The Brunswick appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1879-1881, November 20, 1879, Image 3

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ADVERTISING RATES. FRn SQl’Ani*!. Itt’nv* tiretinrertDr. . P 00 An! • ib# qie! In vrti.n 50 Sir Vp* e?a/.Tito D* Ken •'y tn*f -<Jt • *aer.t. KAvertisementv ir»m repponribte p***]ea will he publish* » until •»(■ !«”■'•(! ‘*h-»r. th* '••«*■ i* n« t •|v»cia.*t uthe/oyy, au4 puvruont ex te<l accorl* iug]y. <*b:nux mieation- f«»r riiividua) ♦>•«• fit. or of -i yer*•»»•»! •huuoter. chn rt d t*»<lvert<»em*'nf» M ;»’ia O«»Wn try untie**? u t iing ten (tana, solicited f»r free oablicMinu Wb«*n *x cw ling tn>t «mc . hAreed for ah •4<erti*» Jbentf HUI* lor i|v>rti«e<o»nt* 1 te un*»n presentation a t »rthe fti-bt •. but a spirit ot cv * 3 arc in )• •erelity •/•libs ure'ttaedt <zrd ‘^nlarpntr me ‘owil *» iiH-iu i rsuu liu.k the atx \< rule ••■ill ba adhere *to wit hunt lev'al i. u. jab department Umvlqk power *>.•*• vm*, ue* type, a wtock i»f all Mitieotptp r tu.j r.rda. the ' ppeal * >ffirt* .a pr«« .a-»1 Io promptly x*»rnte eer variety oi i.*o u i-iinglr on - -ar i r» a u-wter, in Unjust a \ ►ty . a tywi. tu the a . aud «o?.cita from it? rlci ia ad - ■■• uiibn *, for ♦•ui meets, porrso, UNU-.tILSS. CAT.DS. ULKNi , BILLS OF LAVING CHECK:S. RECEIPTS, HILL HE WH, LETTER HtIAHS, , LABELS and everything else the putrtk may <inK printed. There ia no eicuee for rending your orders bar Job Printing abroad, when you can have cheap, ftne, extra or fancy printing fiuiahed at your own city Printing office. til commauicatlona. Into re. or anything for the affkau should be addreaned to CAREY W. STYLES. Brunswick. Georgia CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Municipal Government. Mayor-John B. ■ aheraham. Hymuk aor Council—W. W. Watklna, Chairman, an 1 M< Met. J; M. Cooper, M. J. Colton, J. P. Har.ey. a. T. Putnam, J. E. 'JulMgnon, T. 0. bteej jnd J. B. Cook. Cucu a raiuacun— lamaa Houatoa. CBl'P MaaMlai—J C.'■orman. • wurraxr Melia-H. 8. McCrary. PoiacßMM -T W. Flan ter. aul J. L. Beach Cirr hrroßXsre—Good ear 4 Barria. Fobb I'MTUCIaR axu Hkaltb Orricu Dr. J. S. Blain. Cm CaraaciAX-Dr L. B Daria. Hibb.>b Maerna-G. 1. Hall. Toby W nnxxr— Wm.Turaer.Barr Winton and W. G. Dava.iport. AB.BIMOB ron 1378. ‘TO. 80—Jamer E. Lambright. Kbmhcb or Gcann Honan are Clbri or Sour —D. A. Moo.a. tanolWmn urn nr -G. W. Aymar. Miif-ox coionsi. CrMxTr.xr—°a orne Maaon. 374.VD/A-G CO f MITTKES Fib.mci—Coupe . Watkina and Da Big non. Towx C nitox-—Harvey, Bt«*y and Colnou. Hanno.—Cook, Wat. 1 a end Harvev. HaiLaoav.—D.Big-ion, Colaon and Htrvey. Braxm, Viulira axo Kainura. —Watkln., Pulnan*, and Dußlgoon. CaxrrsnlicH—stacy, Conj e and Harvey. Fcblic roil am and Wattli.a Education—Stacy Conpe.- an J Colaon CuaniTT— Putnam. Dußiguor, an t Conk Fibx.-Dip abtmcxi-Piißfguon. Cook and Stacy. City Council .acet-a. ’ity Hall ey. r, Wednesday ‘ Bight, at 7.30 o’clock. <.7<iunt .v Offioorß. JvnnxSuritKioß Cornr it. L. Merah .... Woi.t.’iTi n-aax B'l, -un .n >V. Hitch. SuKßtrr—Joae|.h K . amb.ight. Oam Ast—W H. I'e ri . CtKar SuvKßtoß i'ocuc T. O’Conno Jr. Tax ItheKivEß i'm Turner. Tax Cent cron Win. a. Bente. Corxir tßKasfuru—J ,hn P. • 'ottXTir coMMtMuoxcns-J. W Tiaon, Jam. a M. I Conper ai.d John B. Ha' er- bam JviKig*i'r>iTxrr I'niruT-G >i. Mabry. CovttTT sv veto- —E. A. Peunin an IvaTlci: or THK I‘K\C —la-xee E. i«ju:br<ght. I Con .Hi.n—! B. D.nia Notaiit rvniac afd .'x-Orncio J. p._w. H. c Cok.-r ; Sue rior C-nv t .-o wuet she t urth Monday in M ya--d Novetnb'r ,IA IltkF hl'-ktilig of Coil ity • '‘.urt—Third M nluy in ino dh. - l)nn Comty Co .■ -rs and the <3l n County tg-ic ilt ini oc.oty m .et <>u Ui« fl.a i Wednead-iy in each ro -ntti. t’nilcl State-H Offitinra. Coti.ncTonorCfirToMß—Brun-wick D atrlet—Jin . T. CoUlna. Headquarter,, at BiuvrWick. Dri’urr CoixitcToa—Pout or Bavxawxcg—H. T Du’-n Pirvrr colibct-b Ixrgnx.L Bavgsrw—D. T. Dunn. PoeTMiaritß— Untie North. Vnitbi. Srarra Dkfvtt Mibahal—J. M. Couper. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CATHOLIC CHJ'RCH. Sunda -a—Maa at t > a. M , Citechiam and In airueli m at 3 r K , Voaitra and Benediction at 7:30 r x. Maa. e ery morning at 7:30. Übv. P. J. McCabb. Faetor. PHBMBVTKHIAN CHI HCH« TitVINE Service, every Sabbath morning at eleven *' /"cinch. Sabbath School al ten o' a. ‘ «n. Pre .chlng on St. Simona lalat.d. every Kabbaiti at half paxt tour ,p. m. B. A. MtcUß, I'aalor. ST, MARKH EriM-OPAL CIfUKCH. Dlv’ne Service every Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, and eve-y Sunday evening, at H o’clock. Sunday School at 4 o’clock, r M Prater, every WcdrieaOay, at 3 o'clock, r. M. ’ - HEV H. E. LUCAS, Rector. HRTHODIB T CHVRCH. M .rnlii|e,i« pi n Sal-lxith «t llo’-l ck. Evening ' •ertuo . K*bb*th -.t 7 3<* o’clock. Sahbath H. h<»ol -t : t ■ ’r| h! f. m. Pre e >«ervlce, Tbur«d<y. st 730 ’ c’tlo kp. m The Hvly Cbinmunion b<l nivi«ter<*<l • •be T sehbatL mor i> gine* b a-ntb. ft. • bl ftjgera pordiaily i .vit«d. R. L'. Howiikii. Far tor. <HIT«CII. Divine worship ev»»ry Entity exempt the third ng tMtrvicp cortm. vr«t* 4 11 o'clock. A. ! Cvening a trice rouniicneca a’ r.a f-naat seven R in* day Bch«4'evcr‘ Bnhd«y autr o<*n •» 3 o’ 1 »ck.- Prayet tneoth.g every Wcdo*a< * att ruooo at halt peat thn-e o’ciuvk. Ail are ifc it-d. Z C. WaRP. Paetor. MMBHMMIMIMManaM* * fMMMMMaW- | Ocean I 4 6«tfcp 21*1/F. &1. A Gena;. Lodge No 2i;, I 3 1. t'i- Bri Muuctay nlghii.u »ach n-u.tb. at 7<, »'*l. ?k. at tin <hty Hall. J. J Speab, W. X. Jxh Ho* TOS, btt. 3BA *O*T L3D3E. No GH ' 0 O. F Regu ar meetl’ ”verv Tti *eday nigk l, M o’oclck. llehft.-ca o.tirrce tneetitiF*MThiir*d*’ °>, jular JewFvo m ‘tingPh Thursday »n‘•erh ro *»h Officer#— • Wan', N. <♦ : F ’< H* F »i- V. (I ; I . Piy» rm. /p’ surer; J. E Laaxbr gh\ «eia\v; burr Wiu o*.. P <♦. IB !■— I* .. - id—kt .raRHBU. L 11 PIifVESSiON CARD?. c. F. OOOPYEAR , *• X- '<*«**■• GOODYEAR & HARRIS, iTTO tNEYb KT LAW, BLPSHWICR. GRORGIA. f imcg—lv Seaport Appeal Building. Practice ti» ' 9 tii -’ juutiee us tuc Bruuxwick c*rc* it i' >• City o| Darieu, Ua ov W. ts. W. J. WILLIAMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRI’NSWICK, • • OEOUCHA. ()FFIC« h> Lltt’efleld 4 Tieou’a Hew °» a. B. MABBt. ‘ ! CBOVaTt MABRY & CROVATT, ATTORNEYS AT L/OT, ®RU -IWIOK, • • • OEOMOIA. OHaa iu BBeroar Arra*i Building (uoriO-iy The Appeal. FVBURBEIA RVKRY THURSD AY AFTERXOON', AT IRUNs VICK, GEvKGIA N >VE HER : : : : : 20th. .87® HOME MAITE S. Ft HLH lll:n»S NOTICK. O'viug; to the ; ivd couditiou us the .iie«, 1 J.nll attiuij’t to get oat iib p per next «••< k. The n* xt issue will •rpntar TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Det - über 2L, tint! on each Tuesday ’.her uftcr, iiistmil of Thurs Jay as tiu uou.tced. i Ami now let us have a hotel • Send roitn.l to Mr. T. W. Dexter : for a load of wood, and keep warm. There is a little for st of spars and I masts in Turtle river. The registered voter has pai l his money, and will take his choice. The health of the city is reported good, notwithstanding tin recent very warm weather. If you desire to consult a broker, insurance or realestate agent, call on Mr. J. M. Dexter. Ye local has’ut got the run of the city yet, and therefore exp ai’t indul gence for ineag"rness. A good hotel is the first thing iu order. Brunswick will need a hotel, wheth er llie Central gets the lease or not bear that in mind. Wanted—A house with eight to twenty rooms, -em the btiHinens por tion us the city. kpply al thia office W< call the atlemiou us our capi talists and business men to the t'acr • hat a gooit hotel is a sineqtiu nun t » he j-r vth and prosperity of a city. More coudorfable dwellings are wanfo-i in Brnuswick. Twt ntv nd tages .-o’t' J 1».; rented right i.ov, if ( a live .'.'id 'st.’te ini ’ nntii.g agent i had t .0 to rent. Ou . t.stei' te l neighbor, the Adver-j tiser, in its si issue. ftirtiidies a list i .>f on- hr.u : d places of business in j Brunswick, each one of which shall tie . •is-reiifter heard from iu our report’- ’ ’ nd and advertising columns. Mr. T. W. Dext. r, at Collm’s' wharf deals in genor d m rchandi'-e, j as I will ‘urnish h iy ’’rain, grits, meal &a. and Mr. I’enm nan is always there t • take your orders. See advertise ment. .•larket its. —Owing to the pi ure it gening out a firs 1 issu •, it h>-..