Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, May 28, 1841, Image 1

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£<litedby THOMAS HAYNES. OUR CONSCIENC E—O UR COUSTR Y—O UR PART Y. P. L. ROBINSON, rroprMtf. volume viii. MILLEDGEVILEE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28,1841. NUMBER 18. VERSES ET LADY STEr.NET. f ,1. changed—I feel ihon art changed, Though change thou dost deny; | f,,1 it ;is the storm is felt, Ei* seen upon the sky. j-'! nre ih'* signs that show the heart. •\i:,islight those showing iliiue; .\|i! » hr should time exhaust thy love, ,\u«l vvt not alter mine? Those eves which used to fill with light \\ hen I h~*ve gazed on thee; Thai voice, that into whispers sank Whene'er'j spoke to me Those eyes are cold—that voice has lost ]; S low. pecu'iai tone; Till now. 1 did uit know how much 1 thought thou wen my own. [5e alter'd —faithh ss—what thou wilt; • Mu' let me still believe That once 1 was beloved again— That thou didst not deceive! Mv present is a weary lot; Yl v future is o’er enst; heart, wliii h dreams and doubts distract, Tunis sadlv to the past. Away with flaunting, giggling, dancing, squander-1 roof and, with no threat struggle he might have gained j V\ RONG SIDE LP. j res' that heavy smith-work of this description ran fe irur, peevish, fashion hunting wives! The woman "11 lie top, wltem-e his leap ini" ‘lie midst »fihe crowd must 1 An editor of one of the weeklies says he lately in- j executed in this country. this stamp is a poor comforter when the poor husband I have produced a prettv tolerable sensation, I guess, sorted two advertisements in his paper—one, calling i The boilers arc of copper, each being 13 feet wide,' is sick or bankrupt. Give me the house-wife, who! Fortunately a courageous litile boy, about twelve j for a young man to serve as a clerk in a dry good j 14 feet long, 12 ft el 3 inches high, with double return can be a “help-meet” to h< r Adam : | years old, who had perched himselfon the cage, to see j store; the oilier, for an apprentice to the Blacksmith Hues, so that the Harms traverses the length of the the fun, stood quite firm when*all his older compan- trade. By the close of the week, when his next pa-j boilers three times before i: reaches the cbiiOAey. ions scattered to the right and left, in terror of the ! per went to press, there had been fifty different ap- : They arc strongly braced at intervals of eight inches, \ tiger’s open jaws close to them. Tliis bold young fel- ! plications for a situation in the tape and calico store, ! and are to be proved to a pressure of thirty pound* to 1 nave such a nitcmccm s »ue m uiv minus ^« : |j ovv | 1c m ,,, |,; s a ..hori stout club, and the in- j and not one for a chance in the blacksmith shop, j each square inch of surface. Each will weigh about gentle as the antelope, untiring as the bee, joyous as j gtauttlie ( jger showed himself above the ropes, he lent | This case, perhaps, preity well illustrates the gross i 50,000 lbs The cylinders are sit feet 3 inclits U the linnet, punctua , modest., confn ing. ,s f? - him such a'sound rap on ihe no«e, that the animal fell | mistake which is committ?d by our young men in diameter—T feet stroke. The castings weighed id tient, but resolute; aidmtr m counsel, reviving 111 ba<-k asrain into the enclosure, heels over-head, with seeking for the most honorable employment for life.