Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, February 05, 1841, Image 4

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THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN TI1E WORLD A NEW SERIES OF THE NEW-YORK AIIRKORs A weekly Gazette of the Belles Letters and the Fine Arts: Embellished, monthly with costly and Maguificeiit Quarto Steel Engravings, and with the jj i»i populiir and beautiful Music of the d ;y, arranged for the Piano forte. Guitar an.I Harp: containing contributions from Autliors of the highest distinction at home and abroad, and designed as an • •gtmt Parlour Journal for all classes of society. Memoirs. Biogra phy. Novels, Tales, Travels, Voyages, Poetry, Criticism, History, Arts, iScieuces, Narratives, Incidents, Advcutures, Scenery, Corres|>oudeucc, sketches of society and matiuers. passing events of the times. Anecdote and Gossip, the Fash- j ions in Dress, and every other subject witlinulie range of po lite Literature, are embraced iu its plan. The whole foruiiug, at the eud of the Year, a la SUPPLEMENT TO THE GLOBE. Prospectus for the Congrtssimel Globe and Appendix. T HESE works w ill be publish’! bjr as during the approarh- i ' ' " . HAYNES’ Pulaski Sheriff’s Sale. I GEORGIA, Washington County. Alltl-Dyspeptic and Alltl-BlilOUS Pills. WILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court: WHEREAS, William Orr, applies for letters of Admin,., ——> .* .*. H II .1.— m-.-.i: . .. I oil the cstalfe of Penelope Orr, late ot said county, decease,! ing session of Congress. Ttev havehai such awide cir- dilution iu the Uuited States, aixtheir usefulness and cheap- ness are so univers illy acknowletgerl, that we deem it uime- I perience , cessary to give a detailed accoun of what the future num- j and havir hers will coutaiu. SulKce it to sa - that they will he iuvalna- I other articles of similar form. hie to all who feel an interest ill U« proceedings of Cougress. ! f re: ''*- v *"l*erior, tor general use, lo every other known reined - - - 1 fresh supply tor sale, at 50 cents the box, by preferred iu on ; . ... Thev are confident! v recommended as a °* J * A i i< d c,n as the property of John J. Gatlin, to j No other publication gives tham «• lull, uor half so cheap. It j is, indeed, the cheapest publicati<N iu the United States—;>er- j haps iu the world. Our positionit the seat of Government ! enables us to print them at so low i rate. We are compelled | lo publish the proceedings of Cou/ress iu detail, fur our daily j paper. Thisdoue, it requires, cotiparatively, hut a small ad- i dilioual expense to change them to the forms of the Con gressional Globe aud Appendix. If it were not for these cir cumstances, we could not pubiifl them for four times the e Q u -,i-to 501,1 c l ,ar S e( !- 1“ some parts of tie United States, the white paper, upou which these works ar printed, would sell for as And at Milledgcville, Sept 1, 13-10. E. M. COWI.ES, BREEDLOVE &. DERRY, DR. LITTLE, LAFAYETTE HALL. 32—tf sntisfv two ti. fas. issued from the Superior Court of said County, the ' GEORGIA, Washington countu. £ri‘.^.: IaWk,nitViUC VS - J0l '“ J ‘ Gud,U_J)rope,t - V P oiu,ed out L ’- v ,he WHEREAS Patience Glenn, Administratrix on the Estate ,r , Ww w« c (i Irnn lulP nf <Ktiit! rrninti' doona.nil i t ^p""Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix BITTERS. T lie perfectly safe, uneiring, and successful treatment of almost everv species of disease liv die use of MOFFAT’S LIFE MEDICINES, is no longer a matter of doubt, as a reference to the expe rience of many thousand patients w ill satisfactorily prove. During the present month alone, nearly one hundred cases have come to the know I- edged Mr. Mnflat, where the patient has, to all appearance, effected a permanent cure by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life Modi- I j defendant. ) I bree lots of land No.76, No. 15?, and No 95, all King in the eighth district of originally Dooly now l’ulaski county, containing each 202j acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Green G. Graham, to satisfy five fi. fas. two from the Superior Court, one in favor of James \\ alker,surviv or, &c. one in favot ot William T.Crook tk t'o. vs. Green G. Graham, and three from a Justices’ Court of said Cuuutv, Nixon Moor vs. <»rceii G. Graham. Property pointed out bv said Graham. Jan.29. 13-11. JOS. CARRliTHERS. Sh’ff. way Glenn, late of said county deceased, applies for letters mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admoni rf ed by grai tins 28th day of November, 1840. Dee. 1, 1310. 1 bese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the 1 and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office with- time prescribed by law, lo show cause if any exist,” whv said l"" rl ' I not he granted. Given under my hand at office in Sanders '’ L. A. JERNEGAN, c. c . 45 Mortgage Sale. \\7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu March next, before the Court House door in the town of Hawhinsvilie Pulaski Counlv, within tiie Ipgal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Randol a man about thirty-five years ot age, Jack fortv vears of age, William thirteen years old,'Gracy'thirty years old, Harriett twelve years c thifity years old,Silvia thirteen yearsold, Martha ten vears old, , , ...., ... _ arali fifty years old. Also ten Shares of Bank Stock, in the Bank make it known at the beginning »f the approaching session j the use of his medicines to iris fellow citizens. j 1,1 Hawkinsviile, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Pulaski Inferior Court. The ul Congress. They cannot avoid t, or put it off any looker- The Lll'L MEDICINES are a purely \ EGETABLE preparation. ; bank ot ilawkinsviiic vs. James O. Jeiks, property pointed out in said ti. > . •. . • ^ •. ® ... Thev are mild and pleasant ill their operation, ami at the same time I ,! - * a - • ' Dec. 25th, 1340, JOS. CARR CITIES,Sl.’ff. ciues—some right or ten of these had been considered beyond all hope I *: 'Ilium t bv their medical attendants. Such happy results are a snuice of great j ' •’ a!;e pleasure to Mr. M. and inspire liim with new confidence to recommend ■ :il| d Sara] Those who support them, will be (tiger lo know how it will ,l,"J* r ,, - ■ , a i ■ 11 ■ i .... thorough—acting rapidiv upon the secretions ot the sv stem—earrving benefit tbeir interests, and Will Hive them to It. All the | offall acrimonious humors, and assimilating with mid purifying* the measures of Ihe coining Admiliistntion, except turning out j blood. For litis reason,in agravated case*of Dvs|iepsia, the Lite Medi- i .... - r - , f iiiueh as we charge for the puhltcaioiis. heautilul necoinpaunti.