Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, March 05, 1881, Image 2

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-1-rr and Jfatof.'1™“ * 'El&gXSZ** AKD I **"*«*_""**■ TBit _ * How QmMretfrera Editor safl Irtif, UN 8WICK, - GEORGIA: The wbsllng Mhe— Lottie A. Cook, of New Bedford, raptured a Boa whalo Uet week, off Port Boyol President Garfield wsa inaugurated Toeterdeyet noon, at Um eeitera por tico ottboOepitol, in the preaeacs of a ball wUlioa of people. The hotel at Fort Royal wee do- etioyed by die ow the monioff of the diet, and at boob, the same day, the Court Hooes of Beaufort wee bunted. The Wayeroee aad Jacksonville and Femaadina aad Jacksonville railroad* win both be completed at an early day—in time to transport the northern visitors homeward bound. CoL Cash who killed CoL Sbaonon in a duel several months ago, was tried last week at Darlington, S. C. ou a charge of murder. The jury made a misetrial—standing eight for guilty and four for acquittal Senators Brown and Hill made strenuous efforts to increase tho ap propriations in the river and harbor bill, for Georgia rivers and harbors, but were nnsneeeaefal except as to Sa vannah. There they massod their strength and succeeded in securing the eommitteo’s report from $25,000 to $66,000. Brunswick gets only $5,- 000, seareely enough to secure tho week already done till the next meet ing of Congress. Tdtgnpk and ilrnenyer: The .Sun in New York and the Assurer at Cin cinnati are in a controversy shoot the time required to bitch borers to tbs engine after an alarm of fire. The Cincinnati time ie twelve aeoonda, hut the Sim saya they do it in New York in one eeoond and a halt The differ ent triale varied by atop watches from five eocoode down to two tad n quarter and ono and a bait But nev ertheless, 11 la true that some Urea would be paat romody oven in leaa timo than that—a gunpowder or dy namite fire for example. Nothing will do bate fire department which will extinguish a gunpowder fire be tween ffaah and explosion. Savannah Knot: It looks vary much ns if Cannon, tho polygamous Utah delegate in Congress, had “got loft," ■o far aa tho next Congreas is con cerned. It will be remembered that, though elected over his geatilo com petitor by n largo majority at tho lost Tbs Telegraph ami Ut that Urn snrveyaof the Unas extending the If. A B. Railroad have beam plated, end that it is the intention of the coaapaay to the link to Atlanta as soon ns the rants is determined on. It is believed the strelghtest line will be adopted, and we have the an' tbority of “ H. W. O." for the enppo- sition that U la the purpose of Wilson and IfeGbee and their associates to make this road n pert of their greet southern system, aad the port of Brunawieh their main ocean outlet. When Congress and the Legisla tures of the States grapple tbs me- nopoly question with the vigor the danger demands, and the poolingsys tem of robbery is throttled aad made a crime by eta to tea, then, and not till then, may the people of Georgia ex pect a faithful observance of their competing policy, and respectful rec ognition of tbelr rights in the prem ises. The anti-monopoly movement in New York city bai thrilled the greet heart of tho people, end kindled n flumo of publie thought that will •weep the continent. It prceenta the grand tern of muscle vs. money, or tie people againat the ring and corpo ration monopolies. The battle will bo long and terrific, bat victory ultimately settle upon the banners of tho "toiling millions." Onr free American people are not ready to become "hewers of wood and drawers of water" ton privileged of bloated monopolists, and they aao- uot surrender to the ryxtematie rob