Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, February 26, 1841, Image 3

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OVI'NS-—'^' ie Wa shineRon Giobe, in the closing ( account of the n-. eption of General Har- |lU !n f ives the following in- Monts: rl '- Ani(bt ali this ceromoni us paradeful progres, sir'll' ulbii a tended the iluTt’ " 1 1 ' 5 ti... General fid:- tne start t; stef journfy V, 1 banks wt loomed him in Bal’itnore. 1 " j, c brought with him a snow storm, an-l no ‘ ' Ifr had he put his foot on the Pennsylvania Ave- i " c c tomicr nau r • ,. i scnlatives die robbing commenced, ami a multitude i . . r . , . . . cue, titan r • gress assembled, I hat t!ie following sums be, and the turn. , *..!-ntj nwLpd in i ip ninr^o hyp mimifp*- •-3 ’ 1 * were, however, of the General fine toe start to the end ol the The journals Liciirily to him announced an - .-■be at liis setting out, and tT expm'ion of! From Balti- BY AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE SECOND SESSION or TOE TWENTY SIXTH CONGRESS. [Public—No. i.] AN ACT making appropriations, in part, for the RAIL ROAD REPORT. Kail Hoad Office. February, 1st 1841. jCo Ilis Excellency Claities J. hlciduftiid: Sik. Suict; I ti*.- il it. oi my quarterly Report, conti nets c ; s ;, „ on the Sec l. lie it enacted by the Senate mod House of i ccs of the State of Georgia in General Assembly t that either «>f these members of ihe tail roatl system of I _ . Georgia, is likely te be brought iu connexion wiih the Wes- tines of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met. uadiI teni am! Ai i.tic rail road—steps w ill be take* to have ilia w henby enacted by the authority of th-same. Thai mmy f*r- correspond . ug forwardness. 1 s«m or persons residing without Uic limit* of tbh State, »be ’i he nex! legislature will doubtless act with energy and de- ' wnn or ula > hereafter ovsu a plantation and (laves iuMJ of “ nil this impoiiaut department of the States’ internal \ t' 1 **' couulies of this State, shall ha tout palled by bis oo br€ „ hecti aiiaiid.tied, at i; loss, of course, by ihe contractor, of one ! |,e delaviol n„ i ‘ •• . support of Government lor the year eighteen Imn- , fourth of the plated price of work'p.evumsiy done, and j ,, eeu iui:or ^ K P \^ y lt J h d dred and forty-one. ; 1,1 most cases, it is believed, justineo by existing circuimtan- —:n -i- .i- •./•.» - ... ... ” Th ; Commissioners, however, have found no difficul I h The- not like Be it enacted bp the Senate and House of Bepre- j tCJ * 1 ^5* ‘“ nn ibmiouism u auvuviuj increased compeusa- . . i , ,■ r • i grass usscmuicu, J. nai me loitow mtg sums ue, aim me ihi-ir Dockets picked in the course of live minutes, ; a ’ f . ’ . 111111 I . 1 o • i . i . • i same are hereby, appropriated, lo be paid out ol any unappropriated money in the Treasury, viz: For pay and mileage ol members of Congress and delegates, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; For pay oftiie officers and clerks of the Senate and indications presage that the President elect is j V to make times be tier for all—in making tlit m beto r for rogues, be must nnke them worse for honest men thousand d >1- all other inci- Seuate, twentv- ‘ 1 ^ .\'i lurtsoiiiy am, bringing ca the . policy. ft is absmd n, suppose that auy eulighteued c<»uu- i or selves or agent to give in and pay raxe* far it* «■> Ucstern and hl-uuc Km i.m.u have generally continued ! t il, a ,t wholly regardless of the public interests, wou'd ever *« the county where such plantation an I *Uve* are aitml**} -j ie < ...ic into execution.. iu a lew instances, they have j consent to abandon such a work, or permit its executiou to i provided, ih*t nothing toufaiued if. this act (bail baaa torn- strued as to iucludo auy uuiniprored lot or iota of ian4« ac cept such as are or tuny be attached to a plantation. will do more than provide funds far furnishing the States' 2. And be it Jurther enacted by the authority ojonaoid, oivu work—that it will lend efficient aid to the companies That ail Iaw3 aud parts of Jaws iui it.i’.iug agaiust this Ml, now employed in the construction of brauches, the use of ,,e " u ^ *^ e Mn, e ar e hereby repea’cJ. wh ch can contribute essentially to the commercial value j LlMKLES 1 JENKINS, and income of the Western and Atlaut’c railroad. The! Speaker of the House ol Ucpiesenlalives, fiiatestd Massachusetts, New ^ ork, Murylaud and others, j 1 IIOMAn a I D( KS, have given to companies such aid, without those strong mo- | 4*re»ide«i of ihe Kieaata. • lives of self iuteiest which might and ought, under existing j Assented to 2f5d December, lttiD circumstances, to prompt the aclion of this Government. Respectfully submitted, J. CHAW FORD, President of the Board. Sec. 2. And be il further enacted, That a sum, not exceeding twelve thousand dollars, be, and the duribus imuin; and of die hand of the Goddess of Fi!