Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, February 26, 1841, Image 4

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rllS'litesT A^D CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IX TI1S WOULD* A NEW SERIES OF THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GLOBE. Prospectus fur t'le Congressional Globe and Appendix. llFtiL works nil! be publish'd I>v us during iUuapproach ing session of Congress. They have haJ such aVxidc nr- DR. HAYNES’ Pulaski SherilFs Sale. dilation in the United States, aiui ilieir usefulness and cheap wcek'y Gazelle of the 15o'ies Letters and the Lille Arte: ness are so universally acknowledged, th .t we deem it ttnne s “ Isiatyd.isijcd, monthly with costly at;d al.tgniiieei’t Quarto ) cessary to give a detailed account of what the future 11 u:n- Steel fcitigr livings, and with i he most popular and beautiful : bers n ill contain. Suffice it to say that they w ill he nival it a- Itlxste of tin day, arranged for the Piano foitc. Guitar and j tile to all who feci an interest in the proceedings of Congress, ilarp: .coutainiug contributions from Authors of the highest j Xo other publication gives them so ;ull, nor half so dicap. Jt distinction at home and abroad, and dcsigued as an elegant '. is, indeed, theclieapest publication in the United .States—per- ! Parlour Journal fir all classes of society. Memoirs. Biogra- j haps in the worid. Our position at the seat of Government pby, iVov.ds, Tales, Travels, Voyages. Poetry, iticism, cunliles us to priut them at so low a tate. We tiro compelled History, Arts, .Sciences, Narratives, incidents, Adventures, j to publish the proceediags oi Cougress in detail, for our daily perieuce in hi# private praclite before they wen- ,,tiered to !l find havin'?, vvh.-never ilicv have I»g«! a lair tri f. keen |>rclenx?tl Uj oiher articles of similar torn), 'i'he;, are coiiiidri.tiy recouni.ei -!» : ti 1 rreutiy s»»j>ertor, for g-'iierai use, to every oth.'r known renr.Hv. ! fresh supply for sale, at 50 cents tiic box, bv 1 * E. >1. COWLES, BREEDLOVE & DERRY tilt. LITTLE, And at LA PAYETTE HALL. lMi'llfdgeville, S-'cpt 1,1810. 32—tf - Ju!iu,ii mail about *2i years old ; Jack, a roan GEORGIA, Washington county. VyliEREAS Elizabeth Jones, applies for letters ofndministr- • * the cstaie of Janies Jones, late ofsai I county, dec’ll. 110,1 H These are therefore to cite and admonish nil nnd singular il-r- t- and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mv office w J ,i ,r ' ' r ‘ time prescribed by law. to show cause if any exist, whv Zanders, i ■ N r. c .. should not he granted. Given under my hand at office j this‘26th January, 1811.— 1 " L. A. JERMUA.N ... n ..f Hnwki.istilie is. John J. Gatiin—nroiierty pointed out bv die : "%XT HERE AS. Jonn N. f.-alhonn. applies for letters of Adrnini . dotendatit. # i ,,n the Elite of rfamuel W. Calhoun, late of said coumv a .Scenery, Correspondence, sketches of society and manners, passing ^feuls oi the times, Anecdote and Gossip, the Fa>h- iotts in Dre#s. and every other subject within the rang.-, of po lite Li tern lyre, are embraced in its plan. The whole formbig, at the end of the Year, a large Quarto : 'Moft’at’s Life Pills and Phoenix successful uo tnwiit »l of MOFFAT'S LIFE 'doubt, ns referent e to the t xpe- s itislV.ctori!v prove. During the paper. This done, it requires, comparatively, hut a small ad ditional expense to change them to the forms of the Con gressional Globe and Appendix. If it were not for these cir- J RITTERS. The perfectly safe, unciring, am cuuistances, we could nut publish them for four times the j *; ve . r - v /l 10 ' 1 '' 51 °t direuse by the use sum charged. In some parts of the United States, the white - J-XEs-, is no hmpera umttei o vi ...... B notice of manv thousand patients will v oturne o! i i t> imperial pages: beiU", in respect to music, a i paper, upon which Huso wonts are printed, would sell lor as j present month alone, neurlv one hundred rases Imve come to the bn beautiful accomp iniin -at to tlie Piano-forte, and. so far as ■ much as w»: charge for the publications. j edge of Mr. Moffat, where the pntient has, to all appearance, effected o relates to plat.*#, a charming crate '-table ornament. The Federal party have succeeded in electing their caiuli- j Pftmnnnit cure by the exclusive and judicious use <>t the L’f?Medi- i I . . ., • , , , ... ...I : civ.cs—some eight or ten ot these had been considered bevoiid alt hope • EDITED IIY GEORGE P. MOD IMS. j to the presidency, its leaders will now have to declare j b . lh ,, ir mC(li(: „j une „d:u»ts. s,..-h happv results are a s,n- ofgreai It has been said, that the Am-.h-ai. people are fickle iu { * h « P°>«7 th «* ' n,e '* <1 , l ° l»»r f «e. i »»ey wall be ohitge.l to | pleasure ... Air. At mid ius, ire him with m-»• co.itidenee to recommend .1, •„a r i , • i make u known at me iiexiimitig of lilt- approaching se^siuu i the use oi In.- n:oiinmes to ins Filow c itizens. Uicir attachment: that ther are »»m of chnii^e and variety, ■ ° . */ • , T'ie I ll'f ’’rDiriM's nr •. nuciv VTiirT \ IM ^ nrpr»?»r-pnn i - ol (you^irss. J hev cannot avoid it, or put it oil any longor ! ,ie J * 14 li 7* L ** ,I . IC 1 l l,iH '• * 1 * l -■; J 1 < r •'-/ ! ' r»a. . , • , , " ... I I i!-\ ;ire mild Did pirns;, iu iu liinr oporafiou. nr.fl at tic* samn tmir j • * ,10 - s . e n ho support them, will he eager to know how it will j th) ,mpidlv the wcietion- oi no «, ins • I benefit their interests, ( and will .hive them to it. All the j offail acrimonious humors, and assimilating with read puiifv iug the [ I measures of the coming Administration, except turning out , blood. .For lias reason,in ngravnt.-d cascsof Dy spepsia, the l.i.t* Mcdi- j Ihe men who hold the minor offices, must originate ami tie ; s "ill give relief in n >.miicr space of time than any ct iar a. .