bery of mammoth mooey combine- lions •«*** flhMMlof ayndicaUtf. We shall wateh the progress of New York’s movement with the keen est interest, end shall do all in onr power to aid pnbiio opinion in arriv ing at jnst oonclnsioaa, and in giving each direction to legislation aa shall promote the beat interests of the pso- ple and the railroads. Georgia is already on the right line, end with some slight changes in the bill, with important additional pow er*, her Railroad Commission can protect the rights of bercitiaens with out detriment to her railroads, end so harmonize the producing and car rying in tercets aa to increase tho pros perity of both, end make the oommoo- wealth rich in material rcsourcoa and great in intellectual enterprise. HAVANNAII 1IOYH QUM-KD, Savannah young bloods have bad qnite a little experience of late with e . „ dashing maid from n aiater city.— ’ About two month, eino. eh. spprared dal certificate to the dofoated candi date, on tho gronnd that Cannon’s practice of polygamy and his nou-r having been naturalized rendered him Ineligible to the office. An alterna tive mandamus waa served on tho Governor, requiring him to declare Cannon elected. To this n demurrer was aot up, and on Thursday lust Judge Twins sustained tho demurrer. THE QllliVI «iKEKES'OKEE. A BonoFur lit* 1In,JtcsjieU to CIh>w Upon. In on interview this week with Mr. J. B. BachlnU. of Charlton comity, who lives npon the hue of tho Wsy- crom A Jacksonville Railroad, wr learned of what to us scorns a strange lie informs us tint in excavating ana of the cuts near the Okefcnolee swamp (some fifteen feet in depth) three distinct sets of stumps were ting up. The first, those of au ordinary growth of piuu now ou tho land,— About six feet below tho surfaeo waro found those of what uppearod to lie the growth of hammock land—oak and pine mixed, the soil being of a Bandy loam. Still farther down was found a black soil, and stumps of trees alniilsr to tboso of tho swamp. The ridge in quostiou is high, dry pine land and aa wo stated, twolvo or fif teen (set above tbo rued bed and run ning parallel to one of the small trib- ntoriea e( the great Okefenokee. Now l the question, how came thru layers of stamps there?— What mighty upheavals of nature (evidently two in number) buried them down underneath the soil I Was this ridge oeee the- bed of the Okefe- Dokoof If not, what can bo the ex planation ? Will tho Stato geologist or some other, explain this strange phenomenon f Excursion Ilatra l>i*«omtimMwl. The S. F. A W. Railway having lust its case before the Supreme Court, baa accepted tho situation, and re dosed their faro to the usual three easts pee mile allowed fay the Com- mlmlonere. This turn of affaire has pot n stop to the return tickot system as it has been practiced by that road from Jaaup and intermediate stations to Savannah. Wednesday of this week was the last day of grsre, and moaj a veiled thcaMrlvre of it, going to Savannah on the eaual excursion in 8. on a visit to soin* friends. A few of tho young mon hod met her before, aud “celled." Others formed her acquaintance, aud fur two months the reigned queen, captivating the hearts of nut a few, who wero led away tiy bor ch irms. They spent their mouey freely for bar, and sash thought himself the favored one. AU wcul along swimmingly until a few ilays since, when a wood-passer on a certain Georgia railroad appeared on tho scene, a..d claimed the dear luro as his own, having boon ciandas- tiucly married to bar a few days be fora she appeared in Savannah. Neither tho frionda she waa vis iting nor the yunug gentlemen who had known her beforo knew of this, hence the success of bar little game. Tbo** youug fellows are both sadder and wiser. Ibis is "ufsscial" but wo suppress Hume*. Attention IVInterw! 