-ut to the I imio-forie, ami. so far as , .... ,, . . - , 1 ... ,1, , 1 lie l' ederal party have sticceeted in electing their caiidi- relates to plates, a charming center-tabic ornament. 1 . . .. ; ... . * . , , ' i date to the presidency, ns leaders will now have to declare EDITED BY GEORGE 1*. MORRIS. the policy they intend to pursue. 'They will be obliged to It has been said, that the American people are fickle iu their attachments; that they are fond of change and variety, and willingly part with an old fiieud for the novelty of a new acquaintance. As far as it relates to us, \vc can unequivo cally deny the assertion. It is now more than seventeen years siuce we licatiou of the aud improvements, bers have adhered ourselves thau . , i ly, SO full, and so cheap, as the Concessional Globe and the j All that Mi. Moffat asks „f his patients i, to be particular in taking vvenow make an important change, viz. a commencement j Appendix. All the motions and resdutiotis will be given id them strictly according to the directions. It is not by a newspaper m>- ’ of our nineteenth year, on this2d of January. 1841 .* In ma- the Congressional Globe in the exact words of the persons lice, or by any tiling that he himself may say in their favor, that he hopes king tliis change, we are onlv following the example of many making or offering them. The substance of the speeches !° cred 'J‘ It is alone by the results of a fair trial. Is i he reader an | ^ . ’ 4% ~ i | • » * , ,i r * I i ii . . * . . . , . - invalid, oiul doe* lie wish to know whether the Lite Medicines will suit Ol our cotemporarics, who, Jtfter publishing then »> i|»ers for , made. «*1! ho give.. .*; a lc« the yeas ami nays, taken from | lis owllCMlie ? If »o, lei him call or send to Mr. Moffat’s ne*-nt in this several years, were under the necessity of adopting this plan, the journal, on all the important questions. The Appendix plaie.and procure a copy of the Medical Manuel, designed as a Domes- j out by the members them- ; *' c Guide to Health, published gratuitously, lie will there find eiiu- portaut that the people should he inpurtant pari ol our ciiange, is. our intention ot giving , iniormeu ol the sayings aud doiugs of their memh>rs while iu an elegant sleel-piate engraving eeery month, many of w hich j session, aud shall therefore spare neither labor nor money to we have already selected, and have engravers employed on : furnish them, if the Federal members shall couliiue loud- several of them. ! vocate one set of measures here, and another at tuine. the In cousequeuce of the disappointment we have met with ! Congressional Globe aud Appendix will give theircoustitr- from one ol ottr engravers, who was to have furnished our cuts the evidence to confront them. The Congressional Globe will he made up of lie daily GEORGIA. Pulaski County. IVTIEREAS Daniel Matthews, Administrator on tiie Estate if t ward Burch deceased, applies for letters of disnii.-.-iori f r ' Administration. s 3ic These are therefore torite and admonish all and singular the i. nd creditors ot said deceased to file their objections if anv onorllr : u: firstMonday in January next, win said letters should k.. Ihe firstMonday in January next, why said letters should riot be ' Given under my hand at office, Haw kinsville. June n bth l r ’|fi r JOHN V. MITCHELL C r n 23 td Administrator’s Sale. several years, were untler ttic necessity 01 aaopung tins pi hi. i me journal, on ail me important < that their subscribers might not thereafter be confused about j will give the speeches as writteiii the beginning and ending of the publication year. But the selves. We think it all-important more important pact ol our change, is. our intention of giving informed of the sayings aud doiugt ■iterated very many extraordinary cases of cure; aud perhaps some ex actly similar to his own. Motfat’s Medical Office iu New York, 375 i Broadway. These Valuable Medicines arc for sale bv M. E. EDWARDS, Agent. ' October 6,1840. 37 1 v IMP. Ji „) Administrator’s Sale. \VILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Court House door in Puuldinir County, Lot of Land No. M in the l 7 th District, and -Itli Section, containing 4U acres, and Ivin? iu Paulding County, so!d for tiie benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of Telfair Posey, late of Pulaski County, deceased. Terms on the dav. June 30,1340. € JB OjR GIA. Pmaskt County- \\ *!FREAs 1 B'sses Crutchfield, \dministrator of tiie F-n*, * 7 C -[T !‘ f s »id county deceased, applies for' ! ' ol dismission trom suid Administration. eri 1 hese are therefore to c iie and admonish all and singular the kind, arid creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if anv tiu-v > ’ why said letters should not he granted on the first Mondav i„ I'.Ji" next. ' Given under my hand at office, in Hawkinsviile, J„ n e -'7th ]"4f) JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C i) 23 June 30,1310. Oet. 31.1S40. norman McDuffie, a.i 41 td C/ 6 ’Moffat’s Vepfftable Life Pills and Phoenix BITTERS. The high celebrity w hich these excellent Medicines have proceedings of ihe two Houses of Congress, and the speeches ! acquired, in curing almost every disease to «fiich the human frame is li- of the members condensed. The yeas and uavs or all im ma,,c / »<;>n ,|iar with alm.