VAIL hiving closed his late business ns Merchant Tailor, takes j pleasure in recommending to the public aud his customers, .Mr. Josiuh . . - - Doles, who has been in his employment fur several years. From iiis j e through iter territory to avoid the dangerous circuit of; rjAHE UNDERSIGNED, late of the Merchants Hotel. Charleston. | knowledge of Mr. Doles’ capacity, he feels satisfied lie will give entire I of 25:'i scciion of the Third Division is c- mpleted. aud were the Florida.—in connecting the maritime transit from ihe East ) (3- C.,) would inform his friends and tlie public, that he has taken 1 mmonrv finish?.* would be ra:s. .1 immediatclv. "ith the whole coast of the Gulf of Mexico—a connexion ‘ l ?!, al “’ l . e EuteUand is now ready to accommodate those who may favor j , , _ , ’ - f u t u^ i 1 w . i it .. /-ii.! Ill,n "lin their patnma^o. lie will hidkc no honst ot what he will do, l 1 iDv inij rhe runipletion **1 the pier ami nhutments or the - 'y th The (rreal esl wcotnparabiy easier tiian is ailorded bv i f-irther than to say ? that his will be furnished with tlie be*t the ; OsfiM inley bridge. :i return of tnrisourv nppsars territory (’f any otlr r fcftiite—rich in resources, richer ill I markets atfonl, ami the establishment receive lii- prr<onal attention: ! in th- quarterly abstract nothin"- bis been done except the i P ,04 P ect —Why should Georgia halt or hesitate in her oil- ! ttml > f ffiose who call on him once ore net satisfied w ith his bill of fare j quarrying of a'few p cites of rock. In explanation of the - ward march to her proper station.—We have reached rhe i a ' ,d a <-’<-u , nmodations, he will not solicit them to call agnin^ ^ ' return it mav be proper to observe, that, a new and accurate , threshold of success, and there should be no Inhering. The I Oct. 22 jo th-! calculation of the u hole nmpunt of work done showed that . alternative is presented to us ol a retrograde movement toour j ' ~ r"~~~ “ i there remained to be ivtiu ued tiie ii umber of perches therein P 0S * 1 * 011 pine insignificance, or the fruition of our j lOO JLF©flfl5$ft*§ iluCW specified, as also the allowance foi dressing pier ends and high hones of the prosperity ot our country satisfaction to those pt. -J!.. 1840 tin, may patronize him. A. C. VAIL. 8fi—tf coping, in a manner superior to til tl called fur by the terms of : ’•the original contract. Upon tlie masonry of the other parts of I lie sixth residency nothing has brea done except upon that on the 25th section, j which is pr ;gressitig slowly, aud wiil probably be completed -within tlie present mouth. There now rem tins unfinished, the masonry of eight bridges and arch culverts; in every case, except nt the crossing of Swamp creek on tlie IDth section, ii is more or less ad vanced. - The number of sections, the grading of which is unfinished, including three on the nf'i residency, upon which the grade aporeln-'is! 1 have the honor to he. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, JAS. S. WILLIAMS. Chief Eug’r. E SCAPED f: nm the Penitentiary, this morning, two convicts, LEW- i IS MOHRE and THOMAS A. GADDY. | Lewis Mohre is a Pennsylvania Dutchman. -J7 years old. 5 feet !»i i j inr lies iiigh, fair complected, and rather pale—light imir ami blue eyes— : ! has a sc or on his let! jaw. occasioned hv arising, and is rather slim. Erought to Jail, # ^th* 8th April. 1839, a negro man calling himself ARMSTEAD APPAREL made at tbeshortest notice. 30 REINDEER. lettjuw. uucasiuntru i*v a i i**iui, miiii i.< miner miui. j j Thomas A. Gaddy, i? a native of Tennessee, about lii years old, j fiir complec 4 • -und face.dark hair,aud grey eyes—is 5 feet 9{ inches j i hi.rh.and • 'D or 165 pounds. j One If ■ Oil/ars reward will he paid for their apprehension and t delivery a : t Mitmrv, or Fifty Dollars for either. T T T -. , ; n rr / , , , r « | Mohre v u-d in Clark ciuntv. Gaddv w.isconvicted in the . T 1 t ”7, rou ^ ,, -J* rp ^ ^ (own brother to Alice Gray ) will Says he is the propertv of a Mr. Chambers, a negro trader’ who nnr’ I county of . .vine, it. * J \COP. Iff CROAT, 1 kVV ut *vv?v'i V * b T^ ?J “ !i » Msr co “ n,v 1 ’ und f “'j chas - j him in North Carolina, and that he runaway from him in South : _M»I»edgeviUe,Sept. 11.1848-—8J. Prinemai Keen *rnm. tern. ‘ *. rc ,J ’ ■ ‘ ' “ ’•’- 1U u '‘ loP let t0 1BM * 8 *“ tlie re,iuceJ C arolina, w hilst on the way to Mississippi, aboutthree weeks before his ; GREEABLE tr an order ofthe Inferior Court of Washington ountv, w hen setting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the I first Tuesday in Janiary next, within the usual hours ol sale, at the - Court House dot,r ia the town ot Ha •• kiusville, Pulaski ( ounlv, ON 1. : iract of Land, situate in the Fourth District, of originally Dooly, now ( Pulaski Countv, know n in the plan ot said District as Number Sixtv. i and Fraction Sixtv One. containing about TH RLE III NDU LI) acre, ! belonging to the Estate of FOREMAN HODGE, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe Heirs and Creditors ot said dec d. I**rn,s *,n tlicdny a le JOHN HARDEN. Adm'r, M1CAJAH BLAND, Adm’r. i Oct. 22. 