>er' v, in front of the Capitol, heating in it the Con siittitioti ol tiu* Cnit d St itis. ^ ^ | san)e ; s l* ere by, appropriated, out of any money In F t fit* I the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the stun flue by law to the several ines- It will be remembered tkat dining the year 1338, about •me bundled miles of road foundation, the most difficult and expensive part of the whole work, was put under contract. All rliis lias been long .since completed, with die exception of a few sections requiting cuts of extraordinary depth, and em bankments ofgieat height aud length, some of which w ill not he finished probably, before mid slimmer. Ju the month of December 1-339, proposals were received, I for executing the grades and mason y on the residue of the ro.ul location viz. from “Cross rianis’* in Murray county, to Ch iitauoogT on the Tennessee river, a distance little less j lhau forty mites, but contracts wete not closed for the whole | w oi k, till sometime in the spring of 1340. Manv sections on | ibis part of the line, situated in a plain country, required nei CHARLES J MCDONALD, Gwerow, The unfortunate accident which ocrurre. an; | blended itself with these, w as the breaking ,-nrd which, stretch* d across the a\euue, bore all the ibigs of the Stales which voted for Harrison. They were separated about the centre, and fill A or th aud South; and when we saw them, ‘tarnished and rhag- trb d in ihe mire, some awkward members of ti>e 'Tip pecanoe Club were bu-ied in the effort to bind them tocetheragain with the rotten rope. si ngers of the respective States, ns compensation for convey ing to the seat of Government the vote of the electors of the said States for President and Vice President of the United Stale’s. U. M. T. HUNTER, Speaker of the House of lleprescntalires. 1111. M.- JOHNSON, Vice President of the l ir led Stats, and President oj the Senate. Approved, Dec. ISth, 1S40. M. VAN BUREN. Wyandot Execution.—The Bucyrus, Craw ford county, (Ohio) Democrat, give^ the panicol tr> of a trial for murder, and execution ol a young Wy andot Indian, according to the fairs <j ihe tribe- 1 lie execution took place at Upper Smiduskv, Crawford countv, on the 5tli *-l Octoln-r l:i-t. I he trial wa> |)v the males of the tribe, assembled h' Cull conn- il. Witnesses were examined before the whole assembly, and cross-examined bv the ac«-u>ed: and alter they had heard the testimony, and the an used in Bis own (■tffeiH’p. he \\ jis, l*v «m it!most Miini;iiiH>iis vote, pro-. . , , • . • * • ’ , ff , . | ; abolish imprisonment inr debt m eertun cases, an iiounced * r ni!tv ol inuruler. lie was s - ntenceil to ue ; i i A . . . , ■ t ■ ijuiniceu „ my j proved r ehruary twenty-eight, eighteen hundred an- [Public—No. 2.] ; AN ACT supplementary to an act to abolish impris onment for debt in certain cues. Be it enacted bp the Senate and JIousc of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the act entitled “An act to AX ACT to make it th* duty uf the Judge of the Saperior ( ourt of the Coweta Circuit, t-> conliuue the Court ia B V AUTHORITY. I roup coun y two weeks. A X ACT to enable persons owning la.,.is t„ maintain the at- , **? eC ’ U rnrct i d b d th . e anJ IiouM °f &*¥***» l, “ a r,r Without being m the actual possession aud ’ l . u,lKes V tke ***& of Georgia vi U ennat Assembly met. and it urciipaucy thereof. • ts tiaeby enacted by the authoriiy oj tin same, '1 bat it shall Whereas a contrariety of decisions prevails in .iifl'erent ^ th . e <JU ' 3 ’ of | ,le Judge of the a;.,r. s .id Circuit to rontiuue Judicial Circuit!, in this state iu relation to the action of ires- I &u H«-‘ r, » r Court in said county of Troup two week* at titer cuts nor embankments,of much extent, and but for the ; >o*ne deciding that said action cannot be sustained j ? v nt! l * lc Amines* iu s U ourt is goue tbiaagh ui p.ecedinted falls of rain, consequent inundations of low: H,I ‘ lmlt actUf, l possession, and others that ir can; thereby i ^l.!" o 1 *! .... , , , . , griundsand prevalence ol ijiiliuus lever niuoug the laborers, ' rendering that uncertain and doubtful, which ought to he t-e^V,' e . t J‘ ir * cr f nn 'fby Iht authority aforeomd. .luring the Summer and Fall months, might have been com- certain ««d fixed. 5 I 1 h:, ‘ t . sh;,1J duty ol said U„„rt at each term thereaf- pleted within the time limited by contract. Some of them j Sec - 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and II use of Rcpre I , V" *" “ V ° *!“ of J u,ul ’‘- a *“‘ ord *T U are finished and others in a state of forw ar.I.Kss, that leaves ! ^nlatnrs of the Slate of Georgia in General Assembly met j c’‘ 7° * Mee \" l ' lbe ,en " Court little doubt, that all except two or tine,, -.villbe ready for final and ,l ,s hereby enacted by the uull.ority of the same That ! Ti , /^t „ Y ** f f“' lhtr f nact \ d h D the authority afo trend. estimate, by the firstol’July next, the time to which, the Com- { l,om »“'« after the passage of tl.i. act. the action of trespass ,V , • bal . , ,h "y °^ the Inf-nor Court missiouers thought it expedient to indulge contractors. The f <I uarc c.ausumfr, git shall besustaiueil. as well without as widi ' i, j' ° 1 raw a, *d cause to be summoned oae ad- seventh section of the filth division, a few miles N. W. of j '| le «tual possession and oc npaucy of the laud upon which ! „ 7fp °. J T'' S th °- e ■ lr ?*‘ , - v traWn ’ ? l ,b * Cross Plains was put under contract at a price it is thought, j l ,e trespass shall he committed, and it shk.ll he suincieut t«» ; J? 1^. " lose t uty U shall uc to»crve the secoad week quitj two low, and from recent indications will he abandoned j eua ble l he plaiutifi or plaintifis, recover, to show a good ' <1° °j X * ei ) n ? w -. xOUrt * ... . . » .» The section is lather longer than common, a ad is crossed by ! *eg-.l title iu himself, l.erself or themselves, at the 1 Th"* h I it furth.T enacted by the authoritymfwrmnd. a mountain calle I “Little Hue Ridge’ which cannot be pas- ! ‘*m® the cm,.,is,ion of the trespass, and that the trespass i •! « "“ d 1 P "7 oflaKS n.'h Ultlug agaliw , ,Um art. he sed by i ail road machinery, without npeuiiir. !