Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, May 14, 1841, Image 3

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^^^nuor OPINION WILL BE TOLERATED.’ 'I'd e 1 * Joiln Tyler. i a ;j ye American people—and give heed, ve . ' . 0 f j|' ie earth.—Walt it ye winds upon your ,a 1 ijfiioiis—*nd record it ye sun beams in more l ( j el , characters.—Let it he blazoned, in letters •" r liidil, and hrnti; limit in tlie Zodiac—that ‘ nulled world mat heboid it ami rejoice— .r,,- Freedom of opinion will be tolerated” 11 1 t, the acting, mi l accidental President Suites of America. t.ra has dawned upon our country. We •nr Washington's, our Adamses'*—our Jeli- \\ e have had our Monroe's— son's our Van Bit re it’s and Harrison’s, but , .i been reserved to the man, who now wields the . lP ,,f government, not by 11*t- voice of the p**n- j ul t w hose < lev lion to power, i* the offspring of a Miisatio", pronounced lay hi' own friends to be a ,'it' cahm.'itv—we s >y it has hi en reserved for him, tl,e plenitude ol hi* p«-uer, and the lii ness of I i- vo j, nee, to proclaim that ‘'THE Freedom ol 1|>I0 N WILL BE TOLERATED.” f'ltil tie 4tit dav of March, ut t In* y ear of o"r Lord, lliuiisaiid emht limidn d and lortv live, the people "nio,i are promised to ■‘be to! ruled" in the t'it iiat loiIOI privilege el l.i of tlliilhli!- r . * t s read il and tremble. let the oppressed *>! ,, n laud, hear it, and lilt up their hearts in gratitude, i-liiere i> a ‘ ountrv, whi re every matt may etijov E own "f'iniuii, provided he is not so imprudent a* i is|ire» it. jbi! m conic* seriously to dv question, we cannot in m onr fceliims and our rii>ltls, withui.1,1 the r ,. s .j .,1 ofour deepest indie nat ion, at thisgi <>** ami uinu io-tili ! i the American people ami the midi— ,Pcd attempt to usurp the most deqiotic power, . \er, , t . 'v the action-', hut tin- liiotigi l- ol men. We tiluintaiu ttiat the free.Dm ol opniioit n a 1 1g111 lived immediate! y from the creator—tint it j* an imuiitv which all men enjoy, ami w! i*'h can ticher ■ limited or comnd. d h\ lomian r< gtihniou*. The ii~t liberal institutions, founded upon equality ■■! it. while t> e most oppressive 'iio.isin etui devi'C, cannoi gradn- To tht Editors of tht Standard of Union- Wishing as we do that the Editor of the Macon Messenger, may not be disappointed in tlte genuineness ol tlie Spirit ol AY ilkin?ou, in an bumble devotion to Republican primiplcs, we have thought proper to ad dress him a lew lines through the columns of your paper, ami in doing so it becomes necessary for us to notice ait Editorial contain* d in his last weeks paper under the following head. “ The relit ('Message again” we shall pass over tin* fiist pait ol !iis tettiarks, in which, lie has in character with ;!ie press of the day, dealt 'cry largely in broad charges, unsupported bv e\ idence or reason, unless we w ill just admit, as lie seems to insinuate that ev< ry man, who lias not Lowed tbe I nee tied worshiped at the alter of Fetlcr *!i.,m, is tiishoue.'t and imuoiilv t*» be trit't d, even into a brand Jurv room and that on oath. He says “in Wilkinson wdiiclt has always been a Van Ruren C*>untv the subject wa> brought up and the Jury passed a just verdict upon it. In examining tjie aho\ e sentence v.e find two. it tint tint e, unit liable po-itioas iiS'iimed bv its antlior. Tin- Ibst is Mr. R.-se appears to as'time. bv saving dial Wilkinson “always has b. en a A an Ruren C'ouetv” that -lie now is the f. veis**; if we Inna? n t m:'ti;,(I*r-t*od la r. is one ol iii' position.* which the polls on the iirst mon- day in October next will demonstrate, to his own sat- isfacti n. with a vengeance. Secotn lv we <lo deuv the charge that the subject was brought up in da* brand Jury room, otdy in one wav. and dial was bi a < enaui Juior. pocket, <1 up too, ami ver* can - lully kcq t out ol sight nl every member u til a few m mites before they left the brand Jurv to in, by tlie Conn to In- dismis' ,!, and tin n not ver\ loudiv read, tin* subject was not discussed bv any one at all. in i- tlier was the tne-age seen lit some, nav ma\ we not say all \* ho signed die presi iitinents, in r was tie- *>!>- j-ft. or meaning <’f ih>* message >11tt <1 li\ any one in the Grand Jury room, a pretty condemnation this. i our li :!o v i idzeits now to I n bear to (li'Cuss offer d hy ts Executive, and let the fruits of theirj edition of the trust; and also from making out an in-1 To , Ie „ srs F „ Sanfon , of II. .St, les imlustry and economy have time to mature into nton-! ventory, and having an appraisement taken of the , ey, money which will take up the note they gave the | property assigned, seems to me to he a dangerous and ! !, , !i ^ c 'tie? 