Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, April 09, 1841, Image 4

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nsr DR. HAYNES’ United States’ Marsha! Sales. Anti-Dvsneptic and Anti-Bilious Pills. I tril.I. lie sold before the Court House ilooriu tlic City of Milledge- J I I | f t ;i!le, on the first I oenb.y in May next, ;;i.hiu tlie legal hours f IIIIBS E justly celebrated Pills, wliich arc winning their way to pre A eminent popularity, arc doited to all raws repairing eitln-r lnilil j aperient, or active cuihartic operation—pt* pared !iy one of the oldest Physici iii< in Georgia, having |,ecn tested liv, more tlmn ten years’ ex perience in his private practice before they were ottered to the public, and having, whenever they have had a lair trial, I other articles of similar form. They are conlideuth greatly superior, fur general use, to every other known remedy. A fresh supply for sale, at 50 cents the box, hv K. M. COWLES, o- .vu .v i Aeauiot), llave ... Calvin 2, and the following lots . •cm pielened to a.l j |yr; ? J07 r llttontl 1.211, in the first di.-lrict of Doth I.' f'cnnimem.ed as j house and lot in the town of Bristol, on which J.-i And at Millcdgcvillc, Sept 1, 1010. BU.BKDl.oVB Oe PERKY, DR. LITTLE, LAFAYETTE HAM.. 32—tf Dcffr’Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix ITERS. The perfectly safe, unerring, and suet almost every species of disease hv the use of > MEDICINES, is UO longer a tnattci ofdoust, as a iclerence to the expo of sale, the following nro|#ert\, •JO nvgro( > to wit : J5f;eliis rd.i.nt oO vrars of nyc, Tern *'*0, Julia 1 I, ; rindv 10, Kiias JO, iVtei 0, F»icy l,ila.licit 10, ji uiliuii, Amhouy J *. Jordan J, <luinn 1*0, Kcd o.j, John 10, Judy 20, Ksther 30, Boh I ', Adam 30, .\ Calvin J, and the following lots of land, number oh, coiaitv—also om* rimiali Lamkiuno.v j j resides:—all h\ied onus the jm.-jierty it J^rciuiuh Uampkiti, to saiisly ; j sundry :i la- from Uit sixth circuit court t i the 1'mtcd routes, fur the j j district of Georgia, one in favor of Kzekiol i>. Htoddaul, vsJ(*hn J5. j j Coiciiiuu, Ac Co. one in favor of Shackelford* J’oa*r ^ Co. John 1>. I j Coitmcn and Jcruniah luanjjl.iu, under the lirm of John B. Coleman, ! i *-V ('o. one in favor of A. <». Valentin A: Bariholemcw, vs Jeremiah j ! Lainkin, one in favor ot Match, Kimble A: Co. vs Jeremiali Lampkin, | — ! one in lavor of Stanton A Cioss, \.s Jotviniuh Lumpkin,one in favor j ! of Hulsey, 1 tier A: Co. vs Jeremiah Lumpkin, one in favor of L. M. i j W iley, 1'aricdi Cu. v s Jeremiah Lampkiu, one in favor of Wolf, Bish op Si Co. vs. Jeremiali I.amkin, one in tavorof Jost j h Van Allen, vs vine, 1 lowing Pulaski {Sheriff’s Sale. II.L he soiil on the first Tuesday in April next, be fore the Court House door in the town ol Ilawkins- uhts!;i fotinry, witltiu the legal houtsof sale, the fol- propertv, to-wit: Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Pulaski County 4 ' w lit-n sitting for Oidinarv pm j uses, w ill be -olden tin; first Titesduy iu March next, bell re the Court House door, in aid County between the u.-nul hours of sale the following pro; city t.i-wit: Two thirds of lot No. I3U in ibe 12th District, oforiginnlly TFonston, A lot of land. No. 105, in the eighth district of originally I now Pulaski, am! seventeen, (lirjueresofJ.i t, No. 137, | GEORGIA, H ashington count/. W HEREAS Patience (lleun, Administratrix on the E-tats way Glenn, late ot said county deceased, applies lor lett< '* f) mission from said Administration. " *” of<Ji^ These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the v and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office tt time pr scribed bv app to show cause if a.-iv ext 111TTEIW. The perfectly" sate, unerring, and ftt'-J . , r .?, . 1 ". t . V- I Jeremiah l.ampkir*, one in favor of L. M. Wiley, Parish A Co. vs Jcr- ' ~ ° ‘ .... emiah Lampkiu &. Co. one in favor ol Shackelford, Boag & Co. vs Jcr- ,.- ... .—. 0 — . - - . i, - -i emiah Eutiil.iu, one in fuvoi ol 1.. M. Wile;, 1’ui ish A Co. vs John It. ricnce of many thousand patients will satisfactorily piovr. limiii, nn. ; (;„j C!ljal| ^ 0)ie j„ | av „ r „f Waldron 'Thomas Co. vs Jeremiali present month alone, nearly one hundred nt-sj have < ome to the Klim I- j ;l lavor of IKnrv \V. Connor, vs Jeremiah Lamkin ; pro- edge of Mr. Moffat, where the patient has to all appearance, effected ■ I ertv |loi ’ n|c j ou , bv t | c , K! permanent cure hv the exrlustve,anil jui ,, « " , 'if= sc_| Also, one house and lot, adj. ining the town of Hawkinsville, contain l.ife Medi- ejnes—seme eiglit or ten of these had been considered beyond all hope bv their medical attendants. Such happy ic-iilt- arc. a source ot gicnt pleasure to Mr. M. and inspire him with uev. cuiilidcuce to recommend the use of his medicines to his lellow eiti/.ens. The LIFE MEDICINES me a \ I.t.Ei AE1.E preparation. They arc mild anil pleas ot ill their opera lion, and ol the same tune thorough—acting rapidly upon the secretions ol die system—carrying . off all acrimonious humors, and assimilating “'till and pui nviug the blood. For this reason, in agravated cases ol Dyspepsia, toe l.i!t; di- eines will give relief ill a shorter space of time than any other prescrip tion. In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory Rheumatism, l evels ol every description, tiick Headache, Heart-burn. 10//.ines: m tm* Ilt'.s!. I ,iins in the Chest, Flatulency,impaired appetite, amt iti every di-ease ari-mg Trom an inipuritv of tlie blood, or a disordered state <*t the stomacli, the u#»c of these Medicines has always proved to bo bovmul donbt superior to anv other mode of treatment. All th«t Mr. Moffat asks of his patients is to be partinilar in taking j them strictly according To the directions. It is not by a tiew.-paper no- i tice 9 or by any thin°r that he hiiuaelfnmy s»*v in their favor, tliat he hopes mg ten acres, being the lot <»:i wiu*:ti Jani' -1). Jelks new reside-; li on as the property of said J* Iks to satisfv a li fa from the sixth ‘ i: court of the t niltd Stale, for the district of Georgia, in favor of J ft, vs Colli j roperty ]>oiiitcd out by said id 1 .rreat I v to gain credit. It is alone by the results ot a tail' trial. I'the •vader an invalid,and docs lie wish to know wlieth^r the I ife M^dii ines will Milt i hi« own case ? If so, let him call or send to Mi. MoiTatV agent in tins , place.and procure a copy of the Medical Manuel, designed as ;» domes tic Guide to Health, pufdishcd gratuitously. He w ill there find enu merated very many extraordinary cases of cure; and perhaps < mne ex actly similar to his own. Moffat’s Medical Odicc iu New \ ork, 3/o Broadway. These Valuable Medicines arc for sa.e hv M. E. EDWARDS, Agent. October 6,1010. E' (E7 s ’Moff;u’s Vegetable t-ii'e fills and Flioonix BITTERS. Tlie high celebrity which tin se excel! nt Medicines h ive acquired, in curing almost every disease to which the human frame is li able, is .a matter familiar with almost every intelligent person. 