* tunne!, some- j complained of was committed by the defendant or defend- | ' 1 sa,ne a ‘ c 7Ti'? 1 ■ L . V ima th ng ovei one quarter of a mile long. The grades on this I :u,ts ' (,r ¥ °me one in his, her or their cmplov, and by his, I section are nearly made including the deep cut approaches ! her or their direction or consent. ” j to the tunnel, but the rocky excavation of that, will it is ex j I'ec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, > pet ted, not be earned through by the present eeutractor, and j ^ bat B\vs and parts of laws militating against this act, 1 will have to lie rclet. j be au< ^ ,b e same are hereby repealed. The third Section of the Tennesse divi-ion, on which, the j t CHARLES J. JEXKIXS, ! grades being found on a continued rock formation, will scarce- Speaker of the House if liepos ntatives. ly- be finished before the close of the current year. Resides ! THOMAS STOCKS, these two, the terminal section on the Teiiuessee river will! Prtsidtnt of the Senate. Assented to 23d. Dec. 1340. j CHARLES J. McDOXALD Govtrno-. i CHARLES J. JE.NKIXS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, THOMAS nTOCKS. President of the Senate, As.euted to22d Dec-1840 CHARLES J. McDONVLD, Governor. bo permitted to remain for the present ungraded, for the : want of temporary rails to facilitate the conveyance of ma- • leiiais fora heavyembaukmeut. The extent of grading, executed on every part of the road, | AX ACT to alter aud amend au tin entitled an act to cota pe 1 the Clerks ef the Inferior Courts of the different coaa* lie, iu this State to claim Estrays, when levied » u by cution, passed the 26ih December, le3I. Sec. I. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Rtprtotss- AX ACT declaratory of the force and validity of all cxecti- ! l . ativ ts of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met. omd it shot, w hich sentence was executed ace->riltng;[v Tliotttjli justice, according lo the forms ol snvatre j tliirtj-nine, shttil he s-> construed ;is to abolish impris- X notion iti-ticc, accort inir to tneiouu, oi su.wi- r , , . ■ , T . ’ - , . , oninent tor debt, on process issued out ol anv Court law, w as tints done to the suv it>v inti; d : r, it appear-, . t ; . , w . r . ’ . . , , . ; «i the Lmted btates tn all cases whatever where, bv strantre that such a proceeiintg should have Been per- i , . c o • c. . • . - . ., • > . . ,, i . s’ . .' . . n . e(\y tiie law sol tins state, m which the said court shall be during the quarter ending in the early part of January, ! ll,,,,s <>r judgments issued nr entered up in behalf of copart- i * s he rely enacted by the authority oj the same, That^from ners or against copai mers. where the partnerdiip style is ,lte . e P a purtner-bip stile is ! ,,,c l- ,ass; 'K e °t <his act, all constables in whose band* e«- used or setfonh, and the Christian and surnames of the eo- ! ecu,io,1J * >’ e placed for the purpose of Uvyiu( od m- partners omitted; and also to declare the force of bonds i ,,s,ys ’ tbc SH,d c°"stable in whose bauds sui h execution i* made to partnerships using their common name or stile. i p 11 * 0 ,*-'' 1 5 bal1 "“’'O’ *be taker up of all such estray*, that bo mined in an organized and From the narrative it would appear tint men participated in the ceremonies at the i Ohio Slur. •omi' white edition.— held, imprisonment for debt bits been, or shall here- a ter be, abolished. Approved, Jan. 14th, 1S41. Correspondence of the Clj.irlrsrm !Merc *rv. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. General Harrison arrived here \e-terdav io the midst of a snow storm. I heard a fi uunslired and one bell ritiging, lint doubth >s snow i- a ereat kii'n r [Public—No. 3.] AN ACT further to amend the act entitled “Ail act to provide for taking the sixth census of enumera tion of ilie inhabitants of the United States,” ap proved AI neb third, eighteen hundred and thirty- nine. of enthusiasm. The most violent exhibit - ! n of it, 1 ijiv in a little black child, f Towing: two St-eit* ,r it iafftri iig behind ;• u* 1 cr \ iog t:.o the snow, I slopped and called out t > tb« (Iren and insisted, with some asperity, that they stay or it, and help it along. To which one ol them ; •smnes ami mnnirics, »no nave not, Deiore Hie p quick 1 v replied—■ t r\ for de snow. inns-a,e cry s: V4 e ol this act, made tin-ir respective returns to such lasgvr ones, i Beit enneted bp the Senate and House of Bepre- j t hilt- r’v, in Sl »In tires of the Lniicd States of America in Con H larger cliil- gross assembled, Tiuit it -hall and may l»e lawful for jdiouid s,, <'h *'l theassistiint- to tliemar-hall-, in the respective of them States and Territories, who have not, before the pas- 1341—ef masonry and bridging, including timber and oth er m.itirials, with die amount of eo-r having been specially ; ! set forth in the last quarterly report of the Chief Engineei. | a copy of which has been furnished to your Excellency for j publication, need not, it is presumed, he now relit- ; The great distance of the rail toad office IV Government, the consequent inconvenience, and ri-k of i s,:a ‘* **e arrested or annuiJeil in any case where the judgment conveying Mich papers, lias, at limes prevented a punctual I b:ls been entered up or the execution issued in favor of co transmission of p on this woi k. I on file, and that : sent them at the proper office lor settlement. j necessary by some of the Judges of this State; bur suclijud Ketrospeeting the various and embarrassing duties i\li:ch 1 'ueut or exceutioit shall not lor such omission on the part of i have dcvo.ved on the, in londuetiug this , a,, y "Ificer of the court, clerk, or Justice of the Peace, be j ^ ‘ work. t!iev can but consider themselves mruinalc in h ivmg affected or delayed in any w ise thsrchy. iu ought it so near to a successful termioation. In its pro- > s ec. 2d. And be it fw liter enseted. Thai all bands payable j gress, it has not been exempt from ;n ciiientsanil miscarriages: j f0 ! " o persons or more doing business under a partnership i they have !