Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, April 09, 1841, Image 3

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# NEW HAMPSHIRE. Thr recent elections in this Stale have resulted inj . yor 0 f the Democrats, by an overwhelming majori- Tlie Wliiirs had boasted that they had effected! revolution ol' seiiiiiueni in New Hampshire, andj ]„)iiid be able to carry the State. But the indomita j ] p s pj r it of democracy has again triumplied, and that increased majority over the November eiec-j This noble granite pillar of Republicanism, etna,ns firm and immoveable as her own adamantine! Rocks. The democratic majority exceeds eigh thousand. IMessrs. MitdieU, Cobb, Hillyer, E. R. Harden, F.| The following correspondence between the Ex-lry reasonable allowance for this consideration lean- 1 IPhimzx, S. Thomas, Franklin,Dent, Jack and Cbase.f President, Mr. Van Buren, and the members < “ ■ ■ • - ’ The meeting tlien adjourned. WM. L. MITCHELL, Chair’n. Ferdinand Phinizy, ) ^ Henry R. Jackson, > ® — ’ —— — -of thelnot hesitate to avow my entire confidence in the c ... S5last Congress, will be read with interest. It was pub-gplete success and salutary consequences of the inJ Secretaries. by a" lions. All SCHEMES OF RELIEF REJECTED BY THE “ Harrison Reformers.” measure <>f relief” for the people ? Governor McDonald. How did they answer him ? They said “ we would not if we could.” Who were the men that gave this insulting and un-| feeling answer? The “ Harrison Reformers.” Who promised the people good limes and a plenty! of money ? The “ Harrison Reformers.” Who made the times harder and money scarcer ? The “ Harrison Reformers.” Who closed the Central Bank against the people ?l The “ Harrison Reformers.” Who cant justify their conduct to the people? The “ Harrison Reformers.” Who dout build much log cabins now ? rp v. „ n^.. . i. .— I * C.»»..vio rc. * * Who dont sing many Tippecanoe songs these hard] times ? The “Harrison Reformers.” Who are getting scarce of coon skins and red pep per ? The “ Harrison Reformers?” Who will ask the people to elect them again? The “ Harrison Reformers.” What answer will the people give them ? “ Wt\ would not ij we could." Wm. L. Mitchell, B. F. Johnston, Howell Cobb, . S. Bailey, Sievens Thomas, John Morton, George Dent, Henry L. Brittain, Henry R. Jackson, A. B. Ewing, Junius Hillyer, Jas. D. Matthews, Albon Clias“, Robt. Yearby, Ferdinand Phinizy, R. Edwards, E. R. Harden, David Conger, Leonidas Franklin, G. B. Talbot, B. M. Hill, Thomas Sherwood, A. S. Hill, T. N. Jeffreys, Samuel Tenney, Wm. D. Fulton, George H. Hancock, Hugh White, W. A. Morrison, Jeremiah Robinson, H. S. Shelton, Wm. Williams, jr. B. S. Sheats, Wm. M. Harris, M. Sheats, Levi M. Crawford, Jno. E. WiLon, Georpe Veal, Robt. C. Wilson, Wm. Pittard, John A. Martin, Wm. Nabers, Thos. F. Lowe, Rautlal Wells, Howell C. Flournoy, John B. Hattaway, Samuel Hammond, John Reynolds, A Tarply, John White. THE MAGNOLIA, For the month of March, has been duly received lat this office. The interest of this number equals 1 any of its predecessors, in matter and manner. We; [notice that it contains a continuation of the “Knights] of the Golden Horse Shoe;” “The Ghost Seer ; lislied in the Washington Globe of Frida v, 5th inst CORRESPONDENCE, Washington City, February 22, 1841. To Mr. I an Buren, President of the United States. Sir: The undersigned Democratic members of the |2Gth Congress, in common with other of their feliow'- cilizens, your political friends, are anxious to have an opportunity to testify their respect for you before your departure from Washington city; and for that pur pose, invite von to accept a public dinner on such day as may suit your convenience, about the time of the adjournment of the present session of Congress. Occupying a position to have been close observers jof your conduct, both public and private—witnesses >f the ability, patriotism, firmness and disinterested- [ness with which you have pursued the straight path of the public good—approving the great measures and principles of your Administration—admiring the frankness and decorum of your personal deportment in all the try ing scenes through yvliich