— j the rough about 16,000 lbs. and in their finished state ‘For nothing lovelier can he found 111 woman, than to study household trood, And good works* in her hasband to promote.' iron—two for each enl- ach. arry between 700 and iffic ■ for about 25 day* The place of a woman is eminently at the fireside. '‘xptrie'. to d > in it sy i.tii. It is at home you in si see h r, to know who she L. Ii | ^ 11 ^ : {I e'’ r i|nA l ^ ,e is less material what she is abroad; but what she is in j :i '»•"» ] penciled off his head as h* none ««.a,|« « ■ - — / - . . ! of the other; but, instead „f gettm* i t-, a p .ssion, as j tv loexi ibit his strength, agmty and ingenuity.' iNo;. ttie Southwark f mindry, and m a manner that clial- j trarv, w nt of exercise which shall call all the fttnc- 'teaming, e other figure of j 'ions of the body into effect, is destructive cf health J All the work, with the exception of the very heavy h* It (I done that! a d 1 e. Docs it give ;! eindividual more opportuni- forging and the brass citing, has been executed at \ the Gfinilv vi.dr !» dl-iuipui t.tttt. It is had 1 lie whole of tK. m'Jcliiatfy I 1* • i ,« | • f i|r> rio'ie on the fir'i occasion wii* u he discovered I fi*r the dutie. of a cleik at his writing qcsk ot coun- i ; engeseomparKon i f«V Vher'menT'opinion’s In‘matrimony TeTl"! I the cheat, he stood petf still’, uit!, h : s tail on the t-r requires little h-dily effort, and about as little in- ; fleets the highest credit upon those enterprising | Ztou a v ffefor t" e pplanse or SS eS —d, his head drooping^nd turned away from the | genuity. Does * make a young man more useful to chmists, Messrs. Merrick and Town, il.ors is in a furw-tvlmva-dsdiiuHstich.,,'ru.ucv — h*hefelta>h,med of having bee., twice de-fsoebty and tl eWorld ? .No; for the mere waiter up- Her armament is intended to been a scale com- 1 Having .ot a wife 'there is but one mle-Jnorand ! ^vd. I- this attitude he remained several minutes, ! on the demands of fashion, can never compare, m , m ; nsura.e with her mag,ufleet,t hull and machinery. \lore her ~ Seek to improve her under fm-W 1 ( j with hi. eyes half closed, slightly mov ing hi, head j point of us'.ulr.ess, to the ingenious and industrious | Sue is pierced w ith twenty-six ports ,u all, but it is m- 1C ter. bt k t mipi vc li.t u rtci t. nu n b « • from <ide To side-after wlm h he d.dilieritelv laid him- mechanic We repeat, wherefore then is a situation as: tended that she shall carry but eighteen guns in all— | h**r S rive ,0 „,.k. her -ore .rod „,„re .eel,1 ‘ » J '» ' “ • ^ ^ ^ Irll I de, ki. » re,nil Z, more honorable ,b.» a ' j ri. af, .be » heel house af,d ,hree forward only, „„ ev, rv mao is nosed ,o„ave, or l„j | - - f^avh prodenliy ti.e.nselres„i,h a, ,he anvil, .he carpenter's benrh. or .be farmer's! » ^ho mil. vary pro ,en inch PaUh.og,,,,. for- t:ii<iug' a distant view ol the royal mast. Not one of them app:oached him except an English greyhound, and even lie vvast not such a fi in America tn " f' r , I'" 1 nierely barked and snarled j he came so close to the tiger’s nose ! the monster had not laid his paw upon prom thf* American Mechanic# TH E MECHANIC’S WIFE. BY CHARLES QCILL. lie about to have, a vvi. spoil-C' are divided in'" and b >d; very goo par expression—to man vvlm is a good is a good vvi/c t o needs a working wife; manners, and morals, .*• A he m.tny thousands ol , |)eirlp. ( g j (j u . woman who !ia- emiiarkcd with him rts. I liu- we have good ( or “p or better, for worse,” and whose happiness, .is a sort ol jp se vered from his smiles, must he unnatural anti III I’llW J I I U1 I I ' • ' ' l' , . . ,» | - t I It* , ■ , i c | drums and a number ol slinl! pipes, resemldiug' in itcness ire eou illv at home in courts and farm houses., . 1 1 , 1 .- . , • ,, ... 