11avim? consolidated tho Anvnmata ami .I/-/-ill, I have an extra outfit oompleto that I wish to sell Any person wishing to start a newspaper somewhere can lie fitted np entire.— ik-bidea these I will seU a few extra job presses. Address, T. O. Sranr, Proprietor Anvrnrisxa am Arrau. DO YOU WANT*UEALTU » White will ye dis » Death, or whet is vine, it tlu* inevitable result of cuutin u«l aua|tcnaiott of lb* ——trail flow. It u * conditio© UmI •htmld not be trifled with. Immediate relict U the only m(«- guard iigninot constitutional ruin. lu ell cmm’n of »ii|t|>r«e«iou, ituapro»ion or other irregularity of lh« * V* tutor*,'‘liradflcld’ffi Foma!. lU*guUtor.ia the only urn n*m*> dy. It acta by giritiR tone to the u*r* voafi rviitn-*, |M|WUV1IIK Um blood and d«*U*rtmuiuK directly to tbo onpuui of nitfu»truatit>u. It Ualcffitiiuat«jiniM , rip> lion, and the mo»t inUUiffrtit plivatci»u» oik* it IV’iktfiil by I>r, J. llradflt bl, Atlanta, fix 11.50 per bottle. Hold by mil ilniL’L'iht, N..r uu'Uia. Ala., July 7, 1H77. Dratlfield's Female Ucgubuor tuu lien tli -roughly t.nte.1 l>y mo in sgn-at vurt- ,-ly ,.f raws, and I am inlly eouvinee-t llmi it u uumabnl tel *11 tuAt elm el lUuits which it clsims to eim*. fvl-l'J-vow2m J. C. liras, M. D. TsUer't Backeye Pile Ointment it Ike favorite remedy ter tbti terrible dtetaao, Pike, or Hemervboids. It it lbs favorite remedy Imiwwss it never bile to ears tbs must ulsrfiwstu ewss whsa used —-Tiling to ilin-ctioii*. IX* not fail to avail your self of tin- rt-Uef ntfiinlsl by tbte invala- u.l. but o*l! «t the drug store for'. Iluekeys Pile Uintmcsh — Trior 30 cent*. For sate by F. Jocrgvr, Brnnawick, anj It J. Ilw-y, HI. Him ns. Os. gny-White’s OiwamWUte Vcnaifscen the bcst'wuru killer. u*i27-ly "tK5£H%&£ Ur. Editor: f A man vUUag Brnnawick for tow wsska, is vsry likely In bars sot it^hWbk^nffld^'to^pIj^ 0 ? ita wsskly jonrnsL Being sash n type of ths prase Asms, by yoor courtesy, I will state n tow in yoor eol Tbo msgoifiesnt lire ooi adorn yoor city, I suppose rerepa the aotiesaf no man who ntJismsa' the psblis in North, Sontb, East or West I may assume that they ore bearf-of across the seal. To am they ars a •'thing of heanty." kfy walks bsosoth thorn ars a pleasure to ba remembered Ibis port, they go to Um colored shorebss "to «s tbs foo." If be did aot boor sooicthing bolter when he arrives tberv, tbto woSM be vary aad sd; mpsrislly when ws rsoismbsr that bsjis so aooo to sommit bis lib agsto to tbq treacherous aao. cs to tbs sailors. But, I ask, what Brakes tbsm rough ? They, Uks ns, are When UwUme for pic-oiss arrives, I aapporn a fine aobjost for a painter wiU booson bcDsatb tbo tree which spreads its shade over aa area of 7,- COO square feet. Lovers’ Oak has b- so noticed by every visiter do doobt It is certain ly a rocaantia "monarch of tbs forast;'' aad ns to its name, I suppose sumo from lovers making il an alter on which tbs "Under flams" moat fer vently burned and glowed. Am I right in this eoojsetont Love lives and blooms in tbs atmosphere of poe try sad romance—its native air, and there is both poetry and romnare be neath the shads and among tbs boughs of tbs romantio "Loren* Osh." If tbs hoary tree could bat report the burn ing words which have been ottered Urarat ws might not only bare n most charming library at tore font' bat many a lonely bachelor might team tba noble lesson of "winning heart" . I left tira mountains to some to yoor city. They are aaobUara specteelsaa they lift their lofty brows amoog lbs donds; bat where is tbs bsnntifol bay wbost waters glisten in the sunlight, and bear