About Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1881)
MH New Advertisements. NOttOO. sgsassapssagg NOTICE. iis&ato&K City lots For Sale. 1m MMmiMm WilaOI«IWIlfll«» ' " -tore.** City of Brunswick Bond* fe'silsl I n-.rvl. Itouult O—mtototoju «U Lila I. r th.rel.nrUun « •*« ti Citation. Ill oar twf mw| Hum w ii"u»ToI-U M mi Mi.ll. TSmTUmmT M W.wk ilKIMI. y.Em»ao»teMyo.ft.fli. CITATION. aEOOOlA—OLT** OuCWTV. Mur. onrt »«l H Wl. mo alt .M. It W -moon, Wto-m-totM 1 Ml wtttmd MM. at Nr. MarrJ. MU M.NMI nh|i ...Ml, MM. Urou l*«M. im>iMmmmUN>».HIi.»I wl.mm.MM SSmroiwSs Mi ui. mmminmm. hltj MmibMmM mm Ml .M.M iiiMiim MIMUM.Ill, tlMMM»ttlM«l». w MillMM MMlMt MlMl MM|MlM. Ill III Mil .H M.IM.M Ml III ito.mi I i„nn, ■,*•**.«*>.. SrSwIrifw. ZmSTSTSSS-i ro mi-i Our polioe loree look ae nioe ae new pioeiotbeir brand-new uniforms of irk bine. The County Court, Judge Williams presiding, want through the dockets is weak. Quite a number of substantial im- orsments are going op within sight of our sanctum Col C L. Schlatter, and his aoc, Dr. 0. Is Schlatter, left for New York last Monday eight. The blustering winds of March are upon us, and the air (sod our eyes) has been filled with dust of late. The Grand Jury presentments will be found ou the first pago of this pa per, and will be read with iutcresl The new lamps being put upon our streota am models of neatness, and reflect credit on our City Father*. Hammer, saw, paint-brush and trowel are haring a lively timo in this town—buildings still eontinae to go up. “Gimme fifty cent* worth of grad uated sugar,* remarked a colored war rior as be tossed a •‘liaff’ ou the coun ter. The Hattie Darling is again in port with a cargo of tropical frail, abatis, ate. She arrived last Sunday from va u. ussn. ove—i o. o, aa SMC IT Finn im. IBAT1WO nOPM, TOTMPAT AW) JUT. TODAY AFTSBBOOBB. fro«ma» IslJOoVWk. _ TUBMDAY ABD FBIDAY BYOIBO*. tromlUlIM •I W.T. Olunr’a 1*4 n4 Manic Mow m Mtoalu«r, 101*11*. fc I MD AAT- jlHI IlNOON*. jSK 1 rts&r aatiin fnffTaar.l iM-fcwa r. i; Jjgjjjgy k#M#r H to »4«to«4— **4 __ __ SO#af akaleu- ••• ...■•k.immmu.iii ....w— W 1#iMoll— find — ofh*M— *» OowmlattatMcnonA woof » UMMTtl Odmlfisktu WllboOl WJ-MeMCa, , VMaO. IMS MU DuuMW Is SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, fbsbcm and ambucaw calf mw, «jlb. HARNESS, GOLUBS, BRIDLES, Ett, m^aauti^Jgmmwarmmtt. j\. Specialty. WRITE FOR PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. NOTICE. flrttn mw Cuu oPOoWCTIn I a Fob. M. lltt. J roE s-aj-ie, Sch. SeaSerpent. = JEKIb UI. ^JJwonaasrowrea. Atlanafk to tov, hMUk, on. City Tm Notice. ns -ua Sat Ik* sselnwws—M» —.Isijri— MIISKM— «V—rm—1— si NWMM ' M*oTkttSa aCf^Crto M^^toOI. Si S r r r jjjj .7.7 • Uoa •( Um Awl qaattorfr Dojnttii.if laaoaara no of>aa,M4 wtnWet-aosfoa lbu aim 4#/#f Mow IMI. wfcoa asoatttkma will Im l-u-4 tot lha oatt anuoalsf taisa duo M Um >«#rm#iimI «••*#! #wff pocaoa arha Mila la —da pay oat oo i>» "Ska boars from • a. m. toI v. add Mam t • *'* JAMBd QoCITOJf, Ctock a CHANGE or SCHEDULE. STEAMER CARRIE, CAPT. W. O. LEE, !