1 hey her attic known l»v their fruits—their cooil wori-s lime testified for them —they did not thrive by the faith of the credulous. In cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Billions and Liver Afn etions, Aatluua, Tile**, Settled Bains, Kheuiuatisin, Levers nml Agues, Obstin ate Headiclics, Impure State of the Lhiiils, I uliealtliv Appearance of the Skin, Nervous Dehilitv, the Sic kites* incident to Lem ales in Dedicate Health, every kind of Weakness ofdie* Digestive (>i gnus, and iu all ge neral derangements ot Health, these .Medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. J’hey restore vigorous health to the most exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the Ei‘e Bills and Biioenix Bitters beyond the reach ot competition, in the estimation of cverv patient. Prepared and sold, whfdcsale and retail, at \\ M. B. MO!-1 A 1 S ^le- dical Ofiice,37.j Broadway, New ^ ork. N. B. None arc genuine unless they have the fac simile of John Mof fat’s signature. _ flT/*T!i ,? Life Bills are sold in boxes—Brice, Joceuts, .>ucents, aim m each, accordingt^» thesi/.e; and the Phot nix Bitter.^ in buttles; ::t >1 or J? each, with full directions. LOR GRATUITOUS IMSTR!BUTION—An interesting little pamphlet, entitled “.Moffat’s Medical .'Manual, designed as a Domestic Guide to Health—-containing accurate information com erning the most prevalent disease, and t!n mo*t approved remedies—by \\ H.LIAM B. MOLLAT.” Apply to the Agent*. g^fTlifi above medicines tor sale l»v M* E. EDAAKDS, Milletlgevillc, October 6, 1310—37—ly Agent. mg i i t! . K T‘ n r< land . Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines. T HF.SE Meilicini's arc imli litoil for tlirir ns:in-to their mniiifr-t uml censihle action in purifrins the ,-j.ri nrrs ami ihtinn.-ls oflite, ami erti- diiin^ them with renewed lone and vigor, in many hundre<| certified cases which have been made public, and in almost everv species of dis ease to which the human frame D liable, tb' Inpjiv efl-cts ol MOl - F.VT’S LIFE FILLS AND I’lKENIX HITTERS have ! -r.a 1 v and publicly acknowledged by the person- benrl-.tli d. at d wlm were nrcvioiislv unacquainted with tlie beautifully philosophical principles upon which they arc compounded, and upon winch they consequently * C The LIFE MEDICINESreconimend th-m-elie- in diseases ofevery form and description. Their lirst operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various impurities and crudities con- staittiy settling around them ; end to remove the hardened taxes which I lall<l ; '■» collect in the convolutions of the -mailest iiilc.-tincs. Other inedicmcs only partially clcusc these, and leave such collected nrisne.* behind as to produce habitual costiveness, vviiii all its tra in of evils, or sudden di arrhea, with -ill its imminent dangers. This luci s well kumvn to all rc>’iilar anatomists, who examine the human bowels alter death ; jind hence the prejudice of those well informed men ax'iiu-t quack medicine. —or medicines prepared and heralded to the public bv ijriiorutn persons. , The second effect of tlie Life Medn mes is toc.eansc tlie kidneys and the ; | bladder, and bv this means, the liver and the lun;;-, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon toe resiila.ity of the urinary oryans. The blood, which takes its red color from the use ot the liver and the lull's before it passes into the heart, being thus punlied by them, and nourished bv food coming from a clean -loinaeh, courses treclv throii<;h the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts tlie bannerol'health in the*bloomin' cheek. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Mediemeshave been tlioroiichly testeil, and pronounced .“soverei-n remedy for Dyspepsia Flatulencv, I’alpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-lmru and Hcailaehe, ivi Iil-tcini>er, Anxiety, Languor and Melancboly, I & K. Jelks. Also live negroes, lo-w it: Mineiva, about’ll years children, < 'aliiarinc, i’enny and dam, and a boy Enos age, levied ou as the property ol I in,mas Wood, to satisfv a li fa from the sixth cue 11; court ol the I lilted -"Mate-, lor Liu: district ol iiuorgin, in favor ol l.cory .M. \\ ilcy, l’aii.-h .V Co. vs Thomas Wood, surviving i copartner, and William Redd and Thomas W ood, Executors of John W . Kendrick ; property point! d out by -aid Wood. ' Also one lot ot land, unuibi r one huiuie d and nineteen, in the third : section ot Covv et.i county, levied on as tlie property ol 1 homes Wood, | and two hundred and titty acres ot land,adjoining die town j in tiio county ol Heard, whereon Jehu r>. Wood now resides, levied as the property ot said John r;. \\ cod, to satisfy u li fa from the sixth I circuit court of the Baited .’states for the district of Beingta, ill favor ol ' j E. vx (i. II. iveisey -V iial-tcd v’s I'boaias W ood ami Jaliii 2?. W uutl, j property pointed out by detemlants. Also lm No. one hundred and seventy-six, in the :Bth district, atid lot No. *-fd, in the ‘-■■ill fhsirict oi I a i- county ; .tin! one house and lot in i lie i I town ot Dam i I Dr, No. not known, levied on a-tiic propeitvol John \\ . I Covvaiil, to satisly three li las, trim the sixth i irmiil court ot tin; I ni- I ! toil 2"talcs, for the district ol Georgia, one in favor of Wot d, Johnson 2c j r Burreii vs John II. Blount, «5c Bo. one in favor ot iffaipmans to. vs . Joint li. Bl.aiutA. Bo.and one iu favor Fort, Townseul and .Mending- , 1 hail, vs J tdiit 11. Biot 1 ut 2c i 'o.; pidnled out bv said < 'oward. I . NIso tun .uni a liall acre- m lend, being part of lot No. R>~, iu the j ! him tb district el originally Houston now Bibbcounlv,aml Known as | j tliestore itonsc an i lot,at W i bstciville Bust office, on tlie road leading | | from .Macon to iviry, about ten tnilesfroiu 3Iacou, levied ou as the pro- , j petty ol JobnJ. Lanier, deceased, to satisfv a li fa from the district • j court ol the I n ted 2-tat *s tor the di trict ot Georgia, iu favor ot the 1 j l niled .