- been impossible to make up mar ket r. ports for this paper. A commer cial column will appear regularly here after. Messrs. Littlefield and Tison are c mmissiouand fowar ling merchants, shipbroki is, packet line igents &e. 0.11 on them at the large wharf depot of the Macon Hid Brunswick railroad. Clever gentlemen, and will treat you well. Courtesies extended to us by our neighbor, Mr. Stacy, arc gratefully acknowledged and highly r ppreciatud. Wh»*n unexpectedly pressed to get out tnis issue of the Appeal, his son, the foreman of bis office, responded promptly to our application for a swapping of work, and rendered u« most valuable services. “The Yellow Jassamiue,” a beauti ful littln poetu, by “Yellow Jassamine,” an authoress of rare merit, well known iu this city, is received, and will ap pear in next issue. Many thanks to • >ur fail friend for the contribution, and forth ■ valued ’.xpressionu of wel come container! ’o her kind greeting. ■ The Bay and the G ui, preside 1 i over b; Massrs. Doerfliuger A Wentz, are about the moat comfortable places i stranger can ftumblo into •Ah; u n ! <e i .e of u friend, good cheer <r .< | quiet game of billiards. sh ir s itaam ire first-clasa, an I ele vrly al- ■ ten 1* I. Til ■ ? :li in; Hoi. ie a Atlanta, is n« i <; o; ’m. livelii bt an 1 best sept note! < in th , r-i 'irhi ' nl’omitrv. 'L’h.'so *■ who know ..layer Huff, know that he loes noth 'g by halves, ami leaves nothing undone 'o make first-class w eitever he engages in. H ■ ami Mr. Brown have suddenh raised that es tablishment to the highest standard, ami there is no doubt that they will keep it tuere. The attention <>f litigants, law breakers am! persons whose ’’rights” h ive to he n’jiiated in the eourthuose, is calle l to th > law cards in this issue of .he Appzal. Brunswick is proud of her talented young men, aud we com men 1 them as gentlemen of high C haracter, s'rict integrety and learned i i i the law. The weather, up to 7 P. M.. Tues ; iiay, was unietisoiiably warm in this i locality. At. tiiut ho.*, almost in | stoutly, tue wind shif': I tu the north nn<l the uniciiry fell several degrees within a few bouts. Wedmsdny morning brought us a cold north wind and a raiu storm tuat lasted nil day, making overcoats and tki<s ni’cessnry hr comfort. MASS MEETING. Th* < Itlzoiiß of Bruiowlrk and the Friends vs Xluco*. A Brunswick Kall road invited to iWect lu council. In nn inanre of a resaluiion adopt ed at a prelimin iry meeting of the -f Brunswick, held at the council chamber, Thursday evening. 18t: host, the nndursign-'d committi ”, liuuouuc'' that there will be a. Mas?: Meeting Os tin- citizens of Brunswick, and .heir friends along the line of the Macon & Brunswick and Brunswick & Albany Railroads, at the fair grounds ;n Brunswick, Wednesday, 26d Instant, at 3, P. M., to consider the present attitude of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, and the complications grow ing out of the failure to lease the same ou the 6ih inst., and further, to take counsel as to the true policy to be pursued by the friends of the enter prise, in the present emergi ucy. All the citizens of Brunswick, and those along the lines of the Railroads mid on the se iboard, including the Indies, are cordially and earnestly in vited tojattend. J. F. Nelson, J. M. Dexter, J. D. Spuunt, A. O. Best, W. J. Williams, f Committee. Bruuswick, Gil, Nov. 19th, 1878 MACON AND II td.NSAVICK UAtl.- ROA > MICK I'l NO. A ViKorouH Movement. An informal meeting of citizens of Brunswick, wh held N ivember 18th, 1879, called to consider whnt is the best thing to do in relation to the present Macon and Bruuswick Rail road complications. On motion, J. B. Habersham was se lected Chairman, and C. P. Goodyear S .’cret i\v. The object of the meeting w.n at de Iby the Ch.tirmnn. A tuo ti »u w>.s lUiide aud carried thatacom •littee of three be appointed to draft resolutions to be presented to a mass nii-i’i i’ig to :>e held nt the Fair Grounds in ch'-iuswick, on Wednesday Novem ber 2Gth, 1879, at 3 o’clock, p. m., sai meeting called to take such action as may b< deemed expedient in relation to the Mac »ii and Brunswick Railroad ro-uplii'-.t! >ns. 0. P. Goodyear, Garey W., au.l John B. Habersham v 're app >i 'ted tiie committee. J. F. Nelson, J. SI. Dexter, J. D. Sprunt, A. O. B st and W. J. Williams wer< appointed a committee to issue the call, and H. T. Dunn, J. M. Dexter, D. T. Dunn. T. W. D xter and Dr. L. B. Davis a committee to prepare the grounds. The whole meeting was constituted a committee of the whole to invite the people of Glynn County and con dies on the line of the Rail roads to participate in the meeting. C. P. Goodyear, Secretary. Those wanting carpenter’s work done, or a house built, will do well to engage the services of Mr. J. M. Bry ant. See c >r<l in another place. L. D. H >yt & Co., hardware and house-furnishing merchant-., pay their respects to our readers to-day. They have a large and varied stock, and are offering great bargains to the trade. Theq-iestion is, who sh ill it be?