'a ml Central Rank to take up the note or bond it gave to j an unnecessary surrender ol the proper control overt 0*n tUmm—Vonrsoltiie borrow ihe money it loaned you. Chatham, Unwell Cobb of Clarke, John H. Watson of Siarues of Kit-hmunil, VV. VV. Wiggins of < 'orrvnpttittlinf ('out mitt Cii4i HkiiHiit. inv itintc me to be prfsfnt and lip j i • i „ i • ,*l anl iu vour Council. ut '.b>- May cuuvrution about to meet in Milletlge- j pet sorts entrusted With SUcil an immense amount ol j bean rc.-siM.,!. After two V. ars abstraction from my pmate From VETO OF ilia (.nil'll States Gazette. THE REVENUE RILL. property. It is true the manner of regulating the conduct ol the trustees or assignee*, is vested in the stockholder of the Batik, but front sundry recent he- velopements in that institution, is seems doubtful W e last evening received, in an extra from tlte liar- j whether the stockholders are. at all times, tlie safest and best depositories of such unlimited power. The temptation to chose it, on the part of the tru'te**s or assignees would he great, and the security against it, is literally nothing. I very much question the policy of passing such sw eeping acts of legislation as this, i The bovernor commences by stating what are the j Why introduce the Rank of the United Slates into : provisions o! the bill which he disapproves—the most | this lrill at all.' 'I hat institution hail surely very rom- ] imj ortam part ol which we gave to o;*r readers la?-i j prehensive and indulgent powers granted to it at its wtek. especially those parts relating t*t the loan of I creation, and deliberately accepted by its stockholders ; three millions, il.c issue of small notes, the authority - at the time. risbnrg Reporter office, a copy of the me>sage of I Governor Porter to the Legi.'latu containing his rea- 1 sons lor r* luring to ^ign ti e Rev011111* Bill. We have ; 1101 space for ilu* whole of the message this morning, | ami ilterefoie givemir readersa ha.f"y abstract thereof. > alfairs, i;, the aoeuipf to sen-e the Public, having but recently arrived,- ivlier n»v |>riv;ite iuterests tiro Incnlcilfor the |inr|int*e of rei>arinS the Ijivwtrurs, iioce>A:uii\ mntif 3 duriu^ i«»\ fi^iiit lii’iin*, I cannot ttl- le.iti vour inrcrm^. wiihuuiu .-aciiLcc vwiiiib vou would not wishing to Ul ’ 1 K P“^ iid iu iM rh^ortullv lent! rny i.-trbU- ju j».*t tortii, ospe. iallv i\H?i ft* to flu* principle* of tlie iJemoor.. i f \ I could do so the more wiliingi , liiH! they an*. at ilrinU « t*nvinc* d ih id to v«»ur Conm ils, Tor the pur- gsuroj nl'u juntika! and 4 *clo.«« op. I J d UIV ■i w iii. ii ictiisited (ii-.t o-r i'rinciples ij. ut.ciiiei t » adopt in my earliest a ! have never departed, an rtv, Iiis'1 ' UlhlHUI L I 1 •t * :1: « re to the .'to. l-.lo Idn s of the L ulled Stales Rank, to •Ii Ins verv recently, before the Court of Common make an as-igmoeut of the property of the Bank, with* Pleas, of Philadelphia City and County, s weeded out requiring from the trio-ters an inventory or sfcit- in e-caping from the provis-inns of the resolutions *>f n • \ • toi the power retained in the Legislature tout- the (bird ut April IS-40, for the resumption of specie Kt or modify at pleasure, tlie provi-ion of this part of payment-, by pleading that its act of incorporation was tb with ?!■ t* consent <>l stockholders. Oil the aye of this bill, the bov< root- slate' “denends th* a eontract between die bank and the State. It it be • , let it abide by t!,e terms of that contract ami stand sin cess 1 ul prose- die nayinctit of itiou of the C> >11111101) School System, ! or fall upon its own volant ity agre*mem. 'i'he in - donations to academies and female sen itiai ii s, pensions and grainiti'-s to old soldiers, the j upon the general prosperity of the country, repairs of roads and canals ior the currem vear, payments of debts due for repairs made prior to the first of November last, appropriations to orphan asv- lumsaud house o! refuge, asv Imns for h ind, and deal fltietice of this insiiiiition upon the other banks and been ahiimjant! v deleterious, am! 1 can see no speeial reason m favor of exonerating this Rank and its I’nistee* from obligations that are imposed upon every man, without di'ti'ii tion, who is invested widt the same kind of ini- in*.- s,” ot 1'it‘ir i*ji.M jjiies, were u'su : to thrmr there mm would he left,.!-. * j *»:ir >!ute f save rhe in ;!«>ri bis ^rriR' 1 * ; Beitur uni’in interf.-t. yve shonM in- mi iv liesir'-il bv every Southern patriut. In reti n-nre lirseiieial 1’ioiiic?, n lo i artv ot ihe L Jliou of>im.«il)on lo .1 I tor (ocs.-rvinsr the 1 i the Federal sivste • the and* of the G Tin -j senlleiuen, 1 011 form ilie rally 111* licmi vii-asof Mr. Jeff,- 1 no tinier: t to Si it-s' R j Bank, is the yvali-liHori render; a meas-ure, for oilier.-. Ii i ■ 10 them. j,«.r| t “Kel'ormn ul lirfurm: 1! ivi;l loiiu* hack the *<!