£*®2 4 §Ss5 __Suaoai 'Tfiwsr mnHoxntT. m< dosov muss. 1 M.'iuSjSm? KT** 1 Telsaqa Bum. &dvftti$tr md Sweat- SATURDAY MORNING ■stunner ifcmnM. m»cnat-» IIOMB MATTKIIN. It ooats just ono dollar to get a pig or grown bog out of the pound—thir ty-five cents coat, and sixty-five cents penalty. Those intonated in the formation of a land leoguo will attend a mooting at Dilion’s Hall on Wednesday even ing next Joe Lambright has bad a largo win dow cut in tbu southern end of bia moat shop, thereby getting tuoro light on the subject Now is your time to plant spring advertisements. Bow thick, cultivate well and don’t grow ivoary in well do ing, and yonr reward will be bounti ful. What has booomo of the Library woeiationf Mr. D. T. Dunn, we believe, is the President, or was whan last heard from. Can ha give any In formation 00 the subject ? The ladies of the Mite Society of the Methodist church will give a sup per at L'arieeo Hall, ou Wedoaaday avsning, March Oth. The public an cordially invited to attend. Cousin Annie Maria Barnes, of the AconUtut, paid ns a flying visit last week, oo bar way to Florida. She will probably return this way and pay her napeeta to her former subscribers. The steamer Ruby baa been laid up for repairs during the week. Hiio will be oo the iioo sgsiu iu a few days. Meanwhile, the little dispatch etoamer Fannie will take the mail to Sod from St Simons Mills. When you pass through Jctup don’t forgot to stop at the Jeaup House, when brother Littlefield, of the Senlintl, presides. Ho doe* not ■tint his boarder* either in food or boddiog. A good pboo to stop. Wish *11 of our patron* were as prompt as Dr. A. Atkinson of Cam den. His subscription expired on the first and on the third be was oo band ready for another year. Wish wa hi oo# them—nil jut iacb §nb#crib#n> The verdict in the eaas of Glynn County Board of Education vs. D. Dart, trustee, tried last weak, has cre ated serious alarm aseoog proparty era, and unsettled many titles in the city. The judgment of the Sa le Court will be looked for with eager interest Messrs. Moor* A McCrary continue to keep in stock a foil lioa of eboioe groceries, cigars, tubocoo*, floe can die*, erockary, ate. Tboir aim i* to keep oo hand’only lb* beat cl*** of goods, and their patrons can rest as sured their effort* are not in vain.— They ask a liberal tbare of patronage. The November term of Glynn 8u porior Court finally adjournod on Sat urday last at 0 r. M. A vast amount of old busfoess, in which Judge Mer- ebon was oounacl prior to hi* promo tion, was adjudicated, but several ■ were appealed, and will proba bly nsecssiUts tba return of Judge Simmons in Jana. Tba bog ordinance went into effect oa the 1st iusl, and then waa sqroal- iog in tba land, euro. The pound soon filled and than cam* the re demption of aome and the sale of otb- era. Prices ranged low. If a party will ja«t fallow *p these sales for'a fc# wneka, be could ssoare pigs enongh to stock St Simons Islso i. . L'arioeo last week and this has been tlm econo of a gay time. Tbe opening ball waa largely attended by yonng and old, and avery ono won on tbnaiaatio ovor-tb* young uioii’a ball. Fink—The graceful akaten in love ly costumes opened the carnival and charmed away two hoars before they gave up for tbe daneiog. Uudur tho brilliant cbVndeliuni, tbe eceDO