you have pas sed—and entertaining for you the highest degree ot respect and esteem—the undersigned could not re concile it to their feelings to separate from you without soliciting an opportunity of giving a public and for mal expression to the sentiments of respect, confidence and approbation with yvhich your conduct has inspir ed them. i’he undersigned know full well that it has not been your custom to accept public dinners, or public marks ot respect of any kind—that your aim has been to discharge the duties, and to avoid the honors of your exalted station-—and that nothing could he more igrceable toyotir oyvn feelings, than to leave the high [office which you have filled, with the same modest, noiseless, and unambitious steps with yvhich von en-j tered upon and passed through it. The undersigned CENTRAL BANK OF GEORGIA. March 2.3th. J84J. O RDERED, Thai in conformity with the awnexodssc- tion of •• An act to compel the several Ban 1 :* of ■State to redeem their liabilities in specie, and to provide for [die forfeiture of the charter or charters of suefr as may re- passed on the ISihday of December. 1340—»he Cen tral Hank will not receive in payment or on deposhe, the bills of any Batik which does not redeem its •■liabilities,” «» pecie. “See. 3. Amt le itfurther maned by the authority afore- 'said. That the bills of such defaulting Bauk or Banks shall not he received, in payment of any public due or rfffc* info the Treasury of this Slate or Central Bauk. except Those of the Central Bank of Georgia, which shall be receivable only io payment of taxes and other dues payable to- the State er Central Bank.” Extract from the minutes. 10—3t A M. N IS BET, Cashier. From the Southern Manner MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC YOUNG MEN OF CLARK COUNTY. According to previous announcement a meeting o the Democratic young men of Clark county, assem bled at the Town Hall on Saturday 30th inst. at 11 o’clock A. M. and tvas organized by t ailing Wm. L Mitchel, Esq. to the chair, and appointing Ferdi mind Phinizy and Henrv R. Jackson, Esqrs. Sec-| retaries.—The meeting then adjourned to meet at 7 P- M. when it met according to adjournment, andj was one ot the largest and most enthusiastic meeting ever convened in Athens. Howell Cobb, Esq. explained the object of the] meeting, and moved that a Committee of fiy-e be| appointed to draft resolutions suitable to the occa sion. The motion was unanimously passed, and the! chair appointed Messrs. Cobb, Hillyer, Dent, Toyvnes| and Frost, as such committee. Gen Hardin occupied the attention of the meeting] during the absence of the committee with an eloquent, speech, calling upon the young men,just entering upon ^the stage of life, in the name of those who] were rapidly passing ofi, to rally around the great principles of Republicanism, and preserve inviolate] the rights and liberties of the South Alter a short absence the Committee returned, and Mr. Cobb proposed for consideration and adoption, the following preamble and resolutions, yvhich he ably sustained with a speech. W hereas, at a meeting of a portion of the Demo-] cratie Republican party of the State of Georgia, held in the Senate Chamber at Milledgevilie, in Decern ber last, it was resolved that a Convention of the| Democratic young men of Georgia be called, to as semble in Milledgevilie on the first Monday in May next, for the purpose of adopting stteli measures asl they may deem expedient for the advancement of De-| niocrutic princij And whereas, yve, yviio have assembled as a portion of the Democratic Republican party of Clark coun ty. feel undaunted by the present position of that par ty, and deem it better to suffer the calamity of a de-] feat when warring for the vital principles of otlr free government, than to triumph yviihout principle, o rolleai :ue with the fragments of all parties, and yvithj men who have ever been opposed to the dearest in tercsts of the South. And whereas, although vve do not assume for this meeting the prm ince or power of dictating to any Notes to Arcana Angelorum”—“ The advcntnresBknow this; but they hope that you may find, in the of the last Abencerage”—“St. Jean D’Acre, &:c.”