>. cn as few. however, as might have bon antici- ‘ '> :| u*c or style slial! bo as obligatory and binding upon the ob- | tied, or have usually b> fallen i tilers «i like magnitude, j T ,rs ,J f such houd. where made with obligees using their ; idadequate ttppr pnu.ions oi i u iiiid.-ni available lands, 11 ‘*ne or style, as it each name couipo-ntig such partueishia ' & not iu dept eclated credits—theeutireioad turn.ation, migbi j "'-d been sei forib. j ftce.Hd. And be it further enacted, „ . t -e "V.. , U..IUIUII uttiuc til MI IC, I. | • , , - • - . . rehearsed. I “ er - Bt. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That from ! ,e , sucb e * ecu,,UM 0,1 ,be «* r :.y or estrays posted by im the seat of ani * after the passage of this act, no judgment or execution I ! ,,n ? ur . ,c,; a '’“ U P”| s " c , h " ,,tice hti »S K 1 ^" *® «be taker up. . anil risk of I *ball be arrested or annulled in any case where the judgment 1 U s , aii l,e 1 i,wd l,e ,s bet eby required to rlaim all cstray* levied >apcrs, Inis, ;ir nines prcvenied ;i pnutlinii | c'htereu lip or the execution issued in favor of co ! 0 !* . Sllt ” eonsf«ib!e, and to uotify »uch ct>nstuble lh payrolls and vouchers f ir monies expended i |»«» tners or against copartners where the partueiship style is \ 1 , ., #M4:h e , 4,ra - v l ,r,, P er ‘y fur 'be uefil or tb( beg leave lo say. however, that they are all j 1Ht ‘ff ibereiu, instead of the ciiristiati and sit names of each | " 1,1 1 1 ,ll,n b " :, “ returned and disposed of tu. an early opportunity will betaken, to pre- j l ,erS:;u composing sucli partnership, as has been held to be ; mall,le ! * ,s claims made by the clera* of ihe Infer! on by sucli constable, and to uotify such constable that be baa the county, tbe Inferior Court. greeahiy to the before recited act. 3ec. 2. Andie it further exacted- That all law*, and parts iws militating ag>,iust this act, he aud the same are bare- { by repoaled. CHARLES J JENKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to 23d. Dec. 1840. CHARLES J. McDOXALD, Gorernw. »y th.s time have been cumpit t, <!, and il n quistte. a pan of I the supeistructure. Ai.otlli-r eons quem-r to.), would have | lu-en i e ilized, not less gratilv lug to every one. win places a j just value on his country’s honor, and on the morality that j awards a fan cnmpen-uiuon to hout.-sl I dnir. Our coatrac- j tots, officers and agents, w on d have received tin; money pro- j mi-cd them by the State. It was at ali limes in the power j ol the Legislature, to establish an equitable and efficient sys- j tern of taxation—to gt\e to capita ts.s, unquestionable ax- for c-o down the hill for see General Harrison.” I marshal* under the act hereby amended, to complete had tn pet a neirro girl t<> clean my Lout.-; for my ,beir enumerations and make their returns, under the male servant in the house, li d trono to see tin- Genera]. ;aitl act, at any time before the first day' of May, An Extra Session i- still in agitation. The Mem- ; eighteen hundred and 1 rty-nne, and for the inar- hers of the House have had a meeting' upon the Mib- j s kal- <4 sut It States and l et riloi ies to make their re- j xurauces of our abi.ity and juirpuse. t - provide the im.aus of I ject hut n.ijourned over, without Ret* rinininp the , turns to the S< cietary ol State at any time before the paying punitually, the mu-rc-t and nrim-ipal of a public j oues ion waitii'w for new light. Jti- clear from this, ol June, eighte. u hundred ami forty-one: Pro- i ““'j lh “, s ' i ' ecuru 10 ,he ^ a r *’ i " ! - v anti I 1 ’ n - ’ - * ' rider/, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed i s,l,, l’} " f l | ie ! esl . < l,ril ' lir J' ““ '''-r. terms. By the . ‘ . . adoption ol ihis wise policy two ycais great enier- to leleasc Mich maishttls and assistants irom tiie pen- ; prize would have been acc unjib-iinl at tar less expense of] allies contained ill this act aforesaid, unless their re- money aud time, the character of tiie Sian- sustained, and j turns shall he made within li e time prescribed in this u >’ ihe iutmduition of foreign capital, the pressure of debt, j 4i irr,' rn . * i under w tiic-li her citizens are now suffering w ouid be greatly And /.ruviant, further, Hint no person he m- ; . l || ev i VL .,| ions militating against this plain and maLifcit^tenti.m'of! AX ACT to altcr and an “‘ , “ , the section of die Jedi- diis act, lie aud the same arc hereby repealed. CHARLES J. JENKINS. ! Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. Prtsidtnt of the Senate.. Assented to 22d Dec. 1843. C11A n LI.s J. McDOXALD, Governor. that a majority i> ojiposcd lo the proposed call. In deed I d<> not doubt, that two thirds ol them are op posed lo it; hut whether tlu-v willfttnm tin tuseivcs bc- lut’ou Mr. Clay and Gen. Harrison to at rot it, is another tiling - . It is clear Air. Clay has ridden too ciary acts of this State, passed liith February, 17S9, and t-> define more particularly the fees of Clerks. Sec. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate an t House o f Rrpresew- ] tutives of the Stale of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is herein/ enacted by the authority of the same. That when- ! ever a delciidant or defendants to any suits in law or equity ! in tbi. State, acknowledges service and waive* process, it ; shall not be necessary for the clerk to attach a piece**. .. ,, , . See. 2. And be it further enacted. That uo cletk or eberift dr iw ids w in-mt noon ih.i -j, Ct c ‘ lc - ,e J,,ver no '- 111 ; u» tbe Superior or Inferior Courts shall be allowed foe* for «ra u iti^ wan «(iii ur>ou ino i ir-t'i.rv in avur o thr id* 1 • . . , , ,, - Collect,,, of such counties as p ,id ,“t7 he sfate ! *"1™'Ta Jb"^ d '.'['/'""Tf, Treasury the tux levied and collected under tlm act If ’ n i ^ *t further enacted l bat all law. uodI parte eighteen id red and thirty eight, and paid over Je li,,s ^t- be “ ud ,b * ■" hereby re- ,ct of,. huud.ed and ,I,!, tv-nine- ! ^ ^ CHARLES J. JENKINS, Speaker of the House o f Reprtser tativrs. AX ACT to authorise bis a large* portion of tilt* party ( fii tided at iiir- eluded in the teturn.- made unoi-r the present act, un- ■ j[ | S deemed perdu- ut to t!io prcscri!»ed objects of this rc- assumpiion of lea«lin rr . arc docixe'ilx ittcli: c-d not tn fo!- ^ ess such persons shall have been inhabitants of the ' port, to offer some re.n.i: ks mi the expediency of applying low A skilful party leaded wil’l never shock the i district for which such returns shall he made, on the nieaus now at ii.e coiinnan.l of the Commissioners, to a par - ,, ,,c T.ina ......i i.» t,... i . i ti ll siioeistructure ol tin: “V* esti-rn and \tiautic Rail toad.” , am! love nl the rm-mhers n( Ins part*, - . Even nt;t o**\ ol dune, otic tlioitsttnu eight imndred ami ■,,■ *. • . . - . - , . , , j.rine anu sen iuy c ui un ni.iinni m m p«nj. . ° I be subj ct his been iigitated in the Lcgis.ature, and otlier- when leading, he ought, ii possible, to appear to them * or, .V* . w is; ur;*c-1 on tin: iiiti-ulion of the boaul—suiuetimes with to follow. But Air. flaw seems t<> lone thought, ; i3ec. 2. And be it further enacted, T I,at so much . imputat.ons of cen-urcable <iet..y. -ti’It there was hut I the eleventh section of the act for taking the sixth Whether tiie commissioners ought now to commence the „lti. - i„ the whole j census as applies to the printing, under the direction ^’rr'truciur.. ..r might lii-riiotore.i« have done «... ! ... c , 11 ..r.. 1 .. . is a ques. ion cannot be I .lily solved, without previously wliic party, and that washis ow n. The consequence ; () ‘ j le bccielaiy o. -state, ol the aggregate returns re- mccitaining tin- ad. qmu-y of means in tiu-ir hands to effect "ii! be, that although tin*x wii! adopt th ■ greater part j cei\ed from the marshals, be so construed sis to ap- th ■ -object, tins utility of such a partial work, when fin ,4'the measures he prematurely ami too <>-ten atiously I ply equally to the census of pensioners, and the sta- i bed. .mil furnisiic-.l with all necessary mac henary for traus- j fnrcec before the rountrv lie will never be President tisticalaggregales returned by said marshals: Andie r«s'iaiiou. . . . , c i Kircts in lott me couuuy, n> wuinexn 1 '' *■ ! r ° ° . , , ,,,. . .- * . . »\ itb regard to means—it is well known that the State of the United States. I am satisfied that ihn is re-! if further provided, J hat lor arranging and prepm- lliIS iu „ lc bands of the Uommissioncrs. nor has solved on already hy a large portiogol the whig par- ,1! fs the census ol pensioners required by the thirteenth : s he had one d'ollar J.ipplicable to such a put pose, for the last J lv j n t ] ic lre ..r i t | 10 Re'.ublican pat l\ are look- action of the act for taking tin* sixth census and fur twelve mouths. It is equally well know u thatthe puichase | • ' ' w-on- the j Sec. I. Be it enacted Ly the Senai and House of Reprtstn i to tiers of the State of Georgia in < n Herat Ansi mbly met. and il is j hereby enacted by the uuthu. ity of the same. 'Flint I,is Lx- 1 t-ellciicy the Governor be and lie is hereby authorised and eqiiiicd n. diaw his wm -ant upon the Tieasuiy in favor of lectors of such counties as have pa I , over theii ’..cite., Ulldei the .'ll-t of eii: lit)*::, ttuo<ire#I the 4'.ix Ci tax. levied aud THOM XS c.TOCKS. President of the Senate. Assented to 22d. Dec. 1840. * C1IARI E8 J. McDOX \LD, Govtrnor. from General Harrison dov. n,- one mind—one will worth con Sec. 2 I. AnJ be i' further emet J b; the authority aforesaid 1 S ‘ C \ lt e ” acle,i h lh> ‘ Senate aud House of Reprtstn- That ali laws and parts of I iws, militating agaiust'ihis act i S i a!e °f Borgia in Geg nrl Assembly met. That he, and the same are hereby repealed. lo the next Presidency; and they w ill conceit- j Rif compiling and supervision of the printing of the trate their support on that man-w ho hi st n presents, ! ><atistical n turns taken under said act, there he al and will enforce their principles. Tai.I.aiiaS; BE, Feb. 13.—Indian YNcirs.