ths gallant ships of lbs na tions to na 7—at Brnnawick. This is a most inspiring right to mo. In the interior I kel oat at the world—bore I fori in alone connection with it Yoar business men of coarse, very naturally and necessarily bavo other thoughts betides tho beautiful and tbo aaottent la connection with threat is tbs prospect of trade and fi nances. In its proper limits I com mend Ibis; and I wish to express some convictions in regard to Branawick’a (utnroi Tbs basis of my jadgment is two things. First—Hie lumber region for which this is tbs natural port* la lamettas. With the jndicions work ing of this interest—protection of tress and general economy, which foresight and wisdom demand, and wbiob ia dots at band—it will last for many yean to corns. Let some stops be taken forthwith to protest tbs tur pentine forms from fire, and those great staples of commsres will bring the ships to this gats to the world's markets for years to ooms. Furthermore, scattered through the vast region, whose door to the world ia Brnnawick, are rich tracts of land— small often ia area, but capable of bringing forth, yearly, n great variety of products wbieb humanity needs.— There ore certainly many sauries of wealth wbieb form Uis foundation stone of Brunswick's fuf nrs prosperity. Second—the - enterprise which manifested by the buildings in com of rrerlion. Many towns bavo been built to the size of this city within a year, and bare gone down «■ rapidly. Like tbs gourd of Juoah, they grew, and likewise they perished. But the growth of your eity it •coma is steady. Thu cities above mentioned declined, because the natural leaonrcM ware wanting or they proved to be in a wrong •itnetion—neither of which evils operate againat yoor e.ty, I hare beard eoara sarcasm here in reference to the city’s growth! " It is not growing with sufficient rapidity,” and bare answered that, for months I have seen no eity of its stse building so much. , Brunswick to growing and doubtless will ooatiaoe to grow. Now, there to n matter to which I wish to call the attention of jonr citi zen*: Where to yoor nicely furnished ball where the arameo who a much for yon eon bare aa evening's entertainment of a morally elevating nature; where they can find papers from their native land spread before them; wliera they sen barrow good books; write letters; get a goodaap of coffee, tea or rhoeolnla, or a lunch at a very low price t Where to the place where wrara one who baa woo their confidence con address them, bled, oa Sunday* on tba greatest of all oubjecU—preparation for Uwir eternal exilian re? Are not i mortal! Or did not Deity nuts labor, and naffer, on*! die far them as wall aa tot Iboet who never brave the dangers of the deep, bat en joy instead Ura fruit of tba conregr, and toil, and suffering? Some one baa told me that on Sun day nights when the aritaa on in them as Ura* jnffnanna na Think o. > bring mi* Christian friends nine-teatha of one’s life.— Ptasedia tbo- drenmstanere of the ■Bfler, boeiBOafc arm Ura ton daman differ f One thing I assert without (ear of contradiction; Tba sailor to brave and render* os imtoepeocable ■ervios. What to the ritiaens of Bruns wick doing for him ? A fearful debt is already entailed, a debt wbioh mast ba aoowtred at the bar of the Eternal. I aril npon the peoplo nt onco to look to tha interest and happiness of Uieee gallant follows wheu they are in port Stay not for State aid—it to not too axpeneiva a work for the eity. No $100,000 are necessary for a building. A eimplo yet tasty one divided into rooms with a view to utility, comfort and taste, will eerve the purpose.