wa* beautiful, not nulike the moonlit rivor skating in tbe north and far lea* dan gerous. Wo watched tho pretty bulla* mid gallant beaux tbrbugh many fantastic changes until wo almost imagined ourselves young again. Tho music was oxcellent and tho whole affair waa highly anjoyoble, re flecting great credit upon the mana ger*. This week tho Amateur Star Com pany have played two night* to good bouse*, and, judging from the contin ued cheering, to very appreciative au diences. The drama “O'Callaghan’’ was witty and humorous—tlm several parts were well sustained and are crit icized moat favorably. The farce “ II Jacobo,” in snch band* could not have bcon anything but a success.— “Cap* and Saucers'* the second even ing, was a satire upon the crazy bends of tho present day in their uinuia for old chin*. Those who did not see it missed the best performance, and we hope to.su* it repeated somo future time. The vocal music was decidedly for eign and showed groat talent in mim icry. We are proud of tbe Star Compa ny and art egotistical enough to think them hard to beat, even by many pro fessionals who come here. Tbe young men who built this bull certainly cannot recuivo too much praise for their energy, and deserve to bo well patronizod that they may make this new enterprise all they an ticipated. Ono point—*11 tho money •pent with Uii* company remain* here and help* build up our little city that we ore *11 so anxious to so* prosper. M. C. 11 Our Churchra. Progress Rooms tho order with these. Only last week wo ntatod that tho Methodist brethren bad arranged to warm up tboir building. 'Iliis week it i* our privilege to stato that tho Episcopalians Uuvo in process of erection a handsome building for u parsonage, on tbo lot opposite tboir elegant church. Tbe Presbyteriaus, nut at all abashed, bare this week pur- a handeomo new chapel organ, and arc repairing and repainting their 'church cdiAoc. Only n short timo since our Baptist friend, mml. rov.ral improvement.. ^ ^ c L K rntb,on ,b.2Clh their building, and purchased a|„„ ,„ r On „„;, own new organ- Our reader* are already PROOEEDINOS OF COUNCIU fteaular Meeting, March Od, 1661. Council met Present—Hi* Hon or, J. F. Nelson, Mayor, and Alder men Watkins, Dunn; Harvey, Doer- fllnger and Littlefield. Absent—Al derman Spears. The minute* of the last adjourned and ipccial meeting were read and confirmed. Read a communication from Frank Taylor, stating that be bad been ron- tencod, nnder a plea of guilty of dis orderly conduct, to work on the pub- lio streets for a term of thirty days; that he waa suffering very much from rheumatism, and bad worked one-half of the time, and therefore asking Council to relievo him of the balance of tbo time, promising Dover to dis turb tbe public peace again; which wu received and tbe term reduced to twenty day*. Mrs. II Golden appeared and asked Council to moke some disposition of the communication submitted by b some timo since, in relation to the la of her property by fire, and on mo tion of Alderman Dunn, tbo matter was referred to fho Committee on Charity, with instructions to report at tbo uoxt regular meeting of Council. Council proceeded to tbo investiga tion