^t every intelligent ,.erson. They ; January plate. we have been under the necessity of sending oue only a match to what we have formerly furnished. Eli having now a number of engravers at work that we may ol me members condensed, me j„ ? . -- - — »«- lM . < illne Unown bv lheir lrult ,_„ Kir pood works have testified for them eventually have the plates engraved ami printed at least three portaut subjects are given. It is published as last asihe liu- i| )ev did not thrive bv the faith of the credulous. month in advauce. we shall soon he beyond tire reach of all siuess of the two Houses affords matter enough fora num- ! In cases of Costiveiiess, Dyspepsia, Billions and Liver Affections, disappointment, aud send them to our siihsciihc -s so well I her. Fact) number will contain sixteen royal quarto pages, j Asthma, File*, Settled I’ains, Rheumatism, Fevers and Agues, Obstin- ■ dried and seasoned as to be almost released from k-ar of being I of small type. We expect to publish three numbers fir eve- NeivousDelfilSe' 1 ’slckneisjUeident !“FeMte?Kfc!ite injured iu the mails by carriage. I lie plates w e have now ry two w eeks of tiie session. Health, every kind of Weakness of the Digestive Organs, and in ail ge- ia hand are such as have never been produced in any periodi { The AertcKDix contains the speeches of the members, at i nerul derangements of Health, these Medicines have invariably proved Administrator’s Sale. \VII.L be so d on tiie first Tuesday in February next, before tiie Court _ in Lumpkin Comity, Lots of Land No. 152, in 1- tli Dis- trict, and first Sei linn, am! No. 113, in 13th District, and first Section. Sold for ihe benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of Telfair Posev, late of • Pulaski Counlv, deceased. Terms on die dav. NORMAN McDUFFIE, Adm’r. Oct. 31,1840. 41 td Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. -f £ | aC 1! ' ,rkh , ultcr - Administrator of the estate illiain Kig^i!, late of said pountv deceased u>. n L^ #* i ,, 1 disinission from said Administration. * Uetea,,e ‘'’ a l , P‘‘ ca '«=«*.. vf I hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kind,, dm firu^'rV' S ?" I ' k ' <; '' ased,to,ile their objections if anv, on or bd„ r .‘ tire first Monday in January next, why suid letters should not be gran:'. Given under my hand at office in Hawkinsviile, Jnlv 25th, I JOHN V. MITCHELL, c. GEORG!A, Pulaski County. \\ DERE.AS Micujah Johnson, mini, do bonis non, on the estute , J7 - u . us J OI ‘es,late ol ! ulaski County,deceased, upjilies for left, . ot uisnussiiin from said adnmii^tiation. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kind™,' a d creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if anv,on orhei,,,.' '-ranted ° Dda - V W - Xoveujber ncxt - why said letters should not l, Ghen under m\ hand at office, in Hawkinsviile. September l‘t|li IT! 1 ' Sc],u22, 1810 J """' 4 GREF, ABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Pulaski Conntv * w hen sitting for Oidinarv purposes, will hesoldon tiie first TuesdaV m March next before the Court House door, in suid County between the usual hours of sale ihe following property to-wit: " I.’/'i t> f ! t Ti /. / • .‘i , thirds of lot No. 136 in the 12th District, of nri.inallv Houston GilfciJ, / tt/USkt LoUlitU. », several thousands of dollars per annum This arrangement, while it will afford to the readers of the Mirror more than an abundant equivalent for the trilling price at which it is published, (for the plates could not lie purchased at the print stores separately lor §5 u> r could the music he obtained for that amount,) will, we trust, give us ■uch an increase of subscribers as will enable us to proceed with reuewed energy and unflagging industry in the prosecu tion of om literary labours, and warrant these heavy expen ditures of lime ami money. When we began the publication of ihe Miiror, there was no work of a similar character iu the Union, of any literary lie removed at ouce, by referring to the speech iu tlx Ap pendix. each, according to the size; and tiie Phoenix Bitters in buttles; at £1 or $2 each, with full directions. ,,,, , , . * », . FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION—An interesting little * J. ..r.° ".* re T subscribers as soon as tllty can p nlll „| 1 | e ,, eatitled “ Moffat’s Medical Manual, designed as a Domestic 1 " * ‘ * '* ‘ Guide to Health—containing accurate information concerning the most prevalent disease, and the most approved remedies—by WILLIAM B. MOFFAT.”' Apply to the Ageuis. EFThe above medicines tor sale by M. E. EDWARDS, Milledgevifle. October 6. 1340—37—Iv Agent. be prepared after the adjournment of Congress. TERMS. For one copy of the Congressional Globe * - $1 One copy of the Appendix ----- $1 Six copies of either of the above works will he srnt for S3, twelve copies for $10, aud a proportionate number of copies fora iargersum. Payments may be transmitted by mail, postage paid, at our •k. The notes of any incorporated bank in the United Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines. T HESE Medicines are indebted for their mime to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs and channels of life, and en duing them with renewed tone mid vigor. Iu many hundred certified YVILL be sole nt the court house in Warrenton, Warren counlv, Ga. on first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours of sale, the following Irtcts of land, to wit: 482 acres in Warrencouuty, on Rocky Comfort, joining Hill, also, 556 acres on the Rocky Comfort joining Adam Ivy, all sold as the propei tv of Ephraim Ivy.deceased, for tiie benefit of tiie heirs &c., of said de ceased. Terms of sale on thedav. Also, all the negroes, twenty seven, belonging to said deceased, sold at the same time and place. ADAM IVY, THOMAS IVY, October 26,1*. if) 41 id Executors. I — GEORGIA. Pulaski Count if. YY r IIEREAS, Maul lias MrCormick, Administrator on the estate wf W illiam Barrow, late ol said county, deceased, applies for letter* ofdismission trom said Administration. 