Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, February 19, 1841, Image 4

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T SUPPLEMENT TO THE GLOBE. Prospectus fur the Congressional Globe and Appendix 1 It 156 K works v. ii be publish'd by us (luring the approach ing session of Congress. They have had such :i wi<!e cir- j dilation in the United Stales, anti ibeir usefulness tied <heap- A weekly Gazette of the Belles l.etrers ami the t me Arts: ^»ess are sti universally acknowledged, that w e deem it uuue Embellished, monthly with costly ami Magnificent Quarto ' cessary to give a deltiiled account of what the future iium- Strcl Engr avings, and with ihe Host popul tr and beautiful ! hers will contatu. Suffice it to say that they will he invalua- Music of the d <y, arranged lor ilie Piano lotte, tJuitav ami I iai‘|>: containing contributions from Authors ol the liighest THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD A NEW SERIES OF THE NKW-YOB5K ^IliUiOSt; weekly Gazette of the I'elies l.etrers ami the I me Arts: distinction at home and abroad, and designed as an etwguut I’arlour Journal for all classes of society. Memoirs. Biogra phy, Novels, Tales, Travels, Voyages, I’oetry, Criticism, History, Arts, Sciences, Narratives, Incidents, Ad ventures. ble to all who feel an interest in the proceedings of Congress No other pi.b icaiion Riven ilj*in so i.-.ll. nor half so cheap. It is, indeed, thechcapest publication in the United States—per haps in the world. Our position at the seat of Government enables its to print them at so low a rate. We are compelled to publish the proceedings of Congress in detail, for onr daily Thisdone, it requires, comparatively, but a small ad- Dll. HAYNES’ Anti-Dyspeptic and Anti-Bilious Pills. | WJJ r|1f!ESE justly celebrated Pills, v>!ii« li Pulaski Sheriffs Sale. W IIUIID,, eminent popularity, are suited to nil cases requiring either mild ■ aperient, or active cathartic opcnit’mn—ptepared by one of the oldest j Physicians in Georgia, having been tested by, more than ten years’ ex- I perience in his private practice before they were offered to the plihlie, • ami having, whenever thev have had a fair trial, been preferred to all ] other articles of similar form. They are confidently recommended as | greatly superior, for general use, to every other known remedy. A j fresh suiiplv lor sale, at 50 cents the box. bv E. "M. COWLES, Scenery, Correspondence, sketches of society ami m timers, j pnper. I passing'events of the times. Anecdote and Gossip, the Easli- j dirional expense lo change them to the forms of the Con gressional (Jlohe and Appendix. If it Were not for these cir cumstances, wc could not publish them for four times the sum charged. In some parts of the United States, the white passin ions in Dress, and every other subject within the range of po life Literature, are embraced in its plan. The whole forming, at the end ot the \ ear. a large Quarto Volume of 4 Hi imperial page*: being, in respect to tnu.-ic, a beautiful accompanim jilt to the Piano-forte, and. so lar as relates to plates, a charming ccute -table ornament. EDITED 15V GEORGE P. MORRIS. It has been said, that the Ameiican people are ft. kle iu their attachments; that they are fond of change and variety, ond willingly part with an old fiieud for the novelty ol a new acquaintance. As far as it relates to us, wc can unequivo cally deny the assertiou. It is now more than seventeen years since we, a mere hoy at the lime, commenced the pub licatiou of the NkW-Ygkk Mirror; and, under all its changes nud improvements, thousands of its early friends and subscri bers have adhered to it w ith a constancy no less fluttering to ourselves titan it is complimentary to their permanent attach ments. We now make an important change, viz. a commencement of our nineteenth year, ou this2d of January. 1841.* In ma king this change, we arc only foll iwing the example of many of our cotemporaries, who, after publishing their papers for several years, were under the necessity of adopting this plan, • hat their subsetibers might not thereafter he confused about the beginning and ending of the publication year, lint the more important part ol our change, is, our intention of giving an olegant steel-plate engraving evert/ month, many of which We have already selected, and have engravers employed on several of them. In consequeuce of the disappointment we have met with from one of our engravers, who was to have furnished our January plate, we have been under the necoisity of sending one only a match to what we have formerly furnished, lint having now a number of engravers at work, that wc may eventually have the plates engraved and printed at least three month in advance, wc shall soon he beyond the reach of all disappointment, and send them to our subscribes so well dried and seasoned as to he almost released from lear of being injured in the mails Ity carriage. The plates wc have now i.s hand are such as have never been produced in any periodi cal in this country, and cannot he surpassed in the world; at least so says a number of persons to whom wc have shown the twelve already selected: aud we have uot a shadow of doubt hut our subscribers will say the same w hen they see them. We also intend to give, monthly, a wood-cut repre sentation and description of the latest fashions of Europe. These additions will cost ns, exclusive of our present expen ses, several thousands of dollars per aiiuum- This arrangement, while it will afl'ord to the readers of the Mirror more than an abundant equivalent lor the trifling price at which it is published, (for the plates could not be purchased at the print stores separately for $5 tier could the music he obtained for that amount,) will, we trust, give us such an increase of subscribers as will enable ns to proceed with renewed energy aud unflagging industry in the prosecu tion of out literary labours, and warrant these heavy expen ditures of time and money. Wliejj we began the publication of the Miiror, there was •no work of a similar character in the Union, of anj literary merit, which combined such a number of attractions as we ihare presented in superior engravings, music, beautiful pa- por, mid extreme neatness of typography. Willi a determi nation to render it a work worthy of the extensive support which it has always received, we went on, year alter j car, employing talent of a high