of the charges made by tbo sev eral masters of vessels against G. J. Hall, Harlmr Mister, and after hear ing tho ovidenro submitted by tho Harbor Master, the charges were dis missed. AMormnn Dunn: /*VAu/m/ t That no ovon or bakery bo a’lowod to bo constructed within tbo following lim- iU, viz: commencing at tho foot 6f Mansfield street and running emit to Xetroutlo «trect, thence north to tbe Poet Office, end tbenco we#t to the water. Tho resolution was unanimously adopted. By Aid. Dunn: Ifaolwd, That tho sum of ono hundred dollars l>e appro* printed to tho completion of tho canal connecting Turtle with tho Littlo 8a- tilln ritcr, under the direction and ap proval of tho Harbor Committee/ af ter their personal examination of tbe improvement. Tho resolution was adopted. Tho Financo Committee submit ted bill* amounting to $612.59, which woro ordered paid. Council then took a recess until 7| o'clock i*. m., ou Wednesday, tho 9th inst. J. F. Nelson, Attest; Mayor. Jah. Houston, Clerk of Council. Fopo'un ShiinntmUfi. Dodgr, Meigs A Co. clesrsd French bark Reno, CapL Koset, on the 25th nil, for Montevideo, with 271,363 feet pitch pine lumber valued at f 1,477. V. C. Bacon cleared Norwegian b'AIUORO HAIL. ■ware that tbe Catholics have in pro of erection an elegant brick structure—one tbst will be an orna ment to our town. These evidences of growth and prosperity are very gratifying indeod, evincing, as thoy do, a healthy stato of things in their different organiza tions | ult., for Queenstown, Ireland, with :102,"57 feet yellow pino lumber, val ued at f1,511. Canadas Tones A Co. cleared Span ish brig Holmes, CapL Yalldoscra, on tbo 2<Uh alt., for Santiago, with 102, 450 feet yellow pine lumber valued st 11,801. I'.. K. Walker cleared Russian brig llpotar, Capt. Ante!!, on tbo 2d inst, for Dublin, with 345,&i3 feet of tin-, her, valued at $1,4£1, and 111,101 feet Fur rovers] weeks our entire popu lation, end especially our yonng peo ple, have watched with eager interest ths progress of the work ou tbe new ball, end two weeks ago this morning were put on tbe efw«f excitement by tbe appearance of tbe Anyrermxx ssd Arresi, Containing tbe announce ment at ths fact tbst pi} lbs Friday night following their nimble feet wouldf for the first time be permitted to glide over lit polished floor, lo the inspir ing music of the dance. Suffloa it to say, the large ball was comfortably filled with merry yonng folks, sail for an hoar or mors .the sir resounded with tbe rolling of the skates, as tbs joyous saoombly moved, ss if by magic, to and fro, bore and there, describing circles, curves, an gles, etc., tbe' naming of which would require a better knowledge of the omrlrir» than we claim to possess.