1 squeak that of our penny trumpets, only most pmn- Tlii'quality springs Iron, nature, and is the expres-, . . . , , ’ * * * i mi r" e. • i • i rr >i. 1 fulJv louder, and all plaviug at once, grievotislv dis- sio.i ol miaff.cted good will. Even in high lile, the , , ’ . ' . . c . , , . ° turhed us during the whole exhibition. Iii'dtcv von tr-' the simpler do manners become, la-, 1 ’ ■, r , - , - .. • . , " , - ULr i i i vi in i i On one su e ol the space within the ring two beau rad* and “fn's of manners are the marks of half bred \ ,n ... , . . . , . . . , .... j ,..;ii „ n ,i I tifn Leopards stood chained to >eparate posts. As neon c. True simiiiicitv and native goodwill, and 1 , , . . , ■ , A workingman hut as to qualities of mind, | he cannot run too high in the | scale. There is an error prevalent concerning this. j Gif’s saas, “I do not want a wife vith too much | sense.” Win not. 5 Perhaps Giles will not answer,— : “Because. I am afraid she will lie an overmatch lor! me.” Giles talks ike a simpleton. The unfortunate j men who have their tyrants at home are never mar ried t" women of sense. Genuine elevation of mind cannot prompt ai:v one, male or female, to go out of i,i< or her proper sphere. No man ever suffered from an overplus of intelligence whether in his own head I or Id' wife’s. Hodge says, “I w ill not marry a girl who lias too j mmli milliners.” Very well, Hodge; you are tight; inn much of an v thing is find. But consult r » hat you ...... . . say: Perhaps you mean that a fine lady would not. <’»' bodies ol pom emeu bearing .nit von.—Very true; I should not desire to see you joined for life to what is called a “fine lady,” to-vvit, . . . . .. ■' , i i i" i : with which the sovereign people were kept troui pr an who treats von as beneatii her level, sneers mi n I i r plough? No reason in the world can be given why | ward, which are to traverse the greater part of a circle t should he so; and, therefore, we decide tiiat it is on a swivel, these two guns will be able to carry shot is to press matters not and must not be deemed more fashionable than J of one hundred lbs. weight. The other sixteen gun* ed once or twice 1 sturdy labor. The world has too long been wrong, will he of eight inch bore, and will carry sixty-four that we wondered side up in this matter; it is time it changed its po- ! pound balls. The intention now is to bore out double m him, and crush- : sition. j fortified forty-two pounders for this purpose. This, ed him at a blow. Meanwhile, the re-t of the dogs j A good trade for a young man of 21 years of age, however, may ultimately be abandoned, and eight in a body attacked one of the chaiied-ip Leopards— i is worth more to him than $1,000 given him as capi-J inch ordinance, cast for this especial purpose, be a most unfair contest: but as he bid the good fortune ! tal to begin with as a merchant. That capital may— adopted in thetr stead. . . to catch one of them on the hip he gave such ev i- ! and the chance is it will—disappear under the reverse On her upper main deck all her guns are intended The Rajah hiving ordered the sports to commence ■ f ] 1>nrP 0 r capacity that the barkers, leaving the no- ! of fortune; but a trade never can be taken from him to be placed. A large space is left in the centre of we turned our eyes to the area below with much curi- !j](i on ,,‘ i ‘p sram:lere rf n fi' in a chase of the | ! >y thieves or sheriffs. By that lie can ahnn/s get his the berth deck for the engines and machinery. There osity, to st'e what should first happen. In the middle ( ],. M £; rr? Tliese poor heas's. un ified by the sound I living, and a good one, il he is industrious and honr st. are two coal bunkers, each about eighty feet in length; of the great square an enclosure or ring, about thirty ^ofles at tb-ir tails, and worried 'by the do--', ■ A trade which requires bodily exercise^ is conducive and are situated on the larboard and starboard side* or forty yards across, had been formed by means ola vv ,. re ,. )0n -r. p t<) the rrromd after which a dis- 1 to health and cheerful spirits. It is free, too, from of the engines. Her compliment of men will be about * liases, sales two hundred, the berths fi>r whom will occupy all the il and very had; am h’ruble. Il is not every' good wo- ^ monstrous. In fine, I am proud of nothin wif nor is it ever” good vvife who j m „ r }, as ofottr American wives, the mechanic A TIGER BAITED. From Fragments of Voyages mul Travels, by Crot X., F. R. S. ■ion ora; d to the grouin double line of posts, 10 feci apart ami 10 feet high, over, tailt !l( . t ; OI1 w;is commenced which w as cast a strong.netting, forming a secure wall iiii'i thole* no results, as military men expi?