—^circumstances of the present occasion, an inducement Jbesides yvhich it is enriched with several prettv poeticWof departing from a general rule, and that your ‘(fusions. ■friends may have the gratification yvhich they have >ked, of meeting you at a public dinner. We have the honor to he, sir, most respectfully, you Ifriends and fellow-citizens. jportfmt measures I have felt it my duty to recorn- Jmend, and which have received the ’ sanction ol Congress The testimony of so large a portion of the repre sentatives of the undivided Democracy of the United States conveyed in your address, added to the w; support of a much greater number of independent suf frages titan that by which I yvas elected, leave me yvith out apprehension as to the opinion which has been! formed in respect to my official conduct by those who made me the depository of their confidence. These objects accomplished, I retire from the high and honorable station bestowed upon me by mv coun trymen, without a single personal yvish unsatisfied. I find myself, gentlemen, incapable of doing justice to! the feelings awakened by the eloquent expression ofi regard and confidence with which you have honored tne. Let it therefore suffice to say that they are re ceived with heartfelt pleasure, and* will be long and gratefully remembered You have done justice to the motives bv which 1 tave been guided in heretofore always declining testi monials similar to that new offered, from a source yvhich calls for every effort of self denial, and I coincidt Ihdly witli you in the opinion that the present occasionithis mv proclamation, offering a reward of TWO I1UND |R ED DOLLARS, for the apprehension and delivery ot bulb >f them to the sheriff or jailor of Joues county, or one hundred lollars for either one of them. And Ido moreover, charge and require all Officers, both civil and military, in the State, tu he vigilant io endeavoring to apprehend and deliver them I aforesaid, in order that they may be tried for the offence with ■which they stand chaiged. Given under mv hand, ami the great Peal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgevilie, this the 27th of March, 18-11, and of American I ndependeuoe, the sixty-fifth- ciiarle.s j. McDonald. [By the Governor : Wm. A. Tk.nsij.i.k, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION. Marion M. Bazemore is about twenty-two years of age, lark hair, and weighs about iwo hundred pouuds, well form- led though fleshv, and of good appearance. April 2.1841. 10—2t A PROCLAMATION, GEORGIA : By CHARLES J. Mr DONALD f Governor of said State. W HEREAS, official information has been referred at the Executive Department, that a murder was cont inued in the county of Jooe-j, on Friday the lDih day of Keh- ■ury last, upon the body of a negro woman, named BINA, he property of Marion Bazcnwre of said county, by Marion Bazemore and Paulina B azemore—And it being represented to me that Marion Bazemore and Paulioa Bazemore hare tied from justice—I hate, therefore, thought proper to issue Delegates from Baldwin county, to the Convention! lof young men to assemble at Milledgevllc, on the] [first Monday in May next. C. D. H amnion d, jDr. Geo. D. Case, jC. E. Ryan, Dr. W. G. Little, M. C. Derrv, William Steele, H. H. Connell, Rogal S. Hall, |F. H. Sanford, D. Fannin, [John Hammond, [Thomas G. Chambers, [James H. Shahan, [Elias M. Edwards, Joseph Park, |W. W. Cullins, IL. A. Young, [J. U. Horne, [J. W. Bennitt, Will iam Chambers, C. B. Huson, N. D. Trainer, John G. Park, Col. Thos. Haynes, James N. Hall, Augustus Callaway, John M. L. Turk, James Young, Geo. W. Rowell, Thos. B. Jourdan, Benj. Lester, Isaac Moore, John Lee, James Gumtn, J. R. Anderson, James A. Jarrett, William S. Rogers, David P. Brown. APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. By The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. George Loyall, to be Navy Agent for the port of Norfolk Va.