8 hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular th« kindr* ; and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections, if anv, why sun! letters should not be granted. i*ivuu im ler in\ bund at office this JEth .\o\ember 1340. 4 1 ' JOHN V. MITCHELL, c. c. o. merit, which combined such a number ol attractions ;i» ne .States, current in the section of country where a subscriber ! cases which have bee public, mid innlmost every species of His- have presented iu superior engravings, music, heautilul p;t- resides, will lie received. i ease to which the human frame is liable, the happy effects of MOF- per, and extreme neatness of typography. W ith determi- j To illsure a( , thc lluln b e rs, the subscriptions should lie here ! f AT . s L . , l 1 ^ p,L b LS A . N P D*'I’TERS have been grateful- nation to render it a work worthy of the extensive support |, v the 14th of December next at farthest ly and publicly ackuowledge.l bv the persons beiicfitted. ui d who were ..... . * . j. 1 v Ul nc*-riii»cr iicxi «ii iitnuusi. nrevioiislv unacnuaintcd with ihe bcaiititullv plulosophicul principles which it has always received, we w ent on, year alter year, i The Democratic papers w ith which wo exchange, w ill ' upon which they are compounded, and upon which they consequently F or Cc Administrator’s Sale. Washington Citt, Oct. 2(5,1840. BLAIR & RIVES. Sparta Female Academy. employiug talent of a high order, in hcatitilyiug and ortianien- j please give this prospectus a few institutions ting the woik with gems of thc pend and the pen. Few can j Jfe attention u-ill bt paid to any order unless the own conceive the immeuse amount we have paid for literary and e y accompanies it. pictorial cotrtr-ibutious* We have hccu thc pioneer in almost every thing that has lifted thc periodical press of this country from ite former to its present positiou, until, by common con tent, the New-York Mirror has been considered as inferior to ne Kterery publication of a similar character in the world. We some years since, in consequence of our constantly in creasing expenses, raised the price to five dollars, and our friend* have paid it cheerfully, from a conviction that it is now, and always iiasbeeu, honestly worth tile money. With in the last few years a change has come over every thing, particularly the republic of letters. 1'eriodieals, have in creased in vast numbers, and the adoption of the cash system. and its certain aud prompt results, have induced some few publishers to reduce the price of subscription, ami to be eon- tented with limited profits in consideration of the facilities af forded them by prompt payment. The subscribers of the New-Ymk Mirror are entitled to the full benefit of ihi* change and we have therefore began a a new series oE the Work on this second of January, 1841: but as our mottn is not "re duction of price, aud a gradual deciease of excellence,” but a desire to follow up our seventeen years’ advance, iu all re spects, and now make the Mirror the most elegant periodical in the world, we shall make the expensive additions before mentioned, and continue the charge of only Pice Dollars per Annum, payable, in all cases, in advance. In thus issuing it at a price which would appear to ail ac- Thc LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves in diseases ofevery form and description. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various impurities and crudities eon- i stantly settling around them ; "nd to remove the hardened fa-ces which I collect in thc convolutions of thc smallest intestines. Other medicines i only partially dense these, and leave such collected masses behind as I to produce habitual costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden di- j arrho-n, with all its imminent dangers. This fuel is well known to all . i «s t • regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels alter death; and f 84 HIS I IlStitlltlou Will he open on the second .Monday III j hence llie prejudice of those well informed men against quack medicines 1 B January 1841, under the superintendence of Mr. &. Mrs. ! —or medicines prepared and heralded to the public bv ’ourt House, in the Town of Franklin, Heard county, a tract of Land, number 185, 4th Carroll, now Heard county, containing 262J —acres sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham counlv— for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the lute Wm. II. Coe. JAMES S. BI LLOCH, Administrator on the estate of Wm. H. Coe. Lebanon, Cobb Co. Geo. Itifli Jnn. 1341. —t.d.s. \ LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert McCook, deceased, of ~ , r • n suid County, are requested to make payment immediate!v, those (.tCOKSSiii^ I Itluslil C UllHItJ• bavin" demand* within the time 1 GEORGIA, Pulaski County. *11 THE REAS, John II. Pickett, and Jane Pickett, applies for letters ft of Admidbtrution on ilicestate of Janies Pickett, late of said comm deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections if an\ exhr. on or before the first Moody iu March next, why said letters should iu: be granted. (iiven under •!)v hand at office, in Hawkio>\ il!e this 21st Dec. 1 o I0* 49 JOHN V. MITCHELL c. c.o. Sparta Dec. 19th 1340. s against paid estate are requested to prestnt ihe same, FREAS, Asa Pepkin and Luke Sapp, applies for letters of h<! prescribed by law. ▼▼ ministration on the estate of William Smith, late of said MAJOR PEACE. 4 1 deceased- JAMES McCOOK, > Adm’rs. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred ROBT. McCOOK. ) and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections if any, on or U* jrnoiaiit persons. Wavlantl, assisted by Miss Mansfield. The highest testimo- The second effect of the Life Medh ures is to cleanse ihe kidnevs and the . .