-s it. lards with ! perplexities which attend a life n: I ami speetilaiion. A trade, tiierefort pure of ropes, but so loose that it hung in folds. to the j By this' time probably the rrjah, and certainly Li- than a clerkship, and if vvliat is worth the most shot ground. The populace filled the rest of the square, ( . OI , * riy ' t were p rU tv vvell tiret. of so much nonsense; j he regarded as the most desirable ami the most fa; alomr with the guard, some mounted, some on foot,, nn p j,i s j ul( .;, s turning to one of his courtiers de- ionable, we must insist upon it that the fifty yon and I am afraid to sav how many Elephants there might be—20 or 30 at the least, together with numer- ong poles with flags at the end. Tliese, I presume, were intended for show; hut another set carried immense long whips, two great numbers upon the ropes. consisting of and a number of shrill pipe A dozen toavroMu at your friends, and is above her business. But this is : sm! f 111 ..... • ■ ,• . r nut good manners.—Real good manners and true po-j ^ 1 liteness areequ »llv at home in courts and farm houses. flrnms rii mg anininl. Me immemateiv *• >• ■ , , ’ , , * . , , , , , , . r , , , r0 . e ; vill , r . lllo(i(et a ;. ; they may strut in all the displays of a f dse and perm- ; rident or tn battle she should spring aleak. ecu' creature fell hack, and ; cions fasliion, will find their disreputable level far be- bulwarks are cut away at the bow to allow the would prevent her from slaking or filling, if by ac- Tbe ten ! these animals had been caught in the jungle the day rad* a peopf . kind regard for the convenience and feelings ofotn> r. , , , , , tl kitchen- and I ! >core, nothing could be more sleek a. d glossy th ... their coals. Near these noble beasts, as it in con trast, were turned in quite loose, two jackasso, each of which drew behind him, tied to Ids tail, a globular emptv leathern bottle, cafed, I think, a d ibhah, about as large as n man could gra-p in ld< ni'ui- Into machines a handful of gravel or cried peas had been inserted, to make a mdse as the poor donkeys moved about. On the other side of the an na two painted wooden figures of men were placed in a leaning pos ture against stakes fastened in the ground. Exactly opposite to the rajah, at the further -id* of the ring, a huge cage, composed of strong wo >d. n liars, had been vvlict ;ed dose to the ropes. A door on that side of the cage which faced ns being now draw n up. we discovered a large royal Tiger siuing m <h f ' attitude ot the sphinx, apparently till ready for a spring. He looked exceedingly fierce, and m> won der, for the poor wretch had been kept with little or no food ever since his capture in a pitfall in one of the « *"<■>•»»' “‘"I’"' ' i great fiik fo'esls of ihe MaLbnr up,v a r,| i0 r V ' '' , , ii I |, vn davs before. The royal anim •0. ,, , But ahem there « reason .» all . (spor , t „' Mks „ k „, , rc a,.. ( i'h!„, "lI: an,. eon have jus, given is that „f| so nneoaueomlv, ami, like ,1,0 child’s, became, is made do I "'ken the netting you.—Does ! opened for limi into the . in-. the dreadful hullabaloo of so many thousand will ensure good manners, even in a have ^ccn many a vulgar dame in an assembly, and many a gen'lcvvoinau in an humble sited. Nay, your ttir must have good manner 1 . Ralph declares, “I hope I may never have a rife who i- too strict and moral. ’ Now, mv good Ixalpo, von talk nonsense. Who tauglit you that cant? Are mu afraid that your wife will be two virtuous? ‘Bless me! no.’ Then you rather prefer a moral wife to an immor- t! one ? ‘Study.’ Are von afraid, then, of a religious wife ? •Why Miim thing like that was in my head; for there n neighbor Smith’s wife, who gives him no peace of Ii- lil'i', 'ii” is >o religi- us.’ I,ei in* hear how she behaves herself. ‘Why, die is forever teaching the children cut of th" Bih'c.’ And you, Ralph, are an enemy to the is worth more space on the berth-deck, from the bow up to thirty Id fee* aft of (lie foremast, then come the bulkheads of idi- the engine room and the coal bunkers. These bulk- ting heads run aft, flush w ith the mainmast, all aft of which sire, go dmvo M ,1 . com will. . and ar- j men vvlio applied for tile 'situation above alluded to, j, preserved for the senior and junior officers. B»- rmv. n Idol, was handed to Ida,. The officer descend- ' "ere very foolish in their preference. . | ! ." e ^ “ ed aeeordiuidv. and having pa-ed to,I,at side Me tr„,l tin- lime is when labor shall be , is divided ,,,,,, five eoniparlinenls by four water tight „f, he ring uhere the tiger hu,, ery deliheratelv shot | considered no disgrace; nay, when i, nil be respected run bulkheads, winch r„nath»ar, ships, dud_wh,ch an arrow at the uuoff. mling animal." He imme.iiateh j truly honorable; mid when idleness and vice, thhiigh sprung at the ropes, hut flliV 111 Ills lll't'3't. lllr iniiti t.irninic itn imui. nuu j > * . . i .t • .stood ]o .king repr- ... I,fully at his opponent. This ! I<nv the honest man who earns his bread by the sweat inch guns to traverse and play, and there are pieces gave th<* uiicoiiCcri.ed courtier time to draw a third j ^ ,l> brow, arrow from Ins quiver, and so on until the wretched i bea-a was Iitt”raliy i'ristled all over like a port upine; vet, to our great surprise, lie 'till kept his feel. As the arrows pieiced his side, he merely turned round .. . , ,> , .. his lie:,,! ami broke them off with his month, leaving j P^t one o’clock yesterday the steam frigate M.fM- Baron Smith to one of those extraordinary sensation* the barb far within. We observed an arrow pass j sif>P* was launched m the presence of not less tna clean through his hods from side to side, and cmhl I 30,000 people. It was ai beautiful sight. • ol hut remember the old song of “Chevy Chase,” | the water with (lie lightness ol ■ e the grey goose quill, a doth-v ar.l long, is wn | ^nce of a swan. A more perfect model of n aval the heart’s l.lot.d of a wanior. As nothing I rhiit-cUire was probably never seen, could he more di- igreeable than thisiueth<>d of putting st) noble an animal to death, some of us sent up a pe- ! titi .ii to the rajali that one of the party might lie al- i lowed to go down for the nurpo-e ol despatching him j a hi Anglaise. This favor was readily granted, and When this stale of tilings shall arrive, hung by hinges as por'-shutters, which fit in these tendency of our republican institutions will be felt appertures, to give it the appearance uf being built up .. i in their excellence in their ultimate results. ; solid.— Philadelphia Letter. ‘ i 1 : The Steam Frigate Mississippi. About half PpvE EXISTENCE.—The following is an allusion by a ron Smith to one of those extraordinary sensation* on whose existence Plato grounded his beautiful fan- win with keel of the M She glidt d f> ather am! the dd it was curious to oh.'*rve.liow in>iautaueou« flcath fid- loivnl the passage ol a single musket ball, though eight or ten arrows had already gone through and through him without producing any visible efifi ct. A CURIOU; Al. f 1 ahrsist P, hints It by din space and snee curiou' kind ’.—A number of ye; iiit h, an ol i oliicer, lalmr of c .te. pill .r.