-bates of Ai.icrita vs Aaron Le.-si.ll, administrator ol John J. I i Lanier,dec d. property pointed oat bv the adinini-trators. Also one thousand ucics of land,lying in thecountv of \\'axliingtoti, i on the little t Jgeneliee river adjoining the lands of 1’lulip W iliams and j others, on winch there is agood set of .Mills and Cotton Factory , leva d, 1 j on as the property of Joltu Dickson, to study a li ta from the sixth cir ca t court of lilt! i titled Stales for the district of Georgia, iu favor ot .lie I’re.-ideut aud Directors, A Co. of the BJimuix Bank, vs J. C.& J. M. / Dickson & Sprague, pointi d out liy said John Dickson. Also one house ami lot in the town of Xeblllon, No. li, in squaie lelter . L'.uiid six huuditd aercsofiainl,lying in theeountv of Bike, adjoining , | inudsol .’-tig. r, Barnett aud Bra vv ford, It vi. d on ns tin property ol Jo- j siali i.. Nunnliy, to satisiy . li fa fiom titcsixlh eireutl court of the i ni- | led States for tin;district of Georgia, in favor of Wiley, Lane Jt Co. vs j I N unally & i bttiitd, pointed out bv said Nutiiillv. Also twelve lutudied acresui laud, more or less Ivin? in ibe county o! Raudolpli. being the plantation ou which Alien .Mu’.e now r, sides, j levied on as the propel tv of said .Move, to satisfv a lira'from the sixth j circuit court o! the t'niied States tor the district ol Georgia,in fa; ol | ot SpotioldkV 'I ib’soil.vs. Move, Rttiupll eV Odcun j Also eight h:,laired and idly nercs ol bind, Iviur iu the county ot i Houston, adjoining lands ol Jacob Bierce and others, being the place | ou which John Tomlinson now rt sides, levied on to satisfy a li fa from I the sixth ein nit eoiut of the l niteil State- lor tlm district of Georgia, i in lavorof B. G. li. Kelsey A: lialsted, vs James I!. Alc.Mm ray and j John Tomlin-on ; pointed out by -aid Tomlinson. Also one thousand acres of land, Ding in theenuntv of Wilkinson, 1 adjoining ol lilo alw orlh, Jolius and t tilers, and being the place ou vv hieli Wtlin.m F. Bond now rc.-idelev it d on to sn i i-ly a li fa from the sixth cue nit court ol the L nile.l States lor the di-lt ie t .» Georgia, I in favor ot Strother F. Snturr, vs W illiam F. Bond : pointed out by 1 Dooly now I’uhtski county, levied ou as the property ol George . Graham, to satisly a fi fa from I’nla.-ki tSttpeiior court—.!r.colr S’ u ain vs George W. Grahanj, Adtn'r. do sou tort of William Everett, dec'll. Also, two lots of land, No. D5 and ?i>, in tlie eighth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county, levied on as the ; property of Green G. Graham, to satisfy three ft fas front Pulaski Inferior court—Ker Iloyce, hearei vs G. G. Gra ham, John N . Phelps, for the use &s. vs G. G. Graham, and ! (-oilier Dracevvell, vN. Co. vs G. G. Graham ; property poin ted out l>y defendant. Also, the one half of lot Xo. 199, in tlie fourth district, of originally Dooly now Pulaski county, levied ou as the property of Jeremiah Pansey. to satisfy a li fa issued from a justices court. James Walker vs Jeremiah Pansey ; levy made and returned hy a constable. 1 Also, a lot of land, Xo. 24. in the fourth district, of orig inally i>c(.!y now Pulaski county, levied on as the properly I William X. Goff, to satisfy a li la issued from a Justices i court—Holland Williams vs Win. X. Golf; levy made and returned fy a constable. Also a lot of laud. Xo. 2'>2, iu the fourth district of origi nally Pooly now Pulaski county, levied on as the propiertv of iloheil 2?wain, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice court—William -Wayo vs Iloht. SSwaiu ; levy made and it ■ turned by a constable. Also, a negro woman named Picy, 40 years old, and three f‘’ll’ ; hundred acres ol land, No. not known, hut known as Itoht X. 'Payl(>r’s plantation, whereon William A. Perry now lives, in the fourth district of originally Doolv now Pulaski county; levii d as the property of Itoht. X. Taylor, tosatis- fv a li ft from Pula-ki Superior court—Washburn Lewis, vs lialsted, Tavlor ic Co. Also, two mules ami the one half of tt house and lot. iu the tow u ol 11 a w kiiisv iHo. No. not known, hut known as the Store house and lot forimely occupied Gy Collier. Jelks & Co. ! levied on as Mryan W. Col'ier’s prop*rtv to satisfy ;i (i fa f from Pulaski Inferior court—Stephen Mitchell vs (.’oilier Jelks vC < "o property pointed out hy iliytm \\\ Collier. Lot Xu. -j'2 lviug ami being in the fourth district, of orig- ! inaliv Dotdv now Pulaski county, lot Xo 2-'!. fractions Xo. 21. No. 22 and li-'S—150 acres more or less, of lot Xo. 21). all lying ill the twelfth district ofoiiginallv lliuislon now Pu laski comity—one houseaud lot w hereon James O. Jelks now lives, coniainiiig 10 act is more or le-s. adjoining lands of the igth District ofoiiginallv Houston now Pulaski Bounty 1 -ots, eontaining Two I Kindred t» o and a half acres, sold as the |irop- eitv ot John Kowi-Il, late of.-aid county deieased, and for the beuetit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made kown on the I dav of sale. THOMAS HOWELL, Adm’r. Dec. 23,1310. 4'J—td. a '~- j | should not be granted. Given uuder my hand at oliite y, saul . -j"th day of Ncucmber, 10It*. Dec. !, 1310. • “k. v -ai’i h ‘ “ “12Jai.der.svi!;, L. A. JERNEGAN, c , 45 ' C, °- POSTPONED SALE. ILL lie sold at the Court House in Sparta, Hancock County, ou the first Tuesday in March next, all the I.and iu said County, belonging to the estate of Robert Me. Conk deceased, reserving the w idovvs dower. JAMES McCOOK, ROBERT McCO#K MAJOR PEACE, Jan. Ft!t, 1R40J. 50—tds. NOTICE. the first Mond'iv iti April next, will he sold to the highest bidder, at public outcry, at the late residence of James Picket, dcc’d. in the county of Pulaski, a part of tlie personal property, belonging to the estate of the said James Picket deceased, consisting of Horses, Cows. Sheep. -i set of Blacksmith* tools, and eighteen hales of fine Cotton. 1 lie Cotton will he sold for cash, .and all the other property (or good notes with security, payable on the first day of Jan- ttnty next. JOHN 11 PICKET, Adm’r. * JANE PICKET, A.lin’x. Fel».22,1641. (j—tds. GEORGIA, Washington Count/. VyULREAS, William Orr, applies for letters of Admini-traG ’ oil the estate of Penelope Orr, late of said count v, decea-cd 00 05 I I lie.-c are then fore to cite and admonish all and .