-isai.e.uo, laic oi said county H •j'h: .. lots -,t J.,;:,] A'o. 7t>. Xo. i‘>3.and Xo ft-"’, all Iving in the eighth | 1 iic-'eare, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular tl,.. ’ , ! 1 dtstrii t of originally Dooly a iw Pulaski coputj, containing each 1202) : and creditoi s of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, ■„> . mu: Or less, ievi d cm as the property of Green G. Graham, to] time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why aaidu ' satisfy ti e ii. ihs. two from th • Superior Court, one in favor of James ! should not Is? granted. Given under tny hand at office in .Sands 0 \i, surv ivor, cve. e.ue iu tuvoi oi l. ii i :aniCroc! G. Graham, and three from a Justices’Court of s; .'door \ <. ret u Graham. I topci ty pointed out ! • " JtrS. OARUL &. < ; Ja lull. siid <b l.'i.Rr- s. Green "dm this 2i-1h Januarv% K-4J.— 1. L. A. JERMGax i GEORGIA, Washington County. i Y^'HEREAS, Jt.seph M. Gonder and .lame Tl IM outrage Sale. ILL be sold on the fir.-t Tin -lay in .March n< \t, before tiie Court House door iu ilia town of Havvkitisvilie Pulaski County, within ; tlie !. gal hours < f sale, the follow ing property lo-w it: Kendo! a man about thirty-five, years of age, Jack forty years of age. : William thirteen y< a is old, Gracv thirty year# oltl, Harriett twelve y ears cl.-b J a: e tliidtv year# id l,.“ii!via *lii"t- - it y car r -Id, V crib i ten year- old, and March lilt v y car# old. Also ten >iiares'ot (lank Sto-k, ill the Ilank , of Hnvvkin-'ville, to - •; -tv a li. fa. from Pulaski Inf riorl i tut. The : l’.ank of Haw kinsv ili e vs. James (). .Kilts, property pointed out iu said j soph , ... Thomas, applies fn r : ters of .Administration on the estate of George W. (Jijuin jd aid county, do; cased. These civ therefore L ,n r gravers ciuplovct •rimi willingly part tvith an old ft c id for the novelty of a n tv •1g((tiaiiitauc*. As fir as it relates to ti-=, we cau uti- qtiivo- caliy deny tiic assertion. It i, ;,oiv more th in s iveuteet years since tv ■ a in ire It >v at the ttme. coinm-nice I the pub ligation ol dm A;-: iV-.\ mis .Mtar.ox; and, ttniler all its cli iogcs and improvciii ais, lliouvrinds of its carlv friends and siii s'. i- h%CS ip-tve a.lher -d to i: with a cotistiucv u i less fluirei iug to ourselves iiu.! r is cjuiplitnca i try to their permanent ntiaeh- fuenis. \\ e now ma se an important cha tge. viz. a comm • ircim :i; <*• our nineteenth year, tin tbii'-id of January. I r-i 11. =* |,j-.a- I king this clinuge, we are oulv foil iwing the example of nniiv j <n. our eu.tempoi'aries, v. irt, after piih.'ishiug their papers I'm- j •cvcral years, w ere under the necessity of adopting this plan, i ’hat their subscribers mighr not thereafter lie confused ahotit i iae bcgitmi.ig and ending of the publication year. lint the 1 m ire luiij irtuut p.uf ol our change, is. our intention of giviu a!1 c,e K'tut si sL-p'ate engravtag every month, manv of whir we -have already selected, and have eu several of them. Li cousequ/uice of the disappointment we have met with from one of our engravers, who vvsts to have furnished otu Januvy plate, vve have beet) under the necessity of send iug obq only a nint'di to what wo have formerly furnished. Bi t having now a number of engravers at work, that we mu. «!Vtt*tual.'y have the plates engraved and printed at !■ ■st tb.r, rr.ojUii i;i. ao'.'t.Mce, we s!i id so ui he b tyond th ■ reach of >' wixappoiiijmcnt, mid send to onr suhsetibe's so w. II oi ied and seasoned as to he almost released from fear of being injured in the mails by carriage. The plates wc have now t i hand are such as have never been produced in any periodi cal in this country, and cannot be surpassed in the world; ar Ictvst so stys a number of pers ms to whom wc have shown tut twelve already selected: and wo have not a shadow •.;! doubt bat our sulxtribers will say the same when tiiey ‘-co thein.^ We also i Uertd to give, monthly, a wuod-ent re[>rc sefitan'on and d»scrip:iou of the latest fashi us of Funn e. i base niMi.ioas w ill cos' |t.- t exclusive of our pre-ent i-xp«*ti k‘ ? ^several llinus inds oi tl >ilars per .annum I Ilia a-rangeutenr. while it will afford loth re id.-,-: f the j - jjrrof ottire tonti a:i .ahtndant etjuiv .ah-nt for the trill ..g j at w inch it is punlisIteJ, (f:r t! l -.: pi lies could not i> • j })*iconed at tiic p int stores st-.p.irately for So it r couhl the- i muvie be ootaiued far tint amount.) will, we trust, give u> such an increavc of stthscrihers a> will enable ns to proceed with renewed energy anti unflagging industry in the prosecu tion ofottt literary ialiou s, and warrant these heavy expen ditures of time aud tuoiit v. When we began the publication of the Minor, tie;.; was ! tto yyork of a si character iti the Union, t.f any literary merit, which combined such a number of atuacti ius as iu- j h.t'e presented in superior engravings, music, beautiful pa- jirr. aud extreme neatness of ti png-ajdiv. W i<h a det •.•m.- natiou to render it a work worthy of the extensive snppoit which i, has always received, ive went on, year after year, i employ tig talent of p, high order, in beautifying and orn iiih-ii- tiug the ivoi k w i;jj gems of ihe j.-eucii and tlie pen. Few can conceivo the itutueuse amount we have paid for literary and I pictorial coutr hutions- Wo have beeu the pioneer iu almost j every thing that Iris hf-cil the periodical press of this coutury j from its former to :ts present posiiion, until, by common cun- j sent, tns -\c«r-\ ork IWirror hasheen consitleicd as inteii.