order, in beautifying and ornamen ting the woi k with gems of the pencil mid the pen. Few can conceive the immense amount we have paid for literary aud pictorial contrhutiouv We have heeu iiie pioneer in almost every thing that has lifted the periodical press of this country from its former to its present position, until, hy common con sent, the New-York Mirror has been considered ns inferior to Jt« literary publication of a similar character in the world. We some years since, in consequence of our constantly in creasing expenses, raised the price to live dollars, and onr friends have paid it cheerfully, from a conviction that it is •ow, anil always iias been, honestly worth the money. With- it the last few years a change has come over every thing, particularly the republic of letters. Periodicals, have in creased in vast numbers, and the adoption of the cash system. and its certain and prompt results, have induced some few publishers to reduce the price of subsetiption, and to he con tented wkh limited profits in consideration of the facilities af forded them by prompt payment. The subscribers of the Nevr-Yoi k Mirror are entitled to the full henefitof this change aHd we have therefore began a a new series or the W ork on this second of January, 1841; hut as our inott* is not ••re duction of price, and a gradual decrease of excellence,” bet u desire to follow up our seventeen years’ advance, in all re spects, aud note make the Alirror the most elegant periodical in the world, we shall make the expensive additions before mentioned, and continue the charge of only Five Dollars per Annum, payable, in all cases, in advance. Ill th is issuing it at a price which would appear to all ac quainted with the subject, scarce y sufficient to defray its cur rent expenses of print and paper, we do not contemplate the least diminution in the interest and value of the publication, editorially considered. On will contain litera ry articles of intense interest; and every exertion will be mole to furnish the most fashionable, choice, and popular music; and no pains or expense will he spared to sustain ils present high literary character, and to keep it at least in the foremost rank with tho most popular periodicals ill this country <>r Europe. We eveu expect in this respect to surpass our for mer efforts, as the Editor, hy a recent arrangement, w ill be released from all the cares connected with the business and financial department, which has for years rested upon him, depriving him of much of the time he wished to speud iu catering for the public. We ask, in return, fiom the friends of American literature, their cordial aud hearty support of ibis New and expensive series; and have no doubt hut wc shall liberally receive it. Iu country towns aud villages where the population is small ill number, those who wish to receive the Alirror would find it to their interest to obtain at least seven subscribers, that the papers may lie rolled up instead of being folded, as the fol ding seriously injures I oth papers and plates, but especially the plates; nnJ less than seven cannot he advantageously rolled. Where seven or mure papers arc sent to one direction, four dollars for each will he received ns payment iu full for a year. But in all such cases we shall require the name of each subscriber, that we may know our friends, at least in name, if we should never be more highly favoured. If de- si red, we will write the address, in pencil, ou the margin ol each paper so put up. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS. paper, upon which these works are printed, would sell for as much as we charge for the publications. The Federal party have succeeded in electing their candi date to the presidency, its leaders "ill now have to declare | the policy they intend to pursue. They will be obliged to , make it known at the beginning of the approaching session | ofCougress. They cannot avoid it, or put it ofl'auy longer- j 1 hose who support them, will lie eager to know how it will benefit their interests, and will tliive them to it. All the 1 measures of the coming Administration, except turning out : the men who hold the minor offices, must originate aud lie | matured in Congress. The Democratic party should know them as soon as possible, to see how their interest will be af fected. ami their rights eucioadicd upon, by them. There is no source from wiiich it can obtain the information so ear ly, so full, and so cheap, as the Congressional Globe ami the Appendix. All the motions and resolutions will lie given in the Congressional Globe hi the exact words of the persons making or offering them. The substance of the speeches made, will be given in it: also the yeas and nays, taken fiom the journal, on all the important questions. The Appendix will give the speeches as written out by the members them selves. Wc think it all-important that the people should be informed of the sayings and doings of their members w bile in session, aud shall therefore spare neither labor nor money to furnish them. If the Federal members shall continue to ad vocate one set of measures here, and another at home, the Congressional Globo and Appendix will give their constitu ents the evidence to confront them. The Congressional Globe w ill lie made up of the daily proceedings of ihe two Houses of Congress, and the speeches of the members condensed. 'The yeas and nays on all im portant subjects are given. It is published as fast as the bu siness of the two Houses a fiords uniter enough for a num ber. Each number will contain sixteen royal quarto pages, of small type. We expect ro publish three numbers for eve ry two weeks of the session. The Ai*pen hi x contains the speeches of the members, at full length, written out by themselves; and is printed in the same form as the Congressional Globe. It will be published as fast as the speeches can he prepared hy the members. Each of these works is complete in itself. Hut it is desi rable for every subscriber to have both; because, if there should be auy ambiguity in the synopsis of a speech in the Congressional Globe, or any denial of its correctness, it may be removed at once, by referring to the speech iu the Ap pendix. ludexes to both are sent to subscribers as soon as they can lie prepared after the adjournment of Congress. TERMS. For one copy of the Congressional Globe - - $1 One copy of the Appendix $1 Six copies of cither of