-ingtdar the hi, i . j n . n d creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office witi ' rf ' ' 1 time prescribed bv law, to show cause If any exist, why saji| j 1 ., * - | should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office itPSaml-r- 1 !-' rs this2uth January, 1311.—1. ' L. A. JERNIGAM > , GEORGIA, Pulaski County. \Y II IRE AS Luceua Hayes applies for letters of Administratiun . on the estate ol James Hay es, late of said county, deceased a I best: are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kiii i and creditor.-ol said deceased to ble their objections if anv on or I . the first.Monday m May next, why said letters should not'be » ra »* i' ! Given uuder mv hand at office, Hawkinsville Feb | j; “■ JOHN V. MITCHELL, C’.C. 0 Feb. 26.1841.—6 " ~—■ b/ffliib/A, I’ultitl.i County. \\ li >, J H.A2, Micajab Johnson, adm. de bonis non, on the estate f ▼ Haas JoirCjs, rite ol Btiliiski ('uuntv f deceased, api;" ol iIi*ini.~sioii iVtiin Tip'sc arc there!' «i adiiiiniMration. T to tmilersigiH’tl will also sell upon the terms above men- tinned, on the second Momltiy in April next, as the propeity of said estate, at the house of George Polk, in the county of Irwin, forty or fifty head of stock cattle. JOHN H. PICKET, Adtn'r. JANE PICKET, Aclm'x. Feb. 22. 1841. NOTICE. T ILL he sold fit the late residence of Jonathfin Baker, ife of Washington county, dec'll, on Thursday the fifteenth dav of Apiii next, till the perishable property of the said ilec'd. consisting of horses, cattle, sheep, lings, ba con, Nr. and many other things too tedious to mention.— Terms of sale made known on the dav of sale. pplies for letters I iu-sr arc tlu reloit to cite and admonish all and singtilartbe kin *. ad creditors of situ; deceased, to tile tin ir objections if tin v, on or Let,!'' me first -Monday in November next, whv said letters should granted. * Le " Given under my hand at office, in Hawkinsville, September 19th lGo Se,»t, 22,1" 10 JOHN V. MITCHELL,cc.? GEORGIA, Pulaski Conn!/. WJ! LULAS, llilli irv Henderson, Administration of the e-tat* of (l — d - ^ ><- S 1 he-e arc therefore locite nri<! ailihomsh all an*! singulaj the kindred and creditors o!-ai*l d * eased, to ide their objections, if anv exist,with in the lime prescribed by law, why id Fttrr- shouldnut’be granted Giv en under mv lir.iu! at office iu Haw kinsville, ((ctober 13th 1840 b:>—Gi.i JOHN V. MITCHELL, e.e.o.* Georgia, Pulaski Count/. WIIBREAS, Asa Pepkin and Luke Sapp, applies for letters of ad V » rnmi.-triition on the estate of William Smith, late of said com.u d John Ruw lsnmi othor.s—2D hi-ai! of entile more or less, 5(1 hend of ho ;s mot e or less—I picusure carriage ami harness: til! levi. <! on as ike jxopcrlv of Jam* - O. .111iks. In satisfy a fi fa from Pulaski Superior conn—The Bank of llawkius- viilc vs Collier »N Jelks : property pointcii out hy Edward S t. (it oi ;*■. Al-o, 251) bushels ;«f corn, morn or le-s five chairs, one table, one bed-fed, ami one slab ; levied on ns the property *d' »>!iil' Bradshaw, to sati-ly a fi la from Pulaski Superior j court—Thomas Judgivs Olifl’ Bradshaw; property poin ted out hy A. New tun i agent for plaintift'. A l-o. ihe one half <;f lot of a Land, Xo. not known, hut known as the place wle'vnn John ("lemons now lives levied on as the property of Piiomas Bernbrv. to satisfy ihree li fas from Pulaski Superiorrmnt—Ker I’oyee vs Thomas Bcm- hry. Samuel B. McCnii'h. vs Tints, iicmlo v, ami Washing- ton Ingram, vs TIios. Bet.dirv ; property pointed out hv de fendant. JOSEPH CARKITHERS, Sh’fl' Feh. 27, 1641. Mat 5. 1611. JAMES com:, } JONATHAN BAKER, <> Adni'r B—tds w POSTPONED SALE. 11 1. be sold mi the first Tuesday in March next, before tho Bon rt I louse *!*>* »r in the town of J ark sum ills, Telfair Bnnnlv one half of a lot of land known as N*>. two hiu’dreil and sixty-nine,in tlie first District of Appling, now Telfair County. AI-• > one lot of land in the same District and County, known ns No two hundred and twenty one. King on the Oeuiulgee River, belonging to the Estate of Thomas S. Swain. REBECCA SWAIN. ) MITCHELL G. W1LLBOX. $ Jacksonville, D-c. liiih, 1.340. 43 td These are therefore tocitc and admonish alt and singular,the kindred and er* ditors of said deceased, to tile their objections if anv,on or be fore the lirst .Monday in February next, why said letters should not be * granted. Given under luy hand, at office, tbi- Jamiarv Uth. 1841 JOHN V. MITCHELL, e. e. January 15,1811. _-j £ M K MON I 1!> after date application will be made to the honora- ii.' Ide the lufeiior Court of Early eomily,for leave to sell tlie negroes belonging :*) the Estate of John Porter de* eu-ed, Novemher gl-t 1840 JOEL 1.. PORTER, Adm’r. Dec. I, 1310. 4m (ilm’rs. «t o w ’ll.!, b. iil.l on Frida v the 23d of next month, at the late residence an Brown, .1 r. late of Washington countv, deceased. All tie- perishable properly belonging to the e-late of-.iid de*—aseii. Terms on tin* d.* v iif-ale. March 3,1 1811. RICHARD WA RT! 1 EN. r . r— id-. J jAO! R monilis afterdate, application will In; made to the Honora- hie the InteriorCotirtof Bul.iski eouuty, when sitting forOrdina- rv purposes, forgave to sell all the real e.-tale, belonging to Mary Jane Ila-kin-, minor and orjdian of Sylvanus Haskins, late of said county.deceased. GEOlHiE MARTIN, Guardian. ■ March 3d, 1341. i ni NOi II .MON I’ll6 after date application w ill be made to the Honor able the Inferior Court ufPulaski Bounty, when sitting for ordin ary purposes, for leave to sell all 111■ ■ real estate belonging to Milleilge fSiovens, orphan and minor ol .Milledge Stevens, late ot said countv, deceased. LLKE 2- i'll\ K.N.S, Guardian. .Marcli t', I" 11. 7—lm F Administnifor’s Sale .*aid Jmmp A Iso ein lit Jimulri'd and fen acre* <»!’ land, 1\ ini: in tin 1 conn!y of \\il- Kinson,a«jjnin:iiu'lands ui John Hnid\, \\ illiam ('tdiins and others,hc- *on (’aiiioiin now rt >ith s, h»v icd on as F 0 Cm Land, i Iiicli \\ illia t\ ol said W il liamsou (’nlhotiii, to satisfv a fi fa from I hr* sixth n grateful- | L ' ,rr mi court af liic l niled States for (he di>tri( t of Ucorria. in favor of Dvvi Hitl athrojK* vs saitl (’alliouu; pointed out hv llic dcU-uduut. A Iso one house and lot in the low n of ( rav. fordv il Ie, vv Inrcon Thom as (’luili-ii m vv re.-ides, ono sfoiv Imuso and lot adjoining (icoriria Rail R‘»ad and A u;rn.-|:is Lnekctt—(•( copied miliis fin.ohv /a lott s Adann*; one iiomse ami h.