— The skates were shortly laid, aside, and thu "light fantastic” fully tripped until tbo “wee houra.” - v This brilliant “house-wanning' followed up ou Mouday and Tuesday owning* with performances by tbe “Star Compauy,” a home institution, composed of tho very cream of oar so ciety. Wo find it iuiporoiblo to com mand language to properly describe and locution each performer, so we simply declare that both performances were immense successes, and pass oo, leaving a tuoro Cxtomled notice for s more..competent critic; which no- title.w ill po found elsewhere. •The writer suited the lull daring the week, and . mode s mors rotisfsev tory examination of Its various ap pointments than was afforded by merely befog in tbo audioneo daring tho play, 'and to ssy tbkV be'was pleased would but feebly express bis delight at every thing revelled by his tour u! investigation to hid’ perhaps too pryiog eyo. . ' 1 '' Tiie ball is well lighted by a aafll- cieut number of tastofol chandeliers and I-racket lamp-, tbe stage being provided with an extra supply of foot- lights of great power, rendering every movement and facial expression of tbe players plainly vis.ble. The scenery is truly magnificent, and to our unsophisticated eyo ap pears lo be all that conld bv desired to grace tbu porforwnnac* of ik Bern hardt We wera -peculiarly struck with ths srrsDgemout for shifting tbe scenery, tb* ram* being plseed upon light movable frame* wiwklng In grooves, it bsing possible Iprreby to ehsngo tbe entire sspoct pf ths staff so suddenly as to leave tbo audience in doubt as to whether then hod been on earthquake or a cyclone. Behind the scones, we found every thing arranged with a view to the convenience and comfort of tbo per formers, there being a place for every thing and everything iu ito placo. The scats are *11 thst could be de sired. Tbe reserved seat* particular ly ere models of comfort and conveni ence, being the most approved style of opera chairs, with movable bottoms, which, when not iu use, can bo turned np. giving ample room for ladio* to W. U. Mail la Oo.-Snr.nn-.l-, a*. Road what this firm bos to say in this issue. Tbty offer special indaee- moot* to naval afore sod mill m- Their slock of harness, saddle*, va lises, shoo findings, al&, is complsto, and their figures aa low as tba lowest for ths same grads of goods.' them yonr orders and w* feel sura you wlUbe pleased. , - -The Lnwiwt Didder. By re/erenoe to advertisement of Oommiiafonere of Sinking Fond, it will-bar oeon that 1753.00 of the told fund It still-open for bids Sand in yonr bids at once if yoa would ocean the solo of yonr bonds Shipping Intelligence. ros mx £* 1 F* »-Br * Btflto ftaritac* MM. Mm*. M«r l—*e U Voa p—m. Lt#.Ff Mar •—*a M Marta, flaas. Bar—. Mnr S-**c Mnry J UMm*r. Uanlaar. Baraaaflfc. Mar»-«y#r bk Ly^r. oiw. Mill DBFaBTUBUI Fab n-nnt» maanr. XiUh. Qai laNiwM* Ibb jA-fr M IUm. Bom«. MMbfMM. Fab M-Mp W BnlaMn. YaUAaanra. Mar S-ftana W UparSar. Aauil. PaHla. Nor J-4k- If § Iffiwtlll. PBlflMy, Baw Iww. Mar J-Hr bfe I*m4fifo/La«iwre. L—Ana. Mar MaUla A MaiA. AarHa MiJaAMpbia. Mar j-iv- Tbrmn xUUn. NaAnr. rttlla-Mphla. Mar 4—Mr bk VNkka MaLaraa. MiUana, MmL Qlynn County Sheriff Sales. First Tutulay in April 1881, OVHWilA-fliiii flocm. Will bf nttlA trefora tba aoart k#M Aoor la tba etljr of Braaawle*. fltyaa ewaafly. Georgia. h«*w Iba b#an af tea ti tlark A. M- Mrot kmt aVtark r. M-. aa Iba Irak Tmuaday la March. !