—re-appointed. John P. Henry, to be Navy Agent lor the port of Savannah, Georgia—re-appointed. Thomas Ha ves, to he Navy Agent for the port of Philadelphia, in place of Michael W. Ash, resigned PROMOTIONS. Commander W. A. Spencer, to be a Captain in the Navy from 22d January, 1841. Lieutenant A. Bigelow, to be a commander in the [Navy from the 22d January, 1841. Passed Midshipman William L. Maury, to he a Lieutenant in the Navy from the26th February, 1841. APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIEENT. Robert C. Wetmore, to be Navy Aeent for the| port of New York, in place of John R. Livingston, |Jr. removed. W. H. Rome, A. Anderson, D. Stu igeon, A. Mouton, A. H. Sevier, R. M. \ oung, !C. C. Clav, ;J. M. Rob insmi, II. Hubbard, W. Alien, Perry Smith, A. O. P. Nicholson, Benj. Tappnn, V\. S. Fulton, A. Cuthbert, Wm. II. King, T. H. Benton, M ilson Lumpkin, Lewis F. Linn, Henry W. Connor, James J. McKay, John Miller, George M. Kt ini, Chares McClure, George McCulloch, Satniel W. Morris, R. H. Ha inmoul, E. Cross, Arkansas, Dav d. D. Wagner, Robert Craig, Solcmon Flillen, Jr. Jolu Davis of Penn. Isaac Leete, Peter New hard, D. A. Starkweather, Join Hastings, Wiliam Beatty, J. Smith, ts one in which a departure from a uniform course in this respect, would be proper and consistent. If I were to consult my own gratification alone, I would triadly accept your invitation; but when I call to mind] that the period io which, from considerations ofof-| ficial propriety, I should be obliged lo defer a coin pliance with your request, mnst interfere with the nat-i ural desire of the members of the House of Represen-j tatives, who will be at liberty to return to their home#,] I am unwilling to subject them to a delay which tl?e\ have generously overlooked in their wish to do m«] honor. You will, therefore, I hope, indulge me in] respectfully declining the public dinner you hav tendered. Y» t, although we may not meet at the festive board,! I cannot but hope that the gentlemen who have of-j tered me this new assurance of confidence am taciiment at a moment which renders it peculiar)* gran ful to my feelings, will, before I leave the city, I me an opportunity to take them by the hand, issuri* them of my hearty good wishes for their future welfare, and bid them fart well I am, gentVmen, very respectfully, your friend, and ibedient, servant. M. VAN BUREN To the Hon. Messrs. Wm. R. King, Thomas II, Ben ton, J hn M. Robison, Henry Hubbard, Wm. H. Roane, A. Anderson, and otlo rs, Washington inti From the New York Journal of Commerce. FROM BRAZIL AND BUENOS AYRES. Lavalle again defeated.—By the Breman] brig Vesta, Capt. Cattermole, we have Rio Janeiro portion of any party the principles we profess, norBp a p ers to Jan. 9th. containing Buenos Ayres dates. deem it proper in a primary meeting of this charac-l ter, to connect with the publication of those princi pies, arguments to induce others to adopt them—yet, at the same time, believe it to be important that these principles should be known and understood: Be if therefore resolved, That the principles of th Democratic party, as condensed in the Resolutions oi] the Baltimore Republican Convention, are thos- which the South should zealously maintain. That we are opposed to a protective Tariff*, or any Tariff, which under the specious pretext of defraying the expenses of the government, by laying taxes upon luxuries, still, with as much certainty, robs one por bon of iho Union, not to meet the abosolute necessi ties of the nation, but to enrich the Northern manu facturing advocates of the policx\ That the false hopes of relief and prosperity, which were held forth by the Federal Whigs to delude the people oi these States, as they had no foundation in reality, must dissolve and leave them w-ithoula rallying point, unless promises equally false and unavailing be again resorted to. And be it therefore resolved, That we approve of the proposed convention to be held in Milledgevilie,] and pledge ourselves to use every honorable exertion to forw ard the cause ol the Democratic Republican] party in Georgia. That the delegates selected to attend the said con vemion be requested to propose to that body v hen assembled, a Resolution—to present as a donation t< the Hon. Thomas Ritchie, the indefatigable republi- c ,, t editor of the Richmond Enquirer, some emble matic testimony of the great esteem and veneration J'hich the convention entertain