>' Huuk /inper. Ii -v di |>l.u-e iho powr r funds in ih-y ki-epInar i f the Brink, urn: choose its Direetor-hio. ft will rev:-., of ’Jli ami ill >ir lead -r Alexander 11 “if-nl Irody of tlie \\ ln£ | ally, sii.jdia' Rill il will also he to them n inec litovever. as a! relieve the North, 1 ol the South. i will: Ii 11 p- r ire led sc for |rol e llimois I'olinci!; Ri oi hlicun 1'arty of .since you exjire.-s the correctness ot the prin- ce.-li as 1 fell il mv liticul party. From yv hich neither time And if those wuh red of Ihe correet- ir a flout rulhti t ore ilieal dissenaion in or Profits ol Office. 1 ri-iut now great- 1- of I he State-, a EouS'did.ith 11 rut Gayernun in 1 ui 1 allow me l! a 1 in £ feitnre of the Democratic Jtnnk, US tlie only aliernatiye ,ud ofrestiainine the tendency of „r ac-uuiulutiou oI all powei in i,i -uceest, -hould, at this tine, m fei fanv ii.tries! ill the Uepuh- erv mau who cherishes any at- Wh:; pirn at Wasiiiogton, a s r.T v h ch they wttl not *ur- 11,. v wiil for a lime yield all / tirlit)'." It is their measure ■ •nmei 1 10 tiie use of Banks air# fils patronage and ihe use of its of those who niav appoint and ihe policy of the,Federal party Hence U is with ihe mi Ion. ! IV "i'f measiiie ot “Reform. ’ ••lteliel.” By us much. d embiirracs us and dumb, to pay damages and the niilbia expense*, in | p i taut trust*. The powers given to thi* hank at tin pay ail die expense* of government, to pay lock-keep- i time of it s origin, were considered amp'e Ibr every ■igh-ina't* rs, and other persons employed on j necessary purpose, and I d-» not perceive in if* present We 11 a ;|t, r.imiot 1 hi: n-oillations vv hich ;.ti . nr r* str.iiu it. The 11In rf v 0/ an .J /it unities, hut 1 f st-y 1 re ami iyra ,-e and unfeiR r. <i ■eh y he a bi ts are *- ; im ills, t ff I. In | -11 by the I mind remain if 1:1.1s vvi: J Id* p .,* in ! lied h e.'tioii of opi ion w it aven. i in* ToLf RATED” Mr. 'i'vler ■ r iii* friend*, direct the people the auihoritv v\ Iii- It places I ” ;-t bis (1 :*pos;ije js it lu Eicn c.t' Imh jteiideitce, or I * > e cannot f< 1111 it tin re. tte, :n p!ii •rale. The ahilitv ;hl t 1 withhold it, and it t!:o position as- Mr. Tyler i* sustained bv tlie people, the settled, dial In ncefortli, no man in ibis lnrnns- (-OI1I 1 1 Of ( the I to to * * als-- die 1 ight to 1 e- t<> grant a boon, im- iiautiry is to think, without the President’s The language of Mr. Tvler can bear but one con- strneti* 11, and that i', dial he has assumed a power, at voir with every principle of our republican institu tions, and we might say, lint lie lias gone further, ami siirped die power of omnipotence; Ur Hod alone, ran regulate the thoughts ami opinions of men. \\ urds must be taken according to their proper de- liniiioiis, and il Mr. 'I'vler is brought to that stand ard, his position vv ill prove wholly indefensible. Turning to \A aLKKK and AN F.BSTEIi’s Dictiona ries, vve are more seu-ibly impessed wit ii the mag nitude of Air. Tyb'r’s oi'.'ciue against the sovereign I niple of this country. , From these disitngm.-J.'eiJ authors, vve make the fo!- wing extracts : From Walker. *• Toler vi :: —To ;tii:>vv, to suffer.” ‘* LEI; vtio.n.—Permi"i<m.” *• Permission.—Grain of liberty.” I'i’.o.M WlfUsTEU. "Tolerated.—Suffered, allowed, not proliibit- 1!, or restrained.” li SUFFERED.—Borne, undergone, permitted, al- ovved.” PERMIT.—To allow, t > grant leave or liberty bv cxpiess consent—To allow hv - sik-nt consent— suffer without giving express authority—To af final ahilitv or means—To leave—To give or re- this mea*ure, asii lias be**:* so loudiv condemned, af ter such a thorough examination and investigation, as wa* given it I>\ a body of men, and yet they express their “miipialified opposition to vy 1 at is eommonly c.tbeil (iuvcrimr AI« Donalds relief message” and wed we say that it may In* unqualified, for vve se** not Imw they could have qualified th ir opposiiiou to a meas ure, whi, h vve lieli v ill y It ive never seen; vve would lieie a*k a f nor of Mr. llo*e that lie would give the message an insertion in !»\* paper, and send a copy to each of tin* Jurors, tlta' tliev mav he aide for the future to qualify their oppo-iti<m to ihe mea-ure. Thirdly wedenv that “the Jury pa-sed a just verdict,” the reason* why the verdict was just appears n> the Jurv and 10 Mr. Ro-e also, to be “tman-vvt cable” ;:n answerable, well, well, well w hat are they. “Because the plan cannot be carried out so as to art >rd even temporary relief, witb uit tiestroviug ti e air* ady slia- keu credit ofour belov* d Siate,” we woul 1 bumbly a*k the Jurv and Mr, Rose too v\ 11v cannot the plan be carried out, so as to afford relief,. without dost toy ing our credit, do they mean to say that the State can not borrow tlie money, on reasonable terms, il *o we would cite them to the loan consummated by ti e Re public of Texas, a Republic now largely involved in debt and in war, and vviili very few more, ii even as many means of paving her liabilities a* the State of Georgia lias, but if ibis was their only reason