■>!. to Iba bi«b^ aaA bant Mbr lb# toUavlaq i roj-erty, to-wits Hflr-**TM aaA oamfoartb t: 7 •«» acre* of Lmd alt* aatoA Iyta« aat Mi| la tbadty aC Braaavlrk* «ln» raaaty. OaargU. > Ml# m tba aartb by nJU Ami aa tba «aat by tba yraaaat Maa of Iba Braaawkb b Altaay B«HrafiA* mm iba Aaalb by Ba*ba n Ito# af Tawa Ommmmm aaA aa tba wart by tba tlkaiki aawat. tolwttM Markn awabura U, **.».R47.0T. tk.ft.Il.aaA nek |xrta «f niia- toralVaaAtoMba aartb af aaM Hngb-’a uaa af towa wafiKHto, to»nr»4fag to naryay —A mop* mu4t tor Cbarias Pay by Pkttt Aim, Is tba yaar 1*70— LrrtoA aa aa tba yrayarty af tba Mayar aaA Oaaac# af tba rty af Prwaawtak. —*mt aaA to «utaa af a atflrqi t to Ian aaA aat at Olyaa ba pari at Caart la tow* at A. Ftator Mpki va. tba Marat awA Oaaaad rf tba ally afl Braaawtob. to aattoQr Iba «M > aatA >rvyvrty jwtatoA aat ta mAI t tb Matter gtraw to itoy-r raA CWaartl rf tba Qty rf Mraar wtefe. Frtactfrl 91^7a. latorvrt ■ CbatllAri LAMtBMMT. tbrrtBO.o.tta. OBOMOIA-Otm Onom. WinbaattAbafrratba Mart baaaa Aarrtatba rtty of tnaawkb. Ulyaa raaaty* Oa^eatbt Biat TaaaAay la April, IM. batwrva U aVIarb a. **- aaA tw'cl M kr. w.. af tbal slay, at pablto aatory tba bigbaatawA baat MAAnr Iba Mlawtagprapa ^bftbaaa rrrtota btor af IrtA la tba alty trwMwkb. to tba aoaaiy af olyaa. aaA Malraf ilrrrala tai fcaaww la tbaplaa af ralA ally aa lat •ambar Mty-rtoa (Ml (tba rataa bate* a wrtot Ml aaroh*f arty 0*| It bafa* a laaA b4. aaA katbflM It aVwMi raA laipravaiaatr. at la Mat aarttoa af iba city kN«*wa rnotA Taara i iba. a trwetaf IraA •ttaatoA. lytM aaA bettor to to!4 «M> mA ommmtf MWy»a*J> »Mjyl^^t|^MIto#wrrjUhrdg rf Sl^Ibn'MhiVtn^l"baataff krevtoipINa Wtttiaai oira tftatt by tba **14 WlUlaai Twaaa abaal ibay«r IMt-aU-.acmtala tvactaf MaA law |wa IbfiMTaA aarrv, Mara at Um, laiba MM*awnMp. toMtA aoaaiy afOlna, nd Mwfif bal.i.flng to tba aatola afiaba ?Sn.V«.y Ttirao. ofnalA aaaaty. toolbar wtlb at tba rlstbta, aaiabara ra4 rppartanraarr totba ar— dROiaiAf-ptnit com. ■wawwn rttkrr to JACOB COHEN, 162 BROUGHTON St, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA* Look for the Bed Sign. ■a* **s a« *n i won w •» W“» •* ro* amrost sh*> w um vns tswgOJi.«—ror«vh •UI. at IMMSU. *—MMI*. (MM *— 1 arfo, a Jwkjrl I relit ml- We again coll tbu attoutiou o[ tbo palilio to the sole of tbu uurtli end of this vslushlu piucu uf property. No Inland on our onset |kmsc**u* richer land* or fiuor range fur atuck. Hura- es, cattle, hug* aud stock uf nil Lind thrive well there tho year round with out any uther fund than thu natural imstiirage, and tho Island is briln fall - , , ,, . of game uf .11 kinds. Few such npJ. , C ‘Z Tv , c • “fed Brit- f p|°..i„g .ml healthful recreation, at portunitira are uven uffurol for invest-1 t “ rk f M ~ i* '“ udrrot * “ t,d wo b 1 °' >e to menL Read the advertisement over I ’ ku h ‘ ‘ lor i it become immensely popular among and consult tba partiu* whose names I JuHow pmu lumber,^ onr people. A capable snd rocommo- ■re appended thereto. T “ ucd at »”•’t’- >dating jsuitor will bo employed, wbo Andrew H-ntey—Suvuiitih, <Jn. will take great plessufO in rendering We call crpeciai attention Li tbo -wny issistance or information In his card of this geutiemau to bu found in poser. A large supply of okotro have of yc How i-iuo luiiibcr vulutil at $738. | |kim iu autl out. ToUl taluo of car»;o, $5,232. . jj y ro fcrenoo to lulTcrtiaeDient print- A. V. Wood