—Letters from Tampa state, that In two* ti .3,5 ami 400 Indians !ki\e come in. Two Itumlreti of them \*.ere to he ship ped off to Arkansas on the 1st instant. I his looks as if the Indians were beginning to be tired ol (lie use- (I p on |,j n , less contest in which they are engaged. Shoulu toe prr>p7|j-^tnpv news of the coming in o( 70 ol the Alicasukio 4ribe he : ;ll)( j j| ie confirmed, we have little doubt, but that a lew months j ;i || owet j j,j ni for his services in relation to tiie fifth mouths of iron rails iu England, on whose factories, we are depen- | ilaut, cannot he effected w ith the current coin of that coun- 1 , . j try or its equivalent—and it is scarcely less notorious that i-weii to ti'C* Sttpei mteiK.iug ilerk, upon the comple- : Imnds appropriated to this work, cannot lie converted lion <d tiie work, such compensation as the Se< retarv I into pounds sterling, without a sacrifice that would dishonor of State may deem just and equitable, not exceeding : the country. Tluse bonds have never yet been disposed of the rate heretofore allowed for compiling the stiiti-ti.^ I U > V' 0 , h^than par value, since the spring CHARLES .1 JEXKIX.S, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOM \S STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to 23d, Dec. 1340. CHARLES J. McDOXALD, Governor. of the third census; and that an allowance he made to the disbursing agent of the Depnitmeni of State for cent of par. Jt is true that the incipient the extra duties w hicli have been, or may be, imposed i List session, on the subject of reveuu of 153'.). they have not been sold, nor so far as I am informed \ can they now be soli! for cash, at a price w ithin twenty per It < of the AX ACT torcqnire the Commissioners of tha Western and I Atlantic Rail Road so to arrange as that at ii-a‘t one of’ them shall always be on the road, personally supervising j the engineers and contractors. Sec. I. Be i! enacted by the Sen ile end House of Rcpresen- j tutives o f the State of Georgia in General Assembly met. and \ il is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from i and after the passage of this act, that of the three cormnis- j j sinners of ihe Western aud Atlairic Rail Road, one or au- | immediately after the passage of this act, hi* Exeill ucy the | Governor is authorized and required <o to be paid over j 'o tne proper authorities of the r «p* i-tive counties, auy ' amount due bv tiie acts of I “37 133-', or any previous acts, ! on account of the Academic and Poor .“»11, ol Euud. er either. .8ec 2d. And be it further enact'd by lhe authority aforesaid, i I hat all laws and parts of laws, tn htatu g against this act, ! he and the same are hereby ri pealed i CHARLES J. JENKINS, Speaker of the Mouse of Representative*. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to 22d December. 1“4Q. CHARLES J. McDonald, Governor. Pulaski Sheriff Sales. Wtrll.L be sold on the fir9t Tuesday in April next, before ™ * llii! I . niirf lllllicp tltini* it. rilr> tnurr* i.f I i *%* It i *t*t arel Ka im on account ofthe sixth cem-uOn relation to :,,f ■ more wise and provident action in futu.e—it has ro- j , n j 1P W0|k ai . .. . . . : vived, to souieext'.ut, the public conlidciicc. ami tiie States i , laratory measure, the account of the marshals,, cl . cfJ|t |ms consec , ueilt i y ri J cn , but no: cough to induce a he- ! ' ''' | *‘ 1 f ' b " ! ? dishursements, fit u rale exceeding that ; lief that it will soon be in the power of the board, to pro- I ’ ^ o. . fttiihoi.zcs tin. hope ^ |t |j ier s j, ;! i| |, 0 ;t j nl! times on the road personally superinten- House door in the town of Haw kins villa. ' . and supe. vising the engineers noil contractors ! I >u ' a *ki county, within the legal hours ol sale, the follonrinc will terminate the Indian war. census, according to the time he sli .ll have been en gaged in such tlulies. Approved, Jan. 14th, 1841. [Resolution, Public—No. 1.] 820 RSIWAKD. R an a way from Greenville, Meiiiwether county, a man hy the name of S A Ml.'EL II * > K. He s'ole Irom the subscriber, a fine Gold Lipine Watch, ami several other , ,rocmxr • ’ article*. He is a man aho.u 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high; full j JOIN T RESOLUTION to present incorporate face, dark complexion; has a scar under one cxo. w hich was j universities, colleges, &tc. With copies ol the cata- caused bv a cut, and another just below* the hip, occasi nt-tl Io^iic of the Librorv of Ctui:gie>>. by his being shot; had on when he left. blue jeans I rock j lf ao [ lCl f fr, f/ ic Senate O P.d IloUSC of Represents I coat, red cotton velvet vest, and cloth cap. It is supposed i . . . p: .. . r t ■ • r, ' Rg will make his wav for North Garoiina. \fll(S OJ the l. Illicit SifhCS aj A liter led ill v. OWSrCSS cure rails at any thing like cash price. I have received let ters from Loudon, dated as late ns tiie 4;it of J; kuowlcdgin in Euro persons emp oyed on said road in any capa \nl be it further enacted. That if the commis- - -c si, ’ ners cannot agree among themselves, bow the labor and ..ii , r . . 11111,11 J/ '• ! responsibility shall be divided between them, thev shall de what 1 knew before, tun punctuality oi tbe i 1 . , -. ... . . ’ , - • . . , ■ v> . termn-e the time w ind) each snalI commence a two mouths’ fttate. in paving interest rn all debts she has owed in Euro".;.; ; , , r - - ,. . . . ... . ’ ■ i tour n. dutv bv lot, attending every two month* through the expressing a confident expectation, that so soon as tune is: . u „, ,, . ’ it . 