— We decline to take a hand this time, but suggest, with all due respect to ’be registered sovereigns, to give us an enterprising, progressive, brainy man for Mayor, and wise, prudent, | safe counsellors for Aldermen, —men ■ who will reduce the taxes and expend th public revenues where they will do the most good. Capt. Troup Butler, Inspector of Fertilizers for this district-, is in the city, stopping at Mr. Charley Moore’s. He is here ou official duty, but the friends cf ti e Appeal need not neglect ntin on that account. Show him the y. Mr. W. 11. H irri.sou has a charm ing restaurant and oyster saloon, called the Pit ie.six, corner Bay and Glonces-; o-r jt roots, wb -re he is prepared at- .ill hours t.» wait upon a friend. G> roii’.d un I try a dozen of those line, large C---iey Island bivalves. Joe WaJl 'ce's restaurant, on Bay si.iect, is .he coziest place for a. good dinner, or a dozen on the h-ilf sbi-11.— And then if you want exercise, he'll set ’em for a game of ten pins, as of ten as you’ll set ’em up at the other en I. ’ It - Judge Mershon and the lawyers are on the grand rounds of justice. Lust week they were at St Marys, and this week nt Charlton court. Owing to the Judges former connection with most ofthecisesinCamden, and itbein gim possibi to get another Judge, very lit tle bus ness was done there, and the same 'iffi.-ulty presents itself at Charl ton. Glynn Superior court will convene next monday, and continue two w,eks. Wo under itnnd the dockets are pretty lUvuvy. nacou and Bnm.wlik Rnllroad fnr Ideawe. Executive Department, Atlanta, Ga . November 18, 1873. Wherea# the M-tcon and Brinnwiclc railroad waa. pnrsuttnt to adverti«»emeut, off’*red for lease outlie Glh i: at Tit, in the city ol Macon, and When a* tlm legvl hou a of stile expired bef»re tbo bidding ceai>«-d, and while bida wto pending and befo c the highest bi 1 ma le was. or con’d be recognized a.i 1 before the highest bid obtainable was r-'Ci ivt d; aud it having boon th*H» announced by the governor that th'' I ».•»•• of aa-.d road had u<»t been oftected, b-.t that iho s.-rne w s ihe i and th«re u ithdravvu and would le rca ivert sed for lease <n a frit-re day; By vi tue o’ the authority veat< d in the governor by the 11 th serti >n of an acteu it.e«! ‘an act to an’ thorize the le «e or aaie «?f the nae<>.» pnd Brunswick railroad," etc , ap »r< vod September 3. 1879; It is Ordered, Thu an a Ivertiapment be prepared and pubhaiiod. a * r- quire 1 by eml act setting that the snid Mi *oii and Brunewick railr->al w.ll ex posed for lease to the h gh at bidder, nut diaq ra’i* tied under ihe terms‘ f cuid act al the com’t-uouse in the city of Macon, Georgia, withm the legal honra of sale, o’i i'neaday, tbx 13tu day f Jannarv. 18H0 and from <iay today, iu me «ii-»«’■•••i o« oi the g »v --er ior. nutr the property ia !■ t'e I p •»» the t**rni» and c nditions *>t raid a-.t, and t' ea. t ameuda ory thereoi appreved October 11th, 1873. Lt ia further order* I. shat if it ahall b e ma Io to appear by Matiafa'tory proof that 'he highest bidder ut a >id leus; g is din* q lulifle 1, u nier the provision* *»f a od acta, to take aa<a property, then the aame ahall b .iwardol and the ti e thereto made r o the highest bidder who is qualitio I. • And ’or the better protect on of the inter* vata oi the t»>t *in »hia behalf, o *ch ..nd every per non e auui g to bo quaMfled as the anci-e.’ntul oid ter of aai I eathAig.X’id tu -Be who ar** a aociaied with him. will hi req.died to affidavit that they or eith* rof the n, do not represent, directly or indi rectly, any railroad or expreaa co p ny or conipa* uie-*, withi i me Stite < f Georgia, or a combination ot e tn<-r oi them: and th .t they <> r ei!her of them hive no interest in any company ruindm* t • or from the Atlantic c«wst at inv other p »tnt tuun tin c ty of Bril Swick; a id that it is tneir purpose in g » »d • th to luitil. al the conditions tnd requireme Ha said ‘aelH It is f’irt vr or lore 1, That bot of stid acts, to* gel bee with'his order, bo publ’shed with aud in clu led in . a.d advvriiHefuaut. ALFKEJ\”. CQLQUI IT. By the G »vemnr: • Governor. J. \V. W eren, Secretary Executive Department, By anthority of 'n act a»>nr<»ved September 3,1879, and an aat am u bit -ry < hereof. a».pr -ved < >ct 'b n* 14 18.'9 tnd upon ih« term's and c mditi »hn m uitioued tii© eiu. (both of w nch viid acts tj a>)im>.a«nlb re tn). me Mac >n and Brun.