— Soma captains would doubtless sub scribe, and with their aid, tho working of tba institution as it ought to work and bless the Bremen, ie not by any a largo Ihiug for the citizens to do. Enough, perhaps already too long for Ibis lime, so I must subscribe. Respectfully yoate, Si-xctatob. Tbo first strawberries ship|H-d from Florida to New York this season were ooU at $2.60 per qnart We desire to call the attemten of aaeb of oar reader* aa may lie eauitem- pUtinn bookkeeping, or wle* ere re- nlenlahioc their stock of limi-e rnr- nlulling neerarerie*. to the card «»f Mr. Chart** L Hadley, Cooper liialitutu. Maw lock city, where may la* l.-und In stock ■ ciuuplrlff rtffifoortrornt of White and Deeorate.1 French China, aad Eigtwb Porcelain Dinner. T.» and Chamber net*, etc.. ** well» "» end woollen wares. This firm line long BMde e specialty nf sending their ware* throughout the country, on r.v.ipt of P. O. money order nr by eaprea* C. O. D.; and as they are reliable nnd ex perienced. this ia often •■( great ad vantage to our friends at n dl-teliee.— Catalogue and Price-bat mailed Ireo on application. <ei3tMf JO*. X. UUIWIUUT SAFF & GO. Green Grocers, AKDDKALKMUI Country Produce kezvalhoox nasna rrr.r. aao well as * aonTED slots ov OROCBR11W, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGAIJS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACK KBS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc.. allaraSMk ar* eC-e-J lur an M eawWU frtiifi. They Mean Business! •!N|MfMrl*«(Mt!Mfi4lldfikll<r<M. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE 8CHEDULE OP RATES ST.\SIUONSd BRUNSWICK IWB.IMW takr- ii LM.a camaa* WMrt. BtaaaaM. <<Ur. i. lii’mr l.y. .oJ I sandal Mamma ’ “ SSSSKSSfKii-iato-iiiH l:JUpiu arifil’n Birepi- 1«*BI iMfRIlMU).. _ jTlr Mulfifi .......fl A • XlM Mfi •• IN* n»U *iU *W1 r*ff« Mffinr. *9 cte- Pn^llPv’Y ffirt tffo# lint r. wtakL r—re«» ««—£•£»X •nuwrakraY. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANDREW HANLEY, , PAINT AND OIL STORE, DEALER IN PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC k COLORS, 01l«hPutty,Vaniiriies,^nuh«s l H&iii & decorative wall Paper DOORS, HASHES, BLINDS.»«., Lock*, Sub-Weights, Cod, Hiiges, Screws, Eh, Liie, Plasttr, lair el Cami, ( WkilaUraaf 17a Bay Srrcta, Sa^aunaH, • • . IRS, ms marnam- MwalM •abntwaa -n*«v. ajjamni **.*«■• an. ■4 iakaaSee*iWmreW^rkil".Hwvarkimim. ■Iitem.a nal mx nmnaiwar-knc 1 naan ItBremSTUa n arum laa*. tv ol. JLVtMn.riUUNBfi C..-. ffistfibaolt. K». it ~ M. Itof CM (Wf 'r 6. WBtaWnW, EU Wi •a i W Mai hfivtflTcO PnvAffi. I JS tilllieM rtwyjfiJiMnMnw uS il— iiWMiali Ttey mb mam riligi(Ww- * < * B *A*Il COLQCTTT. «f God*U. TOivimrttunc aucrAM. rNff—m is l£-CfiUkiric—v *4 -Yomag Um'aMmi." WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. STEAM ENGINES, “Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM KOI EE US, All kinds nnd Sixes RETURN TUBULAR, RETURN FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. REPAIRS OF MACHINERY PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CIBClLAM J. N. SCHOFIELD, Prop’r. DAVID WEISUEIN, DEALER IN DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, &C. rVrefn lltr Havwtnnlt Timm, Ocluher Mh. II l« an oil Mil IfNn H)ll|f that »brrto *>tl buolpraw Urt will nlwnya tx-Bt- liintnl ati- rrav. thA Mr. I—%let WniaMfi la • llvItlR IllUatratlntl uf lli« Imlh «f (lt«l blifft. Only i faw ;ren hwl v» rut ratuaiutrr kin M Ik* proprieto r uf • Util* Iffisll dry ffintU tlora, with till vary IllUa foorB rtmi IkN IM la- •ptlrrol to til Ike allow wIipIuvi of tola pr^-tit a tufa; l>«t to-al«y,o« rWftitlbg lor WrUbriB’a dry good >tur», yott ire «k«aa to on* of tkc Inrgt at nu \ uuat nunptelcly imit|t»l dry grawla at. pr. and lhal, too, nmlllnliiiu aturk uf lit < «8li d< f. rt IIIPI.I ft-rt.i tetitell rv H (It* Mi.