- . , J . * r# . • ■...«!. ...... i bladder, and bv this means, the liver and thc lungs, the liealtldtil action mals have been presented of their capabilities lo tench—com- , of whk . h entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs, billing polished maimers with lugli literary attain meats, and • The blood, wliieh takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the extensile experience. They iveie educated in England, hut lungsbcforc it passes into the bran, being thus purified bv them, and nourished by footl coining fmm a clean-lomiii'h, courst-s frcelv through lire veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts lire banner of health in the blooming cheek. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines have Ireen thoroughly tested, am! pronounced n sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency. I'ulpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-burn and Headache, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor mid Melancholy, Uostiveness, Diarrl have taught for many years in this country, Mr. W. presents (among others) letters from the following gentleineu. lion. J. C- Calhoun, Professor Authou Columbia College New York. Ilev. Dr. Pearce, Columbus Ga. Rev. Dr. \\ aylaud. Brown University, Professor Gerrubsutt, Charleston fs. C. and the l rusteesof the Pendleton Academy, where he taught . Cholera, Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of ail kin,.-, four years, Mrs. W. (formerly Mrs. I^igh,) lias long Iteen l Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption, Seurvv, I hers, Inveterate known as ail accomplished Lady, aild successful Teacher, to Sores, Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive complaints, i r .i • i.. ... Ti,., r..ll„,. -..Mrs. ,,f atmliru i Sallow, Cloudv, and othertlisagreeuhle (.’omplexioiis,>alt Rheum, Lrv- tl ,e citizens of tins State. 1 he folloiuug course ol studies j , ipeUy ; c ,Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints • Adm’rs. will he taught in the Institution. _ i which afflict the human frame. In Fever and Aui e, particularly, the Senior Class, Chemistry, Logie, Moral and Political Phi- . I .ife Medicines have been most eminently successful', so Hindi so tbiit losophy. French, Latin, Greek, and Mathematic $*20 per | n the Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost universally prescribe | Term, of five ntonths.-Ju.iior Class Grammar Geography, j "7' ,,^ Mr M(lfrat rc(|!lires „ fhis patient, is to he particular in tak History, Arithmetic and Popular I hihsojm), per I ertn- , j n? |j ie Life Medicines strictly according in the directions. It is not bv 1 Primarv Class, thc rudiments of ike English Language, | n newspaper notice,or bvunvthing that lie himselfitmv sav in tlicirfavor ‘ quainted with the sulject, scarce^ulik^ot io defra'v iu'rur- Spelling,'Reading and Writing &e. ^’c. $12 aud a half per 111 fl'A* ?" AA E l> VtTA iV MANU.oird^iglretTasa'Voinrstir guide to 1 ZX rant expenses of print and paper, we do not contemplate the ! I erm. I health. This little pamphlet, edited bv \V. B. Moffat, 375 Broadw ay, J least thntinutitm iu the interest aud value of the publication, | Oraamental Branches (l.xtra.) ’ y evr y 0 rk, has been published for tire purpose of explaining mure fit liv editorially coitsitlcred. On \\ ill com.un litrra- ! Music. Piano Fort, Guitar, Singing and Thorough Base, j Mr. Moffat’s ihcorv of diseases, and will be found highly interns ' ru articles of intense interest; and every exertion will Ite made j $25 per Term. to furnish Ihe most fashionable, choice, and popular music; j Drawing perspcction and Painting $15 per Term, and uo pains or expense w ill lie spared to sustain its present | A small and extra charge will be made for fuel and the use j high literary character, and to keep it at least iu the foremost ! of the Instrument. rank with the most popular periodicals iit this country or | The public will observe that the Tnntecs have reduced the j Europe. We even expect in this respect to surpass our for- Price to the lowest rates to suit the liar loess of the times. j mer efforts, as the Editor, by a recent arrangement, will he Board can be obtained in the village ou reasonable terms, ! teleased front all the cares connected with the business and say $10 per Month including Washing. POSTPONED SALE. ; lirlLL.bc sold on tin* first Tuesday in February next, in Irwinton, Wil- | I f kinson counl v, the settlement known as Wadsworth’s place, con taining 132$ acres of land more or less, some 50 acres cleared on iu good order for cultivation. Also, the lute residence of John Wyse of ! said county, on the waters of Commissioners Creek, containing 750 acres • more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the dav of sale. M. S. WEST, ALFRED BRA NAN, September 1,1849. 32 tils. POSTPONED SALE. ILL be ?uhl on the first Tuesday in March next, before tire Court House door in the town of Jacksonville, Telfair Counlv one half of a lot ot land known us No. two hundred and sixty-nine, in tire first District of Appling, now Telfair County. Also one lot of land in tiie same District and County, known as No two hundred and twenty one, lying on tlie Ocmulgee River, belonging to tiie Estate oi Thomas 8. Swain. REBECCA SWA 1X, ) . , . MITCHELL G. \\ IL1.COX. ) Adm rs ’ Jacksonville, Dec. 16th, 1840. 43 td fore the first Monday in February next, whv said letters should not be 'ranted. Gi\cn under my hand, at office, this Januarv 6th, 1841. JOHN V. MITCHELL, c. c. o. January 15,1841. 51—It w L persons indebted to tire estate ol < ’ordall Frances, late of Wash ington County, deceased, are requested to make immediate par rel all those hating demands against said estate, are notified to in in nroperlv authenticated in terms of tiie law. WILLIAM SMITH, Ex’r. 1st December, 1840. 