tho above works w ill be sent for •i>5, twelve copies (or £>IU, and a proportionate number of copies for a larger sum. Payments may be transinitied by mail, postage paid, at our risk. The notes of any incorporated bank ill the United States, current iu til: section of country where a subscriber resides, will lie received. To insure all the numbers, the subscriptions should be here by the I4th of December next at farthest. The Democratic papers with which wo exchange, will please give this prospectus a few institutions. Civ 5 * Ao attention will be jtaid to any order unless the mon ey accompanies it. BLAIR & RIVES. Washington Citt, Oct. 2(5, 1840. And at Milledgeville, Sept 1,1810. BREEDLOVE & DERRY, DR. LITTLE, LAFAYETTE HALL. 32—tf ^Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix BITTERS. The perfectly safe, unerring, and successful treat in -nt o almost everv species of disease bv the use of MOFFAT’S LIFE MEDICINES, is no longer a matter ofdont I, as a reference to the expe rience of many thousand patients w ill satisfactorily prove. Dining the present month alone, nearly one hundred cases haveetime to the knowl edge of Air. Moffat, where the patient has, to all appearance, effected a permanent cute by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life .Medi cines—some eight or ten of these had heen considered beyond all hope hv their medical attendants. Such happy results are a source of great pleasure to Air. AI. and inspire him with new confidence to recommend the use of his medicine* lo his fellow citizens. The LIFE MEDICINES are a purely VEGETABLE preparation. The v are mild and pleasant in their operation, and tit the same time thorough—acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system—carrying off all acrimonious humors, and assimilating w ith and purifying the Idood. For this reason, in agravated cases of Dy spepsiu, the Life Medi cine* w ill give relief in a shorter space of time than any other prescrip tion. In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Fevers of every description, Sick Headache, Heart-hum. Dizziness in the Head, Pains in the Chest, Flatulency,impaired appetite, and in every di-ease arising from an impurity of the blood, or a disordered state of the stomach, the use of these Aledieines has always proved to he beyond doubt, greatly superior to any oilier mode of treatment. All that Air. Moffat asks of his patients is to he particular in taking them strictly according to the direction?. It is not by a news paper no tice, or hv any thing that he himself tuny sav in their favor, that he hopes lo gain credit. It is alone hv the results of a fair trial. Is tho render an invalid.and does hewisli to know whether the Life Medicines will suit his own case f If so, let him call or send to Alt. AIoffal’s agent in this pint c, ai d procure a copy of the .Medical Aianuel, designed as a Domes tic Guide to Health, published gratuitously. He will there find enu merated very many extraordinary cases of cure; and perhaps seme ex actly similar to his own. Moffat’s Medical Office in Nciv York, 875 Broadway. These Valuable Aledieines are for sale liv AI. E. EDWARDS, Agent. October G, 1840. 3? Jy he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door, in the lomi of Haw kiusvillc, Pulaski County, yvithiu tneir wnyto pro- r t [ lr | Jours of sale,the following property to-wit: A plantation of laud, numbers not known, joining lands of Alieajah Johnson, Isaac liurkhnltcr, nud others, ly ing in the 21st distiict ot old \\ ilkitison, now Pulaski, containing sixteen hundred acres, more or less—also two negroes, John, a man about 21 years old ; Jai k, a man about 35 years oid—all levied on as the property- of John J. Gatlin, to satisfy two li. fas. issued from the Superior Court of said County, the Bank of Haw kitisville vs. John J. Gatlin—property pointed out by the j defendant. Three lots ofland No.Tii, No. 159,and No 95, all lying in the eighth I district of originally Doolv now Pulaski county, containing each 202j | acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Green G. Graham, to] satisfy five fi. fas. two from the Superior Court, one in favor of James | should not he Walker,surv ivor, &c. one in favoi ot \\ illiam T.Crook «Y Co. vs. Green G. Graham, aud three from a Justices’ Court of said Comity, Nixon Afoor vs. Green G. Graham. Property pointed out hv said Graham. Jan.29, 1841. JOS. CARRl I’HERS. Sli’ff. GEORGIA, Washington county. VI7TIEREAS Elizabeth Jones, applies for letter? ofadministration * * the estate ol James Jones, late of:*ai i couutv, dec’d. <5 Thcsenrc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular lhekinrj r „i and creditors of said deceased to be anil appearat my office wilhiinh time prescribed by law, to show cause if any exist, whv said | rtt(1 * should not he granted. Given under my hand nt office in Sander?,;n this 26(h January, 1841.—1 I in SandersvilL A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o ’ Mortgage Sale. IATILL he sold tin the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court *' House door in ihe town of Hawhinsville Pulaski County, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Kandol a man about thirty-five years ol age, Jack forty years of age, William thirteen years old,"Gracy" thirty years old, Harriett twelve years rhl. Jure thifity years old, Silvia thirteen year sold, .Martha ten years old, and Sarah fifty years old. Also ten Shares of Bank Stock, iu the Bank of Hawkinsviilc, to satisfy a ti. fa. from Pula? Bank of Hawkitisville vs. James O. Jelks ft. la. Dec. 25th, 1810, JO GEORGIA, Washington County. ^J^HEREAS, John N. Calhoun, applies for letters of Administratii * v „n the Estate of Samuel W. Calhoun, late of said county de,.-,7 These are, therefore, to cite ond admonish all ond singular the kindr, i and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within rl time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, whv said letts " ild not be granted. Given under mv bandar office in Sander I'a* this 30lh January, 1341.— 1. ' L. A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o ’ GEORGIA, Washington County. w HEREAS, Joseph AI. Gonder and James Thomas,applies for ],> ters ol Administration on the estate of George AV. Oquin lat/ ■ saidcounty, deceased. ’ 0 I’liese are therefore to cite and ndmonisli all and singular the kind red and creditors ol said deceased, to file their objections if anv whv 1 ‘ < tors should not be granted. Given under mv hand nt office in Sand., vile, this2tlth January , 1841.