-r to | ru» literary publication of a similar character in the world. | e some y ears since, iu consequence of our constantly in- j creasing expenses, raised the price to five dollars, a iiion I ft lends have paid it < heerfnlly, from a conviction it i- ho.w, and always has been, honestly worth the money. W ith j ib the last few years i change has ca.xte over every thing. I particularly the’republic of letters. Periodicals, have in- ! creased in vast number#, and the adoption of the each system. ! aud its certain and prompt results, have induced lev, j publishers to reduce the price of subsetiplion. and to be con j tented with limited profits in consideration of tlie facilities at ; forded them by prompt payment. The subscribers t f the j Ke*r-A oik Mirror are eu tided to the full benefit of this chan; c | and ive have therefore began a y .nk\v skiuks of thk Work | or, this second of January, J" II: hut as our motto is not “re J daction of price, and ;t gradual dee: ease of excellence,” but a j desire to follow up our seventeen years’ advance, in all r<- spects, and now make the Mirror the most elegant periodical j in the world, we shall make the expensive additions before j mentioned, and continue the charge of only Pice Dollars per j Annum, payable, in all cases, in advance. . In thus issuing it at a price which would appear to all ac- j quaiMted With the suhj- ct, scarce y sufficient to defray its cur- j rent expenses of print and paper, we do not contemplate the least diminution in the interest and value of the publication, editorially considered. On the contrary, it willcoutaiu/;2ero- ry articles of intense interest; and every exertion will be made to furnish the most fashionable, choice, and popular music; and no paius or expense will he spared to sustain its present high literary character, and to keep it at least in the foremost rank with the most popular periodicals in this country or Europe. We even expect in this respect to surpass our for mer efforts, as tlie Editor, by a recent arrangement, vtii! lie ! released from ail the cares connected with the business and j .financial department, which lias for years rested upon him, I depriving him of'much of the time lie wished to spend in ! catering for the public. XV d risk, in rct-trit, ft orn the ftien Is of American literatuie. ! their crtrdlal and hearty support of this Nkw and F.xrk.xsiVK series; and have no doubt but we shall liberally receive it. 1 In country town-, aud village? where the population is small i in number, those yy ho wish to receive the .Mirror would find | it to their interest to obtain at least seven subscribers, that the j papers may be tolled up instead of being folded, as tliefol- • ding seriously injures I oih papers and plates, hut especially 1 the-piates; aud less titan seven cannot lie advantageously ' rolled. Where seven or more papers tire sent to one direction, \ four dollars for each will lie received as payment iu I’nli for a ; year, lint in all such eases we shrill require the name of j each subscriber, that we may know our friends, at least in ! name, if wc should never he more highly favoured. I file- j sired, w.e will wife tlie address, iu pencil, op the margin m each paper so put tip. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS. ite and adnfbnish all and Hnrrnlar th-1 red mill ct editors of said decen »ed, to file their objections if anv u ., ' : t>rs should not be granted- Giicn under my hand at office in # vile, this26th January, 1841,—!. L. A. J ER\IG \ \ GEORGIA- W’L. fore to Mb, 18*0, jos. car; IIES.S!:' m atured in Congress. r l he Democratic party should know tinon as soon a# possible, to see how theii interest will i>e : f feeted, aud tlietr rights cucim'.che'l upon, by tlicm. i here ;s no source from which it can obtain the iniormatioii -<> ear ly, so full, and so cheap, as tlie Gongrt sxioual Globe and :!n; Appendix. Aii the motions and resolutions will be given in the Gongressi mal Globe m the exact words of the persons making or offering them. The substance of the speeches made, will be given in it: also the yeas ..ud nays, taken tin- journal, on all the important questions. The Appendix '•'ill give the s; ceclies ;is wntiCi out by the members ti.em- s<-ives. We tiiiuk it a!l-inif>r>rfaut that the people should be informed of tlie sayings and doings oftlt; ir members \y bile in j session, and shall therefore sjiare neither labor nor money to j iuniisb tliem. If the Federa menibers shall continue, to ad- j vocutc one >et of measures here, and another ;it home, the I ’■ ongres.ximial Globe and Appendix vviii give their constita- •ots the evidence to confront them. The Goxkrf.ssjoxal Glob:-; .will be made tip of tl;e doily i: oc; eding# of ihe two I louses ol Congress, and the spec* he - d the meni'-ets coudetise<l. The yeas and u.ivs <m all im mriant subjects are given. It^- poblished as fast os the bu- ; iu-‘ss - I the two Houses affords matter enough for a iiuiit ir*r. Each mi ,.!:*•;■ m iii eontain si-.ieen rovai q tatto pag.-s, >1 small type. We expect to jiubli'li three liuumcrs l .-r eve- tv* a weeks ol the session. The Ai-i f.ndix contains the speeches of the members, nil length, written out by themselves: and i# punted in the hoc lortn as the Congressional Globe. It will be published s l..sf as tlie speei lies ea;i bo prepared by the members.. I-ach of tiie#e works is complete iu iis<-!f. But it isfiesi- for every sulisctiber to bare Loth; because, ii lie re imuid i*e any ambiguity in the synopsis of a sjieeeh in the biiigress-ional Globe, <;r anv denial of its correctness, it may removed at uiiee, by referring to the speech in the Ap- II rial, ease a the pace ot tone than any < tiuri. In Fryer and Agu . inflammatory Rheiino!!:.'iii. 1 description, C-ick Hcada- I. . neart htun, L'izzii.e## in th in th.:- Chest, Flatulency,in paired appetite, mil in : vr vs , from an impurity ol tie- Ido. e, or a d.siud.-ivil state oftlo use of ti:---.. Ai-’diciiu-s 'in-aiwuy s pro-veil to be beyond doubt, greatly su; . .tor to any oii-i-t mode ofticatuu ct. All that Sir. Moffat ask? of bis ; aiir<:ts i- to be particular in fI ing t Item strictly according to the directions, ft is not by a new paper no- liee, or bv an v tbii" that !; ■ itimself may s:iv iu their fa' i>r, h ■! . prs ft i-= alone by the results of i fair trial. 1- the re.