46 tf persons seeking health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and tiie causes llieseof. Price, twenty five cents—for sale by Mr. .Moffat’s agents generally. These Valuable Medicines are for sale hv M. E. EDWARDS, Agent. October 6, 1810 37 iv NOTICE. GEORGIA, Pulaski County. Inferior Court, Kittim; for Ordinary purposes, March the 12/A. 1810. W HEREAS hv the petition of Mu ajati Bland and John Hardin, as Administrators,on the estate of Forman Hodges, late of said countv, deceased; it appearing to the Court, that Janies Bright, late of <ai,l county,deceased, did it bile in lilt-, heretofore, to-w it: on tire 20fh dat of November, 1835. make and deliver a certain Bond, unto the said Forman Hodges, tlreu iu life, lor the perfet ting titles to a tnu-1 of Land, sitnati.! in the fourth district, of originally Dooly,now Pulaski county, known in the idan of said district, as number 60, and fraction 61—and it appearing that tiie saiti James Bright departed this life, before comply ing with the requisitions of said Bond, and that titles have never been made to the said Forman, « Idle in life, nor to his said Administrators since ids death. These are then fore to (ite and admonish, all and singular, thc kindred and creditors of the said James Bright deceased, to he and appear at my office w ithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any exi.-t. »liv Alfred C. Bostwick, the Administrator of tiie estate of said Jaim - Bright deceased, should not perfect titles in accordance to said obii. !- lioti. Given undermv hand, at office, this Julv 21st, 1840. JOHN V.' MITCHELL, e. c.o. July 28,1310. 27— [YOUR months afterdate, application will be made to the Honora- Jd ble thc Inferior Court of Pulaski county, w hen sitting for Ordina ry purposes, fir leave to sell a part of the land and negroes, belonging te the estate of John Joseph Tavlor, late of Pulaski countv, deceased. MICAJA11 JOHNSTON, Adm’r. Julv 25,1340. 29—Im ^i^LL persons lebted to tire Estate of Aaron Scarborough late of Pu laski county deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having demands against said Estate, will render them in terms of the law. " ~ ADAM SCARBOROUGH, Adm’r. Nov. 14, 43 6(!d financial department, which has for years rested upon lum, | depriving biin of much of the time he wished to spend in ealeriug fur l he public. We ask. in return, from the friends of American liteiature. j their cordial and hearty support of titis New and expensive j series; and have no doubt but wc shall liberally receive it. In rouulry towns and villages w here the population is small in number, those who wish to receive the Miiror would find it to their interest to obtain at least seven subscribers, that the j papers may l»c rolled up iustead of being folded, as thc frd- 1*. S. Payment will be expected, at the end of each Term. W. II. SAYRE, i B.J. WYNN. > ELI MANSFIELD S Trustees, E M. PENDLETON, ) JOS. B. GONDER. $ Jan. 8th, 1401. 50—Sr. REINDEER. XU is thorough-bred Race Horse, (own brother to Alice Gray,) will stand the next season at Hillsborough, Jasper county, under tire ill he let to mares at the reduced w BANK OF MILLEDGEVILLE, October 20, 1840. RDERED, that the Stockholders of this Rank who have not paid ^ _ tire full amount of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS per shire oil din*' serionslv injures I oth papers anil plates, hut especially j their STOCK, he required to pay the balance by instalments as fellows: . ** . " » | | w , •trlvmr .• ' On each share, Ten Dollars on the fifst dav of Januarv nexf~Five the n ate*: and less than seven cannot he acn ant ♦"eon-l\ ,, _ . ’ . „ r Jiril . rt . REVOCATION. VOTICE is hereby given, that I did on or aboutthe venr I828j make 4 x and execute a power of Attorney to some persm, whose name is now unknown lo me, to sell a certain Tract or Lot of Lind, situate in the 5th District of formerly Muscogee,now Marion Coulty, and known by No. j Central Bank, for the customary fee of ONE DOLLA It for each >42.—I do hercbv revoke and cancel all powers o'Attorney by me made j a|. Also, to the taking out and forwarding Grants for Fifty Cent to anv person whatever, to sell said Lot of Laid, and that ( will not sanction nor ratify anv sale which mav be made under said power, this 4th November, 1840. ' A. P. PEACOCK. Washington County, Nov. 10,1840. 42 1 the plates; **OJ < ess lu,,u ” ’" v ‘ r"”! j Dollars on the first dav ofFebruarv—Five Dellars on the first dav of rolled. Where seven or more papers arc sent to one direct,on. i Marclt—aud Five Dollars on the fust dav ol April, 1841. four dollars for each will be received as payment iu full for a Extract front tire Minutes, ’ T. RAGLAND, Cashier. year. But ill all such cases we shall require the name of j Oct-27 40 fi t each subscriber, that we may know nur friends, at least in name, if we should never he more highly favoured. If de sired, we will write the address, iu pencil, on the margin ol ! To all whom it may concern .* each paper so put op. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS. The Mirror is printed and published by Daniel Fansii aw, every Saturday, at his Book Store, No. 148 Nassau street, m thc extra super-royal quarto foitn. It it embellished, once every month, with hsplendidsuper-roya! tn^roring. and every week with a popular piece of music, arn.uged for the piano forte, harp, guitar, &c. I hi. turns .tie I l\l. d mI.i I m r J ,, arts of Georgia, for several years past, am seeing the spirit tha annum, payable, l/l all casts, one year in advance. It is lot- p reva j| g amongst the |>eople for raising thir om Slock, also, believing warded by the earliest mails to subscribers residing out of the Georgia,able and competent to raise all of Irer <nn Stock without buy- citv of New York ing ol foreigners, he has been induced lo bring along from Kentucky, The nostage must he ,,-ild on all communications. Such *"'"<■ of »l;c>sst improved breeders of Hogs audCattle lorhreeding, to l ne ,u ”-*■ I . . - | ii cive the citizens an oppurt unity of raising from the best >fock in any as relates to the editorial department mustoe directed to ucii. Countv. he also has along several Durham Buis are! Heifers, crossed G. P. Morris; all others to D. Fansiiaw. t |,J improved patlon Stock, from one lo two years old, also some No subscription received for a less per od thau one year. Berkshire aud Irish Grazier Sows, and Boars, allr.f whichcan be seen at N u t* . oe.ieroliv ivilliiiir In 1 M r. \V. A. Motts in Miiledgcvilie, it is nowconsdered by all who are ac- . B. Postmasters are authorized, aud generally w illiug. 