-r known as tin* T\lor lot ;:<! j«*ii .iim*i!k* I h-or»»ia Rail Ro;:d 11 • *1 ■ ■ i« ( ii. lily-, i n hi acres <j laud, adjuiiiim; ilu* tovvnnl Crau- ftndvilh*—.J - lm R In d v, James A udorson and olln.r-—ah-o the fulhivv ing w It : > TV > T V shops, >s, Diarrlnra, Cholera, Fevers of all kinds, Rlieuuialism, (iouf, Dropsies of all kinds, Crave!, Worms, Asthma and Consumption, Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate Sores, Scorbutic Eruptions and Had Complexions Kniptivoenmplaints, Sallow, Cloudv, and otherdis.-ijrreralde Comple.xious, Salt IMieum, Ery- Kipelas,Common Colds and lulluenza, aud various oilier complainls which afflict the human frame. In FKVKUand A<.tk, particularly, flic Life Medicines have been most eminently successful*, so mucb so that n the Fever and Ague districts, IMiysieiuns almost universally prescribe them. . , .... , All that Mr. Moffat requires of Ins patient- i- to be particular lit tak in- t!,c Life Medicines strictly according tollm direction-. It is not by a newspaper notice,or hy anything lie lum-elf may sav in tin ir favor that he hopes to gain cri-ilit. It is alone by tlie results of a lair trial. MOFFAT’S MEDICAL M tNl AL, designed as a domesti*- guide to health. This little pamphlet, edited by \V. li. Moffat, 375 Broadway, New York, hns been published for the purpose ot explaining more fully Mr. Moffat's tlieorv of disenscs,and will be found highly interesting to persons seeking health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and the causes thescof. Price, tw enty five cents—for sale by .Mr. .dotlat s agents generally. These Valuntile Medicine. ... Hr-fc •ctober 6,1310 ' v 127.811 1 l-'-'-i “ 933 “ r,'-t :•.. ;;| :-j 752 12' l' 4::!:! 4B.|ll| I lit.I "| ’-j 881 H " Fi “I i. 17. 5 I “I “I 203 j 91 “ ; l!; 17 (iff’ 35i'); A J 1081211 207 j 8 J;-! !'| it!.,! fj ! 131! ei j 321j “ | 238 181 0 11 ’■ lll* : 1 11)3! Igj -1 218'131 •; T;T}~g| mi I > - Counties. 39 19ft' IU “I 211: 17! lit 1 12 3 Marion. 3971 l! 11 394!13 Mus il IT OPJ*, l! ifHi ■ 79!! ^1 ‘-’I H 422 li I 9118 1 2 i ; !3ii 1011 “I 172 > -I REINDEER. T HIS thorougli-hrrd Race Horse, (own brother to Alice Gray.) will stand the next season at Hillsborough, Jasper county, under the care of Mr. JOHN VV'YXENS, and will be let to mares at the reduced price of §25 the season. Reindeer was sired hy the celebrated Henry.theeompetitorofEclipse; his d.iiu Sport’s Mistress, by Hickory (the lie.-t son of imported V. liip;) his grandam, Miller’s Damsel,the dam of American Eclipse; she was sired hv imported Messenger. Great grandam the imported Mare by Potoxiis; great great grandam by Gimmick: Snap Dragon, by Snap; Regulns; Bartlett’s Childers; lloncy Wood's Arabian, out of the Two True Blues. Reindeer is a chesnut sorrel. I fi hands high, of large bone, strongly made, short baek, fina eyes, and of commanding appearance, lie was bred bv Thomas Pearsall, of Long Island, New York, and will be nine votrs old in liar next. There is not a better blooded horse in the l.'nit- JOHN T. LAMAR, JOHN WYNENS. 4<i tf l! 9 [ 12 ok; !S| i 755| 1 I 50l| “ I .1 1 “ i'SlH j 33l. “j i‘j j 939I20I is tlie 10 55)12 CO 15 '2 It .800: 21 >5! 11 ('*,* '• < 'ainpbcll. 15 i’avettc. It i Early. IF I I 12(6 'S 208 170] 105' 21 Oj 133 lOoj i 187! • 395: I 1 Talbot. 3 Dooly. 7 ( raw foul. FAi’lT T^’II.L lie soli! on t(e first Ttiesduy in April next, before tl.e ( 'oort I louse door in iln'tuwii of Hawkinsville, Pn'nski county, wiiltiti lite legal lionrs of sale, the fuliuwing property, to-n ir: Elias a man. 27 years of age; Penis a liov, 4 years efnjjc; ("a-sara mail -!5 teats uf age; Olive ;i woman, ‘2-' years of age; \ nicy a girl. 9 yen s ol age; Maria a girl. 7 years of age; Xatiey an infant: 1'eriby a girl, 5 teats of age; | j Atuittwly ;i woman twenty live years of age; to sat- 1 isf'y suucliy li fas from I’ubiski Inlet ior com t: Ker Boyce, ’ bearer. \ s John J. Gatlin, Tlmuics MeGriil’: vs Joittt J, Oat- ! In:, f oilier Brace well. & Go. vs John J. Gatlin, and sundry 1 other li las; vs John J. Gai'iu; properly pointed out hy Al- , frcii * '. Bustw ick. Also, a negro woman named .Milt v. about IB years of age; ] bvird on as file property of Henry Bellows, to satisfy two li I (as issued from Pulaski riupei iorcoiirt: Calvin Taft, vs Hen ry Bellows and John Knowles, v* Henry Bellows; property • piiinled out by the defendant. A Iso. one lot of bunt lying in file twenty first ilist. of old Wilkinson now Pulaski number one hundred ■ eight, coniainiiig two hundred two ami one half notes, more : or less; levied on as tlie property ol John \V. Barkw ell. to 1 satisfy sundry li las issued from Pulaski Inferior court; Ker Bov ee and others, vs John VV . Barkwell; propeity pointed . out hy the d< fendant. Also, one fourth part of lot ?xo. two huudied ami seventy, eight, lying in the twcriiy Hi t .IR.. of old Wilkinson now | GEORGIA, Washington Count/. Pulaski comity, containing lilty acres more oi less, levied ou ;is the property of Darling Jones, to satisfy a li fa issued from the r-uperior court of Pulaski comity, the Centra! Bank of Georgia, vs Palling Jones; property pointed out hy the ib femlant. Also, 'ot of land. Xo. one hundred and forty three, k ing in the tw -nty lirst dist. of obi Wilkinson now Pulaski coun ty. containing two hundred two and one h ill acres more or less, levied on as the property of \\ illiam Spites, to satisfy two fi las issued from a Justices court of said comity: Ses- sumes Perkins, vs William the plaintiff. Fell. 15, 16 11. L bit 1 tin: 111! t!i" 5th ibiv of Ajn il. Icing tb > !ir-t Tuesday, nt tlm rt House, iu the Town of Franklin, Hoard cr*untv, a tract of inbrr 185, till Carroll, non II arl conntv, containing 202j s -**M bv ja'i'nii—ion oft be Court ofOrilinarv of I "bat ham conntv— fortlic benefit of the heirs and creditor.- of the lat* Win. II. Cue. JAMES S. Ill'I.l.OCII, Admini.-fratornn the estate of Will. IL Coe. Lebanon, Cobb Co. Geo. lfilh Jan. 18-1!. 52—t SOTHE. \ l I. persons indebted to tho estate of Robert Howell, bite of Pu laski email; dec’ll, aro Iicrehv requested to make pavment. and tlio-c leu ing ilcmainls aL'.iiiist said estate, will rcad-T fli"in in net or ding to law. EDWARD HOLMES. Adm’r. _Feb. 5.1811.—3 \ 1.1 - indcl tcd tn .lolm J. Clatlin, late nf Pulaski rountv, il'‘»-M. an* it •jnostrd to innko iinnu'dinfc paynimt.hip! those having (iGinamU nirnin^t Miid (lt*c\I. are now notil'ed to rentier fii**m in ns tlie In tv [» r rseri!»e«. BERTHA A. f.. GATI.UV E\V. .M<m li I, III. 10—tds f! E OH G ! A, Pulaski Cun nf/. ninety , VirllERM: \S. Rnln-rt A. Hnrdwiek n lininistrntnron the -swx.