«l »lt $1- nl « alt ovtorot with , ritfim aaluilai'tiow, b»fu m lu t|tiaiily and pn.a, Tho ontarpriaiiiffi pf -pri.C.r haa rarn<»1 an mvUhla natna for hla ealalillnhmmt, and lllakiionn tlinniiih- um fill M.'tluna of lift romitry fix Wmmihii * Curap DRrfltHUM Rti hr, aud aa an lu.llajMiUblaavtoh-'ifleof htaj-ial .-lain* to that dUlIttrtioa, wt< aadtily re fer lha rt a tar lo lh« Burnt roua ctl.Uarcra ton ul nad in bloadvart!*af>i««t. Bark — —daraawl U ovm alroegM than Bewapapmr Ulh, aM to —• aelf wall . daaervad. hat aUo hi hi l pi— wttk lha wall-aapMd r—wtoltodi MNr.WiWato fur ac)«ar«> dealing a»d|>n tupt attrntlna lo r«rry4»UH of tiUkHMhMM. 11# U row rrady with hto dwk for th« frill aad wlato-r liato. whwh anUr* a* all of lha lato at t.tvalttoa la Ida lib* of trmdr, a .d th wa who favor hiRi wllU or«h m for oflhrp Ma wtiolrwkofr Liu fftall dripffirtffiiaaf will Davor Itotrri riaaat U r«- fret It. •* Oaa of Iho main foaturra of hla •wtotollal.m—i|a fhari haho hringall twth* • * door of arary c««to>mar: la frirt, brfor# lha doer of evrrf hoiaa oa avary «— ■ , ’ rtadhy hi-*) elm., aan.oly: Any .mr who wrl$rv far ■ani|ira rwHvra I heat try tha fowl* final!, with pftrm and prter Urt. froai wbtrh aalxH— arm atada, Ihm or.w form ardmd. WWo th» wrdmr aai.cauto to Ira doWar#. aad Ike aiaary to -wl. ke |rB|A|a Ikt fWgM. If thm ffouda arm orl-rrd '* C. O. D.” and Ihm or toramnuBU to twenty rtollara, hm| rt|«)a tha rrrt«hl. Ilmrc, avary row- annir-r ran orJew t hi* R»*nla ..f to I Ire, away fpotu HatMtiah. Jaatam woll *• If thry acre In Havmnnah, anJ g*t Itorm drllarrrd lo th< H txaaroml atolioa, f fr * oft »pr.m-a r freight rha—oa. rt hla u>w |rfl. bw. aad Iharahy arraraagroat' **vinn to th wum.dB.-m Ircmt.lrm if,«y am not c*.ii,|" Urel lo hay froai a roaatry aloru, whwoaly ham-p alltullod aMurtaavitl of tfoudr m ‘ * • (h^Etotnlilimhcl R'A A.. J. MILLERcV Co, Whulcailo mi l llctnil IX-nlcru in Fnniiturc, Carpets, Oil (Ms, Window Shades, mattings, Etc., I IS, no awl 152 Rrotigl.Um Stu r t, SA V A N N A H, G OX%G IA JT ia for yonr interret lo trafio with na, for the fullowiag, amung many, rre- Wn hare a very large mat well selected steek. W« give you gomlw<wk*tlnwnriara. We fit np our gmals th<.roughly. Wo |lack uur nub very carefully. We ship gnuda promptly. We mass no charge for packing ami ahippibg, We secure leu-cat retv* of freight. We therefore re.licit * trial enter, (c ling nuure.1 that yon will IwanlMnl with our good* *n<l price*. Price* nnd oilier information cnecrinlly (nrainhcd. A. J. MILLER k COMPANY. NEW GROCERY. O'CONNOR 9k WENZ (DILLON'S OLD .STAND), UKUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, r KEEP A FULL USE OF First-class Grroceries AND LOWEST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. AN ORDINANCE, miMnrSrimjn&tnwaSm m. H«r «f SranaaM Or mare. Hal. fjr m* " ar Mm* a m. .mro 1*1 hr loxrtln* U., 1" t«l*Nn till *, r-1* **retii* o’* Hrtiftitow43«iiB$i •‘forty.'* to Ihw Mti „ , _ . iwmbUm aorta ■■ria.S.rama" are .■vmil," yjascwHsMac •a.-. 4. Jml w W>4a rtafart That all rr. Maanca^laaaaektatttlhlB aaBaaara. h. aaj naa.M.lNHWMnlai remregggaa^w^ Jam. Hot mm, Clark oI Council. AN ORDINANCE, rrcBoaf Ito nariw «i hrw ■ Or CUy«Fjtraa*a£*. toenam l. /It a erMbri ft* to Mmgm mi ftowaytoCHf v towrtrt. Thai fnaa aad ator thm Ant day W Kanh amxtoRahrtt art ha lawfril for acy tour or h**. yto •» Hr* h» m rt Uorm vitLla thm Uaita ofUw city af Brwamwlr*. •walh wf K rtrowt, hrtwaaa TWtto plvaraad lha hnf* or pitta raaalaffi at larffi* vlthla thm ItoaiM ■Hova prwecrlbmd.raamhlaiiJ latpowadrd. aad In offior Imr oato aVr fbrty-otofht haawaoKoa,—. tatolac dmaeripttma a/ aali