cleared British bark Lj eimwhere, it will bn seen that tbe Itc-julutc, Capt Laurence, on thu 3,1 ( I,JI u [I| 1, 0 to t| to pahlio for inst., for London, with oS5 cm-ku t' lr "Iakriting on Woducsdav and Saturday puutino valued at $12,500, and 2,t!iiu| a(tBml Turedsy and Friday barrels resm, valued nt $7,000. Total L veB i llg *. n i, no w plaecl within valuo of cargo, $13,500. ,j 10 „( everyone to enjoy this Tin* Now llotf’l Is befog rapidly prepared for tbe ibolstorer. Col Hewitt made satis factory porchascw of furniture, and ia now in the city, awaiting tbe build- ar’a announcement of “ready." Both b« and Mr. Nelson are giving peison- al attention to tbe work, and are con fident they will bo able to open the establishment to the public by tbu 20th insL Lstio.—The furniture is arriving, and boing carried into tbe hotel. AU we have sees is very nice indeed, and will b* in keeping with tbe building. Culled Mi-i-tlnu Olyun County Alt- rleulturul Houlnly. A masting of tbo Olynn County Ag ricultural Society ie hereby called to tok* plow to-day (Saturday) st 12 in tbe Ooort House, for tbe pnrposo of electing a 1’resi-leul to fill the va cancy occasioned by tbe dtatb of Hou. J. B. Habersham, and for tbe trans action of othar important business. Let than b* a full mroting. A. T.Pctxsm, Vies President ■hartit's Ails. This officer offers for sol* on Um 1st Tuesday in April quite an array of Tolnabl* property. Sava up your cash and bo prepared lo buy i* thst ucca- this issue. Notwithstanding the fact that his assh and blind esUblisbment Itb any size from that capable of pfoe- was burned a few weeks since, be bsajfog on sheets tb* mansion of tbs “old risen, phenix like, and is nuw fully pro{»red to fill all orders scut him.— Hi* boose wo* highly recommended to us by Savannah merchants,of stand- been purchased, sad yoa can b* fitted woman who lifed tn'fl shoe” to tbst required by. a Chinese lady of neMt birth. Tlio management bavo adopted's ing, so we fcul safe in recoiuniciidiug - | off sebedulo of prieoe for ths ns* of him to any of our patrons neodiug anything in his line. MottUHi'jr lUiport lor February. White adults. 1 While, under five years U Colored adults ,3 Colored, under five years .0 Total 10 C. L. SciiLarrzo, M. D., Health Officer. We were pained to hesrof the scoidest lo the bridal party of but Tuesday even, ■eg. ’flu hnisro Is ths roirisos snatsls ing tba briito and groom took fright sear comer af Bank* and Lea street*, precipi tating Mr. John Laws sod his lovely bride. Miss Annie May, on ths stone curbing, spraining hi* ankle end isfllsting * seven braise on her right cheek, all of which were relieved by Oonrons* Light ning Liniment, • can for Bhesmntwm. Loom beck. Sprain*. Brain*, etc. Pries M ci-r.U. Fur ode by F. Joargrr, Unine- wick, sod H J. M*M*y. St. Simons MrWiiiU'* Cream White Yenuifog* is tbe bear wurm kifL-r. tbe boll for ontortsinaMnts, etc., which may be ascertained by application to sny of the officere, whose names will b* found appended bento. All focal affairs for benovolsnt purposes will bo favored with special rates. It may not be tmlss to again stato that tbe hall has been built end is owned by tho L'arioso