-.x ■ » * \ It*... c.-tat( l*<, lor tf Ur lOUK MO.NTi I> after date applieation w il : ]»e made to the Honora* ior e.iurt ol Rulaski county when sitting for ordinary c to st li all the lands and negroes belonging to tic* i c:ihroui;!i, lat*; of said conntv, deceased. ADEN SUAIHIOCHH, Adin’r. March 1-, EDI. 7—Ini n ^{)f R MO.XTiLS afterdaTe.application will he made to the Honora- £ 5 hie inferiorCourt ol U’ardiiu”ton county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of Morgan Drown. Jr. late of Washington conntv, deceased KI< HARD WARTIIEN, Adm’r. 1 March —lm J MIE nr parts d, j tate plies for letters of (iisnii \ I ford, late of said eonnty, d sion from said administration. 'Ehese an* tlierefore to cite nnd Jidmoni«h al! and singular the kindred and creditor-* of said deceased, to lile their objection**, ifnnv cxi-t. vv itIi- n tlm time prescribed t»v law, whv said letter* should not be irrm fed. j (liven under mv baud, at office, in lUiwhiusvillc. Feliruarv l*Jth If* 11. i I—t’m JOHN V. MITCHELL, c.o.n. rsign having been engaged in driving Stock to (lithe re a Jeorgi.i, for several years past, and seeing the spirit tint prevails amon_ r st the people for raising tliir own ?»to< k, also, believing Cioori:ia,able md competent to raise all of her own St oi k vv ir bout hav ing of Ion ijners, he has liecn inducetl to bring along from Kentucky, some oi ilie i»i -t improved breeders of Hogs and Cattle for breeding, to give the (iti/ ‘ns an opportunity of raising from the hurt Stock iu any County, he also has alonsr several Durham Hulls and Heifers, crossed on the improved patton Stock, from one to two years old, also some Rerk-Iiire and In-li (ira/.iei* Snvvs, and Roa*'-. ? all ot which can Ih» seen at Mr. \\ . A. Mott** in Milled rev iiie, it is now considered bv all who arcac- j (j m.uiicd witii the D.irinou cattle. l!;at they excel in point of richer and ntl v erive from "kJ to 'M> preferred in market, l it” Deik-iure Hog stand-*? as high outlie hog listas Dur ham cattle stands on the cattle list, th^y rot only come to maturity ear lier with tlie least possible e\pen>o hut their Fork is called pure ex cellence in market, the geriFcrnans pork. THOMAS JOHNSON. Millcdgeville Dec. 2dth, 1G10. 49—tf. i (juautity of milk. Hood cows well kept fr^cjnentlv give from f \<a ‘ quarts of milk per day. they a'so feed kindly and th»ir heefis i To Mil! J(*sinh Am:i>on, AdmiiiDfrntnr on tlie estate of Asa •ised, npliesfor letters of'dismission. from said Admin- 111: i: i: Jordan d isfration. These are therefore to cite and adm "ti.~h all and singular the kind red aud creditors of **aid deceased, tube and app -ar ;;t mv offiee. within the time prescribed by law. to show ean>e if anv exi-r. whv said letters should not he granted. (liven tinder mv hand at office in Sandersville this *J(»lh January, RVH.— 1. L. A. JER.NTH c. c. o. ind Bridge Owners. of No npiIF. S*ib=cri!»er. lot* 1 a citizen of New V«»rk. tenders his serv ices ns 1 a MILI.-WRKillT AND RRllMiK IH' the public. Il« will engage to build bridges. Hei-at work from .Alaeon, i’liose who des ret t to him at thi office, Irw into his iih'i lianical skill, he would ri lls ofevery description, and repair and present, at Rail’s Mills about five miles to employ his services will please dl l' .Macon. For testimonials, as to ill interested todreen R. Rurnev, Anderson Ingram, Martin and William (htswell, Esrjrs. ot Wilkinson •Spires; pmpertv pointed out by JAMES DYKES, I). Sit’ll'. Il.l, [.ovii'd on a- tin* proji.jrly of Tboimis < 'b.iiliti. to -ati-l'y Ibe folio;; itiar fi fiu< fi'iim the sixth I'iri'iiit eoiu t of tlm I nitid States for tin i Georrin,three in favor of B. ,V <>. IL Kelsrv iV llalsteil vs Thomas I Glmflin, Fianei- Seott anil Xolotes Ailaius, anil one in favor Wilev, Lanc& Bo. vs Tlioma- Challin; projiertv (loint' il out bv said Blmffin. ' \VM. J. DAVIS, Marshal. March 2ii, 1311. dil on tin* first Tttcsibiy in April next, lie ’on* the Court I louse iloor in the Imvn ot Hawkins ville, S’tikiski eoisnty, within the legal hours of sale the foi- | lowin'; property, to-u it; One lot of hiiiil. Xo. one Ituiulreil ;m<! fortv-tlircc, lyiny; ! in tlie 2!-! ilLt. of fortnetly \\ ilkoi-on now I* 11 !;• .-ki countv, continuing 2B2J acres more or less, levii d on ;t- the property i of John Portnaoy, to satisly n li fa issued from it Justice j listrict of | court of s;ti<! comity—Tlmmas Sutten, vs W illiam Spires, j John Dormauy vs John VV. Bai knell ; property pointed j out by John X. Barkwell ; levied and returned hv a consta'- : hie- * JAMES DYKES, I). Sb’ir. | GEO EG [A, Washington C aunt/. X\r HERE IS. Jonathan Raker and .lame Bone, apjilv for letters of 1* ndmini-trntion on the estate of Jonathan Baker S-r. late of said count v, deeen-ed. The-e are therefor.' to rite nnd admonish all and singular the kind red and creditor- of said deeraseil, to tile their objections if anv thev have, whv -aid letters should not be cranfed. Given under mv hand at off* e, this 2lith dav of Jannarv, 1311. I I.. A. JERMGAN, e.e. n. *1 I Firtwell 11. Tarv i k bv tlie da v, or job November 1!). Esq. of Twiggs county. lie will cti- A '10.6 WOOD. 42—tf WiSIIsim llafipiui, GEORGIA. Washington Count}/. ^yiTUREAS William M.iy applies for letters the »f administration on I state nf (Vlin Roger*, Into of snitl rmmty. rlcr’d. r rhesc:ire ther fore to cite nnd ndmoni-di nil m.d singnbir tlie kindred j nnd creditors ofsnid deceased, to be nnd eppear nt mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters; should not he granted. Hiven under mv hand at office in Snndersville the 1 t?j dn v of Jnnttnrv, i 1841.—1 L. A. JERNKUW. c. e. o. frEORGlAI. PulasJci County* W HE REAS. Matthias McCormick, Administrator on the estate of UJ So rannah, Georgia, FOR SALE. cd States,either native or imported December 1st, 1310. r plIREE Tracts A Iri.a ! .f t’ ( • tar. aubscriber renews the offer of his services to his trieni! Ih. public, as a GENERAL AGENT in this place, lie will at tolhn renewal <*f all Note, that may lie entrusted to his cere in the Central Bank, for the customary fee of ONE DOLLAR for each renew- ; two yes •1. the taking out ami forwardinsr tirants for Fifty Cents oacli. 