1 7, , , J. .i . c year: I’rovided. no arrangement shad be made by which any I given lor the .K.justtiicul i f t ie lung uistml cU opera.ions of j meillher „f t | le board may avoid serving personally four ’ !l "’ Lo J‘'y r RracewelL &C,,. Vs John J. Gatlin, and •uudry nthis in the year, or two months out of six. property, to- w it: Elias a inau, 27 years of age; Rmif, a hoy, 4 vearsefage; Ute.iar a man, 35 years of age; Olive h woman. 28 year* of age; V mey a girl, ‘J years of age; Marian girl. 7 year* of age; Xauey an infant; Fenby a gi.-l, 5 tears of eg**; A mainly a woman twenty five years of age; to *at- Lly sundry fi fas from I’ulaski Iuft-iior court; Ker Boyce, bearer,\s John J. Gatlin,'I hooins MrGriff; vs Jobu J. 6*1- commerce, the Bonds of Georgia t; rt n he advantageously disposed of. and that as dem.T.'.os.are iikelv to be diminished, iron rails will be bought at reduced prices. I have h >wev- er ttt no time h:t4 informatiou that the article can he had lor State bunds, on such terms as we ought to think of accept ing—nor is there any reason to expect that they can be so had until the enactment of a productive revenue law shall The above reward will he given to any one who will lodge the said person in jail, and ii'foim the sid-si liltcr of the'‘ante, so that he can take him. BENJ. A BARRON. Greenville. Ga-. Feb- lo 1S4I. 4—4t 0J*Tiie Macon IDesseugcr, Standard of Union. 8*mitlmm Recorder, ami Aug'ista U onxtiiutioqahs:. will give the four weekly insertions. isre/nbled, Tlmt one copy of the cataio<;uf* of ihe Li- ive to the promises of the .“tale, their legitimate credit. i . _ The utility of n superstructure upon only 40 or 50 miles- hrnrv ol Congress ne piOsente.' to each of the univt-r- j of the ra d cannot he judiciously determined without du' >ities, co!a ges, nthctircums, and liisloriral societies of| regarding its present isolated condition. This State work the United States, not exceed in- three fund red in I h a *® ver been considered, a part of a great system of Inter _ ' mil Improvement. Connected, as it is 11k<• to lie. N. west- > mot CH XRLF.S J. JENKLN8, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assentfd to th-‘24th. Dec. 1840. CHARLES J. McDOXALD, Governor. other ff tas vs John J. Gatlin; property pointed out by Al- r C. Bos’wick. FOR SALE. ^FHREE Fractsof Land, each containing -0C1 the 10th Di.-- 1 trict it Lee County, all adjoining immediately on the North -ide oi' the Kiis luitbona Creek, part "l it as good hammock as any on the cu-ek, h-riaiwe first rate Pine Laud—fifty acres cleared on il hist w inter amliu i c-.iin'ation this summer: most of tiie clearing hammock. On the place .-a rood Dwelling House,fifty feet square, with a ten foot passage each - ur;ro houses, and all other necessary buildings: 1.50 acres or’ " cell the trees w ere cut round in July last. On tiie adjoining Lot is a ! food Grist Mill, and two public roads passing near the hoHse. The 1 a.r stock, summer and winter, is not surpassc.i hv am in tht- j •-tatp, (here being au inexhaustible canehiake in the s» amp, and au j 1 *n the piuey woods of many miles. Tin* place is considered one I 1 tac most healthy on tbe creek. W ith the place will lie sold a quantity j U, C< rI n ’ fodder, peas, and Ivetw een ^ and 300 hoshefs ofpotatues, hesities ! '“s Plantation tools. A bargain will be given. ‘ j terms, one-tliird cash, or negro proper tv—fiaiance, on a credit ot j H J years, scom next January without interest. p * <ir farther particulars, apply to .Vr. Reuben 8- XYi’iia:: s. in Lee i 0J!I ‘. V * or the subscriber on the premises. r . ‘ H. R. WARD. rss.rcat, Nov. 1st, IS ID. 43 tti Also, u negro woman named Miley. about 43 years of age; ! levied on as the proprrry of Henry lit Haw s, to satisfy two t ! fas i-siied from Pulaski Superior court: Calvin Taft, v* Hen- ■ ry Bellows and Jobu Know les, vs lien y Hetlows; property i pointed out by the defendant. Also, one lot of laud IjiiJg in the twenty first dirt, of okl — • ... . ..-t, i . r . .-.i i .. .i • Wilkinson now* Pulaski nunlier one hundred and ninety i,. : \N ALT amendatory of an act entitled an act to authon-e • ., . , i . , ... * , ,* ■ f , c | , ■ eight, con niniiig two hunt: red two undone half acies, mots l rhe Justices o! tiie Inferior ( ourts of the several counties , , \ ? . , . ... n , „ k , , | , , i- , • . -«r less levied on as the property oi John \V. Bark well, ta r in this State, to create and lav out anv new districts, or; ■ e i .. c c ■ hr - n , , , .. . ’ r , ,i i- " i . i satisfy sundry n (as issued from ruci'ki Interior court: Ker change and si!t<-r hues of those already laid out, -assented , „ , . ... „ , ,, *. *: . * , i • Boyce and others, vs John W. IJarkwcll; nropeitv pointed t wanlly. with the Iliwassee rail roatl, with '-he contemplated j tn 0,1 Decern iet. L 30. ■>- r —*— | branches to head of Coosa, to Huntsville and to \\ ashville, j and with the navigable water of the Tennessee. And to- .Wl.Nti heard w ith surprise that reports ate in circula- j W!ir dsth e southeast, with branches to Columbus, to Macon .- lion, implicating Mr. Wiikv Kmhviks, in the recent i PU( j to „„ usta. it is not easy lo narrate its value to the the aforementioned act shall be so construed as to admit of ^ ^ y of Dar|ju Jon ,. s , u , , atisf , |f| u r\ ol the public Coach in this viemitv. we take plea- ; comme ice of those rich and populous counties whose vari- :i 1 ‘‘ c f''|’. n ? ' 6 "' K ,,!'