of his untiring labors ln tl ,e cause of republican principles And be it resolved, That the Chairman do appoint 3Committee of ten to select delegates to attend the proposed Convention in Milledgevilie. Alter the resolutions had been presented, Messrs. Hilly er and Jackson addressed the meeting in their usual eloquent manner in their support—and on mo 11011 the same were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted. , A resolution was then passed that the chairman of ‘ ne ,np etingbe the chairman of the Committee of ten, “ nd “ la t the committee of teu form a part of the del egation to the May Convention—and the following f^-.brati.r. *crt thereupon selected bv the er**r : to Dec. ISth. and Montevideo to the 22d. Another unsuccessful attempt had been made by the Brazillian government to compromise matters with] the Province of Rio Grande, the greater part of w hich has been for some years past in a state of re-1 volt, not to say independence. The insurgents ap-J pear to be confident in their otvn strength, and will consent to no compromise which does not secure to! them what they call their rights. Buenos Ayres, Dec. 14—1 have the satisfac-j tion to inform you of a complete triumph achieved by the forces of Gen. Oribe (in the interest of Gov. Ro-j sas,) over those of Gen. Lavalle, who was entirely routed, losing 1,500 men killed. All his infantry, with chiefs and officers——all his artillery and 90 wa gons, were lost. He himself escaped with only four] men, abandoning the remains of his army, whirl scarcely now amounted to 600 men, and these were hotly pursued. It is reported that on the 2Bih ult. the army of La valle was routed with the loss of several hundred men,! and that the prisoners which lie took in Santa Fe, [were recaptured. Other accounts represent the ac tion as a small affair, that only the detachment bavin charge of the prisoners, baggage wagons, See. was engaged in it ; and that on the 5th inst. the said La valle was going to route the forces of Buenos Ayres under Oribe, who was badly wounded, and several of his officers killed, some of whom were shot after he-] ing made prisoners. The victory over Lavalle, announced by a previ-j ous arrival, took place on the 16th of November. The above, on the 28th. The Rio Janeiro Desper- tador says the news is confirmed by numerous letters. Making all reasonable allowances, for exaggeration, we are inclined to think Lavalle is pretty much used up. Monte Video, Dec. 19.—The Oriental Repub lic, or more correctly speaking, the Chief Magistrate, in its name, has concluded an alliance, offensive and defensive, with thefBuenos Ayreau) Provinceof Cor- rientes. G. D. Wall, William Doan, J. Buchanan, A. Duncan, S. W riylit, Jr. R. B. Rhett, Franklin Pierce, John Reynolds, Reuel Williams, Thomas D. Sumter, R. C. Nicholas, J. A. Bynum, John Norvell, John Galbraith, Andrew Beirne, Joseph Kille, Jno. W. Davis, R. Chapman, of Ala. G. C. Droomgoole, Charles Fisher, G. IV. Hopkins, John K. Griffin, Francis E. Rives, W. O. Butler, J. W. Junes, Hopkins L. Turney, G. Sweeney, Dixon H. Lewis, Linn Banks, J. T. H. Worthington Lewis Steenrod, S. H. Butler, G. B. Samuels, J. Thompson, William Lucas, Isaac E. Crary, iWalter Coles, W. W. Wick, IJos. Johnson, Thomas Smith, |H. Swearingen, Jonathan Taylor, ■Thomas Davee, Wm. Parmenter, ■ A. Smith, H. Williams, EH. J. Anderson, Isaac Fletcher, ■V irgil D. Parris, L. Paynter, ■Nathan Clifford, D. P. Ledbetter, IJ. A. Lowell, Lynn Boyd, {John B. Weller, M. T. Hawkins, fJolin Jameson, E. J. Black, [j. W. Blackwell, W. Medill, [Andrew W. Doig, C. Johnson, |A. G. Brown, A. V. Brown, IP. F. Thomas, H. M. Watterson, [James Carroll, A. McClellan, [Gotiv. Kemble, Wm. R. Cooper, [A. Vanderpoel, Nehemiah H. Earll, [Edward Rocers, P. Dickerson, [Thomas B. Jackson, Isaac Parrish, Jno. G. Floyd, Joseph Fornance, Judson Allen, P. D. Vroom, S. B. Leonard, John Fine, [Jno. II. Prentiss, Nathaniel Jones, [A. C. Hand. Charles Shepard, |T. R. Strong, Augustus C. Dodge, Edmond Burke, Daniel B. Ryail, Ira A. Eastman, James Rogers, Jared W. Williams, David Hubbard, Tristram Shaw, John Carr, C. G. Atherton, Francis Thomas, J. D. L. Montanya, John Hill, N.C. Was -HiNGTON, Mach 1, 1841 Gentlemen: Your lettc r inviting me to a public c WANTED t«» pcrchask four pkimk Cows and Calves. Enquire at LaFatette Hai l. 1841.