>w ck rdir>«a l w 1 be offer, ed lor tithe hi he t bid ior n t «li qualified und t he terms oi said rets, bes in the c •urt h Hine d or f file county ot Bib i iu the e ty of lac m. be* iw -eu the legal h » th of * do. mi Tuesday, the 13th d :y-*f January. 18IM aid from day t»dy, tn the tion of the govern >r, unt’-l a lease U • ffectod, aLFaE;J H. CULQTITI’. November 10th, 1879. Governor. ■ > ♦ ♦ - -■— A New Enterprise'—Some weeks a g<> Mr. F. A. Filzgera’id of the firm of Fitzgerald & Spear, of this city con ceived the project of a regular Packet line between this Port and Nassau, and at once resolved to make the ex periment. He proceeded to Nassau aud engaged the Schooner Hattie Darling to run for six months, mak ing her trips ns often ns possible. She made her first trip two weeks ago, bringing a cargo of west India frti.t. which she sold out, mid sailed with a cargo of provisions on the 15 th. She aill retur i ab > ic the 10 th of Deccmb'ir with a Cull cargo of ba uiiiiuas, pine apples, coeoauuts, and other fruits. The Hattie Darling stops al the Wharf of Mr. T. W, Dexter, her agent at this end of dm line, ai. 1 with whom applications for freight or passage slmul I be left. The festive burglar is on his rounds in Brunswick, und thus" having mov able valuables should be particular not to leave them lying around loose. On mon.lay night the "residence of Mrs. Smith, was entred and rifled of sundry articles; and from thence the thieves proceeded to the residence of Mr. D. T. Dunn, ami went through it with marked ability. His bad-room was enterel and his pantaloons pock ets robbed of twenty dollars,Mr.Dunn returns thanks to the daring rascal for leaving bis pants among the flowers, and for not taking too gold watches that were m the room, and invites him, or them, to come again. Mr. Bru water,s resilience, wo learn, was burglarised Saturday night. There is. evidently a baud of thieves operating in this city, ami every citizen should be on the alert to detect them. Explanation.—For the present, and | until we getfairlv underway and well J freigted with advertising patronage, we shall have our outside printed in Atlanta, where we can get it done much cheaper, and ai the reader will see, in equally as good style, as to matter and mechanical work, as we could possibly doit here. We doubt not the reader will agree with us in the opinion that this outside is supe rior to the outsides gotten up in the average country newspapers. Mr. J. F. Nelson, the Bay street merchant, calls attention to his mag nificent stock of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, groceries, family sup plies, ship stores etc. etc. and we comeud bis establishment to our read ers as a place for good bargains, fair dealing and kind treatment. ■ • ■' —» For the benefi' of toe busy bodies! who suppose that there is a silent part ner in the Appal,.we make the state ment that such is not the case. Carey W. Styles, is sole Editor and proprie tor. lie wants five hundred copart ners however, light away, to fill the important positions of subscribers and advertisers. The Atlantic and Golf Railroad brought, including the mortgages assumed, sl. 410. 000, as follows: First mortgage $2. 710. 000 second mortgage $1,400,000. Bid S3OO 000. These are the figures on paper, but in reality Mr Plant got the Road for a little over $3,000 000. We have heard of no changes in the management of the Read yet, and it is thought those two splendid an-1 uccom| ' 1 ' 1 " 11 AiXiS’Li' ci * "- * 1 F * t To llio Bualneaa Men of B. uuiwlek. It lias been said that man is prone to return to his first, love, and the ob servation of your “oldest inhabitant’’ verifies that other sayings that those who leave Brunswick are sure to come back. Perhaps this is reason enough for my returning, but it is prop, r that I should say to you, that itifliumees .'th ■«r than sentiment operated to bring me back. I am here to aid