1 _ For He will also make Maj's of the various Districts in the several Comity Letteries.and give a numerical List of the Drawer, of the Lots at the rU.L be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, be fore llic Court House limit in the Town of Haw- kinsville, I’ubiski county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit ; Hampton 30 years old. V ilet 25 years old, Elijah 12years old, l.etiee. 6 years old, 1’liehy ti years old. Eli 5 years old. Jemima 2 years old, Lewis 55 years old, Hannah 45 years old, Viii l I t years old, I’henlta 12 years old, Harriet 10 years old. Bill 23 years old, Sally 20 years old, Green 40 rears old, Nancy 20 years old. Stephen 2 years old, Barbara 50 tears old, Sally 17 years old. Will,am 15 years old, Sam 40 years old, Easter22 years old, Heiuy4 years old, Julia 2 years old. Marvel 30 years old, her Infant 3 weeks old, Sal ly I 1 years old, Tom 12 years old. Ruse il yeais old. Mary 3 tears old. .Matilda 2 years old. Bill Low 16 years old, Cas M f f" property balance, on a credit of * 1 | rears old ; levied on as the property of Bryan \\ . Collier, without interest. * used, applies for Icttei iml, eaeli containing 202J nrerep, in the 12th l)is- ( trict of I .ei' Bounty, all adjoiiiin-; iminedialely on tiie North side of j the Kinelcifoona < 'reek, part of it as jruoil hammoek a.- an; on the cieek, I halaiice lirst rate Fine Land—lilty acres clean'd on it last winter and iu j cultivation this summer; most of the clearing hammock. On tlie place i is a good Dwelling House, fifty fact square, with a ten foot passage each ] wav; negro houses, and all oilier necessary buildings; 150 acres of which the trees were cut round in July last. Outlie adjoining Lot is a I good Grist Mill, and two publm roads passing near the house. The ! ranire for stock, summer and winter, is not surpassed hv any iu tlie j ritiite, there being an inexhaustible ranebrake in the svvumjt, au j an j I outlet in the jiiuev woods of many miles. The place is considered one j of the most healthy ori the creek. Willi the place will he sold a quantity I anil ! °f r «*rn, fodder, peas, and between 2 urn! 899 bushels of potatoes, besides I i the Plantation tools. A bargain will be given, j Terms, one-third cash, i ars, from next J.iuuur further particulars, apply to Mr. Reuben S. Williams, iu I.e the. subscriber on tlie premise-. customary price. All letters (iKjst paid) will meet with prompt attention. CHARLES E. RYAN. IVeceuiber, 13th 1849. Retreat, Nov. 1st, 1310. II. R. WARD. 43 td Land Agency. riiHE undersigned, who resides iu Randolph (’oiinty, and w ho i- ex- j I JL teusivclv acquainted with that Sei lion of the Suite, w ill EXAM- l tin INE LANDS in EARLY and RA\D< •l.l’II, and ascertain their [ora tion, value, and the jiriee for which thev call be sold, for the SMALL COMPENSATION of TEN DOLLARS. Persons wishing to avail themselves of hi- services, will address him af Fort Gaines, post paid, ami may rely upon his prompt attention to their business. J. G. GILBERT. .March 31, 1340. 19 tf. Zxlohe Hotel. AI Gl SPA, Georgia. 1 NPF.UMGNLD, late of tlie .Meri'h-inf- Hotel. Charleston. l\.) would inform hi- friends and tlie pul.lie, that he has taken Hotel, and is now ii aily to accommodate those who mav fitvor him with their patronage. I!.- will makejio lioa>t of what lie will do, further than to say, his tallies w ill he furnished w iili the best tin* markets afford, and tlie establishment receive his per-nnnl attention; and if those who call on him once are not satisfied with his bill of fare’ and accommodations, he will not solicit them Io call again. WILLI AM GOSS. Oct. 22 49 thi to satis! lb!'.van Otlt ill - Feb. a mortgage ti fa issued from 1’ulaski Inferior court: St. George vs Bryau \V. Collier; property pointed lid mortgage li fa. li. 161!. Jf>5*. C\R!IUTIIEB.S, Sl.'ff. William Barrow, late nf-aid conntv, *1* of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of -aid d. eensed, tn file their objections, if any, w hv said ' letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office this 18th November 1919. II JOHN V.MITCHELL,c. r. o. GEORG! f. Pulaski Counlt/. ‘•"•7’HERE \S Sarah l.esti-r. applies for b-tters of Administration on v 7 the estate of Nathan N. Lester, late nf said fount; deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of -aid deceased, to file their objections if any thev have whv saiil letters should not he granted on the fir.-t Monday in May next. Given under mv hand at office, in Hawkinsville. thi- March 3d, 181!. JOHN V. MITCHELL, C. C. O. G E O R GI A. Pulaski (bounty. 'll fll ER E\S. John II. Pickett, ami Jane Pickett, applies for letters \ t of Admidistratioti on the*’■state of James Pickett, late ofsaiil county deceased. > These are therefore to cite, nnd admonish all and singular the Kin dred and creditors of -aid deceased, to tile their objections ifnnv exi-t. on or before the first Mondy in March next, why said letters should not he granted. G’veu under im hand at Haw kinsville this 21-t Dec. 1840 • 43 ‘ JOHN V. MITCHELL e.e.o. f RESPECTFULLY tenders his services to his friendsand the public V, general! purchasing, receiving and forwarding Goods; receiv ing and selling F'oitou, and iilSier Pi'uiluee- All business entrusted to him, will have prompt attention after 1st Am-ust next, at which time hisollice will lie opened. June 23. 1810. 23 tf c o mx RISES, 11 \i rr-1 louse AND MM LSSION M!; RC11A NT. A PA fiACHICOLA, FI .OR I DA. January 15, 1 ~4i>- 51 —JOt J)K. C. L. HAYNES. HAS resumed the practice of Medicine, and will gire prompt attention to professional rails. IF- may he consulted ut the office occupied hy him, for several vears past, or at his residence on the south side of the public square. t-puitu, 15th January, 1311. 52—tf ^ Pulaski Sheriffs Sale Drills, I) R Medicines, &:c w k it!.in \ Liberal salary will l>e aive;i to a Female Teacher t«» take charge of ! Kinivillc Acadoniy. in Warren conntv. who is competent to teach j the French l.anffuairc. Drawing. Painting, and tin* Kmrlish lirunchcs ! usually tauirht in .Academies. 'Ehe place ior health and locality is not j excelled intJenrgda. There have been seventy Suidert* taught at the j Hirdvillc Academy the present year. Any lady who is competent to j takecharce of Raid Academy will do w ell in make early application to Jethro Darden and John Harris,at the (ilobe HoieL (Milledtreville,) or • James G- Swain anil James T. Dickcn, near Donhic Wells, W arren j Cotintv. Not. 24th, 1340. 