—I. I.. A. JERNIGAN, c. c i, ‘ GEO R G1A— / / ashing ton County. esot uanxntocK, in meoniiK , ... , J I' Inferior Court. The \\ ■< EKEA. Kn liard \v arthon, applies for letters of administration property pointed out iu said ' 1111 ”‘ e c ? tn, <’<u Morgan Grown, jr. late of said county, dec'd I hese arc therefore to c teand admonish all and singular, the kind OS. CARRITIIES.Sb’ff. j , r . t ' d ™ d cred,,ul f °! . said deceased, to be and appear at my office «j,u Administrator’s Sale. \1MLL lie sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court ' * House door in the County of Floyd, within the usual hours of sale, one fraction No. 332, in 22d District, and 3d Section, lying in Floyd, containing 9(i acres. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs aud Creditors of Telfair Poscv, lale of Pulaski County, deceased. Terms on the day. NORMAN McDCFFIE, Adm’V. Oct. 31, 1810. 41 td WILL lie ’* House i d/ 55 " Mo flat’s Vegetable Life Pills and Phoenix BITTERS. The high celebrity which these excellent Aledieines have acquired, in curing almost every disease to which the human frame is li able, is a matter familiar with almost every intelligent person. They tree ante known by their fruits—their good works have testified for them —they did not thrive by the faith of the credulous. iti cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Billions and Liver Affections, Asthma, Piles, Settled Pains, Rheumatism, Fevers and Agues, Obstin ate Head idles, Impure State of the Fluids, Unhealthy Appearance ol the Skin, Nervous Debility, the Sickness incident to Females iu Delicate Health, every kind of Weakness of the Digestive Organs, and in all ge neral derangements of Health, these Aledieines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters beyond Ihe reach of competition, in the estimation ol every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at WM. B. AIOFFAT’S Ale- dicul Otliee,375 Broadway, New York. N. B. None are genuine unless they have the fac simile of John Alof- fat’s signature. jCfThe Life Pills are sold in boxes—Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and .*1 each, according to the size; and the Phoenix Ilitlers in bottles; at £1 or <*-_> each, with full directions. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION—An interesting little pamphlet, entitled “Moffat’s Medical .Manual, designed as a Domestic Guide to Health—containing accurate information concerning the most prevalent disease, and the most approved remedies—hy W1LL1AAI B. MOFFAT.” Apply to the Agents. ft r’The above medicines tor sale by M. E. EDWARDS, Milledgeville, October 6. 1840—37—ly Agent. Administrator’s Sale. ild on the first Tuesday in February next, nt the Court door in Paulding County, Lot of Land No. 44 in the 1'th District, and 4th Section, containing 10 acres, and lying in Paulding Couutv, sold for the benefit of the IL irs and Creditors of Telfair Posey, late of Pulaski Couutv, deceased. Terms on the dav. NORMAN McDCFFIE, Adm’r.. Oct. 31,1310. 1 l td Administrator’s Sale. W/ILI. be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court ” Housedoor in Lumpkin County, Lots of Land No. 152, in l\th Dis- ; Irict, and first Section, and No. 113, in 13th District, and first Section. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of Telfair Posey, late of Pulaski Couutv, deceased. Terms on the dav. NORMAN McDUFFIE, Adm’r. Oct. 31, 1840. 41 td | the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if anv exist, w hv said leller** should not be granted. * - u ,elleri Given under my hand, at office, in Sandcr3ville, this27tl, Jan l°ll 1 L. A. JERNIGAN,c.c.n. GE OR (HA, If ashingtun county. VmTHEKEAS Patience Glenn, Administratrix on the Estate of If. w nv (ilrnn, late of <nid county deceased, u|>plics for letters of«ii< mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at mv office within |,“ time prescribed by law, to show cause if anv exist," whv said lette , shoo d not he granted. Given under my hand at office in .Sandersvilb tuts 28th day of November, 1840. > Dee. 1,1810. A. JERNEGAN, c. c. o. 45 ! GEORGIA, Washington County. HEREAS, William Orr.’ applies for loiters of Administration on ’ , 0,1 tlie estate ot 1 euelope Orr, late of said cotintv, deceased j Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred j and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear nt mv office, within th* time prescribed by law, to show cause If anv exist," whv said letter, should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office in" Sandersvill. this2bth January, 1841.—1. p. A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o- ’ GEORGIA, Pulaski County. ' \y HEREAS Daniel Alatthews, Administrator on the Estate of F,| '■ ed, applies for letters of dismission from sakl Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines. I__ Administrator’s Sale. ! 4 (iREEAbl.E to an nrd^r of tlie Inferior Court of Pulaski County j when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in .March next, he fore the Court House door, in said County between I the usual hours of sale the following 1 property to-wit: | Two thirds of lot No.l'llj in the 12th District, of originally Houston, now Pulaski, and one bundled and seventeen, (117) acres ot Lot. i\o. 137, in the I'Jt’o District of originally Houston now Pulaski County, said i Lots, containing Two Hundred two and a half acres, sold as the prop- j ertv of John Howell, late of said county deceased, and for the benefit ; of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made kown on the ; dav of sale. THOMAS HOWELL, Adm’r. i I Dee. 23, 1810. 