—II. T F*1’TF.RS remaining in the Post Office, a A vilie, fla. April 1. 184!. Archer, Mrs. Jane ■ Jefl’rv, Vrcher, Caroline Jacksun, Col. Z. Andeisou, \V. F. 2 King. \V. 11. Anderson, A. T. Knight, G. B. Real. Mrs. Sarah Knight. M. Rrown. Jane Little. Theresa 2 Butts, E. J. Lewis, L. Butts, Autouv J.eonard, M. Booker. Leroy Lamar, T. B. Riggers. W. Lewis. W. IL PliaKiev. Louis Lewis. Thos. ■Bass, Ingram Lamar. J. A. ■Bush. E. T. Moore, rtaruh SBaley, \V. A. Moore, M. A. ■Blake. J. T. Mills. Mary And ^Biovvti. Alonzo McKee, Mary 2 BBrown. 'i'hadt-us McGarv. M. ■Brooks, Isaac Mussel white, R. KjBarret, Geriah Miller, B. EBrass, iSampson Moore. J. BBlizzard, I!. Moore, J. L. ■Bryan, Joseph Mills, G. W; gC'aihliert, C. C.j McIntyre, Thos, nCuunnev. Francis Mooie, It. gClaike, Ann M. McKinou, L. | Qt 'olliiis, Aaron 3 Mitchel, John 2 QColltns, Asa Murchison, D. Hciinmiieriio, Rev, R. Miller. John Cragin. Abner 2 McLiu, Jno. Clayton, <». It. Nelson. Mrs. M. Chamhers, J. K. Noel, J. V. Curry, E. Nusotti, J. I, Cowles. L. Newnan VV. 2 Crane, J. G. 3 Noble, Geo. Cowles, W. O’Brian. A, Chambers, Joseph Oliver, G. VV, Cushing, 1. T. sr. Price, J. VV. Davis, Mrs. Mary Page. Relit. 2 Darden, Jethro, Park. James S,3 A Smoker.—“You look,” said a Germanmindedj and imaginative friend to a pale, haggard smoker, “you look as if you had got out of your grave toj light votir cigar, and eould’nt find your way back] gsia!” Davis. Johnston Durham K. Dyle, J. B. Daniel. John Davis, James Doreify, James Densler &. Biautleyi Doney. T. D. Dickson, James Edge. J. Ector. \V. B. Fei rel. Jane Franks, \V. L. Forsyth, H. E. Freeman, J. C. Fitzimmous, IL jGwin. Ann iGachett. F. IV. Greybill. J. G. B. Gary, .Mrs. Lovham Hines, .Maty E: S. 11 unt, Elizabeth Hill, Eliza J. 2 Horton, Harriett A, Holoday. Rnlit Harris. Lucian J, Hart, S. Henderson, It. K. Hodges, John Heath, U. ri. Harris. James L. Hill. James Hacker. Julitts Hewson, Danunl i law kins, Mr. A. Hewson. T. R. Holland, H. 2 Hamilton. J \V. Harper, James Hawkins, N. C. Howel, Mills Jordon, T. N. Johnson, Thos.2 ner previous to mv departure from this city, as a testi mony of respect from the Democratic members of both Houses of Congress, and others ot theii fellow-citiz* ns, mv political friends, was delivered to me by the com mittee appointed for that purpose It can scarcely be necessary lor me to express to you the feeling of profound gratitude with which I receive this mark of vottr continued respect and confidence Always regarding the olfice from which 1 am about to retire, as a trust to be administered lor the general Jackson, .lessee benefit of others, I have endeavored, as far as pos- Jewfing, T. sible, to associate my own personal interest ia its pos session closely and inseparably with what I have ever believed, and still believe, to be the best interests oi the great body of the people, arid to discharge highly responsible duties committed to the ChiefMa- o-Utrate of this treat Confederation in t onformity withSORLPARATIONS will be m.ile for. «plem]«t BALL»tLAFATrrTj o * . . , - , , , ~ . .31. Ha i L. on the evening o the opinions and principles of those who honored niegj with their confidence. j^| No one, gentlemen, however sagacious, can pene-s trate the future, or ciearly predict the prospective suits of great public mea.-ures: more especially i^ tnisj true of one who has had an active personal agency in ( Jenkins, \\ Johnson. Mi. Anri! 9. 784!. Paine, Josiah Frnsser John Fierce. 3V. II. Printers Association^ Reid. 11. Rand, J 2 Russell. Martin Rowlev. E. Kogeis, JamCs 3 Redy.John Reonalds, E. fc*h»rp. A. 15. 2 .^rriith James Smith. J. G. Sinclair, E- Smith. Mrs. Mary ^cotr, Husati Sneed. L. Smith. B. M. 2 Sanford, Ellcu Searcy. B. Sarter, E. R. Spights, \V. Hi Sheppcrd. Mr. Scgrcst. G. B. Stafford, M. Sliingli-r, J. S. Sinter. John Stiles. W. ll. Slarks, XV. Torance, Caroline Torrence. VV. H. Tucker, M. Tilford. James Tiipp, A G. Talley, F. G. Thing, J. S. Undi-rwocd, VV. H. Vickers. II. S. Vawn, N. Vivea, Wood, Mrs Martha 2 Wood. Collen Worsham J. White Samuel Wiliis. A. G.2 Williams Thos. E. DAGGETT. P. M. II—3 CON NT IT IT ION. \.