you in one more su preme struggle to secure permanency and vitality to your enterprises and to make Brunswick what manifest des tiny demands she shall be. I come with no Unworthy object, no mean mo tive, no questionable purpose; but to establish and build up an enterprise ttiat shall quicken your energies, fos ter your interests, promote your pros perity and assist you in the great work of building a city. I am here to antagonize no interest, to oppose no enterprise; but to carry on a legitimate business in your in terest and my own, and to make it, if possible, an ornament to your society and an indispensibte adjunct to every interest in the city. I desire to make a Newspaper that shall give due prom inence toyour natural advantages, ad vance your material prosperity, pre serve and protect your social and moral institutions, augment the profits of your mercantile, manufacturing, mechanical and professional pursuits, repel the assaults of your enemies and utilize the good will of your friends. In a word, to give you n paper that sh ill be serviceable to all branches of industry, and excite the pride of every citizen of the city. To do this, However, I ru ust have your cordial and generous co-<>pera-: tion.-material aid, in the way of n-a-i sonably liberal patronage, is necessary ; to the success of the enterprise. No i newspaper can live without the friend-! ship and active assistance of the bu. i ness portion of the community in which it is located: much less can it attain to usefulness or rise to the. dig nity of business respectability and intellectual force without such sup port. I propose to give you a quid pro quo for every dollar of patronage u ex tend to the Appeal, and I pr. ent its claims with confidence that roti will appreciate the mutual inter*.* <4s involv ed, and promote both by lib.-r d rid - seriptious and a reasonable am?m.t of advertising. My rates shall not bo exorbifanl shnll ask only living prices, ami I fc ] sure you will neither expect nor desire prices that will inspire contempt, or bring the paper to an early grave. Live and let 1 ve, is a manly motto—as char itable as it is old, and I now shake hands with you across and through the principle it teaches. The first number of tho Seaport Appeal will he issued, from the old stand, on Newcastle street, Thursday 20th inst. One thousand copies will be struck and scattered broad cast in the city and along the mail routes. You are cordially invited to call at the Office and see about it. The orange crop of Florida is esti mated at 15 per cent larger t han last season, but there are more rusty or anges indicating damage to the trees from insects. Hon. John Maund is in the city.— He wants a railroad. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POUT OF BICIhVSWICK., ISISORGIA b’or Week Endinu: Nov. 20 1879. ARItIV % Ls. Nov 14 —Rehr Three Siet* rs l’*?’ or. Nov 15—Bi Brir Jur*—ih.bault. -it Tlp'Dihr Nov 15—s. hr Vii.ey ir<l— K •«»-brook. • ham aton Nov 15—Scar .»! R Hand a'vi.i Hurt Royal DKP 1 KTIKIA. Nov 14—Schr Loiiira Wilson—Rpiin er, N Y Nov 14—Br Schr H> tte Darling'-Ranger, Nassau Nov 17—bchr LsHie • o »l —: obi>, N Y in roit r. Br Bark Sunbeam—Lumb< r J II Me■*’»ilh ugh Br Bark Kingwood—».mub.r —J *< VrCulL.ugh Br Bark t«»r>ih vnn—Lumber—Dodge a F<n er Br Bark ITnit.n Dumb >—i bdge . I’ Iler sp Lark Sanin yaua - Lumber Tudlo &Co Bark —Lumber—D U a. on Bark Proteua—L «mber—Couk !;r«H& Co Port. Brgt*»rol|j/fc—Lumber—Chur c een Co Po t Brg \rielu -Lu .bet —DC Jacou Br Big Jiir»—Ltiiiibei—Dodge « Fuller hr luma F dart—Lmnufj— K l» 1-h ppard Wu) jj K light—Lumb'o— i B , «'ppard Sciir Lii ee *istert—l,utu er-- 1 »v oiler Hchr Vmeya i—Lunib-r—Dodge v Fiun r Bcbt .d K Hfti.d —Lum ••er— It bKt-ppa d NKW % DVtmTitiE.TllSN a -4. ANNOUNCEMENTS, FOK MAYOU, JAMES F. NELSON. aldeumex, S. C. Littlefield, John Gueen, 1 Alex. Wattles, J. Niohtixgalf. November J'.'th. 1870-21 COURTLAND HVM.MEH. M’BHCEU II ATKINbuN, SYMMES & ATKINSON A.i Tile .Um- n and ?*- ■: i«w!ck Muddle Th.- following lu.'lco was served on the g.ivenor yesterday by Mr. Stan ton’s com ['any: — Con.fituli >n. 15. ~ St ite of Georgia, Fulton County. Tc his Excellency, A. 11. Colquitt, gov ernor of the State <>i Georgia: You are hereby no’iile ’, that I foi ' the company which I::-: rcM-r.’e ; claim to be the highest :i;-. 1 ’ st I ' ! 