hoffa ar ««Ui ^r-iwarha. tortaw ymatod at fowl (Mtcmsad Ow^ aad oaU I • lha hi«h*al hldtor. rt pwMtm ^ *••• aac. Z IW TW saaaa ataarkrt aa k*a«. H« « riro «4 to- pwaadad. wr althrr. as ariovm yrawcrlhad. rt»# rv towa thm Bsae toy thm MrioMrt af Oaa Dollar la thm Marshal aad art rthorwlsa. Uric. k. Ha it /artor motofamd. That H shall to tto duty of (to Mart rial rt thm rtf y to ammrrh or harm orarrhmd thm llailtm abovm promrrthmd at tot twlrm (a mach wrmh. tor (to aarpaaw ml •atolrinri aad>M( any hog ar toffi*. ptffiwr plfli that a«y to raaalag rt larga tharota. aad m f *y t ■ the TrmJkrw rt thm city aU aaaas ra- oatomd for rodmaiyfit— *r ah of toga ar to raacht aad taapouadad. nr ottrirr. ator tort •apramrm ffiwrahhlag aad todtag. aar. to fit it fmtkar Bodmiaad. That all ardt- ar path af ordfr >aaoa la ewadtsi with fitomad la OuuBrtl Vrihraanr tto iffifil. W. w. V ATKIN*. Lit art: Chairman rt Cow Jar» llorrroa. doth rtCaaar*. Ml ISSl. 1SS1 CONSTITUTION. Never la —rhlolary touaroHahla, FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER hrwa mo omoratially aaadaJ toy tto Huathara areata am at aroaaat. Jfoewr haa tto OOKMTfnJTlOX hoaa aa THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED aad ao fully prrparmd lo faralmh each • paper m rt preaeat. With Telegraphic Henries I'neqnaled by any Southern Newspaper, With trafaed rarraapaMrtto la every Imeattly ta which Mm rre.Ura arm lairrcmtrd. wUhacapahla EDITORIAL STAFF, • carp of Hi dent report**, and thm hmmt rt •‘•pa* dal’* contributor., tha OONNTITirriOlf tm promiam that It will to tottmr than over before, aa«| confirm tupoatiton aa the Leading 8outkcm Newspaper. WhOa tha COMTITWON vtn mnj tto awa- aral mm ml tto day. aad my rasa Ma wyfnlaaa frankly oa>HUcrt laplaffi, M wtUdarala apmctrt attrttfoa fo tto tivihpuat rt SOUTHERN RESOURCES la all laiiHImala chaaamla or diraHloaa Every Omorgtaa $ad »rary mao latorwtci ia Bon i hrra •htaryrto aad growth, atoafil md tto OOWtU TwfUWtaw—rt ttaedltleaa. TkJOfto—Dallr. mm year. IM; eta amatto. Mi throe amatto. M M. Weekly, mm year, ft tot oil are * the. tli tmetato «fto.rt$gr|iM»j datort ta* wkly OMwfit TU CONSTITUTION. AUaata, Oa. Sale and Livery STABLE, A. T. Putnam, Prop, Corner MONK k (litANT atrerta. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Vehicle* rt every dmwcriptioa tor hire. Onto tordrayacwpruairtla filled. Carrta«ea rt thm arrival >af all toate aad tratam mhltoly Truvoicrs Ins. €o., ItAllTFOIll). CONN. I.ifc nml Auci.juiit Iimuranco. JXDexter, Insurance Ag’t, ttaprvweata tto ritovw Oa. rt kaanVk, Oa. ASSETS, - 85,500,000 ■rx are mim i-iki-. nnmarei I ret"* r»*o«.f ta.uu« iktre. *44.— redkri tualuUo* ngalrol. 4m 1, l,r SPECIAJLNOTICE. ywh heastifta. rtl eka tmmm ma aeri era hefirirw •rt taw to farttor rrwdtt. To ItoaoVSatofS yrt^yrtdttofirrtt^^oatormmy ttoato. aad Have yoa pmid ym*r ttotof*o Bill for the part yearT If aoto tall M tha drat atom rt LT. htrta aad aettlm. |to armoaat ta ready, (ria- mm arm tto tow feme with fmmr medical aad drag Wile mart. Tea to raU hla agate, wkaa ymw mmmi his aarvtrma, with actor teiwtoii. If yw* are to peer fie pwy, wr. if arts, wiU aof awa. ytoaerrtl tomtmedfi,aa that hla toads mafto rloae lap te data. FItUIT TREES! GATE C1TYJNURSEHY, *«. »-*uTarl aad Ut«. (htu'euh atfoe i s u-"rt Ua zWireaaie of ••aathwra rttort*.— *l.i a. tfi. a la nrtrm. ta*Jity aad vl fc uc rt tto tfr*m guanatsmw. Address J. O.POOTR. 4 vAU fit. Bam* Mills. Ua. Bn.Si.Q.BN8Te 3DE3STXIST, COBVKI OONORBM * WmTAUOt BTUm. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dd-JUl Mimsm rt tto oawath earwd. aawl lr | 11 AUD WAKE Jk STOVES, Cwtlrry, Tlewart, Urarhery, dLardUU, far sale bv Mtl-ly. Ire D HOYT A CU.