- derail s I - Dh to know ivhe'h- r tlie ! ife .Ve. ! dies o ill - i-ii If so, let biro call or - ad U> Ml. .'dofat’s agent ill :hi- <*pv of die .Medical Manuel, design- ! ; - a Doincs- pubii-hi-d gr:!tiii:e;i-I v. lie v. ii ■ 1 : l-n-1 ('tin- Admii:i.*itr«tor’s H;:!e. WILL I e sold on tlie first Tuesday in !•', biaiary xt, he!, no tlie Court ’ • House door in the Countv of Flovd. within the u ual hi iirsof sale, ae frueti* ti No. 832, in 2":d 11:--*ri- r, at:.! 3*1 .Se;.-:i«iti, lying in I’lovd, i o .V.i;e-' h. am . . ?*.>:,! t, the h.'n--:'lt ,-.t il;r 11. ;;*# and l.'rrditer# of i I'chidr I’osfv, la;, of i’ulaski Couiiiv. ilei-ca-. d. T.-nn on the da v. NOR?!.AN .Mei>l I i iE. Adin'r. O- t. 31. 1840. , -it t i Jr ashington County. IAS Richard Vnrtbrn, applies for letters of adrnini-! rv -? estate ot .Morgan llroivn.jr. late of said conntv,d<V ( ] i iifse uic. therefore to e. ti: and admonish all and singular V r: -I end creditor# ol aid deceased, to be and appear at mv office „ tie- tune pres-cnh.’d by law, to show cause if any exist, wj,v -a,,' nil" should nut lie granted. * * • Given under my hand, at office,ia Sandersville,tbis2Trh Jan Eli J~ E. A. JEKNIGAIf c. e. n t to r in < ii)\ aiirl, hi-* own place,at WVJ (1 })IOt I;] - - 1 !o to i Ju.-ilt mcnti’fl vorv m?t mgjIv similar to B rone’wav. ’i’iiULT* VnliiJibic .\tiaorui:;; own. ?»! of euro: r»i ?oV<ii(.al Ui*i: peril j ; ia -\c \ *i i*nc, * j \ r a tors r? a \ e . i»e sold on i!io fir t Tn* ><!av in I\ i !»ni.;rv n \t. nt .• tlnor in r.t'iMinii (’oniitv, I.ot of Lain! ,\*i. 4 I in aud Ith : : c< : : on, < ; « i\wus. and iyiir/ in i.l lor iUr i . uui't oi’tln Ii. irs and f.*it'dir*;rs of Toil i . cm the d v. . !, I'iiO. Mu] ■ Cc.r.n ■ I- rtii i • iJn:.; : (»E011 (< JA, > > ashington county. W HK!iEAS latiene- Glet-tt, Administratrix n;i the E#tct-r,f(. . v w ,,y Glenn, I itcof county deceased, applies tor letted ' nii'-'ion from said Adrnini^tKition. Th s ®, Brc therefore to. ite and admonish all and singular the hindr and appear at tny office within u use if anv exisr, why said |,. :t .). at office in Sanders':!: : i six. anderr-uiior# -a s m. time prrsrribed by Iw .-ho::Id i! *t lie granted. Given under my hai this 2Sth day of November, 13-10. L. A. JERNEGAN, c. <. u . Dec. 1, I October C, 1310. At. E. EDWARDS 37 V C lit. Atiiiiini.stralor’s 8ale (U^Moinil's Vcci Bl iTKIIS. 'flie hi Ji-cci uiivi ‘- v table f/ih lit; wiiifh th urinjr. i.hcs? c v or; disj-nso !<» ttrr familiar \viili ;i!r.u .-1 evt | i •. ( anir* known l*v lln*ir iritiis—their ffood i I —thr\ did not i li ii n «- bv ihe k.irli ofihn rrrdii! j III Bum's of Co -liv eilO.SS, I ) V.'IX'pM |. Jrlif!- Vsllnna, i'il»*-, 8**til«*d Bains, ill?.'•i;inai»v;:i, I < j ;:!<■ M.-ad - fill's, Iinpura Slatt- of I ho {!iid a . I j : lie, .Wnm: - ihdilitv.liio Siu! i;." •-im-i.l. ! ; i :i; i t*v erv kind ol* -.Vo? 1 no-is of th:* ' i _ r sli Pitt IOC Pills and f excellent -Mi'dici::. s !;a hirh tin human f**<um i - intelligent pers on. 'i'!; >rf- have testified fm tin i'ulus Oct r the b i Conn: ■ the first Tuesday in Eel-ra.iry next, b-firv I l.-;inpk ia Coon tv, I.ei # *.f I cui-.l .'hi. I ’ i tion, and No. 113, in loth District, and it ! of the li- im and Creditors ofT.-lfair I’c. ec-cuscd. i'c-rms on tlie dav. n an mvdufite, •11 Id GEORGIA, li ashington County. ^yllEREAS William Orr, applies for letters of Adrninistratk r estate© 1 Penelope Orr, late of said county, deceased ' I lies;* arc iiieivtore to c,: and admonish all and singular the kindr*; rr.u cre-.itois ol said At... to be urn! appear at mv office, within t'-i . »r : by law, to show cause Ifanv exist, wbv said letter -oould not I-'-li oie.’d. Gti c-u under u:y hand at office 21 th Ja -IE—I. m >.m(!er#ti!; L. A. JEKNJGAN, c.c. GEO HI i vvhej;:-: W w.-:,d i. I. J } t;l(ts!ei t .S Daniel Matthe-.-.s. Ad --traror on the Estate of i'ttcr- ot dismission from lornl dcran.-i-m.- ol ilcahl:, ; ci : t • • i at d speedy ietu id '. xhaiistcd const it u t j ns. A -i ’lio.-nix Hitters beyond the re very patient. i.-pared an ! si Id, u hides ih lieu! Office,37.i Broad" ny, Nc N. I!. .Nona arege-itiiuo unit- th. is and Liver . vers and Ague idicaitiiv App.i : to l-'etnal s j ■ t )rgaus, a nil -. : II uh i -elicnte ia all K e- 4 GREEARI.E xt. I itliiiMiLsIrafor to an order of tl;.- Info rS ii ! c. • uiuiiies , IIS ill of a- most II nud 1:011 of and retail,at Vs ,M. II. MOF -V York. thev i* the t'-c simile of AT S Mc- Jrdt:, Mol'- il t a- it sit,me a-r - Jt.’inarv paspo Man-I. next. I. <. rc the i'ctitl I i >■ Inuiis -f sale tiic f.dla-.ving I ' o third# . : a No. E’-'i in the I'. :-••• I'alaski, and one littn-l i-itnnd sc the 1 2th District of oi . til Its, coot,ar:Ii 1-: T" o liinidicd I iv of John Howell, lute of.-.- ir# and creditors cf said ring Go iil bet dd. •n the first Ti # do- r. i.-t -aid County I i :o.i, ty lo-wit: District, . ; original! v IK t ti - * are id credit it - :■ first.Alom iven under therefore to. ol said dta ei v hand at o a tine • ■ -'ll i .••.lUttoiitsIt all and sinr ular the kirtdn • •<! to fie to- trot -lions if any on or before U. ?t V s.-,i,l ,, tiers shot, Id not bp grant, a. f , Has Kinsvtllc, Junt 26th, 1840 JOHN V. MncHF.i i C (• o . ft | oi.s'on n Tun ■J lfOM \S das] i < s, sold :: . lid for Aib: -/.!. 1 ’uii’ Conn ti/. ti.A? i ’ lyssc# (.’rutc.liffcld, i (’till, hli.-hl, late :f said county .1 . o i from said Administration. '■ li. r. fore toil:.; and admonish nil us of S lid, to Ilk- tl, it. rs sixed I not l gr.n.t d u nistrator of the F.stat- , 1 ■ asc.l, apf lies tor I-c;■, id singular the - oiij--- tions if any have the first Monday in januari each >rn It' •v can tit Inuoxes to are sent to subscribers as soon a: ■>e i t :*•fid after ;lte a.ljou nuient «f Gougress. TERMS. Ff.'i* one c.ipj'nf the (?nngre>si*nial Giolie iJne eojiy (>f tit * .