1«» i|lted wilh tlle j,, irha ,„ cattle, that they exed in point of rieher.nd forward money to newspapers free of expense where the let- . ()Uanlilv of Good cows well kept fiequeitlv give from 32 to ;t6 tors are signed by themselves. Persons w i-diing to remit will quarts of milk per day, thev also feed kindly aid thair beefis preferred therefore, when it ran he done, write just what they want the in market. The Berkshire Hog stands nshighnn the hog list as I»ur- n . r .1 , ,l,, " i, .I,.. ! ham cattle stands on the cattle list, they ntt onk come to maturity Car- Postmaster to say fur them, so that he will only have the j ,.^ wi|h thc , ftart I)oasibk exIMI)9P b f n tleir ? ork is called pu i trouble of signing. j celleuce in market, the gentlemans pork. ! TIOMAS JOHNSON. ’Such as have already paid for lire eighteenth year will be credidet care of Mr. JOHN WYNENS, and price of $25 the season. Reindeer was sired by the celebrated Henry, thecompetitorofEclipse; his dam Sport’s Mistress, bv Hickory (tire best son ot imported Whip;) hi* srandam, Millet's Damsel, lire dam of American Eclipse; she was sired hv imported Messenger. Great eruudHin the imported -Mare by Potoxas; great gn at grandam l>y Giinerack: Snap Dragon, hv Snap ; Rcgulus; Bartlett’s Childers; llonc v Wood’s Arabian, out of the Tw o True Blues. Reindeer is a cliesnu! sorrel. 16 hands high, of large bone, strongly made, short hack, fine e ves, and of commanding appearance. He w as bred bv Thomas Pearsall, of Long Island, New York, aud will he nine years old in May next. There is not a better blooded horse in the Unit ed States, either native or imported. JOHN T. LAMAR, JOHN WYNENS. December 1st, 1810. 46 tf <&«ssr«nr. ThB subscriber renews the offer of his services to his friends and the public, as a GENERAL AGENT in this place. He will at tend to the renewal of all Notes that may he entrusted to his care in the renew- s each. POSTPONED SALE. ILL be sold at the Court House in Sparta, Hancock County, on the first Tuesday in March next, all the Laud in said County, belonging to the estate of Robert Me. Conk deceased, reserving the w idows dower. JAMES McCOOK, ROBERT McCOOK, MAJOR PEACE, Jan. 8th, 18401. 50—ids. GEORGIA, Washington County. WHEREAS, Jjsiah A reason, Administrator on lire estate of Asa * ’ Jordan decctsed, apliesfor letters of dismission, from said Admin istration. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular the kind red and creditors *f said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hv law, to show cause it any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at ofticc in 8ander=ville, this 26lh January, 1841.—1. L. A. JERNIGAN, c.c. o. GEORGIA, Washington County. W HEREAS, Jonathan Baker and Jaine Cone, apply for letters of administration on the estate of Jonathan Baker Sr. late of said j countv, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular thc kind red aud rre, liters of said deceased, to file their objections if any they ; Cass county, decease f INOU It MONTHS alter date application will be made totbe Honor aide tiie Inferior Court of Pulaski County, when sitting for ordm arv purposes, fur leave to sell nil thc Lands belonging to tire Estate uf Christopher Simpson, late ol said countv deceased, this J one 27th, 1891. ULYSSES CRUTCHFIELD, Adre’r. June 30, 1840. 23 4m P XOU It MONTHS alter date, application w ill be made to tbe Horn r able the Inferior Court of eonnn , while sitting for Ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Negroes belonging to tin- * - tate of Thomas L. Woollen, deceased, for tire benefit of the heirs and creditors. THOMAS WOOTTEN.aml June 2, 1840. HENRY P. WOOTTEN, A dm'*. I TIOUR MONTHS afterdate application will be made to tire llonora- * ble the Inferior court of Pulaski county niien silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all thereat estate belonging to John Howell, late ofsaid county deceased. THOMAS HOWEI-L, Adntr. September 7 lb, 1840 TI—mlm F‘ IOUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honor able Inferior court of Telfair county, when sitting for ordinal.’ purposes, for leave to ^ell one halt ot a lot «»f land, known as No. t vv ' hundred and sixtv nine, in the iir.-t district of Apphag now Teltair counlv—Also, one lot of land in the same district and county, No. 3-1- belonsrinc to the e.-iateot Thomas* >- >wain, deceased. 3 b RKBECCA SWAIN, Adm’x. MITCHKLL li. W1LLCOX, Adm’r. 86—4rn Jacksont ilie, Telfair co. Sept. 2— lOl R MONTHS after date, application be made to the Hone F able tiie Inferior Court of t as- eountr. when sitting tor tjrdinxr ptirnoses.for leave t<» sel! th;: real estate ot W illiam ti. Harper, late u. * 1 , nrvnv i tKIMiCD Adi: He will also make Maps of lire various Districts iu tire several Lotteries,and give a numerical Li.-t of tiie Drawer, ot lhe Lots at tiie customary price. All letters (post paid) will meet with prompt attention. ' CHARLES E. RYAN. December, 13ih 1840. have, why said letters should not be granted. Giver, under mv hand at office, this 26th day of January, loll. 1 L. A. JERNIGAN, c.c. o. July 1st, 134U HENRY A. HARPER, 24 •tx months on the nineteenth volume. Milledgcville Dec. 26th, 1810. 