fur con demning tin* measure, wny did they not with the same benevolent feeling that governed our Executive, re commend to the legislature to is-ue the bonds, and it they could not lie sold at par, why it would be an easy matter to k-t it alone! but no they preferred in the language of their own party in tin* !egt'la*iire not to do it, if* they could, as an evidence of this vve quote the second “unanswerable” reason of ilieir ‘‘unqualified opposition” “Il the bonds of the State could be sold nt par value, the measure is still objectionably why? “for it would be taxing one portion of ilie community for the i elief of another—a principle of political econo my wholly at variance with the spiiit of republican in stitutions.” Hero it appears then is the great difficulty the public work*, to pay certain guarantees ol inter est by the Slat**, to pay debts due on contract lor work done on tlie Erie division, North Branch extension, Wicoiisiu canal, and numerous other specified public i i.provements, to pay the Canal Commissioners, ap praisers and engineers, and, in fad, « very operation condition any good ground for ibis unqualified en largement of them.” 'i'he bovernor, having tints slated his objections, proceeds to state bow these objections could' be re moved. He has been decidedly oppos* *1 to the issue of small iio es; but the peculiar circumstances of the ll wiM n opt Ml In tbr R:i mrrt «•. nrw ci* ns.*d by tb ‘b restore to tli ’Ji ii, the ij-e *>r People, rsii c‘J bv T t xatiof to leed its \vti rice. Jr ’>i as the fmnauf Credit in E' iriiT mr:ii:s ni r: funds i hi> tli*» Spe. ;ulaiors ;tn«i profits, and bee •orne t he re.i fio.l.d bv tlie' Charter. lire' it~ associate*, iIn* Channels of Cnu.- pxfrftv.i*',u.r. It wiD iii.i tin- r uiv n, t'i't helm:gin? t" the* , ,jJ"l f,;.-fii. <„ ! Vital l,v Tariflexocli.iWv r. I .1. for >Uih- .-Sf-cks, to le used ,« In lia-.v on in lirnniea.thereby fumisli- V io I uv t; r Ihe Stnek ot tin* N.'-v* «»•*. .luci' in EurotK- w.!! make goi it their K-utrsof the .Slock, though expressly ex- ■ I the government in the execution of which appropria- | times, and tie* immense influx *>f such notes !i out tuber : States, makes a diiTeienee. And though, as a private Cions of money are required. The Governor then stales that dtis is the fir-t bill ever prepared by the Legislature ol this stale in which ihe necessary expenditures of the commonwealth were connected with subjects of doubtful propriety, on vvluclt irrt eoncilcable differences of opinion existed; and though h>* does not charge that ihi* is done to coerce him into an approval ot what lie might sepa rately condemn, vet he deems it his duly to take hi* stand against such encroachment; and he has, besides, opposed hi* veto to bills that scented intended to reach citizen, be would not yield up bis opinion again-t ibis i-siie, yet, if tlie representatives of the neople thought proper to allow it, to as*ist the revenne, by a limited issue for a limited time, of such notes by the Banks in ilu* State, lie should not fer! at liberty, as the Exe cutive of this CommomveaMi, to oppose 1 ii• * m asme. The Governor objected to tl*wt section which author ized the suspension ol specie payment bv tbr Batiks, and declared that t!t<*v should he liable to pay, as a nt n- aliv for such an act, no more than six per cent p* r an- ohjects of party policy by means w hich lie deems tin- 1 mint upon notes presented. And he thinks the Banks just. The following are the ohjeciions of iiis Excel- themselves, as they have not (with ti e exception of tlte Il will increase the active metn<ol'ih~ Mi njiant- Slim cilie.i of Boston. New York, F!,i!:o»e!ahia. **i aiiuissiim a sarj,Ins Revenue to 1,:* ilepo'it ai wilhzu Ell trilmieit in the drape ol loans to its fiivoriios. 11 will control t!ie -Staples of c e So I !i; ton kin? I is' N rlliei n <'iti s, tlirniijrli wliirli tin y will la, sliipp nl so tint: i Gates, its toll ui I l.e ember,o). TI ird will eimitiinnd llie Em hashes For, icn mil Domes* wlii.-h ill* I’uiilie Reirni e „j|| p ive it. (L.-ii.g ui lira, > ii of iin-iness.) it »ill put the rates tip nml do ii!c.r purposes. The prices ot iii*-e - i; pies, wii. no! dealers in ilie ,! Buhinmie. liv ;r limits, unit iii*~ milri alls i iu ile ol 'I I" metes moo till minis , Braiili disrese lency to this bill: “In the first place, I consider the seventei nth see- L'uiied Slates Bank) asked h r it, do not desire it. ile is willing to repeal the resumption resolution, and tion as giving to the Banks an absolute exemption j adds:- from ilu* re-umpiiott of specie payments for at least tlie j period of five years, mentioned in the first section ol the bill. It is provided, among other thing*, in the seventeenth section, that all laws imposing p< naltie- “ 1 here i remedy for n hit'll meet i ihviotis’y hut one rational ami certt ;■ * vii: dial i- to get rid of the eat;: fill Ui. ll its will and I In' w il nt it- t ,i:£ fur ('omrre s riii 1 i'\i*!u- JmUcint, ii will amass iar i rr i< t?ivcn. Hv ihe pr iteutive Taiil iinilc ti,,- Nmlh andTiie W, 1>Iic land* ami ravim ill divid** ill: Snath MliiK’ineiif; in In kepi fin i,s deci’ Uni pr:i* " r spe***i»H- !