\})|)i:tidix • - - y : : i\ copies nf linker of the aiioTc wc.rl.s will !ic fi>3. twelve copies !..r .ylU, ami a prc-jHirtioiiutc nttmiier o! copies tor a I n get* su m. Faymeuts nt ty lit-1r insmitie.l by mail, postage paid at out n-k. The not s of any incoritorated bank in the • uit tl .-'tates. curreol in fit ; section olcouui.y w here a sttiisifilter :csidcs, will lie received. To insure aii the tin tubers, lite snbscriptioas sltou'.i here by the I -tl It of December next at farthest. The Demoei ilie papers oitlt which we exchange, will please Stive this prospectus a few institutions. L-r^ Xo attention will be paid h any oulcr units.- the -r.oi;- *y accompani s it. BLAIR N RIYri.-A Wa-hington City, Oet.'2B. 1:'40. I'lrn I .ifoj’iiis arc sol.i tccording tC the f ize; t ch, " ith i'lili direction# t; it GK.AU iToUS jiltlct. ct-jit! .1 “ fluffin' I t.OXf's- :.I th * iff -Pri rs in 1.1 w i! msTRinr ton- * --ti;, r littb I th. f* ! lie irst ■i! COIIi! hours . I.--1IUU • I“nt It-* i’.” ■ I - !..- ai ,1 th. mxu mutton .cd i.•medic-- Aide* tile. Oil. .Tune 30,1 I i **! i i. •i mdi i* my hand at office, ia I fan JO. ill.-. J uric 27th, If 10. V. MITCHELL. C. C. O. Pula <. i; ct: er C. r salt hr ,70—:;p_ iMoi i ’a t : ; Yc HEsJE .M st nsible i !!l^ ill Mil v L-S Which I, flu [.:! A. A;?'-": • K 1 ! 1 i < •i!i •:iios art* iiKU-. lu rti.isi in jiurif. i:*” i itli r« tv« h Fill .'ll! ,:ni' Ui‘ A Mi l’\ .1 hv th; >r. In many iuuluinst evt u, th«‘ Impi»\ iw m In Adminii ed. tflven nnd I>i:r’-.Pfilter. Administrator of the estate ■ ' : ;i.. lute of s. id county d. ceased, applies fur Iettir.-u* ■ ul \'in,iiiis:-;:i,i()ii. . .re t.» cite : n ! admonish all and singular the kind- ; d ■ a :■•:!, to file tltcir ohjections if anv, on or h.: in Jat.tu.ry next, why said letters should not Lc g:.:,,;- and at rs'.ic. jfficc* in Hawkinsville, Jnlv2f)th, 1? JOHN V. .MITCHELL, c sale . irt li: . in the To 7# ith Cav . <. / . t < / .-rat,>t,it- > — de holds non, on the est;.:-’, • y,deceased, applies for let:,. ill: prei i.i isly lip, It 'vine tit! ipimutc .t.i'illv lpmniitc ihiiosophi, li. I; the v AMt-.S late lor: if the Lli'I'i MEDiCI SE.-* recommend th io. i i* • ; i lid d -cription. Their first operation is to loosen ft. slot) ch and bowels the v trains ia purities and cr L- h V ! Ad: lit 1,1, ( t AYit; ; I las hi ( aunty. ■■■ inh J - bason, ndr. lat'. .1 i’ulaski ('mi , i i administ. :tlion. : aud n.lmonish nil and singular the k Indrer ■ - * d, :-i file their objections if any, on orb. ft ie . h, r next, wbv said letters should not ffi ut imiit. cd, of ■I ; S? • i Fcaiiiio .»(.“:!Uv’llSV. pH^MIS !t»si*Tn*ion will tic li Janu trv 1.-41, uinlerthi |)Jii (lii pci) <>;t the secoUil .Mmidtty in it it-l'inIcn-icncf; of Mr. &: .Mrs. \\ :tyl tiid, nssi.'U tl by Mi-s Munsfichi. The ioglns; testiint)- niuls have been presented of their c;tp;t!)iiitii?s to tetielt—emn- ■ itiing j> -i-ii- (1 to aimers with literary anaiittiieiits. an.I ■ xt ii>i\e expert, ttce. They xxete c.lucat. <1 in Fnt-lautl, but have taught for many years in thi# ecu.itry, .Mr. \\ • pi.■-,»•»[# (among others) letters iVoin the following geutletuen. Hon. I. G* i'alliiiun, I’i'ofesaor Antbou Goiutnbiti Golleg-.* New York, Kev. Dr. Pearce. Golumbus (ia. l»<-v. Dr. \\ ttyland. Brown i niversilv. Professor (ierrubantl, Ghttrleston S. ('. and the Trustees of the Pendleton Academy, w here lie taught lour years, Mrs. \V. (formerly Mts. Leigh.) has long hern known as an accomplished, and successful Teacher, to the citizens of this r'tate. Th * follow iug course of studies w ill be taught iu the Institution. Senior Class, Chemistry, Logic, Motal aud Political Phi losophy, French, Latin, Greek, aud Mathematic 6'- 1 * per Term, of five months.---Junior Glass. Grammar, Geography. History, Arithmetic aud Popular Philosophy, §1(5 per Term. Primary Class, the rudiments of the English Language. Spelling, Reading and Writing &.c. {yc. S I” and a half pet Term. Oraamental Branches (1’xtra.) Music. Piano Fort, Guitar, Singing and Thorough Base, S'J.) per Term. Drawing perspcction and Painting $15 per Term. A small and extra charge wiil be made for fuel and tlie two of the Instrument. The public will observe tint the Trustees have reduced the Price to the lowest rates to sni; the hairiness of tlie times. Board can be obtained in tin* village on rcasonab! ^ iv $10 per Month including W ashing. P. S. Payment will he expected, at the end \Y. Ii. SAYR F, 15. J. WYNN. 1 ELI MANSI IF,LD. 1 F. M. PENDLETON, JOS. li. GONDER Jan. Sth, 1841. snarly suttliua tie collect in the cm. ulittiiau only partially cl.-nsc thus, t-i prudaeo habit mil cu ::i an liu-n, " ith -til its iu-n.i regular anaioixivts, "Am ll-'xu.: the (>l, juiiic:.* of tl.o- —or iiu-di.-ii.i-s prepared and lit*:.- hied to tin- pul Tlie -,-ciiid .It* t of the I. - Medic iar# is to c!e bind !■*>*. and by this nieriii-*,,lie liv.-r and the ho of " 11 Ti entii-ely depend* upon the rc-fuboity t’lil t i: • -it O I ave M.. h co fill all its 11‘: goes. This - tilt' li 1.!: III!. tl Is < Mlie. tint: tli the ■ran i,-: :>cl at office, iu Haw kins' iil.-, September 1 Dili, I ' JOHN Y. .MITCHELL, c.c. c ■ !. 22, :iu iimr ; .. in.i all in ut in its. or si:., in*t is -.' eli .,; h,,vvels all* r dent c t,_' igixmoit p #. the k.dii,*'# ; *, the Ii u.lthfu! I th” it rim, i v < MAJ< J.A ME: In H*. ! Met 'CU \UCOi 44 -19 .tm fltll I.he so I Yc I inson c id i the it, I. Tlie blood, which tak lungs before it pm noori.-hu.I hv food coming from a u ll.r *. rias, n’li. evert ; art of tlie h.t u our ol || *:. Iti. i a tl.v I doom iar cl .Moffat*# Vegetable l.iil* .Mediriii proiKuiue. ,! a snvur,-i-:i ri*nu*i!\ to of tlie Heart, !.»?# nf V [,p: tile, I !-*■ Ill-temper, Anxiety, Lniguor and (Tioleru. Fever# nf all kinds. Kheutm.ti n the agency of the liver and the ing till# purified hv them, and lomac!., coarsi s freely through it:, and liiuniphuntly mounts the POSTPONEjJ SALE. i m • Y '* i - • in I't'hi u.*ir\ next, in Irwinton, Wil- *., i!i' s 'Up gi nt known as \Yari j worihV plac.