49—td. ! he sold at the court house in Warronton, Warren county, <»a. on first Tuesday iu February next, wi.hiu the usual hours of sale, the following tracts of land, to w it: 13*2 acres in Warren county, on Kock v Comfort, joining Hill, also. 536 i acres on the Rocky Comfort joining Adam Ivv, all sold as the property of Ephraim Ivv, deceased, for jlie benefit of the heirs &c., ol suit! de ceased. Terms of sale on the dnv. Also, nil the negroes, twenty seven, i belonging to said deceased, sold at the same time and place. ADAM IVV, THOMAS IVY, October 26,1840 41 td Executors. amci ward Burch dece Administration. These are therefore tocite vnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor? ot said deceased to it la their objections if any on or liefer- next, win s.riil letters should not he granted. Hawkitisville, June 2lith, 1840 JOHN V. MITCHELL, U.C.O 23 td the first Mir Given ui;iIt day ill January r mv hand at ulliei June 38,1840. GEORGIA, Puiaski County. "% \rilEREAS Ulysses Crutchfield, Administrator of the Estate of x T Jonh Crutchfield, late of said county deceased, upplics for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore tocite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any they hare why said letters should uot he granted ou the first Monday in Januari next. Given under mv hand at office, in Hnwkinsville, June 27th, 1840. JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. June 30,1840. o;j w mllESF, Medicines are indebted for their name to their manifest and 1 sensible notion in purifying the springs and < Inin riels of life, aud en duing them with renewed tone and vigor. In many hundred certified eases which have been made public, and in almost every species of dis ease to which the human frame is liable, the happy effects of MOF- Afiministrater’s Sale. GEORGIA. Pulaski enmity. HEREAS. Isaac Burkhaltcr, Administrator of the estate of W illiam Kigil, late of said county deceased, applies for letters of dismission front said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrrd i and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any, on or Before the first Monday iu January next, why said letters should uot he giani- cd. i Given under ntv hand at office iu Hawkinsville, Jnlv 25th, ISI0. ! 27 " JOHN V. MITCHELL, e. c. «. I NOR sale on the 5th day of April, being the first Tuesday, at the 1 Court House, in the Town of Franklin, Heard county, a tract of Land, number I85, 4th Carroll, now Heard county, containing 202) VI” .S LIFE TILLS AND TIKENIX BITTER.”* have been grateful- ! —acres sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county T' Sparta Female Academy. HIS Inst’ttifioii will Ire open on the second Monday in January 184I, under the superintendence til" Mr. &: Mrs. Wayl'iud, assisted by Miss Mansfield. The highest testimo nials have heen presented of their capabilities to teach—cont inuing polished manners with high literary attainments, and extensive experience. They wete educated in Kugland, hut have taught lor many years iu lhis country, .Mr. W. presents (among others) letters from the following gentlemen, lion. J. O Calhoun, l'rofessor Antliou Columbia College New York, Ilev. Ur. I’earce, Columbus Ga. Rev. Ur. Way laud. Brown University. Professor Gcrrubautt, Charleston .S. C. and the Trustees of the Pendleton Academy, w here he taught four years, Mrs. W. (formerly Mrs. Leigh.) has long heen know n as an accomplished Lady, and successful Teacher, to the citizens of this State. The following course of studies will be taught in the Institution. Senior Class, Chemistry, Logic. Moral and Political Phi losophy. French, Latin, Greek, ami Mathematic 820 per Term, of five months.—Junior Class. Grammar. Geography, History, Arithmetic and Popular Philosophy, $ Hi per Term- Primary Class, the rudiments of the I'.nglidi Language, Spelling, Reading and Writing &c. iyc. $I2 and a half per Term. Ornamental Branches (I’xtra.) Music. Piano Fort, Guitar, Singing and Thorough Base, 82.1 per Term. Drawing perspectionand Painting 8L f > per Term. A small and extra charge will lie made lor fuel aud the use of the Instrument. 'Fite public will observe that the Trustees have red it ceil the Price to the lowest rates to suit the hardness of the times. Board can he obtained in the village ou reasonable terms, say 810 per Month including Washing. P. S. Payment will he expected, at the end of each Term. W. II. SAYRE, B.J. WYNN, ELI MANSFIELD, E M. PENDLETON, JOS. B. GONDER Trusters, ? Jan. Silt, 1841. $ 50—St. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Collier, Bracewell & Co. cither by note or account, are requested to call immediately, and settle with the subscriber, who their books,&c. in hi? posses sion, and is fully authorized lo settle the same. THOS. COLLIER. Hawkinsville, Jan. 21,4841. 2—eow6w. The Mirror is printed and published hy Dasifl Fakshaw, j every Saturday, at bis Book-Store, No. 143 Nassau street, in (be extra super-royal quarto fotni. It is embellished, once [ •very month, with nsptendid su/rer-royalengraving, and every I week with a popular piece of music, arranged for the piano- < forte, harp, guitar, &c. The terms are FIVE dollars per j annum, payable, in all cases, one year in advance. It is fm- werded by the earliest mails to subscribers residing out of the city of New-York. The postage must he |*nld on all communications. Such j a* relates to the editorial department must he directed to Geu G. P. Morris; all others to D. Eanshaw. No subscription received fora less period than one year. N. It. Postmasters are authorized, aud generally willing, to REVOCATION. To all whom it may concern: [VjOTICE is hereby given, that I did on or about the year 1823, make ^ ’ and execute a power of Attorney to some person, whose name is now unknown to me, to sell a certain Tract or Lot of Land, situate in tlie 5th District of formerly Muscogee, now Marion Coitotv, and known bv No. 242.—I do hereby revoke and cancel all powers ot Attorney hv me made to any person whatever, to sell said Lot of Laud, and that l will not sanction nor ratify any sate w hich may he made under said power, this 4th November, 1840. A. P. 1‘EACOCK. Washington County, Nov. 10,1840. 40 j ritHE undersign having been engaged in driving Stock to differen JL parts of Georgia, for several years past, and seeing the spirit tha prevails amongst ihe people for raising thir own Slock, also, believing j Georgia, aide anil competent to raise all of her own Stock without hav ing of foreigners, he has heen induced to bring along from Kentnckv, some of the best improved breeders of Hogs and Cattle tor breeding, in give the citizens an opportunity of raising from the he:t Stock in anv I County, he also has along several Durham Bulls and Heifers, crossed ■ on the improved patton Stock, from one to two vrars old, also some ! Berkshire and Irish Grazier.Sows, and Boars, all of which can be seen at Mr. W. A. Motts in .Milledgevilic, it is now considered bvali who areac- . qnainted with the Durham rattle, that thev excel in point of richer and forward money to newspapers free of expense where the let- 1 quantity of milk. Good cows well kept frequently eive from 32 to 36 quarts of milk per day, thev aI=o feed kindly and thair beef is preferred iu market. The Berkshire Hog stands ns "high on the ling list as Dttr- j ham cattle stands on the cattle list, they not onlv come to maturitv ear- have the j Ii.. r with the least possible expanse but their Pork is culled pure ex cellence in market, the gentlemans pork. ! THOMAS JOHNSON. Milledgeville Dec. 26th. 1010. 