1 r at the sa’e of the • '.lie ... - and Brunswick railroad (th-: _>./ rty of the State) at Macor, Gi ; -,-iii, on the 6th .’ay of November, and that I demand and claim the said railroad under the lease contr-ict as set forth in the provisions of an act passed by the general assembly of the state of Georgia, approved September 3rd, 13- 79, and acts amendatory of the same. I insist that, under the provisions of this special act which must be constru ed strictly, and especially the second section of the same, which reads as follows: [Here follows second, .section of net.] Tint there was a lensing at said time, and a full disposition of the property under the law to one of the bidders. I further insist that I was tho highest and best bidder at the time tho said railrod was declare! leased, and that it was so declared by the auctioneer crying (be sab-. As to the fact that I was such bid.ter and that there was a sale of the le. se, I .- .' now ready to show’ and ask to to your excellency proof of the wu.. for your consideration. I further insist that there was no ' legal bid made by any other person for the lease of sai l road, who Lad un der the provision of this ipeci il act, a right, to bid al id sal - or a r-ght to lease said road, ’ . .t for these i reasons Lam, uh u . .-«> . nly wifi. th.- <crms of the a<- , i : ‘:ti. d to raid .-u:.- ruud, au • .jc ' is: 1 mu K-a-b. to 1 present t>■ youi’ ex- cll. ncy an-: ' ask .hut I may do Lite ssnio. ;. „| ready to -w all th. ! i have <*tn ‘ .i. fa- . u-: i i'--..!ing th rigiits ui a.y company u. i the ov, 1 mm r sped'ally . .'l ;he carryi ig oat ol 'lmnr. isi i i!. le . ont.act ..ccord ng !. the j rovi. of (lie above re- ; f- -red to net, hold ng my ie f in re: li nos to comply with ail ui' its provi sioi.s. llvßpeetluliy snbmi' -1. E. T. I'. ne, For the i -m.ij- my. This the 14lh day of ', —■* « • 'l':efollowing ,s •y d/: .. .yob I. ae t.'mi-.i ? o >. • . neo at! ov. r the country. “Atlanta, Ga., Nov m' r 13.—.;/. A'. Sh ue. Editor: Your telegram re-, i-e.ved. 1 decline to am w•<.xwp' io say present my personal cougratu-1 liitious to Gen. Grant on bis s if. i.rr-- v.d to his country. rL fought for his country honorably, and. won. I i >U->b'. for mine and lost. lam ready tn try it over again. Death to the Union. '“[Signed] 11. Toombs.” The General says his dispatch was repeated in a garbled state, —that “the true interpretation of the ltuign:i-:<* was the death of tho union, nisi t! present goverment is a eonwlid.itw one, and not a confederacy.” Bui low about “trying it ovei again,” “General? are you too, for Grant and tue nation ? Tell us, ye winged winds, which side to take. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago aid Grant, that like Washington, be hmi been offcr-'-d a crown, and like Wush ington he had declined it.” Heshou! . have nutit thus-As a crown was tender edCtnser, and thrice put away by him but finally .-icccp’ed; so shall a crown be offerd to you, i die -al A-arls w ill expect you to acct ! it o . the instant. ' “Weu.vonn ' .. .la-’i se-l, in-.'o .i --of its rn so; ive phases, . I ; that mip:y p..op!c i: lo sou h w- do be willing to cap ure Grant fr ■ : tie republican-, and tak • .dva-dry-. i boo.a <o‘pl-c’C this si ci on on a. n sol: . , | .’idcalb. at. I yraci. '. . . .I,' ■ i :i < The t< mil ey of the R publican party'a is Lei ;i <>>■ ■ I i xt’-.i- ag.mei <,: it-ee 1 ii..,t in; I t‘n ho: or t . r< j-iT-M-nt you m a pub c rap ui < prove this beymidalt eimtiovei .. \\\- .-lie led bv history .o bi-lu - ; . are two great -lang- is to ar. public ' taxation and a ten - cy to gi'asj ■ pewci unduly. The iL pun;., an pur’;. ; mis moved in the w y : nr. n/...-,. -• iverum- nt. i ■ti o c-- to day— in opposition ■ b.- :i- .so Ji-- people. Many <i y : : v p tioa in tho old co-::.-iy, and ;■ ■ -cm here to ' scupo it. you ... .; - r i ■ have heard ui it fi am y or. ■ rs. I - was idlempted here in in b -g.nii-, j century, when au e.'ort v. made by the Federal pri'ty l-i l:..- ■: -f.l.tUo . 1 : ■ t S- ; mJ DOUBLE DAILY TO AND FROM ' AT 3 X. O> 7FL IDA. ' i 3, t .JI.'TA’iSX RAILROAD. i.. - ' ■Sr>,AiM < i moral > iiporiiitendant’fjollloo, Macon, Ga,. Jun. 11, 1879. • \N‘ itrl Hnnclay, the Pith instant, passenger ' ti - j -’ii t: is t’oi.l’.vi|| rnn as toilowb: CU di t 1»L Ni> 11OUTE VIL BRUNSWICK. NIGH I PA> LNGEK NO. 1. SOUTH—DAILY. vo '’aeon.'