\ con- • o! i :u»! more* or Id-^. some .00 ncros <-lean'll on in (< E O fi G f- f. Puiashi County. FER] >. ; Hliarj Hen<icrpon, tdinioi^trsfion of the eetatd on:- ,»c.!ii; on. laic of >T;ci rr*unty, deceased, applies tor letters ui i ion in ut s m' { afirnini^tration, '! !.•■■■ sc arc theref.-rc to< ir ’ an*! lolmonisJi nil nnd /*inpnhtj the kindred J-u crcdilors (ti saki d<cea.-cd t to file their ohjeetiuns, if any exist, u ifh- tbe lime pre^enkoj ky !i,n, wliy said letters should not he granted Uivcn •lEd irniv hand at office in Hawkinsville, October 13th, 1340. . —O n JOHN V. MITCHELL, c. c. o. <rood ovd(M-1 said county, more or less. S on tlie dii\ ol sal >. ntmn Apt tip' Of (’<1 Lshnve iU. ■gp rid-ui 1 *<t. in. i t e;; tin).on: ida, I ‘i ttiih i:c\. Intuit tid 11 .?;:t lie, Rest! oly, ( V’Mi\eness, Hi»r» (iouT, I -‘hi; j.'s ot all k • I:.- ')* 1, i- and ( WEST, ill) ERA of John W\ se ol itniiiiriffToff ncres reditor ? AN, S *rerins Adin’rs. GEORG I. ’• V. o.iam i’CSTPONEH SAT#E. Grave!, Worm# Sort's, Sen. hntu S::How, Cloudy '■ij? *!.ts. (Vmiiiio 4 * t II II li (.’ousuiiiption, St fiiplior - and J'.;ol i *o»njd \i- :*: 1 otlier di^ay reoaide ('omp! < *»dds and Iiiflfiruzn. an I \ lii' li ntiliet tin', iiumttn frame. In Fk\ i t: and Life Medicines have been most eminently sure n t!i? Fever and Alpc distriets, I*liv.'iei ins aln ; them. .Ml that Mr. Moffat requires of his patients is j in? the Life Medi< in ; strii ti v aeeordiu? to tin* di:eeti«*iis. a new-sin per luiticc. or hy ; - li \ *! A; IT that in hii :i-e!I may .-a\ i that h hop to tin credit. Iti 4 alone by the i S MOFF \*rs ME’HC VL \ CAL. • 1«■ i :.* .i . • - d* :e . Iiealth. This little pamphlet, edited hy V% . Ik :, < ; mi. a ; ., V i'iv York, lias heeli ooh i.-ir'd for thepurpo. e of | Mr. MolVa t’s theory of diseases, am! will l • fom.d 1 I ersons seekiniT health. It Inat’ upon |" :i! rv i. I leers, l m etu iTite ! i ~. F n i p t i v ( < • o 111 j i i •; ’ •, : ion*, Sait Rheum, I !r*. - mils other complaints ' \i l i:, particularly, the —Yak so much » that nnivci •fore the r Countv htski County. iCF.VS. ‘datthias iMcf ’ortnick. Administrator on the estate of n Harrow, late of aid county, deceased, applies for letters .. lission from id A .*.; trration* | The$' arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred [ and creditors of said deceased, to life their objections, if any, why sc. i letters should not he granted. < iiven under mv hand at office this Id-tsi Novemher 1310. -11 ’ JOHN V. .MITCHELL, e. c. o. •Ifair Co Fistriet and (’otinty, know■?! r. = \o on tin* Ocmulcec River, Ik longing w y pr< sei me itieuhar ia tak ■h, F R FiiF.CC i rcn;:i »111J11 u ia.•tin (Y d tlicm in pre 8 tod t Man h n**xT, b •ksonv ill**, Tclfni a. a.-.i mui >,in j GEORGIA, Ruldski County. J H t .REAS, J.iliii H. l’ickrit. aixl Jane Pickett, np[-lics for:.** niili.stratiun on tlx o.#tatc ol James Pickett, Ian ofsaid .mu dt'cra-ni. These arc l!ier:-f.,ru to cit.* ami mltnmiii-h all and singular tin# k! ! died an-1 cr dit.-r- of #.* :•! .! ceased, to file tiirir objections if any exj* j on or itofori’ the (ir-t Mot.dy ia .March next, why said letters shotti.l ; j be grunted. Given under mv hand at office,in Hnwkiusvillp this 21st Dec. I t i 49 ‘ JOHN V. MITCHELL r. r.o. \ F’ 1, (L \i !l.l.CON. ( Al! •10 t,l tin!.: ill.cut. inses thes a 'rollv. These V: nf. Price, twenty I’.’tit #—ti tic 11 . at; I t! r at’# agents 1st Dr i nti r, #-. laic of Wash- | mal,” immediate pay- ,1 estate, nro notified to f the MITH, Ex’r. 11.1.1 \M it October i able If. ,0 id. E. EDWARDS, V . 37 1' .5 OiH oth” E#;at”ot t(*i tf e; Tei m. rustecs, l R ffiii.AJ)!'. n i inds ju aiu; I Nov. 1 k u i 11 render V.\ pi iu r i l* of the AM SCAKnoKOl (ill, Adin’r. 43 btJd Georgia, Pulaski (fainft/. ASTi ^ 11EP EAS. A a IVpkia ami Ex’:” Sapp, applies for Icto rs of ui » V mini ’.ration on the estate of \\ iiliaui Smith, late of said deceased. Tlx so arc tiic,'fore to cite Mid adm *uisli all find singular,tlie ki .ir< J and creditor# of said deceased, to tile their objections if anv,on or a- fore th ■ first Monday i.i !’•! roar;, next, "hy said letters should not!, , ml J. Given nnd< r my band, at office, this Jannnrv 6th, 1841. JOHN V. MITCHELL, c. c. o. Jan-ui.-v 1, 11. 31 — It (! 11 (> U ii A. Pul. - hi < 'oun 11 Hots-, (own hr,- : Mill h. rough, J , ami "iil he 1. t I her to Al ill ilia iv Gray,) nitty , nud 'r t!i” at the redoc ! d I! ■ (th.* . . I,ten ■titoroff Ec I-til: -8t. NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to t'ne late firm of (.’oilier, lirncrwell tV Co. either by note or account, are requested tocall immedintrty.and cttle "itli tit” subscriber, "tin bus all their books, 5oc. in his posses- j ion, and is f.illv authorized to settle the same. TIIOs. COLLIER. Ilawkinsvilie, Jan. 24,4341. 2—eowliiv. REVOCATION. rjjRII.' th«»roni;h-br.'d Rm Cf'll :l lilD ru xf fSr-nPOU <• :m■«*f .* Ir. JOHN \\ ^ N i N priro «»f f' ■") thu $u;i:«:». Rciu-lccr whs sired !»;. th ■ lii-? d.iiii Spun’s Misir. -s. by his 'I Ik i*~ !>rxn:.- sirud by imported Messninu Fotn\:»s; creat ur.irtH: R: irulu': Hartleti’s Childer True Linos. Reiu loj r is n clu snut For.v!, Id h;;u !.* b. :Ii. made, short back, fine eves. h:uI ol eommaudiiE’ appear;:nee. Ke was bred bv'Fhonias Fearsuil, ot Lons Island, N 'vv \ m... ami will be niijf* yours old iu 'day next. Th ro is t.«jt a better biw.led burs • in *!io l nit- ed States,either native or imported* dOH s I. \ ' ! \ii, JOHN vVVNFNS. Herrmbor 1st, 1310. 4b tf A LL persons in,! . hi'i-i eountv d li .ip.s ( ; bo-t ;-ii ot imparted \\ liiju) dam oj .»in ■ i i« a 11 l.elipsej >!ic was yn.ndam the imported ',. rc hy Gttucrack: Stiap Dra«:oo, by Snap; he \ \\ ind's Arabia:!, out of the Tv. o 3, i:m > liie . state ot Robert Howell, late i,f Pn- vtjnested to :nakc payment, and render them in neror i liOLMLS. Adm’r. / nf' > Tv ;a#t . aid e * ED\ , EL pars. L count >-, ring dema: o the r.-tat r *11*. reque aid estate, 1311.