>> th , i-e direct :,I tic (*< n iii increase the Taxe d liov :,i im: a in ir htitarv to the 1. mid at wfi *h, 0« rh rijc«e Staples, it . and hv the power iimt a rti »1 in thi* ii t» suit it- Sprcii- 11 es- ftt i!} !■** «'ffi c* prndtiCi <! at >*■* with a s, and direct ihe alt the local Bunk* nl tlte policy nvrr to crush .rate and pre ?rt art of it* i on siihstitti’e ■r. and claim * ll n.allots not ,v hen no pow - cn will js i,\ dislrihu- will il (lie V , Ui I • in £ ; It -rea *(l it. produce s lot* mid* r if Let tit charle r Bank of die L - Sttstes let iLie resolutions of 3*1 of interest greater titan -iv per cent, as also the for-! April, IS-IO, passed ** blithe hope of correcting some of f iture of their charters, for certain delinquencies, shall j the evils which the Built of the United Slates had In* suspended until farther legislative action, and until j produced he repealed, inasmuch as it ha* been decided provision is made for the payment of the loan author-! by the proper tribunal, that that institution is exempt Fi Win | I ’“! i‘‘ •!i\ dim! ized bv the firs’ section of tlie bill. Now, had ihi* ! from their operation, and on the same prim subject of suspension been left entirely to the further ! are fair other bank* claiming like spec' action of the legislature, without coupling it with the in ihe vv uv to tin* > j >«-111111 if’ that channel to the peo- b appears then, from tin* e xpositions of the*e gieat umiiiaries, that Mr. Tv I* r claims the prerogative to til/oir" lit** people to think for themselves, and to i Sllt]t■r' , them to enjoy the “ freedom of opinion.”— Aes, they are “ SUFFERED and ALLOWED,” and are '<>t “prohibited or restrained''’ in the enjoyment *>l a great privilegt—and “permitted” too. I his power to *• ertnif Imre or liberty” to think, ’Mu* a new feature m our Government, and would tave ihe men who won our liberties through ’Ids of toil and Id* o !. AN emit* ht brand ii federalism, but the term is too ■*ih'—it is rank, unsophisticated, and unalloyed des- tiotism: am] it tit** people of this Union are prepared sustain Air. Tyler in this deadly assault upon th* ir rig lit*, they may expunge the D* cl nation of Inde pendence, and obliterate the Constitution.—But we Know them heller, 'i hey will scorn tlie impotent ;*t- plc, out of wIii* Ii and through which they were to he relieved from their present embarrassed (ombtion, the taxing of one portion of the people for the relief of an- i | ( , tr j s | other, this is the best evidence, that the Jury lias never seen the Alessage, for I ask does the Message propose anv taxation, well il it does not, we ill* it ask how the Jury or Mr. Ro-e can condemn it a* a mea-nre tax ing one class for the relief of another. O hut stop sav they, the State is going in debt for two millions of provision for tlie repayment of the loan of three mill ion* one hundred thousand dollars, it would have been far less objectionable. But even then, what would In* our condition? This suspension would continue til! it was terminated Ity legislative action, and al though the people might, by a large in *j >rity, trill that it should cea*e, vet it the Iranks could find favor with either branch of the legislature, or with the Ex ecutive, it would he impos'ible to carry that trill into execution. “Is it wise, is it just, to surrender this, to tlte banks, when in all contests heretofore had between these institutions and the people, they have proved victorious? But, by the hill before me, they are to enjoy these exceptions not only until further itiou, but until the legislature provides for the re-payment of ibis large loan. How will it ever be repaid, if this Bill should pass? The banks control and regulate tin* pecuniary transactions *>f tlte country, thc ajiiti*! f" pried,-g- iu which so !; an amount ol mpt. TI icy will tell Mr. Tvler that the right of ipnuoii is the birthright of’evei Dint threats, and pain*, ami pen -dint chain*, and manacles, and dungeons cannot rational being.— • s, cannot restrain <1 d •ontrol it. They will tell him more—that in *pite of toleration or intoleration, not only the “ Ir* edoin <>pinioii. hut the libcriv of speech, shall be main tained. J] t . || i;iv mark hi- boundaries, and designate a- limit'.—He may say, “ mi f r shall thou go, mi I no l irtltcr," hut the fre* mail of this >tiier Ip'Son. They till) ;i ol ijicjr gallant fathers—to Bunker Hill, 0 ^’ n, ‘> Alonn onllt ami York Town. They _' I( 1 ! |:| h remember, that lie is the servant of the >nd not their master, and that ail the brief R arity which he holds, was derived from ihe people rt tot the office of President was created by the peo- living by •mid to them is tlie incumbent amenable. The time* are fiiiM , u| a »ake up. ominous of evil, and the people Armiment o of the Pennsylvania.