!j[f ’f, .Tr!!!". 8 .?/®*-- If/. I from the ."uperior court of Pulaski county, the Central States, not exa ihuv-c ; number, and lo the American Antiquarian Society. Approved, Jan. Lit!), 1811. Sec. 1. ht it ercicted by hie Senate end House of Reprum- i r . . f . . . , r. r,,' ■ ■ c is t; , i Also, cue fourth part of lot No. two hundred and *cvantr» tativrs of the i>ta*e of i.torgia in General Assembly met, and it . • - • . „ . . r . . r ” . , ,7 r , L .i eight, lying in tne tweutv first d.„i. nf old Wilkmsoa MW is hereby enacted lu the authority of the same. That nothing in „ *, , - . cr . , , . ^ , r J • -, . i ,i , . i . i • r Pulaski county, containing fifty acre* more ot l«*a, Jaaiad oa the aforementioned act shall be so construed as to admit of . r rv i . , ' , ? . , • , -I.. . i as the property of Darling Jones, to satisfy • fi fa naaad applications being made in manner aforesaid to lav out anv - T ' . r » i i • 3 . “ . , . , . >-|*uiv»u» v-iiuuii» ^ ..... ii ... . , .. ,■ f i- . - *. i* i from tne Superior court of rulaskt rou-ity, the Cantral that such reports are without foundation— 311,1 ! mis wants it is destined to supply. But without these con- new districts or to change the lines of any district already ! Rank l(f , Jei| [. ja vs Da ,|i„g Jonc*;' prnMrty ^oMMd *at ba as transpired which is calculated to excite sus- j nex j Mns . alu i especially those lo the southeast, I caunot ad- laid out. only at a regular term of the Jnfertur tourt. the defendant.'' * t him iu this matter—and that h;s character ; mil the f)r „babilitv that the road in its umst perfect coudi- Sec * Bt it therefore enacltd by the authority aforesaid. Also, lot of land. No. ono huiid-e-1 and forty ibrea. laia* out by the defendant. ! rob; ; sure m statin that nothing It pieion against is unimpeached. Sami. A. Pardee, A. 8. Brown. James M. Buffington, Janies Wilson, Win Fraley, Joseph B. Gunder, Harwell J. Wynn, Jasper M. Guilder, Sparta, Feb. 22, 1311.—2t Henry Griggs, James D. smith, Joseph W Berry. Wm. Shivers, Jr. George Bell, Henry Rogers, Tuttle H. A-idas, N. C. Sayre, ] tion, will ever yield, in toils, sufficient income, to pay the That as soon as any uew o'istiict shad be regularly in the twenty first dist. of old Wilkinson now Pala*U coaa* I , .- i n >o, h anJ tormed, agreeably to the provisions of the above recited . . 3 , , , , ,,. j t!a,1 - v 5 x P c,lse nn7 bVin “ing fro’ ! act. it shall he the dutv of the Clerk of the Inferior Court of - v ’ cox.ra.nmg two hundred two *..n no* half .ere. more or to re imburse the expense ot construction auu bribing ,m. whero , uch district is made, to immediately in les! *’ 1 e ™ d ou : *% the P r "P erT 7 Ulll ' a ;* ue*. to mwfy ti s to the government. . ,,,. .* two 6 fas issued from a Justice* court of said coooty; S*a> i Influenced hy these considerations and estimating theenor- form h.s Lxcelicncy the Governor of the same, all law* to tbe • suniesf . ert<im(> v . AViilia.n Spires; property pointed oat by I aunts expense of transporting many thousand tons of iron j contrary notnlinsianumg. i the plaintiff. JAME3 DYKES, D. SfaX 1 l'»c<.motive engine.. Car nheel,. te. on b, .he ... of, THOM AS STOCKS, ; common road wagons, over a distance of nearly sixty miles, I the Commissioners have deemed it advisable to defer the ’ the plaintiff. 1 Feb. 15. 1341. commeueem lit branches t» Maco Y AM NOrit’E.—Tit* uudrr«igneiU tlianki*:-.* :*.-r p st ti.v;a- otf-r* in- profeesi :nal servi.-r-. to tb i cilizens oi N- wU :: thr cHjoi . - s. He cnn aiwavs br found in ; office • - ' • -t n, ua v ?ro,eF8ir>nall v absent. ' JAMES 11. RAREST8AW ■'ovemb&r *J7. ] ?.it\ (it. (Jiil I A, I til Us .i l minty. -safer and cheaper Relive _ yy UEKEi S, E- bert \. Hardwick adiniBistr&toroa the estate of As* rn trfaich t!te< ' - " r - ■ ' derstood/have felt the effe of superstructure, until one or both of the ; m and to Augusta should give promi.e of a j ... Ji.llfr.ef /.*” itprtKvnrr 3r!ip;P4.—• hese necessary article^.— President of the Se .ate. Asseuted to 23d Drc- 1840. CHARLES J. McDOXALD, Governor. TAKE NOTICE v hereby ca-jtior I J\ lowiuz l-otn of Lend, to-'*it: ^I.L person* iro hereby cautioned - ,3 “t rrespaeeing upon tbe tol- Au' tJ, hiteo! s.-iit! c r.iiity, deceased, np;>!ies for letters oi'di-um m fnoci said ndiiiiiiistratiiin. j , . -iiieref.; • to cite and rdaiopi-h all and s'npi’nr Ii*kindred j on the money markets, and n tx . ' rredi:-.- = of s’-id dreessed, to £|« iheir idijcciions, ifmiv cxi-t. w iu- :r vv in k vv ith aiiticipated ui -j branches belong, it is uu- of the io g comiutied pressure en able t.i advance t h: a kowever. like- •«** . ihetir.:enrc.--or.3.-d bv law. A li..,a id letters sbyi.U no; U granted. J, ee u lUiaored that, they expect to have the use of aug- Uivea under mv hand, U office, m Hawkinsvjlle, February Iklh 1241.{ J , * ^ Ruarrt shall b«. nonrized I—Cm JOHN V. .MITCHELL, «*. c. o. ' mcored auE»«, and *osoon as .Be« snail oe apprize. AN" ACT to compel persons who reside without the limits of tiiis 8iate, who own or may hereafter own a Plantation- and Slaves, in any of the counties of this State, to give in j and pay taxes for the same, in the county were the same mav !>e •ituated 1 .. 3'D m 4rli Di^rr ic. ist Section, in rhe Cou&ty ef Lmapki*s ** i 5 ** 2 ** f:..hb. l “ 17 ** i “ Uiar.a. 23 - 11 Carrol. .A3 - 1! 44 Haberrhar'i. A* the Law will be risidlv enforced ersi«-» ell TneaanaaMr*. URTHvR PLAN*. Trtfair CWi**y I3fb Fcbr-iiry I?1I.