- of Mary Warren, late of Pol :.#!• ted to i l ike nay x.”iit, and tho# hem in according ! ii! )L.M ES, Adtn'r. "ail rend ED A Ail If Lam i r. J / o all irhoni it may concern: ■y )r;cn i lu.^'reliy given, that I did on or a! H Nf#- •' The Mirror is printed and published hv Daniel F t n#iiaiv. every Saturday, at his Book Store, No. 143 Navnut’j. iu the extra super-royal quarto form, it is emii..llisheJ. niiri every month, v.irh a splendid super-royal engraving, and t-verv week with a popular piece of music, arranged for the pi:,*: i furte, harp, guitar, Ac. The terms are FIVE do. ars per uaeum. payable. i,\ all eases, one year in advance. It is fot- w«rded hy the earliest mails to sulwcribcrs u-siding out of tlte city of New-York. The postage must hr ^-t! ! on all coinmituieations. Ft,:*!, as relates to the e ! tor: .! ilepartnietit mast lie directed to Gen. G. P. Morris; aii others to 1). Fanshaw. No subscription teceived for a less period th m one year. X. B. Postmasters are authorized, and generally wiiltng. to forward money to newspapers free of expense where the let ters are signed hy themselves. Persons wishing to remit wiil therefore, when it chi he done, write just what they want the Postmaster to say for t!i -m, so that he will ouiy have the trouble of signing. I me year 13.7, make i execute a power ot Attorney to some person, wh <#e name i# i., *.v iinkfiowu to me, to sell n certain Tract or Lot of Land, situate in the .*>tl: District nf fix in.*rlv u#.-- gee, no v .Marion County, and - mown bv No. :1 — I do hereby revoke and cancel all power? of Attorney bv me m : ■ to anv per?,ut whatever, to sell said Lot of Land, aud that 1 will not sanction nor ratify any sale which may be made under said paw. r, this -itli November, ItidO. A. P. PE V< :• )C!y. \\ ashiii.tori County, Nov. JO, !«4ff. 4*2 I Tnr. th” pu t -ml u i Vntr .1 Al his ti. -f-ai! S VlJ :ribcr rer.e'v the off*i ol !>i-* erv: a# a GENERAL AGEN V in tie ueivalnf nil Not stlmtma' bccuiriiste'llolitsear.- Bank, lor the customary Ice o! ONE DOLL A R tor cacli r- .to the t,i iviug out and im '.van ling C lc. ills tor r it tv Crr.l# III. in the 1 POSTPONED SALE. ril.LIte ?. :,t titc Gc-tirt House in Sparta, Hancock County, on th fi - st ’iuesday in March next, ail the in said ('minty, belonging to tlie estate of Robert .Me. deceased, reserving the v. blows dower. JAMILS MeCOOK. } > ROBEIi !'MCOOK, \ Z- MAJORPE-UJE, \ A r,o—tds. I' rut. sillin' f>r Ordinary purposes. March the It'll), li*. 11F.REAS hv t!. ti:i x> ct .’>!n ij-iii Island and John loirdia, a# Admi;ii#ti atias.- 1: tin? c- talc cf Forman 1 lodges, late of said rrrir’f y. I deceasi d; \ : irii : to the Court, that James Bright,late of saw : countv,de. • ased, did while in life, heretofore,ro-wit: on the20th day ot Nov. tuber, 1333, i.i ike a ml deliver a r. -rutin Bond, unto the said Ei -ra#n ]' . sha in life, iortiic perfecting titles to a tract of Land, situat'd i ia the fourth di#!rict,of originally Dooly, row PniuM.i county, known .:, i tin-plan of said <Ii#trii-t. as mttnhcr ffO, and traction hi—and it aj’pearit.r I that the said Jam-# IS: iglitde; art .(thi# II"-*, before complying with th? | requisitions of said c.n-1 that titles have never i --n made to tt.e ! S aid l-'iirinan. while in hf'.imrto hi# - .id \dmin:#trators?ince hi? d”,vh ; 'i'ii are ii. i- fore to . it- ,-ml ndutottisli, aii and singular,the kindred : and creditors of the said Jam- # I off ht dec ased, to be and appear at ray office "itiiinth” time pi usr rifi-'d by law, to shew cause if any exist, why Alfred 1'. lii m:i ,. t c Administrator of the estate of said Ja* - Bright dec #.i 1. should not p, rfec titles in accordance to said ok. vi* i tion. Given undermy hand,atoffiee.this Julv 2l#t. 1310. JOHN V. .MITCHELL, c.c.o. JnH 215.13:-'-. 27— j-",; ft '! lii *Bnch as have k! -v!v pa; ! fix months on the nineteen ii •- •>r -h” eichteensli duine. hr eredid-t -'Jt.IE unit rsign havi,,g lieca engaged in driving Stock to diftcren .51. parte of Geo gi,i, lor several years past, and seeing ti:c spirit tha prevaii# among •! the pec.d. f,,r rt.isi g thir own Stock, also, hciievjcg ’■ iea.gta, aid# am! comp’tent to raise ail of her own Stock without Im' - - :::c of - , #i:.’- *!#,,-'- has ,i a induced to !ir:n— .-doijg from Kentuc!.', .-■..Due of the b s* improved hr, eders- f flog# an ! Gattie tor hr?e<!i::r. t.* give the citizens ax eppitrtunity of raising from thi !ic:t -lock in anv > onuty. lie also lias along several Durban) Buif# ao.l Heifers, cro sod a til l improved [lallon Stock, from one to two years old, also some Perl,-hire and lii-ii G raz-.-r Sows, and Bo >rs, aii of which can he so ii at Mr. \\ . A. Motts ir, Mi l -dgev i ie. it i# nowconsidi’red hv ail « h<> area.:- ! ij'-fialed with til# Dariiam catt;,*’, tiint they excel in pndnt of richer and I quantity of milk. Good cows well kept fr-queutlv give 3*2 to .Jri } quarts of uiilk per day, the. also feed km-Jlv anil thair beef is preferred 1 ia market. Ti, • Berkshire Hog ?t m Is as liigh on tiie hog list a# Dor- i bam cattle stands on th? cattle list, they not onlv come to maturity- ear- I li r with the least possihi? -xnensa but their Pork is called pure ex- i ecllence in market, the gentleii^uis pork. THOMAS JOHNSON, j Mdledgeviile Dec. 26th, 1310. 49 tf. j He will a! Loiter; -s.aud ouston try pt 1 All 1-itcr# ( m:i He of tin’ vanon me # Hit *ia " the r, ol the Lots ut th t paid) will mrelwith nrotimt atirntiou. CHARLES Decenihcr, ISth 1340. It ' tJ WHEREAS " - i-tr-tion. The?! V : ~nshir,.{h,.i Count.:/ . .* - h In - - b, \dn ini tt not ct a rL ;.. r, ■ fi - li tf. 1 - of di . ff fTNOI 11 , •.••■hs afterdate, application will be made to tlie I! v-;- 1 hie the I:; rior Court cf i*i;l»#kicouiity, when sitting for O.--;;:- rv purpose#, for I-ave to#-ii a part of the land and negroes, belongir.g to ' I ! MICAJAll JOHNSTON. Adm'r. Julv ;.3!fi. - 29—Ira on th” r? = ion, froui : P'XOER MOM RYAN. toe Ithe.i f tore ofsai; • citr an<i nrlinoni.