—The Noi> 11 - ''con gives the following as the aruiarm nt de- ^>mned upon for the Pennsylvania ship of the line, guns are now going on board. Lower { •Ahan guns, and Paixban shot are thrown from an 1 P"under. Mid ie Gun Deck, 30 long 32 pounders and -1 Pni.x- dn guns. L , P; r Gtm Deck, 32 32 pound medium guns and * ^ d| xhan guns. dollars, and bow i* it to get out vriilmut taxing the people to pay ii—and if the Smte taxes thu*e w li<> bor rowed tlie monev and were relieved, why it must tax those who did not borrow too, Uti* is v* ry ingenious, and wi ll calcubiied to fright* n the people and k*-ep them from doing tin ir duty to themselves, but vve would ask Mr. Rose as be lives iu Macon, and convenient too to the Banks, and willing also, at all times to be friend bi' friends, to suppose that we were worth ten thousand dollars, and he knew it, well the banks in Ma con knew nothin of us, and lie himself had credit ill the Ranks, ami vve were to write him tints, Mr. Ko-e if you can borrow mu* thousand dollars at the Bank by givina vour note pay able in two years at eight per centum per annum, we will give you our note for the same amount ami on the same conditions, besides pay - mg vou for all trouble and expenses, by so doingyou will cottf r a very great favor. In accordance with the above request, you go and borrow tin* money ami loan it io us. well when the money becomes due, we pay you, and yon the B ink. Now vve w i*h to know the mn tus opcrmvli hy which our oilier n> ighb*>rs are to lie taxed io pay ibis very debt, we have already paid ourselves; the ease* are similar, and the principle which governs one, will and must govern the *>tln r. The Grand Jury after con demning th** ah ve principle proceed in the following ill point him to language. “We recommend to our fellow-citizens, as the surest and be*t means of deliverance from the em- b iri assments of the d tv, increased industry, and con tinued well regulated economy. They boh are ne cessary to anv mans prosperity, but vve would ask if ; w ith all onr industry, and economy, we w ho make a . fry hard lick* in culling down the forest and tilling the soil, cannot relieve our property from being sacrificed under the Sheriffs hammer, befit re we j have time to bring the fruits of onr labor to our relief , No, No, No, i* the pontaneous cry from every lar- me; now 'irs before »e cut rai-c that crop it will be j October, and we tell you it is a fact certain that the bailiff* an * i sheriffs, are now bu-y in search of our property, <>n which to levy fi fits i * favor of A. B. ob- and 4 taitjed in the Sup* rior, Inferior and Justi es Courts, and if vve do not get some money some source or 1 oil er our property will be levied on; property too, apital as tins is m- volv* d. Tin y are directly intere-ted in preventing the re payment of this loan at the ei <1 o (fire years or of ter. years, because they enjoy exemption from the forfeiture of'llt* ir charters as long as the loan remains unredeemed. It i* not at all likely at the end of five years, or even ten y*ars, tlie Commonwealth will Ive which are exempt also, the whole of tht these banks aggregately amounting to tv. '-third.' of the banking capita! of (his St>ie—and let tin* outer banks of the commonw ealth be placet! under the *eg;i- lations of the act of 1924. I appeal to the rfcolhc- tion of tho*e who have been familiar vvith tlie condi tion of tiling* in Pennsylvania for years past, and to the history of the times, to hear me out in tbp assertion * that neither the banks nor the people of this remit ou- wealth ever enjoy eda >ta»e of higher prosperity, nor of ! more absolute freedom from all pecuniary einbatrass- licit power a* meats and difhcnlties, than they did during the inter val front 1824 to 1830; and I do not perceive anv well grounded rtasou to doubt that, ivilli a iitt’e patience, prudence, and economy, the same salutary rcsidis that flowed from t!.,e laws then in tone, will i e again felt, if the same laws are restored."’ r l he Governor then says, should these \i vv > be substituted into a bill, lie will sign it, though lie dees nm like some otlf* rs of its provisions. He then ex- 1 presses a strong hope that the Legislature w ill not ad- | journ without providing means to sustain th** honor of; the Common »ealth, and to me* t its solemn engage-I meats. 'll'* nt It /iroft/j ol . it will cslnltli: ti ! *> , w bit-li no l ul V f*H 1 llir t*bl Feijpral pail v. or nil ot’ rh^e tousulc iii«;nsme of “ Relief.” i*nt, gentlemen, «o f;»r ns Fn shmiH ii ii i ro Southern W !• ics um:i, ihev t on!ci t lfet-r huf litfl* lo serve ns a Itnlnnee-wheel io rl Iterntiips an :i< mo weiirhr throwi •but H .Jpclareil, we shoult! • gotten »ip to iohai»**e Dei pouiiins o!