43 tf to .fail, O N the Sth April.183V. a negro man calling 1.Fuseli ARMSTEAD lie is -ix feet, fine or two inches high; about "M or "g.> years old Savs he is the property ot a Mr. Bhamhers, a uegro trader, who pur chased him in North Carolina, and that i e runaway from him in South Carolina, w hilst on the wav to Mississippi, ahi utthive weeks betore his I'.G.SHICK. Jailor. FOK SALK, j ( U | | HIS. ot I'rime BACON, to sell low for Ca-h. IOH,1 BMF I’ersons wishing to buv,can apply to W;i. V.Morr Milledge;ille, Ga. “ ' - - - Feb. 9, 4511. THOMAS JOHNSON. 3—Ot CASH FOR CA BALED PROPOSALS will be rec CORN. ted up to the ifth in-t. fo Apprehension iu thiscitr. aravauiiah. !5t'i Apr !, \pr 1819 17 Corn, for which the cash will be paid on delivery. Jin. 15, IB40- ' 54 t AYTII.L be let to the lowest bidder on Tuesday the twentieth dav ot Ajiri! next, at the State House, between the hours of 11 an i 1 o'clock, tiie Contracts for carrying the LAWS and JOURNALS, to the several Counties in this State. J. U. HORNE, S. E. D. March, 2fi,43!I. 9—2t. OCP The Recorder. Federal Union, am! Journal, will each give the t(b> ve wo insertion-. rlLI. he sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the House <loor in the town of Hawkinsville, i’ulaski county, t!i>* leg il hours of sale, the following property,to-wit: Two lot* of land. No.39 nnd 49,1 \ iug and being iu the eight district, ot originally Doolv now Pulaski county, containing each two hundred two ami one half" acres more or less, levied on as the property of Will iam B. Brown, to sati-fv sundry fi fas from f'ula-ki superior ami inferior conns—Jeremiali II. Brow n, rs Win. B. Brown ami Stephen Mitchell, v- Win. B. Brown ami Norman McDuffie, Thomas J. Wright and Geo. Bmiuard vs Win. B. Brown, Rulit. McComh, »s. Win. B. Brown, Ker Boyer, hearer vs vV in. B. Brown, Thos. McGritV vs Win. B. Brown, Stephen Mitchell, vs Win. B. Brow n and Norman .McDuffie. Also om* hay horse, levied on as the property of J.trcb Swain, to sat isfy* lifi from Bulaski inferior court—lli" Bank of llaw kin-; ille, vs Jaeoh Swain; property puinted out hv defendant. Also fractional lot No. 398, in the fourth district of of originally Doo lv now Pulaski county, containing one hundred teres more less, levied •in as tii- property of Joel B. Harvey, to satisfy a fi fa from Pulaski Superior court, John Rawls, ;s Charles Harvey. Jo"l B. Harv ey aud EJi’/.nheth Harvey; property pointed out h; Joel B. Ilarvev. Also lot No. v7, intlie tilth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county, levied on a-the property of Richey Denman, to sati-fv sundry ti fas issued from a Justices court—A. E. Whitten vs Richey Denman ; levy made and returned bv a constable. JOS. CARRUTIIERS, Sli’ff. March 29, 184). 4 LI.persons indebted to the estate of Robert McCook, deceas’d, of *■' said, are requested to make payment immediately, tho-e having<1 -m inds against - ii*| w ithin the time prescribed b' are requested to present the same, > Sj>«itaLftc. M UOR PEACE. J \ ME.6 Md i >t)K. KOBT. M COON. Adii'rs. GEORGIA, Washington count/. WrilKRF. \S Kli/abrth Jon* 1 **, npplir- fnrlrttors ofnihninl'tralioM on ! flic* osT»«i<' ot Jamos Jonw. Into of ^ai ! rountv. 'riio.'Onr^ thoreforo to cito nn<! ndtuouish all and .= iniriilar tho kindred nnd cruditor-j of «mu1 deorncod to h*» nnd npprnrnf mv office within the time proscribed hv ln\v, to show cause if anv exist, whv said letters should not he granted. Given und« r my hand at office in Sun ler»\ ille, tl»926th Jannarv, IML—1 U. JERMGAN, c. c. o. G E O R GIA— Washington Count/. WHEREAS Alfred Barksdale, applies for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of George R. I). Patterson, late of sai l conntv, dec"*! These are therefore tn e"teand admonish all and singular, the kind red and creditor- of -ai.l deceased, to be am! appear at mv office w ithin the time presrrb-d b; law. to-hew eau-e if any exist, why said letters should n*»t l»e granted. Given under mv hand, at office, in Sand rsville. thi- 30th March, 1811 in L. A. JERNIGAN,* G E O R f < TA,’ R ash ingfon Count}/. f ‘^KTIl F'RE AS. I.idia f)rr. applies for letters of Administration on tlie ; j ▼ ▼ Estate of John Orr. late of said county dee’d. i The-eare, therefore, to eife and admonish all and singular the kindred j | nnd creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within tlm ■ time prescribed by law, to show cause, if * *. ; — . | shoul l not he grant? I. Given under tnv hand at •»* 1, *n > »n ! r v i::j this 30th March, 1841 —10 L» As J£RXIGAN, c. c. o, | GKC€r LI. WaAhiMgton *'&&$$$• yFHE&EAS, Am P. Peacock, for letters of Adcuini^tratu)D I * mil f Hiywo | I * i Thes.* nr** therefore to and a«he< ui-h a; T *1 = !n ^ei'tr tf. • kind- ! red and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections it any whv let- j • tr»r- shoul 1 not be .nut ••?. Given ondei my hand at office in Zanders ; ile, this 30th .March, 181!.—’.) L. JEItNIGAN e.e.o LITTLE, HAS JUST KKCEIVKD from the north at HIS DRUG STORE, IN M ILLF.RC E VILLE, Li FI PH\TE OF (lUl.MNii. a superior French article. JS PiPFRl iuialtmble ■ *!j mot to U mine. BARS \.M C()PAIVA CAPS! l.ES, a new French article. CA YE\N E PEPPER, (^rminj) African, pure Lire. BALSAM COPAIVA, Solidified. OPIUM GUM, Turkey, selected. . . LOXA orCU'JW.N BARK, a very superior article. CALOMEL.English, best. A l.f fl’.S. Gum, Socolorim-, true. i'AKRAGLi.N or IR IS 11 M< >SS. \OF \ \MMON. dmihle—Do. tr* 10. .-si LP11 VI E OK ZINC. ‘ ry-taiiize*.. ...... j. pi, ^ which I:.* has a r*-2 • nr supply of MLDif INr.s, l|Kt *• PAINT Also si CH EMI GALS—together Wiiiui’s P Uiacea, , , ;h"s Pills 1 assortment of English and french with PATENT MEDICINES, consisting ol Dr. Evans* Camomile Pills, “ Soothing Syrup, Balm of Columbia, 11 * v ’s Lin liocut for Piles, Harrison's Specific. Ointment, P,o» a ads Embrocation, Rowin': s _ i |)r. I'.n.udi tb Dr. Hayne’s Pills, I.e .'s Aiiti-l.'iiiious Pil! * Tonic Pills, an invaluable remedy or weak aud debilitated person especially females. Rowan’Ps celebrated Tot i Mixture.for fever ar. 1 Ague. .. ^ , rat ive Extra t of Sarsaparilla, fcc. . •• Oriental Powder of Alabaster, in t)"X>--, for fan untying the tx.i VAM.iER'S CELEBRATED FRENCH PILLS. Tomato Pill-, a substitute for C ilomel. ! Car*'* nt r" C' i -opou i: J E xtrw t of Sarsaparilla. « f* :-.-n'r . •••* I C'o poni.d « Fo! i pound S> rup of Liverwort, a •• Fluid Extract of Buehit. a u “ of Pink Root ! ::e s-;c. lit. nri.i i. i-nparilia,Cubeb? ana Fc ; •