- ro. men have been e:u > nt- months. Sin Align-t, of about 100 d upon tier, a period of twenty- asures twelve h el more in length •Ii time a d. tasty, that all knowledge is only remembrance: “In connexion with the phenomena of memory, may I hewhere permitted to t die notice of a certain mystery or marvel whi h has or ca'ionally presented itself to me, ami in voucher of the existence of which I have the experience of others, in addition to mv own? I mean that strange itnoression which will oc- castonaiiy come with untxpcc.ed suddenness on the umetr than the great ship Pennsylvania, same building, and though she lia' a lew feet !e beam, her wheei-h use gives iu'r the appearance much greater width. Her cliiiieiisio •d from the mind that the scei and in which we ■arc. and in the very •e as follows : I eet Inches lucii'g o) entirely m w and Tiiese eaieri'illars are the Length of Keel, Length between the perpendiculars, Extreme length from the cuts ater to the tafl’rad, id ill of lie in moulded, or width at the timbers, The same outside of planking, 206 2 20 p am a child, and, like the child’s, because, is inane to no ; "|d” T , . U , , . , . i _ ! nnonpfl for llim llllO the lUliT. A CFil.-lJ (1 >ervii e, I>n( !^t me uh ifr^tnii Mr-. Suiiilt teach the childr u any; thing wrong? ; «t ^ bawJinsr out> drum3 heating, and horns sound- ‘0, no!’ But plague it all. H one of t Kin hears , J n f elephants tossi-gup their trunks, and mid. let fly an oath, it begins to preach atjiim. j ’ T £ n(] pra „ c i„g‘ all round. Possibly, h c„ yon have children, to have ^ ot hav P p feI( te mptod In the dainty com- 311(1 o:,SCf - !ie yf s are common. , ! ('""J ° f ^ of Sticks ^ir' thmr.pi -g' on the ‘Dear me. Mr. Quill, you wont understand me. j L ( '• , . • ”... ... i- .... i , i; | i,i, hind vi i ' it i • ij .1,,!, I cao-e roil d make him start tai R oi siiet t, mi ini \es, I umlersta- u you fully. It « J*o«, Kalph, * ~ . b!()wn lip by a handful of squibs and ill ilix lint nn/lorcfoik/l «•#-»«» p-nl I f .anL IlMl'P. \l I'S. 0 ^Ftl \\ t • cast into his den. o! Alumrii, an ol t olticer, amused ting tin lalo-r of c 'ter pillars wi'hin a led i't pr f fahri”. larva of a butterfly known by the name of fine a pane- , . . , •„ fa/a, or, according t . other'..atnraiists, ir.ea vadiUa. ! Extr(rac brta,Ul! outs,,,e the I seemed very ill ' . . ’ . , , ’ ' . hovp« Their instinct leads h cm to construct above them- ’ ■’ selves a covering of extreme fineness, blit, neverthe- | Depth of hold. less, covering can ventor made these i i clear course he felt alarmed of firm enough to he impenetrable by air. which ! Measurement of tons (percarpenter s he easily detached from them. The in- j measurement) asa double decker, cts work on a suspended paper ' Measurement a? a sing t t e< .\*r, 39 40 02 6 2.3 6 1788 tons. 1945 tons. 1 lien you wish, w| iliertx to teach t!i*- Smith is so religious that it she proceeds as she has j crackers . | die ti er nve i e i i ii. . i . ■ . • i ... Tiie instant the explosion took place, the li_er gate begun, her children will nreak tm-ir fat.ter ol his low | J ne nisi r( i wil i 1 r blasphemies. 1 h-pe y ou may get j .st such a wife. a tremmdoas roar, and forw. rd will, reat. ^ ‘Bm then, Smith c»n’t spend a couple of hours at; violence into tin hk e, v,,e most sirnicioi^I 1 1 j and then glared his eyes romfd with a most sti,picious I r j model, to which lie gave exactly the form and size which lie required. He thus obtained, at pleasure, i among other artich >, square shawls, of the dimensions j (.fan ell; shawls two ells in length and one in width, ! an neroM-atic balloon, four feet high by two in li.wi- i z i nt.a I diameter; a lady’s en ire tlr. s«, with -h eves. • : .ut without seam. NN hen lie wi>lie I to gixe to the ! fabric anv prescribed sii >pe, all to tiiel uind uecessa- j ry was to touch the limits which ought not to he pass ed with oil, for which tin* caterpillars have a u.ilur Measurement by the rule tiiat the ton nage of the st.