*s« rvui c* of Ibe ini)^. wc linve th<* greatest po\v< on: ?..i'Mittc.inct-rus, we become OUT st*ij.IVf. I Mier' l"!'- thcliifi’rtv of s, H> improve* ai.«l reform inirctirto sii' *i il iinilc !li< efforts of ii-eB nrrs of the Demoi.-rat <*’toiiia. vi Ii. th. l- it ,,|.nil I A well resrulateil public opia q * !> .• emoiir'st the J eupl ■ to I,.m J, Tile pint. Bv line means, nmli;,. tlie .:!ii\ei«a! relief off rdeil: ! pl.'iilers ttoufil pirtetnll ihrv i 111-* Siuihein rmaeliant. s elm use, ami thou taxing tbe pla reimliiiise hirii.-elt'. troolil te‘a! Ii'it'"<:ritv, promolitmle an.! fi,! ithern . ami pe-itivi P" J’" - n ml i \\ In ill ashoi rise"of its eon! mere question shall a The ,e same i , Banks, .'ll', betv refii' Another of it* vv appointments ntai'c by Air. Ty ler and hi* catiinet appear* in Bur paper «>f to-day. able to pay oft* a loan of three millions of dollars, with-i 1 he National Intelligencer, out making another loan for that purpose. F rom whom can this loan he procured? Surely not from Europe, for that market is glutted with our stocks j w ay for them, and already. Not front our own hanks, for if they were | movnl. to make a loan to the state, it would he to depriv tom wliicliwo transcribe it, gives the names of die persons appoint! d, luit siip- pre ; .*e* the names of the persons removed !•> make even conceals tlie fact of the t'c- (•'!;-,! I JIIO!,.-, til',,'. Tin* « COI.-IK'I V* ii. “Hpii Ill’,III. .-fdl-,1 tl tit ll! ill tile di* irli ihi? i W 1 i v this departure front tl.e usual prnctic Wh amt ! themselves of the valuable prixileges they enjoy, mi- ! this imw i!!iugno*s on the part of the ofii* ial journal <ler the exemption* ab * ady inentioned. Not from onr 11,1 •.. i.. .* .1..x\ i .t own capitalists, for they are so deeply interested in the banks, a* to be restrained bv that consideration; *>r ihev can probably find, as tliev have Iteretofore done, ! more profitable investments for their money. It is i11!«-*, therefore to say, that this loan can he repaid at the en*! of five year*, or even a greater length of time, with such strong interests in tlte wav to prevent it. “An act of the Legidatore authori'ing a loan to be taken for the re-payment <>f this loan of thro*- million one hundred thousand dollars, would Ik* fruit less; the money could not be obtained upon it, and until it was obtained, the banks would be beyond the rea< !i<,f the legislature, and would enjoy tin ir rieht of sti'pensioii, in defiance of its action. It sea reply re quires a prophet to foresee what would he the issue of a law like this. At the end of the five years men tioned in dn* first section of the bill there would he a lenewal of the same loan, and the same system of ope ration* for another period of five years, or perhaps longer and we should thus have suspension which, might he well considered as perpetual. We cannot foretell it* cons qitettces ue cannot foresee its end. The moment it *s engrafted upon onr system, we may- despair of all oilier reform. It will be fastmird upon ns until the system itself, by its own exces*es and cor ruption*, is annihilated. The spec; * still remaining 1 in the hand* of the peu- to tell the whole of the truth? • \\ hy ihi* stiiditd con cealment of one hall ot what i* done hy the adminis tration? \Ve sav one halt’, because, in making anv one *>f these appointment*, a person already holding the office i* dismissed, and tlie fact of his di*mi*s d i- une which the public have as much right to know, and which is of as much importance, as im.' appoint ment *>f a successor. \\ e want to he inform***’ of the fact of a dismissal in rd! these case*, in order that we may judge whether the practice of removal from office is subjected to that ‘just restraint” of which Mr. Ty ler speaks io his in augural address. We want tlte names of the person* thrust out of place that we may inform onrstlv* s whe ther tliev were dismissed for good reasc.n*. Ue want theit names also for the purpose of comparing tit* ir character and qualification*, with the eharac er and qualifications *>f tlte m* n who are to succeed them. We want to know whether tlie change i- likely to lie an advantage to tlte public, er an injury. To w ithhold itilormatioi! so important to the [ to pic, so necessary to I rm just conclusion* as to the conduct of the administration, is certainly a very Lad symptom. Ue say it with extreme regr*-t, but »r cannot call it by any other name than a p*ece ot low running, an intentional fraud, a trick to sere* tt tlte doings of the administration from the examination of til* s: ,i »ii , brinz !>i: \\ h. fl.ivi n .«nz2e*lfld I <1 ?t‘l! It* * tii-iil, : niii.o'iii' , i.r t*> nfio'd »** .ii-Kiffit wl'i*'ii s-Ik* Kould s t l„ r ii:|crc,t-=. «„n, „| irtii x|h mil .iit-tirplt * r.-mfrr these uioie rrilnw,, must t" *!»> I*'*' 1 *' ,( * Ml, / c/.'rii nt the toottrrn >; . i iiti*i!iii-al v* ,'■!