\ ACT to alter and amend the third, seventh, and twelfth sections of the fir-1 Article, and the third section of the thiid Article, and the fifteenth section of the luiirth Article of the Constitution of this Slate. |S7 HER KAS, from an expression of the popular will, it W W i» necessary that ttie meeting ol die General Assciuldy liould he biennial—And whereas, a part of the third seciiou I the first Article of the Constitution declares that “the Sen ile shall be elected annually,” and a part ol the seventh sec tion of the first Article declares that “the Itepresentatiesshall be chosen annually,” and also a part of the twelfth section of the first Article declares that “the meeting of the General Aa- semb'y shall lie annua!.”—And whereas, a part of the third k-ction of the ilind Article of the Constitution declares that there ahull he a State’s Attorney and Solicitoi* appointed by I lie Li.gis!nture. and commissioned by the Governor, who ball hold their offices for the term of three years, unless re- oved by sentence on impcachincuf, or by the Governor, on the address of two-thirds of each branch ot “the General A»- einbly.” And whereas, also, a part ol the fifteenth section [of the fourth Article of the Constitution declares that, “when ii v such bill shall be passed iu the manner aforesaid, the same hall be published at least six months previous to the next •usuing annual election for the members ol the General As- .emhly.”—And whereas, the before recitcil parts of the said •luuses of the Constitution require amendment; to the end, therefore— Section 1- li* it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- estntnlives of the Stute of tteoriria, in General Assembly met, and it in hen by enacted try the authority of the same. That from md alter the thirtieth day of September, eighteen huudred ind forty three, and in case this act shall have passed agree ably to the requirements of the Constitution, the following shall be adopted in lieu of the parts of the above recited rinu- ;es ot the Constitution, to wit: In the third section of the fi st Article: the election of the Senate shall be hieiiuially. In 'the seventh section of the first Article: the Representatives [shall be chosen biennially. In the twelfth section of the first Annie: the meeting of the General Assembly shall be bien nial. In the third se< lion of the third Ankle; there shall he a •State’s Attorney and Solicitors appointed by the Legislature, ■id commissioned by the Governor, who shall hold their of- Jfices for the term of four years, or until ihcir successors shall be elected and qualified, unless removed by sentence on im peachment, or by the Governor, on the addicssof two-thirds f each branch of ;he Gi neral Assembly. And in the fifteenth section of the fourth Article: and when any such hill shall bo passed in manner aforesaid, the same shall he published at least six months previous to the next ensuing elcetiou for members of the General Assembly. CHARLES J. JENKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, 23d December, 1840. CHARLES J. Mi DONA LD, Governor. April, 2 1841. 10—Gm United States’ Marshal Sale. w -ihiv in Mhv next, before the f’ourt- ul Millidgevillcj between the lege) il l. be sold on th firs! T House iloor in the C'itr hours of sale, the following property, vir. : One house nmi lot in the to.\n ofCassi ill.*,Cass co. containing onf fourth of atincre of land, more or less, well improved, with u two etorv trximol building, and out houses, number not known, Adjoining ot (J. If. Russell,on the west, iilnl Mr. 1’titlon on the cnsl, and on (he south end west by tile eonr!