-am ship President is estimated by, Shelns two magazines; one f-rwa 2283 lou? and one alt. 1 e now pas> ! s’lare, is one which, In (lie very . words, with the same persons, and with the same feel ings, we had accurat- Jy rehearsed, we know not 1 where, before, it is tin* most t xtraordinary of sensa tions, and is one wl i- it will o;*cur where, in what is : going forward, there i s nothing remarkable or ol par- ! tieuiar interest involved. W idle we speak, our for mer words are ringing in «.nr ears, and the sentence* i which we form are the faint echoes of a conversatiori j Ii id in olden time. Onr conscious thoughts, too, a* ! they rise, seem to whLper to each otiter that this is 1 not their first appearance in ‘his place. In short all ! that is now before us seems the apparation of a dlB- ! longue long departed—the spot Aral rcsurrcctibtt of j of scenes and transactions long gone by. Or we may i he s lid bv the momentary gleam of a flash of remini- j s' ence to lie reviewing, in ;i mysterious mirror, the [dark reflections of times j.a'i, and living over, in mi- ! nut” and shadowy detail, n duplicate of the iticident* j of some pre-existent stale.” lin- d all round with coop- r, fitted with wooden tank' ;i.ied '.vith lead, and thus made wh diy impervious to water. In case :h ‘ vessel should spring a le ak, or h\ •epngnance, so strong tiiat they will not come in | ( ,!d practice of carrying it in barrels. •ontart with it. The fabric, alth >ugh periectly j She Ims tiiirty water tanks, twelve at the engine and consistent, surpassed tiie finest cambric in lightness, i eighteen forward. Ttie'e tanks are ol wrought iron, The balloon which we ha\e mentioned weighed less j securely riveted; water-tight, and enclosed in w-oden he tavern for ft ar ofhswife! , . ,. „ , ... . , ..... , - , . Ah? what d .es he go to the tavern for? *-owl. After survey mg t h p fr r °u n‘f 1->r a f- w . u tid' . ^ fiye ffniins . Tiie warmtli of the hand was snf- | rases . They are of different size and shape,and when •Ju-t t . set and chat, and drink a little.’ j he turned tad, and in a m«.>t l > ' ° j fi, i C nt instantly to inflate it; and the tl m e of a single j stowed form a level surface.. Docs she fetch i back; but, observing tne door ol his •• s ., ; ifi , (( | ie j f ] ulK ier it fi r a few seconds, was enough to j The frame ot this frigate is ot live oati, from T to- i swerved on one side, and leaped win prodigious ' to-, ’ con«ideralde height, whence it would j r iJn. The frame is admirably secured by iron tras- Had the cords not been lelt 1 ,, c j lence against the ropes. Hart the corns not neen ien ■ ^ V, ce . 1L j ( * or * a half an hour. When a sh»w 1 of the ; running from the gun deck to the set ond futtock I so loose that his force became ex penned ^ leloie tiny , ^ 0 f square ell had been well stretched, it was blown j head, bolted through the frames. These are five feet ! were drawn tight, I verily believe he might Have bro-j * . . „ n5 0 f a srna li pair of bellows, and j n part, four inches wide, and three quarters ol an inch ken through the meshes or pulled down some of tin-, ^ * - Instead of this he merely got entangled with j resen, J if! posts. tided a-light s agitation ol And how docs Ins v. it'e inteifere? 5:’cn I mr,t ? 'No.’ Hoes she chastise on his return? ‘Oli, no!’ Hues slit* scold him then? ‘Xo.’ " I*t is it .lien that disturds him? i !be linos, and, losing all his patience, if he ever' |H«- | y ^ liy, she looks so solemn and mournful, and shuts | sessod any, he raged and toait 5 ,ls 1,n & 115 1 c 0 s bers^if up so and cries, whenever he is a little di'gui-; in the most furious style, ti. >e g”t lte * • n ur ^‘f, that the man has no satisfaction.’ j ning round he shot across the area a oi.gitve Good! And I pray he may have none until he al- Ier ^ his course of life. A proper self-respect would teach every noble j “Parted American, of whatever class, that he cannot too high a value on the conjugal relation. \VK . — . - _ na , v judge of the welfare and honor of a community I run cold. As soon as he detected the trick, lie i st, - o , , j ,; ie assembly in a very head violently from him, and then tore the corner stone, ana artdressca ine assemuiv ^ Dutchess County Farms.—On the 2«i instant; the farm of Mr. Tobin-,. Teller, in Red Hook, wa» sold at auction by a Master in Chanceiv. Itcoo- tains 422 acres of choice land, h ing adjacent to the aki .g fire should render u necessary to overflow her j y -.j lRlfe ofRe{ j Hook. It was purchased by AldeMMtt w ith water, the powder would he kept dry and tu for f/. iailiber i a ; n D f ty ew York, fbr $34 ; 1S2‘ being $8t in'tant u.*e. Tois is a great improvement over lhe : an 3rrc- Mr. R ichard S. Davis, of the town of Ijlinton, ha* recently disposed of his farm, ron*istiiig ol 165 acres, at a fraction less than $80 an acre. On Saturday last the Georgeviile farm, the proper ty ofthe late Maj or Hatch, lying about two miles from •Ids village, was sold at auction for $9,000.—It cent .in:- 125 acres, about I? of w hich are unprodne- ttvc smoke, subject to th** slightest ihi c k. Between the berth-deck damps and the bilge tpe atmosphere.—JJostou illercaiHtle I nrt> trusses of ll 111 be* r SIX 111C ilC 5 Tiie main kelson is Thf AIorMONS.—The corner stone oftheGreai streaks at sgcoud futtock and first futiock OCftds, tlie t' are trusses of timber six inches square, running at r ijr})t ancles with the braces of^live oak, two feet deep; there are four wing kelsons of white oak, on which the bed plates for th* engin s The-e prices, as well as sexcrai other sales of which we nave heard, show tiiat farms in Dutches* slightly, if any, affected by the depression ttf c i. —P'tvgkkeep, it Tt ’• graph ■ his claws, and then made an- energetic manner in a speec.i bv massive cast iron framing, in the Gothic style, combining in an of about an hour’s eminent decree strength and compactness. met On the w hole, the exercises passed off with utmost order, without accident or the slightest cros'hear 4 its wives and mothers Opportunities for acquir- j flung th 1 ? knowledge, and even accomplishments, are hap- figure all to pieces with his claws, and then made an *J| 'v -pen to every class above the very lowest; and ' other attempt to break through the enclosure, but with , . l ')e wise mechanic w-ili n-t fail to choose such a com- j no better success than at first. j 1 , ? an '">n as may not shame his sons and daughters in I really thought at one time lie would have effected dis'.ur'ance. rener~ '~ “ ac . j Oold Springs. In addition '-'at coming age, when an ienorant American shall be his escape by climbing over at where h;s uion, under be uirevtmn _ 1 ’ smecimens of heavy forging, they are pMpabte e video-1 man ’ - Both bK'forepaws were actually on the! quitted htmsclf in a truly officer mie manner. . f Ch atterton.—This melancholy poet once wrote a political essay which w as rendered useless by tiie ^ death of the Lord Mayor of London. Aitiobg bi* bv about forty papers the following memorandum wis found, rditia^ diameter, run- | to this incident: s covered bv the j Lost by the Lcrd Mayor’s death on tiiii essay, Gained, however, by elegies and essays thereon, I am giau he is dead by il 11*64 £5 5s X315s6d The piddle wheel, shafts, cranks, connectin'/ rods. ads &c„ are immense masses of wrought iron, . . v»“" ul ”• V’, ~ 1 .- i c„ r(rf *d at the West Point Foundry, at! daughter m the different langu: nl Benuet commauded the he- j wnich^were tl ; j; *• b - n)fr beautiful f plied, “No, si-, onr tongue is sO$cient for a Milton was asked if he intended to instruct hi* ages, to which be re- si o. ' ! cacc f.tooa.