* 'I**-* eve clu.ra. teiizrd "- 1 >* nrsis:. It’ rollirrlK'd, if.'Olf •Hit,Kill Di li , l llils ts <>IU' • it. They cm,Id onh koj e Iiinc. I’iiiilci!, I tie $<-uth sciile. Hence I have at alt :v zreut interest in assuiiiv- • liia.ij’lcs ithrcatl, vviltioVT a ;oii:c. \\ iii.ii, ot.r liiitnestic ml. Bv looting Wenditv nt i.ik-nt cii oilicrs, anil increase t!;,il an utialterr.Mc purpose' i -tore it to a Specie basin, peculiarly cl,aim leriv.c ilie a,tv. 'i!.i- limy l,e iii ne in , r Slates er not. t if-vis'atii r>. and a fixed re* .•liner* mu e. will acre lepli-h a:>■!» v-'i»a“, than ’.vou *t i c at. , I : flair-, tl.e Soutliern ,j [•,: -J ape , f e.xc!,ange.—- nriha i! i- bial, rate of ex* ■ Ini, , f i »-i anii iT.nrse? to , a lo the pluliti is* in rfi rn !tr er tif ; troll Wi .... a 3 «cil ut Com me i cm! : t„ r rl, o her ami ilieir icrn b< oveen mdoi,!m.ls_ put,lie at Ini at* in the rxei- .!- ile hi nrs ? It is nt last n amt , r< eiior. A nil vv !:u can • -i . !1 [ imni'C lo j,av, and .vr.;- ,;f Bank nirlnnircv CM !, solvency ol lliml. Jia- i sp. cul: lions. Tliev IniV- active eel' | pi i-e. To mo It „ilv an,; iiniiv nine! v inter 1 1, |,|« and ii.on vvllo ileal ill I ini'* tire likewise jotereMi d tiers, and deal not »ill, jf :J{\ 11» IlflVP ft I; • * T ■ f Ifllilo) Hi J \ J»l; Ski V **•. Iasno'tn's lu this : If is a - t < n.*iifute flic i* fi>— :!trir arprecintnl lulls is n • :—'i’iip i tfrinf i - «!iv i«!e it > I he i ■ - ! RDdeti 2 . rhn Cm5tH States Bank rtf. nt ft < o.f in tlis* . ! iir.-i hif» luiti’t r iri'tiT iffOfis fix? t .2. tm- v June IrsiletR t iFtp I'e-.'iliP.*■; and ye I the ■ iu* lie «>!<i fir?i» of . *t<\ - them <»n com* 11 l# (lovrri.ment and it* •> *}).•• rernrdv. Will the wiJJ i-p: in. M»ril I '• e a .1'- slut I 1.* eouvirsfffh f. tlie ulriitutfe rrmetly I u fhr firan r me, Jef rhose r norei ih* ir dnor«> hi ti Mill pay yj»*vie will rim.Di rinsr ihie liL-Gt hare r;t»t y»*t nrr n fr'* **f f!ir> c e whm h 'h< r ■. my mvii rr ui I'i.i.rtdf Jphih and !\Vvy >M—i.or v.ill I Tel! ir, ' I rr lnfioiis tn h ttsjide i f tr»y duty 'T d if. i•* nerff.rmetl, sav* IT! \v|?; i-h Vi >n tlie pnii- jflvs Oen- ;ur dt t ^erv r. A. COOPER. W I; d.*.v M)i lir-e Tacsd ruwnof RJn Kf.AS, iv IC ■r.di<• Ift.'l. r c\r, belo e the court, co utv, the follow inr <1 land, part of lr,t„ i C rc lo the estate of ■ iisend creditors. t'URTEK, Adrn'r. 1*>—td* Adiuinistrafor’s .Sale. J n v u>xt. in tlie vaults <>l the banlvs, ;md in tltt it tml' !, f tlte pe* 1 - tlif P*'"P pie, will vanish, and a dreary, hoped* s* era of irre deemable piper money, open upon this Cmmnoit- w. abb. I cannot bring my mind to contemplate this erto been customary to publish, and that it wtii it. scene, without feelings oCthe deepest repugnance, out to have been an arrangement of tlte cabinet nt.* N*>r can I believe it is right t*» fasten sncii a* ondition without his knowledge. ISew York Editing Post as tliis upon h measure indispensably necessary to We it tills 'Up • pe that Mr. Tvlrr has had nothing t » do w itii >re.**ion of that information which it lias iiith- >r fuvrt ot \Vaebinzton ccun- will b** sold on il,** fjrsrTnes- •r in SandHrsviliHj Washington tract of land, Iviog ari,rhc- ler* of tha l.iolo Ohoopie, ali en b - ;ndreil sevengv-five «■« oi J./d o Smith dco'd.— WM. SMI I ft, JORDAN R. : MITH, 5 Adia’sB. !6—ids. Administrator’s JSale vvluclt we i)o igltt when every thing was flourishing and I tiie healthful existence of tlie functions cf govern- vf t'ne ?N 1 o [i tid a large price for it too, property w lticit if now | ment sold under the Sheriffs hammer, will bring only about ^ . one third of that which we paid for it, and it will fi ave : Bank of ihe United Slates io make an assignment, ^p. |r cck, 32 32 pound carronades atid 4 medium lls in debt two tijirds of that which we paid for it, so j and also the exoneration of tlie trustees from giving, ‘I'he authority given to the s’nckho'der an To!;.! T99. yott see vve think it best to give the people the relief aj trual in :-ueh carts, scrunty for the- faithful To Kill Bed Bugs.—Mr. J mas Bacon of Liitionville states tons that gum camphor and bar- soap will effectually destroy that midnight, robber, the bed i tig—he mixes one ounce of tiie camphor, well pulverised, with two ounce* of the >orq>—this mixture • *hyof salt, isea-ilv applied to the crevices where the bugs bar J p-jrsuarcc to cn o a-r nr tbe * , wbei: sitling for ordinary . nr; day iu Anjruft next, at rho c-rat ■: • coiisty, wjthin the Ictrvi h > m of * land.P in- in the roua'y of Emaorje pis.adj iiniuc iaa .s ot : Jordan .■si’.ith, dcTd- s . af«rir>r Court of Wv-hiti-ton coun- :osi ?. will he sohi on the f.rat Tue* -e door in Swai.’iMw.rn, Em*nuef ale, oae h'lndridami fifty acresof >!. oa the w s of the Lurie Ohoo- other', ,1^. xs'nle nf b'.'.ft.* of tbe :>e;;3. Teies <**> the \W! SMITH, 1 (ittoV.