-house sipiare—slso a bar k lot containing the stables, which is attached to the above desetihed lot, iniintier net know n, situated north of said lot, tind iintnediatelv adjoining,containing nne fourth of an acre more or less—alro seven lots anu a half, composing oue settlement of land, a? follows: number fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eigh teen, twenty-two, and twenty-three, and the east hall'of lot niimia-r fifl v one, all situated in the fifth district of Cass roonty. lying three miles from C*issville)On the road to Rome, containing twelve hundred acres iiio-e or less, well improved, with a large two story framed building, with all other improvements ot like nature, necessary tor a farm, wi*h about three hundred acres 'deared, adjoining Mr. Crawford, Mr. Mc Adams and other, and at present in possession of Dr. James Kendrick— also ihree negroes, viz: r.brba about trtentx -fine years of age, Ilenrv ’about 23 years of age, and Harriett about !4 years of age—nil levied on the property of Zacheritih if. Hargrove, deceased—James M. 8pul- :k. Executor and Melinda Hargroves, txecufrix. tosulisfy sundry fi from the sixth circuit court of the United .States for the district of orgia, one in favor of Leroy M. \i dev. Parish Ac. Co. vs said Spul- lia k anil M. Hargroves Executor and Executrix—and to satisfy a favo' cf ffhack* lo rd, Bosg A- Co. vs said 8puliork Malinda Hargroves, Executor and Executrix of said deceased; pro perty pointed out by plainliti's attorney. At :!ie same time ar,d jiiacc, will be so! I, nne house and lor No. 13.ia the Vu of .Marietta. Cobh county, containing one halt of an acre land more or less, with a small improvement of a new flamed dwelling, arid other rut houses, adjoining .Mr. 15 nek on the east, and situated north east of the court house .-ipmnr—--levied on ns the property ot James C. Waller, deceased, and H. It. Foote, Administrator of said deceased, to sat isfy a fi fa issued from the =ixth circuit court of the Cnlted State-, in javor of the Post-Office department, vs Ilezek.ah R. Foote, admin istrator of said deceased—also bit number three hundred and tbirtv-eae, iu the nineteenth district and third section of I’aulriing, containrng one hundred and sixty acres more or les- ; property porrtted out by raid Foote, ad m no - r rutor . April “loll. JOHN A. BREEDLOVE, F). Marshal. w of the first Monday in May next. Pulaski Sheriff Sales. ’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Mu’- next, before the CoBrt House, door ill the Town ot H<rwkir>svilb. ( Pn!askir<»jiUy,with- |in flic legal hoursof sale, die following property, to-wit: John iSG years old, Jacs H* years -.jd. Jim if.’ >eara oid. Will 30 yrart fold, Eater^3 years old. Judy tdyears old, and Harry J* years old, levi- led on as the property of John J. Gatlin, to satisfy sundry fi fas from Pu- llaski si'jperir court—John G. Warren, vs John J. Gatlin. John Howie, tvs John J. Gatlin, Joha W. Power*, v j John J - Gatiin,and o'hers, r* the tsarue. Also two lots of 'and, No. 3, and No. II, in the eighth district of ori^i- l!1v Dooly now Pulaski county, Jcved on as the property of Jecob ISsciith, to satisfy sundry fi »as,:s«ued Gom a Justices eouri—Benjamin IB. Hamilton, r« Jacob 'Smith, Wesiev King va Jac<-b Nmith, C. de J. fBeall, v? J cob Smith , lew made and returned by a constable. Also,one hundred teres of land, mire nr leas, in the twenty second {district of originally Wilkinson now Pulaski county, adjoining lauds of IKsmon Scarborough and other*. No. not known, levied on ax the cro- f petty of of Mathew satisfy sundry fi f-i», issued from a Jue- ltiees court, John Lee. ir. »• Maths**" Ly-nen; levied and returned b*» {constab'e. JO~. CARRllHERS, bh’ff. April 2, 1341. April 2.1341. 10 Caution. f HEREBY caution all persons against 'rading for six thirty doliarl notes, made bv me payable to Jacob Smith, dated on or ahr.ut the tv EXECUTOR S SALE. WILL he sold on31ondav th* dsyot April ne*% tt the retidtrr* i f of John J. Getlin. iete of Fni 'tnei? A Jo-.* .’.idling, however, eve. of February last, and unyableon the first dav of January-, 134’i, The ccnsideratio -. vvhi- h tiivi-' notes wervgiven, iia'ir.g totally fail- ,1, I am determined te avail myself of all legal remedies to aroidpay- nr them or any of them. ELIJAH PICKLRINwi. HaiklasriJIe.aOJ, March, 134!. 1—4: «ski county, dat’d, all the pariaiis- bie pro erty belonging's saiddec’d.cnnaiaanj ofhtraee, mule*,rattle, hogs, plantation toola, houacholi a *i kitchen fiirs-.tare—corn, fodder, baco ,, Ac. 8cc. Terms o! sale madek..-.-i. r. va xiic dav. r.r.firilA A. L. GATLIN’. Ex *. March !, 1341. 10—ids