. 7:46 p. rn k r: v! ’ rr.ii 9;47 p. m. ust 10:45 p. )u. A’. 1.- , Mtp 3:27 a.m. \ni.n BruusAick 6:lH‘a. ru. Lv v. I;r. nt»v i<-k for steamer 6:15 a.m. Ar iv. eruaudiua 10:15 ». m’. c rivo ’acii.-ionviile 2:35 p. in. NI ill PASSENGER NO. 2, NOtITH-DAILY. I. iso J k-l a Hiville 11:16 al m. I.• I<■ ; f > i d pe sGaruer 3:45 p.m. iirive rr -i-.i-k ,7.45p.m. I' , avis B ...ivv.ik ‘ 8:00 p.m. L* a- e •’ mu . .10:35 p. m. L 1 . tnn i 3:31 a. m. 1/ veCoctii.n 4:33 a.m. \ rive .‘lttr.on,. .’..6:55 a. m. ( 10-e . ’i K-dion at Macon for all points North. East, an I Allan aavd \ugusta. D \Y AC’DU MOD \ LIdN NO 3, SOUTH, Via Jesup and Live Oak- Daily, except Sunday L<'ave Ma on ..7:45 a. m.. \n ive Cot hran 10:33 a ti’. 1 ’" •r i-<• i liHtniun ~r|:o2a. in. • rr, ,1.- ip.;.. ;; «, h:SU p. th.' ■ Ar.’ivc JncKHonviUe 8:U(i a. xu. . N’u. 4 NOUTH—Daily, except Sunday. I LcaveJ • n uvide.../. A*.... 6:50 p. "m. ; L av»» ip ip 7:45 a.m. ; Leave Li imaii...! 3:25 p. in*. : Lease <» c.»raii 3:45p.m. \r. ive M i -tn 6:25p. in <’orn< cts at Jacon for all points North, Lasi an I W,‘3t. ' U- II -, VKINSVILLE BRANCH. Freight and ic -nnimodatiou—Daily, except Sunday ! oavr - IC’ If. -.00 P ID. rive Law. msviile ? 10:45 p.* in Leave Hi t . e 3 Ci) a. in. A v.- Bru. >wifk.. .4:15 a.m. ■<nuo. sat ihchran with Trains 1 and 2 to and from Macon. r. av< c ichran 1<):45 a. m. Ar H ov; .. v j 0 jj :3u a-a > >• !J i h 2:45 p. m. \tiivo ( .c ir.:i ;.......... .3:3u p. m. <’.» .n • .• t’t hn n with Train-? No. 3 and 4io and from -lacor.. • , *r 1 »{G EW. ADA i S, Geu’ 1 Supt. W. J. ’ xirvis, M Trans. *” •' '.!• siasq ’ail Rial Jorjianj - ----- ass—a. (JITAXC: OF ScilEDUki:. a »ent’soffice t 1*..: HK Ga. July 10th 1579. | , and lifter ’ir ! \ July 1h79. lassenger ' trumK on l.;!'. ui -vux run an follows: vi:< v . i:r> n- und. PA LY .-UNJIN-EFTED. < 'i'.' m • J k 8,00 am. - . 11.47 a m. l i s' J • 2 16 p.m. • ’ 6 ’.3 p.m. • - I - i-.-\ 8.00p.m. ■ i « ) B UnD. I .’.I : i’CN -a- EXCEPTED, • " C> 45 a m. • • -A :> tk ... .* 12 16 p ru. Hing Hutts ) 216 p m. * " y -s- ; 414 p.m. \. vivo at ii.usw.clj 830 p.m CHAS. L. SCHLATTER, Genera] Stiperintaudeflf, IL D. ?-’E DLR, A x ‘i f Siipvrintpudent. Atk ntic and Gulf Bailroad . CeNi i’.Ar.SUPEIIINTENDENT’sOyFIOK, ) A' DANiic and Gulf Kailboad, } Sa ANNAH, Oct. 3d. 1879. ) / J? J AD AITER WED\ESDAY Oct/ sth.Patigen gLi tr tins on this Bond '. ill run as follows: NIGH! EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4. 30P. M rrivc .-t J-sup . ,7.<0 I*. M .rvo at i Unve g lU.nbridge “ 9 40 A. M Anlve.t vlbnuy “ ‘..10 45 A. M r: ivw *xt J/vc Oak •• 2WA. Al Ar ivu i Htthasboo “ ....* 7.UO*A M vH’ive al JacksouviUe “ 7.50 a. M L« a < iui 'aLassen ' • 5.45 P. M Leave Jarksuaville “ ....5 3 P.M ,vi Live oak •* 11.15 P.M .ivt A.i.ativ “ 4.00 P. 51 uc av. u.didirii’-c •• 4.00 P.M c T-on asv lie •• 7.35 P. M uve Je?up •* 6 So Al M orive xi Sav.tLnah «• 9.0) A. Al \ • • r.nro d • irs between Savannah and Jackson-. •-. • i lea l avt. nah hug Al'-niiy. p.H : a ' ru t through to and from ■Savarruah* and At mi y. • / . ■ i s ,i Lb. i m avanni’.ator Fernandina, Gait:- ' B-i. .. i C Le ? s iaLo this tia’n. p xo. . e ; La it-n lake ih'.a Lain. i'ret -a .-innt.h for Brunswick take t .is i a ar. ng ;.t Brunswick 6:60 n. m. Parse : Brunswick at B.oop>n., r..ri\ i (’ at >av a’.t h .g.Ua m. Fasaeiij'i iH vii . M.iuon at 7:15 a. m (daily ey c .it 8 tuda. > lun’et <*t- Jc-ue with this train Lr E.<»ridi». • . lj, ;’.? fro d l-'pi la by this uanc >nneet at Jesu » w iF.i i -r. vxng in aincou at 6;.5 r. X . lti y •: .. u; ud ■.«> ./ >•» ui t e -i between Montgomeny J: Ckbuaul’-. •au e 1 » pi*.g rars firn through t»and-’ ir .a s r h a. i ; . oxiVxljc; also t lUUKi sa . ... t-:ou.v*. AL... ami’Ja iisblf- ■ c ' • iih Passenger trains .both n.. oad tuaml'froidMa co* . -.ii u:;t >1 ■> . ry, ’nubile, New Orleans, le. • nl no for Apalachicola » r> ’si y eveuiug, for Columbus t-Vjf.. x’.Ad u/a .d ..u ay ufte. UuwD. r:ope 1 i i .la kc-umiiie daily (Sumlajb < «<, St Augustine, u.i .HI , a U all landings on Si. toU n r;V •!'. i . '. as 'll \. It U. h vc j motion, goill- . .. . h ~ a.; i lu. J i;iSV.\4.kat4,4op. m. .. a .c . ( i;. u.>. . 1 -ai. I - i g Car Berths se- Im -... _. d .1! s.r-.-tt, and m a i - ..U ii a.ii’u. d -lC Depot. V. JO.'-I.U J'~:.. TIIAIN —EASTEKX D VISION-