49 (f # ters are signed by themselves. Persons wishing to remit will j quarts of milk jier^dav,^!hev^al«n feed^kindlvund thair beef is preferred therefore, when it can he done, write just what they want the ’ * * ~ Postmaster to say for them, so that he will only trouble of signing. *S«eh as have already paid for the eighteenth year will be credidct «ix months ou the nineteenth volume. To Mill and Bridge Owners. TO TEACHERS. lv and publicly acknowledged by the persons benefitted, at d who were prctiuiislv unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they ere compounded, and upon which they consequently act. The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves in diseases ofeverv form and description. Their first operation i? to loosen from the coals of the stomach and bowels the various impurities and crudities cou sin ntlv settling around them ;nnd to remove the hardened faxes w liicli collect in the convolutions of the smallest intestines. Other medicines ! only partially dense these, nnd leave such collected masses behind ns i to produce habitual eoslivcncss, with all its train of ei ils, or sudden di- | arrlio a, with all its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to all ' regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels alter death ; and lienee the prejudice of those well informed men against quack medicines or medicines prepared and heralded to the public by ignorant persons. The second effect of the Life Medicines is to cleanse ihe kidneys and the ! bladder, and hv this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action ' of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished hv food coming from a clean -tomurh. courses freelv through Ihe veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the : bannerol health in the blooming cheek. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines have heen thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, i’alpitatioii of tlie Heart, Loss of Appetite, llearl-htini and Headache, Restlessness, ■ Ill-temper. Anxiety, Languor aud Melancholy. Cosliieness, Diarrhu a. Cholera, Fevers of till kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of nil kinds, (•ravel. Worms, Asthma aud Consumption, Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate Sores, Scorbutic Eruption? and Bad Complexions. Eruptive complaints, Sallow, Cloud v, anil other disagreeable Complex ions, Salt R In-uni, I’.iv- j sipolas. Common Coltls and Influenza, and various other complaints ' which afflict the hitman frame. In Fs.vEiiaml At nr., particularly, the Life Medicines have been most eminently successful; so much so that n the Fever and Ague districts, I’livsicitius almost universally prescribe them. . . i All that Mr. Moffat requires of his patients ts to he particular in tak ing the Life Medicines strictly according to the directions. It is not by ! a newspaper notice,or by anything that lie himselfmay say in their favor that It • hopes to gain credit. It i* alone hv the results of a fair trial, i MOFFA T’S MEDICAL MANUAL. designed ns a domestic guide to | health. This little pamphlet, edited In \\ . B. Mortal, 375 Broadway, : New York, has heen published for the purpose 01 explaining more Tit I fy Mr. Moffat's theory of diseases, and will ho found highly interesting to i persons seeking health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and the I causes theseof. Price, twenty five cents—for sale by Mr. Moffat’s agents ! generally. i These Valuable Medicines are for sale hv M." E. EDWARDS, Agent. October 6, 1810 37 ly REINDEER. riAHIS thorough-bred Race Horse, (own brother to Alice Gray,) will I stand the next season at Hillsborough, Jasper county, under the care of Air. JOHN WYNENS, and will he let to mares at the reduced price of #25 the season. Reindeer was sired by the celebrated Henry, the competitor of Eclipse; his <1.1111 Sport’s Mistress, by Hickory (the best son of imported Whip;) his grundum, Miller’s Damsel,the dam of American Eclipse; she was sired by imported Messenger. Great grandam the imported Alare by Potoxas; great great grandam bv Gimcrnck: .Snap Dragon, by Snap ; Regains; Bartlett’s Childers; Honey Wood’s Arabian, out of the Two True Blues. Reindeer is a cliesnut sorrel, 16 hands high, of large bone, strongly made, short back, fine eyes, and of commanding appearance, lie was bred hv Thomas Pearsall, of Long Island, New York, and will be nine years old in May next. There is not a better blooded horse in the I nit- etl States,either native or imported. JOH N T. LA.MAR, JOHN WYNENS. December 1st, 1810. 46 tf j for the benefit" of the heirs and creditors of the late Win. II. Coe. JAMES S. BULLOCH, Administrator on tlie estate of Win. II. Coe. Lebanon, Cobh Co. Geo. 16th Jan. 1841. 52—tabs. V '.L per ? u ;.i c ■rsotts indebted to (he estate of Robert McCook, deceased, of , said Countv, are requested to make payment immediately, those j having demands against said estate arc requested to present the same, within the time prescribed hv law. MAJOR PEACE. ^ GEORG!A, Pulaski Courtly. VM/'HKEEAS Alieajah Johnson, mini, de bonis non, on the estate of v T Haas Jones,late of Pulaski County,deceased, applies for letter, of dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tofiletheir objections ilanv, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said letters should uot be granted. Given under mv hand at office, in Hawkinsville, ScptcmliorPMIt, 1810. JOHN V. MITCHELL,c.c.o. Sept. 22, 18 in J A AIKS Al< COOK, ROBT. McCOOK. Adtn’rs. Sparta Dec. 19tli 1840. 49 W' POSTPONED SALE. ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in February next, ill Irwintoti, Wil kinson couutv, the settlement known as Wadsworth’s place, ton- taitumr 182) acres of land more or less, some 50 acres cleared on in good order for cultivation. Also, tho late residence of John Wysc of said county, on the waters of Commissioners Crock, containing 1 50 acres more or lc“S. Sold for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors. Terms M. S. WEST. , ALFRED BRAN AN, ) Adm r 32 td*. (jEORGIA, Pulaski County. WHEREAS, Hilliarv Henderson, administrator of the estate of Jans’* * » Johnson, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismis sion from paid administration. These aic therefore to cite am! admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their object ions, ifany exist, with in the time prescribed ‘nv law, w hy said letters should not lie granted. Given under mv hand, at office, ill Hawkinsville, October 13th, 1840. 39 6111 ’ JOHN V. AIITCHELL,c. c.o. on the day of sale. September 1, 1849, YV POSTPONED SALE. ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the j ( auirt House door ill the town of Jnrksonv ille, Toltnir County I one half of n lot ofland known as No. two htndrcd and sixty -nine,in the first District of Appling, now Telfair Comity. I Also one lot ofland in the same District and County, known as No two bunde d ami twentv one, lying outlie Ocmttlgcc River, belonging to tlie Estate ol Thomas J”. Swain. REBECCA SWAIN, >,, , ! MITCHELL G. V.TLLCOX, ( m " 1 Jacksonville, Dec- 16th, 1840. 4o td \ I.L persons indebted to the estate ofCnrdall Frances, late of Wash- j ton Couutv, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay-! j ment, and all those having demands against said estate, arc notified to hand them 111 propcrlv authenticated iu tetms of thelnvv . * 1 WILLIAM SMITH, Kx’r. 1st December, 1840. *4G (I GEORGIA. Pulaski County. \VTIIEREA3, Alatthias McConnii k. Administrator on the estate of ’’ William Barrow, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said Administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any, w hy said letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office this 18th November 181(1. 44 " JOHN V.MITCHELL,c. c.o. w GEORGIA, Pulaski County. 7T1KREAS, John H. Pickett, and Jane Pickett, applies for letter* if.Admidistratioii 011 the estate of Janies Pickett, lale of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred ami creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any oxi*'. on or before the first AJoudy ill Alarch next, why said letters should nul he granted. Given under in v hand nt office,in Hawkinsville this 21st Dec. ISM' 49 JOHN V. MITCHELL c. c.o. Georgia. Pulaski < •ounly. n anil ministration on the estate ot \\ ilti HEREAS. Asa Pupkin ami l.iikp Sapp, uppll for letters of ‘ul •Smiili, late of said couctv. NOTICE. dr \ LI, persons indebted to the Estate of Aaron Scarborough lateofPn laski cotintv deceased, are requested to make having demands against Nov. 14, quested to mafic payment, and those aid Estate, will render them in terms of the ADAM SCARBOROUGH, Adm’r. j 43 00d These are therefore tocite and admonish nil and singular,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any, on or lie fore the first Alonduv iu February next, why said Idler? should not be •'ranted. Given under mv hand, at office, this January 6th, 1841. e ' JOHN V. .MITCHELL, c.. c. 0. January 15,1841. NOTICE. said estate, will render them in accor EDWARD HOLMES. Adm’r. \ I,L persons indebted to the estate of Robert IIowcll, late of Pu laski couutv dec’d. are hereby requested to make payment, and those having demands against ding to law. Feb. 5,1811.—3 A LL persons indebted to the estate of Mary Warren, late of Pulaski countv,dec’d. are hereby requested to make payment, and those bavin" demands against said estate, will render them in according to (aw. 0 EDWARD HOLMES, Adm’r. Feb. 5,1341.—3. The subscriber renews the offer of his services to his friends and the public, ns n GENERAL AGENT in this place. He will at tend to the renewal of all Notes that may he entrusted to his care in the Central Bunk, for the customary fee of ONE DOLLAR for each renew al. the taking out and forwarding Grants for Fifty Cents each. He will also make Maps of the various Districts in the several j Lotteries,and give a numerical List of the Drawer, of the Lots at the i customary priep. All letters (post paid) will meet with prompt attention. CHARLES E. RYAN. December, loth 1840. Land Agency. T HE undersigned, who resides in Randolph County, and who is ex- tensivelv acquainted w ith that Section of the !?iate, will EXAM INE LANDS in EARLY and RANDOLPH, and ascertain their loca tion, value, and the price for which thev can he sold, for the SMALL COMPENSATION of TEN DOLLARS. Persons wishittg to avail themselves of his services, will address him at Fort Gaines, post paid, and may rely upon his prompt attention to their business. J. G. GILBERT. March 31, 1840. 10 tf. \ Liberal salary will be given to n Female Teacher to take charge of Birdville Academy, in Warren county, who is competent to teuch the French Language, Drawing, Painting, and the English branches usually taught in Academies. The place lor health and locality is not excelled iu Georgia. There have been seventy Students taught at the Birdville Academy the present venr. Any lady who is competent to take charge of said Academy will do wpII to make early application to Jethro Darden and John Harris,at the Globe Hotel, (Milledgeville,) or POSTPONED SALE. w County, on tlie first Tuesday in Alarch next, all the Land in said County, belonging to the estate of Robert Me. Cook deceased, reserving the widows dower. JAMES McCOOK. ROBERT McCOOK MAJOR PEACE, Jan. 8th, 18401. 50—tds. GEORGIA, Washington County. VITIIEREAS, Josinh A mason, Administrator nn the estate of Asa ' ’ Jordan deceased, aplies for letters of dismission, from said Admin istration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kind red and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause ifan v exi-t, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office in Sandersville, this 26th January, 1341.— I. L. A. JEKNIGAN, <. C. o. GEORGIA, Washington County. \KrHEREAS, Jonathan Baker and Janie Cone, apply for letters of TI administration on the estate of Jonathan linker Sr. late of said conntv, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kind red and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections ifany they have, w hv said letters should not he granted. Given "under mv hand at office, this 26th day of January, 1841. 1 " L. A. JERNIGAN, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Pulaski County. Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes. March the 19th, 1810. linibllliAS hv the petition of Micajah Bland aud John Hardin, as V V Administrators,on the estate of Forman Hodges, late of said couutv. i deceased ; it appearing to the Court, that James Bright, late of said i cotintv,deceased, did while iu life, heretofore,to-wit: on the2l)th day of i November, 1835, make and deliver acertain Bond, unto the said Forman i Hodges, then in life,tortile perfecting titles to a tract of Land, situate.; 1 in the fourth district,of originally Doolv,now Pnlaskicotinty, known ir. the plan of said district, as number 60, and fraction 61—and it appearin' that the -aid Jam.* Bright departed this life, before comply mg with tk* requisitions of said Bond, and that titles have never been made to the said Forman, while in life, nor to hi- said Administrators since his death- These are therefore to rile and Oflinoni^hj <5l* and .siujruhtr,the kindreu and creditors of tlie said James Bright deceased, to he and appear at an office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause it any exist why i \jf ro ,l Q. Bostvvick, the Administrator of the estate of Find Jain** i Bright deceased, should not perfect titles in accordance to said obligs- Uivcnu„dcrn,yh S n d, u t*e.ji^M^^ July 28,1810. __ jjxOUR months afterdate, application w ill he madetothc Hotter*- JU hie the Inferior Court of Pnlaskicotinty, when sitting for Ord na rv purposes, fur leave to sell a part of the land and negroes, belongiti! the estate of John Joseph Tavlur, late of Buln-ki county, deceased. .MICAJAH JOHNSTON, Adm’r. 29—4m GEORGIA, Washington County. WHEREAS William May applies for letters of administration the estate of Celia Rogers, late of said county, dec’d. theestate of John Joseph July 25,1810. TOUR MONTHS after date application will he made to the Jfoi-* able the Inferior Court of Pulaski County, when sitting for onto arv purposes, for leave to sell all th.. Lands belonging to the Estate ' .1* r . . 1— ^impFon, late of said count v deceased, thi.« June iT* th. 1 LLYSgffe CRL'TCIIFIELI), Adm r. in 23 4m F Christopher : June 30, U 1 NOUR MONTHS afterdate, application wifi he made to the Her. '• able tile Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordi: • rv purposes, for leave toscll a port of the Negroes belonging to thee* 18(0. 1IENKY P. IVOOTTEX. .(.to ’- ■ AOL II MONTHS afterdate application will he made to the IIopn;t' _F hie the Inferior court of Pulaski county when sitting for ordinjr 1 purposes, for leave to sell a late of said county deceased. September 7 tit, 1840 II the real estate belonging to John Howe: THOMAS HOWELL, Adair- 34—rn 4 m F oUi MONTHS after date, application will be made to the ho :; J ^ able Inferior court of Telfair county, when sitting for ordinal- purposes, for leave lo sell one half of a lot of land, known as No. •*' 1 * ixty nine, in tiie first district of Appling now E Subscriber, lale a citizen of New York, tenders his services as ’ A PRINCIPAL TEACHER is wanted in an Academy at Cutl.bert, Jethro Darden ami John Horns, at.the Gl, -1 Randolph cotintv, Georgia. " James G. Swam and James I. Dicken, near Double \\ ells, \\ arren 1 Countv. 43 tf Randolph is services as j To a Gentleman well qualified to teach all the branchesofa libera j bounty, a MILLWRIGHT AND BRIDGE BUILDER, to the public. He , Education, a Salary of$800 will be given for the first year. i >'*»- 24th, -will engage to krtto nr repair .Mills of every description, and repair and The choice will he made on the 1st day of January next, nnd his ser- i Guild bridges. He is at work a< present, at Bull’s Mills about five miles ! vices expected to commence about the 1st of February. The location is I from Macon. Those who desire to employ his services will please di- certainly n? healiliy ns any iu the Southern part of Georgia; and the pros- M<t to liiiQ at lUis effiec. Irwitilou, or Macon. For testimonials,as lo pect good for a floarishing School, his tneckaaierrt skill, he w ould refer all interested to Green JL Burney, j By order of ihe Board. Anderson Ingram, Martin and William Caswell, Esqrs. ol \\ ilkjnson l>.\YID K1DDOO. Secretary. county, and Hartwell H. Tarver,. Esq. of Twiggs county. He w ill eu- The Augusta Chronicle A: Sentinel, will please publish the above on . i.i v- i , | a week until the 15th of December next a mi forward tlieir account to • David Diddo. Cnlbbert Nov. Oth 1040. Brought to Jail* O N the 8th April, 1839, a negro man calling himself ARMSTEAD^ he is six feet, one or two inches high: about 24 or 25 vears old gage to work by rhe day, or job. November J o. 1810. ... . . . j- . Says he is the property of a Mr. Chambers, a negro trader, who pur riie A ugusla (. hrontcleS: tventtncl, will please publish the above once chased North Carolina, and that he runaway from him in South AM03 WOOD. 42-lf. 43— Carolina, whilst on the wav to Mississippi, about three weeks before his ! apprehension in thiscily. " P. G. SIIICK, Jailor. I Savannah, 15th April, 1340 17 Jv These are therefore Incite and admonish all and singular the kindred hundred and — ■ . »■ • 1 couniv—Also, one lot of land in the same distiict and county, 30- belonging to the estate of Thomas .*8 Swain, deceased. and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, » ithin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, w hy said letters should uot be grunted. Given under mv hand at office in Sandersville the 4th dav of January, 1341.—1 L. A. JERNIGAN. c. c.o. REBECCA SWAIN, Adrn’x. MITCHELL G. W1LLCOX, Adm: Jacksonville, Telfair co. Sept. 3t—lm Notice to Laborers. W whom libe ral wages will be given. Persons having negroes to hire, will please rail on Mr. AM. BJIOSE 1 on the work,or the subscribers ar Marri^ta. Cobb. <*o. *-»a. I 73 s The Southern Recorder, Federal Lnion, and Standard of L nion. ! will please publish the above one month, and send their accounts '© • ibis office. * j December, 22 loiO. IU—4t. F OUR MONTHS afterdate.application will be madetothc able the Inferior Court of Cass county . when fining for < b‘> ,n ’ puri uses, for leave to s;:il the real estate of W liham G. Harper, air Gass countv. deceased. HENRY A. HARPER. Jnlv 1st. 1540 __ -* . I 7MMJR MONTHS after date application will be made to ihe hon<£-- , ble the Inferior Court of Early county, for leave to sell the ne *j j- beionging to the Estate of John Porter decea«ed, N'livemto-r 21-6 ° ° JOEL L. PORTER. Adut i Dec. !. 1210. *b <“• i r