-ii i o.tL to Ive and singruiRr Lie i.iod- t Iil v oi:.r c, v\ if inn “ J )i e tint after nMe ap)»lU:ation will l>e matle to the Her In!- rior Coort ol l'* u -ki Cnunty, when sitting for ore arv joij-.- • 9. for L* \ to s.*li the f.ands belonffin^r to tiie r ; iri-to’ r on, late ot ?--irlu.-i.;:t*. <!. rented.thi? Ji:ne27rh t 1 ULYSSES ' KUTCHMELD, Adm't Jut e 33, 1340. 23 -Itu Land - t 3. Iiul-u antler mv 1 t. this 2t':h January, 1311.—1. ‘ L. A. JERNIG AN, c. o. Agency. AH E undersigned, " ho res.'d- - in Randolph Count* . nnd who is ex- . ten#ivelv acquainted with that Section oftliB Slate, will EXAM- j IN if LANDS in EARLY and RANDOLPH, and a#eertain their to. a- l tion, value, an-l the price for "hich they can be sold, tor the S d VLL ) COMPENSATION of TEN DOLLARS. I Persons-.vishing to av ail themselves of hi? services, wiilmidrcp? hint ; at Fort <wai:n .*, post paid, and u.uv re!' upon his tirou.i’t nt: *:itio:i to J. G. GILBERT. If 'OI their h-isiae--#. March 31, 1840. 10 tt. 1 iberal salary* wili fi- 1 given to a Female Teach r to take charge of t to teach branciie.- (i C OR l? L J, l f 'ashiugftiii ('ou::ty. XirHEREAS. Jonathan i n cr aud Jaux (.’one,apj 5y for letters of j T » adrnini trail on on thi estate of Jona hsn Baker Sr. late of said • county, deceased. i lx -e are th -icti-re to , ite and adrannisb aii and singular the kind- ' red and cn - - • - - • d, to file their objections tf any they have, why aid letters should m>: b? gran’ed. Given under ru hand at office, his 2d lav of J n ary, 1841. 1 ' L. A. JEIt.MGAN, c.c. o. )*-, i* i I # . ;rer dtit”. application will*,? made to the Honor- Inf ;ior «'curt of Wilki #county, wh/e sitting for Ordiua- .. I . II apart of : Negroes'? ioogjagtothe es- : Tin,m..s L, W'oott. «,deceased. For th- farnefi ,,f the heirs a- . THOM VS \\ ■ >01 I'EN.and p-, HE.MIY P. Yy'OOTA’EN, Adx bio th” #r ::u (t il ;; ■;: UNTIES afterdate application will be made to the Hon- rt of Pt.!:.?ki county when sitting foiordic . aii the real estate belonging to John if r* ... iy,i - J. THOMAS HOWELL. Ad ’,ijier Y ti,. 1340 -r. U—mM To Mill and Bridge Owners. O TO TInACHERS. ; yvante.l in art Academy at Cuthbert, 'PHli Subscriber, 1st” a eitigei nf New York, tenders his services as 1 a MILL-WRIGH f AND J’-RliXiE BUILDER, to the public. He w-m encage to build or . epair Mills of every d ;sc!i,.««a. repair an I baiidbridges. He is ,t «■ ,rk ni present, at ii ill's .Mi .# about d.e mil. s cam M icon. These who desire to employ his services will please di rest to hi-n at thi# ; -c, L* via: ., or Macon, k-f !-:#tim ■: ; #.a#lx his mechanical ski!!, he wo rid re,-;r 111 tut raostr d to «reen Buraev, Anderson Inera-n, Martstj and William Caswell, Esq rs. of .Y:ikn#on county, atidiiartW'l! II. • ,r.. r. Esq. of I wiggs cocr-ty. riv *ideg- g iga to work bv th" us.v. or job. ~ ’ AMDS WOOD. .Verembtr 19, i£U . 4*2—tf. the French Language, Drawing. Painting, and the >2u::ii usually taught in At adeaiics. The plac * t..-r h -.I:Ii and locality is not j excelled iu Georgia. There ha*. Iv.a s- vr.xfy Stud-i-ts t t-tght at the ! Dirdvilie Acsdeiny the present '.car. .Any I xlv \v!x*. is con w r : t to tak? charge of said Acad-’mv ":ll do v- 1 !l tom-; 1 earlv apj licet; -u to Jethro Darden and John Harris, nt ti;? Hot- !. :'!..' .- ...i ,) m James G. Swain and Jmnes T. Dk-ken, near Double Weils, Warren Couurv. Nov'. *21th. 1840. 43 tf ' , (7; t < J J HEREAS the estate \ PRINCIPAL TEACHER : ii. Randolph county, Georgia. ___ j’oa Gentleman wvll qa‘lined to teach all the branches of a libera Salary ol #3- twill lie given for the first year. Tite choice wili bs made <m the 1st day of January next, and hi# s? r - v:ces expected to commence about the lst’nf February. The location is certainly as . ilihyas atin the Southern part of Georgia; and the pro#- i iff li *• »-• ## *# 1 ' ■. ■ ‘ J tha Sth April, 1833, a a By.or -..rd. ■ \_y he is six feet, one or two nch ■ !.; b; D <VID SIDDOD, Secretory. Sr. ? he is t:i* xr. »-t-. r. M . C!i ! #■ - n ■ g-.- • ' *•’ publish the above once | chase-; him in N-.. :h ffiaro! I:; . ar. I tir.:' !; • rar, fr- f, Washington County. 'filli.-im May :;;;!! .= for letters of administration . C t Rogers, late of t id county, dec’d- Tiieseare tit-r to cite and admonish all and singular the kirxh I ci Iltors ! ■ i, i and ppear at my < ice, within t ne pi serrb .1 i v law, to snow c;, if any exist, why said 1< tt Bled. Uiv ti under tnv h aid at office in Sn:t : ■•*' ■. ille tli ■ 4th d • . *1—1 - L. A- JERNIG A .-1 room belont 1 Jan: ; .ri/N i tl.S aft”r date, application will be mad? to the him • • Ini ri r court -.1 Telfair eottotT, v. hen sitting for oruioat! for iu. re to sell one half of a lot of land, known as No. : 1 d sixty nine, in tlie first district of Appling bow 1 —Ai-o.o ■ lot of land in the #a:-.:e <ii#irict uixl county,No. J-* u * to the estate cf 1 htnti - ■ < . Swain. drcc*i#ed. IILBEO.’A SWAIN. Adm’x. MITCHELL G. WILLCO.X. Mr • : ■ .-virie. Telfair ro. Sept. 22. 36—4® A Of .CD iO OV'hd. irrai Gi th; plication will be mudo to the af (.'-•.== county, "ben sitting for Or - - real estate of William G, If . -r. * - HENRY A. HARPER, Ain . : rii.Ai) -. - oid t: ; .# applirnrion *a Cimnicic Jt r-entinel. *.vi;l puousn me aoove once cnase.t turn :a .v.; :h Caro! in -. and U. r : ■ ran : wav troix hi a week until the lota of Ilscaatbcr nest and forward their account to Carolina. whii«t on Fa? vav to .ilississ'q ui, wlo.mtiivc '--”k# before his apprehension in tit scity . " P. G. SHICK, Jailor. David Diddo. Cuthbert Nov. 6th 13-14*. fo»— Save.mah; I5tn ApriL -P ■- .. ptease putiU#” j this office. December, 2Q 1340 the above o«.e aiocih, and ssnd lh.:r acc- 1 n:.*r, at.ts o -P—4r p, -, i •; .e /- ill ia* mad? to tl'.e rx--r o; furl-.* cuuntv. tor leave to soil the o - :o.*c of John P-.fter deceased. N -■-. ex:tier ,1 - JOEL L. PORrF.K, Aims, IS 1";