49—tf. To Mill and Bridge Owners. Subscriber, late a citizen of New York, tenders hi** services a* * a MILL-WRIGHT AND BIUIKtE BI' the public. H » will engage to build or repair Mills of e\ cry descriptho.i, and repair and build bridges. He is at work at present, at Bail s Mills about five miles from Macon. Those who desire to employ bis services will please uli- reet to him at this offi e, Irwinton, or Macon, for testimonials, as t«» hi# mechanical skill, lie would refer all intert^t ni to Breen !>. Burney, Anderson Ingram. Martin and W dli’im Faswell, hsqrs. ot \\ ilKin^on countv, and Hartwell H. Tarver, 12«q. d T'\ ifg* county. He will en- W* *° - ,ork bv tUe da - v ’ or j° b ’ AMOS W(»OD. November 10,1840. 42—tf. TO TEACHERS. Land Agency. rpilE under*igired, who resides in Randolph County, and who is cx- Jl tenaivelv acquainted with that Section of tire State, will EXAM INE LANDS in EARLY and RANDOLPH, and ascertain tireir loca tion, value, and the price for which thev can he sold, for lire SMALL COMPENSATION of TEN DOLLARS. Persons wishing to avail themselves of his services, will address him at Fort Gaines, post paid, and mav reh upon his prompt attention to their business. J- G. GILBERT. March 31, 1840. 10 tf. GEORG IA, Washington County. • YirH EREAS William May applies for letters of administration on I ” the estate of Celia Rogers, late of said county, der/d. | These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ! and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to stiow cause, if any exist, why said letters ; should not he granted. Given under mv h nd at office in Sandersville the 4th day of January, II541. i L. A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o. I GEORGIA, Washington county. ' WHEREAS Elizabeth Jones, applies for letters ofadministrntion on ! ’ ’ tire estaie of James Jones, late ofsai I county, dec’d. Theseare therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred .unu mi ,, and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office w ithin thc i good Grist -Mill, two P“ bl ‘ c r ®“ ? I n * d hv anv I 7XOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honor! ’ tffe thc Inferior Court u*t Early county, for leave to i»ell me nejrr'r" belonging to the Estate of John Porter «1< u* a.-«-rh Nov-ember 21. 8 1, ly 3 ° JOEL L. PORTER, Adm r. Dec. 1, 1340. 45 4m FOR SALE. r pHREE Tracts of Land, each containing 202j arc res. in the 12th lb- * trict Counlv, ail adjoining immediately on the North sn.e the lvinchafoona Creek, part of it a- good hammock as any on tl.ecree- balance first rale Pine Laud—fifty acres cleared on it last w inter and - cultivation this summer, most of the clearing hammock. On the ood Dwelling House, fifty feet square, w ith a ten foot passage eac . nd all other necessary buildings: lou oi nd in July last. ’ On tbe adjoining Lom-x time prescribed hv law, to show cause if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office in Sandersville, this 26th Januarv, 1841.— 1 L. A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o. . GEORGIA, II ashington County. Birdville Academy the present year. Anv hidv who is competent to «THEREAS, John N. Calhoun, applies for letters of Administration - -* •• ’ * »• ** to ▼▼ uu the Estate of Samuel W. Calhoun, late of said county aec (l. A 1 iberal salary will be given to x Female Teacher to take charge ot Birdville Academy, in Warren county, w ho is competent to teach the French Language, Drawing, Painting, and the English branches usually taught in Academies. The place for health and locality is not excelled in Georgia. There have been seventy Studerts taught at tne take charge of said Academy will do well to make early application Jethro Darden and John Harris, at the Globe Hotel, (Milledgeville,) or Y PRINCIPAL TEACHER is w anted in ar Academy at Cuthbert, j j amep g. Swain and James T. Ditkeu, near Double Wells, Warren Randolph county, Georgia. Ton Gentleman well qualified to teach all tie branches of a libera Education, a Salary of $800 will be given or tin first year. The choice will be made on the 1st day »f Jaiuary next, and hi* ser vices expected to commence about the 1st o’ Febuarv. The location is certainty as healihv as any in tiie Southern >art rf Georgia; nod the pros- jiect good for a flourishing School. Bv order of the Board. DA/ID I.IDD(XX Secretary. The Augusta Chronicle Ac Sentinel, willileast publish the above once it week until tiie 15th of December next aid (o-ward their account to David Diddo. Cuthbert Nov. fith IS 10. 43— Countv. Novi 24 th, 1840. 43 tf Theseare, therefore, to cite aud admonish ail and singular tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at m v office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Saodersviil, this 26th January, 1341.— 1. L. A. JERNIGAN. c. <~- o. GEORGIA, Washington County. practicing under the name, firm and style of^McGEEAcRAKE- j \yHERKAS, Joseph M. Gotider and w'O^’ufn u'tirf I STRAW, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. The unfinished bu- j ” ters of Administration on the estate of George . Uqain, j sines* all let is a good wav; negro houses hich the trees w ere cut rou it Mill, and two pi . run»e for stock, summer and winter, is not .surpassed by any in m- State there being an inexhaustible canebrake in the swamp. outlet in the pinev woods of manv miles. The place is considered < - of the most healthy on the creek. 'With the place w ill lie sold a qnar.i ofcorn, fodder, peas, and betw een 2 and 300 bushels of potatoes, besn.t- ihe Plantation tools. A bargain will be given. Terms, one-third cash, or negro property—balance, on a creoi. two vears, from next January without interest. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Reuben S. W iiiiaine. in County, or the subscriber on the premises. ^ \V\RP Retreat, Nov. 1st, 1840. 43 td D ISSOLUTION.—The copartnership heretofore existing between Calawav L. McGee and James H. Rakestraw, Attorneys at Law. 2ss profe November 27. 1810. BLANKS .Yeuiltj executed at this Office. i ! t i J