1819. 4" td Georgia—Newton Conntv. A GRF.EABLE to ap order of the Inferior Court ol Newton County, /\ when setting for ordinary purposes, w ill be sold on the ::r~■. I ues day in Januarv next, before the Court House door said counl>, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following Land. G/ -l art of Lot-o, ; Land, Number two hundred and forty, and two hundred and forty-one, iu the tenth District, of original iv Henrv, now Newton County; and | pari- of Lots, Number two hundred and nine, and two hundred and mr- 1 tv. in the eleventh District ofthe conntv aforesaid. Sold tor the !,ene- i fit of the Heirs and Creditors of the Estate of Martin Warren, late ol She hopes by strict attention to her work to receive a liberal share of Newton County, deceased. Terms made knewn on the dav of sale. ..... GADF.R HAMILTON. Adm r. mi: TNFORMS ihe LADIES ot Milledgeviile, that she has taken the : 5 house ne r Jarrkt’s Spuing, recently occupied by Mr. Trice, where she intends carre ing on the AND PART OF THE MILLENARY BUSINESS. patronage. XT’ GENTLEMEN' August 18 . Oct. fi, 1840. AMV WARREN. Adni’rx. X; td ts to be raised. i< e!ex < ion in thiscitv. n: a Iticii. together w ith the ma- | .Savaunah. loth April, 1340. sonrv ou the Nth. ITtii, anil 2'.)ih sections, have been aban- ’ •sloned within the quarter, and statements showing the amount : of work dotso. aud that remaining: to be done in each case : presented. Favorable proposals for grading ihe 17th and j *20:11. of the above seciioti have been received, but the former has t;ot been let. rs it is understood that, it lias not. as yet : ■been formally relinquished by the original contractor ” i 5 ' x tnontlis, ending the 5th instant: the same will \i i \unpffeil E-qr. the IJesl.-i'iit Engineer of the 5th sh,)-,.sc r< : o: ts ax follow*. I’* G. SHICK. Jailor. 17 lv Look at This. price of 4f-5 the season I Acliuinistrator-9 Snlv. - ^ GREEABLE to an order ofthe Infernr Gourt of Pulaski County, | ^ when ?iuiu»r a- Court tP Ordinary. nni!i > • dav in Januarv next. l»? ; tore the Court Hou«*e <; -old on the fir«t Tue« in said Couoiy be- DIVIDEND No. 45. BANK STATE OF GEORGIA,) Savannah, 23S Oct.. 1840. \ ’T'HE Board of Directirs having this day declared a Di\i lend (No. 45y A of four dollars per share from rhe nett profits of the Bank, for the ’ast six months, ending the 5th instant: the same w ill be paid t« the re petitive Stockholder* ah ar:d liter Wednesday next, the 2othiast. I. t- 1 EFFT. Acting Cashier. Oct. UT. 40 3t fJNHE iindcrsigne 1 oilers forsdc, TGI ace ; ofexcellent oak and hick j n counrv, itbeiug No. j Reindeer wa * sired hv ihe celebrated Henrv, the competitor ofEelipse; . tween the mnl boon ol sale, the following preperty to-wit: bis dam Sport’s Mistress, bv Hickory (the best son of imported Whip;) j Eighteen Hundred acr*s ,,f good Haminaek L ind, UH acres o his gra:. him. MilleFs Dams ’.the dam of American Eeiipee: she w os : denied Land weii improved, lying the (2lst) wentj-feK I b-trict, nr:_ sired by imported Messenger. Great grand im the imported Mare by j inally Wilkinson, hot now Pulaski County, known as ihe Plantation o orv LAND, lying in 13th D _ . .... 217. and hounded by lands of Samuel Grace and Hagh i.. Erwin’s Us- ! Potoxas; gres r gi -ai grandam bv Gimcrack: Simp Dragon, by Snap; 1 John Jos 1*avlot s adj no tate. There are 15 or 20 acres cleared, part of which is in cultivation. Rsgulus ; Bartlett's Childers; Hottev Wood’s Arabian, out of the Two i licr. on the- V, ater: of J .- It is good for thecuhure of Cotton. Corn, and Wheat, and is well tim- - True Blues. i Also, at the same time he red and watered, and has a good Well of water in the vard. Reindeer is a cbesnc.t sorrel, Ifi hands Idgli. of large I one, strong! v I man 32 or 3 years old ELISHA OWENS. made, short back, fine eyes, and of commanding appearance. 33* The Standard of Union and Augusta Constitutionalist, wiil iusert • bred by Thomas Pearsall, of Long Islam!. New York, :: Lands cf John J. G»;!h; s Creek, place, FIVE Nr lu-ffe a bov about and 1 huiuas Col- >"S to-wit: Abb, a ars nid, and Mary a He wa* woman about 39 a ears old. and Ti! J i a gifl tars old. and 'hn« r a he Bine - ciiild 12 or l5:noi,rhs old. ail sold as the pro; rtyof John J:':"!'; 1 '■' the al.'ove weekly until the fi rat of December next, and forward :!:eir ar.- j years old in May next. There is not counts to Henderson, Houston Co., for pi} meat.—M :cor Tebzrrrph. 1 ed .State-, either native or ig.rmrud. I!# O. | June 2 Sf: td December Hr, 1348. l better brooded horse in the Unit- j lor late of said County decea- . JOHN T. LAMAR, l Creditors of said deceased, iff- JOHN WINE-VS. ; --aid if: tf ■ Oct.iitr. 171-9. -.ffri for i!ic fi- -a- it of lire He ir- and ;- ,.fi - ; I h In rw II *,:i trie dat of MfCAJAH JOUNS'I’O.N, A-!m>. il td il — MM IH