Club, sn organ ization compoaod of aome of our boat youog men, who havo invested their money in this way in preference to •quaodering it in various and sundry ways, practiced, wa ore sorry lo say, too gsMrolly by ths average Ameri can yoang-biood. Tba following is a list of thaofficon of tba Club: A. V. Wood, President and Mans L. W. Haslcbarst, Vie* President E. F. Cotwy, Secretary sad Treas urer fMgsssa* ■Ttreim hi ^ mu asu wmM Ivlrau»l l.tualn IS* VTlS. MU- Q. S-. W jTO Imoatj o# olr»a mS WO* «* '-* 11 *-* SuwM IWW*—■•toS-msmmrejiffi'i: wikrW*N*To.c. SMAmTS* Sflmtoj; -IXX)K AT an TUB LAST Of THB FOBO CAIXBD ‘Cheapest Goods’ JAGOBGOHEN A%Mm romi'i* 1 m**Sr£2i£££ The Ladies’ Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Millinery 0 Goods. ATOM'S* NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, EMBQWEBEO FJLSHIORABU RESORT! ^ **SIaS&i*mi w.jrS’fHaSTuTOM.TSau gJma^re HATS, BONNETS, IIITt, BUTTON*, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES* TRIMMINGS, CSaa*, to saMtlTO la tIU *• wf MS*, t*r. Oxsss M*s»re SaSMTOW, ••S.mriM' I ■Saroramawi •MW SiSfcSS*BSiTO5to-aSSSg MUtorf Ilro ftfta, mlMl WtUtoffii A. T#t Colitotor “ *. 17w.J. of bT IM; m4 J. M. Ttoeffi, B#M •u lmprmoomo%%rn Itorwfc Uy. rr? to titnaot.*MI«M V» W Ito Mto. M M. rtMt»imn*r <to#*r#l of Ito —ttiantt. to > ktoto Mj<n«r»t# v. WttStoi A. tofiK rmlUwloff unljra# remt/.w illkltort. •foil I. A. Mto*. I. M. TImo# i#4 «. M. Iffiftol to «, virttto* tootoA rnm mtho M. ifltf, U--.lufvIto*TOSM. STOtoSl~* tot A. hyUdyrty to | niiffiN. Fftotoiwl • Cto» JOf. E. f.AMIlRIOIlT. —— AAwrJfO.C.tto. ori>nnu->totrvN Will A# *#14 totoff* U*m «o*rt bomoo 4 «r to to# Hty#fto«MWVk. Cllyaa «#mlr. O#.. Stelftt Timlu I# A|*iIf. I«l. U|w^« to* o «»toll A. M. •Vi tOmt r. m. i'f u*4i .toy. *1 p«ibito Mtovy. b7tk7lktfffc-tto4 booi M44#r,Ik#Mbtoiito -r iii that tcftiJB lot I't toA'L l» tk* rtiy ot Br«M> • Irk. to tb- rtHMfojr of UI) DM ##•> #l«u #JO##ff|lA. !#..«# *i»*l drorribml I# Ito |>to» af Mid rlt/ •• Uf M Mo. iklrto## tlto. umoikof witk »ll IA« Inpm* M#nU Il'-riM Is*bird ou wtuirr »#d by «l-t#« #f • • rll >t fen fa to loan—| ,-«t •( Ulynn rtwpertof Court Iu fc.'* at twirl SuUoayu. TuU * W- lUuato. ItoW »• U» lamatt at f.Jampk I—r*i.f*r aamal ito Irag T.US t>w*.**ur. tn aaUat/V-a aaU S O. MM (IM-to ». Sutoffc 1 a. i*MreM. jJmisagaiuaT. WKU.C-IU. wm to uMS WSMU Ito tosrt Sato. Sw I* MU M STatISM 4mjMTOSS*Mn.•• iroWTOTO 1*4 REST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. HVISTS GENUINE NEW OBOE GARDEN* SEED ONION SETS. OUOIOE C 11 EWING d SMOKING TOBACCO. The Best 5 cent Cigars. JUST RECEIVED KJSto ■tr t ww?‘itotwaV > nm Ovrror Sswtstllsssd flliawriir fits. A. E. HEINS, - Proprietor. '!£3 FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Etc. BREAD, CAKES, PIES, ETC, rasmireui tag cm ureax bst. Prjc&as Lam as the Lamest. Aim Blocs or Clocks, Watches jawamw, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Tl*#aaa4 (Mtsratriags. Aha. 5 and lOo Counter Goods asrs&«Rfia»&%s: C. J. DOERFLINGEIl^ « ’mJarou/s* 1 *"-'- Fire Insurance! mjiEmvm’ffitr lC0, 1S!St^.SS^5S“ D T. O'CONNOR, Jr. CAItEY W. STYLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MKUNSWrCX. GEORG l.l